How to transfer energy over a distance. How energy is transferred from person to person

There are several variations of energy exchange on which any relationship between people is built.

Vampirism - a person receives the life energy of another, appropriating it for himself.

There are 2 types of energy vampirism:

The first and most common is destructive.

Distinctive features:

  • Complaints.
  • Nagging
  • Controversy
  • Psychological pressure or coercion

A generally negative outlook on life, the goal is to transfer it to another person. It’s no coincidence that when he finally speaks out, his energy will increase, but the interlocutor’s mood, on the contrary, will drop, and the feeling will be approximately as if he was unloading the cars. The interlocutor suffers.

A family with this type of relationship will be quite unhappy; the one who acts as an energy victim and in the future will strive to compensate for what has been lost through a similar model of behavior, that is, by taking energy from the other.

Second - healing.

This is usually observed in the professional sphere. Such vampires deliberately take away the client’s negative energy in order to ease his psychological well-being. Social workers, medical personnel, psychotherapists are prime examples of such sponge people. Often, due to lack of experience, such vampires suffer from psychological burden.

Sacrifice - a person losing his energy in favor of another

Circulation - both sides give and receive the same amount of energy from each other.

This can be briefly explained by the fact that in the process of interaction no one is left in the red. Typically this type of exchange occurs when there is good rapport and relative harmony between people. Communication is comfortable and not burdensome for everyone.

If such relationships take place in marriage, then this is simply wonderful. The husband and wife in this case are mutually polite, caring, and friendly.

Neutrality - there is no contact with energy exchange

This type is characteristic of people who are closed from the world and who are focused on themselves for a certain period of time. Energy is not given or received; we can say that this is a break from interaction.

How do chakras work?

The beginning of the exchange of energies in a couple occurs even before its formation, at first sight, and intensifies as the relationship develops. Gradually the man and woman begin to work as one system, and their biofields unite. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the functioning diagram of the chakras.

The first chakra is Muladhara

It provides vitality, vitality, security and stability. A man gives energy.

Physiologically, the chakras are represented by the genitals, and not by chance. Men have everything on the outside, and women have everything on the inside. This is a clear indicator that the male energy here is in excess, while his partner’s energy is in short supply. This is explained by the fact that a representative of the stronger sex must provide for the woman comfortable conditions life and protection. And in return the woman receives reliability and confidence in procreation and creation strong family.

Interesting fact: If male energy is not enough or it is not fully realized, negative trends in relationships begin - jealousy, aggression, infidelity, weakening of male reproductive health.

Second chakra - Svadhisthana

Responsible for procreation and sexuality. The woman gives energy.

Energy is transferred to the partner through sexual relations. The energy potential is in abundance.

Interesting fact: In the case when a woman does not want to share excess energy, this can lead to nymphomania or a number of gynecological diseases, and the man will begin to look for her on the side.

Advice: If a woman does not have a life partner, then her sexual energy is blocked and needs to be redirected to other chakras located higher. By correctly using this energy potential, you can succeed, for example, in society or at work. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that this is only a temporary solution, since loneliness cannot be maintained for a long time.

Why might there be no female sexual energy?

« Psychological marriage"with your father or son, that is, giving attention to other important men, forgetting about your husband.

"Unfinished connection" with previous partners

Third chakra - Manipura

A man gives energy.

A man can become a giver only by receiving the optimal amount of female energy. Characteristic results successful work of this chakra are: power, authority, advancement career ladder, the family is enriched, and harmony comes to the house.

Interesting fact: Otherwise, energy begins to have a destructive influence - vindictiveness, greed, cruelty, then diseases of the gastrointestinal tract come.

Fourth chakra - Anahata

Responsible for unconditional love and acceptance

A woman gives energy.

The heart is not only metaphorically the source of love. The principle here is: “The more you give, the more you receive.” Moreover, this energy of female tenderness and sensitivity should be transmitted to the world as a whole, and not just to a man. If we talk about a partner, the recipient will feel such an energetic message even at a distance, and the man will become much more romantic, pushing instincts into the background.

Fifth chakra - Vishuddha

As you might have guessed, a man gives energy.

It is no coincidence that men have their Adam’s apple in this place; this is one of the indicators of the giver. Received through the fourth chakra, the energy manifests itself in easy, harmonious and unbreakable relationships. And the liberated energy flow of a woman can be productively directed towards creativity and self-development.

In the fifth center, a man gives a woman the energy of admiration and compliments. No wonder they say that a woman loves with her ears. This can be an admiring look, gentle words, active actions, hugs, pinching, massage and other types of substantive attention. If this is not the case, the woman will “go outside” to make up for the lack of attention. If a man doesn’t like something about a woman, he needs to praise what he likes. Finding something to praise for is the most important creative task for a man. And praise sincerely! It's in his own interests!

If all chakras are implemented successfully, then the last two come into play: ajna and sahasrara.

As a result, the “energy of abundance” will come in the form of real joy, love, health, prosperity, success and happiness.

Thus, a woman through the sixth chakra conveys to a man her sensitivity and foresight of events. She warns him against troubles and troubles.

Through the seventh center, a man transmits to his beloved the energy of the cosmos, which comes through sahasrara. And svathisthana - the energy of the earth is transmitted by a woman.

The energy of space is what a couple strives for, dreams, desires in the form of, for example, material assets. And a woman helps turn this into reality.

Energy exchange in relationships.

The exchange of energies occurs in full with the onset of an intimate relationship, when the connection between a man and a woman becomes truly strong. At this moment, the biofields unite.

Interesting fact: there is an opinion that a couple who engages in sexual activity with each other automatically becomes spouses on an energetic level for the rest of their lives.

And before the exchange of energies, attraction occurs, and, oddly enough, it is more active with virgins. Because any sexual contact leaves an imprint on a person’s energy. And the more sexual partners there were, the weaker the chakras work, they are like holes in the energy field. It’s the same in families where betrayal occurs. The bond between the original husband and wife couple breaks down, betrayal is felt physically, emotionally and spiritually, and the energy circulating in the marriage is diverted.

Advice: pay attention to clean energy! It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they said: “No, no, until the wedding.” By and large, this was a warning about possible suffering due to wasteful waste energy flows.

Please note that man and woman are different in nature. There are a lot of men, even if you think about the number of sperm during intercourse, therefore, they are often polygamous if the energy from one woman is not enough for them. But women are monogamous by nature, so in a month only one egg matures in the female body, and the choice falls in favor of one man, to whom the energy is given in full.

How to restore lost energy?

  1. It is necessary to master relaxation and relaxation techniques.
  2. But you can work both with yourself and by interacting with the healing power of nature. For example, walk outside more often, if you can, then go to the countryside or to another country on vacation.
  3. Be creative: sing, play instruments, draw, dance. Look for inspiration!
  4. Have fun, look for new places, don’t be lazy to diversify your work active recreation.
  5. Since the modern world is saturated with information, and redundant and useless information, turn it off at least for a while virtual reality. The Internet, constant chats, communication, business takes an incredible amount of energy. You need to be able to abstract yourself and enjoy life. Otherwise, you can end up with emotional devastation.

So, to summarize, we can summarize the main points. Energy is what a person lives with, creates, creates, so it needs to be treated with care. To do this, first of all, you need not to waste it, wisely choose your social circle that would meet the criteria of comfort and allow energy to recover, not forgetting to relax alone with yourself or nature.

What to do if you want to help another person, but:

  • You are far away
  • Not enough time, no way to be around
  • He doesn't want to accept help

It's no secret that the life of our loved ones is not always beautiful and cloudless. There are also difficult situations. At such moments, very often a person needs help, support or the feeling that someone is nearby, that at least someone in this world cares. For example, you know that a person important to you has a difficult day tomorrow: an interview, an exam, difficult negotiations, and it definitely wouldn’t hurt him to feel supported. But being close to him won't work. Maybe because of the distance, or maybe because of social norms. It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate it if a man comes to a job interview with his wife as support. Or a friend was fired from work, she broke up with her loved one, she feels very bad. You don't always have the opportunity to sit next to them and hold their hand. But I want and need to support and help. Or if your loved one is in prolonged depression, then this technique is almost the only way to help him. Sometimes you need support to a loved one when he is very far from you. This technique works great in all of these cases.

Who can be helped with this technique?

Of course, to your loved ones - children, loved ones, friends. And you can help complete strangers.

The beauty of this technique is that it is not necessary to ask the recipient. If this does not suit a person, his energy simply will not accept your support.

How will this help the person you are making the technique for?

  • Your mood will improve
  • There will be more energy
  • Faith in yourself and the world will return
  • There will be a feeling of support
  • The person will feel and remember that he is not alone
  • Possible healing effect

Thanks to your help, the recipient will have the strength to do something, to somehow change their situation. A person will be able to overcome difficult life circumstances more easily.


You should not do this technique if you are expecting applause, gratitude or something in exchange, if you think that you need such a package more, if you are not ready to share.

How to do the technique


The resource contains a lot of energy, excellent mood, and a state of harmony.

You feel that you are part of the world, and the world is part of you.

What to do

  1. Make an ATS. This is highly desirable, but not required.
  2. Close your eyes. You can do the technique with with open eyes, but at first it’s better to do it with closed ones.
  3. If you know a person, then create an image of him in your mind's eye.
  4. Go through this image and reach out to the person.
  5. Wait until you feel connected. Maybe pictures will come of this person, maybe there will be a feeling of warmth, a feeling of contact.
  6. Create the positive energy you want to send to the person. It can be in the form of a ball, in the form of a figurine, an image. It's different for everyone. You can put in the message the energy of love, joy, the thought that everything will be fine, just support, strength, a feeling of harmony, the thought that after dark times bright ones will surely come, that a person is not alone, that the support of the World is always with him, even if he doesn't remember this.
  7. Send the generated energy object via the communication channel. IMPORTANT! There is no need to watch how a person receives it, how he feels, there is no need to pull this object towards the recipient. This is the state when you dropped a letter into the mailbox. The postman himself will deliver the letter to the addressee. Fortunately, this mail works without problems.

If you are not familiar with the person, then just look at something associated with him. In our case, I give the person’s story in his own words, his experiences and his situation. This is enough to reach this person. But I'm leaving an additional hint. It's easier. During the technique, remember his words, his situation. Reach out to the person through it.

Errors. What not to do

  • Fear that they chose the wrong person, contacted the wrong person
  • Check if you received
  • Worry that they could cause harm
  • Expect something in return

By the way, about getting something in return. Believe me, you will definitely be rewarded. The world always maintains balance. Just don’t wait for this and present the bill to the World: “I helped two people, but where is the help for me,” or “well, I wanted a car, not a new acquaintance”...

Danger to you

There is only danger if you yourself have little energy. There is no need to de-energize yourself and give away your last. This will not benefit either you or the recipient.

You should not be afraid that you will “get involved” with this person energetically. To prevent this from happening, it is enough not to track your gift. To create a strong energy channel, considerable effort is needed. In the technique I gave, you don't do even 3% of this effort.

You should not be afraid that in response to this connection you will receive negativity from a person. To get negative energy out of a person, you still have to try. Those who have ever made castings or transfer techniques know this very well.

Is it possible to cause harm using this technique?

The beauty is that if a person is not in serious physical condition, then it is impossible to harm. You are not forcing your gift. And, if your support is friendly and useful to a person, he will accept it; if not, then his energy body will not allow energy that is not useful to him to pass through.

You should be careful with this technique if your loved one is undergoing surgery, or during an exacerbation of a chronic illness. At this moment, his natural energy protection may be damaged. And here you can accidentally cause harm.

What to do if it doesn't work out

If you feel that the technique did not work out, you can repeat it immediately or after a while. Just check that you are still in the resource.

For a person to fully exist in this world, he needs good health with sufficiently powerful energy. But what does it really look like? healthy man? If it’s hard to wake up in the morning, there is lethargy during the day, and in the evening you don’t want anything, but just everything to fall on the sofa in front of the TV - this indicates that there is no health. Energy, in this case, is only enough to maintain a measured life. But imagine a bent old woman walking, barely moving her legs. But then something incredible happens: a great idea comes to her mind, and she suddenly jumps up, runs, then jumps high and cuts the air with her hand, shouting “Yes!” This is how a healthy person truly feels.

How energy is transferred

Physiological energy is expended only on action. And the free energy circulating in the body determines vitality, mood, aspiration, and is radiated into the surrounding space. Its deficiency leads to various diseases. A significant waste of free energy is caused by: stress, negative thoughts and emotions - anger, hatred. Various energy “loans”, such as alcohol, tobacco, etc. Tense muscles - they impede the circulation of free energy flows. Its normal course is distorted. Because of this, interference is introduced into the field radiation. For example, an internally tense person, finding himself in a relaxed company and without saying a word, can immediately change the general mood. This tension seems to hang in the air; This is how people, without realizing it, perceive negative energy.

Conversely, a person in good health, full of free energy, attracts everything positive. He is interested in everything, he is aware of everything that is happening. You are drawn to him, it is easy and calm with him. People feel at ease with such a person and don’t even know why. This is how positive energy is transmitted.

But all this happens mostly arbitrarily. It takes some awareness to intentionally transmit your energy to others. The life of any person is nothing more than a dream and he is at the mercy of circumstances. Having realized this and awakened, he begins to influence the course of events. The power of intention lies in awareness. And a person always has this power at his disposal, if he remembers it. Therefore, in order to intentionally transfer energy to others, you must first have enough of it and have a conscious intention to influence what is happening around you.


  • Restoring human energy

Surely you have noticed that after communicating with some people you feel like a squeezed lemon: drowsiness, loss of strength, yawning, sometimes mild depression and headache. All of these symptoms are classic signs of loss of energy. There is an energy vampire next to you. And here we need to act radically—to fight.


It is necessary to understand who exactly from the environment is fueled by your energy. Very often people you always thought best friends, good friends or sociable acquaintances, may turn out to be energy vampires. Should be paid Special attention to the following alarming ones: you suddenly notice an unexpected irritation and want to end communication with the person as soon as possible, you intuitively feel unprotected, during the conversation a feeling of a psychological attack arises, you begin to feel cold and tired. If a friend constantly starts talking about how bad his life is, without doing anything to correct the situation, be on the alert, it looks like you have encountered an energy vampire.

If the energy one is trying to lure you into an unpleasant conversation, try remaining silent or even smiling. Stay away from the problems of your interlocutor, do not let him transfer all the negativity onto you. All he needs is a reaction, which is what feeds this kind of people. Learn to abstract yourself from the sensations and your own emotions that arise during communication. Look at the whole situation from the outside.

The vampire may choose another tactic - to anger you. Try to think about something else at this moment, don’t get angry, even if they try to get under your skin. After all, anger deprives a person vital energy, allowing the vampire to get plenty of food. Fatigue and irritation from communicating with an energy vampire can be relieved with the help of films, favorite music, books, poems or aromatic oils. After contact with a negative person, take a contrast shower and drink sweet hot tea. Take a walk in a park or forest; trees can take away bad energy and transform it into positive energy.

Break the connection between the victim (yourself) and the energy vampire. Place it visually under a transparent dome. To do this, you need to imagine a negative person under an inverted can who cannot reach you. In general, the most effective protection from the energetic – this is the cessation of all kinds of communication with him.

Related article

Each person has his own energy potential. Life forces are given for a specific task. But there is a condition when you are constantly tired and don’t want to do anything. This is a sign of loss of energy, its incorrect expenditure. It is important to understand how strength is restored and spent in order to learn not to give this resource to others.

Today in the world there are many ways to spend energy: from habitual physical labor to artificially induced emotional experiences. If you regularly give more than you can make up for, a loss of strength, depression, or even apathy occurs. And they can even lead to physical illness.

How a person spends and replenishes energy

Life energy is replenished different ways, for example, regular meals. A proper diet fills you with vigor and gives you strength to live on. Communicating with nature allows you to get a new charge, because after a weekend by the lake or river, after a vacation by the sea, a feeling of lightness and freshness remains for a long time. Meditation helps you get back some of what you spent during the day. And relaxation, sex and creativity give new strength.

They take away energy negative emotions, experiences, complaints. Leakage occurs due to overwork, insufficient sleep, and constant stress. Any conflicts, quarrels, disputes help to get rid of strength. And then there are people who deliberately provoke people in order to piss them off. Any way out of balance leads to costs; even strong joy is then replaced by devastation.

It is necessary to balance energy consumption and receipt. That is why a person alternates work and rest, wakefulness and sleep. You also need to regularly let go of all thoughts, replacing them with contemplation of something, use activity and passivity in turn. Only alignment will make you feel good. If you deny yourself vacation, don’t sleep for many hours and eat semi-finished foods, problems cannot be avoided.

How to save energy

Don't give energy to the world unnecessarily. For example, don't watch emotional films. Joy, tears, fear, sympathy - this is an outburst vitality. People think that a movie before bed will help them relax, but in fact it only completely takes away the remaining energy and de-energizes the system.

Do not participate in quarrels and conflicts of any kind. Usually this is also a way to take away the energy of others. Energy vampires feel a surge of energy after any clash with someone; they “use” other people’s feelings as fuel. These people have absolutely no strength to exist; they have lost the opportunity to live harmoniously. There is no need to encourage them. If someone provokes you, imagine that there is a brick wall between you. Usually a person loses interest after this image arises.

Don't try to control everything around you. The desire to know everything, to observe what is happening is a concern for oneself and others. This emotion also takes energy. Stop worrying, live in the moment, don't look ahead.

Do not use stimulant medications. They give vigor, but after them comes a period of loss of strength. It’s as if they are borrowing energy from the future, but then you will give it back anyway. Alcohol acts in exactly the same way, because a morning hangover does not allow you to be in shape.

Find out for yourself ways to waste and restore energy. Some people like reading books, and this gives them energy, while others are stimulated by jogging or water treatments. Find your methods so that at any moment you can recharge and move on. And give up what takes your strength, don’t waste your wealth on useless activities.

Tip 4: Why do we need conflicts or energy vampirism?

All human actions are performed to obtain energy. Its main source is emotions. Those who receive energy from negativity are called energy vampires.

Why do we need conflicts or energy vampirism?

Everything in the world is done to obtain energy.

Emotions give us energy. Many people, when communicating with each other, experience positive emotions and, accordingly, receive positive energy. But some people, for some reason, do not know how to communicate positively, and they somehow need to get energy. And they begin to harass their loved ones, showing them their dissatisfaction. The interlocutors experience anger, resentment and other negative emotions, and this is all the “vampire” needs. Many people have probably noticed that some people feel better after a quarrel. This is because they received energy. Now everything is fine with them, and they can continue to live peacefully for some time until their energy supply runs out.

Thus, conflicts are needed to obtain energy for those people who cannot receive it through positive communication, most often, simply do not know how to communicate positively.

The more attention is paid to any conflict (including), the more emotions people experience towards the conflicting parties, the longer this confrontation will last, because it will be fueled by energy.

You can protect yourself from such vampires. You just need to stay calm, although it may not be easy. But there is an opportunity to go further and, with the help of positivity, “reprogram” the vampire. To do this, you need to send him a positive emotion, for example, sincerely thank him or be happy for him. In response to positivity, most often we also receive positivity. For example, if someone humanely asked you for something and thanked you in advance, you are unlikely to refuse him.


Oddly enough, the simplest way to transfer energy is a strong friendly hug. It is enough to hug a person in need of energy, surround him with your energy cocoon in order to transfer part of your field to him. The hug in this case should be long and sincere, without any pats on the back or a feeling of pretense. Mother's hugs help the child gain strength and become stronger; friendly or loving hugs connect people and make their relationships stronger. In addition, hugs allow you to energetically support a person who does not believe in energy exchange and other similar things, which makes this type of help absolutely irreplaceable.

You can use the same technique from a distance with a photo in front of you the right person. True, in this case you will have to strain your imagination even more, since you need to imagine the person with whom you are sharing right in front of you. To strengthen the contact, try calling this person, ask him to talk to you while you tune in to him.

Please note that uncontrolled sharing of energy can be dangerous; you may not calculate your strength, feel exhausted and tired. The process should not always go in one direction. You can ask the person to whom you transferred your excess power for something in return - a service, a thing, or even money. In this way, the energy balance between people is restored. Constantly giving away your energy without compensation can lead to serious illnesses.

It's no secret that electricity comes into our home from power plants, which are the main sources of electricity. However, there may be hundreds of kilometers between us (consumers) and the station, and through all this long distance the current must somehow be transmitted with maximum efficiency. In this article, we will actually look at how electricity is transmitted at a distance to consumers.

Electricity transportation route

So, as we have already said, the starting point is the power station, which, in fact, generates electricity. Today, the main types of power plants are hydro (hydroelectric power plants), thermal power plants (thermal power plants) and nuclear power plants (nuclear power plants). In addition, there are solar, wind and geothermal electricity. stations.

Next, electricity is transmitted from the source to consumers, who may be located over long distances. To transmit electricity, you need to increase the voltage using step-up transformers (the voltage can be increased up to 1150 kV, depending on the distance).

Why is electricity transmitted at increased voltage? Everything is very simple. Let's remember the formula for electrical power - P=UI, then if you transfer energy to the consumer, then the higher the voltage on the power line, the less current in the wires, with the same power consumption. Thanks to this, it is possible to build power lines with high voltage, reducing the cross-section of the wires, compared to power lines with lower voltage. This means that construction costs will be reduced - the thinner the wires, the cheaper they are.

Accordingly, electricity is transferred from the station to a step-up transformer (if necessary), and after that, with the help of power lines, electricity is transferred to the central distribution substations (central distribution substations). The latter, in turn, are located in cities or in close range from them. At the central distribution point, the voltage is reduced to 220 or 110 kV, from where the electricity is transmitted to substations.

Next, the voltage is reduced again (to 6-10 kV) and the electrical energy is distributed among transformer points, also called transformer substations. Electricity can be transmitted to transformer points not via power lines, but by an underground cable line, because in urban environments this will be more appropriate. The fact is that the cost of rights-of-way in cities is quite high and it will be more profitable to dig a trench and lay a cable in it than to take up space on the surface.

From transformer points, electricity is transmitted to multi-story buildings, private sector buildings, garage cooperatives, etc. We draw your attention to the fact that at the transformer substation the voltage is reduced once again, to the usual 0.4 kV (380 volt network).

If we briefly consider the route for transmitting electricity from the source to consumers, it looks like this: power plant (for example, 10 kV) - step-up transformer substation (from 110 to 1150 kV) - power lines - step-down transformer substation - transformer substation (10-0.4 kV) – residential buildings.

This is how electricity is transmitted through wires to our home. As you can see, the scheme for transmitting and distributing electricity to consumers is not too complicated, it all depends on how long the distance is.

Clearly see how Electric Energy enters the cities and reaches the residential sector, you can see in the picture below:

Experts talk about this issue in more detail:

How electricity moves from source to consumer

What else is important to know?

I would also like to say a few words about the points that intersect with this issue. Firstly, research has been carried out for quite some time on how to transmit electricity wirelessly. There are many ideas, but the most promising solution today is the use of Wi-Fi wireless technology. Scientists from the University of Washington found that this method is quite feasible and began to study the issue in more detail.

Secondly, today AC power lines transmit alternating current, not direct current. This is due to the fact that converting devices, which first rectify the current at the input and then make it variable again at the output, have a fairly high cost, which is not economically feasible. However, the capacity of DC power lines is still 2 times higher, which also makes us think about how to implement it more profitably.

So we looked at the scheme for transmitting electricity from the source to the house. We hope you understand how electricity is transmitted at a distance to consumers and why high voltage is used for this.

When people are offended by each other, the channel of positive spiritual connection between them is immediately interrupted and a Negative emotional connection appears - and people feel bad, hard and uncomfortable - because negative energy begins to have a bad effect on people. Instead of mutually feeding good mental energy, they begin to put heavy pressure on each other. negative energy resentment and discontent. And until people kindly forgive each other and make peace with each other, a good spiritual connection will not appear between them, which means there will be no peace and harmony, and these people will not have a good mood. This is why it is so important for people to learn to forgive each other kindly.

The same thing happens in a person’s relationship with God - every grave sin committed by a person breaks the connection with God, and the person no longer receives Divine Grace from God, and until he REPENTS of his sin, he will not receive God’s Grace. When a person commits any sin, for example: he cursed, offended an innocent person, deceived someone, was greedy or envious, wished bad things to another person, or committed a prodigal sin, then his soul loses God’s Grace. The Divine Spirit leaves the sinned person and evil spirits gain access to the soul of this person.

A person’s soul is filled with an evil devilish spirit - Negative energy, after which a person’s mind becomes darkened, he no longer notices his shortcomings, on the contrary, he begins to consider himself good and right in everything, and most importantly, he begins to like everything bad. God leaves a person who has sinned and takes away his Grace and his Divine Cover, which kept a person from all evil and the actions of evil spirits, his Guardian Angel leaves him. That's it, from this moment on, any misfortune can happen to a person. God does not protect such people. If a person has renounced God, or stubbornly does not want to believe in God and at the same time blasphemes God and blasphemes, or has committed a grave sin: murder, raped a woman, beat a person and maimed him, robbed or slandered him or betrayed his homeland and his loved ones, or committed many other grave sins, then God leaves this person and no longer gives him the Divine energy of life. And if a person does not repent of his sins, he will perish.

Why often do even normal parents get spoiled and their children become rude, impudent and disobedient, stop studying, start drinking and using drugs, engage in fornication and commit crimes?

Firstly, for the Sins of the parents, when the parents COMMIT some serious sins, then God LEAVES both the parents themselves and their children, and then demons begin to act on the children.

Secondly, when parents are too busy with themselves and their affairs, work, career and they have NO TIME to deal with their children. Often such parents are ignorant and do not know much, do not know how to properly raise their children, and therefore, because of their ignorance, selfishness and indifference to their children, they make big mistakes.

Their children - START TO BE FRIENDS with Bad friends and girlfriends, get addicted to violent computer games, WATCH American cartoons and violent action films, occult films, start playing cards, commit bad deeds, and thus START - TO ENTER into their souls large quantities- NEGATIVE energy, and if this is not seen and stopped in time, then the children are completely SPOILED and become - BAD, spoiled, in their souls - Negative energy begins to predominate.

That's it, after this, such children begin to LIKE everything BAD and VOLID and every day they become more and more spoiled. Children begin to like bad friends and girlfriends, they are drawn to them, they become interested in communicating with them, and when communicating with bad friends, they themselves become the same. Children begin to like rough rock music, rough, violent films and American cartoons and computer games, they happily imitate their bad friends, start smoking, trying beer, swearing, love to listen and tell vulgar jokes, and thus begin to degrade - to deteriorate. But studying at school becomes UNINTERESTING and BORING for them, because their interest in everything good and useful comes from God, and children have long been under the influence of demons and their negative energy, so nothing good is interesting to them and seems unnecessary and empty to them business. When parents finally notice this, start arguing, start doing something to correct their children, it’s already too late! Now, if the parents themselves do not repent of all their sins, do not stop living their previous sinful lives, do not begin to beg God for help, do not truly take up their upbringing, do not begin to fight for their children - then they will lose them forever! The fate of such children is sad; nothing good will happen to them in life.

Until a person becomes ashamed before God for the sins he has committed, until a person sincerely REPENTS of his sin, GIVES God an honest promise to correct himself and not return to sin again, not repeat it, then he CANNOT - FREEDOM from the INFLUENCE that filled him with the devil evil spirit, who bound him, captivated him, DARKENED his mind and heart, and FORCES a person to COMMIT all sorts of sins again and again.

Therefore, when a person comes to confession, he must confess his sins before the priest, without hiding anything, without deceiving either himself or the priest, because you cannot deceive God, He sees everything, and if a person honestly repents of his sins and gathers the determination to stop sinning and correct himself, then the Lord forgives him all his sins and frees the person from the influence of the devil’s evil spirit. The evil spirit leaves the person and the person is freed from the action of the evil spirit, immediately filled with the Divine Spirit, the mind and heart of the person are illuminated , and only then does a person begin to notice and see everything bad and vicious, and everything bad becomes unpleasant to him. A person begins to see his shortcomings, his sins, begins to try not to commit bad actions, deeds and words, and stops communicating with bad people.

Good people easily establish emotional contact, connection and communication with each other. Bad people do not have a spiritual connection with good people, and therefore cannot communicate and be friends with good people - they DO NOT LIKE such people. But they easily establish spiritual contact with bad people like them with whom they are interested in communicating. A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar, so bad people feel good among people like them, and good people feel very uncomfortable and bad in the company of dishonest people. Bad people always try to upset good people, spoil their mood, and discourage them from doing good and useful things. When bad people do their dirty deeds, they receive a lot of black energy from demons and get into a good mood. That is why, after a quarrel with good people, bad people get into a good mood, and good people feel bad, they have a bad mood, they feel anxious, tired and weak.

All bad and vicious people, for their Sins and vices, are DEprived of communication with God and do not have support and energy from Him. Constantly doing evil deeds, attacking people and offending them, they are fueled by black demonic energy and finally destroy their souls. This is why God says that people forgive each other and not be offended or condemn each other. If a bad person begins to pester a normal person in order to provoke him and provoke him into conflict and quarrel, then it is better to pray well for him, and he will leave the person behind . God, having accepted the prayer, will protect a person from these bad people. Therefore, the Gospel says: “Pray for your enemies. Bless those who curse, scold and persecute you.” Then all bad people become incapable of causing any harm to people. Even if a person, after reading the prayers, violates God’s command: “Do not judge - lest you be judged” - condemns a bad person or gets offended and angry with him, then he immediately loses God’s Protection, and then a bad person can easily cause any harm to this person . Therefore, when communicating with bad and vicious people, let’s not forget that we need to treat them calmly, without judging or being offended by them.

You need to know that all Dishonest people are UNGRATEFUL, because they do not understand and DO NOT APPRECIATE Goodness and Justice. And the Lord in the Gospel spoke long ago about how normal people should treat bad people; God calls them pigs. “Do not throw pearls before swine, lest they turn around and tear you to pieces.”

That is, if you see that in front of you are DISHONEST people, then get away from them, do not communicate with them, you cannot do good deeds for them, you CANNOT help them and have any joint affairs, because such people do not understand goodness and your good will be answered with evil.

Good people like each other, trust each other, and treat each other well. Their families turn out to be friendly and happy, the Lord blesses them with good children. Good people know how to be strong friends, which bad people are not capable of, between whom there are only friendly relationships built: on helpfulness, on force, on fear and coercion, or on benefit and calculation, on the principle “You give me - I give you.” That is, for example: as long as there is something to take from a person, then they are friends with him, but if there is no benefit, or there is no more money, or he was fired from a profitable position, then all friendship and relationships immediately end.

People of the Bad Spirit quickly find each other and unite with each other against good people, begin to oppress and offend them, and often defeat good people, because good people are usually not friendly with each other, most live alone and rely only on themselves, more often In general, due to the fact that good people are usually well-mannered and modest, and do not like to put their problems on the shoulders of other people, they respect the time and freedom of all people, do not impose their problems on them, preferring to solve their difficulties alone. What bad people have always and at all times used and attacked lonely normal people in crowds and defeated them. Therefore everyone normal people It is imperative to unite and be friends with each other, and help each other. Only in this case bad people will not be able to harm them.

When people are well disposed towards other people and want to communicate with them, a soul connection appears between them. A person speaking with other people, or speaking in front of an audience, if he treats people well, people are interesting to him and he wants to help them with something, or tell them something useful and interesting, ESTABLISHES a positive emotional connection with the people listening to him. And then all the people who listen to him also feel good about him in return and begin to hear and understand him, they become interested in the topic he is talking about.

When a person Dislikes people or is INDIFFERENT towards them - then from him - NEGATIVE energy is TRANSFERRED to people and all people feel it, indifference and hostility from this person - therefore people BECOME - BORED and not interested in listening to such a speaker and communicating with him, That’s why they understand him BADLY and don’t even want to listen to him.

All this has a direct bearing on all people, especially on teachers. If a teacher loves his work, his subject and children, then while teaching a lesson, a warm, spiritual, positive connection arises between him and the souls of his students - then the souls and hearts of the children Open up to him, a real great Interest in the subject that their teacher teaches appears in them, they begin to understand everything well, which means they listen to their teacher with pleasure and begin to study well.

When a teacher does not like his subject, his work, does not like children or is indifferent to them, then when he is teaching a lesson, a cold, oppressive negative emotional connection appears between him and the students and a heavy, uncomfortable atmosphere arises in the lesson. The souls of children feel well the indifference or dislike of their teacher towards them and therefore their hearts close. It becomes TERRIBLE for the students to sit in class, so each of them begins to do whatever he has to: some look out the window, some quietly play some game with their neighbor, some are just dozing - none of the kids WANT to learn the subject taught by such an Indifferent teacher to them. Children lose the ability to hear and understand their teacher - they simply lose all desire to learn. Now think for yourself how many would-be teachers there are in our schools, who, instead of teaching children and turning them into good and educated people, simply REDUCE any desire to learn from them. Can you imagine the enormous harm such teachers cause to our country? And if you try to say something to them or make a remark, they will eat you, because among them there are a lot of proud people and snobs. Why, after all, all such teachers consider themselves great professionals!

The soul of a person of Good spirit is very vulnerable. She cannot endure and endlessly endure, especially from her family and friends and from her friends, a bad attitude towards herself: indifference, abuse, rudeness, reproaches, irritability, anger, ridicule - and therefore the soul of a good person begins to respond sadly and upset, greatly worry and be offended, and therefore move away from those people who treat you poorly. This is why love and good feelings LEAVE from the soul in response to the rude, disrespectful and dismissive attitude of loved ones. It all ends with the person simply STOP loving those who treat him badly and constantly offend him unfairly.

For example, a child STOPS loving his mother if the mother is IRRITATE with the child all the time, is not happy with him, takes her anger out on him, screams and swears. This attitude of a mother towards her child gradually kills love for the mother in the child’s soul, and the child, growing up, STOPS loving his mother and sometimes even hates her. Why do we often meet old lonely people who no one helps, and their children have forgotten about them and do not help their parents? And all because when the children were small and depended on their parents for everything, their parents treated the children as their property, as a thing, without seeing them as living human beings, they constantly shouted and swore at them, reproached them a piece of bread, offended them. While the children were little, they loved their parents, but when they grew up, they STOP loving them. Growing up, such children try to quickly get out of home and start living independently without their parents, whom they no longer love for a long time and do not consider themselves to owe anything to them. This is one of the reasons why many such unreasonable parents remain alone in old age, abandoned by their children - this is their fair retribution from God for their selfishness and indifference to their own children.

The same thing happens between spouses of different spirits who, when they got married, loved each other. For example, the wife of a Good spirit, and her husband is an Egoist of a Bad spirit - naturally, a spiritual connection between such spouses cannot appear. The egoist does not have a spiritual connection with God, on the contrary, he is connected with the devil and therefore begins to torment his wife, offend her, find fault with her over all sorts of trifles, get irritated, order and command her, and humiliate her - all this leads to the fact that his wife through for several years without noticing it, at first she LOSES all respect and trust in her husband, and then love itself. This will end with the wife becoming indifferent to her husband, if there are children she will simply endure, if there is an opportunity, she can leave him, and if he suddenly dies, then she will not worry, but will only breathe a sigh of relief, because, when he dies good man- people are sad and mourn for him, and when he dies bad person- people are happy that they got rid of the tormentor.

Or, for example, a wife of a BAD spirit and Character, if she is constantly DISSATISFIED with her husband, finds fault with him, grumbles at him, swears and screams, then the husband, after a few years of such a bad life together, will definitely STILL LOVE such a rude, scandalous woman. And he will not be able to do anything with his soul and heart, which themselves will STOP respecting and loving this rude, selfish, proud woman who is always dissatisfied with everything. If he meets good woman, then he, without any remorse, with a light soul, will leave his bad wife, and even if he doesn’t meet him, most men still leave such wives.

The Lord commanded us all to forgive, love each other and treat each other well. God knows his creation, knows that the human soul, filled with the Good spirit, cannot tolerate anger and insults, and turns away from evil and rude people, cannot love them. This is a dire warning to all people . People, if they want to be happy, should NOT hurt another person. Holy Scripture says: “Do not do to another person what you do not want for yourself!”

The souls of people of the Bad Spirit calmly endure screams, swearing, quarrels, it does not hurt them at all, and how can anger hurt them if they themselves are filled with anger inside. Their Souls are filled with negative energy, and therefore there is a constant exchange of black energy between them, so such people do not get tired of swearing and quarreling with each other. Swearing, rudeness and shouting are their native element and environment, they are used to it and live by it. That's why two people of the Bad Spirit quarreled and fought, splashed out bad energy on each other and - quietly calmed down, look, and they have already made peace and are drinking together. How many such families are there in our country? It’s not for nothing that they say “Two boots are a pair.”

When two people of a Bad Spirit quarrel, they simply - THROW OUT their anger, their Negative energy on each other and CALM DOWN - as if a kind of Energy Exchange is taking place, therefore - they PEACE and live calmly - until the next quarrel.

And when a bad person SCARES, calls names or finds fault with a normal person, then if a normal person is OFFENSE at the Evil person, then he WILL OPEN UP in front of him and then the bad person PUNCHES HIM and THROWS ON HIM - his ANGER and discontent - his NEGATIVE energy.

The bad man himself calms down, but a kind person- HE STARTS TO WORRY, and CANNOT calm down himself, his soul can even get SICK from this - someone else's anger and black demonic energy. That’s why there is NO NEED to be offended, and if you are offended, then you need to QUICKLY - FORGIVE your offenders.
