Polina's name and meaning. The meaning of the name Polina and her profession

More than seven billion people live on earth. And every living person has a name that not only accompanies him throughout life path, but influences the character of its owner, his fate.

Today, the focus of our attention is such a beautiful female name as Polina. Here is a far from complete list of questions to which we will try to find answers:

  • The history of occurrence, the meaning of the name Polina.
  • Characteristics of the name, the fate of the girl named Fields at birth.
  • Dates on which Polina (Pelageya, Apollinaria - according to the church name) celebrates her name day.
  • Male names with which the name Polina fits perfectly, and those where compatibility is lame.
  • What stones can become a wonderful talisman, what animals and plants patronize the name Polina and others Interesting Facts.

Origin, name day

The first thing we will focus on today is the origin, as well as the meaning of the name Pauline, its literal translation. In this regard, there are two official versions.According to the first, this name has Greek origin, originates from male name Apollo (the god of the Sun) and is translated only as "solar". What does the name Polina mean according to the second version? "Little" - it comes from the male name Paul, thus having French roots.

The patron saint of the name is the Monk Apollinaria. This woman went down in history thanks to her selfless act. Her desire to serve the Lord was so great that she went on a pilgrimage, refusing to marry. Then, dressed in men's clothes and calling herself Dorotheus, she came to the skete and completely devoted herself to prayers and faith in God. Only after the death of Dorotheus (Apollinaria) was the secret of the woman revealed.

The baptism of a child, and indeed of an adult, is a special, absolutely amazing sacrament. On this day, a person not only undergoes spiritual purification, but is also endowed with a heavenly patron, a guardian angel who will go hand in hand with him during his life on earth.

An interesting fact is that at baptism Polina is called Pelageya or Apollinaria, since this name is present in the church naming in this form.

Paul's name day falls on the following dates:

  • January 18 (feast day of St. Apollinaria).
  • February 12 (Pelageya Diveevskaya).
  • May 17 (Pelageya of Tarsus).
  • June 26 (Pelageya Zhidko).
  • October 21 (Pelageya of Antioch).

A few words about the forms of the name. Full name - Polina, short form- Fields. Derived forms: Polyunya, Polinka, Polsha, Pan, Panya, Panyulya.

Here are a couple more interesting facts. With the role of a talisman for the name Polina, such as selenite will do just fine. Among plants, it is better to opt for lotus and poppy, also in flora poplar patronizes this name, in the animal - a swan and a whale.

In the color palette, it is better to give preference to the blue color and its shades. The auspicious number is nine; day of the week - Thursday, Saturday; season is winter. The element is water. Zodiac sign - . The planet is Saturn.

Character and fate

How does the name Polina affect the character of the girl named by him, what will be the fate of the child? Little Field is an inexhaustible stream of energy, you can’t keep up with it, it spins and spins like a top. In addition, this girl has an incredible charm, which nature itself has generously awarded her. That is why there are always a lot of guys around Poli, she easily makes contact, willingly makes new acquaintances.

It is worth saying that Polina is one of those children who rarely conflicts with their peers, listens to the opinions of adults. Thus, an accommodating character is another positive quality the owner of this name.

The maturing Field does not lose its activity. Her energy is enough not only for the educational process, but also for other aspects of school life. She enjoys attending circles, takes part in various events. To a greater extent, she is interested in such areas as poetry, dance, vocals.

Polina studies well, delighting her loved ones with her grades. This child has analytical warehouse mind, because exact sciences- her element. Studying for her is the way to new knowledge, self-improvement. Polya is always happy to help her teachers. He doesn’t get hung up on grades, but he loves praise very much.

At the beginning of the conversation about the character of little Polia, we noted her activity, sociability. Despite this, the girl likes to be in silence, spends a lot of time reading interesting books and magazines. Such a very interesting, one might even say, extraordinary character is inherent in a girl named Polina at birth.

Next, let's talk about what is the nature of a mature woman, how will her fate develop? Polina is still sociable and kind. She is always ready to listen, provide support, participate in solving the problems of her friends and relatives. She wholeheartedly rejoices at other people's successes, she absolutely does not have a feeling of envy.

But Polina's childish complaisance is gradually fading away. Now she has her own point of view on everything that happens around, for her there are no authorities. With all this, she manages to remain a conflict-free person. Only a situation that is completely unacceptable for her, when emotions are so strong that they simply cannot be contained, can bring her out of herself.

Polina, who was incredibly active at an early age, is still full of energy, but now there are periods of calm in her life - they are necessary for the Field to recuperate and return to society renewed.

What can be said about the appearance, does it matter? Polina has amazing taste. She is always in shape, she has well-groomed skin, perfect makeup, stylish hairstyle. Clothing is also chosen with taste, in accordance with fashion trends.

What else can be said about inner world Polina? Self-criticism and self-confidence. It would seem, how can two very contradictory qualities coexist in one person? This may very well be. Sometimes Polina reproaches herself excessively for the words she has said, the actions she has done. And sometimes she is unshakable and completely self-confident.

It will be just great if Paul manages to find a happy medium. In this case, a piggy bank positive traits the character of this woman will be replenished with self-confidence and proper criticism in her address, which is no longer the same with the qualities that we talked about a little higher.

Career, love, family

It's time to talk about a career. What does it matter? Polina is not a careerist. Of course, work matters to her, but it is far from the first place in her system of values. It is worth saying that the management appreciates her, colleagues also treat her well. Polina can become a good teacher, doctor. Paul will achieve success in creative professions, such as a journalist, an artist.

Well, what about without love! Polina will definitely not suffer from a lack of fans. Her character requires respect, trust in herself from a partner. Thanks to her well-developed intuition, she almost immediately exposes liars. Unable to forgive betrayal.

As a life partner, men named Anufry, Arseny, Valery, Benjamin, Izot, Naum, Kupriyan are perfect. Difficulties may arise with Abraham, Karp, Miron, Prokhor, Thomas.

For the sake of her soulmate, Polina is ready to leave her profession and devote herself to her family. Fortunately, such sacrifices are rare, because she perfectly manages to combine both.

Husband for Poli - perfect man, she is able to ignore his shortcomings. Of course, there may be situations where this approach backfires. But still, such an attitude towards the spouse is rather a plus than a minus.

You can look for a prince on a white horse until old age and in the end be left alone. You can, forgetting about the joys of life, endlessly delve into the shortcomings of your chosen one. And you can, like Paul, take imperfection lightly and, being a devoted wife, live happily!

As a mother, Polina is also good: gentle, kind, always aware of the events taking place in the life of her child. Her house is clean and tidy, there is a delicious dinner on the table. And Polya loves flowers - their aroma always hovers in her apartment, she is not indifferent to pets - cats, dogs.

A few words at the end of the conversation about what the name Polina means and how it affects the character of its owner. Fields is an energetic, cheerful woman. She easily finds a common language with others, kind, responsive, not prone to conflict.

Everything has its own point of view, has a developed intuition. Attractive in appearance, enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex. She appreciates and respects her life partner, she is happy in marriage. A wonderful wife, mistress and mother. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

The female name Polina is common in Russia, popular among newborn girls. There is a rather lively and diverse interest in its origin and interpretation. The name is associated with the ancient Greek sun god Apollo and is given the meaning of "solar", "dedicated to Apollo." The French version of the origin leads to the names Pauline (Pauline) - the female form of Paulin (Russian version - Pavlin) and Pol (in Russian - Pavel). In this case, the name means "small", "modest".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
  • Ruler Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman Stone: Selenite
  • Color: light blue
  • Wood: poplar
  • plant: lotus
  • Animal: swan
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Polina is a charming, sociable, proud and very wayward woman. In judgments - independent, able to dictate and coerce. It seems impregnable, such a lady with big “claims”. He hides his feelings under the mask of indifference and cold observation. She absolutely does not know how to argue, rarely trusts anyone, she is quick-tempered, aggressive. He is very critical of himself, he can engage in self-discipline.

The girl of the Field attracts attention with her exceptional accuracy, carefree and cheerful character. Girlfriends trust her with secrets, boys show attention. Polina is a congenital fashionista, she has a developed sense of perception of beauty. He is engaged in music, writes poetry, loves cinema. This is a comprehensively developed personality. She loves luxury, convenience, strives to successfully marry, improve her social status.

The secret of the name Polina is that a girl, depending on her upbringing and environment, can get different directions development of life priorities. Arrogance and arrogance, as pronounced character traits, always interfere with the achievement of the goal. A woman trusts only the logic of her judgments. There is no intuition in this name. In the circle of friends, her benevolence and responsiveness are appreciated. She is able to be sharp and straightforward, but sincere. He does not refuse help, understands and does not condemn.

Interests and hobbies

Most often, children's passion for fashion turns into a real hobby or even a profession. Polina is a sports fan, loves TV shows, takes part in various events, competitions, exhibitions. She has a delicate taste, so many influential people listen to the opinion of the girl. She is seriously interested in collecting, knows a lot about the intricacies of this work.

Profession and business

Calculation, caution and purposefulness are the main driving forces girl's career growth. Polina strives for public recognition, therefore she is looking for ways of personal recognition. In this, education, the ability to adapt, to stand out help her a lot. Successful for her is considered to be the profession of a fashion designer and an expert in the field of art. Success brings the work of a television presenter, actress. The professions of a cartoonist, florist, hairdresser, jeweler, photographer give such a woman pleasure.

The achievement of the set goal and self-realization in a career is most often hindered by marriage and attachment to the house, the usual environment.


Polina's health is poor. Depends on nervous loads, stress, physical overwork. She is contraindicated in domestic seclusion, hobbies gambling, diet. Cold and dampness are the first enemies of such a woman's health.

Sex and love

Polina always hides her emotions, but chooses very sexy man. The complex of a rational approach to all life problems prevents her from revealing her feelings. But she has her own "trick", she hides behind an imaginary weakness.

Family and marriage

Polina was created for family and home comfort. She is a wonderful mother, a brilliant hostess. Her thriftiness and frugality surprise loved ones. Such a spouse is able to tame any obstinate husband, make him an understanding, caring and affectionate father.

born: 1907-10-08

Soviet pilot, Hero Soviet Union

Version 1. What does the name Polina mean

Polina - "friend" (Greek)

This is the image of a crystal clear woman
in a dark cherry shawl. The wild flower is the beauty of the province. It retains the Russian
spirit. Softness, suppleness decorate it, make it even more feminine.

Her whole life is spent in trouble.
Her care lasts for two generations. Does not lose its youthfulness over the years. IN
love prefers young men.

Sometimes it seems that
she is weak and indecisive, but she is not. She is one of those about whom they say: in a quiet
damn it.

She has great strength
will and enviable vitality, which, as a rule, manifest themselves in extreme
situations. Independent in actions and decisions. Not influenced by others. However
she has no self-confidence at all. Acts thoughtfully, according to plan, can listen
advice from people he trusts, but chooses his own path. She has an analytical warehouse
mind. Impressive, although stingy in expressing feelings. Dealing with failure hard
sometimes reacts to troubles with an outburst of anger. Does not forgive insults, can take revenge.
Has a developed intuition. Anticipates upcoming events. It happens that she is visited
amazing visions, which, unfortunately, she does not always know how to evaluate and decipher.
But in choosing sincere, true friends, she is not mistaken.

She likes difficult
and dangerous professions that require risk. Maybe, for example, become a pilot, go to serve
to Army. Polina is very active and purposeful. Employees, because of which something
stops, breaks down, irritates her, and without hesitation she cuts the truth-womb
in the eyes, regardless of the face. Strictly adheres to all moral norms and rules, faithful

Often created
the impression that social duties and professional activities do not leave
Polina time for personal life. This is only an appearance. Polina is extremely
sexy, but this is manifested only with full confidence in the partner. She is very afraid
his betrayals. And do not try to lie to her: she perfectly feels your intentions. Not
demand the impossible from her: she will not quit her job for the sake of a family hearth, but if
you support it, it will combine both, God alone knows how.

She always has a home.
- a full bowl. She is a good housewife, thrifty and prudent, makes a lot of preparations.
Excellent cook. Her apartment is comfortable and cosy. Children and husband are well-groomed. Likes to collect
at the table of friends, but you should not come to visit her without warning.

She should be afraid
accidents, as it is prone to injury, infectious diseases. Necessary
save the liver.

"Winter" Polina is strict in her judgments, serious, imperturbable.

"Autumn" - to everything that has been said, it is also economical, but not stingy. Can be an accountant, cashier,
seller. The name is well suited to patronymics: Andreevna, Anatolyevna, Makarovna, Fedorovna,
Vladimirovna, Arkadievna, Arsentievna.

"Summer" - cheerful, likes to play tricks on friends, good-natured and smart,
knows how to get along with people.

Polina is witty, sociable, a little proud.
He knows his own worth and, on occasion, demonstrates his superiority. Could be a teacher
educator. The name is suitable for patronymics: Alekseevna, Efimovna, Emmanuilovna, Sergeevna,
Semenovna, Adamovna, Bogdanovna, Glebovna.

born: 1821-07-18

French opera singer, teacher

Version 2. What does the name Polina mean

colloquial form
named after Apollinaris. Comes from the word Apollo - in ancient Greek
mythology god of the sun, patron of the arts, god of predictions. Polyushka, Polina
- Today, rarely anyone will call their daughter that. Is it because there are so few today and people so
as selfless and sacrificial as she is?

Polina among children - how dear
bead: responsive, accommodating, friendly. Where there is grief, there is Polenka. She
always console, reassure, sympathize. In joy - never envy, rejoice
together with you.

Sometimes created
the impression that Polina is filled with love for people, for animals, for everything
living things that surround us. At school, she is the first assistant teacher, tactful in relationships.
with classmates, never offend anyone. Unusually clean.

Adult Polina
likes to dress beautifully, has excellent taste, but is economical, not a spender, rather
she will sew an outfit for herself, rather than spend on a store item. Detailed in business
reliable, and this is sometimes used, dumping all the worries on it.

Selfless and can, like a child, rejoice
trifle bauble. She is extremely harmless, and even seeing that her husband is flirting
with her best friend, will try to find an excuse for him. But, of course, not endlessly,
and exploiting the all-forgiving nature of Polina is still not worth it. Interests
family always puts above their own. Career, professional success, business
ambition - all this is almost of no interest to Polina, she strives to find such
a job that would give her the opportunity to spend more time at home. Extramarital affairs are alien to her
novels, lovers and betrayals.

Polina are good
mothers. They love to visit parent meetings, accept Active participation in work
parent committees.

in marriage, especially
First, Polina is not always lucky. Reliable will be marriage with Yefim, Alexander,
Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor
it will most likely be unstable.

4 version of the interpretation of the name Polina

Personality. Mysterious blood.

Character. 90%.

Radiation. 88%.

Vibration. 103,000 vibrations/s

Color. Red.

Main features. Intelligence - excitability
- activity.

Totem plant. Strawberry.

Totem animal. Swan.

Sign. A lion.

10. Type. Excitable nervous choleric. Fast
get out of themselves. They give the impression of women "with a claim." Like their totem - a swan, they seem proud and impregnable,
although in reality they are timid and insecure people.

11. Psyche. Intelligent and make you feel
it's around. They tend to take everything upon themselves, they are overly subjective. They have enough
difficult character, but they live an interesting and eventful life.

12. Will. Rather strong, although sometimes it is not enough,
to bring the matter to a close. They often take the position of "insulted virtue."

13. Excitability. Too strong to stay
time for reflection.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Capable of temper tantrums
that just shock people.

15. Field of activity.
does not experience
special need for work, although they give the impression of active people. Them
there is not enough endurance, often they try to catch two birds with one stone. Of these women
get good journalists and advertising agents.

16. Intuition. Completely drowned out by the mental aspect of them

17. Intelligence. Smug, consider themselves very smart, all
but those around them, in their opinion, are complete fools. Even though they have to
endure great defeats, never lose faith in themselves.

18. Susceptibility.
Very nervous and impulsive. Blindly trust their mind, although it sometimes fails

19. Morality.
Depends on the environment and circumstances.

20. Health. Shaky, depends too much on the psyche.
The nervous system is unstable. They get tired quickly. They need a lot of sleep
and rest.

21. Sexuality.
They wear a mask of indifference, it is difficult to excite them. Your future partner is so
idealize that it becomes problematic to meet such a person.

22. Activity. Bordering on aggressive. These women in
life needs success.

23. Sociability.
likes to surround
themselves as pleasant and at the same time useful people. Their living room often resembles a densely populated

24. Conclusion. Such women are like their totem
- a swan, they are beautiful, graceful and at the same time callous and intolerant of people, always
ready to fight them.

5th version of the meaning of the name Polina

- from the Greek. meaningful; from lat. small; unfold form
named after Apollinaria - from the Greek. owned by Apollo.

Derivatives: Polinka, Fields. Polyunya,
Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Polyasha, Pan, Panulya, Pasha, Lina.

Folk omens.

apollinary day
coincides with the eve of Epiphany - the main day of Christmas divination. They say that this
evening will clarify fate.


Abyss in Polina
mysterious charm, there is always a swarm of admirers around her, for each of them
she will find a kind word, although she tries to seem like an impregnable rock. But success
gives her strength, inspires her. To herself, Polina laughs at others,
considering himself smarter and more attractive than many. Arguing with Polina is pointless,
she simply does not know how to do this, begins to get annoyed, offended if they contradict her
and disagree with her. Polina is womanly wise: if a person is truly
interesting, she is able to evaluate it quite objectively, especially since the mind in her
prevails over intuition. Almost indifferent, cold to beauty - whether it be a work
art or sunset over the lake. Polina is devoted to her friends, ready to listen,
and sympathize, and help, and just treat a delicious homemade dinner, although life
and taking care of the house is not her element.

7 version of the meaning of the name Polina

Polina - rare
now the name. Isn't that why there are so few people today who are equally disinterested, sacrificial?
and flexible, how is she? Even a mouse is not capable of offending, and a sense of tact is not
cheats on her in any situation.

Even your own
to the children to whom she is infinitely devoted, Polina will never read morals,
for fear of hurting their dignity. She is an amazingly caring mother and wife. Often sleep deprived
but her husband will definitely put on a freshly ironed and starched shirt in the morning. Interests
her husband and children are more important to her than her own desires and needs. For the convenience of home
and peace in the family, Polina will give up her career, leave the stage, change
a prestigious position for home work - family and home are above all for her.

wonderful hostess,
thrifty, not a spender, she is distinguished by an almost fanatical cleanliness. Introduce
Polina is impossible without work. She will even watch a TV show
with knitting or sewing in hand. This is a great worker who finds a job
from morning till night. She has no time for idleness and chatter. And yet
Polina is a contact person who knows how to take care of friends. Surrounding like
as a rule, they treat Polina with great respect. Rudeness or harshness as if
melt away, bumping into her unfailing benevolence, friendliness, smooth and quiet
voice. This fragile-looking woman is able to tame a tiger.

8 version of the meaning of the name Polina

POLINA - 1) meaningful (Greek); 2) French version
named after Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo; 3) small (lat.).

Zodiac sign
- Capricorn.

Planet - Saturn.

Color - light blue.

Auspicious tree - poplar.

Treasured plant - lotus.

The patron of the name is the swan.

Talisman stone - selenite.


Polina is charming, charming and
very contact. The conversation will support on any topic, keeps well in everything
society. Seems proud and impregnable, although she often has to overcome
yourself to take on some business or to communicate with someone. Polina is nervous
easily loses his temper - especially when defending his opinion, or rather, imposing it on others:
Polina is completely incapable of arguing. She is very self-confident at heart, very
low opinion of the mind and abilities of others. If Polina gives someone
an objective, good assessment, which means that this person is really dear to her and deserves
her respect. Trusts reason more than intuition. Likes to put on a mask of indifference
yes, you can’t really call Polina sentimental. The beauty of nature and the subtleties of feelings
- not for her. However, behind this firework of contradictions, Polina is a true friend,
who is very pleased to trust his secrets, who will always sympathize and help.
TO household Polina is cold, but nevertheless in the hands of
it's all on fire.

Name day named Polina

January 18,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Famous people named Polina

The meaning of the letters in the name Polina

P- scrupulousness and accuracy in everything, from appearance and ending at home. Constantly worrying about what other people will say. They have a special passion. They are capable of labeling their offenders. They have excellent memory.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful nature. Those who have the letter "O" in their names are hardworking and creative. For them, professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

L- artistic and inventive personalities. In actions, they prefer to be guided by logical thinking. They know how to position themselves. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and treat other people with disdain. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

H- strong, strong-willed and decisive personality. Hardworking enough, but they cannot stand the monotonous and boring job. Smart, attractive, there is critical thinking. A person chooses a chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of his days. Likes to take care of loved ones.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • P- Peace
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, Oh)
  • L- People
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • H- Our (Our, yours)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Polina in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Polina in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The meaning of the name Polina: characteristics, origin, totems and other characteristics of the name.

Polina is a beautiful name of French origin, which originally sounded like Pauline (Pauline), which in turn came from the male name Paul (Paul), which in Latin meant little, baby. It is worth paying attention that earlier the name was not given from birth, but after the child grows up and proves himself.

What does the name Polina mean according to the church calendar?

The name Polina, as well as its synonyms Pavlina and Paulina, are absent in Orthodox Saints, and therefore no value is provided. Pauline is christened either by choosing a name according to Christmastide, depending on the child's birthday, or Apollinaria, or Pelageya.

Pauline patron saint

Girls and women with the name Polina can ask for help, as well as advice and wisdom to the patroness of her name, the venerable virgin Apollinari.

Name Polina: meaning, characteristics

The secret of the name Polina

The secret of the name Polina is her essence. Girls with this name are overly busy self-digging, and overly critical of themselves. Sometimes, with age and the addition of life experience, Polina rethinks the situation and begins to be more loyal to herself.

The task of parents early years tell Polina that every person is good at his job, and you should not criticize yourself in vain. Parents should also praise more and criticize their daughters less. Another task for both father and mother is to teach the baby everything that they themselves can do and help her acquire the skills that she is interested in.

But even if Polina understands that the truth is on her side and there is no reason to engage in self-digging, then complacency is guaranteed. Yes, there are only two options for the development of life - either Polina will not be happy in life, and will torment herself all her life, or her self-satisfaction and excessive self-confidence will annoy the people around her.

By the way, if Polina decided that she was right, it is impossible to convince her otherwise.

What nationality is the name Polina?

The origin of the name is originally French, but on this moment it can be safely called international, because its popularity is present in almost every corner of the world and among all religions.

We talked about the first theory of the origin of the name at the very beginning of the article, but there is also a second version of the origin of Polina. In ancient Greek myths, the god Apollo is a luxurious young man of extraordinary beauty. It is not surprising that the noble Greeks, dreaming of perpetuating the name of their daughters, called them the beautiful Apollinaria.

Subsequently, the name found distribution in Europe, but due to the fact that Apollinaria is a very long and difficult to pronounce name, it was shortened to Polina. In this case, the meaning of the name takes on a completely different color. If the name comes from Apollo, then its meaning is “sunny”, “beautiful”, “delightful”.

The name Polina: origin and meaning, popularity

There is also a legend about it beautiful name. A delightful woman, a Roman, was of a noble family and widowed early, the roots of her family converged on Gregoris himself, but at the same time she did not lead a lifestyle accepted by the nobility and was always a modest and reserved woman. In marriage, she loved her husband, despite the fact that he was much older than her, and when she was a widow, she never took off her mourning.

The husband left his wife an inheritance that made her one of the richest women in the country, and she had the opportunity not to remarry and defend her independence. Most she donated funds to the church, but at the same time, unlike others, she carefully checked where her funds were distributed in order to avoid enriching the priests and really develop the church, help the poor.

The fruit of their marriage was the beautiful daughter Eustochia, with whom Polina went on a pilgrimage. On this distant but fascinating journey, she showed her daughter the world, helped her see the full breadth of the Christian faith, find God within herself and become a wise and kind woman.

By sea, the women reached Jerusalem itself, visited the tomb of Jesus Christ, as well as the place of his birth. During the journey, women tirelessly helped the poor, gave them the opportunity to both survive and improve their conditions. Their wealth left a trail of well-being and happiness. Having reached Bethlehem, Polina saw the knowledge of the life of Jesus, after which she found peace and remained to live out her years in this holy city.

But having passed away, she left a beautiful kind daughter who continued her work. From then until today, her family has been stretching, in which it is customary to work hard in order to be rich, but not for the sake of vanity, but for the sake of being able to help those in need.

The meaning of the name Polina

The legend says that a little girl was named Polina because of her fragility and short stature, but her kind soul created a wonderful aura, and this name began to mean “sunny”, “noble”.

The name spread almost immediately across all continents. But in Russia the name was rare and not popular. With the advent of fashion for all the French name Pauline, due to the French dialect, it became very popular, and every twentieth girl from the highest circles bore this name.

Polina - deciphering the name from Greek

The name Polina is also displayed in Greek culture. From this ancient language, it means "meaningful." Unfortunately, the origin legend given value not preserved.

Name Polina in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Polina spelled in the passport?

According to the international transliteration updated in 2017, the name Polina is written in the passport as POLINA.

Polina: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

The name Polina has many synonyms, as well as abbreviations. We will present only a small part.

  • Polinka
  • Peilan
  • Polyusha
  • paulina
  • Polyukha
  • Polyasha
  • Pauline
  • Peacock
  • Polyunya
  • Pauline
  • Polusya
  • Polyakha
  • Appolinaria
  • Paula
  • Pelagia

Polina: the meaning of the name character and fate

Several factors act on a person at once, and in order to provide the most accurate description of the name, one should pay attention to the time of year in which Polina was born.

  • Winter. Born at this time, Polina is strict both to herself and to the world around her. Calm and visually calm girl, girl and woman. She has to achieve everything herself, and even if life presents her with gifts, she definitely deserves them. A strong, independent woman, she stubbornly goes to her goal, and most importantly, she always achieves it! But the apparent self-confidence has and reverse side. Indeed, in the depths of her soul, Polina is very vulnerable, and if she is not near her loving person- she is unhappy;
  • Spring. Born in the spring, Polina is famous for her cheerful and glorious character, resourceful and inventive, sociable and proud. She is one of those who will not appear in public without styling and makeup, who will not buy products for a week, but will shine in a brand new dress. At the same time, she is not just a good hostess in the house - the best. After all, everything that surrounds her must be perfect! And she does not hesitate to show her superiority. This often scares people away and because of this, the spring Polina is often left without friends;
  • Summer. Joyful and very positive person. She radiates goodness, intelligence and a desire to help the whole world with her whole appearance. If there was a widow Polina in ancient Greek society, then for sure she was born in the summer. After all, her lifestyle is an exact description of the summer Polina. She is also very sociable, in life she often chooses socially significant professions and likes to participate in the charitable life of society. In this case, she is a speaker, ready to conduct negotiations and presentations to raise money every day. She not only speaks, but also likes to listen, subsequently help, and not always openly. Summer Polina is a real favorite of the public;
  • Autumn. Born in the fall, Polina is quite tight-fisted and economical. She never sits still and strives to build a career. But she does not squander the funds received at work, but prefers to set aside for subsequent investments, and having become rich enough, she often pays attention to patronage. She does not give alms, but she loves to give people the opportunity to learn, to reach new heights in life. Often opens free schools where you can learn valuable life skills that cost a lot of money elsewhere. In addition, Polina is a very good hostess and her choice is a large family. He loves children very much, but keeps in severity.

What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Polina: compatibility with male names

Polina is combined with many names, but it sounds especially good if the fathers are: Alexander, Dmitry, Sergey, Andrey, Evgeny, Maxim, Vladimir, Anton, Artem and Ilya. In any case, we strongly recommend that you “try on” the surname and patronymic for the name Polina before making a final decision.

When is the name day, Pauline's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

In Orthodox Svyatki, the name Polina is absent, so she does not celebrate such a name day. It is recommended to celebrate the name day with the name with which the child was baptized.

Congratulations on Polina's Angel Day short in verse and prose

Polina - you are beautiful
Polina - you are kind
Let on a bright holiday
All your dreams will come true
Let every day shine
Sun in your eyes
And the heart, as before
Gives love!

Polina, we hasten to congratulate you, our dear girl, on your birthday! We wish you to live life as kind, beautiful and smart as it is now. May there be an easy road in life, and clouds never overshadow happiness!

Song named Polina

Polina, thanks to her charm, quite often conquers men's hearts and romances, songs and even humorous songs have been repeatedly dedicated to her. Watch the video.

Video: Alexander Shevchenko - Polina

Video: Song about Polina

Video: Polina Gagarina - Polyushka

Tattoo with the name Polina

Polina often refuses gentlemen, thereby breaking many hearts. But there comes a moment when the gentleman's sighs will not be in vain and she will reciprocate. But she presents herself in such a way that the man knows that he has a real treasure in his hands. In honor of her, a man composes poems and poems, and is ready to apply a tattoo about eternal love.

Tattoo with the name Polina

An excellent birthday present for Polina is a personalized pendant. Polina loves her name and will often wear such a unique and personalized gift.

Pendant with the name Polina in gold: photo

Polina's name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Polina is very conservative, and accepts life as it is. She does not like to be cunning and dodgy, and because of this she considers intuition useless and uses reason. Although her intuition is very developed, and if she turns to her, then luck favors her.

Polina believes in herself and her intellectual abilities. She study hard and take pride in her knowledge.

But with regard to morality, Polina has double standards. It all depends on the situation and Polina's benefits. With friends, she is friendly and cheerful, often disinterested and cheerful. With relatives, Polina is strict and demanding, but at the same time she loves her husband and children very much. But at work, especially in leadership positions, Polina is straightforward, often despotic and does not accept any excuses. If a person is objectionable to her, she says everything she thinks and this affects not only what this person thinks about her, the whole society often turns away from her.

Polina's name: hobbies, activities, business

Polina is fond of exclusively male or non-standard hobbies. This is hunting, fishing, technology, and collecting rare, unique things. Often Polina is fond of sports, but not training, but as a fan.

Polina is hardworking and diligent, responsible and diligent. They often run career ladder and become leaders. Her preferences in choosing a profession are where they earn more, “not a dusty job”, a flexible schedule to devote time to the family.

Polina decides to open her own business only when she is sure that success awaits her, and only in this way. In addition, it should be her life's work, or the direction that will help move forward humanity or the society in which she lives.

Polina's name: health and psyche

Usually Polina cannot boast of good health, and the essence of the problem lies in the nervous system. Because of self-criticism, she herself "eats" herself from the inside. She often gets tired and needs a good long sleep.

Polina's psyche is unstable, due to experiences and some nervous events in her life, her health can be shaken. Polina needs the constant support of loved ones, and giving her self-confidence.

Polina is a very sexy woman who wants to get everything in life that is possible. Often experiments before marriage, on so that no one knows about her personal life. It does not cover her either before marriage or during it. But if the beloved man is bad in bed, no matter how strong the feelings are, she will go to another man. However, this is all until Polina gets married, then she will hide, seek comfort on the side, but she will never leave her family.

Polina's name: sexuality, marriage

In marriage, Polina is a good housewife, an excellent mother, who often chooses a large number of children. And loving wife, pampers and appreciates her husband. But if she convicts him of betrayal, the bee's fate cannot be avoided. She will not leave her husband, but will make his life a torture.

What zodiac sign does the name Polina fit?

The most beneficial combination of the name Polina with the zodiac sign Capricorn. Those born during this period are the most balanced, less prone to self-criticism, sociable and know how to achieve what they want.

Pauline's talisman stones are selenite (moonstone), ruby ​​and topaz.

Ruby will bring passionate love, dignity and willpower to Polina. Ruby will heal spiritual wounds and diseases of the nervous system, and will also help to avoid problems with the spine, joints and digestive organs.

The ruby ​​also grants Polina absolute power and subjugates people. He is especially good if Polina chooses a field of activity - politics.

Talisman stone for the name Polina

Moonstone bestows modesty and purity, such women need especially those who are so critical of themselves.

Topaz gives Polina hope and prudence. It helps to avoid conflicts and quarrels, opens Polina to people and makes it possible to make friends. Topaz also protects against the evil eye.

The plant world favors Polina, poplar, poppy and lotus influence Polina especially well.

The poplar talisman symbolizes passion, youth and beauty. It also absorbs negativity, which it absorbs into itself and repels from Poli.

Lotus bestows beauty, spiritual perfection and happiness. It also helps to be spiritually reborn after hardships and suffering. In case Polina has difficult times, contemplation on the lotus will help to stay in balance.

But lotus oils help to start and keep love story, which can at any moment develop into a passionate marriage.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Polina

Poppy is useful for a young family. He will give Polina children, help preserve charm and youth. The poppy also protects Polina from witchcraft.

The totem named after Polina in the animal world is a swan and a whale. The swan symbolizes eternal love, purity, rebirth and wisdom of the elder in young body. But the whale is a symbol of power and incredible strength. And also acts as a symbol of new life, beauty and fresh ideas.

Polina totem animal

Numerology Of The Name Polina

  • body number 9
  • Hidden Spirit Number 9
  • Soul number 9

Three nines form the perfect combination of romance, impulsiveness, cheerfulness and wide love. But do not forget that the "nines" are very selfish and demanding of people. Parents who decide to name a girl by the name of Polina should know how to properly raise their daughter, Special attention give to philanthropy and the ability to control oneself.

Nickname for Polina

Appropriate pseudonyms should be applied to the noble French name Pauline. Choose pseudonyms with a French twist, such as: Geffroy, the original Zaz (ZAZ), Algarvio, etc.

Famous people, celebrities with the name Polina

Famous singers and actresses:

  • Polina Lunegova
  • Polina Gagarina
  • Polina Strepetova
  • Polina Kumanchenko
  • Pauline Viardo-Garcia
  • Polina Kutepova

Famous writers: Polina Porizkova and Polina Dashkova.

Athlete: Polina Astakhova.

Top model: Polina Kuklina.

Video: ♀ POLINA. Meaning and Interpretation of the name

Full name:

Similar names: Peacock, Pauline, Pauline, Paylan

Church name: -

Meaning: sunny, modest, small

The meaning of the name Polina - interpretation

The meaning of the name is what will accompany a person through life. Polina, like many female names, shrouded in a veil of tenderness and sublimity, associations associated with something light and weightless. But when making a choice, the girl's parents want to know exactly what is hidden behind the euphony of the syllable.

The name Pauline has two theories of origin:

  1. Greek. The Greeks were and remain fans of beautiful and speaking names. According to this version, the name Polina is an abbreviated form of the male name Apollinaris, which means "sunny". Based on this, one of the common meanings can be judged - “sunny”.
  2. French. This option brings us back to the origins - Latin, which endowed the name Paul with the meaning "small". From him, according to some linguists, the name Polina was formed, which can be interpreted as "baby", "small".

Despite the difference of opinions on this matter, linguists came to a simple conclusion - the name has two different meanings at different peoples, and the choice of possible decoding depends only on the parents of the child.

Polina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Polina

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

As a child, Polina is a wonderful child. She is calm and obedient, easily makes contact and loves communication. The girl prefers all types of recreation - she can easily spend the day reading an interesting book or engage in active games with her peers.

Thanks to her innate modesty and charm, Polya from childhood will become the soul of the company, she will gather children around her, with whom she will feel free. It is worth noting that only a respectable and open person can like her.

Polina does not like mean and deceitful people, which is the reason for her selectivity in communication. She is characterized by sociability and kindness, charm and laughter.

In adolescence, Polina is distinguished by her love of learning and a penchant for the humanities. Knowledge is easily assimilated by her, there is a desire precisely for them, and not for good grades. Innate sociability allows her to make friends and learn new things from communicating with them.

Polya excels academically. Thanks to this, she has no problems at school. Choice future profession will depend mainly on the environment, and not on the personal preferences of the girl, since Polina is able to become an equally good doctor and artist.

Polina is extremely calm emotionally. Quarrels and squabbles are unfamiliar to her, deceitful and unscrupulous people are unpleasant, which is why the circle of close friends is selected by her very carefully. The young lady is endowed with a good sense of humor and loves to laugh.

Kindness makes Polina an excellent mother and caring wife. Polinka is attentive to her loved ones and never forgets about their comfort. Due to her early emotional maturity, she easily resolves conflicts and does not allow quarrels over trifles, being the guardian of the family hearth.

IN adulthood Fields will become a completely self-sufficient woman, prone to self-criticism a little more than required, but confident and calm. This is reflected in her communication with loved ones, her ability to support in difficult times and take care of the family hearth, not forgetting her needs.

Thanks to her qualities, Polina is an excellent listener, she knows how to support with advice and sincerely rejoice at other people's achievements. There is no envy and malice in her, which makes her truly kind and sympathetic, which some people can use for selfish purposes.

Polina's character

Polinka is not prone to violent showdowns, but you shouldn’t annoy her - this is the main secret of the name, because this woman can behave contradictoryly. The lady is sociable, she has an excellent sense of humor, which everyone around notices.

In adulthood, Fields will become a person who does not like the pressure of authority. Therefore, she relies more on her own experience than on outside advice. Thus, we can talk about the integrity and independence of nature.

Polina is prone to excessive self-criticism, which at times leads to real self-flagellation, which hinders her development as a person. She also has an excessive desire to patronize, which becomes an obsession.

We are talking about an ambiguous woman who can be cold, thoughtful. Fields, unfortunately, is subject to frequent melancholy and unreasonable fears. The person who pissed her off will face a real hurricane of anger and negative emotions.

Polina's fate

The name has a significant impact on a person's life. A lot depends on it, but not everything. You can predict what awaits the girl Polina by referring to her character. Polina's defining feature is independence, so she will leave native home early enough, but will not cut off relations with parents, but will support them throughout life. Polina is not stingy to help her father and mother financially, even being financially limited to one degree or another.

She will marry early and give birth to her first child, but such a marriage, alas, will most likely be unsuccessful. The second spouse will adore her for her ability to avoid conflicts and responsible attitude to domestic issues. Polina spends a lot of time with her children and tends to be overprotective of them.

It is inherent in nepotism, so we can say that in old age, Fields will arrange all kinds of family meetings, trying to rally relatives and friends and becoming for them the center of communication and love.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Polina is not a careerist. For this, there is no vanity in her, no desire to assert herself at the expense of the professional sphere. Work will become for her only a means to achieve a comfortable life, but if the spouse copes with this on her own, she will prefer life and children.

In this regard, Polya will most likely choose a creative profession that will be similar to her hobby. Despite her penchant for both the exact sciences and the humanities, she feels more comfortable in the role of a journalist, designer, artist, artist, stylist, etc.

But thanks to her natural craving for knowledge and love for children, Polina will become an excellent physician. She does not like intrigues, she does not make enemies in the work area, for which she is highly appreciated by colleagues and acquaintances. Polinka is an excellent specialist, as she gives herself entirely to the profession, not chasing a career and a position.

Developed intuition helps Polina in promotion and making the right decisions. But the very first difficulties that interfere with the quiet and calm family life, will force her to leave her place of work in order to devote herself to children and her husband.

Marriage and family

Because of her character, Polina is unlikely to be happy in her first marriage, but the second will bring her a lot of warm emotions and pleasant moments. Since there is devotion to her husband in her, she is scrupulous and without haste when it comes to finding a man of the heart. Polya is a wonderful mother and grandmother.

She appreciates family unity and contributes to it in every possible way. She likes to spend a lot of time with children, take care of them, sometimes excessively, and monitor family life, which, however, is not easy for her. She conscientiously fulfills her maternal duties, not sparing herself.

Sex and love

Polina is capable of both passion and indifference. A woman is not indifferent to sex, but emotionally and physically faithful to her partner, in whom she does not have a soul. Polina will be capricious and demanding, reciprocating reciprocity. It is not easy to win and satisfy her, because she is very selective, she likes to test the patience of the partner she chooses. But at the same time, she is characterized by gratitude and the ability to meet the needs of the person whom she admits to her heart.

In love, the Field is revealed gradually. Emotional openness for her equals trust, so it will take some time to get closer. This woman appreciates loyalty, respect and honesty in relationships, but there is also a tendency to idealize her lover, which can later bring her a lot of grief.

Polina is ready to wait for the prince on a white horse, which manifests her selectivity. Can think for a long time, choose, discard options and look for new ones. This trait may seem arrogant to some, but Polya just wants to find a person who would fit her ideal idea of ​​​​a sincere, honest, kind and sympathetic partner.


Fields is a sickly child, getting sick more often than other children. Her most vulnerable respiratory system. Therefore, colds are not uncommon, which are quite difficult for a girl to tolerate.

In adulthood, Polina will need to rest more, so she should pay attention to leisure, team sports and don't throw them away. Frequent problems with nervous system, so Field needs to switch to something, she should not refuse a peaceful rest alone with herself and those close ones who positively affect her emotional state.

Interests and hobbies

Polina is characterized by the fact that she does not see a gender difference in hobbies - she will be equally willing to go shopping and actively cheer for her favorite football team. Perseverance is not inherent in her, but collecting stamps will become a real find for our heroine and will take her attention for a long time.

She has a need for an active lifestyle. That is why a sports team game will be chosen that will appeal to all relatives and friends.
