Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world. The most dangerous animals on the planet

Do you know what are the deadliest animals known to man? The answer may surprise you. animal kingdom - dangerous place full of cruel and deadly creatures. Some of these creatures may even appear to be harmless, but trust me, they are not. Although most of human civilization has retired from the animal world, they are still not immune from dangers. In fact, some of these animals may be in your backyard right now. Curious which animals are the deadliest? Here are 25 animals that are known to man.

Sharks - 6 deaths

Although movies and especially "Jaws" make you think that sharks are killers, statistics say that on average sharks kill 6 people a year, which is significantly less compared to other animals.

Wolves - 10 deaths

Wolves used to kill much more people, but as human civilization expanded, the attacks decreased. Today, wolves kill an average of 10 people a year.

Horses - 20 deaths

The horses are large, heavy and have a powerful kick. There are a lot more of us around them than other animals, so it's probably not surprising that they kill 20 people every year.

Cows - 22 deaths

Cows are obedient, but they can still strike in response to aggression. Cows kill an average of 22 people a year.

Leopards - 29 deaths

Although they are certainly magnificent creatures and rarely attack humans, in 2001 they attacked 50 people and killed 29 people. The researchers found that the problem arose due to human intervention.

Ants - 30 deaths

It's hard to believe that ants kill more people than leopards, but there are 280 different types of ants that can kill. They are reported to kill up to 30 people a year; usually because someone slept next to an anthill and died of anaphylactic shock.

Jellyfish - 40 deaths

Everyone knows that jellyfish burns hurt, but they can also cost you your life. Only in the Philippines, death from jellyfish burns ranges from 2 to 40 people a year. According to some estimates, it could be more than 100 people worldwide.

Bees - 53 Death

They are small and can fly in large numbers and they have a sting. We are talking about bees, of course, and believe it or not, they kill 53 people on average every year. Most people can stand the sting, but for those with allergies, they are especially dangerous.

Tigers - 85 deaths

Tigers have always been dangerous predators for people. Terrible, silent and cruel, these big cats definitely know how to hunt. Fortunately, they rarely kill people. An average of 85 people per year.

Deer - 130 deaths

Usually deer are not very aggressive. They are more likely to avoid trouble than to attack. So how can they cause 130 deaths a year? One word: accidents. All too often, a shy deer will run out onto a dark country road, hitting the car and killing the passengers inside.

African buffalo - 200 deaths

African buffaloes are very aggressive. They kill larger animals and about 200 people annually.

Lions - 250 deaths

Considered the king of the jungle, lions are the only cats that form packs to hunt other animals. While humans prey on these magnificent creatures in Africa, lions have also been known to prey on humans. On average, they kill 250 people every year.

Elephants - 500 deaths

Human civilization is constantly growing, elephants are being pushed into smaller spaces. Elephants show great aggression and confrontation with humans and the result is stunning. Elephants kill 500 people a year.

Hippos - 500 deaths

Along with elephants, hippos are considered the deadliest animals in Africa. They are big, fast, aggressive. Roughly, they kill 500 people a year.

Solitaires - 700 deaths

Perhaps worse than an animal attacking you with a saruji, it is a hidden animal attacking you from the inside. Tapeworms can hide inside you and give you a disease called cysticerosis, which kills about 700 people a year.

Crocodiles - 1000 deaths

Unlike alligators, which don't harm anyone, crocodiles are fierce, aggressive, and don't really care who they eat or kill. If you get close to them, they will grab you, drag you under the water and eat you, and they will not have time to do anything. On average, they kill about 1,000 people a year.

Scorpions - 3,250 deaths

They are small but capable of killing with their tail. Of all the scorpions, 20 species have enough venom to kill a human. However, there are a million bites a year and 3250 deaths because of it.

Roundworms (Ascaris Roundworms) - 4500 deaths

Ascaris roundworms cause an infection in the small intestine called ashariasis and it usually affects young children rather than adults. However, this leaves a devastating toll. 4,500 people die from this every year.

Tsetse flies - 10,000 deaths

While the average house fly is harmless, you don't want to run into the Tsetse fly. It can give you a disease called "sleeping sickness" in which your brain swells, you fall asleep and you die. This fly kills 10,000 people a year.

Bed bugs - 12,000 deaths

Bedbugs (Assassin Bug) (Kissing Bug) kill about 12,000 people a year.

Dogs - 35,000 deaths

Everyone thinks of dogs as man's best friend, but they are also one of man's greatest killers. They kill up to 35,000 people a year. Most of deaths are in Africa and Asia, where many dogs are infected with rabies.

Snakes - 200,000 deaths

Not surprisingly, snakes can be quite deadly. Initially World Organization Health has done a study that says that snakes kill 100,000 people a year, but many believe that this is underestimated and say that it is probably more than 200,000 people.

Humans - 437,000 deaths

One of the deadliest animals on the planet is humans. Humans kill more people in much greater numbers than most animals. It's probably not a surprise. According to a UN study, on average, people kill 437,000 other people a year.

Mosquitoes - 725,000 deaths

So which animal kills the most people? Believe it or not, the tiny mosquito is the deadliest animal on earth, killing an average of 725,000 people a year. The mosquito transmits a number of deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis.

Who made the list of the most dangerous animals in the world?

TOP 10 most dangerous and ferocious inhabitants of the fauna of our planet

The creatures that enter it are the most dangerous, it is better to approach them even stay away and, if possible, avoid any possible contact with them:

  • African tarantula- this spider, despite being a predator, looks pretty cute, but it is so dangerous that even its empty web can carry .

    Pretty "cute" African tarantula
  • Tsetse fly- bloodsucker, carrier. Because of this most dangerous fly in the world every year about 0.25 million people die.

    Dangerous tsetse fly
  • Black Mamba is one of the most feared and dangerous snakes in the world. This snake is very fast, aggressive, it attacks not for its own protection, but in order to kill.

    black mamba snake
  • komodo dragon- or the most ancient dragon that has survived to this day. This huge deadly lizard lives on the island of Komodo in Indonesia, where it is sacred, and despite the damage they take locals because of this killer, they still continue to worship monitor lizards.

    Photo of Komodo dragon
  • Brazilian wandering spider- the most poisonous spider in the world, according to what the Guinness Book of Records writes. This killer spider can attack anywhere and anytime, both day and night, both in the house and on the street.

    Brazilian wandering spider
  • Fugu fish- in addition to the fact that in Japan this fish is eaten as a delicacy, it is one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. If you want to cook this fish yourself, and do it wrong, then the fugu poison will paralyze your diaphragm and cause death.

    deadly dangerous fish Fugu
  • White shark- a dangerous sea killer. This shark is the strongest of all sharks in the world, with 3,000 sharp teeth placed in its mouth. It's marine the monster is a cannibal.

    sea ​​killer White shark
  • combed crocodile- another dangerous reptile that is the biggest worldwide. Adult males reach 7 meters and a ton in weight.

    Dangerous reptile - combed crocodile
  • fat tailed scorpion- A deadly killer. One drop of poison is enough to kill anyone Living being. Toxicity is equated to cobra venom. From scorpion stings, about 5 thousand deaths.

    Venomous fat-tailed scorpion
  • Terrible leaf climber- Another creature from the top of the most dangerous and poisonous. The substance that the skin of this animal emits (in the amount of 1 gram) may well kill a couple of thousand people.

    "Cute" frog - terrible leaf climber

Of course, there are so many deadly creatures in the world that it is almost impossible to place them all in the top 10, so the rating of the most dangerous animals will help a few. expand this list.

If you have noticed at least one such spider, you should know: 1 g of its poison is enough to kill 10 adult men.

fly tse tse

This large blood sucker is the main vector of African sleeping sickness and is responsible for the deaths of about a quarter of a million people a year.

African tarantula

... approaching even an empty web is deadly.

South American tarantula

South American tarantula, Poisonous, dangerous, aggressive


Poisonous snakes kill a total of 100,000 people every year. There are more than 2,500 species of snakes in the world, and only about 700 are poisonous. There are 60 species of snakes in our country, of which 10 are poisonous. This is a cobra from the aspid family, living in Central Asia, two types of muzzle - ordinary (or pallas), living in the steppe, desert, mountainous parts of the south and southeast of the CIS countries, and eastern, found in the Far East.


The most large snake viper family - gyurza, found in Central Asia and the Caucasus. In Central Asia there is a small snake - efa. There are also 5 more types of vipers. Caucasian, nosy and Asia Minor vipers are found only in the Caucasus. The most common steppe viper, living in the steppe and desert zone of the south of the country, and the common viper, living in the forest and forest-steppe zone- from the steppes to the taiga and from the western borders to the southeastern.

Together with the bite of a viper, a substance that prevents blood clotting enters the human blood. If the injured person does not receive medical attention, they may bleed to death.

Black Mamba

One of the most feared snake species in the world, the African mamba is the source of numerous myths and legends. She is widely known for being aggressive, quick, and for attacking without being provoked by a human.

african boomslan

A long slender snake with a pointed head and large eyes. It is usually 1.5 m long, sometimes a little more. The variety of its colors is amazing: females are usually olive brown, and males have various shades of green or blue, each scale is outlined in black around the edge. On alarm, the snake raises the front of the body. Boomslan has mandibular fangs, dangerous to humans. The poison prevents blood from clotting, victims slowly die as they bleed from every cut in the body.


Poisonous snakes never attack a person first and, when they see him, they usually try to hide. The hissing of the snake serves as a warning signal not to be touched. However, it happens that a person touches a snake without noticing it, and then it defends itself. And the cobra. standing in a characteristic pose, for the first time sometimes he simply hits the enemy with his head, and then uses his poisonous teeth.

Poison king cobra It has mainly neurotoxic effects. The toxin of the poison blocks muscle contractions, which causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles, respiratory arrest and death. Its strength and volume (up to 7 ml) is enough to cause the death of a person in 15 minutes after the first full bite. In such cases, the probability of death can exceed 75%. But, taking into account all the features of the behavior of the king cobra, in general, only 10% of bites become fatal to humans.

komodo dragon

Like polar bears, Komodo Island monitor lizards eat everything from birds to water buffalo and humans, they even dig up corpses from shallow graves. They patiently wait for the prey to approach them, attack, grab at the throat and tear it out, then move away and wait for the bleeding to stop. Due to their small numbers, they rarely come into contact with humans. They eat once a month.


When most animals are hurt, they run and hide. Just not leopards. When these dangerous beasts injured, they become even more dangerous. It should be remembered that they are strong. Wanting to hide their prey, they drag the dead antelope up into the trees.

snail cones

Cone snails of the Conidae family are nocturnal predators hiding in the sand during the day. These mollusks are endowed by nature with a weapon that resembles a harpoon gun in action. Together with the impact of a small thorn, the victim receives a solid dose of poison, which is also fatal to humans. One drop of her poison is enough to kill 20 people.

It is called a cigarette snail, because after a bite it takes time enough to smoke a cigarette, after which a fatal outcome occurs.

Cones are reef dwellers, they represent great danger for divers.

sea ​​wasp

Jellyfish, sea anemones, coral polyps, annelids, holothurians, sea ​​urchins, sea ​​stars, sponges can "burn" or prick a person upon contact with them. The consequences range from burning skin to cardiac arrest.

The most poisonous jellyfish- sea wasp - lives off the coast of Australia. The poison of this beautiful jellyfish paralyzes the human heart muscle, and death occurs within 1-3 minutes. In appearance, this is an ordinary jellyfish of a light green color, but very poisonous. Its 60 tentacles, each just under 40 cm long, have 5,000 stinging stingers and enough venom to kill 60 people. Australian fishermen, in whose nets such a "fish" gets, beware of reusing these nets - you can easily thunder into the hospital, the poison secreted by the jellyfish is so strong.


Warthogs are marine ray-finned fish of the scorpion family. Lying camouflaged at the bottom of the ocean, they calmly wait for prey to swim past them. They open their mouths at lightning speed and swallow their prey - all in less than 0.015 seconds.

The wart is known as the most poisonous fish in the world. If a person steps on her thorns, best case he will lose his leg, and in the worst case, his life.

puffer fish

Fugu fish is considered one of the most poisonous vertebrates in the world, and it is a delicacy in Japan. The poison of this fish paralyzes the diaphragm and stops breathing, this awaits anyone who tastes a dish of fugu cooked improperly.

Great white shark

The white shark is considered the most dangerous, ferocious and strong of all sharks, she was even given the nickname "white killer". The blood that has fallen into the water makes them active, and they are ready to sink their 3,000 teeth into anything that moves. Large specimens are capable of cutting a person in half. The great white shark is the most cannibal. There were 212 unprovoked attacks on humans (data at the end of 2004), the tiger shark is to blame for 83, bull shark guilty of 68 cases of attacks on people (2004).


It belongs to the number of very dangerous animals, on its account there are many deaths. Blame it all poor eyesight a rhinoceros that attacks a moving object that appears in its field of vision without understanding how dangerous it is for it. It is impossible to run away from a rhinoceros unless you are able to move at forty miles an hour.

African buffalo

When meeting with a dangerous pursuer, an African buffalo - Syncerus caffer- attacks him and pierces them with his horns. Growth at the withers in adult males can reach 1.6 m, and length - 3.4 m. The weight of a large specimen can be 900 kg. A much greater danger than a buffalo can be a herd of buffaloes, in which up to a thousand heads gather. More than 500 people die every year due to the attacks of this animal.

It is said that more hunters died from them than from lions. Even such an old lonely buffalo (his young bulls are driven out of the herd) are attacked by only five lions.

a lion

This graceful, strong, predatory animal, reaching a weight of 125 kg, on the one hand, causes admiration, worship as a deity among local tribes, and on the other hand - panic fear when meeting him in the wild savannah. In Tanzania, in the early 1990s, there were about forty attacks a year. Over the past couple of years, more than 100 attacks have been recorded annually, with 70 percent of them ending in death. Scientists are concerned that once lions have tasted human meat, they become aggressive and prefer to attack people rather than wild animals.

In total, according to biologists, there are from 23 to 40 thousand lions in Africa.

hyena dogs

Hyena dogs practically do not attack people, although they cause significant harm. There were a lot of cases when hyena dogs ran into villages and even into houses, and if they are not driven out, they can attack a herd of sheep and gnaw through up to 100 sheep in one night - this is much more than they need to satisfy their hunger. The hyena dogs bite through their belly, eat their innards, and then run away. They absolutely cannot stand domestic cats and dogs - they immediately attack and kill them.


Apis mellifera scutellata is one of the honey bee breeds that originated from the African subspecies. This is a very aggressive insect. Its poison is not stronger, more non-poisonous than the poison of other bees, but the peculiarity of these insects is that, attacking the victim or defending itself, it stings not once, like most bees, but many times. Their sting does not have strongly pronounced notches; the bee easily takes it out of the body of the victim. Otherwise, Apis mellifera scutellata is similar to all other bees. But even a single bee sting can be dangerous. With individual intolerance, swelling of the throat may occur. Very dangerous and capable of causing death are injections into the eye, pharynx, tonsils, soft palate, lateral surface of the neck. The most sensitive to bee venom are women (especially pregnant women), children and the elderly.

Killer bees originated in Brazil. This is a hybrid of the African bee Apis mellifera scutellata with various species of bees common in Europe. The sting of the killer bee is not fatal, however, these insects are much more irritable than their counterparts.

We've all heard the expression "as hardworking as a bee". Has anyone heard the expression "dangerous as a bee"? Not? But in addition to ordinary honey bees, there are killer bees that live in South, Central and North America.

australian bee

Australian bee, sting larger than usual. Cold sweat swelling at the site of the bite

orange fireflies

Orange fireflies, don't pick up


Elephants - family Elephantidae - According to statistics, 600 people die every year. By the way, a frightened or angry elephant can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h, that is, it is quite capable of catching up with a car traveling over rough terrain. This animal is simply too large and strong, one awkward movement is enough for it to kill a crocodile, a lion or a person. So, in India and Bangladesh, elephants got into the habit of stealing rice beer from people, as a result, drunken animals trample from 10 to 100 people a year.

poisonous frogs

The tenth place is rightfully occupied by poisonous frogs living in the Central and South America, in Madagascar. They have glands on their backs that produce toxins. The poison of one golden frog, living in Madagascar, can kill ten people. One consolation is that scientists have found that the frog produces toxins gradually and extremely slowly.

Leaf climber is terrible.

The most poisonous creature is the terrible leaf climber frog. Just 1 g of the substance secreted by the skin of this frog can kill several thousand people.

Polar bear

Polar bear - Ursus maritimus - is considered the largest land predator. AT natural environment habitat bears eat for breakfast northern sea ​​elephant - Mirounga angustirostris. The length of the bear reaches 3 m, weight up to 1000 kg. Bears are dangerous for hunters: with one stroke of a paw, a polar bear is able to blow off a man's head. But in order for a polar bear to attack, it must be provoked. Main reaction polar bear on a person - this is fear, in most cases panic fear, the beast simply runs away, detecting the presence of a person. Yet conflicts or attacks are quite possible.


Crocodiles are dangerous to humans in varying degrees. Some never attack a person, others often attack (combed crocodile), others (for example, nile crocodile) are dangerous only in some areas. Some of them are particularly dangerous, such as the salt water African crocodile. He is able not only to grab a person passing by, but also to run after him on land, overtake, grab and drag him into the water.

Scientists have calculated that crocodiles kill more people than all other animals. Every year more than 2 thousand people die, and the figure not only does not decrease, but even increases.


Scorpions are extremely common throughout the planet, especially along the 49-1 parallel. Of course, there are many types of scorpions - the most dangerous is the black fat-tailed scorpion, which can kill a camel, not to mention a person. More than 5 thousand human deaths a year is the price that a person pays for being close to this animal.

The fat-tailed scorpion (Androctonus australis), which lives in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria to the north of Sudan, and in the east to India, is very dangerous. A drop of its venom is almost as toxic as a drop of cobra venom and, as you know, its sting leads to the death of a person in 4 hours, and a dog in 7 minutes. poisonous scorpion from North Africa and the Middle East is responsible for more than 75% of scorpion-related deaths each year. Although adults feel great pain, children suffer from fever, convulsions and paralysis, they are at risk of coma and may die from pulmonary edema. In Azerbaijan, a case was noted when a black scorpion of a close species (Androctonus crassicaudd) stung an adult man sleeping on the sand, right in the temple, near the external carotid artery. The man died suddenly. This type of scorpion reaches 8.5 cm in length.


Although hippopotamuses are herbivores, they are extremely dangerous to those making the river journey. In Africa it is the cause more deaths than any other large animal, including crocodiles or lions. When attacking a person, he uses his head as a battering ram. Its fangs are very dangerous, reaching a length of 50 cm. The hippopotamus is not afraid to attack boats, it is able to turn over not too large of them.

The most dangerous hippos protecting their only cub. Suspecting the slightest danger, the female rushes to the enemy, sweeping away everything in its path, and fights to the last. On land, the speed of an angry female hippopotamus can reach 35 km/h.


Among the dangerous animals is the monkey, which in many tropical countries from the forest moved closer to the city dumps, finding food there. Often, flocks of monkeys attack children and even adults, taking away food, robbing peasant food supplies and emptying the refrigerators of the townspeople. At the same time, they borrow cunning and manners from a person, sometimes even adopting the habit of knocking on the door to open it.

tropical centipede

intestinal worm

It lives in tropical countries, it is difficult to remove from the body.


Bug. Biting hurts. Poisonous

Brazilian wandering spider

This is the most poisonous spider in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. What makes this spider so dangerous is its behavior, it constantly moves: it appears in houses and cars in densely populated areas, especially during the daytime.

blue ring octopus

It is no larger than a golf ball, but it contains enough poison to kill 26 adults and there is no antidote for it. Within minutes of being bitten, the victim becomes completely paralyzed and unable to breathe. It is terrible that the consciousness does not turn off during the next few hours, until the poison completely neutralizes the body. Provided that the person is taken to the hospital and he will be given artificial respiration.

Leopard. In India, these giant cats kill an average of 15 people every year.

Surprise surprise!! Horses! Yes Yes!
In the US alone, up to 20 people die every year when falling from horses!

Cows. How can they kill a person?
Yes, very simply, with a blow to the head or horns.
Every year, 20 people die in the US due to a beef attack.

Ants. One ant in itself is harmless.
But the attack of a whole flock can be dangerous for a person.
What, in fact, are experienced by an average of 30 people annually.

bees. From the bites of these small insects, 53 people died last year.

Lions. The kings of the jungle take a bloody tribute in the form of 70 human lives in year.

Jellyfish. It would seem that these soft-bodied snot-like creatures are no worse than sharks,
but they kill 15 times more people than sharks!

Tiger. The lion may be the king of the jungle.
But among the felines, it is the tiger that holds the crown for the number of human kills.
His figure is 100 people a year!

Deer. Yes Yes. Because Bambi cuties pop up on the roads and cause accidents,
120 people die every year.

Domestic dogs.
Well, they are only conditionally friends of a person, because they manage to kill 186 of their friends annually

Buffalo buffalo. When this bull feels danger, he attacks.
Lethal outcome there are about 200 encounters between this bull and man each year.

Elephant. This animal, with its height and mass, is very easy to kill a person.
Elephants trample to death about 500 people every year.

Crocodile. To be honest, I thought it would be the first place in our ranking,
but on account toothy reptile only 1500 to 2500 frags per year.

Hippopotamus. This is unexpected, but it is considered the most dangerous animal in Africa.
About 3000 contacts with him end in sadness for the representatives of Homo sapiens.

Scorpions. There are many types of them, about 1500, but only 25 of them have deadly poison.
But this is quite enough for 5,000 people to die from their bites every year.

snakes. Well, no surprises here.
Everyone knows about them dangerous poison, although this does not save 50 thousand people a year from their bites.

Tsetse fly. It is not dangerous in itself, but it carries a very dangerous disease - African trypanosomiasis,
which kills half a million people a year

Mosquito (mosquito). That seems to be a very tiny creature, but due to the fact
that carries malaria kills up to a million people every year.

Well, the record holder is, of course, ourselves!
Nobody kills as many people as other people.

Surely everyone assumes that the world of wild animals is quite dangerous and unpredictable. However, the real ranking of the deadliest animals will definitely surprise you. Some of them seem completely harmless, but trust us, they are far from it. Moreover, some of them may be near you right now.

Ants - 30 deaths

It's hard to believe that they kill more people than leopards, but the presence of 280 different types of deadly ants explains everything. It is reported that about 30 people a year die from their poison. Usually it goes something like this: someone falls asleep next to an anthill and dies of anaphylactic shock.

Box jellyfish - 40 deaths

Everyone knows that the pain of a jellyfish sting is impossible to put into words, but not everyone realizes that it can simply kill a person. In the Philippines alone, box jellyfish kill between 2 and 40 people a year. According to some estimates, worldwide this figure may exceed 100 people.

Bees - 53 deaths

They are very tiny, they can fly, they usually keep in large groups and, of course, they sting. It's about bees. Believe it or not, they kill an average of 53 people a year. Most people tolerate a bee sting quite easily, but those with allergies may well die without waiting. medical care.

Tigers - 85 deaths

Tigers have always been terrible and especially dangerous predators for people. These cunning and ferocious big cats know how to hunt very well. Fortunately, they rarely kill people. Every year, about 85,000 living creatures become victims of tigers, and only 85 of them are people.

Deer - 130 deaths

Deer are not at all aggressive. They avoid trouble more often than they attack. How can they kill 130 people a year? The answer is two words: accidents. The cowardly deer often runs out onto a dark country road and collides with a passing car, killing passengers.

African buffalo - 200 deaths

You definitely don't want to deal with an African buffalo. It kills more large game hunters than any other animal. Every year, about 200 people become its victims.

Lions - 250 deaths

Regarded as the king of the jungle, the lion is the only feline that hunts as a pack. While humans are hunting these magnificent creatures in Africa, they are hunting us in turn. On average, they kill 250 people every year.

Elephants - 500 deaths

As humanity develops and grows, elephants are exterminated in huge numbers. Therefore, it is not surprising that they began to show more aggression towards people. The result of such a confrontation is simply stunning. These giants kill 500 people a year.

Behemoths - 500 deaths

Hippos were once considered the deadliest animals in Africa. They are large, fast, aggressive and are also known for capsizing boats. On average, they kill 500 people a year.

Tapeworms - 700 deaths

Crocodiles - 1000 lives

Unlike alligators, which do almost no harm to anyone, crocodiles are quite ferocious and cruel. They don't care who they eat or kill. If you get close to them, they will grab you, drag you into the water, and eat you before you can do anything. On average, they kill about 1,000 people a year.

Scorpions - 3250 deaths

In size, scorpions are inferior to many predators, but only one tail ranks them among the deadliest creatures on the planet. The poison of 20 species of scorpions is so dangerous that it can easily kill a person. Every year, millions of bites are recorded, and 3250 of them lead to death.

Human roundworm - 4500 deaths

Tsetse fly - 10,000 deaths

Although ordinary flies are completely harmless, you definitely would not want to come face to face with a tsetse fly. It can infect your body and cause a disease called “sleeping sickness,” in which your brain swells, you fall asleep, and die. This fly kills 10,000 people a year.

Predators - 12,000 deaths

Freshwater snails - 20,000 deaths

Dogs - 35,000 deaths

Everyone thinks the dog best friend human, but statistics show that she can also be considered a cold-blooded killer. Dogs kill up to 35,000 people a year. Most deaths occur in Africa and Asia, where many dogs are infected with rabies.

Snakes - 200,000 deaths

It probably won't surprise you to learn that snakes can be deadly. The World Health Organization has done a study that says snakes kill 100,000 people a year. But many believe that she simply underestimated the snakes, and argue that the number of victims cannot be less than 200,000.

Humans - 437,000 deaths

We are one of the most dangerous and cruel animals on the planet. People kill each other in much greater numbers than animals. It probably won't surprise you at all. According to a UN study, on average, people kill 437,000 of their own kind per year.

Mosquitoes - 725,000

So which animal kills the most people? Surprisingly, the tiny mosquito is the deadliest animal on the planet, killing an average of 725,000 people a year. Although it doesn't tear its prey apart, the mosquito carries a number of deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis.

According to materials:
