When you enter someone else's house, be. Why dream of someone else's house, to live in someone else's house? The main interpretations of different dream books - why someone else's house is dreaming

which means if someone else's house in a dream

If you feel calm and comfortable in a strange house, then this means the onset of good changes in your life. The pleasant appearance of the house, warm and cozy atmosphere are symbols of good health, protection from troubles and worries. If the house in a dream changes outwardly, then this is an omen that all your problems will soon be resolved, and a calm life will begin. If you see yourself in someone else's abandoned house, then most likely this means the death of one of your loved ones.

someone else's house according to the dream book

Someone else's house foreshadows very significant changes in life that will occur in a fairly short time. You will probably make new acquaintances, change jobs, move to another place or travel. If the house in your dream is beautiful and cozy, then it foreshadows the imminent embodiment of your cherished dream. If the house is empty and abandoned, then difficulties and problems will appear in your life.

someone else's house in a dream

A strange house, in a strange place, with strange inhabitants, symbolizes your house in the afterlife. To see yourself in a strange house is to receive good news or be healed.

someone else's house according to the dream book

Someone else's house means that in the near future you will meet a person who will significantly affect your life. If the house is simple, without decorations, then you will meet a man. If the house is unusual and decorated in every possible way, then you will meet a woman. A dilapidated house symbolizes that your psychological, physical or sexual health is now precarious and unstable.

dream interpretation someone else's house

To be in someone else's house - to be not on your own territory, the state of the house symbolizes the situation in which you find yourself.

dreamed of someone else's house

Someone else's house is on fire - it can symbolize treason, profit or happiness. If you know the owner of a burning house, then the owner will suffer great losses.

someone else's house according to the dream book

If someone else's house is large on the outside, it means that someone else's life is trying to enter yours. Entering someone else's house - you yourself are invading someone else's life. If you are invited to the house, then, most likely, they will turn to you for help. A small house means that soon you will make a new acquaintance. see very an old house- attract old connections, acquaintances.

dreamed of someone else's house

Walking around someone else's house and not finding a way out - to be discouraged, to find a way out of the house - to avoid trouble.

In reality, your home is associated with warmth, comfort, security, which you will not experience anywhere else. But what if a person is placed alone in someone else's house? In reality, not everyone will run into such a joke, but many managed to see an unfamiliar room in a dream. Our dream book will tell you why such a dream is dreaming.

A reliable interpretation of the dream book depends entirely on the details of the dream: everything is important, right down to what you did in the room, what feelings you experienced, and what the situation was inside the building. Only by comparing all the facts, it is possible to accurately explain what this plot is dreaming of in a dream.

Extraneous dwelling in a dream - for good or for worse?

Many dream books agree that seeing someone else's house in a dream is a serious significant change in fate. Miller's dream interpretation interprets this picture from the side emotional state dreamer. If, looking at an unfamiliar building, you did not experience negativity, and its facade seemed to inspire confidence in you, then life will change for the better.

On the contrary, fear, a feeling of helplessness, insecurity in a dream are bad symbols. The dream interpretation interprets such sensations as changes associated with a sad depressing event. Perhaps someone close to you gets sick or dies.

Wangi's dream book gives a different interpretation to someone else's house in a dream. If the house looks like a toy, fabulous, small and cozy in a dream, then in reality it will come true cherished desire to which the dreamer walked for so long.

But if the room in a dream was empty, dirty, abandoned, then the dream book portends difficulties. What such a dream is about can be interpreted as a harbinger of loneliness, in connection with which you will not be able to fully deal with the surging problems - there will be nowhere to wait for help.

According to Freud's dream book, being in a strange house in a dream is a symbol of a new mutually beneficial acquaintance in all areas. Remember what the rooms in the housing were like. The ornate design with many details is the epitome of female nature, and therefore an unfamiliar woman will enter your life.

A laconic, clear and geometric design in a dream is the personification of a new man that you will meet on life path. But if the outlines of the building were not only clear, but also rough, as if carved from stone, then in reality a new acquaintance will bring nothing but negativity and disappointment.

A strange house with a fence through which you cannot cross in a dream is a subconscious symbol of the unrequited feelings. You have a very strong desire to get someone's attention interesting person, but you are unlikely to succeed.

But if the fence was with difficulty, but still overcome in a dream, then do not doubt why such a plot is dreaming - despite all the difficulties, you will achieve the attention of an impregnable personality, but the dream book cannot predict how events will unfold further.

The view of a large alien house in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. The dream book interprets such a dream based on the dreamer's emotional response. If the walls of a large building towered over you like an ominous inhospitable fortress, then in reality you will encounter a wall of misunderstanding and alienation from loved ones.

But if a dwelling in a dream can be described more like a castle, beautiful, fabulous, with turrets and patterns, then the dream book predicts the achievement of the goal that you have been striving for for so long, and all expectations from it will be increased several times.

Being in an unfamiliar place

The interpretation of the Esoteric dream book about why one dreams of entering someone else's house is very interesting. Such an action in a dream personifies the entry into the life of another person. If the rooms were small, then you can’t count on a serious love relationship - you will make a good and reliable friend.

For those who have long forgotten what real feelings are, a violent passion, entering an outside old house in a dream is a sign of long-awaited changes in their personal lives. You will not find a new partner, but by the current second half, feelings will flare up again.

Why dream of spending the night in a strange house? The dream interpretation interprets such a plot in a dream from the side of the dreamer's gender. If a young girl dreamed that she was not spending the night at her place, then she would have a fleeting infatuation with a handsome young man, which would end as quickly as it began.

For a business man, such a dream represents the conquest of peaks in business. For a moment he will be able to look into the plans of competitors, and making the first move to receive a well-deserved monetary reward.

For those who are united by the bonds of marriage, what dreams of sleeping in a strange house indicates the presence of vicious thoughts about betraying a spouse. The dream book warns that any deception will open up over time and then discord in the family cannot be avoided, up to and including divorce.

On the part of psychoanalysts, such a picture in a dream for married couples indicates a weakening of feelings, a desire to experience something new sexually. The dream book advises to quickly translate desires into reality, otherwise family life becomes an unbearable routine.

Why dream of living in someone else's house? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a prediction of the use by a person who has seen such a plot of third-party labor, giving out not his hard-won merits for his own.

On the other hand, if in reality you have a difficult situation with housing, then this action in a dream can be considered prophetic: you will be sheltered by a good and a kind person, which will not charge you a lot of money for accommodation and will not then blame you for this.

Many dream books are inclined to believe that entering someone else's house in a dream is to invade an extraneous life in reality. If you have thoughts about the destruction of another family, then discard them immediately, do not forget, you cannot build happiness on misfortune.

But if you enter a room in a dream, and before your eyes it begins to transform, become cozier, more well-groomed, destruction and disorder disappear, then the dream book predicts that all problems will soon end by themselves, you just need to endure a little difficult period.

Why dream of cleaning in someone else's home?

According to the interpretation of the Small Veles Dream Interpretation, cleaning someone else's house in a dream is an extremely bad sign. You will work tirelessly, and a complete stranger will attribute your merits to yourself, and in the end you will be left with nothing.

According to another interpretation, bringing order to strangers personifies the subconscious desire to please everyone, to curry favor with anyone. But all efforts will be in vain - practically no one appreciates sycophancy.

Why dream of tidying up in someone else's house? Such an action in a dream implies a lot of unresolved problems in reality. You still can’t take your life into your hands and solve the accumulated cases. Hurry, inaction can lead to devastating consequences. If in a dream, after a thorough cleaning, everything around sparkles, and you admire the fruits of your labor, then in real life the time will come for harmony and peace - all the time you can devote to yourself, do your favorite things, hobbies.

If a business man dreams of cleaning in a strange house, then the dream book predicts that he devotes too much time to solving the problems of strangers. You need to think about yourself, about your family, and pay more attention to your own life.

Cleaning someone else's house in a dream is enough good sign if your friends help you. The same will happen in reality - you will acquire allies, without whose help you would not be able to cope with the task.

For married woman sweeping in someone else's house is a favorable sign. Relations in the family will soon improve, the husband will treat her as at the time of the beginning of the relationship, and the kids will increasingly show respect and obedience.

But if sweeping, she can’t achieve perfect cleanliness in any way, the floor remains dirty, then the dream book predicts that a black streak will come in life. Grief and troubles await a woman, and this will happen due to circumstances beyond her control.

Ruin in the house

Why dream of a destroyed someone else's house? Freud's dream book indicates to the dreamer the serious state of his mental health. You are too often nervous, participate in stressful situations, and this can easily lead to a nervous breakdown and severe stress.

For those who are not satisfied with their sex life, such a plot in a dream personifies a complete lack of desire to change anything in the sexual sphere. If you yourself do not take everything into your own hands, then you should not expect any reciprocal steps.

If someone else's house collapses in a dream, then the dream book predicts bitter disappointment in the most expensive and close person. Dreams will be destroyed, a mask will fall from the face of a lover, which will reveal duplicity and hypocrisy, following only one's own interests.

According to Loff's dream book, the destruction of a building in a dream can also mean the collapse of a business. What you have cherished for many years will fall apart like a house of cards, the time will come for decline, lack of financial resources, and in connection with this, problems in the family.

An old strange house in a dream personifies contempt stranger to the identity of the dreamer. The reason for this was the impartial acts that you committed out of stupidity. bad consequences there will be no such attitude, but you will not experience the pleasure of communicating with a person who despises you.

An old flimsy room with a lot of antique gizmos inside is a symbol of a dream book that you are attracting old but still reliable connections. Do not delay asking for help, you will always receive support from true friends.

Why dream about someone else's house from the inside? The interpretation of the dream book depends on the interior decoration of the rooms. Luxurious decoration, beautiful furniture is a clear sign that now is the time to get big money. Do not miss the opportunity, and grab every chance to earn - the income will exceed all expectations.

If traces of unfinished repairs are clearly visible in the walls of an unfamiliar dwelling, then the dream book advises to quickly tackle the accumulated problems, otherwise they can grow into one continuous bad luck.

Why dream of repairing someone else's house? If in this moment life you have an incomprehensible relationship, then very soon everything will fall into place. The dream interpretation predicts that it is up to you to decide whether or not to continue an uncertain protracted relationship.

If too much is involved in the repair a large number of people, then the dream book warns that you should not trust anyone's advice, but listen only to your intuition. After hearing a lot of opinions, you will not be able to solve the problem set before you.

Fire in an unfamiliar room

If you dreamed of a fire in a strange house, then with all the negativity of the dream, you should not immediately sound the alarm. If no victims were found in the conflagration, then the dreamer's future life will turn out as well as possible - he will receive a profit and a serious position in society.

The 21st century dream interpretation interprets such a plot in a dream as a harbinger of unexpected happiness. But in order to reliably find out why the picture with the fire is dreaming, remember whether you took part in extinguishing it, or were an outside observer. In the first case, the dream book predicts the emergence of a profitable business.

The burnt house of someone else is the personification of misfortune, grief. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, it is possible that misfortune will happen soon, and it will be very difficult to go through a difficult period without your direct participation.

For a married man who is carried away by another woman, the dream book does not interpret well what the conflagration means in a dream. An all-consuming vicious passion can ruin both the life of a mistress and the family of a traitor.

A business man who sees the ashes of someone else's house in a dream may not hope for further career growth. In order to somehow move from the "dead point", you will need to start all over again, at a different place of work, in a completely different field of activity.

Also, this dream is interpreted by the dream book as an omen that you can become a witness to someone's grief. Such a prediction is especially true if you were close to the ashes, or even walked through it.

If in a dream someone else's house burns without smoke, and does not burn out, does not turn black and does not collapse, then the dream book predicts a series of good events. A stunning success in society awaits you, it can also be a harbinger of receiving a large amount of money.

If the fire is localized on the roof of the dwelling, then someone is seriously, one might even say, manic, passionate about you. Be afraid of strange and inadequate personalities showing interest in you. Their feelings can develop into a completely opposite desire.

Why dream of a mess in someone else's house? If things are scattered around an unfamiliar apartment, furniture is moved, then the dream book warns that you are being pressured bad people who do not want you well, they try to disrupt the way of life.

But if you yourself caused a mess in a dream, then your pressure on another person will already lead to disastrous consequences. No need to impose your point of view on everyone, everyone has the right to their own opinion.

It shows the outer and inner world person. A very interesting dream that may contain hidden meaning, giving a fairly accurate description of a person or what will very soon happen in his life. The dream interpretation writes a lot about what someone else’s house is dreaming of, but before proceeding with the interpretation, note that it is the same as it really is or another, fantastic.

In the first case, being in a strange house means events that will take place in another family or something that will draw your attention. If he was not the same as he really is, the dream book interprets the dream symbolically. A strange house in a dream means the character of its owner and what is most important for him. If you want to understand a dream, pay attention to what caught your attention, became visible, and the like. Try to describe the home as accurately as possible. This is what a strange house dreams of most often in various situations.

Same as in life

To dream of someone else's house, which is no different from the real one - to the news. Such dreams often come true literally, and the same thing will happen in life as in a dream. The dream book describes a strange house in itself, as a sign of news about its residents.

If you just see him, as if you were visiting in a dream, then the dream book writes that you can soon meet these people or learn something new and interesting about them. In a dream, a strange house in which something unusual happened means surprise or change. Pay attention to what caught your attention.

Being a guest in it, drinking tea or just chatting with family members - to the fact that in fact you can be there on some business. Sometimes the dream book writes that you are remembered there with a kind word. To see something new and unusual there, for example, other wallpapers or furniture, dreams of news and love relationship. In some cases, a dream means an event that will surprise you very much. Most likely, it will be some kind of purchase or minor change.

If something happened there, for example, a fight, the birth of a child, tears or fires, then the dream book writes, some kind of event will really happen there. Pay attention to the likelihood of what you dreamed about in real life. Often such plots come true within a short time and just as accurately as during sleep. However, this happens within a very short time frame.

If, after the shocking story, nothing terrible happened, then there will soon be a change or aggression directed against a family member or against yourself. The dream book writes that such a dream means trouble, news that will be very bright and will cause great condemnation. Pay attention to what surprised or amazed you.

A fight and a quarrel usually dream of reconciliation or come true literally within a few days. However, in some cases, such a dream suggests that at the common table you are very strongly condemned and the bones are washed.

If there was a fire in the house and there was a flame, there is a danger of a severe cold or flu with high temperature, which everyone will get sick in this house or apartment. Or there will be a heated argument, a showdown or a fight, especially warmed up by strong alcoholic drinks.

Modern dream book indicates that very soon everyone will quarrel in this house and a very unpleasant story and conflict will happen.

If there was only smoke and fumes in the house, but no one saw fire and flames, the residents of the house or one family member will get into an unpleasant story that everyone will talk about in the neighborhood and get big gossip. Modern books indicate that there will be some news there, but no one will know exactly what happened there. In some situations, such a dream really predicts a fire.

If a flood happened in someone else's house, neighbors flooded and there was a lot of water, then emotions will get out of control there. Very often, such a dream predicts grief in the house, a sea of ​​​​tears or drunkenness, drug addiction, mental illness.

If you are interested in what exactly is happening there, then soon you can find out about trouble, an obstacle and some kind of trouble that will happen very soon in the house and can greatly harm you.

Often a dream predicts great grief, tears and troubles, resentment and conflicts, as well as various unfavorable living conditions.

If a funeral took place in the house, then someone will marry and will live in another house with her new family. However, you can interpret the dream in this way if there are children for extradition. A funeral can mean a change or come true literally when there is a seriously ill or elderly person in the house. Modern books indicate that trouble will happen there very soon. Grief also predicts the wedding of one of the family members, especially if it cannot be in life. For example, marry an old man or a child. In this case, it is also worth waiting for some kind of incident or trouble.

If someone else's house is closed, no one else lives in it, this predicts changes in your life. The dream interpretation writes that such pictures mean trouble or that they simply do not tell you about the change. Also, the attitude towards you can become changeable.

Especially if the house of your relatives or friends is suddenly empty, the dog does not let you go there, or there is a lock on the door or is absent itself. Entrance door. Such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with this house and the people living in it.

Human inner world

So it is worth interpreting only those dreams in which the house does not correspond to the building of your acquaintances, friends and relatives in reality, such as it really is. Here, when interpreting, you should pay attention to the following points of sleep: Private house or high building with apartments. In the first case, you are an individualist, a closed person who really wants to be on his own and not let anyone into his world.

Usually he is satisfied with any job and salary, money, and he does not strive for a career and take a place in society. If there is a tall building in front of you, then the person is a public person. He strives to excel in his profession and achieve something more than others. Its real height and the possibility of achievements should be interpreted by the floor. The higher it is, the more your acquaintance or friend can achieve.

Windows and doors. The more they are, the more contact and sociable a person is. It has developed curiosity and the desire to know the world, everything interesting, to be in the thick of things, and it’s not easy to fence off.

Rooms and things. A bright, clean and spacious building with good repair and furniture means the improvement of affairs, decency and the desire to live well, comfortably. Provocative and clumsy things in a dream show posturing and the desire to amaze others with their greatness, the potential of a leader. The narrow and cramped building shows cramped circumstances, dark walls and furniture speak of depression. If things are lying around in the building, then the dream book writes that in life this person is not distinguished by accuracy and diligence, there are a lot of random and unnecessary things. New house always means a new stage in your relationship and in life.

The house in which we live in real life is associated with coziness, warmth, comfort, in which we feel protected. A person cannot experience such a state in an unfamiliar room. If you leave a person alone in such a place, then he will obviously feel uncomfortable. IN Everyday life this rarely happens, and many had to visit a house in which they had never been in a dream. Therefore, we will try to find the correct answer, why dream similar dream.

In order to correctly interpret the dream, it is necessary to remember all the details: what they did inside the room, they were afraid of something or, conversely, they were happy, maybe there was something special in the environment. Knowing the details, you can find out what to expect in reality.

Changes in life

A rather interesting decoding of what dreams of entering someone else's house is offered by the Esoteric dream book: in your later life there will be a new person. But it should be understood that from the size of the room in the dream, such a relationship will develop for you. If you were in a small room, then you should not count on great love. Most likely, this person will become a good friend.

Why dream of entering an unfamiliar old house? If the dreamer has not experienced violent passion and real feelings for a long time, then such a dream says that at last the long-awaited changes will come in his personal life. You won’t be able to find a new life partner, but feelings for your soulmate will flare up with renewed vigor.

Why dream of spending the night in a strange house? Such a dream must be considered depending on who is dreaming.

For men doing business, such a dream promises the achievement of certain heights in their business. For some time, it will be possible to foresee the plans of your competitors, to be one step ahead of them. As a result, you will receive a bonus in the form of a well-deserved reward.

If a woman dreamed that she had to spend the night in a strange house - in life, a handsome man will turn her head, but this adventure will end very quickly.

If a person who has been married for a long time dreams that he is sleeping in a strange house, then this is interpreted as the presence of obscene thoughts about adultery. A modern dream book warns: sooner or later the deception will be revealed, everything can end in a break in relations.

Psychoanalysts say that a similar plot seen in a dream for married couples is evidence that their sexual emotions have already weakened, and they are eager to experience something new. In order not to turn life together into an unbearable routine, the dream book recommends taking drastic measures as soon as possible and diversifying your life.

Problems will be solved

Why dream of living in someone else's house? This means that a person who has seen such a dream uses other people's hard-won achievements as his personal ones.

If you really have a difficult situation with housing, then what you saw in a dream may be prophetic: a very decent person will call you to live with him, who will not require a large payment, and subsequently will not reproach it.

Various dream books converge on the same thing: if in a dream you enter someone else's house, in reality you voluntarily or involuntarily invade someone's personal life. If you decide to destroy someone else's family, then the dream book recommends leaving your intentions.

In a dream, you entered a dilapidated room, and immediately the mess began to disappear before your eyes, it became more well-groomed and comfortable - this is a joyful signal that in the near future all difficulties will disappear on their own. Difficult period in life will end.

According to Miller

Did you dream of someone else's housing in a dream? Miller believed: to see someone else's housing in a dream - to significant and serious changes in later life for the sleeper. But if at the same time you experience bouts of fear or helplessness, then such symbols do not bode well. The dream interpretation warns - such signs portend unpleasant events. It can be a disease, even the death of someone you know is possible.

If the sleeper had a very excited state, then Miller's dream book recommends interpreting such a dream taking into account emotions. If the dreamer did not have any negativity while in the building, and his appearance inspired confidence, then such a dream prophesies an improvement in life.

What do dream books say

Vanga's dream interpretation is interpreted as follows: if the house seen in a dream looked like in a fairy tale, then in reality your cherished desires will come true.

If the room in which you are in a dream looks abandoned, this is a warning about loneliness. You are not able to deal with the difficulties that have piled up on your own, and you should not count on someone else's help.

If in a dream you are in a house unknown to you, according to Freud's dream book, this is a symbol of the beginning of a new acquaintance, which will be beneficial to both parties.

Home interior

Remember well what interior of the house was in a dream.

  • Intricate, it has a large number of details - the embodiment of the feminine essence. Thus, it becomes clear that a woman will appear in your life.
  • The stingy, geometrically flat design embodies the man who will appear in your later life. However, if common features the buildings in the dream were very rough, and you had some kind of negative feeling, then a new acquaintance will be a complete disappointment for you in real life and will bring a lot of negativity.

If you dreamed that you were trying to climb over the fence in a dream in order to get into the territory of someone else's house, but nothing worked out for you, then this subconsciously symbolizes unrequited feelings. You have a very great desire to achieve respect from the person of interest, but, unfortunately, you will not achieve your goal.

Why dream if everything is in your dream - still managed, albeit with difficulty, to climb over the fence and get into someone else's territory - the difficulties that may arise on your way are surmountable. You will be able to achieve attention from a person who previously seemed unapproachable. But the dream book does not undertake to predict a further turn of events.

Building type

If in a dream you saw a very large house, then you will not be able to unambiguously decipher such a symbol. It is necessary to consider this dream taking into account the state of mind of the sleeping person. If the walls of the building reminded you of an impregnable sinister fortress that oppressed you with its appearance, then in ordinary life you will have to face misunderstanding and alienation of loved ones.

If the house you dreamed about in a dream looked beautiful, like a fairy-tale castle, this is a hint that you are on the right path to achieving your goal. You can complete all the tasks assigned to you.

Cleaning someone else's house

According to the interpretation of the Small Veles dream book, putting things in order in foreign housing is a very bad sign. You will work hard, but at the same time, someone else will appropriate all your achievements, and you will end up on the beans.

According to another interpretation, it is a symbol of the dreamer's intuitive desire to please everyone, to climb the corporate ladder at any cost. However, all aspirations will become useless - no one needs toadying.

Why dream of doing cleaning in an outside home? If you do this in a dream, then this implies a lot of unresolved problems in real life. You are not able to deal with the accumulated cases and take control of the situation, but you should not put them off for later either, as this will lead to sad consequences. If, after a general cleaning, the dreamer is satisfied with the result of the work, this means that you can focus on yourself and devote more time to your favorite pastime.

Cleaning in someone else's house for a business person means that a lot of time is spent on solving other people's problems. The dream interpretation recommends taking a closer look at your own life, dealing with the problems that have accumulated in the family.

If in a dream friends help you clean someone else's house, then this is a good sign. In real life, everything will be similar: you will have allies with the help of which you can cope with any task.

For a woman who is married, sweeping in a strange house in a dream - to well-being in the family. In the near future, relations with her husband will improve, and the children will show obedience and respect.

If in a dream you watch from the outside how someone is doing the cleaning - in reality, in order to achieve your goals, you do not hesitate to use the merits of other people and attribute their achievements to yourself. After solving your problems, do not forget to thank the people who helped you, otherwise you will not receive more help from them.

If in a dream a woman tries to clean the room, but at the same time she fails to put things in perfect order, and the room still looks uncleaned, in this case the dream book warns that a difficult period is coming in life. The dreamer is in for troubles that do not depend on her in any way, the circumstances will simply turn out that way.

Fire in someone else's house

Had a fire? At first glance, such a dream is negative, but there is no need to rush to conclusions. If there were no victims, then in the future everything will develop in the best possible way for the sleeping person.

In order to accurately understand and correctly decipher what the fire is dreaming of, you need to remember exactly what actions you took in a dream.

  • If you were directly involved in extinguishing, then this promises the beginning of a profitable business.
  • A house burned to the ground portends trouble. It is possible that in the near future, relatives will need your help in order to safely survive this time. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Is the roof on fire? According to the dream book - someone is very seriously passionate about you, perhaps even manically. Beware of suspicious individuals who show a painful interest in you. This interest can turn into "unhealthy" desires.

A married man who has embarked on the path of infidelity is commented on in such a way why he dreams of seeing a burning house - a consumed passion can lead to the loss of a family and relationships with his mistress.

A male businessman who, in a dream, sees the consequences of a fire in someone else's house, may forget about further career advancement. He will have to start all over again, and at another job.

If after the fire there is ashes left, and you are standing right on it, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon become a witness to someone else's grief.

If you see in a dream how the house is burning, but at the same time the house is not destroyed, there are no fire and smoke, the walls are not charred, this is a sign - you will have a number of positive changes ahead. Expect breathtaking success, including in business.

Trouble in the house

Why dream of a mess in someone else's house? When in a dream you see how things are scattered around someone else's apartment, furniture is turned over, the dream book claims that some bad people who wish you harm are trying to force you to change your life arrangement.

But the disorder in a dream caused by the sleeper suggests the opposite - your pressure on another person will inevitably lead to disastrous results. No need to impose your opinion on others, everyone has the right to make their own decisions.

Ruin in the house

What is the dream of a destroyed someone else's house? Freud's dream book unambiguously tells the dreamer that he is in a bad state of mental health. In order not to bring yourself to a nervous breakdown, it is recommended to worry less and not take part in intense emotional enterprises.

If you are unhappy with your sex life, then what you saw in a dream shows complete indifference and unwillingness to change your sex life. Take control of the situation, as you should not expect that someone will be the first to take a step forward.

According to Loff's dream book, seeing a ruined house in a dream can also mean problems in business. You have been building everything brick by brick for many years, but the time has come when everything collapses like a house of cards, and there is a decline in the financial sector, problems arise in the family.

If someone else's house is being destroyed before your eyes in a dream, this is a warning of great disappointment in someone close to you and dear person. Dreams break, in your loved one you will see something that you did not notice before: duplicity, hypocrisy, selfishness.

An old strange house seen in a dream embodies the neglect of an outsider to your person. The reason for this was impartial actions on your part, perhaps out of stupidity. There will be nothing bad from such actions, but do not expect positive emotions from communication either.

Interior decoration of the house

Why dream of someone else's house from the inside? The interpretation largely depends on the interior of the room.

A chic interior is a sign that the time is coming to improve the financial situation. You can not miss the moment, you need to make every effort to achieve your goal. The income will be much more than expected.

If traces of unfinished repairs are clearly visible in an unknown dwelling, then the dream book recommends that you quickly start resolving the accumulated difficulties, otherwise they can easily quickly develop into big problems.

Why dream of repairing someone else's house? If now on the path of life you have an uncertain relationship, then in the near future everything will change, life will put everything in its place. At the same time, the dream book recommends not to stand aside and make decisions on your own.

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    dream interpretation Wangi gives someone else's home in dream a different interpretation. If house looks like a toy, fabulous, small and cozy in a dream, then in reality the cherished desire, to which the dreamer has been going for so long, will come true. But if the room in dream was empty, dirty, abandoned, then dream book portends difficulties. Why dreaming destroyed stranger house? dream interpretation Freud points out to the dreamer the serious state of his mental health. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Stranger house in dreamdream book Vanga. IN dream book Wangi phenomenon someone else's Houses interpreted as a complete change in life. Changes will occur immediately in all areas of life, perhaps not abruptly, but in a short period of time. If in dream appears small and very cozy house- this means that an old dream will soon come true. dreamed stranger house or Houses– esoteric dream book. In that dream book stranger house continuously associated with the action being performed in dream.Read completely

  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What portends dream, in which had a dream destroyed house? In any case, it all depends on how ruined had a dream house. If dreamed just cracks in home, which means someone from strangers intrigues. If in dream had a dream fully destroyed house, and not just its individual parts and rooms, then such dream promises a complete collapse in business, serious quarrels in the family, misunderstanding, showdown, in a word, changes will only take place for the worse. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    dream interpretation help you figure out what dreaming this image. Symbol of negative change. A residential building, depending on various nuances, means both the current position of a person and certain events in life. Why dreaming mine destroyed house?By the way, see in dream very old destroyed house- to frequent travel in real life. Happiness after difficulties. Almost any interpretation sleep about the ruins carries a negative. But if a businessman had a dream stranger destroyed house, then his new business will bring good profits.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Lose in dream your native house dream destroys your fate. At such moments, only hope, faith and love can help you. Hello, I had a dream dream like boo something I wander through the huge home with many rooms. This house belonged stranger family of Armenians. I was looking for someone there, but I didn’t find it. I was scared that they would see me. In the end, I found a way out of this Houses.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    If had a dream destroyed house, this is to probable poverty or gossip. If in your dream house in cracks, then in reality someone's intrigues or troubles from neighbors await you. If house in your dream falls, you will be haunted by failures and quarrels in home. See in dream debris Houses- to failure at work. Old house New house Stranger house Big house Build house Wood house.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "InfoPrivorot"

    if you had a dream house other people... Appearance in someone else's home in a dream, if you delve into the interpretation of such sleep, can lift the veil over the secrets of the subconscious. Ruin in home. if you dreaming stranger house V ruined state, then according to Freud, this is a clear sign of an unsatisfactory state of the psyche. Excessive workloads and a large amount of stress lead to strong tension that does not even let you go. in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    dream interpretation Stranger house if during sleep it is changing appearance, indicates the completion of all troubles, the beginning of a calm and measured life. dreamed simple house without ornate decorations - a man will appear, but if you dreamed of housing with various elements - get to know a woman. dream interpretation Stranger house, if it is in a dilapidated state, indicates the fragility of psychological, physical or sexual health. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    See in dream stranger destroyed house▼.Me had a dream dream that I got into stranger house,V home two exits. I had a little daughter in my arms, whom I tried to dress before going out, for some reason I was in a hurry to go home, where the eldest son was waiting for us, but ended up in another someone else's home With ex-husband, and we saw three fire trucks from the window, we didn’t see the fire itself. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Interpretation dream book most often repelled by the old stranger house, or your own interprets from two different sides dream book what to dreaming buy in dream old house.Diseases and breakdown - that's what dreaming destroyed structure. Also, it can promise a downgrade here in general had a dream from thursday to friday what am i in this home I saw pots.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Lose in dream your native house and not finding a road to him is a harbinger of failure in all matters. This dream indicates that some kind of mental breakdown destroys your fate. At such moments only hope, faith and love can help you. And, of course, courage. dream interpretation birthdays of May, June, July, August. climb in stranger house- to move to another place of residence. Drive out of Houses- to shame. Butt Houses- to meet with relatives. Build in dream white stone house- to wealth. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Your destroyed former house You will lose your life goals. Mess in it - you need to clear karma. House deceased - see in dream, How dead grandmother or grandpa enter your house- this is a bad sign, one of your loved ones will get sick. Why dreaming dream house- you feel protected from all negative forces, you are able to withstand any troubles. Fire someone else's Houses- to unexpected happiness, if you watched such a dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "book-snow"

    dream interpretation: Destroyed house, for what dreaming.Home → dreams with the letter "D" → Other meanings dreams O home For what dreaming destroyed house? If dreaming destroyed housing, then this may portend poverty or gossip. If in your dream appeared house with cracks, then in reality one should expect someone's intrigues or troubles. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams Destruction houses, or what does in dream see Destruction houses. stranger house in dream.Hello, here I am had a dream dream I was walking towards home I approach mine and it burns, I run up to him and ask people where the girl Masha is. they she's on the second floor i'm in house burning through the window on the second floor, Zales grabbed it and pulled it out and we fell on me, I softened the fall, and before that my back was broken, well, here I am. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "imya-sonnik"

    House in dream, or when had a dream house if you dreaming stranger house- this suggests that you are clearly not on your own, but on stranger territory. See in dream Destroyed house- such dream dreaming mainly when moving, or financial turmoil.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    someone else's home, Dirt in home, Take out the trash from Houses, being kicked out Houses, Enter house, unfinished house, On the roof Houses, My house, A lot of houses, Break house, maze in home.dreamed, What house burning in fire dreamed house after the fire, burnt house in dream- strong emotional intensity; transition to a new stage of life. Fire, Destroyed your House in dream, Can have both bad and good meaning.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    If a person sees how his house- you can expect trouble. Destroyed house stands for destruction life values, way of life. As a rule, these destruction occur due to inaction. This value sleep true if a person, seeing how his house collapses, does not try to save him, do something, but watches, as it were, from the side. Stranger house.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    So you can easily find out what dreams Destruction Houses, or what does in dream see Destruction Houses. toilets, dorms, strangers Houses in dream.dreams and dreams black goat House house in dream. To me had a dream dream from Wednesday to Thursday.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Here you can read dreams, in which the characters occur Stranger house.destruction Houses in dream. I was sleeping. And at the very end, before awakening had a dream plot. destroyed Houses in dream. I walk past the 5th floor houses from which the tenants left long ago, Houses old and...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    So you can easily find out what dreams Destruction houses, or what does in dream see Destruction houses. toilets, dorms, strangers Houses in dream.dreams and dreams black goat House Fire Sister Forest Mushrooms Black water Train. Parental house in dream. To me had a dream dream from Wednesday to Thursday.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    save the dog in dream. Hello! It's me again with long porridge instead sleep... Please explain. dreaming to me, as if my son and I were returning home late from the guests. House absolutely stranger, dark, uncomfortable. Often dreaming Dedushkin in dream. To me had a dream once again Dedushkin house, we moved him to the district center and now my mother lives there, and house dream in the old place where I spent my childhood. All in bright colors. And I don’t see either grandfather or grandmother in dream, or I rarely see.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    White house in dream. dreamed in dream home.Narrow doors, stranger house in dream. dreaming what i'm into home basement type like an expensive restaurant. It is a holiday, a buffet table, an expensive table, many flowers and everyone is dressed up. Armenians celebrate, although I am not an Armenian and this strangers me people.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Vision in dream houses interpreted differently. If anyone dream in dream unfamiliar house in a place unfamiliar to him with unfamiliar inhabitants, then this is his house in the afterlife, and the state of this Houses will be the same as in dream: good or bad. If you see in dream mine house V ruined see, then this is destruction his financial condition due to wrong actions.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams Stranger house online free, dream book- Interpretation dreams At home Sun.Crumbling Houses in dream. Today had a dream dream, woke up under the impression, I want to understand what it would be for, I'm in dreams I believe because I have repeatedly received confirmation that they often dreaming not just like that.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Destroyed house dreaming when moving, financial troubles, to DEATH or DIVORCE. Such dreams house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter to a person. Seeing such dream, think about what circumstances oppress and crush you and how this affects your real life. stranger house- you will enter someone else's life. By invitation - you will be asked for help. Secretly - take part in someone on your own initiative.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    IN someone else's home in dream. dreamed In dream I saw myself in it home Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep IN someone else's home (1) dream interpretation IN someone else's home. dreams and dreams Stranger house Grandson V someone else's home.dreams and dreaming three sleep one House build. White house in dream. dreamed beloved person. We are not married, but in dream he was my husband, I knew that for sure. We were with him in our new home. And everything around was white and light.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams and dreams Stranger house Morning Dawn Angel In someone else's home.Then we drove past a chapel built of twigs, i.e. I was worried that strong wind maybe her destroy... grandmother's house in dream. Dream had a dream after the mention, probably in a week.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    IN someone else's home in dream. dreamed guy (yes, I like him, but I don't think about him all the time). In dream I saw myself in it home(it was two stories high). He seemed to have come from a business trip. At some point, I looked into his room and saw that almost the entire area was occupied by a bed (the bedspread on it was striped - white and red, but the red was very dark).
