The best resorts for a holiday in March. Where to go for a seaside holiday in spring

March is one of the months when it is convenient to take a vacation and fly abroad to the sea to sunbathe and just relax. The 8th of March holiday allows you to add one free day to your vacation, which many people take advantage of. In this material, we have compiled a list of foreign resorts where you should relax in March. This includes inexpensive places, like the UAE and Egypt, and more expensive ones, like Cuba or Vietnam, where it will be relevant if you are traveling “savage”.

List of Travel Destinations for March Break or Vacation

Sunny beaches in southern Vietnam

Sunset in Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. Photo by dadiolli from Flickr

Almost the entire Vietnamese coast experiences hot, dry weather in March, especially Phan Thiet. The air temperature during the day reaches 32 degrees Celsius, and the water warms up to 28. It is also warm in Da Nang in March: the water reaches pleasant temperature at 25 degrees Celsius. Vietnam is an opportunity not only to sunbathe under the sun on the shores of the South China Sea, but also to try local cuisine and see Vietnamese sights.

Europe: Nice Carnival

Photo from the Nice Carnival 2009. Photo by Tƒoto from Flickr

The French Riviera can be a great March getaway if you're not looking for the hot sea. At the beginning of spring, temperatures here are around 12-13 degrees Celsius. The best place for a March holiday here is Nice, where Mardi Gras takes place Cote d'Azur- Nice Carnival. It starts at the end of February and ends at the beginning of March. In terms of its scale, it can be compared with the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. The carnival is accompanied by parades, flower and musical processions.

Inexpensive shopping in the UAE

Palma Beach Resort in Umm Al Quwain, UAE. Photo by Bassem JARKAS from Flickr

The Emirates is a duty-free shopping zone, and although it has ended, prices for clothing, electronics and gold remain lower here than in other countries. In addition to shopping in the economic center of the UAE - Dubai - sunbathing is already taking place here in March. The sea has warmed up, the sun is shining. On the coast you can go diving, and later move to Dubai itself and see its modern architecture. It costs the same to fly to the UAE as to Egypt, so the prices are comparable to the Red Sea.

All inclusive holiday in Egypt

Swimming pool of the Palm Beach Resort in Hurghada. Photo by Mpigapicha from Flickr

If you are used to an all-inclusive system or just want to relax with children, Egypt is most likely suitable for you. Prices for tours here start from three hundred dollars per person, and hotels are accustomed to family guests and offer water parks with water slides and other entertainment for children and adults. In March, the water on the Red Sea coast has not yet warmed up to summer temperatures, but is quite suitable for swimming. In Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh average temperature air during the day fluctuates around 25 degrees Celsius.

Holidays with children in Goa

You can relax in Goa all year round. Photo by fredericknoronha from Flickr

Goa remains not only one of the destinations but also a suitable destination for the remaining months, including March. Just like in winter, spring is warm and sunny here. Many people prefer to rent a villa here and live as a family with children while it’s cold in Russia. March is the month when the season ends in Goa. It's getting hotter and many people are starting to miss air conditioning. At the same time, scooter rentals are becoming cheaper and the number of tourists is decreasing, which plays into the hands of social phobes.

Without a visa to hot Cuba

In Havana they only drive luxury cars. Photo by Travel Aficionado from Flickr

March is the peak season in Cuba: the air and sea temperatures are high, the wind rarely blows, and there is no rain. The entire spring here is the time of year when the weather is exceptionally sunny. As in other months, the main interest for tourists in Cuba is old Havana, the beaches of Varadero, Matanzas, and Villa Clara. Prices in March are approximately the same as prices at any other time of the year - about $1000-1300 per person for a budget tour of 7-9 days. No visa required.

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March is not the most popular month for vacation. It is at this time of year, when the body is exhausted from vitamin deficiency, and there is still so much time before it gets warm, it’s time to pack your bags and go to warmer climes. Where can Russians go on holiday at sea in March without a visa in 2020?

It is not surprising that many people prefer visa-free destinations: there is no need to collect documents, waste time and worry about whether a visa will be denied. The financial issue also plays an important role: if on average a visa costs 40–50 dollars, this is a decent amount per family.

There are countries for which a visa is not required or can be obtained upon arrival.

Table: terms, entry conditions, weather in visa-free countries in March

A country Permitted length of stay Documents for crossing the border Temperature during the day Water temperature
Egypt 30 international passport

Important! Visa costs 25USD

22°C 20°C
UAE 30

International passport

Return ticket

25°C 23°C
Thailand 30 international passport

Migration card

30°C 27°C
Sri Lanka 30 International passport

Migration card

Electronic permission

Booking confirmation hotel room

Return ticket

29°C 28°C
Vietnam 15 Return ticket

international passport

27°C 26°C
Dominican Republic 90 If the period of stay exceeds 60 days, then a tourist will need to purchase a tourist card for 10 USD 27°C 26°C
Maldives 30 Migration card

international passport

Return ticket

31°C 29°C
Mexico 180 To visit Mexico, you will need to obtain an electronic permit in advance. 30°C 26°C
Costa Rica 30 · International passport

· Return ticket

28.7°C 29°C

This more detailed table also shows the average cost of a holiday in visa-free countries in March.

A country Air temperature Water temperature Visa requirement Average cost of a tour for two for a week
India, Goa 31 27–29 online visa from 56 thousand rubles
Thailand 30–33 28–30 need not from 76 thousand rubles
Seychelles 28 29 need not from 120 thousand rubles
Singapore 28 29 needed from 114 thousand rubles
Sri Lanka 31–34 28–29 need not from 72 thousand rubles
Bali, Indonesia 29–33 28–29 need not from 90 thousand rubles
Cuba 19–27 26–29 need not from 136 thousand rubles
Vietnam 27–32 23–25 need not from 105 thousand rubles
Dominican Republic 31–35 27–28 need not from 158 thousand rubles
Mexico 28–30 22–28 online visa from 130 thousand rubles
Brazil 30 27 need not from 130 thousand rubles
Philippines 29–31 27–28 need not from 100 thousand rubles
Maldives 27–30 30 need not from 198 thousand rubles
Eilat, Israel 14–20 22 need not from 80 thousand rubles
Canary Islands 14–24 16–22 need not from 92 thousand rubles
China, Hainan Island 30 25 needed from 103 thousand rubles
UAE 25–29 22–24 need not from 48 thousand rubles
Jordan 13–26 21 need not from 57 thousand
Egypt 23–28 21–23 need not from 90 thousand rubles


A country that still won’t be opened to organized tours, Russians still can’t forget. Egypt has many fans. Even now, some people prefer to travel on regular flights, but do not change their favorite Red Sea resorts.

Such love is quite understandable. In the cold season, this was truly the most budget-friendly vacation. Of course, there were complaints about the service, but all inconveniences were compensated by the excellent price, all-inclusive meals and good choice hotels. The language barrier in Egypt is also quite conditional.

You can get to it faster than other exotic resorts. Even if there is no vacation, you can go on weekends, for example, on March 8th. If you fly there on March 5, you'll get a great mini-vacation at sea.

True, March is not the best best time for relaxation in this region: in the evenings it is noticeably cool, and there are often sandstorms. But daytime temperature quite comfortable, you can swim, sunbathe and enjoy seafood.


This country has long been chosen by thousands of Russian tourists.

The main advantage is the reasonable cost: now, among the winter destinations, this is perhaps the most budget-friendly place.

The only accessible alternative is India, but you cannot get there without first obtaining a visa or at least electronic permission. .

However, besides the price, Thailand has something to surprise and delight tourists:

March is a very good time to visit this country. This time ends tourist season and prices are starting to fall, but there are no tropical rains yet. The sea in Thailand is always warm, so this is a great place for families with children. In addition, in March you can go to the Festival kites, which takes place throughout the country.


The country is approximately in the same price category as Thailand. Vietnam is preferred by lovers of a relaxing holiday, as well as families with children. Fans of water sports are also worth flying here, for example, at the Nha Trang resort there is excellent diving.

Even if there is no group tour that is suitable for the price, it is quite possible to visit the country on your own.

Arriving in this country, you can visit:

  • Ancient architectural structures.
  • Ho Chi Minh Garden.
  • The old part of Hanoi.
  • Palace of Independence.
  • Dalat resort.
  • Restaurants, clubs.

There are a number of disadvantages:

  1. Unsanitary conditions.
  2. Tours are expensive.
  3. There are few Russian speaking people.
  4. Local cuisine is very spicy.
  5. Poor quality of roads.
  6. Long flight.


Lovers of this country that seems to have stepped out of the pages oriental tales, after New Year's holidays A surprise awaited: the authorities canceled visas for Russians. It is quite comfortable to relax here in the spring. The sea may not warm up so much, but it is not sweltering. summer heat and you can finally take in all the sights.

Beach holidays here are not among the cheapest, after all. But it won’t be exorbitant either; there are quite a few high-quality 3-star hotels here. This is also a paradise for shopping lovers.

True, it is difficult to find goods for next to nothing in the UAE, but high-quality clothes, equipment, and jewelry can be bought at very reasonable prices.

When is the best time to go on vacation to the UAE by the sea in the video.


This country cannot be called a budget holiday option, but it is worth the money spent. Such a turquoise sea and palm trees bent over it from the Bounty advertisement cannot be found anywhere else.

But this is a great place for a romantic getaway, and the SPA centers at local hotels are considered one of the best in the world.

Bali Island (Indonesia)

This exotic place is a real oasis of peace. Here beautiful nature, friendly local residents and the endless ocean. Spring is a good time to visit the country, but you need to take into account some nuances.


This amazing country is now accessible to Russian tourists. Previously, it was required for Russians, and it was very difficult to obtain it, which was insisted on by a rich and influential neighbor in the person of the United States.

Now for Russians and Ukrainians it is enough to fill out a simple form on the consulate website and receive an electronic entry permit online within 24 hours. It is issued for a period of up to 180 days.

It's really worth going to Mexico. The beaches there are gorgeous, it is no coincidence that the country attracts tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world like a magnet. The most famous resort is Cancun. Nearby are smaller tourist towns - Tulum and Playa del Carmen.

The water in this place in the Caribbean is an unreal color, and the sand is fine and white as powdered sugar.

The only, but significant, disadvantage for Russian tourists is high prices. The proximity of the United States makes itself felt, so there is no need to think about living in Cancun on a budget, unlike, say, Southeast Asia. A double room in a three-star hotel will cost about $100, and about the same for dinner in a restaurant.

You can save money only if you stay not in the tourist part of the city, but in the one where the Mexicans themselves live. However, you will have to go to the beach by bus or taxi.

If you want a more sophisticated holiday, welcome to the Mexican coast Pacific Ocean. Famous resorts Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta have long been favored by bohemians, who treat the motley resort crowd of Cancun with some disdain. The beaches here are inferior to the Atlantic ones, but many are attracted by the atmosphere of this region.

Another option beach holiday, unknown to Russian tourists, - Gulf of Mexico. The water in it does not have the same azure color as in Cancun, but it is just as clean, and the sand is no less snow-white. The Mexicans themselves rest here, plus a small percentage of informed Europeans.

In the resort town of Progresso, located on the bay, there are many inexpensive apartments for rent and beautiful houses of wealthy Mexican residents. The best place to eat is in the coastal palapa restaurants under thatched roofs. Fresh seafood here is three times cheaper than in Cancun.

Of course, it is quite strange to come to Mexico and not visit anywhere except the beach. No matter how nice it is at sea, there is also a very colorful Mexico City, unique Mayan and Aztec pyramids, Indian markets where you can buy souvenirs for pennies... In general, it’s hard to say what Mexico doesn’t have.

Dominican Republic

Flight to Dominican Republic from Moscow

Disadvantages of rest at this time:

  • The weather is sometimes capricious.
  • Long flight.
  • In the evenings, it is better not to go beyond the boundaries of your recreation area.

Entry with an e-visa to Sri Lanka and India

There are several countries with warm sea for a beach holiday, where entry permission can be obtained via the Internet. processed in 2-3 days. can be received 12-48 hours in advance or upon arrival at the country's airport.

Rules for entering India with an e-visa can be found here detailed video.

India (Goa)

Goa is most suitable for a beach holiday, because the humidity makes traveling not very pleasant. The weather at this time is quite hot, so many people advise going here in early March, while it is still comfortable to be outdoors. .

This resort is famous for its beaches, Ayurveda and yoga centers. Here you can visit Hindu temples, waterfalls, and try local cuisine rich in spices. - that's two different worlds. The first has a more developed infrastructure for entertainment, the second has a calmer area for recreation.

Useful video: when is the best time to go to India, Goa - advice from an experienced traveler.

March is the time of awakening of nature. But real warmth is still far away, but I really want it bask in the sun and plunge into the warm, gentle sea elements. Your wish will come true, because there are many wonderful places to go to the sea in March.

Top 10 countries

The name of the country Average daytime air temperature, °C Average water temperature in the sea (ocean), °C Availability of a visa

(+ needed, -no)

Approximate cost, USD*
+29 +29 500-600
+27 +22 450-530
+29 +26 780-950
China (Hainan Island) +25 +26 750-950
+30 +29 1140-1250
India (Goa) +34 +27 + 440-530
+27 +25 950-1150
+33 +29 + 560-620
+23 +22 450-600
Indonesia (Bali) +29 +29 880-1050

*Prices are based on per person who bought a 7-day ticket with departure from Moscow. Prices may vary greatly, please check with your tour operator for exact prices.


List of countries where you can go in March-April, swim and sunbathe, impressive. Let's look at some of the features of these places.

Early spring (late February - early March) - just paradise for holidaymakers. The water is warm, sunny, the stifling heat has not yet set in, and there is practically no rain. The cost of tours is lower compared to the winter price, and there are fewer tourists. Prices for excursions are also reduced. Great option inexpensive holiday. Celebrated in Bangkok in March national thai elephant day, and there is also a festival where kites are flown.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

It's not too hot in March yet comfortable air and water temperature. You can relax by the sea and enjoy the magnificent sights. For lovers active rest Enjoy crab hunting and safaris. And for lovers of shopping at the beginning of spring there is simply freedom there - sales season begins.

During this period the weather is mild, there is no intense heat. There is little rain, and it usually falls at night. For surf lovers, the first month of spring is an ideal time, then the waves will no longer be so big. In March, Vietnamese people celebrate colorful national holidays– festivals Kwan, Kita and others.

The air and water are warm, their temperature is almost the same and very comfortable, the beaches are sandy, in a word, perfect place, to relax.

Of course, vacationing there is, to put it mildly, not cheap. But it's worth it! Sun-drenched beaches, endless azure sea and local exotica. A huge number of excursions and entertainment. Vacationers can enjoy diving, surfing, snorkeling (snorkeling), yachting, water skiing and quad biking - in short, everyone will find something to their liking in this paradise.

Another wonderful place where it is recommended to go in early spring. In March there already by our standards real hot summer. The sea is mesmerizingly beautiful, the sandy beaches are clean and comfortable. You can take fascinating excursions to ancient monuments and visit waterfalls. Those who wish can watch how Shigmo is celebrated - the holiday of farewell to winter, where the aborigines dance, sing and shower everyone around with colorful paints.

In the first month of spring, the dry season continues there. The weather is very comfortable. Since the island is small, you can swim in both the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. There are well-equipped diving centers here. You can not only swim on the waves, but also take pictures of wonderful undersea world. Excursions with piranha hunting, surfing, quad biking, – a full range of entertainment awaits you. You can also admire how Cubans celebrate the festival in Havana. You can also listen to a drum show.

Wonderful weather, warm, gentle sea. Ceylon - that's what the island was called before - is a great place for recuperation and meditation. In the first month of spring, Medin of Peace is celebrated there - a holiday when Buddha is remembered.

March cannot be called ideal for holidays, because there is still precipitation and winds are blowing on the Red Sea coast. But if you don’t like sweltering heat, go to Eilat. There you can swim in the already warm sea, and by the end of winter the rains practically stop there.

A wonderful place, but you need to take into account the peculiarities. There are strong waves in March Therefore, tourists, especially if they have children with them, should carefully choose a place for swimming. But here is a paradise for surfing fans. There are also other types of water sports.

I would also like to say something about Egypt. The country has long been known to Russians as a wonderful place for budget vacation, including with children. It's quite warm there in March. The air temperature during the day is about 25 degrees, the water temperature is 22. But at this time it is blowing strong wind khamsin, who brings sandstorms and can ruin your entire vacation. However, if you are not going to leave the hotel, you can have a good rest in Egypt. A visa for tourists is issued upon arrival. The cost of an all-inclusive package for 7 days per person is 300-700 USD.

Vacation with children

In March, schoolchildren go on vacation, and this week is... a great opportunity to take them to the sea:

  • . In March, the temperature is comfortable, suitable even for children. Children will not get bored: on the territory of coastal hotels there is everything for an active holiday - beautiful beaches, water parks, playrooms, playgrounds;
  • . The warm sea, educational excursions - all this will become an unforgettable experience for the child;
  • . It is believed that the best holiday with children in this Indian state is from October to March. You and your children will have time to take advantage of the last cool days, swim in the Arabian Sea and attend many excursions;
  • . There are many hotels on the island aimed at family tourism.


Main document required for travel - international passport. Its registration takes up to 4 months. In exceptional (force majeure) situations, registration is possible in a few days, but you will be issued an old-style passport. It is valid for 5 years, while the new biometric passport is valid for 10 years.

The passport must not expire before at least 90 days after arrival in the country.

  • Without a visa you can stay in Thailand, the Maldives, Cuba, Bali - up to 30 days. In Vietnam - no more than 15, in Israel - 90;
  • As of February 2017, a preliminary visa to the UAE is not required, but you must get it at the airport upon arrival. Issued free of charge for a period of 30 days;
  • No visa is required for Hainan in advance., but only if you are flying as part of a group of tourists. You can stay on the island for a maximum of 21 days. If you want to travel to other cities in China, or have chosen a different hotel than the one where your tourist group is staying, you will need to obtain a visa upon arrival. It costs about $70 and will be open for 15 days. Only those Russian citizens who arrive on direct flights from any Russian city receive it. Those who have had transplants in other countries will not be able to obtain a visa. Those arriving on the island on their own must apply for a visa at least 5 days before the departure date to visa centers or the Chinese Embassy;
  • To enter Sri Lanka, you must first fill out a form on And obtain an electronic permit to stay in the country for up to 30 days;
  • When going to Goa, you need fill out the form on the website Within 72 hours, you should be issued an electronic permit to stay in India for up to 30 days. The permit is printed and must be presented at the airport upon arrival. You will be issued a single-entry visa.


It’s profitable to purchase tours for March, since the next influx of tourists is expected only for the May holidays. Tour operators can reduce prices by up to 30%.

Countries where holidays are relatively cheap are Israel, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Egypt.

Go on vacation in the first month of spring, and you will get a lot of unforgettable impressions, recharge yourself with health and positive emotions that will help you survive the gray and slushy period of the Russian off-season.

Spring is the most the right time restore immunity at seaside resorts under the gentle southern sun. However, not all resorts familiar to Russian tourists open their swimming season in March. In most warm countries, with the beginning of spring comes low season, so you can relax at this time inexpensively.

The best "beach" countries in spring

March and April are the best time for a beach holiday in Asia - there is no stuffy and hot smog yet, but the sea has already warmed up to a comfortable temperature. In the tropics of the Northern Hemisphere, this is the dry season and a favorable time not only for swimming, but also for excursions.

The last month of the high season in countries tropical zone– this is March, since April there has been a drop in demand for this direction.

In May, it begins to rain in most resort countries. However, this does not really frighten those who tolerate it well. high temperature and air humidity. Top countries for a seaside holiday in March and April:

Russian tourists do not need a visa to the listed countries, which allows them to fly abroad on vacation on a last-minute, and therefore cheaper, tour. The list can include Australia and Hainan Island in China, Goa and Sri Lanka, but you will need to issue an entry document there.

In May, the season opens at Mediterranean resorts and spring holiday opportunities expand to include European and North African countries, as well as resorts on the Red Sea. A stream of tourists flocks to Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Montenegro, and Bulgaria. The weather there is completely summer, and the sea is warmed up to 20-22°C. The beaches of Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco are filling up. In Israel and Jordan, the beach season begins in April.

Holidays in the Arab East

The United Arab Emirates is a holiday destination for people with above-average incomes, although unassuming backpackers can find budget accommodation options here too. In terms of service, the UAE outshines all Arab resorts, delighting and surprising connoisseurs of oriental exoticism.

Cool winter by Middle Eastern standards gives way to moderate winter warm March(24-25°C) and hot April (up to 34°C). The water in the Persian Gulf in March is not yet warmed up - only 20-22°C. But those who “drew” into the warmth from cold winter To Russians it seems quite suitable for swimming. It’s another matter in April, when the water reaches 27°C and heated pools no longer attract anyone. In May, the air temperature already rises to 37°C.

Kingdom of Thailand

From March to the end of May, the weather in Thailand is hot - the air temperature stays at 34-37°C, the water in all resorts is heated to 30°C. The usual holiday destinations of Russians - Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, Krabi, Phi Phi - are blown by a light sea breeze at this time, and the central and northern provinces are already covered by the humid stuffiness of the approaching rainy season.

It is better to postpone excursions at this time and prefer boat trips and water activities - diving, snorkeling and simply swimming in the sea, warm as fresh milk. In March and April it becomes completely calm, high waves rarely rise. May is not the best time to visit Phuket and Krabi. The weather deteriorates and can change several times during the day, and storms come to the sea.

Cambodia – a discovery for Russian tourists

The Kingdom of Cambodia still remains a new beach destination for our tourists. Most people come here to see the Angkor temple complex. And few people get to the beautiful resort town of Sihanoukville, a popular holiday destination for Europeans. Even though Cambodia and Thailand are neighbors, their weather is slightly different. Temperatures are approximately the same, but the Cambodian air is a little drier and the heat is easier to bear.

Daytime temperatures are 33-35°C, night temperatures drop to 22-23°C. The sea, especially near the shore, is almost hot. Despite the fact that it is very hot here from March to May, spring is considered a continuation of the high season.

In May, with the arrival of rains, rest is no longer so comfortable - the sea begins to storm and sometimes with heavy rainfall, water floods the coastal strip.

The beaches of Sihanoukville are famous throughout the world for their beauty; by the way, one of them - Victory - belongs to a Russian family. The city beach is one large bar-restaurant. If you want to go to a paradise or go diving or snorkeling, go to the islands. The main advantage of the resort of Sihanoukville is its fantastically low prices compared to neighboring Vietnam and Thailand.

Spring season in Vietnam

Beaches in early spring best resorts Vietnam is emptying out - the holiday season for Russian-speaking tourists is ending. This is especially noticeable in Nha Trang. English and French speech can be heard more on the streets, and the crowds of Chinese celebrating their New Year at least a month. Europeans consider March and April to be the velvet season.

In spring, it’s good to relax in Nha Trang with a child – the sea gradually calms down, the water heats up to 27-28°C and swimming becomes safe for children.

The first spring months are dry, there is almost no rain. The heat is gradually increasing, but the brisk wind from the sea prevents the stuffiness from covering the city. By May it becomes very hot in Fukuoka - up to 40°C, in Mui Ne it is a little cooler - up to 33-35°C. At the end of spring, you can relax in Vietnamese resorts relatively cheaply. Hotels and restaurants sharply reduce prices closer to summer.

Philippine spring

Spring Philippines is a paradise. Storms and hurricanes are left behind. White sand, slender rows of palm trees, gentle sea and not very hot sun - this is what attracts tourists here. At this time, the resorts are filled with Europeans, Japanese and Chinese. Russians take last place on this list.

March brings dry hot weather– 33-34°C. Those who cannot stand the humid stuffiness should avoid resorts on the east coast. The first month of spring is suitable for those who like a quiet, measured holiday. Domestic prices are gradually decreasing, and flights remain the most expensive item in the vacation budget.

In April, humid heat approaches the islands, so those with vascular problems and low blood pressure are better off avoiding the trip. The thermometer rarely drops below 35°C; only a hotel room or green bays can protect you from the scorching sun. Vacation prices remain at the same level.

It is better to spend your May holiday on west coast Philippines, other regions become unsuitable for comfortable rest. In addition, the rainy season is beginning in the country. At this time, tours and plane tickets become cheaper, and you can fly on vacation for a very reasonable price.

The Maldives is consistently distinguished warm weather during the whole year. Spring is the last chance to relax in a paradise before the onset of summer storms. At the beginning of March, strong winds blow on the islands, which can cause rough seas. But the weather remains dry and sunny. By the middle of the month, the winds subside and surf lovers flock to the island.

March is the continuation of the high season, so vacation prices have not yet decreased.

In April, short-term rains begin, the amount of sunny days. Ends high season. April is the hottest month of the year, the air warms up to 37°C. At the beginning and end of May, winds blow over the islands. The middle is quite suitable for a beach holiday, as the heat subsides a little.

Beach holidays in Argentina

Argentina is not only a country ancient history And natural wonders, but also a great beach holiday on the coast Atlantic Ocean. This is an antipodean country, our spring months are the Argentine autumn. The high season here lasts from December to early April. In the eastern resorts of the country - in Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires - the weather is moderately warm - 24-27°C. True, the water is colder than in Asian resorts - only 19-22°C.

The only spring month suitable for a seaside holiday is March. Luxury hotels offer heated swimming pools and a lot of interesting excursions around the country instead of the cooling sea. By the end of March, prices for tours are reduced by almost half. A beach holiday in Buenos Aires can be combined with exploring this amazing city - the most European metropolis Latin America and the capital of passionate tango.

Mexico - a country for active recreation

Another Latin American country where you can fly in the spring is Mexico. March is not always suitable for a beach holiday. The temperature at this time can fluctuate from 17 to 30°C. The most stable weather is in Acapulco (29°C) and Mexico City (27°C). In March, tours to Mexico begin to become cheaper, unlike plane tickets. This month is perfect for active sightseeing trips.

Mexican spring is considered the most favorable time for a beach holiday on the Caribbean coast.

In April, the air temperature gradually rises, but the last week of the month is marred by frequent showers. In May it is already very hot and rainy. But prices drop significantly and the resorts are not overcrowded with tourists.

Spring on Liberty Island

March and April are high season in Cuba. At this time there is practically no rain. The air temperature is very comfortable (up to 26°C), with the exception of two resorts - Trinidad and Santiago de Cuba. There the air heats up to 30°C. True, the coolness of the evening in March still forces you to dress warmer after sunset.

In April it gets hotter and the nights become quite warm. The wind that rises closer to the rainy season attracts surfers to Cuban beaches. Best vacation at this time - on the Atlantic coast, it is not as hot there as in the Caribbean resorts. The May heat is combined with frequent but short-lived rains in the afternoon.

The climatic diversity of our planet allows you to relax on the beaches of the best resorts at any time of the year. Advantage spring months– reduction in the flow of tourists and prices for vacations.

A list of 17 countries where to go on vacation in March, where it is warm and a beach holiday is possible. Description of each country, prices for tours, hotels, air tickets. The most interesting excursions. Where to go in March without a visa.

17 countries where to go on a beach holiday in March

The calendar winter is already slowly losing ground, but outside the window there is still frost, rain, slush, and spring is felt only in the soul. It's time to take a vacation and go somewhere by the sea. But which direction is better to choose, I will tell you in this article.

Where is the best place to go in March? First of all, you need to decide on the type of vacation that you will like. Do you just want to relax and sunbathe on the beach, or do you prefer surfing full of drive and adrenaline? The budget allocated for vacation also imposes its own adjustments.

Where to go in March without a visa

You won’t be able to go somewhere far without a passport, so it’s better to take care of obtaining this document in advance. But the list of visa-free countries is quite wide and there is plenty to choose from:

You can stay in these countries for up to 30 days without a visa.

Also included in this list of warm and visa-free countries:

  • (up to 15 days)
  • (90 days)
  • (180 days)

And in the morning the sea is so quiet

Remember this children's poem? Indeed, the morning sea is somehow special, when the air is still filled with coolness, and the beaches are deserted, “the song of the surf is barely audible.” These sounds and sensations are worth waking up early for.

March is a good month to go on vacation. When winter is still in full swing in Russia, you can fly a few hours, plunge into real summer, recharge with vitamin D and enjoy an abundance of fruits. In addition, the high tourist season has not yet begun, and in March you can relax without unnecessary fuss and crowds. The decrease in interest in travel forces tour operators to reduce prices, and you can purchase a package tour on fairly favorable terms (the difference between January and March tours can be up to 30%).

For a beach holiday in March, most people turn their attention to Asia.


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  • during the day 29-31°;
  • at night 21°;
  • the water temperature does not fall below 27°.

If you are going on vacation for no longer than a couple of weeks, choose a package tour; an independent trip will be more expensive. You can find last minute trips and relax for 2 weeks for 60,000 rubles. for two and more, of course.


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Another popular destination is Thailand. The weather is nice on sunny days, but it rarely rains this month. The water temperature off the coast warms up to 27°C. Many people do not like Thailand because of the stifling heat, which is poorly tolerated by our compatriots due to the high humidity. So in March the air is moderately dry and easy to breathe.

Prices for both the tour packages themselves and tourist goods (souvenirs, excursions, etc.) decrease in March, and even a family with an average income can afford to fly to Thailand for a couple of weeks. So, for mid-March you can find seven-day tours for two to the island of Phuket starting from 85,000 rubles.


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If you prefer to relax not only with your body, but also with your soul, then where else can you do this if not in India? Goa is a beautiful corner of our planet, which combines a tourist paradise with unbridled fun and ancient temples. The flight to Goa from Moscow takes about 7.5 hours.

Just in March, Goa hosts Shigmo festival, tourists are treated to parades and paint throwing. It's certainly fun and will bring out the child in any adult. Take light, breathable clothes with you, or buy a national outfit right here (they are quite wearable, as they are made mainly of cotton and silk, and the patterns are simple).

About the weather in March:

  • at midday 31-36°;
  • at night 23-25°;
  • at sea 28-29°

Prices for tours start from 47,000 rubles. for two. You can save even more on your trip by booking early or tracking last-minute tours.

Where else is it warm in March?

Sri Lanka

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Here, only Sri Lanka can seriously compete with Goa with its warm sea and consistently good weather. The beach season is in full swing, the water warms up to 30 degrees, you can swim with your children and not worry that they will freeze.

Sri Lanka will surprise you not only with the warmest sea, I recommend visiting the elephant nursery, Royal Botanical Garden in Piradeniya, Spice Garden. It is better to go on an excursion with an experienced guide, and enjoy the beauties of the country and savor the impressions while listening to fascinating stories.


  • during the daytime 29-33°;
  • at night 23-25°;
  • sea ​​water 28°.

You can buy tours for two from 90,000 rubles.


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Traditional sales season begins in early March in another warm country - in United Arab Emirates. The weather at this time is simply wonderful for a tourist; the tedious heat has not yet begun, but nevertheless it is quite warm (up to +25°C). Locals have not yet risked opening the swimming season, but tourists do not deny themselves the pleasure of swimming (although the water cannot be called warm, +20°C), and the first surfing enthusiasts appear.

It’s nice to sunbathe on the beach; the sun is still gentle and doesn’t burn. Sea holiday It can be perfectly combined with excursions around the emirates, the pearl of which will be Dubai.


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Türkiye is a favorite destination for budget tourists. But if you plan to go swimming, then go here no earlier than the end of March. It won’t be hot at sea in March, the water is cold, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to swim. To extend the holiday season, enterprising hotel owners have built swimming pools and are filling them sea ​​water, warm it up and get comfortable warm conditions for relax. Nights in Turkey are chilly, so take warm clothes with you.

Tourists who come to Turkey on holiday in March note low prices. You can purchase a ticket to a luxury hotel, combine walks and excursions with relaxation in spa salons.

Helpful advice

Save on housing by renting an apartment from a local with Airbnb. Get 2100 rub. as a gift for your first booking.

Where to fly inexpensively to the seaside in March

If you are looking for an inexpensive holiday, then it won’t be difficult for a tour operator to find budget tours to the sea in March. At the same time, a cheap holiday in March will be comparable to a decent holiday in a 4-star hotel during the high season on an all-inclusive basis. Low prices apply not only to the tours themselves and hotel accommodation, but also the prices on the ground are pleasing - cafes, restaurants, clubs, souvenirs. Everything becomes much cheaper.

China, Hainan

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Another place where a beach holiday will be wonderful is Hainan Island in China. The air temperature is 30°C and the water temperature is 25°C. If you are planning to go abroad not only for a budget holiday, but also for treatment, then you will definitely like it here, Chinese practices improve your health and get rid of the winter blues.

True, it is worth recognizing that many people want to relax on a budget, and there are a lot of tourists in March.

Tours to Hainan in the low season cost 60,000 rubles.


© archer10 / / CC BY 2.0

Among the countries where it is profitable to fly in March is, of course, Egypt. This is a great place for a family holiday with children. The water in the sea has not yet reached summer temperatures, but you can already swim. During the day at and up to 25°C. And given the developed infrastructure of hotels with their water parks, spas and other entertainment, you simply can’t get to the beach, everything is so interesting inside the hotels.

Air and water temperature:

  • during the day up to 28°;
  • nights are cooler - up to 16°;
  • at sea 23-25°.

Last minute tours from 25,000 rubles, the average cost of a package tour is about 60,000 rubles.


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Where else to go on vacation in March if not to Cyprus? Watching the awakening of nature in Cyprus is also a great idea. On the island, fruit trees are everywhere and when they begin to bloom, it is not only visually beautiful, the air is filled with subtle aromatic notes.

For now, only the most seasoned will be able to swim here. Although the air temperature is about 25°C during the day, it is still cool at night, so the water temperature does not exceed 20°C.


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Rich in impressions excursion holiday it will work in Israel. But the weather here varies from place to place. To visit Jerusalem, it is better to dress warmly, since during the day it is about +15C, when the swimming season in Eilat has already started, but so far only the most courageous are discovering it. The water temperature is still at +20C.

Last minute all-inclusive packages can be found from RUB 36,000.

Dominican Republic

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The Dominican Republic will delight you with an exotic holiday. In March, the high tourist season has not yet ended; it is quite hot, 30-32°C. This is one of best places for active recreation - water skiing, diving, sport fishing. The opportunity to swim with dolphins will bring great pleasure.

Prices for tours are consistently high, plan to spend at least 100,000 rubles. for a trip for two.


© MarionBB / / CC BY 2.0

Cuba is on the same list of countries for a holiday with drive. March here is hot, up to 30°C, and the water is warm - 27°C. Tours to the Caribbean are selling like hotcakes. The tourism sector in Cuba is developing at an accelerated pace, and there is simply a lot of entertainment - diving, surfing, water skiing, etc. Don’t miss the opportunity to go on an excursion and get to know this amazing country, where people, despite obvious poverty, look very happy. It will be difficult not to succumb to the rhythms of rumba, salsa, cha-cha-cha. People dance here always and everywhere.

Among the features of Cuba are long flights and prices for tours from 150,000 rubles.


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You can go on vacation to the Maldives in early or mid-March; summer is already in full swing here, so don’t forget to put it in your purse sunscreen. There is a lot of entertainment offered here both at sea (surfing, diving, water skiing, banana boat) and in hotels (spa treatments, sauna, massage will allow you to relax and feel renewed). It is in the Maldives that you can go to a desert island and feel like Robinson Crusoe. and Palawan, Negros and Mindoro. The air temperature reaches 30 degrees.

Summer is here to stay in the Philippines. This is where you can enjoy beautiful views- waterfalls, rivers, volcanoes, gardens. Prices for tours to Philippine resorts, alas, are not so affordable, as demand remains high.

Prices for tours in March from 140,000 rubles.


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March in Tunisia is still cool for a beach holiday, but now is the time to get acquainted with the culture, history, and majestic architectural monuments by visiting excursions. You can go on a desert safari for several days. Prices for March tours are low; you can only take a walk by the sea.

Take summer and winter clothes, as the temperature during the day is about +16°C, and at night +4°C. It rains frequently. If you have a long vacation, don't miss the chance to explore the country.

In order to have a wonderful holiday abroad, it does not have to happen in the summer. In March you can discover many countries, now you know where to go abroad in March.
