Tiger goliath. Big tiger fish Goliath: a ferocious predator of the Congo River

Huge brindle goliath It is rightfully considered one of the most terrible and dangerous freshwater fish in the world: in terms of bloodthirstiness, it is second only to piranha. Armed with a set of 32 large teeth, large representatives of this species living in Africa attack even crocodiles.

In total, 5 species of tiger fish are known, but the largest species lives exclusively in the Congo River basin. This predator can reach up to 180 centimeters in length and weigh more than 50 kilograms. A real killing machine.

(Total 12 photos + 1 video)

1. The fish is popular as an object of sport fishing in Africa. 52-year-old Jeremy Wade, an angler and expert on unusual freshwater fish, and, concurrently, the host of the River Monsters program, managed to catch a large specimen.

2. For the sake of such fishing, he went to remote places of the Congo River, where he spent 8 days waiting for fish in the company of his assistants.

4. Jeremy caught one of the largest individuals - weighing up to 154 pounds (about 70 kilograms) and up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) long.

7. The fish got its name due to the dark horizontal stripes on the sides of the body, which are somewhat similar to tiger ones, and its impressive size.

8. Goliath tiger fish is a real predator. Feeds over small fish. Dessert for the African giant is kamba fish, which is abundant in the Congo River.

9. Jeremy Wade with a catch.

10. Goliath tiger fish is a real predator. Feeds on smaller fish. Dessert for the African giant is kamba fish, which is abundant in the Congo River.

11. Due to her power, she can calmly swim against the current. As a result, weaker fish that cannot overcome a strong stream of water themselves fall into her teeth.

12. This fish is also known in the aquarium trade, it is kept in exhibition aquariums with shelters and powerful filtration.

which I recently showed. They called it partially photoshop :-)

Therefore, let me show you an even more toothy fish, which most people probably already know about. It is very popular on the "internet" because it looks very impressive! So meet...

IN largest river Central Africa Congo There are about 700 species of all kinds of fish. Some of these river inhabitants are rather predatory individuals, capable of posing a threat not only to their river relatives, but also to humans. Tigerfish Goliath (Hydrocynus goliath)- a representative of just such a species of predatory fish. This " river monster", reaching a length of up to one and a half meters and weighing more than 50 kg, is armed with a set of 32 large and sharp teeth, shaped like fangs.

What got on Jeremy Wade's hook is a large tiger fish, or a giant hydrocine (lat. Hydrocynus goliath) from the characin-like order. She is considered where more dangerous than piranha, and thanks to its 32 teeth, resembling fangs and impressive size, the fish attacks even crocodiles.

The specimen that Wade caught weighs 45 kg and is almost 2 meters long. "It's very, very dangerous fish. You need to be careful with her, get distracted, and she will bite off her finger, or even worse," the man said.

Tiger fish Goliath, a predatory fish species weighing up to 154 pounds and up to 5 feet long, . Widely known as a fierce-looking creature with sharp teeth, the Goliath fish is just one example of a wide variety of fish species found in the Congo River, 80% of which are found nowhere else in the world.

The "monster fish" is able to swim in rough waters and can easily grab smaller fish that cannot swim against the current. She is also capable of picking up the low frequency vibrations emitted by her prey.

The Congo River is home to 686 species of fish. In an article describing the wonders of the Congo, International Foundation wildlife documented the existence of exotic fish living in its waters. The elephant fish has an electric organ in its tail, which is used to navigate and communicate with its own kind. National Geographic magazine reports that this fish also has a long trunk to sift through the sediment at the bottom of the river in search of food.

Lungfish, unlike most fish, can breathe air. They survive with little or no oxygen. During the dry season, they burrow into mud pits and coat themselves in slime. The polyfins resemble ancient fish, "with lobed fins and a hard, scaly coating."

The fish of the Congo River are able to adapt to their environment with incredible efficiency. Some hide from predators in water hyacinths that grow along the banks of the river, others live in fallen trees partially submerged in water.

However, some fishermen overfish or use methods that damage fish populations, such as destroying vegetation along river banks with herbicides, using explosives and poisons. This has led to the decline of some fish species, which, according to research conducted by the Congo River Protection and Development Project (CREDP), threatens diversity. underwater world rivers.

The Goliath fish is not currently endangered, but with the help of Animal Planet, it will bring much more attention to the region.

In total, 5 species of tiger fish are known, but the largest species lives in Africa, exclusively in the Congo River basin. This predator can reach up to 180 centimeters in length and weigh more than 50 kilograms.

Fisherman and unusual freshwater fish expert Jeremy Wade managed to catch a giant specimen. He caught one of the largest individuals - weighing up to 154 pounds (about 70 kilograms) and up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) long.

Tiger fish Goliath is popular as a sport fishing object in Africa. The Congo is the deepest and second longest river in Africa. The depth of the river in the vicinity of Brazzaville reaches 100 meters. The goliath tiger fish is the largest species of all tiger fish, and the structure of the jaws allows the tiger fish to open its mouth wider than another can afford predatory fish. This feature makes the mouth even more intimidating, and the fish more attractive as a trophy.

The tiger fish is famous in the aquarium trade, it is kept in show tanks with shelters and powerful filtration. The water temperature in the aquarium is 23 - 26 ° C, the pH of the water is 6.5 - 7.5.

It is extremely difficult to catch such a fish, especially for an amateur, since they live in fairly remote and hard-to-reach places in the Congo River, where a guide does not take you.

According to him, keeping this fish is not just scary. If you're not careful, she'll cut off your finger or worse.

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The giant piranha, the exact name of which is "Tiger Goliath Fish" is, in fact, the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world. In total, 5 species of tiger fish are known, but the largest species lives exclusively in the Congo River basin.

The predator can reach up to 180 centimeters in length and weigh more than 50 kilograms. This monster feeds on various smaller fish, small animals that have fallen into the water and can also attack a person and even a crocodile. Also, goliath fish is one of the representatives of the unique ichthyofauna of the Congo River, which are not found anywhere else.

Catching such a fish is extremely difficult. With sharp teeth, she will bite the fishing line of any thickness, so special steel leashes of very high strength are used for this.

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Awesome appearance This fish inspires fear not only on local residents. But also for any sane person. Under the description, this fish first came in 1861. They named the fish in honor of the huge warrior Goliath from the Bible. Dark stripes on the sides, and often a golden sheen and size give rise to the name Tigerfish. locals They call this fish with silvery scales mbenga.

External Description

You can’t exactly call fishing for such a predator silent hunting. Few intrepid anglers and thrill-seekers can boast such prey.

It lives among similar predators, and both for protection and for food it has huge fangs. Fangs complicate the hunt for this predator, it gnaws or simply tears any fishing line. To solve this problem, a thin steel line is usually used. Only with such a strong fishing line is it really possible to catch this freshwater monster. The number of fangs in an adult is 16, small in number, but powerful in action, they tear the victim quickly and easily. Throughout life, fangs can fall out, and new, sharp ones grow in their place.

They inspire the size of the fish: the length reaches 180 cm, and the weight over 50 kg. But scientists suggest that the length can reach 2 meters. Goliath has a powerful body and a strong head. Although the fish is large, it is quite agile and fast. The pointed fins are either orange or red. The scales are difficult to break through, this is an excellent defense against other predators. The mouth opens wider than other predatory underwater inhabitants, and this gives more chances to win when attacked. There are five types of tiger fish, and the goliath is considered the largest. Often the monster is compared to a piranha, but the piranha does not reach such a huge size.


There were cases attacks on crocodiles. It can eat an animal or a person that has fallen into the water. Typically, a predator feeds on smaller organisms. Goliath either hunts for prey, or catches weak fish that can not cope with the turbulent current. The main food is kamba. The ability to capture low-frequency vibrations does not bode well for mining. In other words - if the predator has heard the vibrations and is hungry, there is no chance of salvation. But such ferocity does not guarantee a complete rejection of plant foods.


For the sake of such prey, you will have to go to central Africa, or rather, to the Congo River basin, there they the largest number. The Congo itself is the second longest river in the world. As for fullness, the river takes first place. Fishing is flourishing here, because not only Goliath, but also many other fish swim in the Congo basin. Many are listed in the Red Book and, accordingly, are considered very rare. Scientists have a little less than a thousand species living in this river. Such a catch can be a reward for searching and catching for several weeks.

Main habitats:

Basically, in the places listed, it can be found, but this creature does not swim outside the continent of Africa.

Life span is 12-15 years old. Females spawn for several days, this occurs in December-January. The fish first swim in the tributaries of the river. Spawning occurs in shallow water and in places with high vegetation. The fry grow just in places with enough food and without blades from most predators. And gradually gaining strength and weight, they are carried by the current to deeper places.

In captivity, goliaths are kept mainly in commercial aquariums. In them the fish do not reach such large sizes. On average, the length of an aquarium dweller fluctuates from 50 to 75 centimeters. Mostly they can be seen in exhibition aquariums. The main rules for content are:

  • the presence of an aquarium (at least 2,500 liters);
  • to feed the tiger fish you need a constant huge amount of food. This is mainly fish and adapted feed;
  • because of the love of the flow, you will need to come up with a system with a duct;
  • comfortable temperature is 23-26 degrees.

Coexistence with other species is possible, but they must be able to defend themselves. In captivity, fish do not breed, so this issue will also have to be considered.

survival in nature

Adult individuals, despite the fact that they can fully exist on their own, prefer to gather in flocks. Tiger fish can be collected as one species, and with other individuals.

Scientists believe Goliath is a contemporary of dinosaurs. The fact is, in the waters where the goliath lives, there is a huge rivalry for survival. And for the sake of life, the goliath evolved into such a dangerous creature. But not only other predators should be afraid of tiger fish. Wide fishing in catching fish gives less and less chance of continuing existence. In addition to fishing, some people use chemicals to destroy vegetation near the banks of the river for the sake of the catch. On future fry, respectively, this affects negatively. On this moment environmentalists with the local government are trying to solve this problem.

Big tiger fish (lat. Hydrocynus goliath) - the most major representative order Characinformes (Characiformes). Belongs to the African tetra family (Alestidae). It is also known under the names giant hydrocin and goliath fish. Its weight can reach 70 kg, and its fang-like teeth can cause serious injury.

Africans claim that she is not afraid of crocodiles and often attacks people, tearing pieces of meat out of their bodies.

In some villages, local men never swim naked, fearing an unexpected meeting with a bloodthirsty monster, and Europeans are advised to use tight swimming trunks and swimsuits.


This species is found in a limited area in the western and central regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and northern Zambia. It inhabits the waters of the Congo River and its tributaries, as well as the freshwater lakes Upemba and Tanganyika, where there are areas with a relatively fast current.

In other regions of Africa, goliath fish has not yet been found. 4 related species belonging to the genus Hydrocynus are more common. They have similar features and behavior, but are inferior to the monster of the Congo River in size. All of them are attracted by warm reservoirs with muddy and oxygenated water.


The giant hydrocine is distinguished by its wild disposition and incredible voracity. He eats everything he can catch. The basis of its diet is tetras of the genera Brycinus and Micralestes, living in the upper and middle layers of water bodies, and barbs from the Cyprinidae family. On Lake Tanganyika, the Tanganyin lake sardine dominates the menu.

Predator uses various methods hunting. Young growth most often gathers in flocks and with its habits resembles piranhas. Adults usually hunt from ambush, making lightning-fast throws towards the victim. They are able to jump out of the water and grab low-flying birds on the fly or wait for small mammals that have come to the watering hole.

In 2014, biologists from Northwestern University in Potchefstroom (South Africa) managed to capture on video how giant hydrocynes skillfully catch swallows flying over the water surface, jumping out of the water to a height of up to 2 m.

Despite their bloodthirstiness, large tiger fish are quite shy and afraid of the presence of large animals. They soberly assess their strengths and do not try to expose themselves once again danger. As a rule, having noticed a person, they hide and try not to betray their presence.

For this reason, sport fishing for these monsters is considered very prestigious, but rarely successful. Trophies are hooked by chance and away from public fishing grounds.

Goliath fish is dangerous mainly for young children.

Cases of attacks on adults are rare and, according to Africans, are associated with moving into it evil spirit mbenga. Ichthyologists with rational thinking associate them simply with the deterioration of the sight of the river monster, because of which he loses the ability to correctly determine the dimensions of his potential victim.

The prey is swallowed whole. If this fails, then it is torn into small pieces. Leading role in hunting and orientation in aquatic environment plays the lateral line, a sensitive organ that runs from the gill slits to the base of the tail.

There is no reliable information about the reproduction of Hydrocynus goliath in natural conditions.


The average body length is 132 cm and weight 30 kg. The maximum length is 180 cm. The body is elongated and spindle-shaped, with age the dorsal part rises up due to the development of the adipose fin. The head is large and massive. The eyes are large, providing excellent vision. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. Males are slightly larger than females.

The color is predominantly bluish. The back is darker than the abdomen. Stripes along the body are weakly visible or absent altogether. The tail fin is large and forked. In young individuals, it is pink or has a red border. The lower jaw protrudes forward.

In the mouth there are 32 sharp needle-shaped triangular teeth, the sides of which are sharp as blades. Their length reaches 3.5 cm. There are two articulations in the upper jaw, allowing the mouth to be opened very widely.

Large tiger fish are found in marine pools. In Paris, it can be seen in the Tropical Aquarium in the Port-Dore Palace. Pleasure will cost 19.5 euros.

Feeding is carried out with the help of special tweezers only with live fish 3-4 times a week. It has not yet been possible to breed in captivity.
