Medium German tank Tiger Panzerkampfwagen IV. History and detailed description

In the Second world war The German army entered with a rather strange situation in the tank weapons system. The Pz.Kpfw.III medium tank, which was created as the main tank, actually turned out to be the smallest in the Wehrmacht at that time. As for the other medium tank, the Pz.Kpfw.IV, it was designed as a support vehicle, but at the same time there were almost four times more such vehicles in the army than the Pz.Kpfw.III. German industry was able to equalize the number of tanks of these two types in the army only at the very end of 1939. By this time the series had already gone into production a new version support tank - Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D, and in a sense it was a return to the original concept.

Return of the forward machine gun

The spring of 1938 turned out to be decisive for future fate Pz.Kpfw.IV. The fact is that the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate is seriously thinking about removing the brainchild of the Krupp concern from the production program. Instead of the Pz.Kpfw.IV, it was planned to create a support tank based on the Pz.Kpfw.III, thus unifying both medium tanks in their main components and assemblies.

On the one hand, the idea was sound. However, it should be taken into account that the PzIII was not going through the best of times at that time. But the production of the Pz.Kpfw.IV was not without problems, but it still went on, and Krupp designers got into the weight category specified by the customers the first time.

Thus, when Erich Wolfert, Krupp's leading engineer, sharply criticized the idea of ​​combining two tanks on one platform on May 2, 1938, victory was on his side. The 6th Department of the Armament Directorate was forced to give in, because Wolfert had not only an industrial giant behind him, but also common sense.

The lesson, however, did not work out well, and the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate continued to struggle with the idea of ​​a single chassis for two types of tanks throughout the war. This impulse, one of the initiators of which was Heinrich Ernst Kniepkamp, ​​with enviable consistency turned into a rake race, and each time the proper conclusions were not drawn from what had happened earlier.

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D in its original configuration. In metal the car looked a little different

Meanwhile, the requirements for a support tank continued to grow. At the beginning of January 1938, discussions began on the characteristics of the fourth modification of the tank, designated 4.Serie/B.W.

One of the first items on the agenda was the return of the machine gun to its place. Someone at the top finally realized that you couldn't even shoot much from the pistol port, let alone hit anything. It was decided to use the Kugelblende 30 installation, developed for the Z.W.38 (future Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.E). It had much better protection than the PzIV Ausf.A ball mount. In connection with the return of the course machine gun, the front plate of the turret box again received a characteristic step.

A diagram clearly demonstrating the internal structure of the tank

On March 10, 1938, a meeting was held in Berlin, where employees of the Krupp concern and the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate discussed the possibility of strengthening the armor of the tank. The thickness of the side armor of the hull, turret box and turret, amounting to 14.5 mm, was considered insufficient. It was necessary to increase it to 20 mm so that at long distances the tank would not be hit by fire from 20 mm automatic cannons. In addition, the military asked to increase the thickness of the bottom from 8 to 10 mm.

The response to the new demands came on April 12. According to engineers' calculations, increasing the thickness of the armor increased the tank's combat weight by 1256 kg, to almost 20 tons. This led to changes in individual elements of the body. The hatches in the area of ​​the support rollers received a different shape, and the air intakes of the engine compartment were changed. At the end of April, tracks with larger teeth were developed, and the number of suspension travel stops was increased to five per side (one each for the three front bogies and two for the rear).

Serial Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D, spring 1940

Certain changes were also made to the design of the tower. First of all, the armor of the gun system was redesigned. The fact is that the previously used design turned out to be very vulnerable to enemy fire. A bullet or shell fragment falling into the gap between the armor elements could easily jam the gun in a vertical plane. At the end of May 1938, development began new protection for the gun. The new system armor was located on the outside of the tower and did its job much better. The thickness of the armor was increased to 35 mm.

In addition, the viewing devices on the side hatches and sides of the turret were replaced.

Hanging up a large number of spare tracks was a very common occurrence.

When, on July 4, 1938, a contract was finally signed with the Krupp concern for the production of tanks of the 4.Serie/B.W. modification, the vehicle was quite transformed. According to the contract, the factories of Grusonwerk, one of the divisions of Krupp, were to produce 200 tanks of this series. In October the contract was extended. The SS troops ordered 48 tanks, which were designated 5.Serie/B.W.. In fact, they were no different from 4.Serie/B.W. By the way, in the end, these vehicles never made it to the SS unit, since it was decided to order the StuG III assault self-propelled guns instead.

Tanks of the 4th and 5th series were designated Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D. The vehicles were assigned serial numbers in the range 80501–80748.

Based on the experience of the first two campaigns

Serial production of the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D began in October 1939. Unlike the Pz.Kpfw.III, the production of which was forced by manufacturers, there were no special breakthroughs in the production of support tanks. By the end of 1939, 45 tanks had been assembled; subsequently, volumes averaged 20–25 vehicles per month. In total, by May 1, 1940, 129 vehicles of this modification were manufactured.

Torn turrets were a fairly common occurrence for PzIV Ausf.D. France, May 1940

Meanwhile, back in March 1939, it was decided that in the future the Wehrmacht would continue to order these tanks, and the 6th series (6.Serie/B.W.) vehicles would henceforth be designated as Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E. A new contract for the production of 223 tanks of this type was signed in July 1939. In general, this tank was supposed to repeat its predecessor, but already in May some changes began to appear.

To begin with, it was decided to change the driver's viewing device, which had not changed from the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.B, to the Fahrersehklappe 30. This device was distinguished by the fact that instead of massive parts going up and down, it used a thick “eyelash” 30 mm. It covered the viewing slot covered with glass block much more reliably, and its design turned out to be much simpler.

The rather large ventilation hatch from the roof of the tower also disappeared, and a fan appeared in its place. The hatch for signal flags was moved to the place of the periscope device. The shape of the commander's cupola has also changed.

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D produced in April 1940, having shielding of the turret box, and at the same time - additional armor of the front hull plate

The fact that the Ausf.E in its planned form will definitely not go into production, and that the Ausf.D will face certain changes, became clear after the Polish campaign of September 1939. The fact is that Polish troops massively used 37-mm tanks against German tanks anti-tank guns Armata przeciwpancerna 37 mm wz. 36 Bofors. Even though the Polish shells turned out to be not the most best quality, they confidently punched through German vehicles in all projections. Strengthening the frontal part to 30 mm didn’t really help here either.

In the fall of 1939, research began to be carried out to identify the possibility of additionally loading the Pz.Kpfw.IV with another one and a half tons of armor and increasing its combat weight to 21.4 tons. Tests have shown that the tank can easily tolerate such an increase in mass.

On December 18, 1939, the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate adjusted the assignment for 4.Serie/B.W. and 5.Serie/B.W. The last 68 tanks were to receive hulls with frontal plates reinforced to 50 mm. But by the start of the campaign in France, which began on May 10, 1940, the PzIV Ausf.D was still in production with a 30 mm thick front plate.

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E from the 20th Panzer Division, summer 1941

The very first battles showed that such slowness was extremely reckless. Of course, 37-mm short-barreled guns, which were placed in a row French tanks, including FCM 36 and Renault R 35, could not penetrate 30 mm thick frontal armor. But they were not at all the main opponents of German tanks. The French were doing well with anti-tank artillery, and for it, armor 30 mm thick was by no means something prohibitive. Even worse for the Germans was that a number of French tanks had 47 mm guns as their main armament.

PzIV losses in France were even higher than in September 1939 in Poland. Of the 279 Pz.Kpfw.IVs available in units on May 10, 1939, 97, that is, more than a third, were irretrievably lost. The battles of May-June 1940 also showed that the 75-mm short-barreled gun was almost powerless against tanks with shell-proof armor.

It became clear that the problem had to be solved, and solved quickly. Back on May 15, the Krupp concern reported that shielding for the hull and turret box had been manufactured and tested. The forehead of the turret box received additional sheets 30 mm thick, due to which their total thickness increased to 60 mm. The sides were reinforced with 20 mm thick screens. Later, in addition to these screens, reinforcement was made for the frontal sheet of the hull, and corners were added at the top and bottom for additional reinforcement.

However, until the end of the French campaign, the troops did not receive a single set of shielding. Deliveries began only on June 25, when they were, in general, not really needed. Since July 1940, tanks began to be equipped with screens as standard. At the same time, the thickness of the frontal plate of the hull, turret and gun mantlet armor increased to 50 mm.

As you can see, not all Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E received screens

Another serious metamorphosis with the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D happened in August 1940. According to the decision made on June 3 of the same year, the last 68 tanks 4.Serie/B.W. and 5.Serie/B.W. were manufactured with turrets and turret boxes 6.Serie/B.W. The last such vehicles were delivered to the troops in October 1940, after which tanks of the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E modification went into production.

Cars in this series received serial numbers 80801–81006. They can be distinguished from the last 68 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.Ds only if the serial number of the vehicle is known. Additional confusion into what is happening is brought by the fact that not all Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.Es, not to mention the Ausf.Ds, received screens on the frontal part of the turret box.

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D with additional Vorpanzer armor, 1942

At the beginning of 1941, some tank units tried to do shielding themselves, but an order came from above to stop this activity. However, another modification was born, also known as the Vorpanzer. It differed in that quite massive screens were attached to the front of the tower. They were installed on tanks of modifications Ausf.D, E and F. Apparently, Vorpanzers were used exclusively by the Greater Germany (Großdeutschland) tank division. It is believed that the division used them only for exercises, but there are also front-line photographs that refute such claims.

For crossings and other purposes

Orders for Pz.Kpfw.IV tanks of the 4th, 5th and 6th series were not fulfilled in full. Some of the total number of PzIV Ausf.Ds ordered went to other purposes. 16 chassis produced in March-April 1940 were used for the production of bridge tanks Brückenleger IV b. These vehicles were included in the engineering battalions assigned to tank divisions. They were used by units that fought during the May-June 1940 campaign in France.

Brückenleger IV b, a series of 16 such vehicles were produced in the spring of 1940

Meanwhile, in the summer of 1940, Krupp produced 16 sets of turret boxes and towers. Later, three bridge tanks with numbers 80685, 80686 and 80687 were converted into regular PzIV Ausf.D. According to a report from May 1941, of the 29 PzIVs produced, 13 were 4.Serie/B.W. Thus, 247 vehicles of the Ausf.D modification still went to the troops as regular tanks. The last, 248th car with serial number 80625 was used as a test chassis.

Brückenleger IV c from the 39th Tank Engineer Battalion, 1941

The situation was slightly different with the PzIV Ausf.E. Instead of the 223 tanks that were originally planned to be built, 206 vehicles were produced in one form or another, of which 200 were as regular tanks. In January 1941, 4 chassis 6.Serie/B.W. was sent to Magirus, where they were used to build the Brückenleger IV c. Like the vehicles of the previous series, they went to the 39th Tank Engineering Battalion, attached to the 3rd Tank Division. In this form they took part in battles on the Eastern Front in the summer of 1941.

This is what Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E 81005 and 81006 looked like with a new chassis

The fate of the last two tanks of the 6th series, numbers 81005 and 81006, turned out to be even more interesting. On December 14, 1940, the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate gave the green light to the Krupp concern to develop a new chassis. Its main difference was that the diameter of the road wheels increased to 700 mm, and in order for them all to fit, they had to be placed in a checkerboard pattern. The width of the tracks increased to 422 mm. During 1941–42, these vehicles were actively tested, and then tank 81005 ended up at the Wünsdorf training center. Also, at least one tank was converted into an ammunition carrier for the heavy self-propelled mortar Gerät 040 (“Karl”).

Tauchpanzer IV from the 18th Panzer Division

Finally, part serial tanks was converted into very specific special vehicles. In August-July 1940, 48 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D were converted into Tauchpanzer IV, a tank for crossing rivers along the bottom. Mounts for special sealed covers were installed on the tank, and covers were also placed on the air intakes. In addition, a special hose with a float was used, through which air was supplied to the machine. A number of Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.Es produced in January-March 1940 were similarly converted. Similar vehicles were used in June 1941 as part of the 18th Panzer Division.

Blitzkrieg support vehicle

In April 1941, production began of the 7.Serie/B.W., also known as the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.F. This tank was created taking into account the experience of the campaigns of the first two years of the war. But the main support tank German army it became available only in the fall of 1941. Of the 441 Pz.Kpfw.IV, which by June 22, 1941 were concentrated on the border with the USSR, they were a minority. The basis was the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D and Ausf.E.

By that time, the tanks of these modifications had changed somewhat. On February 14, 1941, the first German tanks arrived in Tripoli, and on the 16th the Afrika Korps was formed. In this regard, at the beginning of February, a “tropical” set for the ventilation system was developed.

Since March, tanks have been equipped with a turret box for personal belongings. Because it was originally developed for the Afrika Korps, it was nicknamed the "Rommel Box". It was not installed on all tanks. On many tanks, boxes on the turrets were not installed at all, and instead, an analogue was placed on the side of the hull. And in some units they developed their own “Rommel Box”, which differed in shape from the standard one.

And this was just the beginning of all sorts of alterations that were implemented at the level tank divisions, and sometimes even at the battalion level. The “body kit” itself, which the Pz.Kpfw.IV received only in 1941, is a topic for a separate large article.

The PzIVs that arrived in Africa found themselves, figuratively speaking, in hothouse conditions. In February 1941, 20 tanks were sent there, 3 of which were lost on the way; another 20 arrived in April. The only one for real dangerous adversary for them there were “Matildas,” which was primarily due to the thick armor of these English tanks. The 2-pounder (40 mm) guns mounted on British vehicles could only penetrate the shielded forehead of a PzIV at point-blank range, and such cases were rare.

Result of the meeting between PzIV and KV-2, summer 1941

Quite different conditions turned out to be on the Eastern Front. During the battles at the end of June 1941, only 15 Pz.Kpfw.IV were irretrievably lost. This is largely due to the fact that their opponents were T-26 and BT, which competed in a completely different weight category. The atmosphere of complete confusion in the first weeks of the Great Patriotic War also contributed. Patriotic War. However, already in July, 109 tanks, that is, a quarter of the original number, were scrapped. In August, another 68 vehicles were added to them. In total, in 1941, the Germans lost 348 Pz.Kpfw.IV on the Eastern Front, that is, more than 3/4 of their original number.

The German tank crews could quite rightly blame the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate for such significant losses, which approached the issue of strengthening the armor very frivolously. In fact, the shielding installed on the tanks corresponded to the experience of the September 1939 campaign. At the same time, attention was paid to the fact that the French already had 47-mm tank and anti-tank guns. And this was done completely in vain: even the 47-mm SA 35 tank gun with a 32-caliber barrel, as tests in the USSR showed, easily penetrated the 50 mm armor of German tanks at a distance of 400 meters.

The characteristics of the 47-mm Canon de 47 Mle.1937 anti-tank gun, which had a barrel length of 50 calibers, looked even more depressing for the Germans. At a distance of a kilometer, it penetrated armor 57 mm thick. The Germans could reasonably assume that the French were not the only ones who possessed more powerful anti-tank artillery and tank guns than the Poles.

Captured Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E from the 20th Tank Division, NIIBT Test Site, August 1941

Ultimately, the Wehrmacht had to pay for the miscalculations of the military leadership in assessing the enemy’s weapons with tanks and their crews. While the main opponents of the Pz.Kpfw.IV were the T-26 and BT, everything turned out relatively well for the German tankers. Later, more and more often they had to deal with T-34 and KV-1, armed with 76-mm cannons. In addition, some of the tanks turned out to have only partially thickened armor, which significantly reduced the chances of surviving even under fire from 45-mm tank and anti-tank guns.

KV-2 heavy tanks also made a certain contribution. His 152-mm projectile hit german tank turned it into a pile of scrap metal. However, penetration by other shells did not bring anything good. Cases of ammunition explosions were quite common for Pz.Kpfw.IV. It is worth noting that German tanks were almost powerless against the T-34 and KV-1. Standard armor-piercing shells had almost no effect against new ones Soviet tanks, and the 7.5 cm Gr.Patr.38 Kw.K cumulative shells developed and in service back in April 1941. Hitler allowed its use only in February 1942.

The same car in front. Impacts and a broken screen are visible in the area of ​​the driver's viewing device

Already in August 1941, the captured Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E from the 20th Tank Division was delivered to the training ground of the Research Testing Institute armored vehicles(NIIBT Polygon) to Kubinka. The car was quite badly damaged: there were several hits in the frontal part of the hull, and the shielding in the area of ​​the driver's viewing device was partially knocked down. The Polygon staff compiled a brief description of, according to which the combat weight of a tank designated as “ Medium tank T-IV produced in 1939–40,” was estimated at 24 tons, and maximum speed- at 50 km/h. After preliminary calculations, the following conclusions were made:

.“Armor protection tank T-IV can be hit by artillery of all calibers.

The tank turret, inspection hatches, and the ball mount of the radio operator’s machine gun are hit by large-caliber small arms.”

Captured PzIVs have become quite common since the end of 1941. However, the Polygon was not involved in bringing the tank captured in the summer of 1941 back into working condition or trying to get the NIIBT running trophy.

This is largely due to the fact that the Soviet military did not show much interest in the tank. It seems that they considered it as an addition to the PzIII, despite the fact that the combat weight and engine of the two medium tanks were similar. For approximately the same reasons, the StuG III Ausf.B was not restored to running condition. Studying the performance characteristics of captured Pz.Kpfw.III and Pz.Kpfw.38(t) was considered a more important task, and wasting time on secondary vehicles was considered a pointless exercise.

Unlike StuG III, frontal armor captured Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.E 45-mm projectile was quite tough

In September 1942, tests took place, during which fire was fired at the captured tank from various weapons. First of all, he was fired upon from DShK machine gun. It turned out that the side of the DShK turret cannot be penetrated even from a distance of 50 meters, but at a distance of 100 meters it was possible to penetrate the side and stern of the hull.

Much more interesting were the tests fired from a 45-mm cannon installed in the T-70 tank. At a distance of 50 meters, the frontal hull sheet, 50 mm thick, was pierced. It is worth noting that the same gun did not penetrate the captured StuG III self-propelled gun. The 40 mm thick sides (20+20 mm) were penetrated at a distance of 400 meters.

The final verdict on the German tank was shelling from the 76-mm F-34 cannon installed in the T-34 medium tank. The frontal plate was pierced at a distance of 500 meters (the entrance diameter of the through hole was 90 mm, the exit diameter was 100 mm). The next shot, fired from a distance of 800 meters, split the sheet into two parts. When fired from a distance of 800 meters into the side of the hull, the shell penetrated 40 mm armor with right side, exploded inside and came out from the left side. When firing a high-explosive shell into the side, the first hit tore off the side turret hatch, the second shell tore off the commander's cupola, and the hit on the side of the engine compartment (20 mm thick) led to the appearance of a hole measuring 130x350 mm. It was decided not to fire from long distances - and so everything was clear.

In addition to the shelling, NII-48 specialists studied the design of the hull and turret.

One of the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.Ds, rearmed with a 7.5 cm KwK 40 cannon and equipped with side screens

In July 1942, the few Ausf.D and Ausf.E tanks remaining in service were modernized. Instead of a standard gun, they were equipped with a long-barreled 7.5 cm KwK 40 gun. In addition, from May 1943, side screens began to be installed on the hull and turret. By that time, these vehicles had been withdrawn from the first line and transferred to training units, including NSKK (National Socialist Mechanized Corps) institutions.

Such tanks were also available in tank units stationed in France. One of them (Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D, serial number 80732, released in July 1940) was captured by the British in the summer of 1944. It is now on display at the Bovington Tank Museum.

Tank T-4 (Pz.4) was developed within the framework of the requirements for weapons 18-ton class, conditionally before- assigned to commanders tank ba - BW (Bataillonsfuhrerwagen) bags. Sa- the largest mass tank of the Wehrmacht and the only German tank , which was in mass production throughoutWorld War II.(see photo )

Tank T-4 Pz .4 - the most mass weapons German army of World War II


Pz.4A - installation batch. Combat weight 17.3 tons. Engine Maybach HL 108 TR power 250 hp, five-speed co- shy of gears Dimensions 5920x2830x2680 mm. Armament: 75 mm cannon KwK 37 with a 24 caliber barrel length and two machine guns MG 34. Armor thickness 8 - 20 mm. Outlaw- 35 weapons were shipped.

Pz.4B - straight front hull plate. The course machine gun was confiscated. A new commander's cupola and periscope observation device were introduced. Engine Maybach HL 120 TR power 300 HP, six-speed gearbox. Lobo thickness- howl of turret and hull armor - 30 mm. From- 42 (or 45) units prepared.

Pz.4C - a special bumper under the gun barrel for bending the antenna when turning the turret, armored casing spa- rented machine gun. Starting from the 40th car- we series engine installed Maybach HL 120 TRM. 140 units produced.

Pz.4 D - frontal part of the hull like Pz. lVA, including a front-mounted machine gun. Izme- Nena gun mask. The thickness of the side armor of the hull and turret was increased to 20 mm. In 1940 - 1941, the frontal armor of the hull and turret was reinforced with 20 mm armor- mi sheets. 229 units produced.

Pz.4 E - frontal hull armor 30 mm plus additional 30 mm armor plate. Frontal armor of the turret - 30 mm, mass- ka guns - 35... 37 mm. Installed but- high commander's cupola with reinforced armor and ball mount for chickens- Kugelblende 30 owl machine gun, simplified - new drive and guide wheels, ba- worn box for equipment, etc.- weight 21 tons. 223 units produced.

Pz .4 F (F 1 ) - the latest modification with a short-barreled gun. Direct lobo- a hull plate with a forward-facing machine gun. New design commander's cupola- tions. Single-leaf hatches in the sides of the towers- nor replaced by double-leaf ones. Frontal armor 50 mm thick. The track is 400 mm wide. 462 units produced.

PZ .4 F 2 - 75 mm KwK gun 40 with a 43 caliber barrel length and a pear-shaped muzzle- brake. New gun mask installation and new sight TZF 5f. Combat mas - ca 23.6 tons. 175 units manufactured.

Pz .4 G (Sd . Kfz . 161/1) - two-chamber gun muzzle brake. Late production tanks were armed with a 75 mm cannon KwK 40 with a barrel length of 48 calibers, they are- were equipped with additional armor plates- that in the frontal part of the hull with a thickness of 30 mm, 1450 kg "eastern tracks" and

side screens. 1687 units were produced.

Pz. 4N (Sd. Kfz. 161/2) - 75 mm KwK gun 40 with a barrel length of 48 calibers. 80 mm frontal armor. The radio antenna was moved from the side of the hull to its stern. Anti-cumulative 5 mm screens are installed. New type commander's cupola with anti-aircraft installation machine gun MG 34. Vertical stern plate of the hull. Six-speed gearbox ZF SSG 77. 3960 (or 3935) units produced.

Pz. lVJ (Sd. Kfz. 161/2) - technologically and structurally simplified version Pz. lVH. Manual drive for turning the turret. Support rollers without rubber bands. Increased fuel capacity- nyh tanks. 1758 units were produced.

The first Pz tanks. 4 entered the Wehrmacht in January 1938. General order for combat vehicles this type included 709 tank units weapons.

The plan for 1938 provided for the village- 116 tanks, and the company Krupp almost you - completed it by transferring 113 vehicles to the troops. The first "combat" operations involving- eat Pz. IV became the Anschluss of Austria and the seizure of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1938. In March 1939, they marched through the streets of Prague.

On the eve of the invasion of Poland 1 September- In 1939, the Wehrmacht had 211 tanks Pz. 4 modifications A, B and C. According to the then existing staff, a tank division should have consisted of 24 tanks Pz. IV, 12 vehicles in each regiment. One- but only the 1st and 2nd tank regiments of the 1st tank were fully staffed- howl division (1. Panzer Division). The Training Tank Battalion also had a full staff(Panzer Lehr Abteilung), attached 3rd tan- war division. In the remaining formations there were only a few Pz. IV, which - These were superior in armament and armor protection to all types of Polish tanks opposing them. However, over time- During the Polish campaign, the Germans lost 76 tanks of this type, 19 of them irretrievably.

To the beginning of the French Pan campaign- cervaffe already had 290 Pz. IV and 20 bridge laying machines at their base. Like Pz. lll they were concentrated in divisions operating in the directions of the main attacks. General Rommel's 7th Panzer Division, for example, had 36 Pz. IV. During the battles, the French and English- we managed to knock out 97 tanks Pz. IV. Without - The return losses of the Germans amounted to only 30 combat vehicles of this type.

In 1940, the share of tanks Pz. IV in Wehrmacht tank formations increased slightly. On the one hand, thanks to the growth of production, and on the other, due to the decrease- reducing the number of tanks in the division to 258 units. During a short-lived operation in the Balkans in the spring of 1941. Pz. IV, participation - who fought in battles with the Yugoslav, Greek- mi and British troops, no losses- carried


COMBAT WEIGHT, t; 22.3, CREW, people; 5.

OVERALL DIMENSIONS mm: length - 5920, width - 2880, height - 2680, ground clearance - 400.

WEAPONS: 1 cannon KwK 37 caliber 75 mm and 2 machine guns MG 34 caliber 7.92 mm.

AMMUNITION: 80 - 87 artillery rounds and 2700 rounds of ammunition. AIMING DEVICES* telescopic sight TZF 5b. RESERVATION, mm: hull front - 50; board - 20+20; feed - 20; roof -11; bottom - 10; tower - 30 - 50.

ENGINE: Maybach HL 120 TRM, 12-cylinder carburetor, V -shaped, liquid cooling; working volume 11,867 cm 3 ; power 300 hp (221 kW) at 3000 rpm. TRANSMISSION - three-disc dry friction main clutch, six-speed synchronized gearbox ZF SSG 76, planetary rotation mechanism, final drives. RUNNING GEAR: eight small rubber-coated road wheels- meter on board, interlocked in pairs into four trolleys, suspended- mounted on quarter-elliptic leaf springs; leading to- forest front location with removable ring gears (behind- lantern clutch); four rubberized support rollers; each caterpillar has 99 tracks with a width of 400 mm. MAXIMUM SPEED, km/h: 42. POWER RESERVE, km: 200.

OBSTACLES TO OVERCOME: ascent angle, degrees - 30; width- on the ditch, m - 2.3; wall height, m ​​- 0.6; ford depth, m - 1. COMMUNICATIONS: radio station Fu 5.

To the beginning of Operation Barbarossa Ver- Macht had 439 tanks Pz. IV, by the end of 1941, 348 of them were lost without recovery- military. Pz. IV, armed short-barreled- guns, could not effectively- rummage with Soviet medium and heavy- mi tanks. Only with the advent of the long-barreled modification did the situation level out. By mid-1943 Pz. IV became the main German tank on Vos- exact front. The staff of the German tank division included a two-battalion tank regiment. In the first battalion, two companies were armed Pz. IV, in the second, only one company. Overall, the race division- I thought there were 51 tanks Pz. IV combat battalions - nah. In Operation Citadel they made up- or almost 60% of the tanks that took part- ity in combat.

In North Africa, up to the capital- lation of German troops, Pz. IV successfully resisted all types of Union tanks- nicknames These tanks achieved their greatest success in the fight against the British- Ser tanks A.9 and A. 10 - mobile- new, but lightly armored. First modification cars F 2 was delivered to

North Africa in the summer of 1942. At the end of July, Rommel's Afrika Korps raced- I thought there were only 13 tanks Pz. IV, of which 9 were F 2. In English documents of that period they were called Panzer IV Special.

Despite the defeat at El Alamein, the Germans began to reorganize- tion of their forces in Africa. On December 9, 1942, the 5th Tank Army was formed in Tunisia, which included- sneeze entered transferred from France

The 10th Panzer Division, which had- weapons of tanks Pz. IV Ausf. G. These tanks took part in the defeat of American troops at Kasserine on February 14, 1943. However, this was the last successful operation.- German radio on the African continent- those - already on February 23 they were forced- We went on the defensive, their forces were quickly melting away. On May 1, 1943 in German troops- kakh in Tunisia there were only 58 tanks - of which 17 Pz. IV.

In 1944, the organization of the German tank- howl division has undergone significant changes. The first battalion of the tank regiment received tanks Pz. V "Panther", second - the swarm was complete Pz. IV. In fact, the "panthers" entered military service- the existence of not all Wehrmach tank divisions- ta. In a number of formations, both battalions had only Pz. IV.

In the summer of 1944, German troops- whether defeat after defeat, as in Za- pada, and in the East. I comply- There were also significant losses: in only two months- Syatsa - August and September - 1139 tanks were destroyed Pz. IV. However, me - no, their number in the troops continued to increase- to be significant. In November 1944 Pz. IV accounted for 40% of German tanks on the Eastern Front, 52% in the West- nom and 57% in Italy.

The last major operations of the German army involving Pz. IV began the counteroffensive in the Ardennes in December 1944 and the counterattack of the 6th tank army SS in the area of ​​Lake Balaton in January - March 1945, which ended in failure- scrap. During January 1945 alone, 287 were shot down. Pz. IV, from them rose - refurbished and returned to service 53 ma- tires.

Pz. IV took part in hostilities before last days war, including street fighting in Berlin. On the territory of Czechoslovakia, battles with fate- The production of tanks of this type continued until May 12, 1945.

major tank losses Pz. IV amounted to 7636 units.

Pz. IV in significantly larger quantities- wow, than other German tanks, having delivered- was intended for export. Judging by the German hundred- tistics, Germany's allies, as well as Turkey and Spain arrived in 1942 - 1944. 490 combat vehicles. Besides Ger- Pz mania. IV were in service in Hungary (74, according to other sources - 104), Romania (142), Bulgaria (97), Fin- Land (14) and Croatia.

Based on Pz. IV were issued self-propelled artillery installations, commanders- such tanks, advanced artillery vehicles- Riy observers, evacuation tractors and bridge tanks.

After the surrender of Germany, a large batch of 165 Pz. IV was handed over to Che- Khoslovakia. Having undergone repairs, they are- was in service with the Czechoslovak army until the early 1950s. Except for Czechoslovakia in the post-war years Pz. IV were used in the armies of Spain, Turkey, France, Finland, Bulgaria and Syria.

The Germans themselves did not have a high opinion of the fighting qualities of the Pz.lV. Here is what Major General von Mellenthin writes about this in his memoirs (in 1941, with the rank of major, he served on Rommel’s headquarters): “The T-IV tank gained a reputation among the British as a formidable enemy mainly because it was armed with a 75-mm cannon However, this gun had a low initial speed projectile and weak penetration, and although we used the T-IV in tank battles, they were much more useful as a means of fire support for infantry." The Pz.lV began to play a more significant role in all theaters of war only after acquiring the "long arm" - the 75-mm KwK 40 cannon (F2 series). On the Eastern Front, the Pz. lV Ausf.F2 also appeared in the summer of 1942 and took part in the attack on Stalingrad and North Caucasus. After production of the Pz.lll "four" ceased in 1943, it gradually became the main German tank in all theaters of combat. However, in connection with the start of production of the Panther, it was planned to stop production of the Pz.lV, however, thanks to the tough position of the Panzerwaffe Inspector General, General G. Guderian, this did not happen. Subsequent events showed that he was right.

Increased sharply combat characteristics Pz.IV after installing a long-barreled gun. Not inferior to enemy tanks in all other respects, the “four” turned out to be capable of hitting Soviet and American tanks out of range of their guns. We are not talking about English cars - for four years of the war the British were marking time. Until the end of 1943, the combat characteristics of the T-34 remained virtually unchanged, with the Pz.IV taking first place among medium tanks. Since 1942 performance characteristics Pz.IV did not change (except for the thickness of the armor) and during two years of the war remained unsurpassed by anyone! Only in 1944, having installed a 76-mm long-barreled gun on the Sherman, did the Americans catch up with the Pz.IV, and we, having launched the T-34-85 into production, overtook it. The Germans no longer had the time or opportunity to give a worthy response. Comparing the characteristics of WWII tanks, we can conclude that the Germans, earlier than others, began to consider the tank as the main and most effective anti-tank weapon, and this is the main trend in post-war tank building.

In general, it can be argued that of all the German tanks of the Second World War, the Pz.IV was the most balanced and versatile. In this car, various characteristics were harmoniously combined and complemented each other. The "Tiger" and "Panther", for example, had a clear bias towards security, which led to their overweight and deterioration dynamic characteristics. The Pz.III, with many other characteristics being equal to the Pz.IV, did not match it in armament and, having no reserves for modernization, left the stage. The Pz.IV, with a similar Pz.III, but a slightly more thoughtful layout, had such reserves in full least. This is the only wartime tank with a 75 mm cannon, whose main armament was significantly strengthened without changing the turret. The turret of the T-34-85 and Sherman had to be replaced, and, by and large, these were almost new vehicles. The British went their own way and, like a fashionista, changed not the towers, but the tanks! But “Cromwell,” which appeared in 1944, never reached the “four,” as did “Comet,” released in 1945. Only the post-war Centurion was able to bypass the German tank, created in 1937.

From the above, of course, it does not follow that the Pz.IV was an ideal tank. Let's say it had insufficient engine power and a rather rigid and outdated suspension, which negatively affected its maneuverability. To some extent, the latter was compensated for by the lowest L/B ratio of 1.43 among all medium tanks. The equipping of the Pz.lV (as well as other tanks) with anti-cumulative screens cannot be considered a successful move by German designers. HEAT ammunition was rarely used en masse, but the screens increased the dimensions of the vehicle, making it difficult to move in narrow passages, blocked most surveillance devices, and made it difficult for the crew to board and disembark.
However, an even more pointless and rather expensive measure was coating the tanks with Zimmerit (anti-magnetic painting, against magnetic mines). But perhaps the biggest mistake the Germans made was trying to switch to a new type of medium tank - the Panther. It did not take place as the latter, joining the Tiger in the class of heavy vehicles, but it played a fatal role in the fate of the Pz.lV. Having concentrated all their efforts on creating new tanks in 1942, the Germans stopped seriously modernizing the old ones. Let's try to imagine what would have happened if not for the Panther? The project of installing a “Panther” turret on the Pz.lV is well known, both standard and “close” (Schmall-turm). The project is quite realistic in size - the clear diameter of the turret ring for the Panther is 1650 mm, for the Pz.lV it is 1600 mm. The tower stood up without expanding the turret box. The situation was somewhat worse with weight characteristics- due to the large reach of the gun barrel, the center of gravity shifted forward and the load on the front road wheels increased by 1.5 tons. However, it could be compensated by strengthening their suspension. In addition, it must be taken into account that the KwK 42 cannon was created for the Panther, and not for the Pz.IV. For the "four" it was possible to limit ourselves to a gun with smaller weight and dimensions, with a barrel length of, say, not 70, but 55 or 60 calibers. Even if such a weapon would require replacing the turret, it would still make it possible to get by with a lighter design than the Panther one. The inevitably increasing (by the way, even without such a hypothetical rearmament) weight of the tank required replacing the Engine. For comparison: the dimensions of the HL 120TKRM engine installed on the Pz.IV were 1220x680x830 mm, and the Panther HL 230P30 - 1280x960x1090 mm. The clear dimensions of the engine compartments were almost identical for these two tanks. The Panther's was 480 mm longer, mainly due to the inclination of the rear hull plate. Consequently, equipping the Pz.lV with a higher power engine was not an insurmountable design task. The results of this, of course, far from complete, list of possible modernization measures would be very sad, since they would nullify the work on creating the T-34-85 in our country and the Sherman with a 76-mm cannon in the Americans. In 1943-1945, the industry of the Third Reich produced about 6 thousand “Panthers” and almost 7 thousand Pz.IV. If we take into account that the labor intensity of manufacturing the "Panther" was almost twice that of the Pz.lV, then we can assume that during the same time German factories could produce an additional 10-12 thousand modernized "fours", which would be delivered to the soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition much more trouble than the Panthers.

(Pz.III), the power plant is located at the rear, and the power transmission and drive wheels are located at the front. The control compartment housed the driver and gunner-radio operator, firing from a machine gun mounted in a ball joint. The fighting compartment was located in the middle of the hull. A multifaceted welded turret was mounted here, which housed three crew members and installed weapons.

T-IV tanks were produced with the following weapons:

  • modifications A-F, assault tank with 75 mm howitzer;
  • modification G, tank with a 75-mm cannon with a 43-caliber barrel;
  • modifications N-K, a tank with a 75 mm cannon with a barrel length of 48 calibers.

Due to the constant increase in the thickness of the armor, the weight of the vehicle during production increased from 17.1 tons (modification A) to 24.6 tons (modifications NK). Since 1943, to enhance armor protection, armor screens were installed on tanks for the sides of the hull and turret. The long-barreled gun introduced on modifications G, NK allowed the T-IV to withstand enemy tanks of equal weight (a 75-mm sub-caliber projectile at a range of 1000 meters penetrated armor 110 mm thick), but its maneuverability, especially the overweight latest modifications, was unsatisfactory. In total, about 9,500 T-IV tanks of all modifications were produced during the war.

When the Pz.IV tank did not yet exist

Tank PzKpfw IV. History of creation.

In the 20s and early 30s, the theory of the use of mechanized troops, in particular tanks, developed through trial and error; the views of theorists changed very often. A number of supporters of tanks believed that the appearance of armored vehicles would make positional warfare in the style of battles of 1914-1917 tactically impossible. In turn, the French relied on the construction of well-fortified long-term defensive positions, such as the Maginot Line. A number of experts believed that the main armament of a tank should be a machine gun, and the main task of armored vehicles is to fight enemy infantry and artillery; the most radically thinking representatives of this school considered a battle between tanks pointless, since, supposedly, neither side would be able to cause damage to the other. There was an opinion that the victory in the battle would be won by the side that could destroy the largest number of enemy tanks. Special guns with special shells - anti-tank guns with armor-piercing shells - were considered as the main means of fighting tanks. In fact, no one knew what the nature of hostilities would be in a future war. Experience civil war in Spain also did not clarify the situation.

The Treaty of Versailles prohibited Germany from having tracked combat vehicles, but could not prevent German specialists from working on studying various theories of using armored vehicles, and the creation of tanks was carried out by the Germans in secrecy. When Hitler abandoned the restrictions of Versailles in March 1935, the young Panzerwaffe already had all the theoretical developments in the field of use and organizational structure of tank regiments.

In mass production under the guise of "agricultural tractors" there were two types of light armed tanks, PzKpfw I and PzKpfw II.
The PzKpfw I tank was considered a training vehicle, while the PzKpfw II was intended for reconnaissance, but it turned out that the “two” remained the most popular tank of the panzer divisions until it was replaced by the PzKpfw III medium tanks, armed with a 37 mm cannon and three machine guns.

The development of the PzKpfw IV tank dates back to January 1934, when the army issued a specification to industry new tank fire support weighing no more than 24 tons, the future vehicle received the official designation Gesch.Kpfw. (75 mm)(Vskfz.618). Over the next 18 months, specialists from Rheinmetall-Borzing, Krupp and MAN worked on three competing designs for the battalion commander's vehicle (Battalionführerswagnen, abbreviated as BW). The VK 2001/K project, presented by the Krupp company, was recognized as the best, with a turret and hull shape similar to the PzKpfw III tank.

However, the VK 2001/K did not go into production, since the military was not satisfied with the six-wheel design chassis with medium-diameter wheels on a spring suspension, it needed to be replaced with a torsion bar. The torsion bar suspension, compared to the spring one, ensured smoother movement of the tank and had a greater vertical travel of the road wheels. Krupp engineers, together with representatives of the Arms Procurement Directorate, agreed on the possibility of using an improved design of spring suspension on the tank with eight small-diameter road wheels on board. However, the Krupp company largely had to revise the proposed original design. In the final version, the PzKpfw IV was a combination of the hull and turret of the VK 2001/K with a chassis newly developed by Krupp.

When the Pz.IV tank did not yet exist

The PzKpfw IV tank is designed according to the classic layout with a rear engine. The commander's position was located along the axis of the tower directly under the commander's cupola, the gunner was located to the left of the breech of the gun, and the loader was to the right. In the control compartment, located in the front part of the tank hull, there were workstations for the driver (to the left of the vehicle axis) and the radio operator (to the right). Between the driver's and gunner's seats there was a transmission. Interesting feature The design of the tank was to shift the turret approximately 8 cm to the left of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, and the engine - 15 cm to the right to allow passage of the shaft connecting the engine and transmission. This design decision made it possible to increase the internal reserved volume on the right side of the hull to accommodate the first shots, which could be most easily reached by the loader. The turret rotation drive is electric.

Click on the tank picture to enlarge

The suspension and chassis consisted of eight small-diameter road wheels grouped into two-wheeled bogies suspended on leaf springs, drive wheels, sloths installed in the rear of the tank, and four rollers supporting the track. Throughout the entire history of operation of the PzKpfw IV tanks, their chassis remained unchanged, only minor improvements were introduced. The prototype of the tank was manufactured at the Krupp plant in Essen and was tested in 1935-36.

Description of the PzKpfw IV tank

Armor protection.
In 1942, consulting engineers Mertz and McLillan conducted a detailed examination of the captured PzKpfw IV Ausf.E tank, in particular, they carefully studied its armor.

Several armor plates were tested for hardness, all of them were machined. The hardness of the machined armor plates on the outside and inside was 300-460 Brinell.
- The 20 mm thick applied armor plates, which enhance the armor of the hull sides, are made of homogeneous steel and have a hardness of about 370 Brinell. The reinforced side armor is not capable of "holding" 2 pound shells fired from 1000 yards.

On the other hand, shelling of a tank carried out in the Middle East in June 1941 showed that a distance of 500 yards (457 m) can be considered as the limit for effectively hitting a PzKpfw IV in the frontal area with fire from a 2-pounder gun. A report on the armor protection of a German tank prepared in Woolwich notes that “the armor is 10% better than similar treated mechanically English, and in some respects even better homogeneous."

At the same time, the method of connecting armor plates was criticized; a specialist from Leyland Motors commented on his research: “The welding quality is poor, the welds of two of the three armor plates in the area where the projectile hit came apart.”

Changing the design of the frontal part of the tank hull

Power point.
The Maybach engine is designed to operate in moderate climatic conditions, where its characteristics are satisfactory. At the same time, in tropical or highly dusty conditions, it breaks down and is prone to overheating. British intelligence, after studying the PzKpfw IV tank captured in 1942, concluded that engine failures were caused by sand getting into the oil system, distributor, dynamo and starter; air filters are inadequate. Celebrated frequent cases sand getting into the carburetor.

The Maybach engine operating manual requires the use of only 74 octane gasoline with a complete lubricant change after 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 km. Recommended engine speed at normal conditions operation - 2600 rpm, but in hot climates (southern regions of the USSR and North Africa) this number of revolutions does not provide normal cooling. Using the engine as a brake is permissible at 2200-2400 rpm; at a speed of 2600-3000 this mode should be avoided.

The main components of the cooling system were two radiators installed at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal. The radiators were cooled by an air flow forced by two fans; The fans are driven by a belt from the main engine shaft. Water circulation in the cooling system was ensured by a centrifuge pump. Air entered the engine compartment through an opening on the right side of the hull, covered by an armored damper, and was exhausted out through a similar opening on the left side.

The synchro-mechanical transmission proved efficient, although pulling force in high gears was low, so 6th gear was used only for highway driving. The output shafts are combined with the braking and turning mechanism into a single device. To cool this device, a fan was installed to the left of the clutch box. The simultaneous release of the steering control levers could be used as an effective parking brake.

On tanks of later versions, the spring suspension of the road wheels was heavily overloaded, but replacing the damaged two-wheeled bogie seemed to be a fairly simple operation. The track tension was regulated by the position of the idler mounted on the eccentric. On the Eastern Front, special track extenders, known as "Ostketten", were used, which improved the maneuverability of tanks in winter months of the year.

An extremely simple but effective device for dressing a slipped caterpillar was tested on experimental tank PzKpfw IV. It was a factory-made belt, which had the same width as the tracks, and was perforated for engagement with the ring gear of the drive wheel. One end of the tape was attached to the slipped track, and the other, after it was passed over the rollers, to the drive wheel. The motor turned on, the drive wheel began to rotate, pulling the tape and the tracks attached to it until the rims of the drive wheel entered the slots on the tracks. The whole operation took a few minutes.

The engine was started by a 24-volt electric starter. Since the auxiliary electric generator saved battery power, it was possible to try to start the engine more times on the “four” than on the PzKpfw III tank. In case of starter failure, or when the lubricant thickened in severe frost, an inertial starter was used, the handle of which was connected to the engine shaft through a hole in the rear armor plate. The handle was turned by two people at the same time; the minimum number of turns of the handle required to start the engine was 60 rpm. Starting the engine from an inertia starter has become commonplace in the Russian winter. The minimum temperature of the engine at which it began to operate normally was t = 50 degrees C with a shaft rotation of 2000 rpm.

To make engine starting easier in the cold climate of the Eastern Front, a special system was developed known as a "Kuhlwasserubertragung" - a cold water heat exchanger. After starting and warming up to normal temperature engine of one tank, warm water from it was pumped into the cooling system of the next tank, and cold water came to an already running motor - an exchange of coolants between the running and non-running motors took place. After the warm water warmed up the engine somewhat, you could try starting the engine with an electric starter. The "Kuhlwasserubertragung" system required minor modifications to the tank's cooling system.

" Heavy, with powerful armor and a deadly 88-mm cannon, this tank was distinguished by its perfect, truly Gothic beauty. However, the most important role In the history of World War II, a completely different vehicle played a role - Panzerkampfwagen IV (or PzKpfw IV, as well as Pz.IV). In Russian historiography it is usually called T IV.

Panzerkampfwagen IV is the most produced German tank of the Second World War. The combat path of this vehicle began in 1938 in Czechoslovakia, then Poland, France, the Balkans and Scandinavia. In 1941, it was the PzKpfw IV tank that was the only worthy opponent of the Soviet T-34 and KV. Paradox: although, in terms of its main characteristics, the T IV was significantly inferior to the Tiger, this particular vehicle can be called a symbol of the blitzkrieg; the main victories of German weapons are associated with it.

The biography of this vehicle can only be envied: this tank fought in the African sands, in the snows of Stalingrad, and was preparing to land in England. Active development of the T IV medium tank began immediately after the Nazis came to power, and the T IV fought its last battle in 1967 as part of the Syrian army, repelling attacks by Israeli tanks on the Dutch Heights.

A little history

After the end of World War I, the Allies did everything possible to ensure that Germany would never again become a powerful military power. She was forbidden not only to have tanks, but even to engage in work in this area.

However, these restrictions could not prevent the German military from working on the theoretical aspects of the use of armored forces. The concept of blitzkrieg, developed by Alfred von Schlieffen at the beginning of the 20th century, was refined and supplemented by a number of talented German officers. Tanks not only found their place in it, they became one of its main elements.

Despite the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, practical work The creation of new tank models continued. Work was also underway on organizational structure tank units. All this took place in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. After the nationalists came to power, Germany threw away prohibitions and quickly began to create a new army.

The first German tanks put into mass production were the light Pz.Kpfw.I and Pz.Kpfw.II vehicles. The One was essentially a training vehicle, while the Pz.Kpfw.II was intended for reconnaissance and was armed with a 20-mm cannon. The Pz.Kpfw.III was already considered a medium tank; it was armed with a 37 mm gun and three machine guns.

The decision to develop a new tank (Panzerkampfwagen IV), armed with a short-barreled 75 mm cannon, was made in 1934. The main task of the vehicle was to be direct support for infantry units; this tank was supposed to suppress enemy firing points (primarily anti-tank artillery). In its design and layout, the new vehicle was largely the same as the Pz.Kpfw.III.

In January 1934, three companies received technical specifications for the development of the tank: AG Krupp, MAN and Rheinmetall. At that moment, Germany was still trying not to advertise its work on types of weapons prohibited by the Versailles agreements. Therefore, the vehicle was given the name Bataillonsführerwagen or B.W., which translates as “battalion commander’s vehicle.”

The project developed by AG Krupp, VK 2001(K), was recognized as the best. The military was not satisfied with its spring suspension; they demanded that it be replaced with a more advanced torsion bar suspension, which provides the tank with a smoother ride. However, the designers managed to insist on their own. The German army was in dire need of a tank, and the development of a new chassis could take a lot of time, so it was decided to leave the suspension the same, just seriously modify it.

Production of the tank and its modifications

In 1936, mass production of new machines began. The first modification of the tank was the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. A. The first samples of this tank had bulletproof armor (15-20 mm) and poor protection for surveillance devices. Modification of Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. A can be called pre-production. After the release of several dozen PzKpfw IV Ausf. A, AG Krupp immediately received an order for the production of an improved model of the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. IN.

Model B had a different hull shape, it did not have a front-mounted machine gun, and the viewing devices (especially the commander's cupola) were improved. The frontal armor of the tank was strengthened to 30 mm. PzKpfw IV Ausf. It received a more powerful engine, a new gearbox, and its ammunition load was reduced. The tank's weight increased to 17.7 tons, while its speed, thanks to the new power plant, increased to 40 km/h. A total of 42 Ausf tanks rolled off the production line. IN.

The first modification of the T IV, which can be called truly widespread, was the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. S. It appeared in 1938. Externally, this car was slightly different from the previous model; a new engine was installed on it, and some other minor changes were made. In total, about 140 Ausf units were produced. WITH.

In 1939, production of the next tank model began: Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. D. Its main difference was the appearance of the external mask of the tower. In this modification, the thickness of the side armor was increased (20 mm), and several other improvements were made. Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. D is latest model peacetime tank, before the start of the war the Germans managed to make 45 Ausf.D tanks.

By September 1, 1939, the German army had 211 units of the T-IV tank of various modifications. These vehicles performed well during the Polish campaign and became the main tanks. German army. Combat experience has shown that weak point T-IV was its armor protection. Polish anti-tank guns easily penetrated both the armor of light tanks and heavier “fours”.

Taking into account the experience gained in the first years of the war, a new modification of the vehicle was developed - Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. E. On this model, the frontal armor was reinforced with 30 mm thick hinged plates, and 20 mm thick on the side. The tank received a commander's cupola of a new design, and the shape of the tower was changed. Minor changes were made to the tank's chassis, and the design of the hatches and inspection devices was improved. The weight of the vehicle increased to 21 tons.

The installation of mounted armor screens was irrational and could only be considered as a necessary measure and a way to improve the protection of the first T-IV models. Therefore, the creation of a new modification, the design of which would take into account all the comments, was only a matter of time.

In 1941, production of the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.F model began, in which the hinged screens were replaced by integral armor. The thickness of the frontal armor was 50 mm, and the sides - 30 mm. As a result of these changes, the weight of the vehicle increased to 22.3 tons, which led to a significant increase in the specific load on the ground.

To eliminate this problem, the designers had to increase the width of the tracks and make changes to the chassis of the tank.

Initially, the T-IV was not suitable for destroying enemy armored vehicles; the “four” was considered an infantry fire support tank. Although, the tank's ammunition included armor-piercing shells, which allowed it to fight enemy armored vehicles equipped with bulletproof armor.

However, the first meetings of German tanks with the T-34 and KV, which had powerful anti-ballistic armor, plunged the German tank crews into shock. The Four turned out to be absolutely ineffective against the Soviet armored giants. The first alarm bell that showed the futility of using T-IV against powerful heavy tanks, began military clashes with the English Matilda tank in 1940-41.

Even then it became clear that the PzKpfw IV should be equipped with a different weapon, which would be more suitable for destroying tanks.

At first, the idea was born to install a 50-mm gun with a length of 42 calibers on the T-IV, but the experience of the first battles on the Eastern Front showed that this gun was significantly inferior to the Soviet 76-mm, which was installed on the KV and T-34. The total superiority of Soviet armored vehicles over Wehrmacht tanks was a very unpleasant discovery for German soldiers and officers.

Already in November 1941, work began on the creation of a new 75-mm cannon for the T-IV. Vehicles with the new gun received the abbreviation Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.F2. However, the armor protection of these vehicles was still inferior to Soviet tanks.

It was this problem that German designers wanted to solve by developing a new modification of the tank at the end of 1942: Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G. Additional armor screens 30 mm thick were installed in the frontal part of this tank. Some of these vehicles were equipped with a 75 mm cannon with a length of 48 calibers.

The most popular T-IV model was the Ausf.H, which first rolled off the assembly line in the spring of 1943. This modification was practically no different from the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G. A new transmission was installed on it and the turret roof was thickened.

Description of the Pz.VI design

The T-IV tank is made according to the classical design, with the power plant located in the rear of the hull, and the control compartment in the front.

The tank's hull is welded, the slope of the armor plates is less rational than that of the T-34, but it provides more internal space for the vehicle. The tank had three compartments, separated by bulkheads: a control compartment, a combat compartment and a power compartment.

The control compartment housed the driver and gunner-radio operator. It also housed the transmission, instruments and controls, a walkie-talkie and a machine gun (not on all models).

IN fighting compartment, located in the center of the tank, there were three crew members: commander, gunner and loader. The turret was equipped with a cannon and a machine gun, observation and aiming devices, as well as ammunition. The commander's cupola provided excellent visibility for the crew. The tower was rotated by an electric drive. The gunner had a telescopic sight.

The power plant was located at the rear of the tank. The T-IV was equipped with a 12-cylinder water-cooled carburetor engine different models, developed by Maybach.

The Four had a large number of hatches, which made life easier for the crew and technical personnel, but reduced the security of the vehicle.

The suspension was spring, the chassis consisted of 8 rubber-coated road wheels and 4 support rollers and a drive wheel.

Combat use

The first serious campaign in which the Pz.IV took part was the war against Poland. Early modifications of the tank had weak armor and became easy prey for Polish artillerymen. During this conflict, the Germans lost 76 Pz.IV units, 19 of which were irretrievable.

In the hostilities against France, the opponents of the “fours” were not only anti-tank guns, but also tanks. The French Somua S35 and the English Matildas performed well.

In the German army, tank classification was based on the caliber of the gun, so the Pz.IV was considered a heavy tank. However, with the outbreak of war on the Eastern Front, the Germans saw what a real heavy tank was. The USSR also had an overwhelming advantage in the number of combat vehicles: at the beginning of the war in western districts there were more than 500 KV tanks. The short-barreled Pz.IV cannon could not cause any harm to these giants even at close range.

It should be noted that the German command very quickly drew conclusions and began modifying the “fours”. Already at the beginning of 1942, modifications of the Pz.IV with a long gun began to appear on the Eastern Front. The armor protection of the vehicle was also increased. All this made it possible for German tankers to fight the T-34 and KV on equal terms. Considering better ergonomics German cars, excellent sights, Pz.IV has become a very dangerous opponent.

After installing a long-barreled gun (48 calibers) on the T-IV, its combat characteristics increased even more. After this, the German tank could hit both Soviet and American cars without entering the range of their guns.

It should be noted the speed with which changes were made to the design of the Pz.IV. If we take the Soviet "thirty-four", then many of its shortcomings were revealed at the stage of factory testing. It took the leadership of the USSR several years of war and huge losses to begin modernizing the T-34.

German T-IV tank can be called a very balanced and versatile machine. Later heavy German vehicles have a clear bias towards security. The Four can be called a unique machine in terms of the reserve for modernization inherent in it.

This is not to say that the Pz.IV was an ideal tank. It had shortcomings, the main ones of which were insufficient engine power and outdated suspension. The power plant clearly did not match the mass of later models. The use of a rigid spring suspension reduced the maneuverability of the vehicle and its maneuverability. Installing a long gun significantly increased the combat characteristics of the tank, but it created additional load on the front rollers of the tank, which led to significant rocking of the vehicle.

Equipping the Pz.IV with anti-cumulative shields was also not a very good solution. Cumulative ammunition was rarely used; the screens only increased the weight of the vehicle, its dimensions and impaired the crew’s visibility. Also a very expensive idea was to paint the tanks with Zimmerit, a special anti-magnetic paint against magnetic mines.

However, many historians consider the biggest miscalculation of the German leadership to be the start of production of heavy tanks “Panther” and “Tiger”. For almost the entire war, Germany was limited in resources. The Tiger was a truly excellent tank: powerful, comfortable, and with a deadly weapon. But also very expensive. In addition, both the “Tiger” and the “Panther” were able to get rid of many “childhood” diseases that are inherent in any new technology until the end of the war.

There is an opinion that if the resources spent on the production of “Panthers” were used to produce additional “fours”, this would create much more problems for the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.


Video about the Panzerkampfwagen IV tank

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