Yoga and flowers. Yoga therapy with fresh flowers

Your yoga instructor knows more about you than you do...

Yoga is a special, colorful microcosm of flowers, each of which has its own semantic meaning. By subconsciously choosing a certain color, you demonstrate your desires, aspirations and even the level of your development. By choosing a color, you announce to the world your true desires and needs.

Your rug can say a lot more about you than you think.

RED- strong and passionate. Yogis who choose red are energetic, bright and adventurous. You, unlike others, have an intensely developed intuition. Like a red Ferrari, you want to stand out from the crowd. Thanks to their determination and perseverance, lovers of this color quickly achieve their goals.

To stimulate your potential, the following asanas are suitable for you: Virabhadrasana II (warrior pose), which will strengthen your vital energy, as well as Utkatasana (chair pose) and Surya Namaskar (sun salutation).

Chakra: Muldhara is the main chakra that governs the will and is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation and survival. The correct functioning of this chakra allows you to achieve your goal.

ORANGE. Proponents of orange yoga mats are enthusiasts and altruists with a gentle nature. Such people are ready to share everything and usually have many friends.

Poses: cat, Urdhva Dhanurasana (bow pose), Pincha Mayurasana (peacock pose). These poses will help you reach new heights.

Chakra: Svadhishthana - responsible for sensuality and sexuality.

YELLOW. Lovers of this color are cheerful and joyful. When they enter the room, it is filled with light and smiles. Yellow yoga mat owners inspire and inspire optimism in others. They are characterized by a love of freedom in actions and thoughts.

Poses: child's pose, Trikonasana, Surya Namaskar - will fill you with energy and new strength.

Chakra: Manipura - shapes personality, helps make decisions.

GREEN is the color of love, life and prosperity. Yogis with green mats strive for balance and harmony. Lovers of this color strive for new knowledge and self-improvement. Such people are frank in their thoughts and views, honest and teachable. Their aura is light and miraculous.

Poses: tree pose, Prasarita Padottanasana (feet shoulder-width apart).

Chakra: Anahata is the heart chakra, which gives the ability to love sincerely, sympathize and see true beauty.

BLUE. Yogis who prefer this color tend to strive for peace and tranquility. They are sociable, calm, and also truth-telling; lying is unacceptable for them. Yogis, lovers of blue like water, move purposefully towards their goal, but this movement is smooth and elegant.

Poses: Tadasana (outside the mountain), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand)

Chakra: Vishuddha - teaches you to communicate, to find a common language with other people.

VIOLET. Mysterious and special yogis choose purple yoga mats for themselves. They are able to think creatively and out of the box. They embody nobility and wisdom.

Poses: Natarayasana (outside the god of dance), Eka pada Kaundiniyasana 2 and lotus pose.

Chakra: Sahasrara rules mental abilities, opens up the world of intuition and the subconscious.

PINK. Those who prefer pink yoga mats are true idealists. Such yogis are gentle, vulnerable, always remain children at heart, sympathetic to the problems of others. They have a romantic character. These are caring, gentle people who want to love and be loved.

Poses: Balasana (Child's Pose), Hanumanasana (Child's Pose)

Chakra: Sahasrara is a chakra that combines all chakra niches. All our feelings, emotions, desires pass through it.

BLACK. Strong, stable and thoughtful people. They are characterized by balance. They are multifaceted in their abilities. Resistant to change and have strong faith.

Poses: Virasana (warrior pose), cobra pose.

Chakra: Ajna - responsible for the high level.


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Color therapy widely used not only in Yoga. Each color has its own meaning. Color affects our thoughts, social behavior, health and relationships with people. The language of color - once you learn to understand it - will explain a lot to you and help solve your problems. With the help of this knowledge, you will become wiser, improve your health and get rid of ailments.

Red color

Red color has a pronounced tonic effect and is classified as warm. Indeed, it warms, can increase performance, and eliminate fatigue. From a physiological point of view, it is believed that this color stimulates blood circulation and enhances digestive processes. A passion for red can cause some incontinence, even aggression.

The red color area in the body is also associated primarily with the genital and reproductive organs, as well as sexuality. It symbolizes the energy and power of creation.

Red color has a strong cleansing effect; it will relieve you of melancholy and drive away negative emotions, improve your mental and body health. Muscles also react to the color red. It helps to relax stiff limbs and joints, especially the legs, and is useful for paralysis.

Red color warms, it should be used by those who are prone to colds and need warmth. Helps stop the inflammatory process. However, excessive use of red can cause irritation and complications of the disease.

If you feel sluggish or reluctant to take on difficult but necessary tasks, working on visualizing the color red will give you strength. Red color acts optimistically. He has energy and drive, pushing him to accomplish great things. Red color strong people, it personifies perseverance and will, cheerfulness and fun. However, if you have high blood pressure, it can make your condition worse and cause anger and irritation.

If you are excited or, on the contrary, get tired quickly and constantly want to sleep, try decorating the room you work in with something red. Buy red roses, hang a red picture in front of your eyes, or simply put a bright red folder on the table. This will immediately improve your mood, calm your nerves, and increase your efficiency and vitality.

Orange color

Orange color associated with the solar spectrum. The predominance of orange improves mood, giving lightness and charm to communication. But at the same time a certain frivolity is acquired. The color orange corresponds to the svadhisthana chakra, which, among many other things, is responsible for sexuality. You've probably noticed that orange is not a very appropriate color in a business or work environment.

Orange color is useful for any disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, heals the kidneys and bladder, and stimulates the adrenal glands. When a threat arises, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which instantly enters the bloodstream and forces you to act quickly to avoid danger.

Orange is the color of the harvest, the fruits of the earth grown under the rays of the sun. It stimulates the appetite. This is the color of action, enthusiasm and freedom, which will help you rebuild your life when everything seems to be shattered: you are experiencing grief, divorce, bereavement, shock.

People suffering from pulmonary, cardiac and endocrine diseases should definitely get orange curtains. The body will respond to this color with excellent health. And if you hang them in the bedroom, you will forget about sexual disorders.

This color is good during menopause as it balances hormonal conditions. It helps with infertility and helps clear mucus from any system of the body. Orange color treats mental breakdowns and depressive states. It helps to free yourself from obsessive fears and strengthens you mentally.

Orange color encourages you to move forward. Working with this color, a person instinctively finds the right path, regardless of his intelligence. By mastering the energy of orange, you will become the mistress of your destiny.


Yellow floods everything around us, including our mood sunlight. Agree, on a bright sunny day, even in winter, most people are in high spirits, life seems more eventful and interesting. At the same time, the abundance of yellow around can be slightly annoying. As for physiology, yellow color enhances the functioning of the digestive organs and optimizes the activity of the central nervous system.

The color yellow affects the solar plexus, which is connected to the liver, gall bladder, spleen and stomach. Thus, the yellow area extends to the entire digestive tract. It is good for the skin and nervous system, improves vision.

Yellow color is a wonderful “orderly”. It tones and detoxifies the entire body, helps relieve constipation, controls weight as it promotes the movement of bodily fluids, for example, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice necessary for digestion, controls sweating, and relieves swelling.

It has been noticed that yellow color strengthens the central nervous system, promotes the desire to speak out, which relieves the soul and relieves obsessive thoughts. Yellow It gives vitality to the mind, helps to quickly absorb information, promotes clarity and accuracy of thought, and awakens curiosity. With the help of yellow energy, you can overcome all difficulties and take advantage of all opportunities. This is the color of energetic people.

Yellow vibrations are useful if you lack self-confidence or are shy. Yellow color gives fun and joy. It can relieve depression and a gloomy outlook on life. This is the color of laughter. Yellow is a very diplomatic color, full of composure, style and sophistication. It is the color of focus, so use it when you need to bring certainty to your life.

Green color

Green color has a calming effect, relaxes, reduces the severity of emotions. Green is believed to balance all body functions. In addition, the predominance of green encourages new beginnings; the renewal of nature in spring is also associated with this color.

Green color affects the heart, as well as other organs located in the chest. It is the most harmonious and balanced of all the colors of the Universe. This is an emotional indicator - if the balance of the green color is disturbed, pain in the heart occurs, which can be a consequence of envy and jealousy. Green color encourages integrity and love. This is the color of emotional relationships. Since green color helps to get rid of negative feelings, turn to him during stormy periods of life, he will calm and cool your emotions. Green color guides. Therefore, it is used when a decision needs to be made.

Green color– the gateway to freedom, rest halfway, the color of friendship, it relieves negative emotions and stress, reduces arousal and restores stability. Green is the color of decision making. If you hesitate and feel indecisive, close your eyes and visualize the color green. He is very productive, especially in business. Feature green color – practicality. It encourages generosity and brings comfort to the world.

Green color consists of yellow and blue. Yellow is the last color on the hot side of the spectrum, and blue is the first part of the cool side. Yellow brings clarity, and blue brings wisdom. Together they help you understand the events of your life. This is very important because most of diseases develop as a result of negative images of the past, from which it is necessary to free ourselves.

Green color loves harmony and balance: he is neither hot nor cold, neither active nor passive. This is the color of great change. Green helps with claustrophobia by expanding space.

Green color perfectly treats heart diseases, relieves headache, improves liver function, stabilizes blood pressure and calms the nerves. It is a wonderful tonic. It harmonizes with everything, therefore it is a healing color with a wide spectrum of action. Trees and grass - what could be the best color therapy for a person?


Blue belongs to the cold part of the spectrum, it has a more pronounced calming effect and evokes a feeling of security. In an environment with blue tones, a person often feels protected from external circumstances. At the same time, the predominance of blue shades can lead to melancholy and inexplicable sadness.

The color blue represents the highest order of the mind. His strength is calm and direct; Diplomats usually have a blue aura. Sometimes a craving for blue means a thirst for change.

Blue color helps with stress and anxiety, it can lower blood pressure. With its help, they relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, reduce pain due to sciatica and stomach ulcers; it helps with urinary incontinence. Blue color will not be beneficial if you want to lose weight. It has been noted that it attracts overweight people because it calms and encourages them to stay the way they are. Craving for blue is typical for weak, spineless people.

Blue brings peace and contentment. He exudes calm and balance. It encourages reflection and reminds you of the need to rest and relax. How many people suffer from insomnia and do not know that they need to read at night under a blue lampshade, then sleep will not take long to come. You can hang a blue-blue patterned carpet in the bedroom, the result will be the same.

Blue color

Blue color facilitates the course of diseases of the endocrine system. In addition, it affects the skeletal system, especially the spine. The brain, eyes and sinuses are also treated with blue. The blue color is similar to cyan, only more pronounced. It stimulates the desire to acquire new knowledge, develops perseverance and willpower.

This is the most powerful analgesic color in the spectrum. It is able to reduce the effects of air, water and food pollution, as well as negative vibrations that are embedded in the subconscious. Since its field of influence includes the ears, eyes and nose, blue color is good for acute inflammation of the sinuses and catarrhal phenomena.

Blue color is used for bronchitis, asthma, for the treatment of lumbago, migraines, eczema, bruises and inflammations, in small doses - for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and kidney diseases.

Blue color can reveal addictions of any kind - to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. Similar bad habits usually indicate that something is wrong with a person. This color heals painful memories, helps cope with emotional turmoil, and promotes inspiration; wonderful cleaner. Blue is the color of desires and intuition. With its help, you can understand what you need to get rid of in life.


Purple associated with the spiritual beginning of a person. Anyone who prefers the color purple in clothing and furnishings is prone to transformation, to something new in life. Physically purple affects the pineal gland located in the diencephalon. All mental orders come from here. Purple must be used carefully - it is a heavy color. Too much of it can cause depression. It is not recommended for use in young children.

Purple very useful for any internal inflammation. It is also good for sciatica. Reduces skin rashes, weakens heartbeat, and helps with any disorders related to the head (for example, concussions). Supports the immune system and can calm frayed nerves. Useful for tired and painful eyes, calms emotionally unstable people.

The color purple is very powerful. It brings peace, combining strength and softness. This is the highest energy of humanism, kindness and love. Absorb the color violet to reveal and release hidden possibilities. If you feel lonely or disconnected from life, imagine the color purple - it will protect you.

Because purple combines red and blue, it promotes the union of body and spirit. Enhances vision and senses, but suppresses appetite.

Brown color

Brown color Provides connection with the earth and stability. But its abuse has its negative aspects: it can reduce social activity of a person, his need for spiritual development is limited.

Brown color expresses the vital, sensual sensations of the body, instinctive in its control. The attitude towards the color brown informs about the attitude towards one’s own body. Those who reject brown ignore vital state bodies.

White color

White color includes the qualities of all colors. The color white is believed to represent both birth and death. It is interesting that in some nations white is associated with joy, while in other countries it is the color of mourning.

White color increases strength, energy; normalizes the activity of the central nervous system; has a positive effect on the activity of the endocrine glands, restores the structure of the brain bones, which are directly related to our consciousness; cleanses the body of toxins.

Black color

Black color considered protective. It serves to increase strength. Many people feel more confident wearing black clothes.

Black gives a chance to rest, contains a promise - “everything will be fine,” hope, but at the same time you must remember that it will not let you go the way you were before - it delays, but does not force you to do anything. When depression sets in, then only the negative characteristics of black remain.It always, like death, speaks of silence and tranquility, means the end.

Preference for black in clothes - lack or absence of something very important in life - a person covers himself with black. It is necessary to move out of black gradually, diluting it with other colors.

Black and white colors together they extinguish each other, no longer carry their original information, no longer bear pressure on the psyche. You should pay attention to the age at which black is chosen. As a rule, black color is chosen when depression sets in and others are rejected.

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Denis Chichiyan 6107
Sleep for health, advice from Yogis Ramacharaka 5921
Sexual life from the point of view of Yoga therapy Swami Sivananda 5390
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Yoga therapy

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Healthy vision, yoga for eyes

Eyes... How many of you are really aware of the role that the eyes play in our Everyday life, and how many people know what and how to do to keep your eyes healthy? Unfortunately, this question can be answered with confidence in the negative. Very few people are fully aware that among the impressions we perceive from the external environment, visual ones are especially important, since about three-quarters of the information that enters our brain passes through the eyes.

According to the theory of the three Gunas (vibrations of energy: Tamas, Rajas, Sattva), the purest and most favorable of them is Sattva - “purity”, “goodness”. This is the kind of energy that flowers charge us with! A flower is the sattvic part of the plant (roots - “inertia”, stem - “development”), its essence and meaning, and the prototype of a new color, in the form of a seed - a kind of microcosm. Admiring flowers is not just a whim or a sophisticated pastime: according to Ayurveda, it is a very beneficial practice, especially if done early in the morning, at dawn.

In addition, flower pollen contains complex combinations chemical substances, providing a person with concentrated energy of Sattva, purity and joy. In this form life force directly captured by the body and absorbed by the tissues - it turns out, a kind of “pranoeating”. The aroma of pollen allows you to finely tune the nervous system to the optimal “wave”. Pollen is considered to carry the Earth element (like all odors) in its purest form, so this effect is primarily beneficial for the Earth element tissues in the body: hair, skin, bones. It is known that people who pamper themselves with flowers improve their skin condition and acquire a “blooming” appearance.

Some are afraid that flowers “vampire” energy, this is not so. Indeed, a living flower captures a certain amount of human energy, which is “radiated” into space anyway. But then he returns the beneficial energy of his coloring - as if sharing his qualities of beauty and attractiveness.

Flowers directly affect human centers associated with sexuality. Moreover, they are useful not only for women: the presence of fresh flowers in the house increases sexuality and stamina in both sexes, and increases sensuality.

Flowers also have the property of dissolving negative influences, cure hundreds of different diseases.

It is known that not all flowers have a strong scent; some very bright, beautiful flowers have almost no scent. According to Ayurveda, the most valuable for us are dim, light flowers with a strong aroma (lotus, lilies of the valley, rose hips, lilies, etc.).

Rose hips are very useful: its aroma has a beneficial effect on the heart, and figuratively Also, its flowers (their appearance and aroma) give relief to “broken” hearts. Natural “rose water” is also useful; when consumed internally, it is good for the heart and eyes, as well as for digestion.

Try to use flowers: look at them in a free moment, wear them in a buttonhole or on a headdress, put fresh flowers on the table in the office and at home, decorate the interior with them. In India, the birthplace of Ayurveda, even poor people can afford to buy a whole garland of flowers. Are we, here in the West, not worthy of at least sometimes being “charged” with the energy of flowers, health, and attractiveness?

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Summer is a time to relax and gain strength on the seashore, in warmth and tranquility. How often do you return home after vacation and feel tired and empty instead of relaxed, full and confident? Most often, a “bed-up” vacation only removes physical signs fatigue, while energy and strength remain low.
A complete “reset”, strength and inspiration for a long time is provided by the practice of yoga included in your relaxation program.
Yoga tours help you relax not only your body, but also your soul, because your vacation will be filled not only with beautiful nature, the warm sea, but also meeting new people, and, of course, practicing yoga under the guidance of experienced teachers. Daily yoga classes in nature fill us with strength, energize us, and give us inspiration for several months!

Women's yoga “Lotus Flower”
At the “Lotus Flower” yoga tour, we will be able to gain vital feminine energy in a confidential and light atmosphere, be among like-minded women, reveal the facets of our feminine nature, and learn something new about ourselves.
Why is this so important?
Modern woman races at a crazy pace along with men big city, experiences stress, gets tired in the constant bustle. Even the most strong woman it is necessary to recover from such a rhythm of life, turn to one’s nature, search for strength and help in the feminine principle. We will go on a yoga tour to the sea to take a break from the city and communicate with nature, be in silence, and take time for ourselves. We will swim in the sea, sunbathe in the sun, walk in the forest, meditate in the silence of nature.

Day after day we will immerse ourselves deeper and deeper into an atmosphere of joy and happiness, connecting with our feminine nature. You will find a gentle yoga practice aimed at women, women's practices that will help you return to your nature, find answers to important questions, as well as lectures on yoga.

And most importantly, we will take the first step towards self-love, because every woman wants to be loved, and external love is always a reflection inner love, self-love.

Women's yoga tour can help you find:
- Deeper understanding of yourself,
- Mastery of your emotions
- The ability to understand your body and feel the processes occurring both at the physiological and psychological levels,
- Internal and external softness,
- The ability to calm down in difficult moments, accumulate energy and channel it into a “peaceful” channel,
- Improving women's health.
Every morning and every evening we will practice asanas and pranayama. After each session you will experience deep relaxation. That being said, relaxing is not always as easy as tense, and this is what we will learn from our practices. During the seminar we will try to disconnect from the bustle of the city and enter a state of calm.

Yoga classes increase our energy, you probably noticed this after your yoga classes. We will add meditations and practices aimed at strengthening feminine energy to the classic asanas and pranayamas of hatha yoga. Thus, our classes will be aimed at the ability to fill with energy in a more harmonious way for a woman.

Teacher- Marina Chernykh, 36 years old, Ekaterinburg
Hatha yoga, Women's practice, Yoga nidra, Pranayama, meditation, yoga for children (3-6 years old), yoga in hammocks, pair yoga.
He has been practicing yoga for more than 8 years, teaching for about 6 years. Certificate “Hot Yoga Teacher” in 2013, certificate of teacher “Yoga for children 3-6 years old” in 2015. In 2016, a teaching certificate from the Fly Yoga center in the direction of “Yoga in Hammocks”.

Sample daily routine

  • 7.00-9.00 Morning yoga
  • 9.00 Breakfast
  • 9.30-12.00 Free time
  • 12.00 Lunch
  • 12.30-15.00 Free time
  • 15.00-17.00 Theoretical lesson or course “Happiness”
  • 18.00-19.30 Evening yoga class
  • 19.30 Dinner
  • 19.30-22.00 Communication, games, discussions.

A mini-hotel for 30 people, where only our tourists relax, those who came to do yoga, where there are no “random” vacationers. Common courtyard with sofas and relaxation areas. Spacious vegetarian cafe with buffet. Two yoga rooms are bright and spacious. Equipped children's room and the opportunity to use the services of a nanny for a child of any age. Double rooms with new furniture, each room has a bathroom and air conditioning. Equipped rooms for Ayurvedic massages and full treatment and “Panchakarma”. Free Wi-Fi on site.

“ALL INCLUSIVE” 10 days / 9 nights - 29,000 rubles
- double accommodation in a “Standard” room
- three vegetarian meals a day
- yoga program 10 days
- individual transfer from railway station to Loo/Anchor Shchel and back

Not included in the price:
- travel or flight to Sochi
- transfer from Sochi to Loo/Yakornaya Shchel station

A discount of 1000 rubles for participants of any of our past yoga tours.

Summer is a time to relax and gain strength on the seashore, in warmth and tranquility. How often do you return home after vacation and feel tired and empty instead of relaxed, full and confident? Most often, a “lying down” vacation only relieves physical signs of fatigue, while energy and strength remain drained.

Yoga tours help you relax not only your body, but also your soul, because your vacation will be filled not only with beautiful nature, warm sea, but also meeting new people, and, of course, practicing yoga under the guidance of experienced teachers. Daily yoga classes in nature fill us with strength, energize us, and give us inspiration for several months!

A complete “reboot”, strength and inspiration for a long time is provided by the practice of yoga included in your relaxation program.

Women's yoga "Lotus Flower"

At the “Lotus Flower” yoga tour, we will be able to gain vital feminine energy in a trusting and light atmosphere, be among like-minded women, reveal the facets of our feminine nature, and learn something new about ourselves.

Why is this so important?

A modern woman, just like men, rushes in the crazy rhythm of a big city, experiences stress, and gets tired in the constant bustle. Even the strongest woman needs recovery from this rhythm of life, turning to her nature, searching for strength and help in the feminine. We will go on a yoga tour to the sea to take a break from the city and communicate with nature, be in silence, and take time for ourselves. We will swim in the sea, sunbathe in the sun, walk in the forest, meditate in the silence of nature.

Day after day we will immerse ourselves deeper and deeper into an atmosphere of joy and happiness, connecting with our feminine nature. You will find a gentle yoga practice aimed at women, women's practices that will help you return to your nature, find answers to important questions, as well as lectures on yoga.

And most importantly, we will take the first step towards self-love, because every woman wants to be loved, and external love is always a reflection of internal love, self-love.

Women's yoga tour can help you find:

  • Deeper understanding of yourself.
  • Mastering your emotions.
  • The ability to understand your body and feel the processes occurring both at the physiological and psychological levels.
  • Internal and external softness.
  • The ability to calm down in difficult moments, accumulate energy and channel it into a “peaceful” direction.
  • Improving women's health.

Every morning and every evening we will practice asanas and pranayama. After each lesson you will find deep relaxation. That being said, relaxing is not always as easy as tense, and this is what we will learn from our practices. During the seminar we will try to disconnect from the bustle of the city and enter a state of calm.

Yoga classes increase our energy, you probably noticed this after your yoga classes. We will add meditations and practices aimed at strengthening feminine energy to the classic asanas and pranayamas of hatha yoga. Thus, our classes will be aimed at the ability to fill with energy in a more harmonious way for a woman.

Sample daily routine:

  • 7:00-9:00 — Morning yoga.
  • 9:00 - Breakfast.
  • 9:30-12:00 — Free time.
  • 12:00 — Lunch.
  • 12:30-15:00 — Free time.
  • 15:00-17:00 — Theoretical lesson or course “Happiness”.
  • 18:00-19:30 — Evening yoga class.
  • 19:30 — Dinner.
  • 19:30-22:00 — Communication, games, discussions.


A mini-hotel for 30 people, where only our tourists relax, who came to do yoga, where there are no “random” vacationers. Common courtyard with sofas and relaxation areas. Spacious vegetarian cafe with buffet. Two yoga rooms are bright and spacious. Equipped children's room and the opportunity to use the services of a nanny for a child of any age. Double rooms with new furniture, each room has a bathroom and air conditioning. Equipped rooms for Ayurvedic massages and full treatment and “Panchakarma”. Free Wi-Fi on site.

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