Lee is a predatory fish. Predatory fish


Ranked ninth among the most dangerous fish in the world. Small fish from Brazil and South America are able to cope with even the most difficult problems in a short period of time big catch, leaving only a skeleton of her. They are very voracious, so they choose bodies of water that abound in fish and other living creatures. Otherwise, the predator is called the “toothed devil.” The individual reaches no more than 30 centimeters in length and 1 kilogram in weight. It has very sharp teeth and well-developed jaws that allow it to deal with any flesh. The danger for humans is that they are capable of attacking in huge flocks, and it becomes impossible to cope with them alone.


It ranks eighth on the list of the most dangerous fish in the world. An inhabitant of expanses of water, reaching a length of 7 meters and armed with a 3-meter nose, does not intentionally harm a person. But due to poor eyesight and protection of their territory, cases of attacks are known. The sawfish uses its tool very quickly, turning the flesh of any creature into a bloody pulp. The animal camouflages itself very well in water and is sometimes difficult to notice right away. The species is on the verge of extinction and is therefore protected.


It ranks seventh among the most dangerous fish in the world. Adults can reach a length of 180 centimeters and a weight of 30 kilograms. They have a diamond shape. This species lives at fairly great depths, so scuba divers and researchers can most often encounter them underwater world. Pintail rays are peaceful creatures. However, if you are not careful, you stumble upon this fish, it can bite into you with a poisonous sting located on its tail. In this case, the person experiences a very strong painful shock.

6. Brown rocktooth

One of the most dangerous fish in the world is fugu fish, used in national Japanese cuisine. Belongs to the pufferfish family. The potential danger to humans lies in eating this fish. Fugu has a tender and tasty fillet. But organs such as skin, liver or caviar are unsuitable for food, as they contain the lion's share of toxins, which, if ingested, lead to paralysis and death. An improperly prepared fugu dish can be fatal to human life.


One of the five most dangerous fish in the world. The predator's body can reach 2 meters in length, and the barracuda can gain up to 50 kilograms in weight. The fish has a torpedo-shaped body with a greenish tint. The jaws are equipped with powerful teeth that grow up to 7 centimeters. With their help, a large barracuda easily tears pieces of flesh from its prey. Young animals prefer to hunt in packs, but adults attack mainly alone. Predators are very attracted to metallic shiny objects. Therefore, there is a potential risk of attack on a person if the fish notices a sparkling decoration on the body. You can meet barracuda near the Caribbean islands, in the Atlantic, and in the Mediterranean Sea. Rarely found in the Indian Ocean, Malaysia and Indonesia.


Among the top ten dangerous species. It is also considered the most poisonous in the world. It got its name because of its resemblance to the stone. It is very difficult to notice among other underwater rocks and coral reefs, as it blends in with them. On her back there are 12 very sharp spikes that can pierce even a scuba diver's shoes. If you step on a fish, it instantly injects its poison into the wound created by the thorns. The pain shock is so strong that a person can die immediately by choking in the water. If the victim is not given medical assistance within the first two hours, he will die.


Reveals the top three most dangerous fish in the world. It is a relative of the catfish. Its danger to humans and any other living creature is that the eel’s body has a discharge of 550 volts, which is fatal. Death from contact with the body of a fish occurs instantly. An animal's electric shock can stun even an adult horse. You can't take such a fish with your bare hands. These predators do not need to use their jaws to catch prey. It is enough to strike the body for the victim to die. Electric eels can reach 3 meters in length and weigh up to 40 kilograms. A dangerous creature lives in the Amazon and South America.


It ranks second in the ranking of the most dangerous fish in the world. A predator can live on enormous depth, and in shallow water. The shark has a torpedo-shaped body, colored gray or blue. She has very developed jaws. The oral cavity of a living giant can accommodate up to 3 thousand teeth. The predator's olfactory receptors are so well developed that it can smell a drop of blood diluted in one hundred liters of water. There are frequent cases of this shark attacking a person. Currently, the species is on the verge of extinction, and is therefore protected by ecosystem defenders.

1. Bull shark

Tops the list of the most dangerous fish in the world. It is one of the most aggressive shark species. The animal attacks many sea ​​creatures, including dolphins. The predator has very powerful and developed jaws, which are superior in bite force to any predator. The shark grows to gigantic proportions: its body length ranges from 2-4 meters, and its weight is up to 250 kg. It can live in both fresh and salt waters. Therefore, these fish often penetrate rivers and reach lakes. Cases of bull shark detection have been recorded in the Missouri, Kentucky and Illionis rivers.

Our planet is inhabited by many living creatures that can be dangerous to humans. There are not so many such inhabitants in the underwater kingdom. The risk of encountering them is minimal for a person, but nevertheless it is necessary to know about them. That is why we would like to present to your attention the top 10 most dangerous fish in the world.

1. Gunch fish

This fish is also called bagari catfish. She lives in the Kali River, which flows between Nepal and India. Why did catfish suddenly become one of the most dangerous fish in the world? The thing is that this underwater inhabitant is extremely fond of the taste of human meat. Local residents blame gunch fish for the disappearances of people in the Kali River area.

He makes daring attacks on people even in crowds of people. It is generally accepted that the fish began to experience a craving for cannibalism due to the customs of the local population. The Kali River has long been a place where the half-burnt bodies of the deceased are sent. The weight of these predatory catfish can reach one hundred and forty kilograms.

2. Vandellia, or candiru

The most dangerous fish in the world are not always different gigantic size. This small fish (about three centimeters in length) is shrouded in myths and legends. It feeds on blood, which it sucks from the gills of larger fish. Vandellia penetrates inside, clinging to the gills with sharp spines, and breaks the blood vessels.

According to some sources, the fish finds its prey by the smell of ammonia, according to others, the candiru finds victims using vision. Local residents tell horror stories that vandellia freely penetrates the penis, vagina and even the anus of a person and feeds on blood and tissue. The person experiences excruciating pain.

However, today the opinion that this fish penetrates a person who is in the water is controversial. Most scientists are skeptical about it, although they do not refute such statements. But this does not mean that you can feel completely calm in the waters of the Amazon and not take precautions. There are many other inhabitants in the waters of this river that can cause serious trouble. Be that as it may, this small fish is among the top 10 most dangerous fish in the world.

3. Piranha

We are sure that if you ask passers-by on the street: “What is the most dangerous fish in the world?”, most will answer without hesitation: “Piranha.” And we must admit that they will be right, but only partly. This is the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world. Despite their relationship with carps and their modest size, piranhas are real monsters for all inhabitants of the Amazon.

This river predator is also called the toothy devil. An adult does not exceed thirty centimeters in length and one kilogram in weight. It has very sharp teeth and well-developed jaws, thanks to which they can easily deal with any flesh. For humans, the danger lies in the fact that, as a rule, these predators attack their prey in huge flocks, and it is very difficult to fight them off alone.

These are the most dangerous fish in the world, photos of which you can see below, capable of eating even a huge crocodile. Interestingly, the most experienced of them wisely avoid meeting this fish. And if it has already taken place, then the crocodiles turn over and expose them to the most protected part of their body - their back.

Piranhas settle in reservoirs rich in living creatures, since these creatures are extremely voracious. A drop of blood falling into the water attracts them from several kilometers away. According to official data, not very many deaths from piranha teeth have been recorded, but the number of people who, after meeting with a flock of piranhas, became disabled is enormous. But these most dangerous river fish in the world also have enemies: local residents They catch them with fishing rods, and in the river they are often hunted by caimans.

4. Big Barracuda

The most dangerous fish in the world come in different sizes and weights, but they are all predators. For example, our next heroine attacks any Living being, which is smaller in size. And if you consider that the length of this fish reaches two meters, and the weight is fifty kilograms, you can easily guess that the diet of barracuda is very diverse.

The body of the fish is torpedo-shaped. The large jaws have powerful teeth that grow up to seven centimeters. With their help, the predator easily tears off pieces of flesh from its prey. This fish can also attack a person, although this happens infrequently. Predators are attracted to shiny metal objects. Therefore, there is a risk of attacking a person if the fish notices a sparkling decoration on the body.

Barracuda does not disdain its smaller relatives. This fish prefers a solitary lifestyle; only young animals form schools. The barracuda lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the east Pacific Ocean. There are twenty types of this dangerous predator: Fifteen of them are found in the waters surrounding Southern California and Mexico, as well as in the Pacific Ocean. Five more species live in the waters of the Red Sea. Prefers only areas with spotless clean water, because it relies on vision when hunting. These fish are not the first to attack people, but quite often divers provoke them themselves.

5. Pintail Ray

The most dangerous fish in the world differ not only in size and weight, but also in body shape. The pintail ray has a diamond shape. Adults reach a length of one hundred eighty centimeters and weigh thirty kilograms. This fish lives at quite great depths, so only scuba divers and explorers of underwater beauty can meet them.

Pintail rays are peaceful creatures, but if you accidentally stumble upon this fish, it will certainly stab you with a poisonous sting located on its tail. The person experiences a painful shock. This usually happens when someone steps on a fish that is bottom-dwelling and highly camouflaged. If a stingray sting injures an arm or leg, it can be survived, but when it hits the torso or head, a person can die.

6. Brown rocktooth

These are the most dangerous and poisonous fish in the world. Brownfish, or puffer fish, is used in the national cuisine of Japan. It belongs to the Pufferfish family. What is dangerous for a person is not meeting this fish, but eating it.

Danger of poisoning

Fugu has tender and tasty meat. But organs such as the liver, skin or caviar are poisonous: they contain huge amounts of toxins that cause paralysis and death. In Japan, there was an ancient custom: the cook had to eat a piece of the fish he cooked or commit hara-kiri if one of the guests was poisoned by his dish.

An antidote to the toxins of this fish has not yet been found; help lies only in maintaining respiratory and cardiac activity. Fish receive poison from their food, and recently the Japanese have learned to grow harmless fugu. It's interesting that it didn't become popular. According to restaurant owners, gourmets prefer to tickle their nerves, so today the dangerous dish is sold at a higher price.

7. Stone fish

The most dangerous fish in the world are often perfectly camouflaged. This fully applies to stone fish, which is considered one of the most poisonous in the world. It is named so because of its resemblance to a stone. The wart prefers a sedentary lifestyle and you can accidentally step on it on land, where fish are washed up during high tides. It is almost impossible to notice among coral reefs and underwater rocks.

There are twelve sharp spikes on her back, which she raises at the slightest danger. She uses them to pierce the toughest shoes. The person experiences such unbearable pain that some victims ask to cut off the stung limb.

First aid to the victim

If an encounter with this fish occurs in water, the painful shock often leads to the person choking underwater. If he manages to get to land, applying a tourniquet and heating the bite site will ease his suffering a little, since this destroys the poison. But without qualified medical care a person dies, and recovery after an encounter with this fish takes months.

8. Electric eel

The most dangerous fish in the world, photos of which we posted in this article, have practically no enemies. For example, only young caimans can attack an electric eel due to inexperience. Such an attack ends with disastrous consequences for them.

This creature's electricity-generating organs occupy two-thirds of its body length. At the right moment, they allow you to hit the victim with a discharge of 300 to 1300 volts. An adult can stun a horse with its blow. For a person, such a blow can be fatal.

Electric eels reach a length of three meters and weigh up to forty kilograms. The Indians learned to catch them by first sending a herd of cattle into their habitat. This fish is very unpretentious and feels quite comfortable in swamps with stagnant water, from time to time swallowing air from the surface.

9. Great white shark

Perhaps the most famous and largest predator in our ranking. The size of an adult varies from four to five meters. The largest officially recorded shark was 6.1 meters long. In terms of bite force, this fish is inferior to the crocodile, but the sharpness of the teeth and special structure jaws allow her to tear off pieces even from a victim who has big sizes than herself.

The hunting tactics of this predator consist of a surprise attack and bite. After this, the shark waits until its prey weakens. These fish also attack people, although there is a theory that they do this more out of habit, biting everything that they do not understand. There have been recorded cases of this shark attacking small vessels.

It must be said that man has more than paid back these predators for all one hundred and thirty-nine cases of attacks that were recorded over twenty-one years. Nowadays, the number of white sharks has decreased, and in some countries they are protected by the state.

10. Bull shark

Before you is the most dangerous fish. A photo of this monster is unlikely to give a complete picture of how terrifying the bull shark, or, as it is often called, the blunt-nosed shark, looks. The habitat of these sharks is very wide. They can be found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean, as these predators prefer warm tropical and subtropical waters. In addition, they are found at the mouths of rivers - the Mississippi, Zambezi, Ganges and even in very small rivers in Africa, Asia, America and Australia. A bull shark has even been recorded in Lake Michigan (North America).

The body length of this fish reaches four meters, weight - four hundred kilograms. Its body is painted steel-gray, sometimes with a brownish tint. The back is slightly darker, and the belly is light. There are no pronounced spots or inclusions on the shark’s body, but there is one amazing feature. It is capable of slightly changing body color from light to darker, depending on its habitat. This allows the bloodthirsty predator to be less noticeable while hunting.

The fish's small eyes have a nictitating membrane. The main weapon is powerful jaws and very sharp teeth. On the upper jaw they are triangular in shape with a lateral bend; the lower jaw is equipped with teeth curved inward to the mouth. The shark has massive pectoral and dorsal fins.

Since the predator feels quite comfortable in fresh water, it often inhabits reservoirs located near densely populated areas, which makes such a neighborhood extremely dangerous. A person is sometimes deceived by her slowness, and sometimes by her apparent clumsiness. But this is a misconception - if necessary, the bull shark develops enormous speed.

Its bite force is the greatest among sharks, but before using its jaws, it also stuns its prey with a blow from its powerful head. If we add to this unpredictable behavior and aggressiveness, we can understand the danger this fish poses to humans.

A person can be in danger anywhere: on land, in water and in the air. Among the many varieties of fish, there are not many that pose a serious threat to human life. But they still exist! Of course, the chance of meeting dangerous fish is not so great, but it still exists, so you need to know at least basic information about them.

You shouldn’t think that a shark is the most dangerous fish!

In the depths of rivers and other bodies of water there live fish that are much worse than this. Some dangerous fish can tear the human body into tiny pieces, while other species cause harm when eaten. And some can even penetrate internal organs and kill a person from the inside. Today's post is devoted to an overview of the most dangerous fish on the planet and the threats posed by them.


Guncha is popularly called the devil's fish. The aggressive fish is a real cannibal. She's without special effort can drag a person under water. This catfish has been accustomed to human meat since ancient times, and all because in its habitat the bodies of the deceased are buried in the waters of the river. The gunch reaches enormous sizes. Confirmation of this is the recorded case of catching a hundred and four kilogram catfish.

Tiger fish

The tiger slave belongs to the piranha family, and therefore such affiliation should immediately raise alarm bells. The sharp teeth of the tiger fish easily tear apart prey. Excitement always attracts a person, and therefore tournaments for catching this predatory fish are organized for extreme fishermen on the Chebe River. By itself, the average individual weighs three to four kilograms, but there have been cases when big fish reaching a weight of fifty kg.

Spiketail ray

The spiketail ray is an inhabitant of a body of water that conducts most time under cover, in the sand. For humans, the fish is extremely dangerous, since the blow from the spike pierces the skin and causes paralysis. Without proper medical care, a person dies. Cases have been recorded when the length of dangerous fish reaches two meters.


The fifteen-centimeter slave piranha is one of the famous predators. It is dangerous for all representatives of the living world. Piranhas live in schools that instantly attack the victim, leaving only bones. This forces a person to be careful, and therefore not a single case of death from the teeth of a piranha has been recorded in the world. Extreme lovers even keep piranhas in their home aquariums.

Mackerel hydrolic

The hydrolic fish is known as a vampire creature. She is elusive, strong and very dangerous. The length of the mackerel-shaped hydrolic is more than a meter. Nature generously rewarded such predators with sharp teeth with vampire fangs in the lower part of the jaw, although these fangs are not intended for sucking blood.

Urchin fish

A beautiful but dangerous fish lives in warm waters of tropical countries. Sensing the approaching danger, it swells into a ball, which is completely covered with sharp thorns. If a person is carelessly pricked by such a thorn and emergency assistance is not provided, then this threatens him with inevitable death. Unusual fish contains toxic poison and is therefore not used in cooking.

Electric eel

The electric eel is similar in appearance to common eels. The habitats of dangerous electric fish are tributaries of the Amazon and some small rivers in the northeast of Latin America. The electric shock of a fish is equal to six hundred volts, which easily not only paralyzes the victim, but also kills. The organs that produce such powerful energy are used not only as weapons, but also for navigation.

Zebra lionfish

The zebra lionfish is a fish of tropical waters. It is found in China, Japan and Australia. Moreover, the zebra lionfish loves to swim along the shore, which is dangerous for vacationers on the beach. The fish itself is not large, up to one kilogram. Her weapons are needles along the dorsal and pectoral fins. The injection causes paralysis, and therefore most victims simply drown.


Have you heard scary stories about how small fish penetrate the human urethra? So these are the stories about the Vandelli. Dangerous specimens have a transparent appearance, and therefore are practically invisible to the human eye. Essentially, the vandellia is a vampire that exists by penetrating the gills of other fish and sucking their blood.

Brown rocktooth

The brown rocktooth is a large marine fish. She is not a predator. Its danger lies in the poison contained in internal organs. But this does not stop the Japanese from preparing their national dish, fugu, from brown skazolub. Having tasted the delicacy, hundreds of people subsequently end up in the hospital.


The snakehead reaches a length of up to one meter. The peculiarity of this fish is that it easily tolerates oxygen deficiency and can crawl from one body of water to another without experiencing discomfort. Snakehead is a real predatory fish. She hunts other living creatures, including humans.


Sawfish - dangerous inhabitant underwater world. It reaches a length of seven meters. Her three-meter nose is the real thing deadly weapon, resembling a saw. This fish uses its tool quite deftly and turns the victim into a bloody mess.


The warty fish is better known as the stone fish. It lives in the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The marine representative is very dangerous. His poison has no antidote. The bite of a wart is fatal to all living creatures. Since the fish can camouflage itself as a stone and stays on land for almost a day, it is difficult to notice. If you step on a wart, death is inevitable.

No matter how beautiful dangerous fish are, you should still beware of meeting them. Based on today's post, we conclude:

Many bodies of water on the planet are filled with dangerous fish. And it is better to avoid meeting them.

Just notice how varied the methods of destruction are for these predators: electric discharges, sharp teeth with fangs, spikes and needles. Going to tropical countries, Be carefull! Danger can strike where you never expect it!

January 30, 2019 / / from

Predatory fish They eat not only plant foods, but also animal foods. In other words, we are talking about omnivorous species. Some of them hunt not only underwater inhabitants.

Trivalli, otherwise called trevally, for example, jumps out of the sea, capturing birds flying over the surface. Sharks and catfish are known to attack people.

Predatory fresh water fish


These predatory fish of reservoirs represented by more than 10 species. Most of them are aquarium. They are small. But the common catfish is the largest predatory River fish . In the last century, 5-meter individuals weighing about 400 kilograms were caught. In the 21st century, the maximum weight of a caught catfish was 180 kilos.

Small predatory fish Among catfish there is a glass species. IN natural environment its representatives meet in India. The glass catfish is transparent, only the head is not visible.


There are 5 types. All have an elongated body with large scales. It covers all the fish. She has an elongated, pointed head. It is slightly flattened on top. All pike perch also have a sharp and high fin sticking out on their back. It, like the entire top of the fish, is gray-green. The animal's abdomen is gray and white.

Walleye - large predators, can exceed a meter in length. The weight of the fish is approximately 20 kilograms.


There are 50 species of piranhas. All are predatory, living in fresh water bodies of the southern tropics. Piranhas do not exceed 50 centimeters in length. Externally, the fish are distinguished by their laterally flattened body and silver, gray or black scales. Yellow, scarlet or orange markings may be present on a dark background.

All piranhas have a forward lower jaw. Triangular teeth are visible. They are sharp and closely meet the upper ones. This adds destructive power to the fish's bite. An adult piranha easily crushes a stick with a diameter of about 2 centimeters.


There are about 10 species of them in fresh water bodies. The Aquitaine pike, which lives in the waters of France, was discovered only in 2014. The Italian species is isolated from others in 2011. The Amur pike differs from the usual small silvery scales and is smaller itself.

There are also fish with black stripes above their eyes. These live in America and do not gain weight more than 4 kilos.

The largest in the family is the masking. The sides of this pike are covered with vertical stripes. The Muskinong stretches up to 2 meters, weighing almost 40 kilos.

Pike is a predatory fish, playing the role of a water orderly. Weakened fish and amphibians are the first to fall into the predator's mouth. Cannibalism is developed in the family. Large pikes readily devour smaller ones.


There are more than 100 species in the family. About 40% of them are marine or semi-anadromous. Among freshwater perches, the most common is river perch. It is united with others by greenish transverse lines on the sides.

The pattern is weakly expressed if the bottom of the reservoir is light. If the bottom is dark, for example, muddy, the stripes on the sides of the perches are rich in color.

Perch - predatory freshwater fish, feeding on its own young. This is true in reservoirs where perch predominates among other species. In addition to juveniles, adult animals eat other fish.


This is a tropical predator that lives in the tributaries of the Amazon. There is a bony plate on the elongated and flattened head of the fish. At the same level with it is the wide mouth of the arapaima. Its body is thick, but flattened laterally, tapering towards the tail.

The fins, like those of eels, are fused together. However, the body of the fish itself is not so long. Arapaima looks like a chopped off, shortened and fattened eel.

Arapaima has prominent and large scales. It is tightly planted and strikes with elasticity. Its modulus is 10 times greater than that of bone.

Arapaima feeds on bottom-dwelling fish, as it stays near the bottom. If a predator floats to the surface, it can even swallow a bird flying over the water.


It feeds on minnows, ruffs, and young fish of various types, including those of its own species. The moving whisker on the burbot's head lures prey. He himself hides in the silt or under a snag, in a depression in the bottom. U sticks out like a worm. they want to eat it, but in the end they themselves are eaten.

Burbot included in predatory fish of lakes and rec. Reservoirs with cool, clean water are selected. There, burbots reach a length of 1.2 meters. The weight of the fish can reach 30 kilos.


They are marine. In salty waters, fish of the family reach 30 centimeters in length. Four varieties of river ruffs extend to a maximum of 15 centimeters. This size is enough to feed on the larvae of aquatic insects and the eggs of other fish.

Ruffs find food in shaded, bottom areas of reservoirs. True, there are burbots waiting for hunters there, feeding on them. What a predatory fish will win the fight is a rhetorical question.


It resembles a bream, but leads a gregarious lifestyle. In addition, the silver bream has silvery scales, but there are none on the keel behind the fins.

Young silver bream eat zooplankton. Growing up, fish switch to a diet of mollusks. They are supplemented by algae and underwater parts land plants.

Predatory fish of salt waters

Moray eels

These predatory sea fish There are more than 200 species. The closest relatives are eels. However, they are also found in fresh water bodies. Externally, moray eels are snake-like. The fish of the family are elongated, slightly flattened on the sides.

The body tapers towards the tail, like a leech's. The fin on the back of the fish stretches from the head to the end of the body. There are no other fins. Minimum length the body of a moray eel is 60 centimeters. Representatives giant looking stretch almost 4 meters, while weighing about 40 kilograms.

The elongated head of the moray eel with an angry expression in the eyes and a slightly open mouth is equipped with rows of sharp teeth. The mouth is open for breathing. The moray eel's body is usually hidden in crevices between stones and corals. It is difficult to move the gills there, there is no flow of oxygen.


There are 180 species in the seas. Unlike moray eels, eels are monochromatic. The bodies of the relatives are dotted with patterns. Acne is also less aggressive. Moray eels sometimes even attack people. IN Ancient Rome, by the way, guilty slaves were sometimes thrown into pools with sea ​​fish.

Like moray eels, eels have fused tail, back and anal fins. At the same time, there are separate chests. They, like the entire body of the eel, are covered with mucus. The fish has no scales. However, moray eels also do not have body plates.


Represented by 27 species. They are called tigers of the ocean. The nickname refers to the ferocity of the fish. She, like a moray eel, even attacks people. Approximately 100 cases are recorded per year. Half of the victims die from their wounds. So, barracuda can be safely written down in the most predatory fish ocean.

Outwardly it resembles a pike, but is not related to it. The oceanic predator belongs to the perciform ray-finned fish. The length of a barracuda rarely exceeds a meter. The standard weight of an animal is 10 kilograms.

It seems that a predator of this size can hardly harm a person. However, barracudas are schooling fish and also attack together.

Toad fish

They belong to the batrach family. There are 5 species of toad fish that live in the oceans. The name was given to them for their large and wide head, as if flattened on top, a wide mouth, a protruding lower jaw, protruding round eyes, and wrinkled gray or brown-green skin.

The length of representatives of the genus does not exceed 35 centimeters. The skin of fish, like that of ordinary toads, is bare and devoid of scales.

The toad fish can change color, adapting to colors environment, bottom. It does kinds predatory fish especially dangerous. You may not notice a toad in shallow water, step on it, or touch it. Meanwhile, there are poisonous outgrowths on the body of fish. For humans, the injection is fatal. However, irritation, pain and swelling at the site of the poison are pronounced.


There are more than 400 species of them in the seas and oceans. Representatives of some do not exceed 20 centimeters in length, while others stretch up to 20 meters. Such, for example, is the whale shark.

In the generally accepted sense, it is not a predator, feeding on zooplankton. Considered a typical predator White shark, reaching a length of 6 meters.

Everyone has common features. These are: a cartilaginous skeleton, the absence of a swim bladder, an excellent sense of smell, which allows you to smell blood from 5-6 kilometers away. All sharks also have gill slits and breathe oxygen, and have a streamlined body shape. The latter is covered with scales and has raised projections.


She has and freshwater variety. It lives in the reservoirs of India and Burma. Like most marine species, the freshwater pipefish is small, reaching a maximum length of 38 centimeters.

With such a length, the real body weight is several hundred grams. However, the body of the needle is so thin that it weighs several times less. Therefore, fish is rarely used as food - there is little “fat”.

The closest relatives of needlefishes are Sea Horses. However, their spine is a normal color. The bones of the needles are greenish. This is not associated with toxicity. Green color produces the harmless pigment biliverdin.


From these distant relatives of needles you can get a substantial profit. Major representatives genus gain 6 kg mass. Arrows are systematically classified as garfish, that is, they are close in blood to flying fish.

If the needles can only encroach on crustaceans and newborn fry of other small fish, the arrows feed on sand lance, sprat, and juvenile mackerel. They eat garfish and gerbil. By the way, needles are also included in the diet of arrows.

Sea devils

Photos of predatory fish represents almost 10 types of devils. All of them seem to be pressed down from above, that is, low and wide. The body narrows sharply towards the tail. The first two-thirds of the length of the line is occupied by the head. Therefore, in general, the body of the fish is like a triangle spread out along the bottom.

Fish mouth with a snack. The protruding lower jaw is equipped with sharp teeth. They are bent inside the mouth. There are similar ones on the upper jaw. The mouth opens like a snake's. This allows the devils to swallow prey that is larger than them.

Representatives of large species monkfish reach 2 meters in length. In this case, about half a meter is accounted for by the growth with a luminous capsule at the end. The flashlight is located on the devil's face and attracts prey. The devil himself camouflages himself at the bottom, burrowing into silt and sand.

All that remains is the lamp. As soon as the prey touches it, the devil swallows it. By the way, fluorescent bacteria glow.


These are eel-like fish that live only in the seas. Systematically, catfish are classified as perciformes. Predatory fish biting- a rarity, since the animal is deep, descending to 400-1200 meters. This is partly due to the catfish's love for cold water. Its temperature should be below 5 degrees.

A catfish can only swim to the surface in pursuit of prey. However, its predator usually finds it at depth, feeding on jellyfish, crabs, starfish, other fish.

The animal digs into them with sharp, knife-like teeth. Among them there are pronounced fangs. Therefore, catfish is also called sea wolf.


Not divided into varieties. In the bluefish family there is one genus with a single species of perciform fish. They can exceed a meter in length. The maximum weight of a bluefish is 15 kilos.

On the back of the bluefish’s laterally flattened body there are fins with cartilaginous rays. The tail fin of the fish is shaped like a fork. The thoracic and abdominal outgrowths are also in place. They, like the entire body of the bluefish, are colored blue. It has a hint of green in it. The back is several times darker than the belly.


Has several subspecies. The most common of them is regular or European. There are also American and eastern eelpouts. Catching predatory fish unpopular due to the animal's repulsive appearance.

The eel-like body is gray-green and covered with small scales. The eelpout's skin is thick and rough. The freshwater burbot has a similar appearance.

Like burbot, eelpout loves cool waters. At the same time, the fish stays in shallow water, off the coast of the seas. The water there warms up more than at depths. Therefore, the eelpout chooses cold seas, feeding on mollusks, crustaceans, caviar, and fry.

Migratory predatory fish


Like all migratory fish, part of their lives swim in the sea, and part of their lives in rivers. The group includes about 20 species. Among them: Kaluga, Siberian and Russian sturgeon, shovelnose, beluga, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, thorn. All of them are cartilaginous and have no bones, which indicates ancient origin.

Sturgeon skeletons found in sediments Cretaceous. Accordingly, fish lived 70 million years ago.

The largest sturgeon caught weighed about 800 kilograms. This is with a body length of 8 meters. The standard one is about 2 meters.


The family is represented by salmon, pink salmon, whitefish, coho salmon, whitefish or, as it is also called, nelma. They resemble grayling fish, but have a shortened fin on the back. It has 10-16 rays. From whitefish, which salmon also resemble, the latter are distinguished by their brighter color.

Salmon fish widespread and variable. The latter term means different nuances in the appearance of the same species, but in different territories. Hence the confusion of classifications.

One name can different countries be given to 2-3 salmon. It also happens the other way around, when there are about 10 names for one species.


They belong to the order Perciformes. It includes 1359 species of fish. About 30 of them live in Russian water bodies. All of them are bottom-dwelling and stay near the coast. There are freshwater, marine and anadromous gobies.

However, all representatives of the genus are tolerant of waters of different salinities. Gobies move from the shores of the seas to the rivers that flow into them and do not always return. Freshwater species can also move for permanent residence to the seas. That’s why bulls are called semi-nadromous.

The diet of gobies includes bottom worms, mollusks, crustaceans, small fish. The smallest predators do not exceed 2.5 centimeters in length. The largest bulls grow up to 40 centimeters.


His name is included in names of predatory fish, since a representative of cyprinids feeds on bloodworms, plankton and other crustaceans and invertebrates.

Interestingly, semi-anadromous breams live about 8 years less than freshwater ones. The last century is about 20 years. The same can be said about other semi-anadromous cyprinids, for example, carp or roach.

Most predatory fish are concentrated in warm, sea ​​waters tropics. Herbivorous species are more common in cool and fresh water bodies.
