Conditions for long planning of a paper airplane. Paper airplanes that fly for a very long time: diagrams, descriptions and recommendations

In order to make a paper airplane, you will need a rectangular paper sheet, which can be either white or colored. If desired, you can use notebook, photocopier, newspaper or any other paper that is available.

It is better to choose the density of the base for the future aircraft closer to medium, so that it flies far and at the same time it is not too difficult to fold (on paper that is too thick, it is usually difficult to fix the folds and they turn out uneven).

Folding the simplest airplane figurine

Beginning origami lovers should start with the simplest airplane model, familiar to everyone from childhood:

For those who were unable to fold the plane according to the instructions, here is a video master class:

If you got tired of this option back in school and you want to expand your paper airplane making skills, we’ll tell you how to step by step complete two simple variations of the previous model.

Long-haul aircraft

Step-by-step photo instructions

  1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half along the larger side. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet. We turn the resulting corner “valley”, that is, towards ourselves.

  1. We bend the corners of the resulting rectangle towards the middle so that a small triangle looks out in the middle of the sheet.

  1. We bend the small triangle upward - it will fix the wings of the future aircraft.

  1. We fold the figure along the axis of symmetry, taking into account that the small triangle should remain outside.

  1. We bend the wings on both sides to the base.

  1. We set both wings of the plane at an angle of 90 degrees so that it can fly far.

  1. Thus, without spending a lot of time, we get a long-flying airplane!

Folding scheme

  1. Fold a rectangular paper sheet in half along its larger side.

  1. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet.

  1. We wrap the corners with a “valley” along the dotted line. In the origami technique, a “valley” is the process of bending a section of a sheet along a certain line in the “toward” direction.

  1. Fold the resulting figure along the axis of symmetry so that the corners are on the outside. Be sure to make sure that the contours of both halves of the future airplane coincide. How it will fly in the future depends on this.

  1. We bend the wings on both sides of the plane, as shown in the figure.

  1. Make sure the angle between the airplane's wing and its fuselage is 90 degrees.

  1. The result is such a fast airplane!

How to make an airplane fly far?

Do you want to learn how to properly launch a paper airplane that you just made with your own hands? Then carefully read the rules of its management:

If all the rules are followed, but the model still does not fly as you would like, try improving it as follows:

  1. If the plane constantly strives to soar upward, and then, making a dead loop, sharply goes down, crashing its nose into the ground, it needs an upgrade in the form of increasing the density (weight) of the nose. This can be done by bending the nose of the paper model slightly inward, as shown in the picture, or by attaching a paper clip to the bottom.
  2. If during flight the model does not fly straight as it should, but to the side, equip it with a rudder by bending part of the wing along the line shown in the figure.
  3. If an airplane goes into a tailspin, it urgently needs a tail. Armed with scissors, give it a quick and functional upgrade.
  4. But if the model falls to one side during testing, most likely the reason for the failure is the lack of stabilizers. To add them to the structure, just bend the wings of the aircraft along the edges along the dotted lines indicated.

We also bring to your attention video instructions for making and testing an interesting model of an aircraft that is capable of not only flying far, but also for an incredibly long time:

Now that you are confident in your abilities and have already gotten your hands on folding and launching simple airplanes, we offer instructions that will tell you how to make a paper airplane of a more complex model.

Stealth aircraft F-117 ("Nighthawk")

Bomb carrier

Execution diagram

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper. Fold the upper part of the rectangle into a double triangle: to do this, bend the upper right corner of the rectangle so that its upper side coincides with the left side.
  2. Then, by analogy, we bend the left corner, combining top part rectangle with its right side.
  3. We make a fold through the intersection point of the resulting lines, which ultimately should be parallel to the smaller side of the rectangle.
  4. Along this line, fold the resulting side triangles inward. You should get the figure shown in Figure 2. Draw a line in the middle of the sheet at the bottom, similar to Figure 1.

  1. We designate a line parallel to the base of the triangle.

  1. Turn the figure over to reverse side and bend the corner towards you. You should get the following paper design:

  1. Again we shift the figure to the other side and bend two corners up, having first bent the upper part in half.

  1. Turn the figure over and bend the corner up.

  1. We fold the left and right corners, circled in the figure, in accordance with picture 7. This scheme will allow you to achieve the correct bending of the corner.

  1. We bend the corner away from ourselves and fold the figure along the middle line.

  1. We bring the edges inward, again fold the figure in half, and then on itself.

  1. In the end, you will end up with a paper toy like this - a bomb carrier plane!

Bomber SU-35

Razorback Hawk Fighter

Step-by-step execution scheme

  1. Take a piece of rectangular paper, bend it in half along the larger side and mark the middle.

  1. We bend two corners of the rectangle towards ourselves.

  1. Bend the corners of the figure along the dotted line.

  1. Fold the figure crosswise so that sharp corner ended up in the middle of the opposite side.

  1. We turn the resulting figure over to the reverse side and form two folds, as shown in the figure. It is very important that the folds are not folded towards the midline, but at a slight angle to it.

  1. We bend the resulting corner towards ourselves and at the same time turn forward the corner, which after all the manipulations will be on the back side of the layout. You should end up with a shape as shown in the picture below.

  1. We bend the figure in half away from ourselves.

  1. We lower the wings of the airplane along the dotted line.

  1. We bend the ends of the wings a little to obtain the so-called winglets. Then we straighten the wings so that they form a right angle with the fuselage.

The paper fighter is ready!

Gliding Hawk Fighter

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and mark the middle by folding it in half along the larger side.

  1. We bend the two upper corners of the rectangle inward towards the middle.

  1. We turn the sheet over to the reverse side and fold the folds towards ourselves towards the center line. It is very important that the upper corners do not bend. You should get a figure like this.

  1. Fold the top of the square diagonally towards you.

  1. Fold the resulting figure in half.

  1. We outline the fold as shown in the figure.

  1. We fill the rectangular part of the fuselage of the future airplane inside.

  1. Bend the wings down along the dotted line at a right angle.

  1. It turned out like this paper airplane! It remains to see how it flies.

F-15 Eagle fighter

Airplane "Concorde"

Following the given photo and video instructions, you can make a paper airplane with your own hands in a few minutes, playing with which will be a pleasant and entertaining pastime for you and your children!

Since childhood, we all know how to quickly make a paper airplane, and have done it more than once. This origami method is simple and easy to remember. After a couple of times you can do it with your eyes closed.

The simplest and most famous paper airplane diagram

This plane is made from a square sheet of paper, which is folded in half, then the top edges are folded towards the center. The resulting triangle is bent and the edges are folded back towards the center. Then the sheet is folded in half and wings are formed.

That's all, actually. But there is one small drawback to such an aircraft - it hardly floats and falls in a couple of seconds.

Experience of generations

The question arises - which flies for a long time. This is not difficult, since several generations have improved the well-known scheme, and have significantly succeeded in this. Modern ones vary greatly in appearance and in terms of quality characteristics.

Below are different ways to make a paper airplane. Simple diagrams will not confuse you, but, on the contrary, will inspire you to continue experimenting. Although they may require more time from you than the type mentioned above.

Super paper plane

Method number one. It is not very different from the one described above, but in this version the aerodynamic qualities are slightly improved, which lengthens the flight time:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the corners towards the middle.
  3. Turn the sheet over and fold it in half.
  4. Fold the triangle to the top.
  5. Switch sides of the sheet again.
  6. Fold the two right corners towards the center.
  7. Do the same with the other side.
  8. Bend the resulting plane in half.
  9. Raise your tail and straighten your wings.

This is how you can make paper airplanes that fly for a very long time. Besides this obvious advantage, the model looks very impressive. So play for your health.

Let's make the Zilke plane together

Now comes method number two. It involves the production of the “Sielke” aircraft. Prepare a sheet of paper and learn how to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time by following these simple tips:

  1. Fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Mark the middle of the sheet. Fold the top part in half.
  3. Bend the edges of the resulting rectangle towards the middle so that a couple of centimeters remain to the middle on each side.
  4. Turn over the sheet of paper.
  5. Form a small triangle at the top center. Bend the entire structure lengthwise.
  6. Open the top by folding the paper in two directions.
  7. Fold the edges over to create wings.

The Zilke aircraft is completed and ready for use. This was another simple way to quickly make a paper airplane that flies for a long time.

Let's make a "Duck" plane together

Now let's look at the diagram of the "Duck" aircraft:

  1. Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the top ends towards the middle.
  3. Turn the sheet over to the reverse side. Fold the side parts again towards the middle, and in the upper part you should get a rhombus.
  4. Bend the upper half of the diamond forward, as if folding it in half.
  5. Fold the resulting triangle into an accordion shape and bend the bottom tip up.
  6. Now bend the resulting structure in half.
  7. At the final stage, form the wings.

Now you can make ones that fly for a long time! The scheme is quite simple and understandable.

Let's make a Delta plane together

It's time to make a Delta plane out of paper:

  1. Fold a sheet of A4 size paper in half lengthwise. Mark the middle.
  2. Turn the sheet horizontally.
  3. On one side, draw two parallel lines to the middle, at the same distance.
  4. On the other side, fold the paper in half to the middle mark.
  5. Bend the lower right corner to the uppermost drawn line so that a couple of centimeters remain untouched at the bottom.
  6. Fold the top half.
  7. Bend the resulting triangle in half.
  8. Fold the structure in half and bend the wings along the marked lines.

As you can see, you can make paper airplanes that fly for a very long time. different ways. But that is not all. Because several more types of crafts that float in the air for a long time await you.

How to make a "Shuttle"

Using the following method it is quite possible to make a small model of the Shuttle:

  1. You will need a square piece of paper.
  2. Fold it diagonally in one direction, unfold it and bend it the other way. Leave in this position.
  3. Fold the left and right edges towards the center. It turned out to be a small square.
  4. Now fold this square diagonally.
  5. Bend the front and back leaves of the resulting triangle.
  6. Then tuck them under the center triangles so that a small shape is left peeking out from below.
  7. Fold the top triangle and tuck it into the middle so that a small peak peeks out.
  8. Finishing touches: straighten the lower wings and tuck the nose.

Here's how to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time, easily and simply. Enjoy the long flight of your Shuttle.

We make the Gomez plane according to the diagram

  1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  2. Now fold the top right corner to the left edge of the paper. Unbend.
  3. Do the same on the other side.
  4. Next, fold the top part so that a triangle is formed. The lower part remains unchanged.
  5. Bend the lower right corner towards the top.
  6. Fold the left corner inward. You should get a small triangle.
  7. Fold the structure in half and form wings.

Now you know that he can fly far.

What are paper airplanes for?

These simple airplane plans will allow you to enjoy the game, and even organize competitions between different models, finding out who has the lead in flight duration and range.

Boys (and maybe their dads) will especially enjoy this activity, so teach them how to create winged cars out of paper, and they will be pleased. Such activities develop children's dexterity, accuracy, perseverance, concentration and spatial thinking, and contribute to the development of imagination. And the prize will be those made that fly for a very long time.

Fly airplanes to open space in calm weather. You can also take part in a competition of such crafts, but in this case you need to know that some of the models presented above are prohibited in such events.

There are many other methods that fly for a very long time. The above are just some of the most effective things you can do. However, don’t limit yourself to just them, try others. And perhaps, over time, you will be able to improve some of the models or come up with a new, more advanced system for their manufacture.

By the way, some paper airplane models are capable of making aerial figures and various tricks. Depending on the type of structure, you will need to launch it strongly and sharply or smoothly.

In any case, all of the above airplanes will fly for a long time and will give you a lot of pleasure and pleasant impressions, especially if you made them yourself.

Relevance: “Man is not a bird, but strives to fly.” It just so happens that man has always been drawn to the sky. People tried to make wings for themselves, and later aircraft. And their efforts paid off; they were able to take off after all. The advent of airplanes did not in the least diminish the relevance of the ancient desire... modern world aircraft have taken pride of place, they help people overcome long distances, transport mail, medicines, humanitarian aid, put out fires and save people... So who built the world's first airplane and made a controlled flight on it? Who took this step, so important for humanity, which became the beginning new era, era of aviation? I find the study of this topic interesting and relevant.

Research objectives: 1.Study by scientific literature the history of aviation, the history of the appearance of the first paper airplanes. 2. Make airplane models from different materials and organize an exhibition: “Our Airplanes” 3. Conduct in-flight tests to correctly select the airplane model and type of paper for the longest distance and longest gliding in the air

Object of study: paper models of airplanes Problematic question: Which model paper airplane will fly the longest distance and have the longest glide in the air? Hypothesis: We assume that the Dartik airplane will fly the longest distance, and the Glider airplane will have the longest gliding in the air. Research methods: 1. Analysis of the literature read; 2.Modeling; 3.Research on paper airplane flights.

The first aircraft that was able to take off the ground independently and perform controlled horizontal flight was Flyer 1, built by the brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright in the USA. The first flight of an airplane in history was carried out on December 17, 1903. The Flyer stayed in the air for 12 seconds and flew 36.5 meters. The Wrights' brainchild was officially recognized as the world's first heavier-than-air vehicle to make a manned flight using an engine.

The flight took place on July 20, 1882 in Krasnoye Selo near St. Petersburg. The aircraft was tested by Mozhaisky’s assistant mechanic I.N. Golubev. The device ran along a specially constructed inclined wooden flooring, took off, flew a certain distance and landed safely. The result, of course, is modest. But the possibility of flight on a device heavier than air was clearly proven.

The history of the appearance of the first paper airplanes The most common version of the time of invention and the name of the inventor is 1930, Jack Northrop co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the design of real airplanes. Despite the seeming frivolity of this activity, it turned out that flying airplanes was a whole science. She was born in 1930, when Jack Northrop, co-founder of the Lockheed Corporation, used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the design of real aircraft. 1930 Jack NorthropLockheed Corporation

Conclusion In conclusion, I want to say that while working on this project we learned a lot of new interesting things, made a lot of models with our own hands, and became more friendly. As a result of the work we did, we realized: if we get seriously involved in aircraft modeling, then perhaps one of us will become a famous aircraft designer and design an airplane that people will fly on.

1. http airplane htm 5. poznovatelno.ruavia/8259.htmlpoznovatelno.ruavia/8259.html 6. ru.wikipedia.orgwiki/Wright Brothersru.wikipedia.orgwiki/Wright Brothers 7. locals.md2012/stan-chempionom- mira…samolyotikov/locals.md2012/stan- chempionom- mira…samolyotikov/ 8 from MK airplane from MK airplane modules

Panaiotov Georgy

Goal of the work: Design aircraft with the following characteristics: maximum range and flight duration.


Analyze information obtained from primary sources;

Explore the elements of the ancient oriental art aerogami;

Get acquainted with the basics of aerodynamics, technology for constructing aircraft from paper;

Conduct tests of designed models;

Develop skills for correctly, effectively launching models;



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Slide captions:

Research work “Study of the flight properties of various models of paper airplanes”

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that the flight characteristics of an aircraft depend on its shape.

Experiment No. 1 “The principle of creating a wing” Air moving along the upper surface of the strip exerts less pressure than the stationary air located under the strip. He lifts the strip up.

Experiment No. 2 Moving air exerts less pressure than the stationary air that is under the leaf.

Experiment No. 3 “Blow” The stationary air at the edges of the strips exerts stronger pressure than the moving air between them. The pressure difference pushes the strips towards each other.

Tests: Model No. 1 Attempt Range No. 1 6m 40cm No. 2 10m 45cm No. 3 8m

Tests: Model No. 2 Attempt Range No. 1 10m 20cm No. 2 14m No. 3 16m 90cm

Tests: Model No. 3 Attempt Range No. 1 13m 50cm No. 2 12m No. 3 13m

Tests: Model No. 4 Attempt Range No. 1 13m 60cm No. 2 19m 70cm No. 3 21m 60cm

Tests: Model No. 5 Attempt Range No. 1 9m 20cm No. 2 13m 20cm No. 3 10m 60cm

Test results: Champion in flight range Model No. 4 Champion in time spent in the air Model No. 5

Conclusion: The flight characteristics of an aircraft depend on its shape.



Every time I see an airplane - a silver bird soaring into the sky - I admire the power with which it easily overcomes gravity and plows the ocean of heaven and ask myself questions:

  • How should an airplane wing be designed to support a heavy load?
  • What should be the optimal shape of a wing cutting through the air?
  • What characteristics of the wind help an airplane fly?
  • What speed can a plane reach?

Man has always dreamed of rising into the sky “like a bird” and since ancient times he has been trying to make his dream come true. In the 20th century, aviation began to develop so quickly that humanity was unable to preserve many of the originals of this complex technology. But many examples have been preserved in museums in the form of scaled-down models, giving an almost complete picture of the real machines.

I chose this topic because it helps in life not only to develop logical technical thinking, but also to acquire practical skills in working with paper, materials science, technology for designing and constructing aircraft. And the most important thing is to create your own aircraft.

We put forward a hypothesis - it can be assumed, that flight characteristics aircraft depend on its shape.

We used the following research methods:

  • Studying scientific literature;
  • Obtaining information on the Internet;
  • Direct observation, experimentation;
  • Creation of experimental pilot aircraft models;

Goal of the work: Design aircraft with the following characteristics: maximum range and flight duration.


Analyze information obtained from primary sources;

Study the elements of the ancient oriental art of aerogami;

Get acquainted with the basics of aerodynamics, technology for constructing aircraft from paper;

Conduct tests of designed models;

Develop skills for correctly, effectively launching models;

I based my research on one of the areas of the Japanese art of origami - aerogami (from Japanese “gami” - paper and Latin “aero” - air).

Aerodynamics (from the Greek words aer - air and dinamis - force) is the science of the forces that arise when bodies move in the air. Air, thanks to its physical properties, resists the movement of solid bodies in it. At the same time, interaction forces arise between bodies and air, which are studied by aerodynamics.

Aerodynamics is theoretical basis modern aviation. Any aircraft flies, obeying the laws of aerodynamics. Therefore, for an aircraft designer, knowledge of the basic laws of aerodynamics is not only useful, but also simply necessary. While studying the laws of aerodynamics, I conducted a series of observations and experiments: “Choice of shape aircraft", "Principles of Wing Construction", "Blow", etc.


Folding a paper airplane is not as easy as it seems. Actions must be confident and precise, bends must be perfectly straight and in the right places. Simple designs forgive mistakes, but in complex ones, a couple of non-ideal angles can lead the assembly process to a dead end. In addition, there are cases when the bend must be deliberately not performed very accurately.

For example, if one of the last steps requires folding a thick multi-layer structure in half, the fold will not work unless adjustments are made for the thickness at the very beginning of folding. Such things are not described in diagrams, they come with experience. And how well it will fly depends on the symmetry and precise weight distribution of the model.

The key point in “paper aviation” is the location of the center of gravity. When creating various designs, I propose to make the nose of the plane heavier by placing more paper in it, to form full-fledged wings, stabilizers, and a keel. Then the paper airplane can be controlled like a real one.

For example, through experimentation I found out that the speed and flight path can be adjusted by bending the back of the wings like real flaps, slightly turning the paper fin. Such control is the basis of “paper aerobatics”.

Aircraft designs vary significantly depending on the purpose of their construction. For example, airplanes for long-distance flights are shaped like a dart - they are just as narrow, long, rigid, with a pronounced shift in the center of gravity towards the nose. Airplanes for the longest flights are not particularly rigid, but they have a large wingspan and are well balanced. Balancing is extremely important for aircraft launched outdoors. They must maintain the correct position despite destabilizing air vibrations. Airplanes launched indoors benefit from moving the center of gravity toward the nose. Such models fly faster and more stable, and are easier to launch.


In order to achieve high results When starting, you need to master the correct throwing technique.

  • To send the plane as far as possible, you need to throw it forward and up at an angle of 45 degrees as hard as possible.
  • In time-of-flight competitions, you should throw the plane to its maximum altitude so that it takes longer to glide downwards.

Running outdoors, in addition to additional problems (wind), creates additional advantages. Using rising air currents, you can make a plane fly incredibly far and for a long time. A strong updraft can be found, for example, near a large multi-story building: hitting the wall, the wind changes direction to vertical. A friendlier air cushion can be found on a sunny day in a car park. Dark asphalt gets very hot, and the hot air above it smoothly rises.

Main part

1.1 Observations and experiments


Choosing the shape of the aircraft.(Appendix 11)

Paper airplanes have a rich and long history. It is believed that people tried to make an airplane out of paper with their own hands back in Ancient China and in England during the time of Queen Victoria. Subsequently, new generations of paper model lovers developed new options. Even a child can make a flying airplane out of paper, once he learns the basic principles of folding the model. A simple scheme contains no more than 5-6 operations; instructions for creating advanced models are much more serious.

For different models You will need different paper, varying in density and thickness. Certain models are able to move only in a straight line, some are able to make a sharp turn. To make different models you will need paper of a certain hardness. Before you start modeling, try out different papers, select the required thickness and density. You shouldn’t make crafts from crumpled paper, they won’t fly. Playing with a paper airplane is a favorite pastime for most boys.

Before making a paper airplane, the child will need to use all his imagination and concentrate. When conducting children's party You can hold competitions between children, let them launch airplanes folded with their own hands.

Any boy can fold such an airplane. Any paper, even newspaper, is suitable for its manufacture. After a child can make this type of airplane, he will be able to create more serious designs.

Let's consider all the stages of creating an aircraft:

  1. Prepare a sheet of paper approximately A4 size. Place it with the short side facing you.
  2. Fold the paper lengthwise and make a mark in the center. Unfold the sheet and connect the top corner to the middle of the sheet.
  3. Perform the same manipulations with the opposite corner.
  4. Unfold the paper. Place the corners so that they do not reach the center of the sheet.
  5. Bend down a small corner, it should hold all the other corners.
  6. Bend the airplane model along the center line. The triangular parts are located on top, move the sides to the center line.

Second diagram of a classic aircraft

This common option is called a glider; you can leave it with a sharp nose, or you can make it blunt and bend it.

Airplane with propeller

There is a whole area of ​​origami that deals with creating models of paper airplanes. It is called aerogami. Can be mastered easy way making an origami airplane from paper. This option is done very quickly, it flies well. This is exactly what will interest the baby. You can equip it with a propeller. Prepare a piece of paper, scissors or a knife, pencils, and a sewing pin that has a bead on the top.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Place the sheet with the short side facing you, fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center.
  3. Also bend the resulting side corners towards the center of the sheet.
  4. Fold the sides to the middle again. Iron all folds thoroughly.
  5. To make a propeller you will need a square sheet measuring 6*6cm, mark both of its diagonals. Make cuts along these lines, stepping back from the center a little less than a centimeter.
  6. Fold the propeller, placing the corners one at a time toward the center. Secure the middle with a needle and bead. It is advisable to glue the propeller, it will not unravel.

Attach the propeller to the tail of the model airplane. The model is ready for launch.

Boomerang plane

The baby will be very interested in the unusual paper airplane, which returns to its hands on its own.

Let's figure out how such layouts are made:

  1. Place a sheet of A4 paper in front of you with the short side facing you. Fold in half along the long side and unfold.
  2. Fold the top corners towards the center and press. Fold this part down. Straighten the resulting triangle, smooth out all the folds inside.
  3. Unfold the product to the reverse side, bend the second side of the triangle into the middle. Place the wide end of the paper in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform the same manipulations with the second half of the product.
  5. As a result of all this, a kind of pocket should form. Lift it to the top, bend it so that its edge lies exactly along the length of the paper sheet. Fold the corner into this pocket, and send the top one down.
  6. Do the same on the other side of the plane.
  7. Fold the parts on the side of the pocket upward.
  8. Unfold the layout, placing the leading edge in the middle. Protruding pieces of paper should appear; they need to be folded. Also remove parts that resemble fins.
  9. Expand the layout. All that remains is to bend it in half and thoroughly iron all the folds.
  10. Decorate the front part of the fuselage, bend the pieces of the wings upward. Run your hands along the front of the wings, you should get a slight bend.

The plane is ready for operation, it will fly further and further.

Flight range depends on the weight of the aircraft and wind strength. The lighter the paper from which the model is made, the easier it is to fly. But when strong wind he will not be able to fly far, he will simply be blown away. A heavy aircraft resists the wind more easily, but its flight range is shorter. In order for our paper plane to fly along a smooth trajectory, it is necessary that both of its parts are absolutely identical. If the wings turned out different shapes or size, the plane will immediately go into a dive. It is advisable not to use tape, metal staples, or glue in production. All this makes the product heavier; the excess weight will prevent the plane from flying.

Complex species

Origami airplane
