The end of May, where is it cheaper to vacation in Europe? Where to go on vacation in May at the seaside

May is the ideal month for trips to the sea. Firstly, the weather is already “whispering”; secondly, there is no large influx of tourists; thirdly, it was at this time in different countries Oh, there are bright, memorable festivals. The variety of options is dizzying... However, not every one of them is as good as it seems at first glance. We will tell you where to go to the sea in May and get maximum pleasure and impressions!

The Black Sea coast of Russia: it’s good when visiting, but better at home

May is not the most suitable month for mass or long swims. However, the water temperature on the Black Sea coast in the daytime already reaches +18, and in some places even +22 degrees.

And this is quite enough to open the next season without stress for the body!

The most popular resorts on the Black Sea coast attract millions of tourists every year. Particularly popular are:

  • Sochi: in addition to the sea itself, you can visit the famous arboretum and Olympic heritage sites;
  • Gelendzhik: the pride of the city is its beautiful embankment;
  • Anapa: the Bolshoy Utrish nature reserve is located here; in addition, the resort is an all-Russian children's health resort;
  • Tuapse: attractions include ancient dolmens and the beach;
  • Yalta: Known for its magnificent palaces and Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

You need to understand that on the territory of these cities there are a huge number of health resorts, boarding houses and sanatoriums. In the spring they are not yet filled to capacity, which means that all the relaxation and therapeutic offers can be taken advantage of in a quiet and peaceful environment.

However, fans of “wild” holidays also like to go to the Black Sea coast in May. There are still no sweltering hot nights and annoying mosquitoes, the beaches are not hidden under a thick layer of garbage, and the sea breeze pleases with freshness.

Holidays the Egyptian way: catch the wave, go to the depths!

A classic spring holiday destination is Egypt. The hot season here starts in April, but May is still a relatively calm month for individual and family holidays. The air temperature has already reached +30, and the water +27 degrees Celsius. And the beauty of the Red Sea fascinates even seasoned aesthetes.

And now – about the price of the issue. Many people strive to get to Egypt for the May holidays. But you should understand that you will have to pay well for a vacation in such a touristically attractive time. It’s another matter to go after May 10th. And prices will be lower, and the temperature will not have time to rise to critical levels.

And now - a small list of resorts that have gained enormous popularity among Russians:

  • Hurghada;
  • Sharm el-Sheikh;
  • El Gouna;
  • Safaga;
  • Marsa Alame.

By the way, Egyptian resorts are a favorite haven for surfers and scuba divers from different parts of the world. Nature itself has created excellent conditions here for riding the waves, as well as diving to the depths. And special schools with Russian-speaking instructors are a real find for beginning extreme sports enthusiasts.

Türkiye: a classic of the travel genre

Spring Türkiye is a beautiful sight. A beach holiday in May promises the most joyful experiences. However, when planning your vacation for this month, it is better to worry about the trip in advance. After all, this favorite time year for tourists from different countries - and, first of all, Russia.

In fact, this is the very beginning of the season for Turkey. And many travelers flock here not only to sunbathe under the gentle sun... A Blue Cruise along the Turkish Riviera is a unique chance to visit ancient cities while standing on the deck of an ancient ship.

Not every country offers an adventure like this!

In Turkey, the air temperature in May rises to +24 +25 degrees. And the water in the sea warms up to about +18 +20 degrees. Maybe not the highest, but very comfortable indicators.

Among the resorts special success use:

  • Alanya;
  • Antalya;
  • Belek;
  • Kemer;
  • Marmaris.

By the way, when you come to Turkey on vacation, you can, out of sporting interest, swim in the waters of four seas at once: the Black, Aegean, Marmara, and Mediterranean. After all, they wash the shores of this country, making it a wonderful place for year-round recreation.

Vietnam: the exotic that everyone misses

However, May is good not only in our country. Fans of holidays abroad can enjoy a more exotic pastime. For example, go to Vietnam! The air here in May warms up to 30 degrees C and above. A average temperature water varies between 26-28 degrees.

Besides, strengths Vietnam has unimaginable landscapes, white sandy beaches and low prices. As statistics show, it is in this country that you can get maximum impressions at a minimum cost. And warm, but not hot May is ideal for these purposes!

Experienced tourists highlight the following resorts in Vietnam:

  • Nha Trang;
  • Danang;
  • Mui Ne;
  • Ha Long Bay.

Lovers active rest They choose diving, water skiing, and kayaking around the grottoes. Tired of the sea? Go on an excursion to the tropics. Or explore man-made sights. In short, there is always something to do in Vietnam. And the good-natured ones local residents will only strengthen your love for this country.

Israel: relaxation and wellness in one “bottle”

Israel is another paradise for lovers of a sea holiday in May. The water temperature here reaches 25 degrees; the level of hotel comfort is excellent; and water-solar procedures can be diversified with interesting excursion programs.

This country is washed by the waters of four seas at once. Accordingly, there are many resorts here:

  • Mediterranean: Ashdod, Bat Yam, Haifa, Netanya;
  • Red: Eilat;
  • Dead: Ein Boker;
  • Galilee (Lake Kinneret) - Tiberias.

By the way, Israel - perfect place recreation for those who for some reason cannot swim. After all, the Dead Sea is so salty that it can support the average person in its waters.

In addition, a holiday on its coast is very useful for people suffering from various diseases, because the mineral composition of the Dead Sea waters is unique and cannot be recreated under artificial conditions.

On the other hand, you need to be prepared for the fact that a May holiday in Israel is more expensive than a summer or winter one. Once again, everything relies on the wonderful weather, which very quickly (by the end of the month) can develop into extreme heat - over 40 degrees. So hurry up to visit Israeli beaches around mid-May!

Greece and Cyprus are “not twin brothers”

Favorite year-round holiday destinations for millions of tourists are Greece and Cyprus. Moreover, most novice travelers do not see much difference between these wonderful resorts. In fact, it exists, and is quite significant.

So, Greece is not only the sea, but also great story ancient warriors and sages. Here you can see amphitheatres, acropolises and palaces. And Cyprus is a real find for lovers of “hot” parties. Incendiary discos and festivals take place here.

Despite these differences, there are several common reasons that speak in favor of a May holiday in Greece and Cyprus. Here they are:

  • comfortable hotels are still half empty;
  • clean sandy beaches;
  • affordable prices;
  • climate that is most comfortable for the body.

Thus, here you can relax your soul and body without spending a lot of money.

We approach vacation wisely

Although May seems to be the most best month, which can be devoted to a seaside holiday, this impression can be deceptive. In some countries it is better not to appear at this time. One of these resort areas is Thailand. The fact is that it is at the end of spring that the rainy season begins here. They have been pouring every day for several weeks. In addition, in May the ocean is choppy.

So rate these natural features Only real extreme travelers can do it.

Thus, the question of where to go on vacation at sea in May has many pleasant answers. The main thing is, when you are on a foreign land, do not try to try all the national dishes that are not typical for our cuisine. This often leads to poisoning and stomach problems. Remember that the best food, especially in warm countries, it's fresh fruit!

May is rightfully considered the beginning tourist season, gradually many resorts and hotels are filled with vacationers. But, of course, there are not many tourists yet. In the last spring month the cost of travel packages is not yet high, and holidays in Russia exacerbate the desire to travel outside of Russia. The choice of countries to which you can travel during the May days is very large. Many resorts have already been warmed by the sun, but there is no sweltering heat.

Traditional destinations for Russians still remain and. But it is worth considering that the climate in Egypt is more conducive to relaxation; the Red Sea is already quite warm, with a temperature of 25 degrees. In Turkey, the air will not yet be warm enough for swimming in the open sea. Although, at the end of May, even here it is already quite comfortable with the water temperature - up to 20 degrees. You can go to the beaches of other Arab countries, for example, in.

But you still have to take warm clothes. In the evenings, unsettled May weather can bring wind and light rain. At the end of spring, the full season for tourists begins. Local recreation includes swimming in turquoise waters, sunbathing on well-maintained beaches and practicing water sports. Prices will pleasantly please you, since during this period they are not yet subject to growth. There will definitely be no problems with housing: many hotels and inns are starting to operate at full capacity and offer rooms and apartments at different prices. During the day the weather is pleasant with 25-degree heat, in the evening the temperature drops slightly. And the thermometer does not fall below 27 degrees.

For tourists who want not only to soak up the sun and get maximum benefits, they can safely purchase a tour to, which is famous for its healing mud. In the last month of spring, the weather here is consistently warm, as is the sea. – another ideal place for a May holiday. The Mediterranean Sea managed to warm up to 20 - 22 degrees. But at night it can be a little chilly.

May opens up excellent prospects for and. This is an unusual way of traveling that is sure to bring a sea of ​​new emotions. In addition, during some cruises, you can get to the piers of several countries at once, see new cities and their attractions.

Cruises across the expanses of the Baltic Sea are no less in demand. Here you have the opportunity to visit Scandinavia, Russia and the Baltic states. The undoubted advantage of such cruises is their relatively inexpensive cost. River cruises across European lands will become worthy rivals to sea cruises. You will sail along rivers such as the Rhine, Danube, Elbe or Seine. May is the peak of the cruise season.

Holidays and festivals in May

May is a great time to celebrate a holiday or have fun at a festival in another country. Everyone is eager to see off the winter and welcome spring. Valpiri's night is celebrated from April 30 to May 1. Each country has its own customs, somewhere on the streets flies out of the windows. old furniture, somewhere sand is pouring onto the thresholds of a house. Bonfires are burning everywhere and the spirits of exiled witches are hovering. You can visit the color festival in Chelsea. This holiday has been celebrated for almost 200 years. You can take part in cheese races in England.

In Finland, you run the risk of attending the student festival Vappa. A gypsy festival is held in the Czech Republic. The loudest May festival in the world is the Cannes Festival in France. Film fans from all over the world fly here. In addition, on the 30th, a holiday is celebrated here in honor of the birthday of Joan of Arc. In Germany, a large-scale festival is held in honor of spring, which often lasts several days with costume shows, fairs and picnics.

The ancient Celtic holiday Beltane is still celebrated in Great Britain, and if you manage to get here, you will certainly be lucky. May 9 is Victory Day in Russia, and in countries where German is spoken, Father's Day is celebrated. If you want a spectacle, in the twentieth, feel free to go to the north of Greece, where you can see Pirovassia. Masters will walk on fire.

When planning a vacation with children, you should take the choice of country very seriously. It all depends on your goal: do you want to lie on the beach under palm leaves or do you want to visit historical cities, visit attractions and book excursions. Of course, the age of the child will be a fundamental factor. Younger children will have more fun spending their holiday at sea. Resorts in Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Thailand have already become the standard choice for compatriots.

In Europe, many attractions open their doors to curious tourists. The leading countries here are the Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Finland. An excellent option is to travel with your baby to Cyprus. There is a wonderful bay where the waves are small, and the child will be comfortable in the water close to the shore. You can go to Aqaba, in Jordan. The flight will not be too expensive, and the narrow sandy beaches, clear sea and hotels are perfect for children's holidays.

Hello, friends! It seems that we have finally waited for truly warm days, and spring has fully come into its own. And the invigorating, changeable May wind tempts us to break out of our usual and rather boring environment, succumb to its romantic impulse and make another exciting journey. And it doesn’t matter where. The main thing is that everyone has fun and feels comfortable around each other.

As experienced travelers and experts say, warm May days are a great time to spend traveling with children. And, in order for your vacation to be a success, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, when developing a route, you need to answer the question for yourself: what do we want to do on vacation? Swim and sunbathe on the beach, go hiking interesting places and museums or combine both?

The determining factor when choosing, of course, will be the age of the child. All children simply love traveling, and even little ones are happy to get ready for the trip. And, by and large, they don’t care where their parents take them. They know: where mom and dad are, they will always feel good, safe, and everywhere they can find something to do to their liking.

But, still, it’s clear that with kids you shouldn’t choose sightseeing tour. This is difficult for both parents and children, and such a journey is unlikely to be enjoyable for anyone. And here comfortable stay by the sea - quite suitable for a holiday with children of any age, even the smallest. But even in this case, it is preferable to choose beach destinations with good organization of children's recreation and a rich animation program.

In addition, it is worth considering that at many resorts you can combine beach holiday with excursion tourism.

Choose a direction and determine the travel route

The seasonality rule will help determine the destinations that are most suitable for holidays with children in May. When choosing the countries you want to travel to with your child, you need to focus on the air and water temperatures in May (if beach destinations are your priority).

First of all, you should pay attention to countries that are not so far away, and preparing for the trip will not take much time. This choice means short flights, which is also important when traveling with children.

So, where should you go with your children in May?

In fact, there are a lot of options. We will limit ourselves to the most popular and not very distant resorts and countries.

As before, this year Russians choose their favorite destinations for family vacations: Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Tunisia, and Thailand. Among European destinations, according to ATOR (Association of Tour Operators of Russia), the leaders are Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Germany and Finland. Although, when compared with last year, the demand for foreign trips decreased slightly.

But, according to ATOR experts, contrary to all expectations, the cost of tours for the May holidays to Egypt, Turkey and some European countries has not risen in price at all, but even, on the contrary, has become cheaper, by about 20 percent. Experts explain this decrease partly by a decrease in demand for trips abroad caused by currency fluctuations, or an effective early booking program, which allowed many Russians to buy more.

And even now you can find good budget options for May, for example, to Greece - from 20 thousand, to Turkey - from 11 thousand, to Cyprus and Tunisia - from 15 thousand, attracting prices for holidays in Spain and Italy. Among long-distance destinations, the lowest prices are to Thailand and Vietnam.

Beach holiday in May

As before, beach holidays are given preference. In May, many resorts experience warm and even hot weather, and the water is already warming up well.


In May in Egypt almost ideal conditions for a beach holiday with children of different ages. Water temperature: + 24°C. For very reasonable money you can get everything you need for have a nice rest: sea, sun and, if desired, exciting.

For holidays with children this spring month, Hurghada is more attractive, since the summer heat it is somewhat softened by the cool wind from the sea and is not felt as sharply as, for example, in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Find a tour to Egypt at the best price


Although we are still loved by Russian tourists, nevertheless, not the best option for holidays with children in May. This is the last month of summer, when the resorts in Thailand end " high season" And many areas experience tropical downpours and strong wind, although it is still very warm (air temperature above +30°C).

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- a good option that combines a beach holiday with interesting excursions to numerous museums, historical and biblical places. In May it is already real summer in Israel (+25-32°C), but there is no sweltering heat.

Giving preference to a holiday at sea with children in May, do not forget that at this time not all resorts warm up the water to a temperature where children can stay in the water for a long time.

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It's not too hot and not crowded yet. The swimming season only opens at the beginning of May. But what a treat it is, adapted for a family holiday with children.

You can relax well with children, for example, in the small green resort town of Kusadasi (accommodation prices here are lower than in Antalya). Average air temperature in May: during the day +24°C, at night +12°C, water temperature +20°C. Sandy beaches, excellent nature, sunny weather, water parks, national park Dilek with many animals and birds, interesting excursions to ancient cities - in a word, there is a place to have fun.

Another option - in one of the most expensive resort towns in Turkey on the coast Mediterranean Sea with excellent snow-white beaches, fashionable hotels, beautiful nature.

One of the most beautiful resorts in Turkey is Side, which is located just 70 km from Antalya, and is also a worthy place for a family holiday.

In addition, at the beginning of the month in Turkey, the Spring Meeting Festival takes place throughout the country. It's very bright folk holiday with festivities, fairs and concerts.

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Tunisia is a budget option for a family holiday in May, although prices rise slightly during the May holidays. And although the summer season here officially lasts from April to October, a full-fledged beach holiday begins in Tunisian resorts only in June. And in May, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is only +20°C and is not very suitable for long-term swimming. Daytime temperature+25°С, cool nights – up to +15°С.

But May is a great month for walks and interesting excursions. Resorts such as Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet are good for a relaxing holiday with children.

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The swimming season also opens in Morocco in May. But, according to experts, traveling with children beach resorts It's still too early.

In May, even in the hottest of the popular resorts - Marrakech, with an air temperature of + 28-30 ° C, the water temperature in the ocean warms up to only + 19 ° C. True, oriental exoticism and interesting excursions can fully compensate for this shortcoming of an overall inexpensive holiday.

Well, it’s quite logical to assume that trips to resorts where it’s comfortable at this time and you can swim all day long are expensive.

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Holidays on these wonderful islands may seem somewhat boring to children due to the lack of animation, water parks and other usual entertainment. But the wonderful beaches and nature are magnificent.


In May, the rainy season begins in Cuba, which lasts until the end of October. Although the time from March to September is considered the best time for a beach holiday here (air temperature - +27°C, water temperature - +26°C).


In May, Mauritius is comfortable, despite the fact that winter begins on the island this month, which lasts until October. Air temperature +20-23°C, water temperature +22-26°C all year round.


Malaysia may become more accessible to tourists due to the emergence of low-cost airlines offering tickets at more reasonable prices.

The famous resorts of Borneo, the largest Bird Park in Southeast Asia, amusement parks Legoland and Hello Kitty – wonderful place for a holiday with the whole family.


Holidays on the amazing Seychelles islands, scattered in the waters of the Indian Ocean, are also becoming more accessible. Cheaper housing is becoming available and airfare prices are falling somewhat.

Bali (Indonesia)

The holiday season in Bali essentially never ends. But beach holidays in May are especially appreciated by lovers of this type of holiday. The air and water temperatures are conducive to swimming.

Holidays with children are well organized and thought out (couples with children are provided with special rooms, children's meals, children's clubs and children's cafes, babysitting services, entertainment centers and playgrounds are provided). In addition, Bali offers interesting excursions, bird parks and zoos.

South Korea

For a beach holiday in South Korea you need to go from May to October. This tourist route is becoming increasingly popular due to the abolition of visas for our tourists from January 1, 2014.


The average air temperature in May is +25-30°C, water temperature is +25-28°C. But you need to take into account that it can vary greatly in different parts of the country. In May, the rainy season begins, which, however, does not overshadow the holiday (it rains mostly at night).

It can be wonderful: everywhere good beaches, quiet, relaxing holiday, interesting excursions (the only negative is the long flight). But there is a lot of entertainment.

Take, for example, the resort of Nha Trang. Here you can visit amusement park VinpearlLand (“Little Hollywood”), the fun “Monkey Island” or admire the colorful fish and sea animals in the Chi Nguyen open aquarium.

Excursion tourism in Europe

In May, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro, Croatia join the beach trend, but, however, they open their beach season mainly at the end of the month. You can already sunbathe on the beaches, and it’s also time to immerse yourself in the historical past of these countries. And in the second half of May you can already swim in the sea.

For inquisitive and active children, spending time on the beach may seem boring and uninteresting. Moreover, spring in Europe is a great time for excursions with fun “whys” and an opportunity to fully enjoy walks along the ancient streets of European cities, visit theme parks and museums, zoos and water parks.

European cities in many countries are always happy to welcome inquisitive and tireless little tourists.

If you are planning to increase the number of lovers of urban tourism, you can go to cities where, according to the results of a study conducted by the travel portal, vacations in May are the most budget-friendly. The top 5 is headed by one of the most beautiful cities in Europe - Krakow, followed by Sofia, Bucharest, Bratislava, Tallinn.

As an inexpensive option excursion holiday During the May holidays, you can consider visiting visa-free (or with an easier visa regime) European countries, for example Serbia and Macedonia. 3-4 days is enough for the first time to get new impressions and get to know the main attractions.

To visit the following cities, although you will need a Schengen visa, nevertheless, the trip will not be very ruinous: the resort city of Budapest, the capital of Portugal - Lisbon, Brussels (and tourism experts note that combined tours with excursions to the Czech Republic are increasingly becoming popular V neighboring countries eg to Austria and Germany).

Popular Italy and Spain will introduce you not only to their sights, architecture and unique cuisine. Resorts in southern Italy and Spain are already ready to welcome beach lovers to their wonderful beaches.

May - the right time to visit Denmark or the UK. Fascinating museums in London, unique nature Scotland and surprisingly low prices for flights from Moscow to Manchester and London will help you quickly decide in favor of such a trip.

Visiting neighbors

We shouldn't ignore our closest neighbors and friends. To visit Armenia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Belarus or the Baltic countries, just a few days will be enough and no hassle with documents.

Vilnius, Tallinn, Riga, Jurmala – for those who don’t like hot weather. At this time, it is quite cool in the Baltic countries (up to +15°C), but this does not prevent you from admiring ancient cities and unique architectural buildings on these spring days.

Trips in Russia in May

Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Golden ring, rest in boarding houses near Moscow, river cruise along the Volga - these are just a few excellent destinations for families with children in May.

Here's what the travel portal recommends for us on a budget. The ranking of cities with moderate prices includes Veliky Novgorod, Krasnodar, Penza, Samara and Kaliningrad. Further into the top ten were Saratov, Kostroma, Voronezh, Petrozavodsk and Alushta.

St. Petersburg and Moscow, Kazan and Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Suzdal are still popular tourist routes on the May weekend.

In St. Petersburg, the season of fountains opens on April 19, which will delight city guests with their beauty during the May days. And Moscow is ready to receive about 140 thousand tourists in early May.

According to the information group "TURPROM", the travel company "RZD Tour" has prepared for the May holidays for tourists interesting gift– these are excursions on a real retro train of the mid-20th century: on May 1, the train departs to Tula, to the Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate “Yasnaya Polyana”, and on May 9 – to Monino, to the Museum Air Force. Children (especially boys) will probably really like real airplanes, gliders, helicopters and other military equipment in an open air museum.

And, of course, in May Crimea awaits us, so unexpectedly added to the list Russian places for relaxation, and its: Alushta, Yalta, Gurzuf, Alupka, Foros. The weather there at this time is warm and comfortable.

The good news is that we are promised quite reasonable prices for air tickets (the most cheap air ticket round trip costs 5,200 rubles) and direct flights from many Russian cities (as reported by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, direct flights will be made from 30 cities). And, as reported information Agency RBC, Crimea has become the most popular destination for the sale of air tickets for the May holidays and has overtaken even Sochi. I already wrote more about this in one of the articles.

Such interesting journeys and unexplored routes await us in May.

Spring is ending, the long-awaited May holidays are approaching, when you can take a trip and go on vacation abroad without significant losses for your vacation. Many people are starting to think about which country to spend their May holiday as inexpensively as possible. At the same time, they need the opportunity to swim in the warm sea and sunbathe under the hot sun. We have prepared a list of countries where you can go in the last month of spring for a beach holiday. All of them are convenient for traveling with a child.

List of six foreign places where you can vacation economically with or without a child

In May there is hardly any point in going to Thailand or the beaches of Goa: in these regions the real heat begins. The same thing happens with the Maldives and states Caribbean: Cuba, Dominican Republic. Thawed Europe and places such as Cyprus, Spain, Tunisia come to the fore.

All inclusive in Turkey

Buffet at Hedef Resort and Spa in Turkey. Photo by Sergey Melkonov from Flickr

May in Turkey is the beginning of the beach holiday season. During the May holidays, Antalya, Bodrum, Marmaris and other resorts in this country experience an influx of tourists from Russia. During this period, you can already swim, although not for long. The water temperature fluctuates around twenty degrees, the air temperature at twenty-five. The nights are cool. In May, Turkey is convenient for a leisurely “hotel” holiday with children or friends, or visiting attractions.

With children to Egypt

Swimming pool at Palm Beach Resort in Hurghada. Photo by Mpigapicha from Flickr

Although, according to many lovers of inexpensive holidays, Egypt is inferior in quality of service to Turkey, in May it is already hot here, and you can fully swim in the sea. In Alexandria at this time it is cooler than in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. To Egypt, but perhaps the ideal month for a beach holiday here is May, when the number of tourists from Russia is still relatively small, but the weather is already hot.

Beach holidays in Greece

In Greece in May you can already swim in some places. Photo by FrankMaurer from Flickr

May is ideal for a holiday in Greece. There is a light breeze on the islands, the weather is warm, but not hot. Towards the end of the month the sea becomes comfortable for swimming. During May, numerous holidays are held here - from Workers' Day to the Medieval Festival of Rhodes. Also during May, the anniversary of the Battle of Crete is celebrated in various places in Greece. Even if the weather is not summery enough, tourists will find numerous ancient attractions of this country.

Spain, where it's already warm

Beach in Cadiz in Spain. Photo by Emilio del Prado from Flickr

In May on south coast Spain is warm enough to swim and sunbathe. On average, the air temperature stays at 25 degrees Celsius, the water at 20. In Andalusia and the Canary Islands, this is the best time to relax. The Catalan coast and Barcelona may still disappoint beach lovers. At least at the beginning of May. The rest of the time, Spain, with its famous multivisas, is open to guests from Russia.

Still cool Croatia

In May you can already swim with caution in Dubrovnik. Photo by margory.june from Flickr

In Dubrovnik, Split and other Croatian resorts, the tourist season begins in May. Otherwise, not a swimsuit. Not everyone will decide to swim in the sea in May. The weather is not hot, but quite suitable for sunbathing. In the evening, a windbreaker and pants may be required. The main advantages of a May holiday in Croatia are the absence of crowds of tourists and the opportunity to see local attractions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Hot sun in Montenegro

In May, the sun is already very hot in Montenegro. Photo by aWorldTourer via Flickr

Holidays in Montenegro are usually cheaper than in Croatia, while the country is located further south, and therefore the sea is warmer here in May. The water temperature usually stays above twenty degrees. May in Montenegro is the beginning of the tourist season, although until the summer it is still deserted and most nightclubs are closed. However, there are restaurants open, and hotel service is excellent. Many already have swimming pools.

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Where to go on vacation in May is a question that worries many Russians, especially on the eve of the May holidays. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally.

Travel abroad, or travel to healing places native land, fly to the sea or go to the mountains, at the beginning of May or at the end? It all depends on age marital status, preferences and wallet. But there are several popular destinations that may be attractive to Russian tourists.

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Where to holiday abroad in May inexpensively and without a visa

Visa-free destinations are always the most popular among tourists.

There are several options to consider:

  • visa-free entry into the country using an internal passport;
  • visa-free entry into the country with a foreign passport;
  • obtaining a visa for 30, 60, 90 days upon arrival at the airport.

The first option works for the countries of the former CIS: Belarus, Abkhazia, and Kyrgyzstan. Naturally, these directions are not particularly attractive.

Nesvizh Castle in Belarus

A tour of the castles of Belarus, such as Mir, Nesvizh, can be very exciting, and the Tien Shan mountains, Pamir ranges and Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan are unique, and you should definitely see them at least once.

The second option is for those who love an inexpensive, but more respectable vacation at world-famous resorts with developed infrastructure.

In May, Russians may well visit:

  1. Turkey – up to 30 days of stay in the country using a foreign passport. Interestingly, Turkey is great choice For families with small children, the resorts of this country have everything for a comfortable children's holiday.
  2. Thailand – you can stay in the country for a whole month without a visa. The most popular resorts among tourists are Phuket, Pattaya and Samui.
  3. – You can stay in the country without a visa for up to 90 days. Holidays in Tunisia are very cheap, and the service is high quality. The most popular place is Hammamet and the capital of the country is Tunisia.
  4. – a great place for lovers of oriental exoticism and beach holidays on the Mediterranean Sea. The most popular place is Agadir.
  5. – a place for those who love diving (Red Sea); for those who like to get well (Dead Sea); for those who like to explore the sights and holy places (Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth); and for those who like to have a good time in the evening ().

You can also visit more remote areas. Such as:

  • Sri Lanka is a paradise with magnificent landscapes. You can stay here for up to 3 months without a visa;
  • Cuba is an incredibly colorful country where a Russian can stay without a special document for up to 30 days;
  • – the place is not cheap, but incredibly beautiful. Without a visa, a router can stay here for up to 14 days. Beach resorts such as Lamma and Lantau are in particular demand.

The third option is perfect for exotic lovers. You can obtain an entry visa in the following countries:

  • Vietnam - a visa is issued at a travel agency or upon arrival in the country, at a hotel. Holidays in Vietnam are cheap and comfortable, you can choose a beach destination, for example, relax in or on the island of Phu Coc, or you can choose an excursion destination and visit, for example, Hanoi or;
  • Egypt – upon entry you can obtain a residence permit for 30 days; Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh are a must-see.

Visa on arrival can also be obtained in countries such as:

  • (6 months with a visa obtained at the airport) - you can relax on the coast of Krasny or Dead Sea, for example, in Aqaba; visit Petra - the famous rock city;
  • Maldives - a holiday on the islands here in May will be very welcome;
  • Cambodia;
  • United Arab Emirates - most often tourists prefer to vacation in Dubai, but you can afford to relax in Jumeirah - artificial island in the form of a palm tree.

Interestingly, May is the best time to visit all these countries located in different parts Sveta:

  • there is no stifling heat in northern Africa;
  • on the islands and southeast Asia the rainy seasons have already ended or have not yet begun;
  • the only exception is Vietnam. In May, the rainy season just begins here, but they are unobtrusive, and the temperature is very comfortable - +27-33°C.

Where to go on vacation with a sea visa

So, where to go to the seaside in May if you have a Schengen visa? The choice must definitely fall on Europe.

The most popular beach destinations are:

  1. Greek– in Greece you can visit any island, any area, from to. In April-May, the beach season opens in Greece, and it is also celebrated a large number of a wide variety of holidays: Flower Festival, Pirovassia, Workers' Day;
  2. Cypriot– the most popular resorts are Paphos, Ai-Napa, Limassol, Larnaca. It is a little colder here than in Greece, about 21 degrees Celsius during the day, but the sea is already warm enough, which means a beach holiday in May is possible in this place. In addition, various holidays take place at this time - Anfisteria and carnivals. Please note that you can enter Cyprus with a Schengen visa only if it has already been used to enter the territory of the countries participating in the agreement, but a regular state visa is issued for Russians free of charge.
  3. Maltese(since 2017, you need to apply for either a regular visa or use a Schengen visa) – in Malta you can have a wonderful holiday on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as diversify your leisure time with various excursions around the island.
  4. Spanish– in Spain you can relax on the famous coasts of the Costa Brava and Costa Dorada. For example, in Salou, where all the necessary infrastructure for families with children is well developed. You can also relax on the more exotic Canary Islands, for example, on Gran Canaria, where the level of comfort is off the charts and there is plenty of entertainment for people of all ages. In addition, in Spain the beach season has already begun in May, you can sunbathe and swim to your heart's content.

Where can you relax in Russia

Where to have an inexpensive holiday in May, it’s interesting to spend the May holidays - it will obviously be cheaper in your homeland. You just need to immediately decide on the direction of your vacation.

If you want to bask in the sun, you can go to Krasnodar region or Crimea.

Take into account: the air temperature in these regions is already quite high and even if you can’t swim in the sea yet, it is quite possible to enjoy water treatments in pools at hotels or water parks.

The resort infrastructure of such places as:

  • Anapa;
  • Tuapse;
  • Sochi;
  • Balaclava;

A great alternative Black Sea coast the coast of the Azov Sea may also become. The sea here has not yet warmed up either, the water temperature is somewhere around +17°C, but the air has already warmed up to +25°C, and you can already sunbathe. The holiday season in May has already begun in Yeisk, Dolzhanka, Shchelkino and other places.

If you want to take a break from civilization and be alone with nature, then you can go:

  1. To Karelia. May - best time for rafting, in addition, the fishing season is already open at this time. Here you can visit Valaam and look at the legendary Kivach waterfall, Ruskela and the Marble Canyon;
  2. On - here the fishing season also opens in May, you can visit the source of the Volga, the famous Holy Okovetsky Spring and the Nilo-Stolbensky hermitage;
  3. On Mountain Altaithe best place for complete unity with nature. Here you can look at Lake Teletskoye, the Katun and Chuya rivers, Mount Belukha, Lake Aya, and breathe in the clean air of “Russian Tibet”.

Let's summarize: where it is best to relax in May is up to the tourist to decide, because everything depends on financial capabilities, personal preferences, direction and what you want to do.

Fans of active tourism should consider the possibility of taking excursions to such “tourist meccas” of Russia as:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Montenegro is rapidly developing its tourism infrastructure, but due to the fact that it is not yet very popular, prices here are quite moderate, but recreation is beyond praise.

    Among other things, holidays in Montenegro mean:

    • warm May weather (average water temperature - +21°C, and air temperature - +25°C);
    • magnificent nature of the Adriatic;
    • developed infrastructure of such resorts as Podgorica, Budva, Tivat;
    • a large selection of different excursion routes.

    You can also consider it as an alternative vacation spot. But you will need a visa to enter this country.

    In May, the temperature in Bulgaria is comfortable (+25°C), but the beach season is not yet open. You can simply enjoy the magnificent nature, clean sea air, sights, local cuisine, and also visit the famous Rose Festival, which takes place right at this time.

    Particularly popular among tourists are the following resorts:

    • Golden Sands;
    • Nessebar;
    • Bansko;
    • Borovets;
    • Sunny Beach.

    Holidays at the end of May - perfect solution for other reasons as well. Firstly, the high season at almost all resorts has not yet begun, which means prices are quite reasonable and there are no crowds of tourists. Secondly, the weather is ideally warm almost everywhere, you can either simply enjoy the sun or swim in the sea. Thirdly, this is simply a great opportunity to take a break from long winter, and open the summer season.

    You can find out where you should go on vacation in May from the following video:
