Research work “The influence of the Internet on teenagers. The influence of the Internet on today's youth

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Department of Education of Mangistau Region

State Institution "Beineuskaya" high school»

Title of the work: “The influence of the Internet on a teenager” Direction: Information technology,


Section: computer science

Head: Otegenova Nurgul Bazarbaevna


year 2014


Research topic : “The influence of the Internet on a teenager”

Purpose of the study: Trace the influence of the World

global computer network

The Internet on the worldview of adolescents.

Research method: Conversation, comparison, generalization,

testing, observation,

statistical data processing.

Innovation of the research: Find out: does the Internet have a positive or negative effect on teenagers?

and on society as a whole

Research stages: 1. P conducting sociological

survey, results processing;

2. Study and analysis of literature;

3. Collection and processing of material.

The result of the study: the Internet represents both worlds"

parallel to ours, in which there is enough

a lot of useful things for users, but also

there is a lot of negative stuff on the internet. I hope

that after reading my work many will think about it.

And not only teenagers, but also their parents.

Reaching people is the most important thing for

My task is for them to understand that about their

actions and actions need to be thought about.

It is necessary to understand that all our actions

are fraught with consequences, and they will manifest themselves

not today, not tomorrow, but through generations.

And how our children grow up depends

only from ourselves! A person always has

there is a choice, even if it seems that there is none.



Chapter 1. What is the Internet: good or evil?................................................. ..9

    1. Positive features influence of the Internet………………………....11

      Negative traits influence of the Internet……………………….13

Chapter 2. The use and role of the Internet in school………………………15

    1. The Internet through the eyes of a teenager…………………………………...15

      Comparative analysis of the use of the Internet by school teachers and students…………………………………………….17

      Catalog information resources used in the educational space of the school. ..........................................19



Appendix 1………………………………………………………………………………..24


We chose and this topic, because the problem of “zombie” will bother me modern youth How computer games, and the Internet in general. In this work, we conducted a study among high school students of our school and discovered a lot of new things for ourselves after learning the opinions of our peers, high school students on this issue.

We first learned what the Internet is quite recently, but we only managed to get to know it better a year ago, when we were in fourth grade. Our first impression of the Internet was positive: we worked in search engine, visited informative and educational sites and web pages, but after getting to know the Internet better, we realized that not everything, what seems good is it! After all, we think that many will agree with us that there is a lot of information on the Internet that is not only impossible to read, but even to see, especially for the younger generation. But not everything is so banal and terrible, you can find it in everything. positive sides. Of course, the Internet is the greatest and most amazing invention of the last century, with the help of which humanity has made a huge leap into the future. Gave an incentive to progress. The Internet simplifies our lives and opens up more and more opportunities for us! It is also a great help in studying and working. Now, at one moment, we can get any information we are interested in on a given topic. Contact anywhere in the world in seconds. But still, after analyzing the information we received from various sources (including the Internet), we can say that there are many negative influences.

Chapter 1. What is the Internet: good or evil?

Is the Internet evil or good? The Internet, the global network, the World Wide Web... That's it - the network and the web. The Internet entangles us, pulls us into its networks.

Of course, the Internet is evil if its presence disrupts our way of life, takes us out of real communication, complicates, or even nullifies meetings with friends, family and loved ones. We settle in it. We are losing touch with reality. The network gives us Free access to any information that satiates us and corrupts our children.

But , at the same time, think about what useful things we get from the global Internet? How does having her next to us make our lives easier?

We transmit and download the necessary information from the Internet, order goods from online stores with home delivery, get an education, hold on-line meetings, find a job, and earn money using the Internet! All this and much more is possible without leaving home! Just turn on your computer, connect it to the Internet, and get down to business.

So is the Internet evil or good?

Each person has their own answer to this question. And it depends directly on ourselves. It depends on how competently we know how to use this resource.

You can call a car evil if you use it incorrectly. Let’s say you get behind the wheel while intoxicated and create an emergency situation. A medicine can be evil if it is taken inappropriately and thereby causes harm. Still, no one is going to give up cars, much less medicines. We are learning to use it. We sign up for driving courses, get a license, and follow the traffic rules. When we are sick, we go to the doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary medicine for us, and we take it strictly according to the prescription.

It is also possible and important to learn how to use the Internet resource correctly!

Determine for what purpose you need it and use it as intended. Set a limit on the time you spend online and systematize your work on it. Try not to spend time on the Internet just because you have nothing to do. Try this method. When you want to just surf the Internet, place an hourglass next to your monitor so you can watch time pass. As with every grain of sand falling down, it becomes less and less. Perhaps this will discourage you from killing precious hours of your life online.

The Internet is a huge, convenient and accessible source of information that can satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated user. How we use it depends on ourselves, as does what it will be for us - evil or good.

1.1. Positive features of the influence of the Internet

Let's consider the advantages of the Internet. Opportunities have appeared such as making money online, a way to show off, express yourself, post your own page, written programs, etc. You can also find work through the Internet, old friends whom you lost long ago. And how nice it is to communicate with people from your city if, for example, you left there and have no opportunity to return!

On the Internet, everyone makes their own path. You decide for yourself which network services to use. If you want, you can send an email to the ends of the earth. If you want, you can leave a message for the news group: this is the name of a thematic electronic newsletter that serves as a kind of bulletin board. The possibilities of the network are truly endless. The needs and requests of those traveling on the Internet are very different. Some want to get something new software. Others are looking for certain documents they need to professional activity. Still others connect to the network to receive email. The Internet helps everyone. The World Wide Web provides a wide variety of services. There are programs running here, each of which solves a specific range of problems. Using the Internet you can even make phone calls. Of course, there are some inconveniences here: the time for such a conversation online needs to be agreed upon in advance, and the quality of communication often leaves much to be desired. However, calling via the Internet is much cheaper! A regular phone call to another country has to be paid at the international rate. In order to make calls over the Internet, you need access to the network, as well as a multimedia computer with a microphone and speakers and an appropriate program that allows you to make calls. phone conversation. Your interlocutor should have the same program. A conversation on the Internet is possible provided that the person you are calling is online. Nowadays, you can do almost everything via the Internet - make purchases, book airline tickets and hotel rooms, advertise your products and companies, communicate with the most different ways, you can find absolutely everything there, and if something isn’t there, that means it doesn’t exist at all, you can be friends and even fall in love, and that’s not all. The possibilities of the Internet are almost limitless, the only thing that the global network can never replace is the delights of live communication, the delights of letters written by the hand of a friend or loved one; sitting in front of flickering screens, you will never be able to go for a walk with friends in “real life”.

Also, millions of disabled people have the opportunity to work remotely and communicate with friends. There are huge libraries of all kinds of literature on the Internet, primarily valuable scientific literature- because ordinary books cost a lot of money, many scientists, sadly, are not able to provide themselves with the necessary literature, the Internet gives them this opportunity. Also, the Internet is truly the largest collection of information; the Internet makes it possible to learn a lot, gain a profession, or raise your skills to another level. You can also always get the latest news on a narrow or broad topic on the Internet.

Forums are the best development of humanity, and one of the most important aspects of the Internet - forums allow thousands, millions of people to communicate. They allow you to divide communication into topics and categories, so everyone communicates where they are interested. Chats and ICQ make it possible to communicate in real time, so two or more people located in different parts of the world talk as if they were standing next to each other. The Internet is a blessing!

1.2. Negative features of the influence of the Internet

The Internet gives the illusion of permissiveness, pulling out the worst in us, but what? After all, everything is possible! On the Internet there are suicide clubs, drug clubs, and clubs that train aspiring terrorists. In such clubs you can order your own death, buy a couple of sticks of dynamite, and learn how to select and inject drugs correctly.

The Internet is full of pornography. Most young people buy a modem just to access a porn site. It is easy to find sites on the Internet where videos of child pornography are freely sold. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to identify the authors of these sites, even for the intelligence services, since these non-humans register sites under dummies. In reality this is significantly less. After all, anyone can visit such a site, including children, including 13-16 years old - and what will they see? I will say on my own behalf that we need to fight this! If it is impossible to protect children and adolescents from access to this information, then it is necessary to look for other ways to solve this problem. Eliminate not the consequences, but the cause!

Children look at adults, children absorb information like a sponge - and what do they get from the Internet? Just go to some sites and you will understand everything yourself.

Hackers have appeared on the Internet, ruining everything in their path to satisfy their wounded pride; they cannot create, they can only destroy.

Long-term work at the computer negatively affects many functions of our body: higher nervous activity, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, on vision and the human musculoskeletal system... What could this mean for common man? Anything! From impaired vision to varicose veins in the legs. Honestly, you can “earn” all this without a computer, simply by leading an unbalanced lifestyle. The computer is just another link in the same chain: insufficient rest, sedentary lifestyle, inorganic nutrition, etc.

If vision and hearing can be damaged by a keyboard, mouse or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that “addicts”, something from which it is impossible to tear yourself away, something without which many can no longer imagine their lives - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or to games. First of all, it must be said right away that we are talking about sitting at a computer for many hours.

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if they are to the risk group of Internet addicted people:

    good health or euphoria at the computer;

    inability to stop;

    increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

    feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation not for


    problems with work or study.

Danger signals are also:

    obsessive desire to constantly check email;

    anticipation of the next online session;

    increasing time spent online;

    increasing the amount of money spent online.

Chapter 2. Use and role of the Internet in school

2.1. Internet through the eyes of a teenager

So, what is the Internet from a teenager's point of view?

First of all, it is a means of entertainment, and only then a source of knowledge and an assistant in study. And, to be honest, not all the second ones are used at all.

Most of Teenagers spend a huge amount of time in various chat rooms and forums, which, in their opinion, expands their horizons and worldview. But in reality this is absolutely not true!!! In some cases this already develops into addiction. But unfortunately it is impossible to prove this to the teenager himself! He must understand and realize this himself - only then is it possible to change everything!

For most teenagers, the World Wide Web is just another toy for obtaining information that interests them, useful from their point of view, but not from the point of view of adults.

Millions of people are somewhat dependent on the Internet, and these are not only teenagers, but also fully grown men and women. The Internet helps many people replace communication in real life, but is this good? Many readers will object. Naturally, this is not very good, but for many it is simply very difficult to communicate in reality. It just happens that you are not understood, you consider yourself an outcast in this society, but on the Internet you find people who have the same views as you, and life becomes easier!

But all is not lost. Not everything is as terrible as it seems at first glance. There are also those for whom the Internet is an irreplaceable assistant for acquiring knowledge. And some people still sit in libraries and get information “the old fashioned way.” Maybe this isn't so bad? Yes, of course, the Internet makes our life much easier. With one keystroke, we receive information that we could spend a lot of time looking for. And here everything is at your fingertips: any encyclopedia, reference book, rare or expensive book that you might never have bought.

From all of the above, it follows that we can only rely on the consciousness of the children themselves, on their honesty. Honesty to yourself. It would be great if everyone thought about themselves, about their actions, and what they did to make the world a better place. About how much precious time he wastes surfing the Internet doing meaningless things. Adolescence and our youth is the most wonderful time that needs to be filled with bright moments and spent profitably - to the maximum! So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly and uselessly lived years!

From time immemorial, every generation of adults sees in new technologies their tendency to destroy. Plato warned (and quite rightly): “Writing and reading will destroy oratory.” The car has taken away our ability to be contemplative. The telephone brought the epistolary genre into decline. Literature took the place of oratory. Contemplation was replaced by drama. And the epistolary genre has been revived in email.

2.2 Benchmarking of usage

Internet by school teachers and students

In order to understand in more detail the role of the Internet in the life of the school and, in particular, students in grades 6–11, we conducted some research, using our school as a platform. The computer science course is taught in strict accordance with the general education curriculum. Despite the large and serious work that is being done in the areas chosen by the school, in the field of using information technology, we can consider it as typical for schools in Kazakhstan. Currently, the school has 1 computer science classroom equipped with personal computers, as well as an Internet connection with an email address.

The purpose of our research was to clarify the following questions:

    what percentage of school students and teachers use the Internet;

    how often do you use the network?

    where you use the Internet;

    what are you using the network for?

    whether the Internet causes addiction for you;

    How do you think the Internet influences you?

    Which sites do you think are useful for a teenager?

Students in grades 5-9 and school teaching staff took part in the survey.

To the question “Do you use Internet services?” the absolute majority of students, 98%, answered “yes.” 62% see the Internet as a means of communication and quick communication, and 38% consider the Internet as a means of recreation. 72% of surveyed students regularly use Internet services, 26% rarely, and 2% do not use the Internet at all. Of the students who regularly use the Internet at home - 79%, with friends - 9%, in a club or cafe - 2%, at school - 80%. We observe the following trend among teachers: the absolute majority, 100%, use the Internet systematically for various reasons.

Accordingly, when answering the question: “How much does the Internet help you in your studies?” we received a similar result: 98% of the students surveyed respond that the information received on the Internet helps them write essays, prepare a number of creative homework assignments, and broadens their horizons.

All 100% of teachers speak very cautiously on the issue of the Internet’s help in writing various types of work, but also note its positive role for general intellectual development.

The opinions of students and teachers were absolutely identical when assessing the positive and negative impact of the Internet on our lives. Positive factors include accessibility and a large number of a variety of constantly updated information, speed and convenience of obtaining it, the possibility of virtual communication, speed of communication. Among the negative factors are inaccessibility and high cost, the possibility of infecting a computer with viruses, a large amount of imposed negative information, a negative impact on health, especially on vision, psychological dependence, the possibility of leaving the real world for the virtual world, busy telephone lines.

2.3 Catalog of information resources used in the educational space of the school.

Recently, a huge amount of work has been done to collect and systematizeeducational resources The e-Learning e-learning system is a large-scale state project included in the State Education Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020.( For many For students and teachers, it serves as the main “entry point” to the educational segment of the Internet. However, many teachers, students, parents and members of the public still remain unaware of many useful and effective Internet resources for teaching.

These circumstances determine the relevance of the task of creating and widely distributing a catalog of educational resources posted on the Internet and oriented for use in the general education system. The catalog is designed to help teachers find information resources that will improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process.

In this catalog we have collected Internet resources for general education that are used by teachers and students of our school, as well as educational resources published in mass media.

The catalog is addressed primarily to teachers and school students. At the same time, the educational resources on the Internet, links to which are given in the catalog, will be useful to parents and all those who are interested in the development of a modern school.

Thus, the conclusions that I think can be drawn from these questions are the following:

    students are very reasonable and responsible about the possibility of using the Internet for learning;

    most students view the Internet not as a game, but as a source of additional information;

    Both school students and teaching staff use the Internet quite often, as they have home connection capabilities.


Currently, the Internet is a “world” parallel to ours, in which there is a lot of useful things for users, but there is also a lot of negative things on the network. A person who “enters” the Internet for the first time usually gets a good impression of the Internet. But first impressions are deceiving! And you understand this over time. The more you work on the Internet, the more you see not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages. But, unfortunately, not everyone can understand and realize how the Internet fills our consciousness. And we can no longer distinguish between what is good and what is bad.

In the process of writing this work, I used special literature and spent a lot of time on the Internet. Which, it seems to me, helped to reveal the topic and highlight all the problems and questions. All this turned out to be quite a fascinating and educational process. I discovered a lot of new things not only about the Internet, but also about my peers.

I also conducted two sociological surveys among high school students and teachers of our school. 20 teachers and 47 students took part in the surveys. I expressed the results of my surveys in tables and diagrams. The results of these surveys clearly show what our students are most interested in and what they want to see on the Internet. You can also see here that the opinions of teachers and students regarding the usefulness and harmfulness of information on the Internet differ.

In his research work I became acquainted with the very concept of the Internet. What is he really like? I realized that there is a lot of negativity on the Internet, the fight against which is simply necessary. Today, there are methods to combat negativity online, but, unfortunately, they are ineffective. It is necessary that more radical and effective methods struggle. Ways to solve this problem depend both on the actions of the state and on the consciousness of our society.

I hope that after reading my work many will think... And not only teenagers, but also their parents. Reaching people is the most important task for me, so that they understand that they need to think about their actions and actions. It is necessary to understand that all our actions are fraught with consequences, and they will manifest themselves not today, not tomorrow, but through generations. And how our children grow up depends only on ourselves! A person always has a choice, even if it seems that there is none.

List of used literature:

1. Brown S. “Mosaic” and “World Wide Web” for access to the Internet: Trans. from English - M.: Mir: Malip: SK Press, 2005. - 167c.

2. Gilster P. New Internet navigator: Translated from English. -Kiev: Dialectics, 2007. - 495 p.

3. Eager B. Working on the Internet / Ed. A. Tikhonova; Per. from English - M.: BINOM, 1996. - 313 p.

4. KentP. Internet / Per. from English V.L. Grigorieva. - M.: Computer, UNITY, 2001. - 267 p.

5. Kolesnikov O.E. Internet for a business person. - M.: MCF. Publishing house “Yauza” company, 2006. - 281 p.

6. Krol Ed. All about the Internet: Guide and catalog / Transl. from English CM. Timacheva. - Kyiv: BNV, 2005. 591 p.

7. Levin V.K. Information protection in information computing systems and networks // Programming. - 2004. - N5. - pp. 5-16.

8. Nolden M. Your first access to the Internet: For beginner Internet users and a wide range of PC users / Ch. ed. E.V. Kondukova; Per with him. K.A. Shinder. - St. Petersburg: IKS, 2006. - 238 p.

Annex 1

Khvylya-Olinter N. A. The Internet is a factor in the value development of Russian youth // Alma mater. Herald high school. - 2016. - No. 5. - P. 104–109

The Internet in the modern world is becoming an important factor in influencing the value system of young people and the formation of extremist attitudes. The article analyzes the impact of negative information disseminated on the Internet on the younger generation of Russia. The dynamics of growth of the Internet audience and the prospects for the impact of the Internet on the value state of the country's population are shown. The risks of spreading extremist attitudes among young people through social networks. In this context, an illustrative example is the terrorist organization Daesh, banned in Russia, which actively recruits European and Russian youth, primarily on the Internet. The dynamics of the positive response of young people to the ideology of this group in European countries quite high. The article discusses possible areas of government activity to control the Internet and censor information distributed in the global network space.


Almost any type of human activity has an axiological basis, since values ​​perform a regulating and goal-setting function in an individual’s life. It is precisely the prevailing young man a system of positive and creative values ​​is capable of effectively performing a preventive role in the process of the probable formation of extremist attitudes and their subsequent implementation in everyday behavior.

Today, the problem is that the socialization of young people is under the influence of new actors who are almost impossible to censor - the Internet, social networks. The vector of their influence often becomes the most unpredictable and can lead to undesirable consequences, neutralizing the efforts of the family, the education system and the state.
For domestic science, the problem of the role of the Internet in the process of socialization of youth is relatively new. Systematic studies of the mechanisms of the influence of the Internet on the consciousness and behavior of people are quite rare, which, in light of the rapid increase in the size of the Internet audience and the practical difficulty of censoring content, is clearly not enough from the point of view of preserving the security of the country. It is obvious that our science cannot remain aloof from the study of these processes.

But few can answer the following questions based on representative data and empirical results. How can the development of the Internet be dangerous for the development of society and the maintenance state security? What threats do new Internet technologies pose to the younger generation?

The study of these problems is extremely necessary and relevant today. The absence of such developments in modern Russian science, despite their obvious relevance, is explained by the objective difficulty of conducting high-level interdisciplinary research.

The insufficient amount of empirical material often forces most researchers to limit themselves to the descriptive field, while the analysis of this phenomenon requires new approaches.

Foreign authors are relatively more focused on the accumulation and interpretation of empirical data that makes it possible to trace the nature and dynamics of the influence of the Internet on the minds of users. In this regard, we can note scientists whose work is aimed at analyzing new technologies for influencing the behavior and attitudes of the masses. There are also works devoted to the study of the dynamics of civil political culture, as well as the analysis of transformation in society under the influence of new information technologies.

The relevance of analyzing the influence of the network space on the younger generation is determined by modern threats and challenges to the national security of our country. It is known that Internet technologies are widely and successfully used for the purpose of desovereignization of states. However, there is still no general systematic methodology in the Russian Federation that reveals the mechanisms of targeted use of the Internet for anti-state purposes. Partly for this reason, a strategy to counter the corresponding threats was not developed, although, if we take into account the new Russian National Security Strategy adopted on December 31, 2015, such developments would be absolutely relevant to it.

It is not entirely correct to analyze the influence of the Internet only from the standpoint of a critical approach, since network resources contribute to the learning process, broaden the horizons of users and provide new communication opportunities. But today there is already reason to claim that the Internet is becoming a real weapon mass destruction, which is quite capable of “dehumanizing” an entire generation, transforming its values ​​and ideals, and doing this quite quickly and almost imperceptibly. Moreover, it is the Internet that foreign ideologists of “color” revolutions rely on.

On virtual space There is practically no censorship (in our country it is completely prohibited by the Constitution - see paragraph 3 of Article 29), but there are no workable mechanisms that in practice can counter the spread of negative information (immoral, manipulative, false, etc.) on networks. today, really not. Moreover, such information is skillfully disguised as something completely opposite. For example, sites containing calls for extremism can easily be positioned even as patriotic resources.


The Kaspersky Lab analytical center conducted a global study of the behavior of Russian minors on the Internet. It turned out that for the second year in a row our country leads in the number of young users turning to unwanted content, which means sites containing information about weapons, pornographic resources, and online casinos. Scientists have shown that of all the children in the world who turned to sources of negative content, 16% live in Russia. India ranks second in this indicator, and China ranks third (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Proportion of minor children accessing inappropriate content by country

To understand the complexity of the situation, you need to pay attention to the following facts. Firstly, population structure and size Russian Federation, India and China (leading countries in exposing minors to inappropriate content) varies significantly. In Russia, the population is relatively lower, as is the share of children in the population structure, but in India, on the contrary, the share of children is one of the largest in the world (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The share of children under the age of 14 years in the population structure of countries (data for the Russian Federation for 2010, for China for 2006, for India for 2012)

Secondly, in terms of the degree of Internet coverage of the population in global comparison, Russia occupies an outsider position. At the end of 2013, only 62% of Russians had the opportunity to access the Internet. Compared to other countries, this is a low figure, since in most Western countries up to 80% of the population or more is covered by the Internet: in Spain - 75%, and in the UK - 90% (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Internet penetration in countries, % of population (indicators by country are based on Internet World Stats)

Today, the state is making efforts to ensure legislative protection of children and adolescents from the aggressive influence of the Internet. For example, in September 2012, the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” came into force. This law was one of the first steps in the process of forming a system for protecting the value system of minors. However, experts point out that it contains a number of important omissions, in particular, the vagueness of the definition of the controlling entity, the insufficiently wide information spectrum to be limited, etc.

An important nuance: the destruction of the traditional value system is not a separate problem social group, for example, age, this is a problem of the entire society, the country as a whole, up to a global scale.

There are sociological studies showing that the 1990s. became a turning point in terms of the moral climate in Russian society. The population began to go wild; its negative characteristics began to prevail over the positive ones. If you reflect the results of measurements on a graph, you get a cross, as if the positive, good, moral things in us were crossed out (Fig. 4). Usually the expression “Russian cross” is usually used to characterize the demographic crisis - but now it is quite legitimate to describe the value state of Russian society.

Rice. 4. Total dynamics of positive and negative psychological characteristics Russian society(in points)

Therefore, when trying to find means to counter the growth of extremism among young people, one must understand that it is impossible to cure serious illness, “smearing a separate part of the body with brilliant green.” The whole body suffers, its condition requires diagnosis, a search for causes that are, in principle, known.


For a quarter of a century, a model of life has been actively imposed on Russia, which does not coincide with the traditions and mentality of the population. Our country was deprived of its sovereignty, its past was ridiculed, it was hooked on the “oil needle,” and it was constitutionally prohibited from having a national ideology (that is, its own unique values ​​that ensure and preserve the identity of the people). Such things deprive a nation of vitality; what could not be accomplished with weapons is accomplished at the value level, and quite successfully.

It is not surprising that the social organism produces a reaction in the form of “symptoms” of depopulation, an increase in the number of socially significant diseases (drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.), a moral crisis, and the spread of extremist attitudes. Young people are only the most striking example of the problems that society and the state are experiencing today.

Cross-cultural studies clearly show how unique the axiological profile of Russia is, how it differs from the value systems of other countries. And again the question arises, why do we still not have a state ideology? Precisely because we cannot defend positive traditional values ​​in state level. So that young people absorb everything that comes their way from the entire spectrum of “ideological diversity” (the wording of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), and do not become a full-fledged successor to the traditions and national-cultural identity of their ancestors.

Even today, when reality forms the rules dictated by ideological opponents, in the minds of the majority of Russians, including young people, according to sociological surveys, the value of family and friendship prevails over the value of success and recognition, and the values ​​of the collective mean more than the values ​​of an individual. What has been laid down over centuries is not easy to modify and destroy. It’s a different matter; in life, many act differently.

The reality is that social elevators in modern Russia they hardly work; the opportunities for advancement to status positions for most young people are minimal. Moreover, this situation is extremely unfavorable for the state. Firstly, it excludes the influx of the best young people into its ranks on the basis of fair competition, complicating the process of personnel renewal. Secondly, the younger generation, not seeing prospects, not understanding why they need to make efforts in their studies, read good books, to perform moral actions, if all this does not ultimately lead them to success, prefers to follow the path of least resistance. Young people develop an unfavorable idea of ​​the world around them and begin to behave accordingly - they become addicted, degrade, and seek themselves out in deviant groups and extremist groups.

Unfortunately, those in power are partly happy with this situation. Young people without the right value guidelines will not ask uncomfortable questions, defend their rights (to work, to a quality education, to a decent life, etc.), or to claim positions of status. But the principle “no grass will grow after us” is extremely dangerous - a system that does not receive quality updates becomes unviable and self-destructs.

However, it is impossible to brand the younger generation as completely hopeless and lost. Among its representatives there are many talented, active, strong-willed, patriotic, and morally healthy. Therefore, a crisis approach to analyzing youth is not always legitimate, but it is certainly important for assessing the country’s development prospects.

The Russian state has practically not dealt with young people for many years. The educational component has long been removed from the functional arsenal educational institutions, it was recently returned, remembering the importance of patriotism. The president even declared patriotism a national idea.

Young people are very responsive to patriotic rhetoric. Sociological research show that, despite their traditional apoliticality, the younger generation reacts with great enthusiasm to the Crimean campaign, to the demonstration of Russia's subjectivity in the foreign policy arena, demonstrating their loyalty to the authorities. Young people really want to be proud of their country. But it is important that at the same time the state takes care of its own health, overcoming negative trends in the economy, social and humanitarian spheres, in politics, etc. This, however, does not happen, which, to put it mildly, is unfair to young people. The younger generation always reacts very sensitively and sharply to such situations, issuing protests, deviations, incl. extremism.


In the absence of systemic control by the state, with the help of the Internet and social networks, negative information, including extremist information, becomes available to the general public and spreads quickly.

This is clearly visible when analyzing the growing influence of terrorist and extremist organization Daesh (formerly called ISIS or IS), prohibited in the Russian Federation by national legislation. Daesh is gaining more and more followers from all over the world, including those whose worldview, at first glance, does not coincide at all with the ideology of this group.

Among the people who joined Daesh (real or virtual) there are many representatives of European and Russian youth. According to a survey conducted in July 2014 by the British sociological agency ICM Research, in France the percentage of population support for radicals reaches 15%, and among young people (in the group from 18 to 24 years old) support reaches 27%. In Germany, where only 2% of the population sympathizes with Daesh, 10% of young people agree with their ideas.

The Center for Combating Sectarian Ideas Associated with Islam (CPDSI), created in France, has developed a socio-psychological portrait of a European jihadist. Potential followers of terrorist and extremist groups most often become middle-class European boys and girls aged 14 to 21 years who are experiencing psychological problems. Access to extremist materials they receive on the Internet, whose role in the process of recruitment into radical Islam today is enormous.

Despite the fact that Daesh is recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia, and, therefore, any of its propaganda must be immediately blocked, accounts on social networks of its militants and their sympathizers are constantly being created. Such “pages” are, of course, blocked, but the intensity of their appearance is very high.

Russia, in comparison with other comparable countries, clearly lags behind in the field of monitoring the content of Internet content and establishing the responsibility of providers for the information provided to the audience. For example, in Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Canada, providers are legally required to report sites with prohibited and even suspicious content. Sweden, Norway, Finland and New Zealand have special systems in place to filter out negative content from texts and prevent children from accessing them. Russia in protecting the younger generation from negative influence The Internet today is much inferior to Western countries.

It should be noted that there is clearly a social demand for state efforts in this area. Most Russians are confident that many Internet sites can cause harm to their visitors.

According to an all-Russian sociological survey, every second respondent noted that censorship of information on the Internet is necessary. Those interviewed explained their position using a large number of dangerous materials and sites. At the same time, every third person said that the dangers of the Internet are exaggerated, and its censorship is unacceptable (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Russians about Internet censorship

There is no state system of moral censorship in Russia. In such conditions, it is impossible to protect young people from the negative influence of the Internet and the moral system of Russian society is seriously threatened. The corresponding function actually falls only on parents, who this duty is charged by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which states that they are “obligated to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children” (Article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).

Of course, no one is going to challenge such duties and rights. But without active participation states in this matter, the implementation of these responsibilities resembles a battle with windmills. Technical means of protecting children from negative Internet content that parents can use (for example, “Parental Control”) have turned out to be of little help. According to research company McAfee, 70% of minor users are quite comfortable in bypassing established restrictions.

The need to develop a concept of law that ensures the rights and freedoms of Russians, including young people, to information that has a positive impact on their moral character and mental health, attracts the attention of not only legislators, but also scientists. A methodology is proposed for protecting individuals and society from the effects of negative information, which emphasizes the need for an active role of the state, the introduction of state regulation of the circulation of mass information and control over the Internet and the media.


The problem of preserving morality today is extremely acute, especially in connection with the rapid development of information technology and the widespread spread of media and communication. Without active work on the part of the state, it is very difficult to counter the spread of extremist attitudes.

Even the older generation, whose value system has already been formed, is not always able to navigate the flow of information and avoid negative influences. Young people are even more open to the aggressive influence of immoral and criminal Internet sources; due to their inexperience, young age, and mental instability, they much more quickly become objects of manipulation and propaganda of anti-values. In this context, the common joke “What is the meaning of life? - I can’t say now. Internet is disabled."


Research related to the topic is carried out mainly in relation to the media, but there are some authors who focus in their works on the Internet as a tool for shaping certain, for example, political, attitudes of Russians (for example, Zagursky I.I., Peskov D.N., Chugunov A.V., Shevchenko I.A., etc.). Among modern domestic scientists who have analyzed the information problem in modern society in sufficient detail, we can note M.S. Vershinin, E.G. Dyakova, E.V. Karaseva, V.I. Kravchenko, I.V. Melyukhina, O.V. Titorenko. , Shevchenko A.V., who studied the communication space.

DeFleur M. L. & Ball-Rokeach S. J. Theories of mass communication. N. Y., 1989

A. Thornton, J. Keene, M. DeFleur, J. Clapper et al.

Almond G. A., Verba S. 1989. The Civic Culture. Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations. - Newbury Park

The works of S. Verba and A. Almond are devoted to the dynamics of civil political culture. An analysis of transformations in society under the influence of new information technologies is presented in the works of J. Galbraith, W. Benjamin, W. Rostow, D. Riesman.

Sulakshin S., Novikov D., Khvylya-Olinter N., Gaganov A. Problematic agenda of modern Russia. Science and politics. Moscow, 2015. pp. 111–114

Sulakshin S.S., Sazonova E.S., Khvylya-Olinter A.I. Public policy protection of morality and the media. Workbook legislator. M.: Science and Politics, 2014. - 360 p. pp. 131–158

A. V. Yurevich, M. A. Yurevich. Dynamics of the psychological state of Russian society: expert assessment // Morality of modern Russian society: psychological analysis / Rep. ed. A. L. Zhuravlev, A. V. Yurevich. - M.: Publishing house "Institute of Psychology RAS", 2012. P. 21–41

Russia is a unique country, with thousand years of history, the strongest moral, religious and value traditions. It has always been and remains an irritant for the Western world, because its values ​​are categorically and fundamentally incompatible with the coordinate system in which the Western world exists and which was offered to us as a model by neoliberals after the collapse of the USSR: collectivism was artificially replaced by individualism, the value of family and childbirth - to passion and debauchery, empathy - to indifference and contempt, etc.

Our specificity is manifested, among other things, at the level of language, a unique source of memory for generations. For example, the frequency of Russians using the words “give, give, give,” which contain a meaning opposite to acquisition, is very high. Moreover, they are used not only in their direct meaning, but also in various speech patterns - “let’s do it,” “let’s eat,” “let’s give it,” etc. Here is another example. In Russian there are only two thousand words to express individual personality traits, in German - four, and in English - seventeen thousand. At the linguistic level, there is a call for community, self-giving, which sets the appropriate attitude from childhood, however, in the modern world it is harshly suppressed.

It is the Internet that is becoming the main conduit for the ideas of radical terrorists among young people. Active propaganda work is carried out online: militants broadcast military episodes, announce photographs of victims, disseminate news about the construction of the caliphate, call for contributions to support the organization and invite recruits. For this purpose, such popular resources among young people as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and others are used. In them, specially trained people use a “net” to catch young people who meet them according to various criteria.

The survey was conducted in September 2014 using a representative all-Russian sample among 1630 people aged 18 years and older in 134 populated areas 46 regions of the country. Cm.:

Republican scientific-practical conference schoolchildren

"First steps into science"

Direction: Information Technology,


Job title: The influence of the Internet on a teenager

Place of work: Yashkul district

Chilgir village

Municipal educational institution "Chilgir Secondary School"

Supervisor: Bogaeva A.S., computer science teacher




Chapter 1. What is the Internet: good and evil?................................................. .......5

    1. Positive features of the influence of the Internet……………………....5

      Negative features of the influence of the Internet……………………….7

Chapter 2. The use and role of the Internet in school……………………….9

    1. The Internet through the eyes of a teenager………………………………………………………9

      Comparative analysis of the use of the Internet by school teachers and students…………………………………………….10

      Catalog of information resources used in the educational space of the school……………………………12



Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………17

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………………………20


I chose this topic because I am concerned about the problem of “zombifying” modern youth both by computer games and the Internet in general. In this work, I conducted a study among high school students at our school and discovered a lot of new things for myself after learning the opinions of my peers on this issue.

Goal of the work:

To trace the influence of the World Global Computer Network Internet on the worldview of adolescents. Reveal the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the Internet on the younger generation. Reflect the influence of individual components of the Internet on the psyche of adolescents.

Job task:

Find out whether the Internet has a positive or negative effect on both teenagers and society as a whole.

Object of study: Internet as a means of obtaining information.

Item research: demand for Internet information by school students and teachers.

Hypothesis: School students and teachers systematically use the Internet in the educational process.

Research methods:






    Statistical data processing.

Research bases: students of grades 6-11, school teachers

Research stages:

Stage I – conducting a sociological survey, processing the results;

Stage II – study and analysis of literature;

Stage III – collection and processing of material.

The work consists from an introduction, two chapters, a bibliography (8 titles), an appendix (2 titles) and a conclusion.

The first time I learned what the Internet is was quite recently, three years ago, but I only managed to get to know it better a year ago, when I was in tenth grade. My first impression of the Internet was positive: we worked in a search engine, visited cognitive and educational sites and web pages, but after getting to know the Internet better, I realized that not everything, what seems good is it! After all, I think many will agree with me that there is a lot of information on the Internet that is not only impossible to read, but even to see, especially for the younger generation. But not everything is so banal and terrible, you can find positive sides in everything. Of course, the Internet is the greatest and most amazing invention of the last century, with the help of which humanity has made a huge leap into the future. Gave an incentive to progress. The Internet simplifies our lives and opens up more and more opportunities for us! It is also a great help in studying and working. Now, at one moment, we can get any information we are interested in on a given topic. Contact anywhere in the world in seconds. But still, having analyzed the information I received from various sources (including the Internet), I can say that there are many negative influences.

Chapter 1. What is the Internet: good or evil?

What is the Internet? “The Internet is a global computer network, a network that provides enormous freedom to users” is one of the official formulations. Sounds good - BUT - is it true? The Internet was a computer network at a time when barely 100,000 people used it. Now this is something more than the Network. Does it give such freedoms? Yes, initially it did, there is an echo of freedom even now, but at the time of the birth of the Internet there was much more of it. The Internet has become a source of various information. Freedom. Everyone rushed there, but there are people in power who realized that if left to chance, the Internet will destroy humanity - and control bodies appeared - which warn, observe, prohibit and create rules.

1.1. Positive features of the influence of the Internet

Let's consider the advantages of the Internet. Opportunities have appeared such as making money online, a way to show off, express yourself, post your own page, written programs, etc. You can also find work through the Internet, old friends whom you lost long ago. And how nice it is to communicate with people from your city if, for example, you left there and have no opportunity to return!

On the Internet, everyone makes their own path. You decide for yourself which network services to use. If you want, you can send an email to the ends of the earth. If you want, you can leave a message for the news group: this is the name of a thematic electronic newsletter that serves as a kind of bulletin board. The possibilities of the network are truly endless. The needs and requests of Internet travelers are very different. Some want to get new software. Others are looking for certain documents they need for their professional activities. Still others connect online to receive email. The Internet helps everyone. The World Wide Web provides a wide variety of services. There are programs running here, each of which solves a specific range of problems. Using the Internet you can even make phone calls. Of course, there are some inconveniences here: the time for such a conversation online needs to be agreed upon in advance, and the quality of communication often leaves much to be desired. However, calling via the Internet is much cheaper! A regular phone call to another country has to be paid at the international rate. In order to make calls over the Internet, you need access to the network, as well as a multimedia computer with a microphone and speakers and an appropriate program that allows you to conduct a telephone conversation. Your interlocutor should have the same program. A conversation on the Internet is possible provided that the person you are calling is online. Nowadays, you can do almost everything via the Internet - make purchases, book airline tickets and hotel rooms, advertise your products and companies, communicate in a variety of ways, you can find absolutely everything there, and if something is not there, then it does not exist at all , you can be friends and even fall in love, and that’s not all. The possibilities of the Internet are almost limitless, the only thing that the global network can never replace is the delights of live communication, the delights of letters written by the hand of a friend or loved one; sitting in front of flickering screens, you will never be able to go for a walk with friends in “real life”.

Also, millions of disabled people have the opportunity to work remotely and communicate with friends. There are huge libraries of all kinds of literature on the Internet, scientific literature is primarily valuable - because... ordinary books cost a lot of money, many scientists, sadly, are not able to provide themselves with the necessary literature, the Internet gives them this opportunity. Also, the Internet is truly the largest collection of information; the Internet makes it possible to learn a lot, gain a profession, or raise your skills to another level. You can also always get the latest news on a narrow or broad topic on the Internet.

Forums are the best development of humanity, and one of the most important aspects of the Internet - forums allow thousands, millions of people to communicate. They allow you to divide communication into topics and categories, so everyone communicates where they are interested. Chats and ICQ make it possible to communicate in real time, so two or more people located in different parts of the world talk as if they were standing next to each other. The Internet is a blessing!

1.2. Negative features of the influence of the Internet

The Internet gives the illusion of permissiveness, pulling out the worst in us, but what? After all, everything is possible! On the Internet there are suicide clubs, drug clubs, and clubs that train aspiring terrorists. In such clubs you can order your own death, buy a couple of sticks of dynamite, and learn how to select and inject drugs correctly.

The Internet is full of pornography. Most young people buy a modem just to access a porn site. It is easy to find sites on the Internet where videos of child pornography are freely sold. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to identify the authors of these sites, even for the intelligence services, since these non-humans register sites under dummies. In reality this is significantly less. After all, anyone can visit such a site, including children, including 13-16 years old - and what will they see? I will say on my own behalf that we need to fight this! If it is impossible to protect children and adolescents from access to this information, then it is necessary to look for other ways to solve this problem. Eliminate not the consequences, but the cause!

Children look at adults, children absorb information like a sponge - and what do they get from the Internet? Just go to some sites and you will understand everything yourself.

Hackers have appeared on the Internet, ruining everything in their path to satisfy their wounded pride; they cannot create, they can only destroy.

Long-term work at a computer negatively affects many functions of our body: higher nervous activity, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, vision and the human musculoskeletal system... What can this mean for an ordinary person? Anything! From impaired vision to varicose veins in the legs. Honestly, you can “earn” all this without a computer, simply by leading an unbalanced lifestyle. The computer is just another link in the same chain: insufficient rest, sedentary lifestyle, inorganic nutrition, etc.

If vision and hearing can be damaged by a keyboard, mouse or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that “addicts”, something from which it is impossible to tear yourself away, something without which many can no longer imagine their lives - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or to games. First of all, it must be said right away that we are talking about sitting at a computer for many hours.

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if they are to the risk group of Internet addicted people:

    good health or euphoria at the computer;

    inability to stop;

    increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

    feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation not for


    problems with work or study.

Danger signals are also:

    obsessive desire to constantly check email;

    anticipation of the next online session;

    increasing time spent online;

    increasing the amount of money spent online.

Chapter 2. Use and role of the Internet in school

2.1. Internet through the eyes of a teenager

So, what is the Internet from a teenager's point of view?

First of all, it is a means of entertainment, and only then a source of knowledge and an assistant in study. And, to be honest, not all the second ones are used at all.

Most teenagers spend a huge amount of time in various chat rooms and forums, which, in their opinion, expands their horizons and worldview. But in reality this is absolutely not true!!! In some cases this already develops into addiction. But unfortunately it is impossible to prove this to the teenager himself! He must understand and realize this himself - only then is it possible to change everything!

For most teenagers, the World Wide Web is just another toy for obtaining information that interests them, useful from their point of view, but not from the point of view of adults.

Millions of people are somewhat dependent on the Internet, and these are not only teenagers, but also fully grown men and women. The Internet helps many people replace communication in real life, but is this good, many readers will object. Naturally, this is not very good, but for many it is simply very difficult to communicate in reality. It just happens that you are not understood, you consider yourself an outcast in this society, but on the Internet you find people who have the same views as you, and life becomes easier!

But all is not lost. Not everything is as terrible as it seems at first glance. There are also those for whom the Internet is an irreplaceable assistant for acquiring knowledge. And some people still sit in libraries and get information “the old fashioned way.” Maybe this isn't so bad? Yes, of course, the Internet makes our life much easier. With one keystroke, we receive information that we could spend a lot of time looking for. And here everything is at your fingertips: any encyclopedia, reference book, rare or expensive book that you might never have bought.

From all of the above, it follows that we can only rely on the consciousness of the children themselves, on their honesty. Honesty to yourself. It would be great if everyone thought about themselves, about their actions, and what they have done to make the world a better place. About how much precious time he wastes surfing the Internet doing meaningless things. Adolescence and our youth is the most wonderful time that needs to be filled with bright moments and spent profitably - to the maximum! So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly and uselessly lived years!

From time immemorial, every generation of adults sees in new technologies their tendency to destroy. Plato warned (and quite rightly): “Writing and reading will destroy oratory.” The car has taken away our ability to be contemplative. The telephone brought the epistolary genre into decline. Literature took the place of oratory. Contemplation was replaced by drama. And the epistolary genre has been revived in email.

2.2 Benchmarking of usage

Internet by school teachers and students

In order to understand in more detail the role of the Internet in the life of the school and, in particular, students in grades 6–11, we conducted some research, using our school as a platform. The computer science course is taught in strict accordance with the general education curriculum. Despite the large and serious work that is being done in the areas chosen by the school, in the field of using information technology, we can consider it as typical for Russian schools. Currently, the school has 1 computer science classroom equipped with personal computers based on Pentium 4 processors, as well as an Internet connection with an email address.

The purpose of our research was to clarify the following questions:

    what percentage of school students and teachers use the Internet;

    how often do you use the network?

    where you use the Internet;

    what are you using the network for?

    whether the Internet causes addiction for you;

    How do you think the Internet influences you?

    Which sites do you think are useful for a teenager?

Students in grades 6-11 and school teaching staff took part in the survey.

To the question “Do you use Internet services?” the absolute majority of students, 98%, answered “yes.” 62% see the Internet as a means of communication and quick communication, and 38% consider the Internet as a means of recreation. 72% of surveyed students regularly use Internet services, 26% rarely, and 2% do not use the Internet at all. Of the students who regularly use the Internet at home - 79%, with friends - 9%, in a club or cafe - 2%, at school - 10%. We observe the following trend among teachers: the absolute majority, 100%, use the Internet systematically for various reasons.

Accordingly, when answering the question: “How much does the Internet help you in your studies?” we received a similar result: 98% of the students surveyed respond that the information received on the Internet helps them write essays, prepare a number of creative homework assignments, and broadens their horizons.

All 100% of teachers speak very cautiously on the issue of the Internet’s help in writing various types of work, but also note its positive role for general intellectual development.

The opinions of students and teachers were absolutely identical when assessing the positive and negative impact of the Internet on our lives. Among the positive factors are the availability and a large amount of various constantly updated information, the speed and convenience of obtaining it, the possibility of virtual communication, and the speed of communication. Among the negative factors are inaccessibility and high cost, the possibility of infecting a computer with viruses, a large amount of imposed negative information, a negative impact on health, especially on vision, psychological dependence, the possibility of leaving the real world for the virtual world, busy telephone lines.

2.3 Catalog of information resources used in the educational space of the school.

Recently, a huge amount of work has been done to collect and systematizeeducational resources on federal educational portals, the main onewhich is the portal “Russian Education” (http :// www . edu . ru ). For many For students and teachers, it serves as the main “entry point” to the educational segment of the Internet. However, many teachers, students, parents and members of the public still remain unaware of many useful and effective Internet resources for teaching.

These circumstances determine the relevance of the task of creating and widely distributing a catalog of educational resources posted on the Internet and oriented for use in the general education system. The catalog is designed to help teachers find information resources that will improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process.

In this catalog (Appendix 1) we have collected Internet resources for general education that are used by teachers and students of our school, as well as educational resources published in the media.

The catalog is addressed primarily to teachers and school students. At the same time, the educational resources on the Internet, links to which are given in the catalog, will be useful to parents and all those who are interested in the development of a modern school.

Thus, the conclusions that I think can be drawn from these questions are the following:

    students are very reasonable and responsible about the possibility of using the Internet for learning;

    most students view the Internet not as a game, but as a source of additional information;

    Both school students and teaching staff use the Internet quite often, as they have home connection capabilities.


Currently, the Internet is a “world” parallel to ours, in which there is a lot of useful things for users, but there is also a lot of negative things on the network. A person who “enters” the Internet for the first time usually gets a good impression of the Internet. But first impressions are deceiving! And you understand this over time. The more you work on the Internet, the more you see not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages. But, unfortunately, not everyone can understand and realize how the Internet fills our consciousness. And we can no longer distinguish between what is good and what is bad.

In the process of writing this work, I used special literature and spent a lot of time on the Internet. Which, it seems to me, helped to reveal the topic and highlight all the problems and questions. All this turned out to be quite a fascinating and educational process. I discovered a lot of new things not only about the Internet, but also about my peers.

I also conducted two sociological surveys among high school students and teachers of our school. 20 teachers and 47 students took part in the surveys. I expressed the results of my surveys in tables and diagrams. The results of these surveys clearly show what our students are most interested in and what they want to see on the Internet. You can also see here that the opinions of teachers and students regarding the usefulness and harmfulness of information on the Internet differ.

In my research work, I became acquainted with the very concept of the Internet. What is he really like? I realized that there is a lot of negativity on the Internet, the fight against which is simply necessary. Today, there are methods to combat negativity online, but, unfortunately, they are ineffective. It is necessary that more radical and effective methods of struggle be undertaken in the near future. Ways to solve this problem depend both on the actions of the state and on the consciousness of our society.

I hope that after reading my work many will think... And not only teenagers, but also their parents. Reaching people is the most important task for me, so that they understand that they need to think about their actions and actions. It is necessary to understand that all our actions are fraught with consequences, and they will manifest themselves not today, not tomorrow, but through generations. And how our children grow up depends only on ourselves! A person always has a choice, even if it seems that there is none.

List of used literature:

1. Brown S. “Mosaic” and “World Wide Web” for access to the Internet: Trans. from English - M.: Mir: Malip: SK Press, 2005. - 167c.

2. Gilster P. New Internet navigator: Translated from English. -Kiev: Dialectics, 2007. - 495 p.

3. Eager B. Working on the Internet / Ed. A. Tikhonova; Per. from English - M.: BINOM, 1996. - 313 p.

4. KentP. Internet / Per. from English V.L. Grigorieva. - M.: Computer, UNITY, 2001. - 267 p.

5. Kolesnikov O.E. Internet for a business person. - M.: MCF. Publishing house “Yauza” company, 2006. - 281 p.

6. Krol Ed. All about the Internet: Guide and catalog / Transl. from English CM. Timacheva. - Kyiv: BNV, 2005. 591 p.

7. Levin V.K. Information protection in information computing systems and networks // Programming. - 2004. - N5. - pp. 5-16.

8. Nolden M. Your first access to the Internet: For beginner Internet users and a wide range of PC users / Ch. ed. E.V. Kondukova; Per with him. K.A. Shinder. - St. Petersburg: IKS, 2006. - 238 p.

Annex 1

Catalog of educational resources used in school

    Federal portal "Russian Education"

    Publishing house "Drofa"

    Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye"

    Portal “5points” (education news, Russian universities, tests, abstracts)

    Profile training in high school

    All universities in Russia: a guide for applicants

    BioDat: information and analytical site about the nature of Russia and ecology regional studies portal

    English at school

    Computer science and information technology: website of the Informatics Laboratory of MIOO

    • Materials for computer science lessons (O.A. Tuzova, St. Petersburg, school No. 550)

      Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics, Multimedia and CAD

UDC: 30.308, 30.304, 004.5

Teryakova Anna Sergeevna

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bobrova I.I.

Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after. G. I. Nosova

Institute of History, Philology and Foreign Languages

We live in a time when the value of high technology is very high. The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It has taken over absolutely all spheres of life. At present it is impossible to imagine any mobile device or a computer without the Internet. Sometimes you wonder how people lived without it just a few years ago and how they managed to get used to it in such a short time.

The relevance of the topic of this article is that there are more and more social networks. Today they have taken everything free time youth and children. According to statistics, approximately 50% of all Russians are registered in one of the social networks. According to domestic scientists, 96% of teenagers communicate via the Internet.

The monitoring agency “News Effector” conducted a study to find out the degree of dependence of Russians on the Internet. Of 7,800 respondents aged 18 to 55 throughout Russia, 61% of people claim that the amount of time they spend on the Internet is constantly increasing; 30% of respondents admitted that they surf the Internet to kill time, i.e. without a specific goal. About 78% of Russians have a positive attitude towards the Internet. At the same time, 5% are extremely negative.

That is why some scientists are seriously studying the problem of Internet addiction and, in particular, addiction to social networks. This “disease” is studied by such scientists as K. Young, M.A. Shatalina, James Barsons and others. Internet addiction is of scientific interest to a wide range of scientists, but despite this, issues related to this area have not been sufficiently studied and described in textbooks and other scientific literature.

Every day, millions of people spend their free time on the Internet: looking for work, meeting new people, communicating with friends and colleagues, looking for the necessary information, sharing their knowledge with others and gaining new ones. Nowadays you rarely see young people reading newspapers or watching the news. Most people are accustomed to the fact that any information they need can be found on the Internet and they do not need to make a huge effort to do so. For example, you don’t need to go to the library and sit there, sorting through literature. You can sit at home at your computer with a cup of tea, write what you need into the search bar and the Internet will give you a thousand results.

About the fact internet addiction It also says that more than half of youth need to log into a website at least once a day, and nearly a quarter of teens say they log into social media several times a day (from a report published on the website).

A person runs away from his problems and goes straight to social networks, where he can forget about it and make up his own mind. new life, a new name, to “get rid” of any of your complexes. A person begins to perceive his “ideal world” as part of reality and does not see boundaries between them. Man creates new image himself, attributing to himself qualities that he may not have at all in life. For example, a modest, reserved person on a social network can position himself as a sociable, sociable person. In the virtual world, a person can position himself as a self-sufficient person who does not need anything; he can also meet, as it seems to him, his soulmate, who may be very far from him. Often this “virtual image” has nothing to do with the person himself, who is looking on social networks for what he lacks in real life, so this “ ideal life"becomes more valuable to him than the real thing.

Many young people cannot do without virtual communication, completely forgetting about communication in real life. Very often you can observe such a picture when people sit without stopping on their phones, for example, in public transport, on the street, even when meeting with friends. Over time, a certain reflex is developed, a person begins to constantly check his mail in the hope that someone will write to him or visit his page. A person begins to depend on it. It becomes important for him not only to show how he lives, but also to see how others live. Now young people have begun to take photographs not for a memorable album in which they can save important moments in their lives, but in order to post it all on a social network, then see who liked your photos and read comments from friends and acquaintances. Acquaintances or friends post photos from a wedding, from a prom, from trips, curiosity begins to overcome, no one wants to miss interesting news or learn something new from the lives of friends. Looking through one photo after another, one page, a second, a third, a person forgets about time.

Today, there are such “devoted” users who are on social networks around the clock. In the morning at work or school, the first thing they do is check their email, sometimes devoting more time to this than to their main task. On the way home or to work, in line, while eating, they use a phone or, for example, a tablet to access social networks. In the evening, when they come home, they sit down at the computer again and in the morning everything starts all over again. It is worth noting that such people really like to cover their entire lives on social networks, namely with the help of statuses. Statuses change not only depending on the type of activity, for example “eating”, “sleeping”, “going to work”, but it also depends on the emotional experiences of this person. The above-described human condition is partly reminiscent of addiction to alcohol or, for example, drugs; based on this, we can say that addiction to social networks is a disease of young people.

The article by K. Young “Diagnosis – Internet Addiction” provides statistics based on survey data. It shows that about 54% of Internet addicts are not going to reduce their time spent online, knowing that it is harmful to their health and psyche. Some of them think that they will no longer be able to get rid of this bad habit. The remaining 46% tried to get rid of addiction, but were unsuccessful. At first they tried to limit the time they could spend on the Internet, but they were unable to control themselves, then they threw away modems, cut wires, but after a while they found themselves online again, realizing that they could not live without the Internet.

Constantly being on social networks is not the best activity for our brain. This cannot be called some kind of full-fledged mental work. A person simply spends his free time aimlessly; instead, he could, for example, read a book or go out with friends. When looking through friends' news feeds or their photos, a person does it quickly and does not really think about the incoming flow of information.

Also, posting information about yourself to the public, for example, your number mobile phone, your age, address, personal photographs, a person can fall into the trap of scammers. Attackers can hack your account and get the information they need from your correspondence with your parents, friends or acquaintances.

Despite all the negative aspects of being on social networks, there are also positive aspects. But first of all, you need to know when to stop and use it wisely. There is nothing wrong with meeting and communicating with new people on social networks; you can find like-minded people and chat on common topics, find your relatives, listen to music or watch movies. Communication on the Internet can increase a person’s self-esteem and importance. The main thing is not to forget that this is only secondary communication, and the main thing is communication in real life.

In conclusion, it should be noted that social networks are taking up more and more of young people’s time; they are replacing real communication and hobbies. Despite the fact that there are positive aspects, it should be noted that social networks most often have a bad effect on studies and the learning process itself, but there are exceptions. Therefore, you should control the amount of time you spend on the Internet; it is important to know the limit and not cross it, otherwise it will turn against you.

List of sources:

  1. 1. Nesterova G.V. The influence of the Internet and social networks on young people (using the example of students of Yerevan State University named after I.A. Bunin).[Electronic resource] - Access mode -URL
  2. Shumakova E.V. Educational space of social networks of the Internet // Professional education. Capital. - 2011. - No. 6.
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INTERNET (Internet - inter + net - networking) is a worldwide computer network that unites millions of computers into a single information system. The Internet provides the broadest opportunities for freely receiving and distributing scientific, business, educational and entertainment information. The global network connects almost all major scientific and government organizations in the world, universities and business centers, news agencies and publishing houses, forming a gigantic repository of data on all branches of human knowledge. Virtual libraries, archives, news feeds contain a huge amount of text, graphic, audio and video information. Top rating of online casinos

The Internet has become an inseparable part of modern civilization. Rapidly breaking into the spheres of education, trade, communications, services, it gives rise to new forms of communication and learning, commerce and entertainment. The “Network Generation” is a real socio-cultural phenomenon of our days. For its representatives, the Internet has long become a familiar and convenient life partner. Humanity is entering a new - informational - stage of its development, and network technologies play a huge role in it.

Today's youth view the Internet as the main source of information and the main means of communication. Basically, young people go online to search for useful information, news and work, communicate with friends, download music and movies, and make purchases in online stores. Researchers from the analytical company IDC came to this conclusion based on the results of a survey of residents.

I would like to “dig” deeper and find out the opinion of the youth themselves, what they think, what their priorities are. To do this, let us turn to a survey conducted by American sociologists. The survey was conducted in three countries: Russia, the USA and Brazil.

It turned out that the Internet evokes almost entirely positive emotions in modern teenagers. It has been described as “fun”, “essential”, “safe”, “connective”, “convenient”. While respondents defined television, first of all, as “inconvenient” and “boring.” However, American teenagers did not speak out so categorically about television in their country, unlike their peers in Russia and Brazil.

Of course, different cultures leave their mark, and in each of the three countries, teenagers use the Internet differently. In the US and Russia, respondents tend to go online every day, while young Brazilians are much less likely to do so. In the USA and Brazil, young people more often use the Internet to make purchases in online stores and at online auctions, in Russia larger number teenagers consider the Internet a source of news information.

The Internet is becoming for the current generation what television was for the previous one. The only difference is how much more functional the Network is - in addition to being a source of news and entertainment, for example, it is also a huge online store. The main advantages of the Internet are its communicative component and social nature. The Internet makes it possible to communicate in a variety of formats, from video seminars to network game, and also provides endless opportunities for self-expression and social adaptation - from the author’s blog to online consultations with doctors and teachers.

But, despite all the good and useful things that the Internet brings, we must not forget about spam and viruses. What is the opinion of young people about the safety of the Internet? In this age group, as a rule, there is no understanding of the potential dangers of the Internet or its connection with antisocial behavior. According to the study, only those young people who have never used the Internet associate the Internet with risk and danger.

The study gives us reason to draw a conclusion about the importance of the Internet for young people.
