Essay on religion and terrorism. Essay: Terrorism, its causes and impact on society

Today terrorism is main threat for everything international peace and his safety, and this is fundamental principles world order. This is a threat at different levels and for any people without a choice: no matter what country they live in, no matter what they do and what their religion is. Religion, culture, and morality have become the targets of terrorist attacks and their victims. The modern enemy is very diverse in the global sense of the word. The fight against it is carried out everywhere in all countries of the world and in different spheres of human activity.

Today you can hear on the news on TV and read in the media mass media reports of a large number of terrorist incidents: and the words “terrorists, terrorist attacks and terror" are constantly heard from the lips of politicians and journalists. There were terrorist attacks in Budenovsk, Volgodonsk, Moscow, Tushino, Beslan, Grozny, North Ossetia, New York, Paris, Baghdad , and this list can be continued for a long time, the geography is different, this is obvious. What is terrorism? When we talk about it, we often mean different things. Therefore, in order to define this concept in the sense of a global problem, it is necessary to reveal the very essence of international terrorism as a phenomenon.

There are several dozen interpretations of this concept. “Terrorism” - this word comes from the Latin word “terror”, which means horror and fear. In Russian literature, in V. Dahl’s dictionary, this means something like this: intimidation with the death penalty, murder and other horrors. This definition is very valuable precisely because it quite accurately indicates intimidation using violent actions what is the most main feature international terrorism.

The components of this phenomenon include the following:
- obligatory presence of a goal (political);
- violence is used purposefully;
- existing organizational structure;

The target of terrorist organizations can be both material objects (residential buildings, sports and entertainment venues) and certain categories of citizens. They are usually defined as terrorists on a principle that implies political activity, social status, national origin, religion. But also completely random people who, by chance, may find themselves in the zone of a terrorist attack. The ultimate goal of terrorists may be economic power, constitutional order, governance or territorial integrity, and much more. This, it seems to me, is the difference between international terrorism and organized crime, since the essence of the second is the same - violence and cruelty towards individuals.

Today, international terrorism is a long-term factor political life, which threatens the security of different countries and citizens. As a consequence, these are huge moral, economic and political losses, exerting strong psychological pressure on a large number of of people. And of course, the worst thing is the lives of completely random peaceful people.

Terrorist activity has become very multifaceted, its nature has become more complex, and the scale and sophistication of terrorist acts has increased. This is a whole complex system in which there is a whole complex of different processes, such as ideological, criminal, military, economic, political, religious and nationalistic. In general, international terrorism is a response to delays in decisions on pressing political, ethnic and social problems.

International terrorism Today it is considered the plague of the twenty-first century in the world. Having passed into a new dimension, this process completely violated and went beyond all the rules and frameworks of human civilization. That is why the fight against it is so urgent; it is now the most important direction in protecting the rights of citizens in different countries world and is regulated by anti-terrorism legislation.

Essay: “Terrorism in the modern world”

In our Everyday life While watching television programs, we come across words such as “terrorism” or “extremism”. I would venture to guess that few people think of these two disasters as a threat to the national security of the whole world.

Among the political reasons for the emergence of extremism is political instability.

If we consider socio-economic reasons, the main one can be considered the low standard of living in the country.

Regarding economic reasons, it should be noted that extremism today is a business that is capable of generating considerable income for its organizers. Obvious problems are: arms trafficking, drug trafficking.

Now we are beginning to understand at least a little that extremism is a huge threat.

The fight against terror is a national task, and not only that. It's already global problem humanity. Terrorism has a multinational face. And new countermeasures are needed. We must know what to do in case of trouble.

Senchukov Dmitry, student 10 cash desk

Essay "Terrorism is a global problem of the world"

Terrorism today is a powerful weapon used not only in the fight against power.

Terrorism is an evil that enslaves the world with horror, violence and fear. Humanity has been struggling with this all its life. The essence and nature of evil are unchanged. At some times it is more hidden, at others it is more obvious, but it is always turned against a person.

Working with Internet sources, we learned a lot about terrorism. The concepts of "terrorism" and "terrorist" appeared at the end of the 18th century. ButTerror, as an open manifestation of hatred towards a person, has always existed. According to one French dictionary, the Jacobins often used this concept orally and in writing in relation to themselves - and always with a positive connotation.

However, already during the Great French Revolution, the word “terrorist” began to have an offensive meaning, turning into a synonym for “criminal.” Subsequently, the term received a more expanded interpretation and began to mean any system of government based on fear. Then, until very recently, the word "terrorism" was used very widely and meant the whole spectrum of different shades of violence.

A distinctive feature of terrorism is the use of violence against not the enemy, but peaceful people, who are often unaware of the political confrontation. The goal of terrorism is to make as many people suffer as possible. more people. Terror in our time has become one of the most painful problems, both local and global. To successfully fight terrorism, it is necessary to destroy not only organizations, but also crime, that is, to wage war against all world evil as a whole.

While working on the project, we learned about the terrorist attacks that took place in our country in 1999. During this period, 15 terrorist attacks occurred. And one of them, very close to us, in our Rostov region in the city of Volgodonsk.

In these terrorist acts, completely innocent people died, who, just like us, wanted to live, to enjoy every new day, meeting with friends and family. And all this was taken away from them overnight. They took away the present and the future, both for these unfortunate people, among whom were children, and for their relatives.

When terrorist attacks occur somewhere far away, it seems to us that we are safe and this will not affect each of us. But this terrible word “Terror” is now being committed in almost every country, and more and more people are becoming victims of criminal fanatics.

Terrorism has declared war on the world. And people of all nationalities, different religions, as always in moments of terrible danger, must unite and fight this evil together!

Elena Guskova, 10th grade student

Essay "No to Terrorism!"

Terrorism is a tactic of fighting opponents that includes crimes against third parties (that is, those who cannot be considered a party to the conflict.) A terrorist is one who, in the course of the struggle, either fundamentally ignores the rights of people not responsible in the conflict, or uses an attack on their rights as a weapon pressure on the enemy (creates a hostage side.)

Today, the most effective methods of terror are violence not against the authorities, but against peaceful, defenseless people.Terrorism in its essence refers to such methods of taking human lives, the victims of which most often are innocent people who have nothing to do with any conflict.

Innocent people are becoming victims of terrorists!

Studying the history of the 90s, we saw that terrorist acts were already taking place then. Already in those years, innocent people were dying, many received varying degrees of injury. Children were dying.

It was especially scary for older people to watch. To people who passed the Great Patriotic War. After all, they went through the pain and hell of that terrible war and believed that the roar of explosions would never be heard on our land again. They believed that their children and grandchildren would live in a peaceful and calm time, that it was not in vain that they fought for clear skies over our Russia.

Who are these people who are planning terrorist attacks? And in general, can they be called people? Are they either zombified fanatics or madmen who hate people and life? Or do they want to become famous in this way? Dubious fame...

Cruelty has clouded their minds! The bandits want to kill as many innocent people as possible. I think that a terrorist is a person who does not have the value of life, who does not have the cruelty characteristic of a person.

Who gave them the right to dispose of human lives, to decide who lives and who dies?

We live in terrible times; the world is on a powder keg.

The problem of terrorism is one of the global problems of our time. It remains one of the most alarming for our society. This forces all people and at all levels to think about how to eradicate this evil, to find ways to solve this problem.

Terrorism is a global problem for all humanity. I really hope that there will be no terrorism in my life. I, like millions of people around the planet, say to terrorism: “No!”

Anastasia Krasnoshtanova, 10th grade student

The forces of international terrorism are attacking Europe, the forces of international terrorism have attacked Russia... A lie amazing in its scale! There is no single international terrorist organization and never has existed. There are separate terrorist organizations, each of which has its own ideology. In some cases, this ideology has religious foundations, in others it is expressed by the doctrines of the national liberation struggle, and thirdly, by various social teachings (anarchist, Trotskyist, Maoist). But they prefer not to talk about the ideology that motivates terrorist attacks.

In our de-ideologizing times, the very posing of the question that ideological alternatives to the existing system of life are possible is perceived as a greater threat than terrorism itself. Meanwhile, without deconstructing the ideological motivators of terrorism, it is impossible to resist it.


Terrorism is currently not only an expression of political realities, but also an information phenomenon. It is identified today in the list of global threats as one of the main challenges facing humanity.

Terrorism is positioned as an enemy of internationally recognized nation states, including Russia. The war in Chechnya was characterized precisely as an attack on the Russian Federation by the forces of international terrorism. International terrorism is the only named enemy of Russia in the National Security Strategy. The topic of threats of international terrorism is in fact the main problematic motive in the US National Security Strategies. This entire information discourse looks like an attempt to retouch the true nature of the challenges considered under the terrorist marker. Terrorism itself cannot be defined as an enemy, since it is not a subject. Terrorism is a tactic that can be resorted to by a variety of ideological forces. But they prefer not to say what the ideology of terrorism is, because in this case, things that are not entirely desirable for the beneficiaries of modern world and national systems questions.

The President of Russia has spoken more than once about the fact that aggression was committed against Russia by the forces of international terrorism. Words about this aggression were contained, in particular, in the Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly.

2002: “With joint efforts, we managed to solve the most important strategic task - to eliminate the most dangerous center of international terrorism in Afghanistan. Stop its negative impact on the situation in other regions of the world, eliminate the threat emanating from there to you and me.

After September 11 last year, many, many people in the world realized that “ cold war“ is over. We realized that now there are other threats, there is another war going on - the war against international terrorism. Its danger is obvious; it does not require new evidence. I would like to note: this fully applies to Russia.”

2004: “Russia was one of the first countries to face the large-scale threat of international terrorism. As we all know, not so long ago this threatened the most territorial integrity Russian Federation. After the well-known terrible tragedies that occurred as a result of terrorist attacks, an anti-terrorist coalition was formed in the world. Formed under our active participation, in cooperation with the United States of America, with other countries and in the situation with Afghanistan, has shown its high capacity in the fight against the threat of terror.

Russia values ​​the established anti-terrorist community, values ​​it as an instrument for coordinating interstate efforts in the fight against this evil. Furthermore, successful cooperation within the coalition and on the basis international law could become a good example of the consolidation of civilized states in the fight against common threats.”

2005 year: “The integrity of the country was violated by the terrorist intervention and the subsequent Khasavyurt surrender.”

So, we were attacked, and it is undesirable to say who attacked - "some dark forces". In the Russian case, as in the case of the terrorist attacks in Western countries, we would have to analyze the phenomenology of the currents of modern Islam and deal with the ideologeme of jihad. But neither the Russian nor the Western expert communities are ready for this. Meanwhile, without such an analysis, Islamist movements using terror tactics will only intensify.

And such an analysis should lead to the conclusion that traditional Islam and jihadist versions of Islam contradict each other. The very category of jihad of traditional Islam cannot be adapted to modern terrorist practice. The idea of ​​struggle is contained in any religion and cannot but be contained. Any religion is built on a rigid dichotomy of good and evil. And fighting evil is a moral imperative for any believer. Jihad precisely expresses this philosophy of struggle. There are various types of jihad, including the fight against criminals and the fight against one’s own evil thoughts. Naturally, there is a gulf between terrorism and the fight against one’s own bad thoughts. The jihadists have made a fundamental change. The imperative to fight evil was actually replaced by the imperative of genocide - the physical destruction of others. This is a direct substitute for Islam and has nothing to do with the great religion.

All traditional religions affirm human life as one of their basic values. Religious terrorism seems to act on behalf of religion. But the very fact of taking a person’s life contradicts the original religious value foundation. It is significant that the spiritual authorities of all leading traditional religions today condemn terrorism. Terrorist acts cannot be interpreted in this sense as a struggle of the religious world against the secular world. This is how the forces interested in producing conflict want to present it. In reality, terrorism contradicts both religious and humanistic secular systems of value coordinates.


In a certain sense, the history of terrorism is correlated with the history of humanity. However, in ancient and medieval eras it was mainly represented in the form of tyranomachy. Genesis modern terrorism associated with the emergence of the beginnings of the information society.

Although both in the Middle Ages and in antiquity, a terrorist attack not only had a personal orientation, but also assumed an incipient excitative function, i.e. served as a form of propaganda or intimidating message. Moreover, there was a mythological layer of the sacralized pantheon of terrorist heroes. Judith and Brutus, Zealots and Assassins, Robin Hood represent variations of the terrorist pattern of archaic periods of history. The terrorist is perceived as a cult figure, even a ritual one, in the culture or counterculture for the sake of whose ideas he carried out the terrorist attack. Thinking with double standards is expressed in the fact that “foreign” terrorism is presented as a crime, when “our own” terrorism is assessed as a feat. In the first case, a terrorist is defined as a criminal and a bandit, in the second - a rebel, underground fighter, or partisan. It is impossible to overcome this axiological dichotomy. Its emergence as a mass phenomenon dates back to the last quarter of the 19th century. Since its formation, it has been articulated within three ideological directions: anarchist terrorism (USA and Western Europe), socialist terrorism (Russia), ethno-confessional terrorism (Ireland, Poland, India, the Middle East).

It cannot be said that terrorism a century ago was different in content and was aimed at specific government figures. Indeed, the Socialist Revolutionary terrorist attacks were mainly personalized. But terrorist attacks carried out by anarchists or maximalists were directed against “bourgeois society” as a whole, which was expressed, for example, in the bombing of public institutions, bombing of cafes, “agrarian” and “factory” terror.

A terrorist attack in the information society is aimed at public resonance. In the absence of information, it becomes meaningless. Consequently, the creation of an information vacuum around the activities of terrorist groups is effective way fight against terrorism. But the principles of transparency and freedom of the media are the cornerstones of the organization civil society, and therefore, to limit them, even in order to prevent a terrorist threat, it would be necessary to abandon the existing ideological model.

There is another universal way of preventing terrorist attacks, known since ancient times - hostage taking. Even in ancient times, when making peace, the practice of exchanging hostages was widely used, which was the most significant factor keeping peoples from attacking each other. Hostage served as an effective deterrent mechanism for the local population in the colonization policy of Tsarist Russia on the national outskirts. But positioning in accordance with the marker of “civilization” did not allow taking representatives of one’s own intelligentsia hostage, and as a result, Russian empire, which successfully prevented the development national terrorism, was overwhelmed by a terrorist wave social revolution. By the way, the Bolsheviks did not hesitate to use the hostage procedure. Thus, in 1922, the execution of the sentence for the Socialist Revolutionaries was postponed with the proviso that the execution of the accused would take place if the Socialist Revolutionary Party continued to use terrorist methods of struggle against Soviet power.

The threat of death will not frighten a terrorist. According to a long-established view, the motivation for a terrorist attack is suicidal psychopathology. The terrorist seeks death, and the prospect of the scaffold turns out to be desirable for him. But by sacrificing himself, a terrorist will not always sacrifice his comrades or relatives who are being held hostage. However, the practice of hostage-taking is naturally also incompatible with the concept of “human rights”. Accordingly, the promotion of the topic of terrorism logically leads to the conclusion that in order to “ensure security” it is necessary to curtail the system of human rights and freedoms. In the perspective of global trends, the designated landmarks can be defined as a projection of the new fascisation of the world.


Negative axiology of terrorism by the ideological attitudes of the victorious or dominant side. But terrorism has often been the only way to defend one’s rights and dignity when the legitimate path turns out to be ineffective.

The Armenian genocide would have been largely unnoticed by the world community if not for the Dashnak terror. “After all, who talks today about the extermination of Armenians?”- A. Hitler asked a rhetorical question over time to justify the possibility of genocide against the Jews. However, the high-profile political murders of persons involved in the genocide by the Dashnaks forced global community recognize the existence of the Armenian question. Of course, terror cannot be recognized as an acceptable means from a humanistic standpoint. But politically, as a method, it often turns out to be almost the only possible way convey your position.

In interstate wars, as is known, there are winners and losers. It is, in principle, impossible to win civilizational wars. The action force is equal to the reaction force. Translating this formula of Isaac Newton into the language of the humanities, we can use the metaphor of a “civilizational pendulum.” The greater the amplitude pendulum movement in one direction, the more significant will be its movement in the other. The suppression of civilizational identity in the first phase will inevitably lead to civilizational rejection in the second phase. A counterattack against the civilizational aggressor is also inevitable.

The movement of the “civilizational pendulum” is clearly illustrated in this regard by the history of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Persian aggression in the West - Alexander the Great's campaigns in the East - Parthian offensive in the West - Roman offensive in the East - Invasion of the Huns in the West - Byzantine imperial restoration of power in the East - Arab campaigns in the West - Crusades in the East - Ottoman aggression in the West - Western colonialism aggression to the East. The modern terrorist attack in Europe and the spread of anti-Western jihadism is the next phase of this pendulum movement. Stopping the bloody pendulum can only be done by abandoning the practice of civilizational aggression.

It is impossible to justify the practice of terrorism from a humanistic position. But this does not mean that its genesis should not be explained. An explanatory analysis objectively leads to the conclusion about the responsibility of the Western neo-Crusaders. Was there really no understanding that aggression - military and informational - could lead to nothing other than the spread of the extremist ideology of irreconcilable struggle - jihadism, the strategy of waging a “war without borders”, the tactics of individual terror? The logic of countering superior enemy forces should have led to exactly this outcome.

The words of Muammar Gaddafi, who was overthrown by a “broad coalition” of forces and who, a few months before his death, addressing the Western community, warned: “Neglecting the stability of Libya will lead to the collapse of world peace through instability in the Mediterranean. If our power in Libya has to end, millions of Africans will pour illegally into Italy, into France... Europe will become black in a very short time. It is our strength that blocks illegal immigration. It is thanks to us that stability reigns in the Mediterranean Sea, the entire length of 2 thousand kilometers along the Libyan coast. We prevent immigration, contain the development and advancement of Al Qaeda... Thus, if the stability in Libya is disrupted, it will immediately have bad consequences for Europe and for the Mediterranean. Everyone will be in danger!.

And what could such actions as the publication of cartoons regarding Muhammad and Islamic shrines lead to? The incident with the Charlie Hebdo cartoons was not an exceptional case in this regard, being part of a series of anti-Islamic demonstrations. How to evaluate this kind of action as an expression of freedom of opinion, or a deliberate provocation?

And here is another example lying in the dualism between the right to freedom and provocation. In 2003, after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, one of the first steps taken by the new authorities was to decriminalize homosexual relations. This is an unprecedented step for an Islamic country! It was obvious how Muslims would perceive this legislative innovation. The birth of ISIS with these kinds of steps was programmed. The talk of modern political figures is also characteristic, no, and even those who accept concepts from the arsenal of religious wars of the Middle Ages. On September 12, 2011, the day after the high-profile terrorist attack on the United States, George W. Bush spoke about a new war against terrorism, using the phrase “crusade.” For Islamic countries after this, virtually everything became clear. Subsequently American President admitted that the words about " crusade" were inappropriate. But the slip took place. And the subsequent rhetoric sounded completely in the spirit of the appeals of the initiator of the first crusade, Pope Urban II.

“And we,” says the American president in the style of a messianic sermon on the fifth anniversary of the events of September 11, “ let us move forward with confidence in our national spirit, in the justice of our goals, and with the faith of God, who made us all free... Now we are at the most early stage battles between tyranny and freedom. Despite the violence, many still wonder: do the people of the Middle East want freedom? For 60 years, these doubts have determined our policy in this region. And then, on a clear September morning, it became obvious to us that the peace we had seen in the Middle East was just a mirage. Years of trying to achieve stability were wasted. And we changed our policy".

An amazing recognition is made - whether the peoples of the region want or not freedom in its American interpretation does not matter - the policy of appeasement is over, a different kind of politics is beginning. And what is a policy opposite to pacification (and you can only pacify someone whom you consider an immanent enemy) is clear - this is a policy of suppression.

Russia, if it is serious about taking on the role of opposing the lawlessness happening in the Middle East, should finally decide with whom it is ideologically fighting. Terrorism is not an ideology, but a means of warfare that can be resorted to by completely different organizations. To say that we are fighting terrorism is an understatement. To say that we are fighting ISIS is also not enough, since the ISIS organization has a very specific ideology. But they don’t want to be afraid to determine the essence of a hostile ideology. They don’t want to be afraid that the conflict will go beyond the scenario of a “small victorious war” in this case - because, having declared the enemy’s ideology, they will have to declare their own ideology and rebuild the entire existing system of life according to it. Do it - sooner or later you will have to do it anyway.


The challenge of the terrorist threat would seem to be more than obvious. Terrorist attacks directly undermine the existing system of government, chaotic the life of society, and cause a state of panic. But isn’t the rise in the frequency of terrorist attacks a consequence of the corresponding information promotion? This assumption was tested by comparing the dynamics of terrorist attacks with the dynamics of mentioning the problem of terrorism in the headlines of the world's leading newspapers. As a result, it was discovered that the heating up of the topic of the terrorist threat began earlier than the increase in the number of terrorist attacks. The creation of relevant information issues in the media led to real terrorism as a response. The result was an articulated dilemma - freedom of private life in exchange for security.

International terrorism is currently not only real threat, but also a special kind of scarecrow. The card of a terrorist threat looming over the world is being actively played out.

Content analysis of the media, identifying the frequency of the topics being dealt with allows us to do enough today accurate forecasts in relation to political processes. The experiment was to establish a chronological sequence between the phenomenon and its information promotion. According to general logic, the event occurs first, and only then its information dissemination. If information initially appears, then it is precisely this information that brings the phenomenon to life. What did you find? Initially, there was an increase in publishing activity on terrorism, and only then an increase in the dynamics of terrorist acts. This suggests that it is the media that programs this kind of action. The technology of information wars is evident. Remembering Jean Baudrillard's aphorism, sooner or later a murder will occur in a room where there is a TV.

The dynamics of terrorist attacks in the world, as calculations have shown, are not increasing. But at the same time, the topic of terrorism, as an informational occasion, does not cease to be promoted. Consequently, information promotion does not pursue the goals of combating the terrorist threat, but some other unadvertised strategic guidelines.

The Western world is presented as the main victim of aggression from international terrorism. In fact, the geography of the distribution of the number of terrorist attacks and their victims by different regions world is completely different.

Consequently, information promotion of the topic of international terrorism has a project-oriented nature. The resonance of messages about terrorist attacks, not even the terrorist attacks themselves, turned out to be in political demand. The point here is not in the terrorists themselves - puppets of someone else's geopolitical game, but in the interests of the corresponding information dump.


The experience of studying the history of terrorism allows us to state the existence of an invariable connection between terrorists and representatives of government agencies and law enforcement. Russian terrorist organizations of the early 20th century were filled with provocateurs and operated under the hood of the Police Department. “Azef’s case” is just the tip of this iceberg. The murders of Plehve, Sergei Aleksandrovich Romanov, and Stolypin occurred, at least, with the connivance of the secret police. There is now no doubt that a significant part of the terrorist attacks of the Stalin era were initiated by the NKVD. So, if in historical retrospect terrorism almost always turned out to be directed by the authorities, then why cannot this kind of pattern be applied to the modern era? It is known that al-Qaeda was originally an American project, and Osama bin Laden fought with the support of the Americans against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. The possibility of connecting international terrorism with a global beneficiary in this logic cannot be recognized as something fundamentally impossible.

Look for who benefits... The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 in the United States was a catalyst for the growth of patriotic discourse. The consequence of the terrorist attack was an attempt by George W. Bush to consolidate the American nation against an external enemy. Passed in October 2001, the Federal Act to Unite and Strengthen America by Providing the Means Required to Suppress and Obstruct Terrorism, which gave the government broad powers to surveil citizens and restrict freedoms, was informally known as the Patriot Act. Sixteen years later, the law has not been repealed. The geopolitical consequence of the September 11 terrorist attack was American expansion into Iraq and Afghanistan. In both cases, there was no evidence linking the terrorists to the respective states. But the general information context - an attack on the United States by terrorists - legitimized in the mass perception the possibility of a retaliatory invasion of other countries and even participation in the “crusade” proclaimed by George W. Bush.


The creation of any civilizational system involves constructing an image of the enemy. If there is no real enemy, he can be removed artificially. There is no doubt that we are on the verge of establishing a new global system of governance.

International terrorism is positioned as the main enemy of the modern globalized world. The reproduction of the theme of the global terrorist threat is the specific mechanism for the implementation of political globalization. However, the construction of a global totalitarian system is hampered by the ideological relapse of the era of modernization - “human rights”. Through the development of the topic of international terrorism, the mass public consciousness is prepared to perceive the involution of civil liberties. Society is already ready to recognize the appropriate formula: “human rights in exchange for security.”

Artamonov Nikita

In our daily life, watching television or reading a newspaper, we will often come across words such as “terrorism” or “extremism”. Now let's think a little. How often does each of us think about the problem associated with the spread of terror? Why is there an increase in violence in modern Russia? How closely is terrorism related to extremism?

At the risk of suggesting that few people think of these two troubles as a threat to the national security of Russia, the author - a student of class 11 "A" of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 6 ARTAMONOV NIKITA - will look into this problem in more detail.



Extremism and terrorism as a threat

Russian national security

Let's close our ranks together

And let’s say NO to terrorism!

Let it be a hundred years or even two hundred

Russia will live without troubles.

"Prayer" Armen Kazaryan

In our daily life, watching television or reading a newspaper, we will often come across words such as “terrorism” or “extremism”. Now let's think a little. How often does each of us think about the problem associated with the spread of terror? Why is there an increase in violence in modern Russia? How closely is terrorism related to extremism?

I would venture to suggest that few people think of these two troubles as a threat to Russia’s national security. Now let's try to understand this problem in more detail.

In the Constitutional Law of Russia, terrorism is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness and decision-making by authorities state power, local government bodies. In other words, synonyms for the word terrorism are “violence”, “intimidation”, “intimidation”.

Now let’s look at the concept of “extremism”. The dictionary gives the following interpretation: “Extremism is commitment to extreme views and measures.” Among such measures one can note the preparation and conduct of terrorist actions.

It is not difficult to guess that these two inhumane social phenomena are very closely related. In practice, this manifests itself as follows: any extremely nationalistic, political or religious discontent develops into terrorist sentiments, followed by a series of threats and terrorist attacks that take lives.

When discussing specific manifestations of terror and terrorism, researchers and journalists talk about

Explosions of government, industrial, transport, military facilities, newspaper and magazine editorial offices, various offices, residential buildings, train stations, shops, theaters, restaurants, etc.;

Individual terror or political assassinations of officials, public figures, bankers, law enforcement officers;

Political abductions aimed at achieving certain political conditions, the release of accomplices from prison, etc.;

Seizures of institutions, buildings, banks, embassies, aircraft, etc., accompanied by the taking of hostages;

Taking hostages for ransom;

Non-fatal wounds, beatings, bullying, pursuing the goals of psychological pressure on the victim and at the same time being a form of so-called “propaganda by action”;

Biological terrorism (for example, sending letters with anthrax spores);

Use of toxic substances and radioactive isotopes;

Cyberterrorism aimed at disabling the life support systems of various institutions;

Damage to industrial facilities, technological structures, waste storage facilities with the aim of provoking environmental disasters.

Who or what is terrorism directed against?

In answering the question posed, it is necessary to emphasize that terrorism, like any other activity, is motivated. Terrorism, according to the French sociologist M. Crozier, is motivated violence with political goals. This means that the desire for violence, intimidation, and terror is not something gratuitous or rooted in defects in the biological nature of man. This phenomenon is, first of all, social, having roots in the conditions of people’s social existence. Problems and conflicts of different levels, orientations and scales: individualistic, religious, ideological, economic, political are potential cradles for nurturing terrorist activities.

To the list of countries where there are greatest number those killed in terrorist attacks of the last decade include the USA, Russia, India, Israel, Colombia, Iraq, Algeria, Pakistan, Uganda, Sri Lanka.

For example, on the eve of summer Olympic Games In 2008, Tibetans attacked ethnic Chinese (Han) in China. They posted scenes of the brutal beating of peaceful men and women on the Internet and did not hide the fact that they were cleaning “their” territories from an alien ethnic element, i.e. covered up their real goals (usually quick enrichment) with nationalist ideas.

Now let's look at terrorism in Russia and its features.

Russia in the 21st century is one of the countries most “affected” by terrorism: in 1997, 1290 crimes of a terrorist nature were committed in the Russian Federation, in 2005 - 1728. The number of criminally punishable terrorist acts such as organizing an illegal armed group has also increased sharply: in 1997, one such crime was registered, and in 2005 - 356!

“The growth of attempts to create illegal armed groups has created a terrorist situation in Russia, when the extremist-terrorist underground plans, prepares and carries out almost all terrorist acts on the territories of the constituent entities of the Federation,” write researchers of this issue.

The origins of terrorism are rooted, firstly, in a long history (for example, the activities of the Narodnaya Volya organization began more than 150 years ago), and secondly, in the heterogeneity public opinion(our country is characterized by different assessments of terrorist activities by different layers of society, i.e. there are a large number of people who sympathize with terrorist methods of fighting for their demands, who consider some terrorists “good, right, correct”), and thirdly, the activities of Russian terrorists are “mixed” character: it is individual and organized, purely criminal and with an admixture of politics, chauvinistic and religious...

As I mentioned a little earlier, the main causes of terrorism can be divided into political, socio-economic, economic, religious and spiritual. Naturally, in our country the political, socio-economic and economic preconditions of terrorism prevail. And now I will try to explain why.

Among the political causes of terrorism, the main one is political instability. According to statistics, it is during periods of political instability that the number of terrorist acts increases sharply. So, as an example, we can cite the collapse of the USSR and the formation of Russia in 1991. For more than ten years, the country was politically weakened. This led to numerous terrorist explosions of residential buildings, “Nord-Ost” - the seizure of a theater in Moscow (by the way, these days, close and relatives of the victims and victims recall the events of 10 years ago, but by no means the forgotten tragedy on Dubrovka), to two Chechen companies where the political discontent of terrorists was clearly expressed.

If we consider the socio-economic reasons, the main one can be considered the low standard of living in the country. Russia has not gotten rid of such a problem as unemployment. Terrorism gives a person the opportunity to earn money, and considerable money. That is why, despite the “daring” countermeasures of our law enforcement agencies (October 16, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on countering terrorism put it this way: “Our services have begun to act much more efficiently. At the same time, any miscalculation costs us very much, therefore we need to work without pause, decisively, proactively, boldly"), bandit groups are replenished with fresh militants.

Regarding economic reasons, it should be noted that terrorism today is a business that can bring its organizers considerable income, comparable to income from the oil business. Clear examples of economic terror are the arms trade, drug trafficking across Russia, the trade in drugs and hostages, which allows for huge profits.

Now we are beginning to understand at least a little that extremism and terrorism are two huge threats to Russia’s national security. And it’s worth talking about the prevention of extremist and terrorist activities.

In Russia, as in all countries,whose leadership recognizes the need for measures to protect the lives of their citizens (that is, where value human life is quite high, and the death of civilians can cause a significant public outcry and influence the policy of the authorities),Threats are dealt with by force. Officially, only the FSB of the Russian Federation is engaged in anti-terrorism activities, but the formation of public opinion is highly important, the media plays a huge role in this (I counted more than 10 official websites on the Internet promoting counter-terrorism, especially impressive And of course, one cannot fail to mention the most important thing: the legal basis fight against terrorism. On October 5, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev approved the Concept defining the basic principles public policy in the field of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation, the goal, objectives and directions for further development of the national system of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation. For the implementation of extremist and political activity Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons bear criminal, administrative and civil liability. There are no “good” or “bad” terrorists! Murderers and extortionists must be held accountable

death of more than 200 people(1995, June 14-20 - raid of Basayev’s gang on Budennovsk, mass hostage-taking in the hospital building);

4 people died, 16 were injured(1996, June 11, on the stretch between the Tulskaya and Nagatinskaya stations, a homemade explosive device with a capacity of 400-500 g in TNT equivalent went off in a train carriage.);

residential building explosions in Moscow in 1999

8 people died, 60 were injured(2000, August 8, an explosion occurred in the center of Moscow, in an underground passage near Pushkin Square);

theater siege in Moscow(2002, Nord-Ost - a gang of terrorists is destroyed by special forces soldiers, there are casualties among the hostages);

39 people killed, 120 injured (On February 6, a powerful explosion occurred in a train carriage between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. Chechen separatists were accused of organizing the explosion);

87 dead, including Volgograd residents(2004, August 24 - the explosion of two Russian passenger planes by Chechen suicide bombers)4

death of hundreds of children, teachers, parents(2004 - terrorist attack in Beslan - school seizure).

This is far from a complete sad chronicle of events...

And today, the day when I am writing this essay, according to Lenta.Ru, is replete with events indicating that terrorism exists. And he is evil directed against humanity. Who is next?

Crozier M. Main trends in modern complex societies // Sociology. Reader. Comp. SOUTH. Volkov, I.V. Pavement. – M.: Gardariki, 2003. – P. 124-129.

According to Syromyatnikov I.V. In the book Terrorism is evil: tutorial for students of the senior level of general education institutions / Ed. A.G. Karayani. - M.: SGA, 2008.-P.16.

Kalinin B.Yu., Khrykov V.P. Terrorism in Russia at the end of the 20th century beginning of XXI century: political and legal analysis // Legislation and economics. – 2007. - No. 11. – P.48-55.

Explosion at a bus stop. Explosion in the subway. Airplane hijacking. Hostage taking. Numerous victims after a bomb exploded, planted by an unknown person. Panic, screaming, crying. Victims, wounded. This is not the plot of the film, but reality. We hear such and similar messages almost every day in the news and all this is terrorism. It is about terrorism that we will write an essay today.

Terrorism essay on the topic

I would like to start an essay on the topic of terrorism with the very definition of this concept. Terrorism is the intimidation of people through violence and violent actions. Today terrorism in all countries is the number one problem, so this topic is relevant and an essay about terrorism will also be relevant for schoolchildren, because when assigning various essays on social topics, it is impossible to ignore an essay about terrorism, or an essay about the fight against terrorism. So we decided to help and write an essay on the topic of Terrorism.

So, terrorism is an evil against humanity, and in the essay I would like to say how difficult and painful it is to see the suffering of people affected by this disaster, that the worst thing is that no one knows and cannot be sure that tomorrow the disaster will not affect specifically him or his family members. But we go down the subway every day, every day we stand at stops waiting for transport, every day we walk in parks, we gather in squares. All these places are under the target of terrorists, because where there are large crowds of people, massive harm can be caused to people. And this is exactly what terrorists need.

Terrorism, in its scale, destructive power, and cruelty, has become a problem for all of humanity. It's a plague modern life, this is the evil that has enslaved the whole world, keeps it in terror and fear, and something needs to be done about it.

Fight against terrorism

It is necessary to fight terrorism and terrorist acts, the state needs to direct all its forces to protect the civilian population, which is innocent of anything, but it is very difficult to eradicate terrorism, especially alone. It is necessary for countries to unite in the fight against terrorism and only in this way, having comprehensively studied the problem, building an effective countermeasures mechanism terrorist threats Having found out the nature of the manifestation of terrorism, it is possible, if not to completely eradicate terrorism, which is very difficult and probably impossible, then at least to reduce its manifestation.
