Climatic description. What climate is typical for Russia: arctic, subarctic, temperate and subtropical

The climate within the Earth's surface varies zonally. The most modern classification, which explains the reasons for the formation of one or another type of climate, was developed by B.P. Alisov. It is based on the types of air masses and their movement.

Air masses– these are significant volumes of air with certain properties, the main ones being temperature and moisture content. The properties of air masses are determined by the properties of the surface over which they form. Air masses form the troposphere like the lithospheric plates that make up the earth's crust.

Depending on the area of ​​formation, there are four main types of air masses: equatorial, tropical, temperate (polar) and arctic (Antarctic). In addition to the area of ​​formation, the nature of the surface (land or sea) over which the air accumulates also matters. In accordance with this, the main zonal types of air masses are divided into marine and continental.

Arctic air masses are formed in high latitudes, above the icy surface of the polar countries. Arctic air is characterized low temperatures and low moisture content.

Moderate air masses clearly divided into marine and continental. Continental temperate air is characterized by low moisture content, high summer and low winter temperatures. Maritime temperate air forms over the oceans. It is cool in summer, moderately cold in winter and constantly humid.

Continental tropical air formed over tropical deserts. It's hot and dry. Sea air is characterized by lower temperatures and significantly higher humidity.

equatorial air, forming in the zone at the equator both over the sea and over land, it has high temperature and humidity.

Air masses constantly move after the sun: in June - to the north, in January - to the south. As a result, territories are formed on the surface of the earth where one type of air mass dominates throughout the year and where air masses replace each other according to the seasons of the year.

The main feature of the climate zone is the dominance of certain types of air masses. are divided into basic(one zonal type of air mass dominates throughout the year) and transitional(air masses change each other seasonally). The main climatic zones are designated in accordance with the names of the main zonal types of air masses. In transition zones, the prefix “sub” is added to the name of the air masses.

Main climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate, arctic (Antarctic); transitional: subequatorial, subtropical, subarctic.

All climatic zones except the equatorial one are paired, that is, they exist in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

In the equatorial climate zone Equatorial air masses dominate all year round and low pressure prevails. It is humid and hot throughout the year. Seasons of the year are not expressed.

Tropical air masses (hot and dry) dominate throughout the year tropical zones. Due to the downward movement of air that predominates throughout the year, very little precipitation falls. Summer temperatures here are higher than in the equatorial zone. The winds are trade winds.

For temperate zones characterized by the dominance of moderate air masses throughout the year. Western air transport predominates. Temperatures are positive in summer and negative in winter. Due to the predominance of low pressure, a lot of precipitation falls, especially on the ocean coasts. In winter, precipitation falls in solid form (snow, hail).

In the Arctic (Antarctic) belt Cold and dry arctic air masses dominate all year round. Characterized by downward air movement, north- and south-easterly winds, the predominance of negative temperatures throughout the year, and constant snow cover.

IN subequatorial belt There is a seasonal change in air masses, the seasons of the year are expressed. Due to the arrival of equatorial air masses, summer is hot and humid. In winter, tropical air masses dominate, making it warm but dry.

In the subtropical zone temperate (summer) and arctic (winter) air masses change. Winter is not only harsh, but also dry. Summer is significant warmer than winter, with a lot of rainfall.

Climatic regions are distinguished within climatic zones
with different types of climates – maritime, continental, monsoon. Marine type climate formed under the influence of marine air masses. It is characterized by a small amplitude of air temperature across the seasons, high cloudiness, and a relatively large amount of precipitation. Continental climate type forms far from the ocean coast. It differs significantly annual amplitude air temperatures, low precipitation, and distinct seasons. Monsoon type climate characterized by changing winds according to the seasons of the year. At the same time, with the change of season, the wind changes direction to the opposite, which affects the precipitation regime. Rainy summer gives way to dry winter.

The largest number of climatic regions is within the temperate and subtropical zones Northern Hemisphere.

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The climate of Russia has a special differentiation, incomparable to any other country in the world. This is explained by the wide extent of the country across Eurasia, the heterogeneity of the location of water bodies and the wide variety of relief: from high mountain peaks to plains lying below sea level.

Russia is predominantly located in middle and high latitudes. Whereby weather Most of the country is harsh, the seasons change clearly, and winters are long and frosty. The Atlantic Ocean has a significant influence on the climate of Russia. Despite the fact that its waters do not touch the territory of the country, it controls the transport of air masses in temperate latitudes, where most of the country is located. Since there are no high mountains in the western part, air masses pass unhindered all the way to the Verkhoyansk Range. In winter they help mitigate frosts, and in summer they provoke colder temperatures and precipitation.

Climatic zones and regions of Russia

(Schematic map of climatic zones of Russia)

There are 4 climatic zones on the territory of Russia:

Arctic climate

(Islands of the Arctic Ocean, coastal regions of Siberia)

Arctic air masses that prevail year-round, combined with extremely low exposure to the sun, cause severe weather conditions. In winter, during the polar night, the average daily temperature does not exceed -30°C. In summer, most of the sun's rays are reflected from the surface of the snow. Therefore, the atmosphere does not warm up above 0°C...

Subarctic climate

(Region along the Arctic Circle)

In winter, weather conditions are close to arctic, but summer is warmer (in southern parts air temperature can rise to +10°C). The amount of precipitation exceeds the amount of evaporation...

Temperate climate

  • Continental(West Siberian Plain in the south and central part). The climate is characterized by low precipitation and a wide range of temperatures in winter and summer.
  • Moderate continental(European part). Western air transport brings air from Atlantic Ocean. In this regard, winter temperatures rarely drop to -25°C, and thaws occur. Summer is warm: in the south up to +25°C, in the northern part up to +18°C. Precipitation falls unevenly from 800 mm per year in the northwest to 250 mm in the south.
  • Sharply continental(Eastern Siberia). The inland location and the lack of influence of the oceans explains the strong heating of the air during the short summer (up to +20°C) and the sharp cooling in winter (down to -48°C). The annual precipitation does not exceed 520 mm.
  • Monsoon continental(Southern part of the Far East). With the onset of winter, dry and cold continental air comes, causing the air temperature to drop to -30°C, but there is little precipitation. In summer, under the influence of air masses with Pacific Ocean the temperature cannot rise above +20°C.

Subtropical climate

(Black Sea coast, Caucasus)

Narrow band subtropical climate protected by the Caucasus Mountains from the passage of cold air masses. This is the only corner of the country where the air temperature is positive in the winter months, and the duration of summer is significantly longer than in the rest of the country. The humid sea air produces up to 1000 mm of precipitation per year...

Climatic zones of Russia

(Map climatic zones Russia)

Zoning occurs in 4 conditional areas:

  • First- tropical ( Southern parts of Russia);
  • Second- subtropical ( Primorye, western and northwestern regions);
  • Third- moderate ( Siberia, Far East);
  • Fourth- polar ( Yakutia, more northern regions of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East).

In addition to the four main zones, there is a so-called “special” zone, which includes areas beyond the Arctic Circle, as well as Chukotka. The division into areas with approximately similar climates occurs due to uneven heating of the earth's surface by the Sun. In Russia, this division coincides with meridians that are multiples of 20: 20, 40, 60 and 80.

Climate of Russian regions

Each region of the country is characterized by special climatic conditions. In the northern regions of Siberia and Yakutia, negative average annual temperatures and short summers are observed.

A distinctive feature of the Far Eastern climate is its contrast. Traveling towards the ocean there is a noticeable change from continental to monsoon climate.

In Central Russia, the division into seasons occurs clearly: hot summer gives way to a short autumn, and after a cool winter comes spring with increased levels of precipitation.

The climate of the South of Russia is ideal for relaxation: the sea does not have time to cool down much during warm winter, And tourist season starts at the end of April.

Climate and seasons of Russian regions:

The diversity of Russia's climate is due to its vast territory and openness to the Arctic Ocean. The large extent explains the significant difference average annual temperatures, uneven impact of solar radiation and heating of the country. Most of the region experiences severe weather conditions with a pronounced continental character and a clear change in temperature regimes and precipitation between seasons.

>>Types of climates in Russia

§ 20. Types of climates in Russia

On the territory of Russia are being formed different types climates. Each of them is characterized by the following common features, How temperature regime, precipitation regime, prevailing types weather according to the seasons of the year.

Within the same type of climate, the quantitative indicators of each element can vary significantly, which makes it possible to distinguish climatic regions. Internal differences are especially great in the largest climatic zone of Russia - temperate: from taiga to deserts, from sea climate and the coasts to the sharply continental interior of the continent at the same latitude.

The Arctic climate is typical for the islands of the Arctic Ocean and its Siberian coasts. Here the surface receives very little solar heat. Cold arctic air and anticyclones dominate throughout the year. The severity of the climate increases due to the long polar night, when no water reaches the surface. solar radiation.

This lengthens the winter and shortens the remaining seasons of the year to 1.5-2 months.

In this climate there are practically two seasons of the year: a long cold winter and a short cool summer. Average temperatures in January are -24-30 °C. Summer temperatures are low: +2-5 °C. Precipitation is limited to 200-300 mm per year. They fall out mainly in winter time in the form of snow.

Subarctic climate typical for territories located beyond the Arctic Circle in the East European and West Siberian Plains. IN Eastern Siberia this type of climate is common up to 60° N. w. Winters are long and harsh, and the severity of the climate increases as you move from west to east. Summer is warmer than in arctic belt, but still short and quite cold (average July temperatures from +4 to +12 °C). The annual precipitation is 200-400 mm, but due to low evaporation values ​​there is excessive moisture. The influence of Atlantic air masses leads to the fact that in the tundra of the Kola Peninsula, compared to the mainland precipitation is increasing, and winter temperatures are higher than in the Asian part.

The climate is temperate. The temperate climate zone is the largest climate zone in Russia by area. It is characterized by significant differences in temperature and moisture as one moves from west to east and from north to south. Common to the entire belt are clearly defined four seasons of the year.

Moderately continental climate dominates in the European part of Russia. Its main features: warm summer(July temperature +12--24 °C), frosty winter (average January temperatures from -4 to -20 °C), annual precipitation more than 800 mm in the west and up to 500 mm in the center of the Russian Plain. This climate is formed under the influence of the western transfer of Atlantic air masses, relatively warm in winter and cool in summer and, moreover, constantly wet. In the region of a temperate continental climate, moisture varies from excessive in the north and northwest to insufficient in the east and southeast. This is reflected in the change of natural zones from taiga to steppe.

Continental climate temperate zone is typical for Western Siberia. This climate is formed under the influence of continental air masses of temperate latitudes, most often moving in the latitudinal direction. Cold arctic air moves in the meridional direction from north to south, and continental tropical air penetrates far to the north of the forest belt. Therefore, precipitation here is 600 mm per year in the north and less than mm in the south. Summer is warm, even sultry in the south (average July temperatures range from +15 to +26 °C). Winter is harsh compared to temperate continental climates, with average January temperatures ranging from -15 to -25 °C.

Sharply continental climate temperate zone is common in Eastern Siberia. This climate is characterized by the constant dominance of continental air of temperate latitudes. The sharply continental climate is characterized by low cloudiness and scanty precipitation, the bulk of which falls in the warm part of the year. Partial cloudiness promotes rapid warming earth's surface sunlight during the day and summer and, conversely, rapid cooling at night and in winter. Hence the large amplitudes (differences) in air temperatures, warm and hot summers and frosty winters with little snow. Little snow in severe frosts ( average temperature January from -25 to -45 °C) ensures deep freezing of soils and soils, and this, in temperate latitudes, causes the preservation of permafrost. Summer is sunny and warm (average July temperatures range from +16 to +20 °C). Annual precipitation is less than 500 mm. The humidification coefficient is close to unity.

Monsoon climate temperate zone typical for the southern regions Far East. When the continent cools in winter and the resulting atmospheric pressure increases, dry and cold air rushes towards the warmer air above the ocean. In summer, the continent warms up more than the ocean, and colder oceanic air rushes to the continent, bringing cloudiness, abundant precipitation. Average January temperatures here range from -15 to -30 °C; in summer, in July, from +10 to +20 °C. Precipitation (up to 600-800 mm per year) falls mainly in summer. If the melting of snow in the mountains coincides with heavy rainfall, floods occur. Humidification is excessive everywhere (humidification coefficient is greater than one).

Questions and tasks

1. Using the maps, determine in which climate zone the main part of the territory of Russia is located. Which climatic zones occupy the smallest area in our country?
2. Explain why temperate zone the greatest differences are observed in climatic conditions as you move from west to east.
3. Name the main features of the continental climate. How does this climate affect other components of nature?

Geography of Russia: Nature. Population. Farming. 8th grade : textbook for 8th grade. general education institutions / V. P. Dronov, I. I. Barinova, V. Ya. Rom, A. A. Lobzhanidze; edited by V. P. Dronova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 271 p. : ill., map.

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Russia is a country that occupies a huge area. Many peoples and ethnic groups live on its territory. But, in addition to this, it is also divided into different climatic zones. Depending on this, different flora and fauna settle in different areas of the country. What are the climatic zones of Russia, what are the criteria for division and what are the features of these zones - read about all this in the presented article.

Total number of climate zones

Initially, you need to understand how many climate zones exist in general. So, in nature there are four of them (counting from the equator line):

  • Tropical.
  • Subtropical.
  • Moderate.
  • Polar

Generally speaking, the division into climatic zones occurs in accordance with the average temperature of the surface heated by the sun's rays. It should be noted that such zoning was based on many years of observations and conclusions drawn from analytical data.

About the climatic zones of Russia

What are the climatic zones of Russia? The country's territory is very large, which allowed it to be located in three of them. So, if we talk about zones, there are three of them on the territory of Russia - temperate, arctic and subarctic. However, the natural and climatic zones of Russia are divided according to meridians, of which there are 4 on the territory of the state, related to the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th meridians. That is, there are four climatic zones, the fifth is called special.

Table of natural and climatic zones

There are 4 climatic zones in Russia. The table is presented for easier perception of information:

Climate zone Territories Peculiarities
1st zone South of the country (Astrakhan region, Krasnodar region, Stavropol region, Rostov region, Republic of Dagestan, Ingushetia, etc.) Warm areas of the country, winter temperatures are around -9.5 °C, in summer they can rise to +30 °C (the maximum recorded in the last century is +45.5 °C)
2nd zone This is the Primorsky Territory, as well as regions located in the west and north-west of the country The zone is very similar to the 1st. Here, too, the average winter temperature is around -10 °C, summer temperature is approximately +25...+30 °C
3rd zone Regions of Siberia and the Far East that are not included in the 4th zone Winter temperature significantly colder, reaching -20...-18 °C on average. In summer, temperatures fluctuate in the range of +16...+20 °C. Windiness is low, wind speed rarely exceeds 4 m/s
4th zone Northern Siberia, Far East, Yakutia These areas are located below the Arctic Circle. Winter temperatures are around -41 °C, summer temperatures are close to 0 °C. Windiness – no more than 1.5 m/s
Special zone There are territories located beyond the Arctic Circle, as well as Chukotka The winter temperature here is around -25 °C, the wind speed in winter can reach 6.5 m/s

Considering the climatic zones of Russia, it should be noted that most of the country is located in the Arctic and subarctic zones. Also, quite a lot of territories occupy the temperate zone. There are not so many subtropics, it is less than 5% of the entire territory of Russia.

Arctic climate

It is necessary to start considering the climatic zones of Russia with the Arctic climate. It is characteristic of the special, as well as part of the 4th zone. There are mainly arctic deserts and tundras here. The soil hardly warms up, Sun rays they just slide on the surface, which does not allow the flora to grow and develop. The fauna is also scarce, the reason for this is the lack of food. Winter takes most time, which is approximately 10 months. Behind summer period the soil does not have time to warm up, since the heat in the region of 0-+3 °C lasts no more than a couple of weeks. During the polar night, temperatures can drop to -60 °C. There is practically no precipitation, it can only be in the form of snow.

Subarctic climate

Widely distributed in Russia. So, it includes the 4th zone, as well as partially special and third. Winter is also long and cold, but less severe. Summer is short, but the average temperature is 5 degrees higher. Arctic cyclones cause strong winds, cloudiness, and there is precipitation, but not heavy.

Temperate climate

The 3rd and 2nd climatic zones of Russia belong to the temperate climate. Covers most of the country's territory. The seasons are clearly defined here, there is spring, summer, autumn and winter. Temperatures can range from +30 °C in summer to -30 °C in winter. For convenience, scientists divide this zone of Russia into 4 more:

  • Moderate continental. Summer is hot, winter is cold. Natural zones can replace each other from steppes to taiga. Atlantic air masses predominate.
  • Continental. Temperatures range from -25 °C in winter to +25 °C in summer. A large number of precipitation. The zone is formed mainly by western air masses.
  • Sharply continental. Partly cloudy and little precipitation. In summer the soil warms up well, in winter it freezes deeply.
  • Marine and also monsoon climate s. Characteristic strong winds which are called monsoons. Precipitation is heavy and there may be flooding. Summer is not hot, the average air temperature is +15...+20 °C. Winters are very cold, air temperatures can drop to -40 °C. In coastal areas, winter and summer are more moderate.

Subtropical climate

1 climatic zone of Russia partially covers a small territory of the country in the Caucasus Mountains. Summer here is long, but not hot. In winter, the temperature does not drop below 0 °C. Due to the proximity of the mountains, there is quite a lot of precipitation, it can be plentiful.

Tropics and equatorial zone not on Russian territory.

Road climate zones

Few people know, but there are also road climatic zones in Russia. They are divided according to the features of construction of highways for certain territory(depending on temperatures, precipitation and other climate indicators). In this section you can find 5 zones.

Zone Peculiarity
1 This is the cold tundra, zone permafrost. The road goes as follows settlements: De-Kastri – Birobidzhan – Kansk – Nes – Monchegorsk
2 This zone is characterized by forests where the soil is very abundantly moist. Tomsk-Ustinov-Tula
3 Forest-steppe, soils are also very moist. Turan – Omsk – Kuibyshev – Belgorod – Chisinau
4 The soils are not so moistened. The road passes through the cities of Volgograd – Buynaksk – Julfa
5 These are desert roads, arid soils, which are also characterized by high salinity

The benefits of dividing into climate zones

Why distinguish climatic zones in Russia? Table 1 and Table 2 indicate that there are many of them. All this exists for convenience. Thus, this division is important for many areas of activity and knowledge. Most often, such zoning is important:

  • For tourism business, resort planning.
  • During the construction of buildings, roads (including railways), and design of communications.
  • When assessing the possibility of people living in a given territory.
  • When planning the extraction of minerals and natural resources.
  • When organizing the management Agriculture, farming.

Well, generally speaking, knowledge of climate zones helps many people improve their lives in different parts of the country. This knowledge helps many people optimize and develop a particular territory for living. For example, cold areas require large expenditures; in a temperate climate, it is best to breed livestock and grow useful vegetation.

Climate is the long-term weather pattern in a particular territory. That is, climate and weather are related as general and specific. In our case we will talk about climate. What types of climate exist on planet Earth?

The following types of climate are distinguished:

  • equatorial;
  • subequatorial;
  • tropical;
  • subtropical;
  • moderate;
  • subarctic and subantarctic;
  • Arctic and Antarctic;
  • mountain climate.

Equatorial climate

This type of climate is typical for areas of the globe that are directly adjacent to the equator. The equatorial climate is characterized by year-round dominance of equatorial air masses (that is, air masses that form above the equator), weak winds, and hot and humid weather all year round. In areas with equatorial climate Every day there are heavy downpours, which causes unbearable stuffiness. The average monthly temperature ranges from 25 to 29 degrees Celsius. Areas with an equatorial climate are characterized by a natural zone of tropical rainforests.

Subequatorial climate

This type of climate is also typical for areas that are adjacent to the equator, or located slightly north/south of the zero parallel.

In areas with a subequatorial climate, there are two seasons:

  • hot and humid (conditional summer);
  • relatively cold and dry (conditional winter).

In summer, equatorial air masses dominate, and in winter, tropical air masses dominate. Over the oceans arise tropical cyclones. The average monthly temperature is generally between 25 and 29 degrees, but in some areas with a subequatorial climate the average winter temperatures (for example, India) are much lower than the average summer temperatures. The subequatorial climate is characterized by variable zones rain forests and savannah.

Tropical climate

Characteristic of latitudes adjacent to the North or South Tropics. All year round Tropical air masses dominate. Tropical cyclones occur over the oceans. Significant differences in temperature and humidity are already noticeable, especially on the continents.

There are the following subtypes of tropical climate:

  • Humid tropical climate. Characteristic of regions adjacent to the ocean. Tropical marine air masses dominate throughout the year. Average monthly air temperatures range from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. Classic examples of such a climate are Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Miami (Florida, USA), and the Hawaiian Islands. Tropical rainforests.
  • Tropical desert climate. Mainly characteristic of inland regions, as well as coastal areas that are washed by cold currents. Dry tropical air masses dominate. There are large daily differences in air temperature. Frosts are very rare in winter. Summers are usually very hot with average temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius (though not always). Winter is much colder, usually no higher than 20 degrees. This type of climate is typical for the Sahara, Kalahari, Namib and Atacama deserts.
  • Tropical trade wind climate. Characteristic seasonal change winds (trade winds). Summer is hot, winter is much colder than summer. Average temperatures winter months 17-19 degrees Celsius, summer 27-29 degrees. This type of climate is typical for Paraguay.

Subtropical climate

Characteristic of areas that fall between tropical and temperate climatic zones. Tropical air masses dominate in summer and moderate air masses in winter. Significant seasonal differences in air temperature and humidity, especially on continents. Typically absent climate winter, but spring, summer and autumn clearly stand out. Snow showers are possible. Tropical cyclones occur over the oceans.

There are the following subtypes of subtropical climate:

  • Subtropical Mediterranean climate. Characterized by warm, humid winters and dry, hot summers. The average temperature of the coldest month is about 4 to 12 degrees Celsius, the warmest is about 22-25 degrees. This type of climate is typical for all Mediterranean countries, Black Sea coast Caucasus in the Tuapse-Sochi region, South Bank Crimea, as well as cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sydney, Santiago, etc. Favorable climate for growing tea, citrus fruits and other subtropical crops.
  • Marine subtropical climate. Tropical air masses dominate in summer, and moderate marine air masses dominate in winter. Winters are warm and humid, and summers are not hot. An example of a marine subtropical climate is New Zealand.
  • Subtropical desert climate. Tropical air masses dominate in summer, and moderate continental air masses dominate in winter. There is very little precipitation. Summer is very hot, the average temperature is warm month sometimes exceeds 30 degrees. Winters are quite warm, but sometimes frosts occur. This type of climate is typical for the southwestern United States, northern regions Mexico, some countries of Central Asia (for example, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan).
  • Subtropical monsoon climate. Characterized by seasonal changes in winds. In winter, the wind blows from land to sea, and in summer - from sea to land. Summers are hot and humid, winters are dry and cool, and sometimes the average temperature of the coldest month drops below zero. Examples of such a climate: Seoul, Beijing, Washington, Buenos Aires.
  • Temperate climate. Characteristic of temperate latitudes, approximately from 40 to 65 parallels. Moderate air masses prevail all year round. Intrusions of arctic and tropical air are frequent. Snow cover forms on the continents in winter. As a rule, winter, spring, summer and autumn are clearly defined.

The following subspecies of temperate climates are distinguished:

  • Temperate maritime climate. Moderate sea air masses reign all year round. Winters are mild and humid, summers are not hot. For example, in London the average temperature in January is 5 degrees Celsius, in July - 18 degrees above zero. This type of climate is typical for the British Isles and most countries Western Europe, extreme south South America, New Zealand, Tasmania Islands. The area is characterized by mixed forests.
  • Temperate continental climate. Both maritime and continental temperate air masses dominate. All seasons are clearly expressed. Winter is quite cool and long, the average temperature of the coldest month is almost always below zero (can drop to 16 degrees below zero). Summer is long and warm, even hot. The average temperature of the warmest month ranges from 17 to 24 degrees Celsius. Characteristic natural areas mixed and deciduous forests, forest-steppes and steppes. This type of climate is typical mainly for the countries of Eastern Europe and most of the European territory of Russia.
  • Sharply continental climate. Characteristic of most of the territory of Siberia. In winter, areas with a sharply continental climate are dominated by the so-called Siberian anticyclone or Asian maximum. This is a stable field of high pressure that prevents the penetration of cyclones and contributes to a strong cooling of the air. Therefore, winter in Siberia is long (five to eight months) and very cold; in Yakutia the temperature can drop to 60 degrees below zero. Summer is short, but warm, even hot, with frequent showers and thunderstorms. Spring and autumn are short. The natural taiga zone is typical.
  • Monsoon climate. Characteristic of the Russian Far East, North Korea and the northern part of Japan (Hokkaido Island), as well as China. It is characterized by the fact that in winter the wind blows from land to sea, and in summer - from sea to land. Due to the fact that the above-mentioned Asian High forms over the continent in winter, the winter is clear and quite cold. Summers are quite warm, but humid, and typhoons are frequent. Moreover, summer begins quite late - only at the end of June and ends in September. Spring is characterized by muddy roads, and autumn brings joy with clear and fine days.

Subarctic and subantarctic climate

This type of climate is typical for areas that are directly adjacent to the Arctic and Southern Polar Circles. There is no summer as such, because average monthly temperature the warmest month does not reach 15 degrees Celsius. Arctic and Antarctic air masses dominate in winter, and moderate ones in summer.

There are two subtypes of subarctic and subantarctic climate:

  • Subarctic (subantarctic) maritime climate. It is characterized by fairly mild and wet winters and cold summers. Marine air masses dominate all year round. For example, in Reykjavik (Iceland) the average temperature in January is 0 degrees, in July 11 degrees;
  • Subarctic (subantarctic) continental climate. Characterized by very cold winter And cool summer. There is little precipitation. Continental air masses dominate. For example, in Verkhoyansk (Yakutia) the average temperature in January is 38 degrees below zero, in July - 13 degrees below zero.

The subarctic and subantarctic climate is characterized by the natural zone of tundra and forest-tundra. (dwarf willow, birch, moss - moss).

Arctic (Antarctic) climate

Characteristic of areas that lie beyond the Arctic Circle. Arctic air masses dominate all year round. The weather is frosty all year round, and frosts are especially severe in Antarctica. In the Arctic, periods with temperatures above zero are possible. Characteristic zone arctic deserts, Antarctica is almost completely covered with ice. There are Arctic (Antarctic) maritime and Arctic (Antarctic) continental climates. It is no coincidence that the pole of cold on Earth is located in Antarctica - Vostok station, where a temperature of minus 89 (!) degrees below zero was recorded!

Mountain climate

Characteristic of areas with high altitude zones (mountainous areas). As altitude increases, air temperature drops and Atmosphere pressure, and natural zones alternately replace each other. In high mountain areas they predominate alpine meadows, the tops of the mountains are often covered with glaciers.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the main types of climate are equatorial, tropical, temperate and Arctic (Antarctic). Transitional climate types include subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (subantarctic) climate types.

What is changing the Earth's climate - video
