Kinesiotherapy exercises for spinal hernia. Treatment of spinal hernia using the Bubnovsky method

How effective is the treatment? cervical region spine without surgery? Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky, official and traditional medicine have their own answers to this question.

This article is addressed primarily to men aged 25 and older. For those who constantly sit: in a management chair, in the office and at home at the computer, behind the wheel of a car.

According to US statistics, every two thousand people on Earth have a herniated cervical spine, and most of them are men. The most effective ways treatments and their costs, review folk remedies and advice from those who managed to help their neck - all the information is presented here. How effective is treatment of the cervical spine without surgery? , reviews, and

When the spine runs out of patience, a hernia appears

The neck can be called a checkpoint between the brain and the rest of the body. In this narrowest place of our body they gather major arteries, supplying the central nervous system with nutrition and oxygen. Nerve processes passing through the cervical region coordinate the functioning of the spinal cord and brain.

The vertebrae of the cervical spine are the smallest and most fragile; they always support a heavy (3-5 kg) head. Shock absorption and plasticity during its movements are provided by intervertebral discs, consisting of cartilage tissue (annulus fibrosus) with a jelly-like fluid inside (nucleus pulposus).

Constant tension and mobility of the intervertebral discs must be ensured good nutrition and fast metabolism. But, not having their own blood vessels, the discs absorb everything they need from the surrounding tissues.

This is important to remember: the process of nutrition of intervertebral discs requires the following conditions:

  • A sufficient amount of nutrition and fluid in the bone tissue from which they are absorbed. Discs need everything: fluid, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins.
  • Rhythmic physical activity: when the disc contracts, metabolic products are released from it, and when it expands, nutrients are drawn in. The optimal mode of exercise for powering the discs is walking, swimming; 1.5-2 hours a day is enough to satiate them. A person's sedentary lifestyle is a starvation diet for his intervertebral discs.
  • Smoking significantly limits the nutrition of the vertebrae, causing spasms of blood vessels in this area.

Formation of a herniated disc (top view)

Being without nutrition in constant movement and tension, the spinal discs of the cervical spine are depleted: they lose water, elasticity and begin to flatten. The figure shows the process of their deformation. Pressure from neighboring vertebrae is exerted on the weakened disc; the jelly-like fluid of the core presses against the fibrous ring, forming a kind of protrusion - protrusion. In the cramped cervical region, this pathology already causes problems: dizziness, headaches and discomfort in the upper back. This is how the body gives a signal: the spine is hungry, you need to change your lifestyle. If the owner of the protrusion ignores this signal, the disc continues to flatten until, under the pressure of the jelly-like pulp, the disc ring bursts and the fluid leaks out: an intervertebral hernia appears, and with it problems for the rest of life.

Symptoms and diagnosis

All symptoms of a cervical hernia are associated with the fact that the emerging tumor begins to put pressure on nearby muscles with any careless movement, tilting or turning the head. It causes muscle spasms that compress blood vessels. In this case, the artery becomes narrowed (stenosis), and the brain receives insufficient nutrition. Dizziness and headaches begin. The hernia also causes inflammation of the muscles with pain in the neck, shoulder and back. If it touches the nerve roots, the functions of those organs to which impulses go are disrupted. Depending on the “place of birth” of the hernia, various functional abilities are impaired. (See picture).

Schemes of a healthy spine and cervical spine with a hernia

  1. Between the C2-C3 vertebrae there is rarely a rupture of the spinal disc; it is accompanied by curvature of the neck, increased sweating on the head, nervousness leading to panic attacks, and the tongue often goes numb.
  2. C3-C4 – here the nerve root associated with the jaw is affected, problems with vision, hearing and taste begin.
  3. C4-C5 - a hernia on this disc causes constant headaches, inflammation of the ear and nasopharynx. The arms become weak, it is difficult to lift them at the same time; pain from the neck spreads to the shoulders, collarbones, shoulder blades, but numbness of the limbs is not observed.
  4. C5-C6 - pathology in this department causes throat diseases, numbness and tingling in the pads of the fingers.
  5. C6-C7 – protrusion and hernia here leads to a change in voice, shortness of breath, fingers bend poorly, and the handshake weakens.
  6. C7-T1 - here in this place the intervertebral hernia causes a constant cough, bronchial diseases, pain in the joints of the shoulders: it is difficult to bend and straighten the arms at the elbows, the hands go numb.

The hernia most often breaks out in the area of ​​the C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7 discs. Its symptoms: dizziness with nausea, vomiting and impaired coordination; sharp pain in the spine and neck; tinnitus and blurred vision can be mistaken for manifestations of hypertension or neuralgia, heart failure. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis: a therapist, a neurologist, a vertebroneurologist. Instrumental methods play a leading role in the diagnosis of diseases.

  • X-ray: pictures are taken in two projections: front view and side view: protrusions and hernias are not visible on them, but they diagnose the condition of the bones, the degree of their degeneration (destruction).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is a three-dimensional image of the area under study. She gives the most full information about a hernia of the cervical spine: its location, size, internal structure. In the MRI image, both the spinal cord with nerve roots and nearby soft tissues are available for analysis. To diagnose this disease, it is absolutely necessary, although it is one of the most expensive diagnostic methods. An MRI of the cervical spine costs an average of 5,500 rubles.

This is what a hernia looks like on an MRI image taken in a sagittal (i.e. vertical) view.

Description: MRI No. 19 recorded a dorsal (from the Latin “dorsum” - “back”) hernia, which formed between the C5-C6 vertebrae, disrupted the spinal canal and put pressure on the spinal cord. MRI No. 20 shows a hernia in the area of ​​the C5-C6 vertebrae, so far without compression on the spinal cord; there is a protrusion in the C6-C7 area.

  • Computed tomography is the same as an x-ray, only providing a layer-by-layer volumetric image. CT shows bone structures well, but shows soft tissues worse: brain, muscles, ligaments, nerve endings. For pathologies such as hernia, MRI is more effective than CT.
  • Invasive CT myelography is performed if there is a suspicion of herniation pressure on the spinal cord, which can lead to paralysis. To see this, a contrast agent is injected. This diagnosis is carried out in a hospital.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is a catastrophe with serious consequences for the body

  1. Somatic changes in the form of the symptoms already listed (pain, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, etc.) complicate life and deprive one of the ability to work for several days.
  2. Hernias can lead to mental disorder in the form of panic attacks. This is due to the fact that the hernia puts pressure on the spinal cord, which, although it does not have pain receptors, nevertheless transmits excitation signals to the brain. Sustained foci of this excitation are experienced as alarm signals, expectations of danger.
  3. A hernia is a source of inflammation, muscle spasms, which sharply limit the mobility of the neck and cause brain starvation due to stenosis of blood vessels, which can lead to a stroke, and inflammation of the nerve roots - to radiculitis.
  4. Foci of inflammation attract viral infections (including varieties of herpes), which settle in the “command posts” of the body - the brain and spinal cord. The following example well illustrates the connection between spinal pathology and infections in the brain.

Relationship between protrusions and hernias of the cervical spine and brain infections

Description. In MRI image No. 29, three hernias (C2-C3; C3-C4; C4-C5) put pressure on the spinal cord and cause inflammation of the spinal canal. MRI No. 30 shows an image of the same patient's braincase, which shows areas of demyelination. Here, myelin, the substance that transmits nerve impulses, is replaced with fibrous tissue. These are a kind of brain scars left by infections. The dysfunction in the body depends on the location of these scars. Multiple sclerosis is the most well-known and common disease of this kind.

It follows from this that it is worth adjusting your lifestyle. Anyone who has brought the vertebrae to such a deplorable state will have to undergo treatment in order to reduce the harm from the hernia to a minimum.

Ways to treat a hernia without surgery

The stage of the hernia is the basis for choosing the path of its treatment.

  • For protrusion without pronounced pain symptoms, the rehabilitation process begins with lifestyle correction and physical therapy.
  • Treatment of a grown hernia is divided into 2 stages: symptom relief and rehabilitation exercise.
  • If a hernia breaks into the spinal canal, touches the spinal column and threatens to crush it, an urgent operation is necessary, and only then restoration of the functions of the spine and therapeutic exercises.

The main difficulty for most people who do not live in capital and regional centers is the lack of qualified specialists: neurologists and vertebrologists who can not only correctly diagnose the disease, but also determine a treatment strategy. Quality often depends on the speed of decision-making future life patient. In the first weeks of detection of the disease, you yourself must make every effort to obtain the correct diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

Local doctors carry out the first stage of treatment - relieve pain and neurological symptoms (numbness, limited movement, etc.). Neck pain is a consequence of inflammatory processes; it is relieved by various types of drugs.

Type of action of drugs Name Price Manufacturer

Relieves inflammation and quickly relieves pain. They are used in the form of tablets, gels, and injections.


The most modern remedy contains the anti-inflammatory substance meloxipam.

700-800 rub. Germany

Boehringer Ingelheim

Artrosan, Amylotex - generics of Movalis, identical in action 200-300 – tablets;

600-700 — ampoules

"Diclofenac" ("Naklofen", "Ortofen" - generic "Valtorena" 60-100 rub. Germany (Ratiopharm),

Russia, Serbia, Romania

Muscle relaxants

They relieve muscle spasms, have a vasodilating effect, and restore blood supply to the brain.

"Sirdalud" 340 rub. Switzerland
"Mikodalm" 380 rub. Hungary
Vitamin complexes

Stimulate metabolism, improving nutrition of bone and muscle tissue of the spine

"Milgamma" - vitamin B complex 600-700 Germany
"Neuromultivit" 200-300 Austria
"Kombilipen" 230-250 Russia

After the symptoms are relieved, patients become chronic patients, they are prescribed painkillers in case of attacks, and the treatment of protrusions and hernias ends there. In fact, the main thing in the fight against this disease is the second period - physical therapy. Consultations with doctors and physical therapy trainers and the use of exercise equipment in Moscow have an approximate cost shown in the table

What physical therapy can and cannot do.

The point of physical exercise is, firstly, to prevent muscle spasms, strengthen the ligaments and muscles, and make them a strong frame to support damaged cervical vertebrae. It will no longer be possible to restore the intervertebral discs to their former elasticity, but it is possible to keep the remaining vertebrae healthy.

The basis of physical therapy is exercises for post-isometric relaxation - alternating muscle tension in a state of immobility (5-10 seconds) with relaxation over the next 5-10 seconds. It is very important to monitor your breathing: when inhaling - tension, when exhaling - relaxation. Dr. Butrimov’s complex for the neck muscles is popular. He recommends doing these exercises every hour while sitting.

Video. “Qigong for the neck from Dr. Butrimov”

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Moscow neurologist A.Yu Shishonin back in 2008 created gymnastics for the neck, consisting of 7 main positions, which he called: “Metronome”, “Spring”, “Looking at the Sky”, “Frame”, “Fakir” , “Heron”, “Goose”. These exercises effectively relieve neck and back pain and relieve dizziness. They should be done every day for the first week, and then 3 times a week.

Video. Gymnastics by A.Yu. Shishonin

Since the cervical spine is a dangerous zone, and any incorrect movement threatens complications, the first exercises are done only under the supervision of a physical therapy trainer, who determines the condition of the muscles, regulates the load and monitors the correct execution of the exercise. Home exercises - only with already mastered exercises.

Kinesitherapy – a revolution in the treatment of the spine

Traditional treatment of the spine S.M. Bubnovsky studied it on himself: an accident, three operations on the spine, 27 years on crutches and in search of ways to free himself from disability. As a result, the kinesitherapy technique is a break with the traditional approach to treating the spine.

  1. According to Doctor of Medical Sciences S.M. Bubnovsky, an intervertebral hernia is not an extrusion of the nucleus pulposus into the spinal column, but fragments of a dried and destroyed spinal disc, which for many years has not received adequate nutrition from the surrounding muscles. The fragments collect in the space of the spinal column, stretching the ligament and forming a “bulging”, which is diagnosed as a hernia on MRI images. With good blood circulation and immunity, these fragments are eliminated from the body. A destroyed disc cannot exert any compression on the nerve roots, much less the spinal cord, and therefore:

    Surgeries to remove herniated intervertebral discs do not make sense and are harmful.

  2. The pain that accompanies the pathology, called “herniated disc,” does not come from pinched nerve roots or spinal cord stenosis (they cannot feel pain), but from muscle inflammation—congestion associated with poor blood flow through the vessels. It is this danger (inflammation, stagnation, malnutrition) that is indicated by the pain signal. The correct answer to this is muscle contraction, increased pressing of blood through the vessels - i.e. movement. Medicines can extinguish the pain signal, but they do not force the muscle to move; the conditions for subsequent pain attacks remain unchanged.

    Tablets for relieving pain symptoms are ineffective: while relieving pain, they preserve its cause. Movement function cannot be treated with injections and tablets.

  3. The main obstacle to improving the musculoskeletal system is the fear of pain in the spine when moving. Traditional medicine reinforces this fear by limiting movement with corsets and girdles. Spinal traction (traction) without training and dynamic loads is not beneficial. The muscles remain weak, the nutrition of the vertebrae is insufficient, and degeneration of the musculoskeletal system continues.

    Belts, corsets, traction and hangs on the horizontal bar without dynamic load on the muscles do not bring benefits, but cause complications.

The following video provides a practical guide to combating severe pain using physical exercise.

Video. Neck pain: extreme rehabilitation according to Bubnovsky

Having critically reviewed the traditional treatment experience, which does not give hope for recovery, Doctor of Medical Sciences S.M. Bubnovsky created his own direction in the treatment of ODA - kinesitherapy. This is the treatment of spinal pathologies through strengthening its muscular corset through dynamic and power loads on simulators.

No age - just physical education

Kinesitherapy is based on the involvement of both superficial and deep muscles in the spinal region, and this is associated with increased loads. Hence the conditions for safe training:

  1. The weight on the simulator must correspond to the patient’s ability to do the exercise no less than 12 and no more than 15 times;
  2. Weight gradually increases; for a course of 10-12 lessons, an individually calculated standard is achieved;
  3. Proper breathing is mandatory: when tense, inhale; when relaxing, exhale vigorously and loudly; “Ha-ah!” This avoids increased blood pressure and cardiac overload.
  4. The total operating time should not exceed 1 hour. After each exercise, take a 2-3 minute break.

Kinesitherapy should be performed under the close supervision of the attending physician.

These exercises help people of any age who have congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially those who have undergone spinal surgery. They are contraindicated in rare cases:

  • For tendon and ligament ruptures;
  • For some forms of oncology;
  • In conditions close to heart attack or stroke.

The patient’s condition is determined at the initial consultation, and the exercise regimen is selected there. For home exercises, a special simulator has been developed - MTB, which you can do yourself. 20 exercises on the simulator are presented in the following video.

Video. How to remove the withers. Bubnovsky.

Note. The author of kinesitherapy advises both sick and healthy people to do the following every day:

  • 20 squats;
  • 20 abdominal exercises;
  • 20 push-ups.

This is the minimum our spine needs for nutrition.

Despite the fact that official medicine recognizes the need for physical therapy for pathologies of the spine, its representatives have a wary attitude towards the method of kinesitherapy. The essence of their criticism comes down to the risk of complications if the movements are performed incorrectly. The weight training exercises offered by the Bubnovsky Center require the patient to be able to hear their body and complete the exercise on time. An overdose leads to a return and intensification of muscle pain. This danger threatens those who, having not mastered the technique of movements in a treatment center (and this requires 2-3 courses), begin to do them at home. Misunderstanding is caused by the statement of the author of the kinesitherapy method that exercises should be done even with pain. Doctors say that after such treatment, many patients cannot do without painkillers and agree to surgery.

As for the patients themselves, most of those who were harmed by the treatment are convinced that it is under no circumstances possible to do exercises while overcoming pain. Bubnovsky’s centers in most provincial cities, in their opinion, are not medical centers, but gyms without qualified doctors who can prescribe a competent load. In general, 58% of those who practiced the kinesitherapy method and considered it necessary to leave their feedback characterize the method positively.

Folk remedies for cervical hernia

  1. The first folk remedy recognized even by cautious doctors (and this is the main condition for safety) is bee stings. Bee venom (apitoxin) relieves inflammation, fights microbes that collect in this place, and has a vasodilating effect. The problem is to find an experienced specialist who knows where and in what place to place bees to sting, and also not to forget about possible allergies.
  2. Hirudotherapy – treatment with leeches improves metabolism in the affected area of ​​the spine and restores blood circulation. Helps in 70 cases out of 100. Treatment lasts no more than a month and consists of 10-12 procedures every 3 days.
  3. A popular folk remedy for the treatment of spinal hernia is horse fat: for 7 days, you need to apply a softened piece of fat (30-50 g) to the sore spot, covering it with a napkin and cellophane and wrapping your neck with something warm. The compress effectively relieves pain.

Alcohol tinctures of garlic, fir oil, salt and turpentine baths are also recommended traditional medicine with this illness. The principle of action of all remedies is the same: improve blood circulation in the sore spot and relieve inflammation. To prevent the cartilage tissue of the remaining intervertebral discs from being destroyed, you need to eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids ( sea ​​fish, meat, vegetable fats), as well as jellied meat.

Food for thought

  1. Of all the reviews about a herniated cervical spine, most of them are those who regret having the operation because their health has not improved. The surgeons, having done their job, left these patients alone with their problems.
  2. Many people with a hernia are looking for a good doctor who can prescribe comprehensive treatment and cure the disease.
  3. Most of those who have gotten rid of pain are advised to undergo treatment by an osteopath: it helped them.
  4. Among folk remedies, it is most often recommended to use a compress made from horse fat.

Alexandra, 34 years old: “I had the operation in 2011, at first there was relief from the pain, after 4 months it returned. The second MRI showed a new hernia. I don’t know what to do: I don’t want to have to undergo surgery again, but the pain doesn’t allow me to live in peace.”

Sveta, 2014: “While lifting weights at the dacha, I got a spasm of the neck muscles and wild pain. During the examination, a hernia was discovered in the cervical spine. Treatment by a neurologist did not help: she took Milgamma compositum to relieve pain, but the noise in her head, blood pressure and palpitations did not go away. Without listening to the neurologist, I went to an osteopath. Only 9 sessions - and I can live normally. The noise in the head during physical activity, however, remains.”

Olga, 2015: “I know from myself: horse fat helps, but not instantly, miracles don’t happen. A compress with horse fat takes a long time to make, but it is the best remedy for intervertebral hernia. Plus to this - cinquefoil tincture and an active lifestyle.”

The article examined in detail the causes of spinal hernia: a sedentary lifestyle, inactivity and smoking are a 100% prognosis for the development of this disease. It is better to prevent the disease: treatment is expensive, and doctors who know how to treat it are difficult to find. A request to those who managed to recover: share your experience. Everyone is waiting for him, depressed by pain and losing hope.

Probably, many have already heard about the Bubnovsky method, with the help of which, using alternative means, without drug treatment, you can get rid of spinal diseases: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, scoliosis, hernia. Today we will talk about Dr. Bubnovsky’s spinal treatment method itself and also provide the basic exercises of the complex.


The word “kinesitherapy” literally means movement treatment. It is this thesis that is the basis for treating the spine using the Bubnosky method. While doctors tell you that it is necessary to eliminate any strain on your back, take medications and, possibly, undergo surgery, Professor Bubnovsky argues that thanks to movement, our bones and joints are nourished; by eliminating physical activity, we only aggravate stagnation in diseased areas.


The main part of Dr. Bubnovsky’s spinal gymnastics is performed on a specially designed MTB simulator. The developer is Professor Bubnovsky himself, and MTB exercises relieve pain, normalize deep muscle tone, improve joint mobility, and also relieve muscle spasms. At the same time, the professor recommends for home use expander, which can partially replace MTB.

All exercises are performed on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of a doctor. An individual complex is developed for each patient, depending on the type and degree of the disease. In addition to treating the spine, Professor Bubnovsky conducts post-operative rehabilitation complexes.


As a result of performing exercises for the Bubnovsky spine, biochemical processes in the intervertebral discs are normalized, blood circulation and lymph flow are activated, and the intervertebral hernia gradually decreases, until it disappears.


  1. We sit on the floor, legs straightened, hands resting on the floor. We raise our hands and walk on our buttocks.
  2. We lift our feet off the floor and continue to walk on our buttocks.
  3. We sit on the floor, supporting ourselves on our hands. Legs are half bent. Raise the bent leg, lower it, raise the straight leg. Repeat on the second leg. 20 times per leg.
  4. Legs are bent. Straighten your left leg, turn your toes to the side, and pull your toes toward you. We lift our left leg off the floor and do small continuous lifts. We did it 20 times per leg.
  5. Legs straight in front of you. We do small lifts, as in the previous exercise, 45° away from ourselves, return and immediately begin the same on the second leg. We do this continuously for 5 approaches per leg.
  6. Legs bent in front of you. Raise the straight right leg, move it to the side, and at the same time, move the left leg bent at the knee to the left. We do 8 repetitions per leg.
  7. Legs bent at the knees in front of you, resting on your hands. We pull our bent legs towards us, lower our back as close to the floor as possible, bend our arms and straighten our raised legs. We do 15 repetitions.
  8. Twisting. We lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees. We place one hand under the back of the head, the other straight. With a bent leg, we reach for the head and reach for the knee with the opposite hand. Straighten your leg and reach with your straight leg towards the opposite hand. 15 repetitions per leg.
  9. We lie on our backs, hands under the back of our heads, knees bent, turning them to the right. Doing the climbs top part back and head. 15 repetitions on each side.
  10. We lie on the floor, arms straight above our heads. We raise our arms and legs and bring them together. We do it 20 times.
  11. Let's make a bicycle. We lie on the floor, hands behind our heads, knees bent. Raise your legs 90°, reach for your right knee with your left elbow, and straighten your leg. We reach for the left knee with the right elbow, straighten the leg. Repeat 15 times.

Exercises for spinal hernia: according to Bubnovsky, Dikul at home (video)

  • Eastern practices

The principle of action of exercises for hernia

In addition to the main symptom, in the form of pain and muscle spasm at the site of exacerbation, accompanying symptoms may appear, depending on the part of the spine where the hernia is located. Headache, difficulty breathing, pain, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, difficulties with movement and self-care - this is a partial list of the problems that patients face.

The condition of the spine greatly affects the functioning and health of many organs.

Enlargement of the hernia to very large sizes may lead to disability. Unbearable pain that cannot be relieved with narcotic analgesics, compression by a hernia of the spinal canal are reasons for surgery.

Therefore, it is so important not to allow the disease to progress, but to try to restore the functions of the spine, which can be effectively accomplished with exercises for intervertebral hernia.

Each complex works in several directions, having their own specific goals.

Spinal stretch

Spinal discs experience heavy loads for a long time; night rest is sometimes not enough for recovery and traction of the spine. Exercises for a hernia gently stretch the spine, reduce pressure, which helps improve nutrition, relax spasmodic muscles, even slow down destruction and return the discs to their natural state. The Evminov complex, which can be done using an inclined board, copes well with this task.

Stretching muscles and ligaments

Smooth lengthening and stretching of muscles and ligaments improves mobility, increases blood flow, and provides damaged and painful areas with nutrition and oxygen. Similar exercises can be found in Dr. Bubnovsky’s physical exercise complexes.


The back muscles are almost constantly under tension, which provokes spasms and pain. Specially selected physical exercises allow you to relax your muscles. The relaxation period should be twice as long as the load during back exercises.

Restoration of the muscle corset

Weakened muscles are unable to support the spine; the slightest load leads to an exacerbation of the disease. Exercise therapy for a herniated spine aims to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals, and pelvic area.

Exercises for spinal hernia are selected depending on the area of ​​localization of the disease. A competent complex will help avoid surgery. It is advisable not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to entrust the selection of physical exercises for intervertebral hernia to a doctor. It doesn’t matter where the training is carried out: in the gym or at home. In any case, in order not to aggravate the process, strict rules must be followed:

  • Physical therapy for spinal hernia is carried out during remission. During a severe exacerbation, the increased load will have the opposite effect and will only worsen the process.
  • The load increases gradually. An untrained body may react inadequately to heavy loads. It is impossible to restore a disk in one session in the gym.
  • Frequency and consistency are the key to success in treating intervertebral hernia. It is recommended to conduct classes at least four times a week. Some techniques involve numerous short workouts, up to six times, on different parts of the back throughout the day.

Start your day with a mini workout. It can be done right in bed.

  • Smoothness of movements, absence of jerks, sharp turns, and jumps are a prerequisite for exercise therapy for spinal hernia.
  • Avoid twisting in the first stages.
  • Pain is the body’s signal to stop the complex. Do not continue exercise after pain appears.

Remember! Removal of a hernia is not the final stage of treatment. After surgery, recovery is necessary, which also requires some physical training.

Popular and effective methods of treating hernia with movement

Today, many complexes and methods for treating spinal disc problems have been developed. The Bubnovsky, Evminov, and Dikul complexes are considered popular and effective, allowing one to avoid surgery and recover after it. Some involve the use of certain exercise equipment and devices, and are only available in the gym. But most use the load and weight of your own body, they can be used at home.

Classes on the board

The Evminov simulator is an inclined board on which exercises are performed to relieve the load on the discs and restore tissue nutrition by stretching the spine and local physical exercises.

What basic exercises on the Evminov board can be done independently for prevention purposes:

  1. Lie on the Evminov board with your head up, hands holding the handles, feet on the floor. Stretch your spine by lifting your pelvis. Alternate stretching with relaxation.
  2. Place your feet on the Evminov simulator. Smoothly lift your pelvis up. After the load, you can take breaks.
  3. Stretch out on the board and smoothly begin to swing the Evminov simulator.
  4. Bend your knees, hands holding the handles. Raise your legs one by one.
  5. Lying on the Evminov simulator, raise both legs up. If pain occurs, stop the exercise.

More difficult exercises with the Evminov simulator require the presence of a trainer.

Stretch marks according to Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky, who himself has gone through the rehabilitation of intervertebral disc disease, strongly recommends avoiding any drug treatment, especially disc surgery. His technique is based on restoring the functions of the spine by stretching joints, ligaments, and muscles, ensuring the restoration of blood flow and proper nutrition of atrophied discs. The second stage offers stronger loads aimed at training the muscular corset of the spine.

At home, Bubnovsky suggests doing the first exercises in bed.

Instead of exercise equipment using Bubnovsky's method, chairs, doorways, jump ropes, books, and balls are used.

  1. Relaxation of the back is carried out while in a pose on your knees and palms.
  2. From the same position, when exhaling, the back bends upward, and when inhaling, it bends down.
  3. Walk on all fours, while strongly stretching one of your legs forward.
  4. While on all fours, the body moves forward strongly and returns to its original position. Don't arch at the waist.
  5. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your hands behind your head. Exhaling, lift your shoulders and try to reach your knees with your elbows.
  6. Lying on the floor, place your arms along your body, feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis as high as possible.

Power training

This is exactly the approach that Dikul’s exercises provide for spinal hernia. Gymnastics is divided into several stages:

  • development of joints, ligaments, preparation of the body for stress;
  • restoration of muscle tone;
  • intensive exercises aimed at muscle growth, supporting discs, improving spinal mobility.

The complex is suitable both in the early stages of the disease and after surgery to remove an intervertebral hernia.

  1. Turn two chairs with their backs inward and place pillows on them. Sit down between the chairs so that the backrests are between your arm and torso. Raise your legs and hang a little. Rotate your legs from side to side.
  2. In the same position, swing your legs forward and backward.
  3. While hanging on chairs, move your legs and head back.
  4. Lie on the chair with your stomach. Lower your legs, arms, head down. Smoothly level up, freeze like a plank.
  5. Do the same exercise from a position lying on your side.
  6. Sitting on the edge of a chair, lift your legs off the floor and stretch them forward.
  7. Stand on your elbows and toes, stretched out in a plank position. The exercise affects all muscle groups, including the abs.

Eastern practices

Yoga therapy involves the use of a special set of exercises that, without unnecessary stress, strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, stimulate blood flow, distribute the load, and promote spinal traction.

It is better to practice yoga therapy under the supervision of an instructor who will indicate the correct execution of asanas.

Yoga combines several areas:

  • stretching exercises for all joints and vertebrae, which improves their mobility;
  • balance exercises, which force you to tense various muscles and make them more trained;
  • breathing exercises that enrich the body with oxygen, improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • a variety of movements and targeted influences designed to restore the body’s energy and activate self-healing abilities.

A well-chosen set of exercises for intervertebral hernia can relieve pain, restore performance, and even avoid surgery.

When your back hurts and problems with joints and internal organs, patients are ready to endure any procedure just to reduce painful sensations and restore mobility to the spine. Among various effective techniques, kinesitherapy for back pain occupies a special place. The method of Norwegian doctors has proven itself and, if all existing recommendations are followed correctly, it can be successfully applied even at home.

Kinesiotherapeutic assistance

Until recently, it was believed that there was practically nothing better than hippotherapy. Horseback riding undoubtedly gives excellent results in the treatment of the back, including osteochondrosis, but, as practice shows, kinesitherapy for back pain is still more effective.

Kinesiotherapy is a type of physical therapy. The technique is based on the regulation of anatomical, biological and chemical processes of the body.

The main goals of a set of exercises for back pain:

  • Increasing the effectiveness of regular physical therapy exercises.
  • Restoring muscle tone throughout the back.
  • Normalization of blood supply.
  • Reduced pain.

The unique kinesitherapy exercises are based on the principle of developing all muscle groups – internal and external. The method is more effective when combined with massages, as well as when exercising on special simulators.

Bubnovsky's technique

The experience of Norwegian doctors is also successfully used here. At the same time, Bubnovsky’s kinesitherapy became a whole revolution in restoring spinal mobility. Ukrainian doctor used kinesitherapy as a method, therapeutic and restorative, at the same time. Thanks to his developments, it is successfully used to restore mobility of muscles and joints:

  1. After spinal injuries.
  2. After a stroke.
  3. As rehabilitation after operations.

Relatively speaking, each treatment method pursues precisely these goals, but Bubnovsky’s kinesitherapy achieves results faster and the effect lasts longer. This happens because the doctor took as a basis the principle that lost mobility can be restored without drugs, only relying on the resources of the body itself.

For the first time in the world, a specialist has developed a technique that allows you to restore all large joints without loss of quality of life, as well as restore maximum elasticity to all muscles, internal and external. Dr. Bubnovsky proposed a number of programs (and all of them are successfully used) for rehabilitation, as well as maintaining back health.

So, there is kinesitherapy for back pain by Dr. Bubnovsky:

  • For schoolchildren. The technique has been successfully used in some educational institutions capital Cities.
  • For pregnant women.
  • For the recovery of women after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • For professional athletes.
  • For older people.

The essence of the technique is the same - restoration and maintenance of mobility of the spine, muscles and joints. And its application for different groups people are different. It is important to follow the recommended course constantly, perhaps slightly increasing the load.


Kinesitherapy exercises according to Bubnovsky are designed to normalize biochemical processes in muscles, ligaments and joints. This technique is an excellent alternative to surgical treatment of intervertebral hernias. The main thing in these exercises is a series of repetitions and proper breathing.

The diaphragm helps produce muscle tone, further pumping up the muscles. Therefore, if a specialist recommends performing the exercise while exhaling, then this is the only way to get a good result.

According to Bubnovsky’s method, it is also important to use special simulators, the force of the load in which is calculated individually. The exercise machines developed by the doctor also relax and stretch the muscles. The next task is to secure them in the correct position.

The ideal option is treatment in specialized centers and sanatoriums under the supervision of a doctor who individually selects the strength and frequency of exercise. But, when this is not possible, or after a course in professional medical institutions, kinesitherapy at home is quite applicable.

Self-study at home

A set of exercises to perform at home may look something like this:

  • Relaxation of the back muscles. It is done on all fours, with the back arched.
  • Muscle stretching. You need to bend one leg under yourself, stretch the other back. You can rest your palms on the floor at this time.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to stretch your body forward as much as possible, and then also back.
  • Lying on your back, hands behind your head, knees bent. As you exhale, reach your elbow towards the opposite knee.
  • Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible.

When performing exercises, it is important to “hear” your body and not overstrain it. Kinesiotherapy for back pain then brings results when the complex is done regularly, the exercises are performed with proper breathing, and the loads increase gradually.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of FREE courses and materials currently available:

  • Free video lessons from a certified physical therapy doctor on eliminating lower back pain. The author of the lessons is a doctor who has developed a unique method for the restoration and treatment of all parts of the spine. The number of patients who have already been helped with back and neck problems is more than 2000!
  • The 10 most essential nutritional components for the health of the entire spine - the report at this link will tell you what your daily diet should be for your spine and whole body to be healthy.
  • Are you suffering from osteochondrosis? We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with effective courses of treatment for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without resorting to medications.

In contact with

Professor Bubnovsky: exercises for the back

To understand the point of his therapy, you need to remember a little anatomy. So, the musculoskeletal system consists of:

  • Bones;
  • Bundles;
  • Muscle

Bones are connected into joints by ligaments. To prevent bone tissue from being worn out or injured when moving, the contacting parts of the bones are covered with cartilage. Inside the joint there is articular fluid, which provides additional shock absorption and nutrition of the cartilage tissue. In order for movement to occur, a certain impact must be exerted on the bones, like levers. This requires muscles. They are attached to the bones through tendons and, contracting or relaxing, set the body in motion.

When problems occur with the joints (wear of cartilage tissue, ruptures and sprains of ligaments, inflammation), the muscles protectively contract in the damaged area, and pain occurs. And then, the person himself restricts movements in the diseased joint, the muscles become flabby, they cannot withstand the load and movements simply stop.

The Bubnovsky method is based on relaxing and strengthening muscles, to expand the capabilities of joints, for complete rehabilitation and pain relief. The pain impulse itself comes from the nerve endings of the muscles, which are excessively overstrained, so the impact should be directed specifically at the soft tissues. And only by strengthening the muscle corset can we fully protect the diseased joint from mechanical damage and excess load.

What does the program consist of?

Dr. Bubnovsky has published a number of reference books, and also recorded video courses for practicing therapeutic exercises at home. In many cities of Russia and Ukraine, several dozen kinesitherapy centers have been opened, where certified physiotherapists, as well as medical physical education instructors, work.

For each person who applies, an individual rehabilitation program is drawn up, which includes a list of physical exercises, water procedures, as well as general recommendations for healthy image life.

Exercises based on Bubnovsky’s system are not his author’s. The professor uses well-known aerobic exercise, as well as elements of yoga and Pilates, adapting them for people with musculoskeletal problems. And to increase the load, simulators are used that are specially designed for therapeutic gymnastics by Bubnovsky himself.

Thanks to adequate physical activity, muscles become stronger, flexibility in joints develops, blood supply to tissues improves, which means they are better saturated with oxygen and nutrients, excess metabolic products are removed. Pain goes away, a person becomes more mobile, issues with arterial hypertension, neuralgia, chronic venous insufficiency, etc. are resolved.

How have Bubnovsky’s methods earned the trust of patients?

In every city today you can find a lot of sports sections, centers and clubs. But, as you know, they work like ordinary people, and the majority do not even have special education diplomas. If the instructor is a former athlete, then he is usually a certified coach. And there are cases when a certain course of physical training or dance is taught by a person who has only attended five to ten seminars or conferences and received the appropriate diploma for completing, for example, a “three-day” course.

Now think about how you differ from such an instructor? If you study video clips from the Internet every day for a month, read the relevant literature, and start practicing it on yourself, the knowledge will be the same. Therefore, they can go to regular sports training completely healthy people. Moreover, many, not knowing about their health problems, begin to perform strength exercises, which provokes exacerbation or complications of the disease.

What should people do who have problems with the musculoskeletal system? If such a person is young, then he will go to Pilates, sign up for the pool, learn about new techniques and start practicing on his own. What about older people? Of course, today almost every medical institution has a physiotherapy department where you can take a course of physical therapy. However, this is not convenient for everyone, plus on top of everything you need to “pass” the doctors, wait in line...

Dr. Bubnovsky began to solve this problem. In his centers, he collects patients of various age categories: from children with posture problems to elderly people with age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system. The staff works with each patient individually: constantly monitors the correctness of the exercises, helps select the required load, and evaluates the results.

In addition, many, after completing a rehabilitation course in the centers, continue to perform exercises on their own, even buying a Bubnovsky exercise machine. And there are those who, overcoming past complexes and constraints associated with age, go and enroll in sports sections.

An example of back exercises aimed at relieving pain

This set of exercises according to Bubnovsky is indicated for people suffering from osteochondrosis, as well as muscle fatigue.

  • Smooth back bends in the knee-elbow position. standing on all fours, we bend the back upward - with an inhalation, and downwards with an exhalation.
  • Exercise "cat". starting position again on all fours, slightly lowering our head and moving back, we “dive” under an imaginary bar, and, repeating the movements of the cat, we “emerge” up, stretching the top of our head to the sky.
  • Stretch step. From the starting position, we sit on our right bent leg and stretch our left leg back. We pull our hands forward, trying to put the body on the floor. Left hand You can leave the elbow bent for support if back discomfort occurs. We repeat the stretch, sitting on the left leg.
  • Abdominal stretching. We pump up the “abs” while lying on the floor, with knees bent.
  • Lifting the pelvis. Lying on your back, bend knee joints, feet are on the floor. We lift the pelvis up and lower it down.

As you can see, this complex is a selection of well-known aerobic exercises (loads), which is selected with the aim of strengthening the muscular corset to protect the spine, as well as relaxing that group of muscles that react with pain in response to pathology of the back joints.

  1. Dina

    Great way. I can now write “tested on myself.” Especially in combination with this! 11 kg evaporated. husband is delighted

The modern pace of life and frantic movement present a number of consequences that negatively affect the human body. Another feature of everyday work is a sedentary image, a motionless state is also reflected in the cervical spine. This disease is dangerous and can lead to serious complications. The peculiarity is that the hernia itself is close to the brain. Under no circumstances should you delay or put off going to the doctor until later. A specialist will help you draw up a list of medications, prescribe (if required) physical exercises, and help you create the right diet, which will allow you to control your body and direct it towards recovery. Timely detection and detection of this disease will avoid serious consequences. People over 30 years of age are at risk of developing this pathology. Compared to the course of other ailments, a hernia has the property of sudden detection. An aching neck and general weakness are some of the minor signs of the disease.

  1. The first sign of this disease is loss of sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to absent-mindedness, loss of attention, and deterioration in overall appearance.
  2. Constant headaches, migraines. Painful attacks lead to tension, a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure.
  3. Other symptoms include memory loss and dizziness. This disease explains stressful situations, expansive states, and lack of concentration.
  4. There are periodic pains in the upper extremities, which leads to deterioration of the support function.

Intervertebral hernia varies in location and size.

There are also two stages of formation. The first stage is protrusion, the second is intrusion.

Location of cervical hernia

Attention! The above phenomena force patients to seek treatment if the complicated nature of the disease is not noticed.

If there is an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend:

  1. Maintain bed rest, without any strenuous physical activity, and remain at rest.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures are not an analogue for replacing medications, but nevertheless, they provide an excellent opportunity to improve your condition. Used for treatment various shapes, such as light, heat, electricity. The treatment complex is prescribed in accordance with the instructions of specialists.

Note! There are a number of types of physiotherapy procedures, namely: electrophoresis, phonophoresis, paraffin applications, electrical myostimulation.


Name of physiotherapy procedureProperties
ElectrophoresisThe method is to administer drugs through skin and mucous membranes, thanks to electric current
PhonophoresisA procedure similar in description, but differing in the administration of drugs through ultrasound
Paraffin applicationsThey have high heat-capacity properties; when paraffin is applied, body temperature rises by 2°C, which creates a sauna effect, opening the pores. When the house is heated for a long time, it leads to the release of sweat, and along with it, harmful substances are absorbed into the paraffin.
ElectromyostimulationRehabilitation treatment based on electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles

A correct and healthy diet, which consists of consuming a complex of healthy vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Important! An excellent auxiliary remedy is therapeutic exercises. Doing certain exercises will keep your body toned and strengthen your muscles and muscles.

Water treatments can heal the body, energize it, relieve stress, and normalize blood pressure. When swimming, the spine takes a natural position.

Acupuncture treatment

It takes place over quite a long period of time. It is possible to achieve a good result with the right approach to this specific treatment. First of all, be patient, both the patient and the doctor. Acupuncture promises effective treatment. Each session is more painful than the previous one, this is explained by the individual sensitivity of the patient; nerve conductivity gradually increases. The category of people under 50 has a certain advantage, since with age it becomes harder to get the desired result quickly. Otherwise, a high-quality diagnosis of the patient is necessary.

Massages for illness

Massage improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the disease. The pain syndrome gradually decreases, and it becomes possible to avoid muscle atrophy. There are many variations of massage, the most famous of which are: classic massage, acupressure. The specificity of the first is to relax muscles and increase joint mobility. At the end of the session, the patient should feel relaxation in the massaged area.

Yoga technique for combating cervical disc herniation

When performing certain exercises and techniques, the patient should feel complete comfort. You should not continue training if it is accompanied by painful sensations. You should follow safety precautions when doing exercises on a flat surface; it is advisable to lay a mat designed for sports.

Yoga will help develop joint flexibility, develop endurance and elasticity of ligaments. The distinctive feature of yoga is its universal accessibility; at any age you can achieve good results if you put effort into it. Yoga can improve blood circulation and slow down aging. The back will be in good shape, and the body’s resistance to various diseases and ailments will appear.

Video - Yoga exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Examples of simple exercises performed at home

PositionBrief description of the manipulation
Head tilts in different directionsFor this exercise, you need to sit on a chair with your back straight, tilt your head towards your chest, and return to the starting position. Repetition frequency - 20 times
“Cat pose”, in other words marjariasanaGet on all fours, try to make a deep bend, an arc shape should form, while your gaze should be directed from one point to another, namely, from the wall to the floor, and vice versa
Stretching the back musclesYou need to lie on your back, pull your knees up to your chin, clasping them. In this position it is necessary to roll on the floor

Folk remedies, their effectiveness

When taking traditional medicines, one should not forget about combining them with other medications, categories of medications whose participation may be mandatory and necessary in the treatment of a given disease.

A spinal hernia frightens many patients with the need for surgery and long rehabilitation after it. In some cases, surgery cannot really be avoided, but often the problem can be treated in less radical ways. Physiotherapy is effective and simple view treatment. Now there are many methods of exercise therapy for spinal hernia. Particularly popular among patients is the treatment method according to S.M. Bubnovsky, which gives positive results even in advanced stages of the disease.

The essence of the technique

A therapeutic set of exercises for any type of intervertebral hernia, other diseases of the spine, as well as neurological problems was personally developed by Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. The unique technique began with a severe back injury to the doctor himself, when doctors predicted his disability and could not promise a full recovery.

Bubnovsky collected and studied many years of knowledge from world experts and various practices, and then combined them together and adjusted them to the individual needs of each patient. The doctor developed the exercises in such a way that they maximally utilize all the internal reserves of the body and help improve well-being without outside help.

The methodology is built on several principles:

  • Complete muscle relaxation. This helps relieve swelling, inflammation, and pinched nerve endings that cause severe pain.
  • Working out absolutely all muscles of the body, especially those who do not often work in Everyday life. This speeds up metabolism and blood circulation in the affected areas of the back.
  • Stretching the spine and muscles. The muscles become elastic and retain their youth for a long time. The spine straightens, displaced vertebrae gradually fall into place. Stretching can improve the patient's mobility and quality of life.
  • Strengthening the muscular frame. The exercises involve the muscles of the back, abdominals and pelvis, and at the same time work the arms and legs.
  • Lack of medications. Pain syndrome is relieved through physical activity. Patients notice improvements already in the first sessions.

Treatment therapy begins with a comprehensive and in-depth examination. It allows you to make a diagnosis, determine the exact location of the hernia, the stage and advanced stage of the disease, and also identify the individual characteristics of the body. This will help you correctly create a training program, their intensity and duration.

Regular classes using the Bubnovsky method help get rid of all unpleasant symptoms and lead to complete recovery without outside intervention. With each session, the spine is aligned, the discs fall into place, the hernia gradually decreases and then completely disappears.

Exercises for intervertebral hernias

Dr. Bubnovsky's technique or kinesitherapy includes many universal exercises aimed at the entire spine and abs. They are a kind of base for a set of classes, to which individual exercises can be added to work on specific areas.

Additional Information!

All exercises must be performed smoothly and carefully. Avoid sudden movements, jerks and too fast a pace. The appearance of pain means stopping the exercise. You can try to return to it later, and if the pain reoccurs, completely eliminate it. In every exercise you need to feel comfortable, gymnastics is aimed at this.

Make sure you do it correctly, your health depends on it. Select the pace and range of movements yourself, based on your physical fitness. Don’t strain yourself, increase the intensity gradually, otherwise physical activity can only cause harm. Gradually, the elasticity of the body will improve and the exercises will be easy to perform.

A set of basic exercises:

1 « Cat" Starting position on all fours, back straight and completely relaxed. In this position, take a deep breath, as you exhale, round your back as much as possible and hold for a few seconds. We return to the starting position and inhale. Then, as you exhale, bend your back down. We count up and down at one time, in total you need to do it from 10 to 20 times. 2 Walking on your buttocks. Sit on the floor, legs and back straight, hands can be held at the chest. Using your gluteal muscles, walk forward about a meter and then go back. Repetitions back and forth should be performed 8 to 10 times. 3 « Bike" Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, arms along your body. Raise your legs 90 degrees and perform the movement as if you were pedaling. The duration of the exercise is approximately 1 minute or until your legs become tired.

4 Lie on your back, hands behind your head, elbows pointing forward, legs bent at the knees. While inhaling, raise your right leg bent at the knee and slightly lift your shoulder blades off the floor, trying to reach your elbows with your feet. As you exhale, lower your shoulders and straightened leg to the floor. Again, while inhaling, raise your straight right leg and shoulder blades, try to touch your elbows with your foot. Then repeat the same with your left leg. Perform the exercise 8 times (a bent and straight leg counts as one repetition). Lower your chin to your chest so as not to overstrain your neck.

5 Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet closer to your buttocks, and clasp your ankles with your hands. In this position, raise your pelvis to the maximum possible height, while arching your back (if you can’t immediately grab your ankles, you can place your feet further from your buttocks and also arch your back; over time, the elasticity will increase). Do 8 – 10 repetitions.

6 Lie on your stomach, straighten your arms and extend them in front of you. Inhale, as you exhale, lift your right arm and chest off the floor, then return to the starting position and inhale. Then, as you exhale, repeat the exercise with your left hand. Perform 8 times on each hand.

7 Lie on your stomach, extend your arms straight in front of you, inhale. As you exhale, raise both arms and lift your chest off the floor. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking. At the top point during the ascent, try to stay for a couple of seconds. Perform the exercise 8 – 10 times.

8 Side bends. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. In the easier version, put your hands on your waist; in the more difficult version, stretch your arms out to the sides along the shoulder line. As you inhale, bend to the right without arching your back, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Next, inhale and lean to the left. Perform 10 times on each side.

9 Forward bends. Stand straight, raise your arms (this will help keep your back straight). Bend forward slowly and smoothly, trying to touch your palms to the floor. At the lowest point, relax your back, trying to press your chest and stomach to your legs. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

10 Backbend. Stand straight, legs together, raise your arms and join your palms (as during prayer). Smoothly begin to bend your back back, linger at the lowest point for a couple of seconds. Then just as smoothly return to the starting position. During the exercise you may feel slightly dizzy and it also requires maintaining balance. For beginners, it is better to do this bend while on your knees. Perform the exercise 8-10 times.

11 Bridge. Include this exercise regularly in your workouts. Perform it from a lying position, bend to the maximum possible height, try to straighten your arms. Repeat the exercise about 5 times, holding for a few seconds while bending.


This video contains full complex exercises according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky. They are aimed at working out the back, as well as strengthening the whole body.

Gymnastics for the lumbar spine

In the set of exercises for lumbar hernia, exercises are added to the base aimed at additionally working out the lower back, lower back and buttocks:

1 Lie on the floor, bend your knees. The head and body are pressed tightly to the floor, hands behind the head, elbows pointing towards the ceiling. As you inhale, raise your bent legs, trying to touch your elbows, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking. The lower abs are worked out and the lower back is stretched. Repeat 10 times. 2 Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and spread them slightly to the sides, put your hands under your chin, and inhale. As you exhale, lift your legs off the floor by 15-20 cm (do not bend your legs). While inhaling, return to the starting position. Exercise strengthens lumbar region and buttocks. Perform 10 times. 3 Lie on your stomach, legs straight, arms extended in front of you, inhale. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your straight arms and legs off the floor, also to a height of 15-20 cm. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

4 Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your hands along your body, on your chest or behind your head (whichever is more convenient, your hands are not involved in the exercise), take a breath. As you exhale, slightly raise your pelvis, without bending your legs, and turn it to the right. While inhaling, return to the starting position, then exhale again and repeat the exercise to the left. Perform 8 – 10 repetitions. 5 Walking on your buttocks. Sit on the floor, straighten your back, straight legs. Without using your hands, walk a meter forward on your buttocks, then go back. Perform 8 repetitions. 6 Complicated walking on the buttocks. In this version, while “walking” you need to lift your legs off the floor by 10-20 cm. The exercise strengthens the buttocks and lower back more effectively. It should be performed after complete mastery of the previous option. Repeat 6 – 8 times. 7 Sit on the floor, your back is straight and relaxed, place your hands behind your body, they will serve as support. As you inhale, pull your right leg bent at the knee towards your chest, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. On the next inhalation, pull the straight right leg towards the chest, and return back as you inhale. Then repeat the exercise with your left leg. At the same time, do not bend your back, without jerking, try to stretch your leg as far as possible towards the body. Perform 8 repetitions (bent and straight leg - 1 time) on each leg. 8 Push-ups on your knees (suitable for people with any level) physical training). Place emphasis on your palms and knees, arms straight, lift your heels off the floor. You must keep your back straight and do not raise your pelvis. Perform 8 – 10 push-ups. 9 Starting position: kneeling, back straight and not tense, raise your arms up and join your palms, take a deep breath. As you exhale, slowly bend back as far as possible. Then lower your arms to your sides and clasp your ankles with them, without ceasing to bend. This will further stretch the lower back and quadriceps muscles. You complete the exercise 6 – 8 times. 10 Walking on your knees. To avoid pain and chafing, you should wear knee pads or wrap your knees with an elastic bandage. Walk around the room in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, maintaining an average pace.

A set of exercises for a herniated cervical spine

1 Sit on a chair, back straight and relaxed. Raise your shoulders up as if reaching for your ears, then with a little effort throw them down to the starting position. This exercise serves as a warm-up that prepares the cervical spine for physical activity. Perform 8 repetitions. 2 Sitting on a chair, your back is straight, your neck is relaxed, your face is looking forward. Perform 8 turns to the right (as if looking over your shoulder) and 8 similar turns to the left. Perform the exercise gently and smoothly. 3 The back is straight, the neck is relaxed. Perform 8 head tilts to the right shoulder and 8 tilts to the left. Do not raise your shoulders; you need to stretch your neck. 4 The back is straight, the neck is relaxed. Perform 8 head tilts forward, reaching your chin to your chest. Do the exercise slowly, carefully stretch your neck. 5 The back is straight, the neck is relaxed. Perform 8 head tilts back, at the same time, at the lowest point, pull your chin up (as if reaching for the ceiling). 6 The back is straight, the neck is relaxed. Move your neck and chin forward, then tilt your head to the right (you need to reach your ear towards the ceiling). Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the left side. Perform 8 times in each direction. 7 Half turns. Turn your head to the right, stretch your neck and chin forward, and in this position perform a half-turn to your left shoulder. Then repeat the exercise on the other side. Perform 8 times in each direction. 8 Bridge. The exercise stretches the entire back, including the cervical region. Keep your neck relaxed while performing it. After mastering an ordinary bridge and acquiring a certain flexibility, you can move on to a more complicated version - a bridge on the head. You need to kneel down, bend back with your arms and lower the top of your head to the floor. Keep your neck relaxed. In this position, you can sway slightly back and forth. Be sure to perform the exercise very carefully, it is not intended for beginners!

To the exercises listed above for the cervical spine, you can add any basic ones to effectively work out the whole body.


During all exercises, the neck should be relaxed, this ensures that they are performed correctly. In this condition, the cervical spine will stretch, the discs will fall into place, and the hernia will decrease. Otherwise, you can only do harm.

Adaptive gymnastics

Classes using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method must begin with adaptive gymnastics. It includes light exercises entry level, which gradually prepare the body for more serious loads. Despite its simplicity, adaptive exercises relieve pain and inflammation from areas of the spine affected by a hernia.

Examples of exercises:

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Raise your right leg bent at the knee, while simultaneously reaching for your right knee with your left elbow. Then perform the exercise with your left leg and right hand. It develops flexibility of the whole body and accelerates blood circulation. Repeat 10–15 times in each direction.

1 Walking on all fours . Get on all fours and walk around the room in any direction for 10 minutes.

2 Abs exercise and stretching the spine. Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Raise your body without a jerk, trying to reach your elbows to your knees. For initial pain relief, you can place a cold compress under the lower back. Perform the exercise 10 times.

3 Tilts. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Perform 10 bends to the right, 10 bends to the left and 10 bends forward. The hips should remain motionless.

4 Kneel down, feet together. Slowly lower yourself down and sit on your heels. The exercise stretches all the major muscles of the thighs. You should sit in this position for several minutes.

5 Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor . Raise your right leg straight and clasp your foot with your hands. Pull your leg towards you, trying to press it to your chest. Pull the sock towards you to stretch the calf muscles. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Perform 10 times on each leg, holding for a few seconds at the end point of the stretch.

6 Knee push-ups . Place emphasis on your palms (arms straight) and knees, lift your heels off the floor. While performing the exercise, keep your back straight and do not lift your pelvis up. Do 8 – 15 repetitions, based on your physical fitness.


The video shows a wonderful set of exercises. Lower back pain goes away within 15-20 minutes of training.

Kinesiotherapy, developed and patented by Dr. Bubnovsky, is safe and effective method treatment of intervertebral hernia. Remember that you should feel relaxed while exercising. Acute pain signals the end of the exercise (you can return to it later when the flexibility of the body improves). Before starting classes, you must undergo a full medical examination and coordinate physical activity with your doctor. You can start gymnastics after his approval.

Full recovery occurs with regular exercise 3-6 times a day. Depending on the number of classes, their duration should be 10 – 25 minutes. Do not forget about moderation and gradually increasing loads.

The book “Spinal herniation is not a death sentence”

Sergey Bubnovsky

❶ Causes of spinal hernia.

❸ How to get rid of back pain without medications and what to do if it worsens.


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Methodology of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. covers rehabilitation and functional recovery of patients not only with acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also the main systems of the body: heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, genitourinary and nervous.

In his methodology Sergey Bubnovsky uses a new direction in medicine - kinesiotherapy, the goal of which is to cure joints and spine without surgery, due to active participation the patient himself in this treatment using the body’s own internal reserves and understanding the correct sensation of one’s body.

The main focus of the technique is on the muscles, since muscle tissue is the only tissue that can regenerate (regenerate) in people of any age, restore to normal the functions that depend on it, activate and carry out blood flow.

To use muscles rationally, they need to be contracted and relaxed. This can be done on special kinesitherapy simulators. With their help, they increase the elasticity of ligaments, improve joint mobility and activate the deep muscles adjacent to the spine and large joints.

But not everyone can go to the gym. What should those who have heart pain or high blood pressure do? At the same time, pain is felt in all parts of the spine, shoulders, hip, knee and ankle joints. A person begins to walk with a stick, but really wants to regain mobility. musculoskeletal system at home. According to Dr. Bubnovsky's system, they can perform only 20 basic exercises at home.

The essence of Bubnovsky's technique

for ease of understanding, the doctor conventionally divides the “muscular body” of a person into 3 “floors”

The healing system is aimed at treating chronic neurological and orthopedic, inflammatory diseases of the spine, large and small joints without drugs, wearing corsets, or surgical interventions.

Bubnovsky’s technique covers the development of muscles and ligaments according to the “floors” of the body:

  • first - feet, legs and pelvis;
  • the second - the abdomen, chest and back;
  • third - shoulders, neck and head.

To force blood to move upward (from the legs to the head) through the muscles as actively as it goes down, you need to include the muscles of the first floor in the work, i.e. lower extremities. In this case, the joints of the legs are included in the work. Then the work of the back is activated to get rid of pain in the spine. Only after this comes the turn of the cervical spine, arms and shoulder joint.

It is necessary to select for the home complex those exercises that will be ideal for developing the spine or large joints, eliminating pain syndromes without the use of painkillers.

Important Exercises for Blood Circulation

squats are one of the main exercises that help the heart

I.P. We place our feet slightly wider than our shoulders, point our toes to the sides, keep our back straight, and point our upper limbs forward.

For weak people You will need a simple smooth stick-shaft from a shovel. It is placed between the feet in front and the hands hold it at the top.

First, we sit on a chair and perform traction movements, as described above in exercise No. 1. Then we do: classic and with emphasis on the knee. The body should be straight and touch the entire plane of the floor. Weak people perform 5 push-ups - 10 approaches with a rest of 2-3 minutes.

Pulling movements:

No. 1 - “sawing wood” with emphasis on the knee. The expander is attached to the bottom of the wall. We place the knee and shin on a high bench, resting our hand on the wall. With the other hand we make movements towards and away from ourselves. At the same time, the muscles of the neck are worked out, and the back is also involved in the work (back and forth). The expander can be replaced with dumbbells, lifting it from the floor and lowering it down.

No. 2 - “pullover”. We lie on the bench with our hips and back, feet on the floor, slightly wider than shoulders. We take dumbbells in our hands with a weight that we can lower behind our heads and lift with straight arms up to 10-15 times.

No. 3. Sit on a bench and take one dumbbell in your hand, lift it with a straight arm above your head, bend your arm at the elbow and place the dumbbell (or a 1.5-2 liter bottle of water) behind your head from behind, lift it and place it again. Repeat 10-15 times for each hand. We do the exercise slowly andWe make sure that the dumbbell does not cause injury to the head.

Exercises for pain in the hip joint with coxarthrosis

exercises aimed at unloading the hip joint

We attach an expander high on the wall or elastic rubber with a loop. We fix the ankle joint on an expander or rubber and lie down on your back: on a bench or the floor.

No. 1. As you exhale, pull your leg towards your shoulder, bending at the knee. We repeat 15-20 times, do 1-2 approaches.

No. 2. Raise the leg and lower it with effort while exhaling. Repeat 15-20 times x 1-2 approaches.

Any exercise at the end point on exhalation is accompanied by the sound “HA!” and retracting the abdomen so that the diaphragm works.

We attach an expander at the bottom of the wall or rubber with a loop.

No. 3. We sit on the floor sideways to the wall. We put a loop of rubber on the outer leg and move the leg to the side as we exhale. We place our hands behind our backs on the floor. Repeat 15-20 times for each leg, 1-2 approaches.

Exercises unload the hip joint and strain its muscles. This is necessary to restore blood circulation in the sore joint.

Crawling on your hips is suitable for the hip joint and tired legs.

No. 4. Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows next to your body. We alternately pull our knees to our elbows and repeat at least 20 times with each leg. We do it daily.

In conclusion, words from Dr. Bubnovsky’s book:

Labor is PATIENCE.
Patience is SUFFERING.
Suffering is PURIFICATION.
Cleansing is HEALTH.
