Modeling in the senior group on the theme “Spring willow branch. Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Spring Landscape”

Organization: MADOU d/s "Alenka"

Locality: Moscow region, Kotelniki



1. Formation of the concept of “spring”;

2. Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic: flowering branch


1. Develop the ability to depict a spring tree branch using plasticine; transmit characteristics flowering branch.

2. Develop techniques for rolling, flattening, plasticine, dividing into parts using stacks;

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;


1. To cultivate aesthetic perception, love for nature, the desire to convey its beauty in one’s creativity

Material: spring twigs, cardboard, plasticine, stacks, hand napkin, cotton wool.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Guessing the riddle:

I'm budding

In the spring leaves.

I water the trees

Full of movement,

My name is......(spring)

Children: Spring.

Educator: Well done children, it’s immediately obvious that you are observant. What other signs of spring do you know?

Children: The snow is melting, the grass is growing, birds are returning from warmer climes, etc.

Educator: That’s right, everything around comes to life in the spring. Everything begins to grow and bloom. Everyone who hid for the winter in various cracks, under the bark of trees, underground, in holes - wakes up. All nature begins to move: animals after hibernation they tidy up the caked fur, the birds make nests. What happens to trees in spring?

Children: The buds are opening, the first leaves are appearing, the flowers are blooming. Everything begins to grow and bloom. Birds make nests.

Educator: Well done! I want to show you a branch of a blooming apple tree. We will draw it, but we will draw it with plasticine, which will give volume to our image. But before we get to work, let's carefully look at the branches. (Children together with the teacher look at the branch, color, shape)

Step-by-step work:

Educator: Now let's get down to our work. In front of you lies cardboard and plasticine. Roll out thin sausages from brown plasticine and apply, pressing lightly, to the cardboard (teacher demonstration).


Now we will sculpt flowers. First we will make the middle of the flower - for this you need to roll out the balls yellow color, spread on branches in different places.

Then we make the stamens: for this you need to roll out a thin yellow sausage, divide it into small pieces in a stack, roll small peas with your finger and fill the middle of the flower with them. Decorate all the middles in the same way.

The next stage is the petals. You must roll a thick white or pink sausage, divide the stack into 5 parts, roll out a ball from each part and make a petal out of it. (squeeze the ball between your fingers). Pinch a small fold at the bottom of the petal. Make all 5 petals and make a flower out of them near the finished centers, pressing lightly. We do all the other flowers in this way. Roll a sausage out of green plasticine, cut it in stacks into equal parts, flatten each one so that they become flat. Now flatten the tip of each leaf on one side, make it pointed, and pinch it with a fold on the other side. Determine the place of the leaf on the branch between the flowers.

Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, your fingers are tired, you have done a lot of work. Let's stretch them a little.

Finger gymnastics.

For a long, long time we sculpted,

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

And they will start sculpting again.

Let's raise our hands together

And let's start sculpting again.

(Hands clasped, circular rotation.

Shaking your hands.

Stroking each finger.

Raising your arms to the sides.

Clap your hands.)

Educator: We rested a little, and now we can continue. You have already molded the branches, and now we will stick buds on the branches, and to make a willow, we will decorate the buds with cotton wool and we will get fluffy, beautiful lambs.

Teacher's demonstration.

Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, you tried very hard, you got wonderful spring branches. Let's hang your works on the board and admire their beauty.

Modeling in senior group on the theme “Spring willow branch”

Tasks : Educational :1. Formation of the concept of "spring";

2. Clarification and expansion of the gender dictionarytopic:willow

Developmental : 1. Develop the ability to depict a branchspring tree using

plasticine, convey characteristic features willows.

2. Develop techniques for rolling, flattening, and smearing plasticine, dividing it into parts using stacks;

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Educational : 1. To cultivate aesthetic perception, love of nature, desire

convey its beauty in your creativity

Material : spring twigs, plasticine, cotton wool

Progress of the lesson

solving a riddle :

I'm budding

IN spring leaves

I water the trees

Full of movement

My name is. (spring)

teacher : Well done guys, it’s immediately clear that you are observant. What other signs of spring do you know?

Children : the snow is melting, the grass is growing, birds are returning from warmer climes.

teacher : That’s right, everything around comes to life in spring. Everything begins to grow and bloom. All nature is in motion. what happens to trees in spring?Children : The buds are blooming and the first leaves are appearing.

Educator : Well done, I want to show youspring twig. The buds have already bloomed on it. This is a threadwillows. She is one of the first to wake up from sleep. Guys, let's pretendspring twigsusing plasticine. Let's take a closer look at the brancheswillows. There are catkins on the branches.

What color are the earrings(gray)

What shape are they(oval)

How are the earrings located?(alternately)

What willow branches (straight, even)

Educator :Now let's get down to our work. In front of you is brown plasticine, roll it out into thin sausages.

CHILDREN do the task.

Educator : Children, your fingers are tired. Let's stretch them a little.

Finger gymnastics

For a long, long time we sculpted

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

And they will start sculpting again.

Let's raise our hands together

And let's start sculpting again

Educator : We rested a little and now we can continue. You have already molded the branches, and nowLet's stick the branches to the buds so that we can succeed willow We will decorate the kidneys with cotton wool and we will get fluffy, beautiful lambs.

Teacher's demonstration.

Educator : Guys, you tried really hard, you turned out greatspring twigs.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 4 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of continuous educational activities

educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

modeling in the senior group

TOPIC: “Spring flowers”

Pedagogical technologies: Information and communication technologies,


Completed by the teacher

GBDOU kindergarten No. 4

Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Morozova N.N.

Saint Petersburg

Target: strengthen children’s ability to sculpt objects; develop coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, imitation.


Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development":

Teach children to sculpt spring flowers in a constructive way using three or four parts;

Introduce the possibilities of obtaining more expressive colors by mixing two original colors;

Focus on independent search for transmission methods appearance various primroses;

Develop a sense of form, composition ability;

Educational field “Speech development”:

Develop the ability to clearly pronounce words and sentences;

Teach children to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions asked;

Develop children's speech, thinking, attention and imagination;

Educational area "Cognitive development":

Form a holistic view of the world around you;

Help expand children's understanding of colors;

Cultivate an interest in nature.

Educational field "Physical development":

Development of fine motor skills of hands

Types of children's activities : gaming, constructive, productive, communication, cognitive and research.

Planned results: be able to convey the shape and structure of a flower in their work, express positive emotions while listening to E. Serov’s poem “Snowdrop”, listening to the audio recording “Spring” by A. Vivaldi and while watching the video “Primroses” from the cycle “Twelve Months”; be able to express your point of view. Actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in the process of solving gaming and cognitive problems.

Preliminary work:

Examination of images of various primroses (snowdrop, mother and stepmother, liverwort);

Watching the video “Primroses” from the series “Twelve Months”;

Learning poems about spring by E. Serov “Snowdrop”.

Drawing spring flowers

Stroke "Primroses"

Listening to the audio recording “Spring” by A. Vivaldi.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Letter from Uncle Au;

Presentation with the image of primroses (snowdrop, coltsfoot, liverwort, lily of the valley, corydalis, dandelion);

Projector, screen, laptop;

Cut-out pictures depicting flowers;

Plasticine of different colors;

Stacks, seeds, beads or seed beads for the center of the flower;

Colored paper to simulate a clearing;

Wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Dear guys, we have received a letter from “Uncle Au”! Let's see what's there? He takes out a letter.

D eti: Yes!

Educator: (reads the letter)“For the guys of the second senior group kindergarten No. 4. Hello! Boys and girls, please help me, I can’t remember the names of my favorite flowers. I’m waiting for you to visit my favorite fairy forest.”

Educator: Shall we help? To do this we need to go into the forest. What can we ride?

Children : by car, by bus, by minibus.

Educator : Yes, indeed, you know a lot of types of transport. And this time it will be convenient for us to go by bus. First, let's select a driver. Nastya, help me choose a driver using the rhyme:

The bees flew into the field,
They buzzed, they buzzed,
The bees sat on the flowers,
We play - you drive!

(one child is selected according to the rhyme, puts on a cap, takes the steering wheel).
Passengers take their seats. Let's hit the road. A song is being performed

(Verse 1) “We are going, we are going, we are going...”

Educator : We rode very friendly and arrived at a fairytale forest. Come out. How beautiful it is here! So many flowers! Come on in and look at them. The teacher shows the presentation. What are they called?

Children : snowdrop, coltsfoot, liverwort, lily of the valley, corydalis, dandelion.

Educator: reads E. Serov’s poem “Snowdrop”.

Snowdrop peeked out
In the twilight of the forest -
Little scout
Sent in the spring;
Let it still be above the forest
The snows rule,
Let them lie under the snow
Sleepy meadows;
Let on the sleeping river
The ice is motionless -
Once a scout came,
And spring will come!

The teacher reminds the children of how they watched the first spring flowers while walking.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you watch a short video about how, after a long snowy winter The first flowers appear in the thawed patches. And try to remember the names of these primroses.

Watch the video “Primroses” from the “Twelve Months” series.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what the names of the flowers in the video were?

Children: coltsfoot, snowdrop , liverwort.

Educator: Why do you think they are called primroses?

Children: These are the first spring flowers that can be seen among the unmelted snow in thawed areas.

Educator: Let's remember and name the structure of flowers. Presentation. Flower structure.

Children: root, stem, leaves, inflorescence.

Educator: That's right guys - the first spring flowers. Now let's listen to the audio recording of “Spring” by A. Vivaldi. How does it make you feel? (children's answers).

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end. I hope now Uncle Au remembers the names of his favorite flowers. And now it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. (The children get on the bus and leave for the group).

Educator: Look guys, you have pictures on your tables. But, unfortunately, they are cut. I ask you to help me assemble the familiar primrose from the cut pictures.

Didactic game “Collect a flower”

Educator: Well done boys! Everyone completed the task. But this was a warm-up, and now let's try to create a beautiful clearing with the first spring flowers using colored paper and plasticine.

Teacher shows the technological map “Flowers” ​​on the screen. Slide No. 8 and No. 9. Clarifies the creative task: we sculpt flowers for our spring meadow technological map. Educator suggests that flower inflorescences can have different colors, or you can mix several colors of plasticine in one lump. The centers of flowers can be decorated with beads, beads and seeds.

Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Spring”

Theme of the week: “Spring”

Lesson 31. Colored umbrellas

(Modeling from plasticine using additional material)

Program content. Strengthen the children's ability to sculpt a ball and flatten it between their palms, giving the resulting disk the desired shape. Strengthen children's ability to independently decorate a product with bas-relief (plasticine molding). Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Handout. Plasticine, thin juice tubes, stacks, modeling boards.

Progress of the lesson

During the lesson, read P. Sinyavsky’s poem “Rain” to the children:

Colored umbrellas all around

Opened up in the rain

Someone's boots started up

Run from the rain.

Why did mom gasp?

It's raining, so be it!

I'm not made of sugar at all

I'm not afraid to melt.

Ask the children:

– Why was the mother worried about her child? (He was running in the rain without an umbrella.)

– At what time of year do we most often use umbrellas? (Autumn, summer, spring.)

– Who has umbrellas at home?

Since it is spring and it often rains, invite the children to make umbrellas for themselves. Children need to roll a ball out of plasticine, flatten it between their palms, and then shape it into an umbrella. The kids will decorate the umbrella with oblong and round plasticine parts. Then the umbrella handle (tube) with a plasticine curve at the end is attached to the bottom.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To develop in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, placing them on top of each other and firmly connecting them together. Strengthen the ability to use a stack. Develop

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From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Lepka with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Spring” Lesson 31. Tree (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to draw by idea a big tree on the entire sheet, conveying the simplified structure of the trunk and crown. Continue to learn how to draw with a simple pencil first, and then

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Spring” Lesson 31. Colored umbrellas (Modeling from plasticine using additional material) Program content. Strengthen the children's ability to sculpt a ball and flatten it between their palms, giving the resulting disk the desired shape. Strengthen children's skills

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to bring a product to the desired image using plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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Modeling is one of the first and most significant types of creative activity for a child. Kids get to know her already at younger group kindergarten. Modeling in preschool educational institutions occupies a separate huge layer. And this is not just like that.

“The hand is the human brain coming out”

Almost all kids love to sculpt. During the process, the child not only sees the result, but also touches it, can change and add something. Here the main tool is your hands, not a brush, pencil or scissors. The child will get acquainted with the stack, but a little later, and at first it is the hands that are the important component on which children's modeling from plasticine is built.

So baby own with my own hands begins to improve much better after he is given the opportunity to create from plasticine, clay, and salt dough.

Then the child realizes that from one block of plasticine you can invent an infinite number of images. He acquires more skills; it is no longer his mother or teacher who shows him and tells him what to sculpt. Now the child is a creator; all he needs is the simplest modeling kit to bring his plans and ideas to life.

Why sculpt for kids?

In the process of creating new works, the child gets used to the image and begins to create and create new and original works from plasticine. At the same time, artistic taste actively develops, ingenuity begins to work, fantasy and imagination are given free rein, and, therefore, active development takes place.

It's no secret that speech development occurs through the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Therefore, modeling for children is not just an exciting process, but also a hand massage and finger development. All this will have a positive impact on how the child speaks in the future.

Everything that develops during the modeling process will help the child grow into a harmonious, creative personality.

Modeling in the senior group of kindergarten

By the senior group of kindergarten, children already have some experience working with plasticine. They are already creating products that are much more varied and sophisticated than in previous years. The muscles of the hands have already become stronger, so new opportunities arise when creating more precise parts.

The child’s psyche also does not stand still. Children's attention becomes more stable, they have become much more diligent. Now the child can reproduce the image in his head and then sculpt it.

If we compare older and older children middle group, then after six years the child is already able to sculpt dynamic objects, however, he comes up with the action after the product is ready. For example, let’s say you want to sculpt a cat. The child sculpted a cat, but the cat’s paws are far apart. Here the baby may assume that the cat is running. Then he will spread her paws even further. And if the teacher asks what the cat is doing, he will, for example, say: “She is running away from the dog.”

Senior program

At the beginning of the year, children in the older group learn to sculpt the simplest objects that are familiar to them. In this case, the bias goes towards creating a product from the total mass by pulling out individual parts. At this stage, fruits and vegetables are molded.

After this, learning to sculpt begins in parts. Folk toys - cockerels, dolls, whistles - are usually taken from a single piece as a basis.

Further, the teacher focuses on the relative size of the parts, on a more accurate transfer of the characteristics of the object, on strengthening the parts together by smoothing out the joints. Here the child learns to place figures vertically on a wide base.

Then comes the stage of learning to sculpt figures on legs. Since it falls in the winter, children are usually asked to sculpt boys and girls in winter clothes, but there may be other themes.

The next stage is the image of animals, usually from one piece. Then the figures are complemented with individual details.

It also provides for the modeling of dishes based on folk crafts.

Further, the program involves working to expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Thus, it can take place on the theme “Spring”, when children try to create animal figures in motion, scenes from fairy tales.

In the summer, during modeling lessons, they repeat and consolidate what they have learned during the year. Here, classes can take place either at the suggestion of the teacher or according to the children’s own plans. Children sculpt based on observations or from the nature suggested by the teacher.

Spring theme

Third quarter school year falls in the spring. Here the teacher can offer children a wide variety of topics for modeling.

For example, classes can be dedicated to significant days:

  • Maslenitsa (sculpting a stuffed animal of winter, making dishes for pancakes, the pancakes themselves).
  • March 8 (flower sculpting).
  • (modeling of space objects).
  • Easter (making eggs and Easter cakes, hens and chicks).
  • Victory Day (military themed crafts).

During this period, you can learn how to sculpt flowers, insects, and animals.

Spring Lesson Objectives

When preparing a lesson, the teacher sets himself a number of tasks that he must solve. Like any activity, modeling in the senior group on the theme “Spring” involves solving three main problems:

  1. Educational objectives.
        Here the child’s basic knowledge about such a time of year as spring, knowledge of spring signs, knowledge about migratory and wintering birds is consolidated, and the ability to give a complete answer to the question posed is developed.
  2. Developmental tasks.
        The development of sound-syllable analysis, the development of the ability to coordinate parts of speech with each other, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, and the development of tactile sensitivity continue. Logical thinking, the ability to analyze and compare also develop. Attention, memory, and imagination develop.
  3. Educational tasks.
        Modeling in the senior group on the theme “Spring” helps to cultivate the ability to contemplate and understand the beauty of the world around us on the basis of riddles, sayings, proverbs, chants, and to cultivate accuracy in performing work. This, in turn, introduces children to folklore. The ability to listen to the answers of other children is also developed.

Class materials

To make the lesson interesting and rich, various materials are used.

  1. Varied visual materials on a spring theme. These can also be reproductions of paintings by famous artists, for example, " Big water" Levitan, "The Rooks have Arrived" by Savrasov, "A Breath of Spring" by Kryzhitsky, " Spring landscape"Bergholtz," Early spring"Endogurova, "Spring" by Bryullov. It could also just be a set of thematic cards with the image
  2. Various decorative elements are used to decorate figures and products: buttons, decorative stones, beads, twigs, threads.
  3. Musical accompaniment. Here you can use both works of classics, for example “Snowdrop” by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the children’s album “Seasons”, and other works (“Vesnyanka” music and lyrics by Z. Lozinskaya).
  4. You need a standard set for modeling: plasticine and stack.

The rest of the equipment is selected based on the topic of the lesson at the discretion of the teacher.

Change of activity

Preschoolers cannot engage in one activity for a long time, even something as exciting as modeling. Therefore, they need to be offered various physical exercises, finger games and gymnastics for the arms.

Modeling in the senior group on the theme “Spring” can be accompanied by the following active games:

1. Physical exercise “Rain”.

    Drop once, (jump on tiptoes, handles placed on belt)
    Drop two, (jump)
    Very slowly at first. (jump 2 times)
    And then, then, then, (jump 4 times)
    Everyone (running in a circle)
    We opened our umbrellas (we spread our arms to the sides)
    We sheltered ourselves from the rain (we put our hands above our heads like an umbrella).

2. Physical exercise “Ladybugs”.

    We are ladybugs (jumping)
    Fast and dexterous! (run in place)
    We crawl along the lush grass (pretend that we are crawling)
    And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest. (we walk in circles after each other)
    Blueberries in the forest (reached up)
    and mushrooms... (sit down and collect mushrooms)
    My legs are tired from walking! (lean over)
    And we have been wanting to eat for a long time... (we stroke our bellies)
    Let's fly home soon! (“we fly away” to our places)

Let's stretch our fingers - which can be used in spring-themed sculpting classes:

1. Finger gymnastics “Spring”.

Spring has just dropped in on us - (we pull our hands in front of us)

I dipped my palm in the snow (hands down)

And a gentle one blossomed there, (we make a bud from our palms)

Small snowdrop (we slowly open our fingers, imitating the opening of a bud)

2. Finger gymnastics “Grain”.

Planted a seed (press the index finger in the center of the palm)

The sun came out. (we squeeze and unclench the handles)

Sunshine, shine, shine!

Seed, grow - grow! (Put your palms together, move your arms up)

Leaves appear (Put your palms together, fingers touching your thumb one by one)

Flowers are blooming. (Squeeze and unclench your hands)
