Russian combat knives. Knives for diving and spearfishing Diving knife of the USSR

For a long time, divers of the Soviet Navy, when performing underwater work, used a massive knife, manufactured according to the drawing 1U-170, which was part of the UVS-50 complex (Improved three-bolt ventilated diving equipment). Knives of this type were produced by the 28th military plant for the Navy and civilian enterprises that performed work under water.
The knife is made in a classic design for diving knives of the early 20th century. It is equipped with a long massive blade, as in the water, when carrying out various works, chopping blows are usually used. The tip of the blade is in the middle line, with a semicircular descent of the butt in the "bowie" style.

The method of fixing a knife in a sheath using a threaded connection was widely used in the armies of various states, including Germany, Italy and the United States. Such a fixation of the blade was also used in the USSR in the standard diving knife of the Navy.
In the 1980s, the 21st Expeditionary Detachment of Podvodrechstroy of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR produced the NV diving knife (diving knife), which was widely used by industrial divers.

An experimental knife for reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Navy was developed by a participant in the defense of Leningrad in the Great Patriotic War, Lieutenant Colonel of the Naval Service R. M. Todorov in 1956 and was proposed to the USSR Naval Department. The knife allowed the scout to cut and bite metal rods and wire. After approval, in limited quantities, it was adopted by the naval intelligence unit of the USSR Black Sea Fleet.

In the 1960s - 1970s, the ShAP-40, ShAP-62 and ShAP-77 series hose scuba diving units were developed to replace three-bolts at shallow and medium depths. They made it possible to make the diver's equipment set much lighter and included reserve compressed air cylinders for autonomous breathing in emergency mode, or, in the event of a short-term disconnection of the hose, for work in cramped conditions.
New conditions for the use of ventilated equipment also required changes in the design of the knife: in the late 70s, a new diver's knife NVU (NVU - universal diving knife) began to enter the armed forces.

The NV diving knife developed by the KAMPO enterprise was accepted for supply by the Russian Navy and is part of the SVU-5 diving equipment, which is in service in the navy.
The knife has a blade 164 mm long, in which the tip is made in the form of a chisel. The blade is single-edged, a sawtooth cut is made on the butt, and a ruler is engraved on one side of the blade.

The creation of universal knives has always attracted designers who develop new models of edged weapons, but solving a wide range of tasks with a single tool is almost impossible. Therefore, any design carries the features of a certain specificity, which determines the tactical and technical characteristics of the knife.
The massive knife "Storm" was developed by the SARO enterprise (Vorsma) for use as a tactical sea ​​knife. It may be part of the equipment of PDSS combat swimmers or marines.

By order of the military Marine Russia SN "CAPO" plant has developed and supplied several types of modern special knives. First of all, the task was to make knives for units of the PDSS (anti-sabotage forces and means) and divers guarding Russian military bays from underwater penetration of enemy combat swimmers.
The terms of reference for this knife were extremely difficult. It was proposed to make a knife capable of sawing a metal bar of underwater barriers up to 15 mm thick, while it should naturally cut rope, rope, algae, hoses.

The combat knife "Needle" was developed by the famous Russian design engineer Igor Skrylev in accordance with the tactical and technical assignment of the theme of experimental design work "Igla". The knife received the unofficial name "Sea Devil".
Combat knife "Igla" adopted by the combat swimmers of the Anti-sabotage forces and means (PDSS) of the Navy Russian Federation and is manufactured at the Kazan enterprise "Melita-K".

A regular diving knife with a ring is fixed in the sheath with the help of a threaded connection and was widely used in the armies of various states, including Germany, Italy and the USA. Such a fixation of the blade was also used in the USSR in the standard diving knife of the Navy, shown in the photo. The blade of this knife is of a classic shape, made of corrosion-resistant steel, the handle is made of processed wood.
The ring on the handle serves to attach the cord to avoid accidental loss of the knife. Despite the external elegance, the knife is quite heavy, its weight with the scabbard reaches one kilogram, and the dimensions of the handle allow you to confidently use it with a hand dressed in a diving glove.

The fastening of the scabbard on the belt is rigid due to the metal bracket, into which the diving belt is threaded. This is necessary in order to be able to use one hand, without holding the sheath, to make 3-4 half-turns of the handle, freeing the standard diving knife with a ring fixed at the mouth of the knife with threaded connection.

Photo of a regular diving knife with a ring:

To date, only professional divers and, perhaps, collectors can meet classic diving knives, which are characterized by large sizes and have a developed handle ku with large stops, allowing you to securely fix the knife both in the bare hand and in the diving glove. The materials of such knives are made of special non-magnetic alloys, mainly titanium. The blade is extremely durable and can have several types of sharpening, as well as special tools and screwdrivers. On the butt there is often a metal top, which can be used as a hammer.
The photo shows a regular diving non-magnetic knife, which was supplied by sappers-submariners of the Soviet Union, which, in accordance with the requirements for magnetic visibility in the work those with magnetic fuses of high sensitivity should not have had magnetic items of equipment.

The performance characteristics (TTX) and the purpose of a standard diving non-magnetic knife:

Regular diving non-magnetic knife, navy THE USSR. There were two of them - a diving knife (drawing 1U-170) and a diver-athlete knife (drawing H14M-00-000), it is also a universal diving knife (NVU), which, in accordance with the requirements for magnetic visibility when working with high-sensitivity magnetometric fuses should not have magnetic elements of equipment.

Dimensions - 320/195/37/6.5.
Weight - 492/1438.
The handle is rubber.
Blade - beryllium bronze, single-sided sharpening.
The knife was in the supply of sappers-submariners, who should not have magnetic items of equipment.

Photo regular diving non-magnetic knife:

Universal diving knife (NVU) - was regular knife light divers of the Navy of the USSR and is still used by maritime reconnaissance and detachments of the fight against PDSS (underwater sabotage forces and means) as edged weapons and for work under water or on land .
The NVU blade is equipped with a serrator for sawing cables, ropes and steel nets. The sheath is plastic, with the possibility of a two-point attachment to the shin or forearm. In the scabbard, the NVU is attached with the help of a rubber pad on the handle. This method of fastening reduces the time of removing the knife, but also practically eliminates the possibility of losing it.
The universal diving knife (NVU) has negative buoyancy, in other words, it sinks. But, having sunk and having reached the bottom, it becomes in a vertical position on the ground with the handle up, which makes it easier to search for it under water in case of loss. There is an anti-magnetic modification of the NVU-AM knife, on which there is no seperator.

Components of a universal diving knife (NVU):

1. Blade (with serrated). stainless steel.
2. brass bolster.
3. plastic handle.
4. Nut-head for fixing the blade in the handle (brass).
5. Plastic sheath.
6. Waist belt.
7. Strap fixation.
8. Spare rubber retainer.
9. Safety lace.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the knife diving universal (NVU):

Total length - 320mm

blade length - 170mm.

Photo of a universal diving knife (NVU):

In the fall of 2009, during military exercises in the Baltic, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was presented with a domestic knife combat swimmer "Katran". For some reason, this event excited the media very much, and soon publications telling about this weapon flashed in the press. The name of its author, Igor Skrylev, also surfaced. But the information about this blade in the press, to put it mildly, is not entirely true. The creation of some types of weapons often has a rather interesting history.

Practically about any product adopted for service, you can write adventure novels. And often real story mixed with fiction and various legends. Over time, legends can successfully displace what actually happened. This is exactly what happened during the development of a new knife for combat swimmers. The theme was called "Needle", and the knife itself was unofficially called "Sea Devil" (this name was given to him by combat swimmers on his trials).

Probably, like most of these developments, it would have remained known only to a narrow circle of its users, but history decreed otherwise. During the exercises that took place in the Baltic in the fall of 2009, this knife was presented to the President of the Russian Federation. For a reason incomprehensible to me, this aroused considerable interest in weapons from the side of funds mass media. At the same time, in the best traditions of our country, everything was mixed up.

So the correspondent Komsomolskaya Pravda”From the headquarters of the Navy they reported that the knife was called “Katran”, and having tensed up a little, they even remembered the name of the developer - a certain Skrylev. This is very surprising, because, as a rule, no one knows the authors of such developments. I myself learned that my product came to the President, first from the news, when they gave the knife, and then from the newspaper, where I was surprised to see my own name. However, despite the inaccuracies, something in this story was true. And the knife "Katran", and I have to new development the most direct relationship.

It all started in the 90s. Then the Navy took care of replacing the NVU knife, which was in service with combat swimmers. NVU stands for "Universal Diving Knife". Indeed, this model was universal and was intended not only for combat swimmers, but also for Navy divers. But these specialists have completely different tasks. So for a diver, a knife is, first of all, a tool, and for a combat swimmer, it is both a tool and a weapon.. Therefore, it is not always possible to successfully take into account the possibility of performing such different tasks in one model. In addition, NVU is simply outdated morally.

There were also purely design errors and problems with the choice of material. So the blade 180 mm long and 4 mm thick had a double sharpening - regular and sawtooth, which was located on the butt. In its root part, a transverse groove was made for bending and breaking the wire, but the place for it was chosen very poorly, because it is here that the greatest bending moments occur, and the gap itself serves as an excellent stress concentrator, which means it significantly weakens the blade. The full impression is that the developers of this knife have not even heard of such a boring science as strength of materials.

Knife handle made of plastic, which does not have the necessary strength and slips in the hand. The position is somewhat saved by the shape of the handle and corrugation. At the same time, the handle suspiciously resembles the handle of a fishing knife No. 1, produced as a hunting knife.

The sheath is also plastic., in them the knife is fixed in two ways - the main fixation by snapping into place in the guard area, the role of the second fixing element was played by a union rubber ring. Such attention to the fixation of the knife is not accidental, it should provide maximum reliability, since it is at least unsafe to stay under water without a knife. Indeed, for a diver, a knife is one of the means of self-insurance.

The NVU blade was made of corrosion-resistant steel 40X13 and polished. This decision is correct in terms of corrosion resistance, but very unfortunate for a combat knife, since the shine of a polished blade is a strong unmasking factor. In addition, 40X13 steel itself is not the most the best option, as it does not hold sharpening well. As you can see, NVU really has many shortcomings..

There was another sample used by submariners - this scout knife NR-2. Although it was designed for ground operations, combat swimmers also used it. HP-2 is an excellent combat knife, but its use as an underwater one was still a necessary measure. In addition, he lacked the length of the blade. The main underwater knife remained NVU. I was offered to develop a new knife to replace it.

This is how the theme "Tuple" appeared, according to the terms of reference, for which a promising model of a combat knife was supposed to be a symbiosis between a combat knife, a diver's knife and a survival knife. Such universality is largely a forced measure, since naval special forces valid in different environments both on land and at sea. At the same time, the knife is his only melee weapon and tool rolled into one.

During development, a requirement was made for the knife, according to which it had to cut wire-reinforced diving hoses. So a saw of a specific shape appeared on the knife. It seems to consist of two types of saws. One with a large step, similar to a wave-like sharpening, the other has small teeth located on these waves. Such a saw blade can handle both soft fibrous materials and metal (a patent was received for this design of the saw).

Another feature of the knife is the presence of a durable and sealed case for NAZ (wearable emergency stock) closed with a sealed lid that can play the role of a hammer. The pencil case is made of steel, as it must maintain tightness at depth. He also served as the power base of the handle. Therefore, on a knife, you can painlessly change the handle and make it from different materials.

The blade has a hole for docking with the scabbard, after which the knife is converted into wire cutters. This design was borrowed from the bayonet-knife. The blade is made of corrosion-resistant steel and has an additional anti-reflective and protective coating of black chrome. The handle of the knife was supposed to be made of rubber.. It had a developed metal guard, on the handle itself there were subfinger protrusions and transverse corrugation. All this helped to securely hold the knife, both in a bare hand and in a hand dressed in a thick diving glove.

This model was developed but never produced. Only prototypes were made, and on them the handle was made of plastic. On the experimental model, the cover of the pencil case was changed, it was made in the form of a truncated cone for inflicting shocking blows on the enemy.

By the time the prototype appeared in metal, the fleet had lost interest in this development, or rather, it had big problems with financing, and it was simply not up to the knife, which probably would have remained in the form of prototypes if the Tula FSB had not become interested in it . Thanks to Major Sergei Velmezev, the order for a large number of such knives were placed at the weapons factory, produced by ASVA-TOZ. Wherein the sample was converted into a land model.

The rubber grip has been replaced with a wood grip. This was justified by the requirements of new customers who wanted a "warm" handle and the capabilities of the plant. They did not want to make a mold for the production of a small series on it and used waste from the main weapons production for manufacturing. Therefore, on most knives, the handle is made of seasoned walnut. Although there were other versions, the benefit of the design allowed this without problems.

The lid of NAZ has also undergone a change.. She again became flat, as in the original version. The hole for docking with wire cutters was removed from the blade, as they were abandoned. The scabbard was made of leather with a steel liner, which was made of thin steel and fixed the blade well due to its own elasticity. By order, the scabbard was supplied with an additional cover made of camouflage fabric. This model in small quantities entered service with some units of the FSB. Actually, this sample was called "Katran". Real recognition came to him with the beginning of the first Chechen war.

As it turned out, in the conduct of local hostilities, the role of personal equipment, including edged weapons, increases. Combat properties knives "Katran" were on top. The wave-shaped saw played the role of a shock tooth, which allowed inflicting a terrible wound, and did not cling to uniforms, that is, it did not have the main disadvantage of shock teeth, the difficulty in extracting. Doctors who saw the wounds inflicted by this knife even expressed the idea that it should be banned as an inhumane weapon, as if a weapon could be humane.

The knife "Katran" in this version was officially adopted by the special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations "Leader". It was also used in some units of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to some reports, about 3,000 knives were produced in total. Whether this is true or not is difficult to verify now, but in general, it seems to me, the figure is close to reality. However, the fate of the knife was not the best. Immediately after the end of hostilities, its production ceased, as potential customers there was just no money. After that, for a number of reasons, it did not resume.

Knife "Katran" of the first series was produced in various modifications. For example, there is a version of the knife that replaces the wave saw with a conventional two-row saw. In fact, this modification has become an ordinary survival knife, as it has all its features (the presence of a saw and a container for NAZ). There were other modifications as well. However, now such knives are already a rarity, which has a serious collection value. Connoisseurs of edged weapons call them "Katran-1", although there was no such name officially.

Demand for "Katran" forced to start production of its simplified modification. The development of new models was carried out by my company NOKS. The simplification of the design was carried out taking into account the actual combat use of the knife. The pencil case under the NAZ disappeared in the knife, the shape of the blade changed (it became more massive), the guard was simplified, the rider-type handle began to be made from different materials. The most common were wood, type-setting leather and kraton.

Despite the presence of a kraton handle, the knife was not considered as underwater and was equipped with a leather sheath. In addition, the blade did not have a black coating, but a matte finish, which makes it less resistant to corrosion, especially in maritime climates. In fact, only the wave-shaped saw remained from the first model. This model was called "Katran-2" (it was in the press that they advertised it as a new combat knife developed under the "Needle" theme, which was a mistake).

In addition to this modification, another one was released, on which the saw on the butt was replaced with a second sharpened edge. This sharpened edge had a larger angle and was designed for felling. This model was called "Katran-3". Such a replacement of the saw with a chopping surface is quite reasonable, since the knife is planned to be used in land conditions. The third modification of this knife was issued at the request of the 45th Airborne Regiment. The saw has been changed on it, it is made in the style of a bayonet-knife saw. Why such a replacement is needed is a difficult question, but such was the desire of the customer.

On the basis of combat models, a household version of the knife was also produced.. It differed from combat knives only in a sawn tip. Later it began to be designed as a flat screwdriver. I must say that this modification did not differ much in its combat potential from the combat version, since the screwdriver made it possible to deliver an effective stabbing blow without any alteration. This modification was very popular among fans of edged weapons. Some bought it for subsequent alteration, in any case, I had to see such knives.

As you can see, on the basis of one successful model, a whole brood of various modifications appeared, which went far enough in evolution from their progenitor. Unlike the Katran-1, these models were never officially accepted into service and were produced mainly on orders from individual units.

An almost detective story was connected with the Katran knife. It was purchased by Latvia to equip one of the police units. Moreover, its competitor in this tender was the American Ka-bar. This version differed from the serial "Katrans" only in the presence of the emblem of the unit and the complete absence of other identification marks. They especially asked that there be no inscriptions anywhere that would allow the knife to be identified as a weapon made in Russia. However, the manufacturing plant, Melita-K, did not care what to earn money on, and the order was completed.

In the meantime, the need for a knife to equip combat swimmers again became acute, and this time it was solved in a complex way, since a set of weapons was being developed, which was supposed to include a new knife. It is quite natural that the Navy offered to conduct this development to the NOKS company, since we already had experience in such work.

The theme was called "The Needle". The problems began with the approval of the ToR, it contained such criteria that it was simply impossible to combine. The desire of the military, who finally received money for new developments, to have the best of everything possible was understandable, but sometimes it was more like a whim.

However, soon all the points of the TOR were agreed upon, and work began on the project. In many ways, this design resembled the Katran, but in a simplified version. At the request of the customer, wire cutters should have been present in the knife, here they again returned to the original idea of ​​​​combining functions. But this time, the counterpart of the wire cutters was not made in the form of a scabbard, but in the form of a separate lever. This approach was used on the knife of marine scouts designed by Todorov, and then served as the basis for the nippers of the bayonet-knives. And here this idea was remembered again.

In addition to the functions of wire cutters, an additional lever could play the role of another tool. The drawings were made, the customer gave the go-ahead for the production of prototypes, but testing of prototypes showed that the idea with the lever was not entirely correct. In addition, I had to abandon the universal saw, which was borrowed from the Katran. The symmetrical contours of the handle were also removed, since under water it was difficult to feel to the touch how the knife was located.. And the idea to remove the metal guard and make it as part of the handle, on the contrary, turned out to be in demand, since there should not be elements on the knife handle that can damage the wetsuit.

In general, the tests revealed that ... a completely different design is needed! However, this is what tests are for. The new knife differed fundamentally from the experimental sample. The blade received a spear-shaped form. This shape of the blade has a high penetrating power.

A blade with a beveled butt used on bayonet-knives turned out to be not the best solution in a real war. Yes, they can deliver an effective blow if the bayonet is attached to the machine gun, but the energy of the legs, body rotation, two arms, the weight of the fighter and the weight of the weapon itself are invested in this blow. But if you use it as a knife, then the blade with a beveled butt does not always show the desired efficiency when breaking through winter uniforms and means personal protection. That is why the new combat swimmer's knife also received a spear-shaped blade.

Blade length is quite solid. Since, according to technical requirements, it should serve as a cold weapon not only against people, but also against marine animals, which are used to protect important objects. These are primarily dolphins and fur seals. In addition, when using a knife as a survival tool for a number of jobs, its dimensions and weight may also be in demand. But here a compromise is important, since the excessive dimensions and weight of such a knife are strictly limited.

The knife is developed as an element of a set of combat equipment, and its parameters are tied to the weight of the entire set. And if the mass-dimensional indicators of the knife can be minimized, it must be done, because due to the released grams, it is possible, albeit not by much, to increase the fighter's ammunition. Therefore, the approach to the weight culture of knife development here is almost like in aviation. At the same time, the knife must have great strength, since anything can happen in a combat situation, it can be used as a lever when entering a room, as a fulcrum in a mountainous area, and you never know what situations a reconnaissance saboteur may have. That's why for bending with blind fastening, the blade must withstand a weight of 100 kg.

As you can see, there is little room for maneuver and constructive compromises. That is why a knife for combat swimmers is not a primitive sharpened piece of iron, but the result of design calculations and real technological capabilities. So, for example, on the experimental sample there was no sample of the fuller, since its constructive usefulness in this case is minimal, but on the final version the sample appeared in order to reduce the weight of the blade by several tens of grams, without loss of strength.

It was these grams that were not enough to fit into the requirements of the TK. There were other issues that could only be resolved by testing various options in conditions as close as possible to combat. Suffice it to say that the knife was tested on three fleets: in the Black Sea, Northern and Baltic. As you know, it is the little things that determine the real quality of development and manufacturing. So, in order to choose the type of sereytor, several knives were made with different types of this element and empirically found the best option.

A similar story was with the coating. The fact is that according to the technical specifications, the knife must have an anti-reflective coating, but the matting of the blade with the help of glass beads violates the surface structure of the metal and, as a result, steel begins to actively corrode in an aggressive marine environment. To protect the blade and fulfill the requirements for massaging, the blade must have an anti-reflective coating with great resistance to both corrosion itself and mechanical abrasion. In addition to looking for coverage options, prototypes the material of the handle changed, the technology of attaching the handle to the blade shank, the shape and fastening of the pommel of the knife.

But the sheath turned out to be the most difficult element.. However, this is not surprising, since the sheath on survival knives has long become more complicated than the knife itself. For example, you can take the knife "Basurmanin". On its sheath there are wire cutters, a universal saw mount and a place for its placement when carrying, an auxiliary knife and an awl. In order to use, for example, a saw, you need to remove the knife with a sheath from your belt, remove the knife from the sheath, remove the saw and secure it in the sheath. As you can see, a rather long and uncomfortable procedure.

On the "Sea Devil" this process was decided to be simplified. The wire cutters are also placed on the scabbard, and in addition to the wire cutters, a flat screwdriver is also placed in the front of the scabbard. In the handle of the pliers are a saw for wood and a saw for metal. In a special recess there is a removable tool that combines an awl and a can opener. The kit should include a diamond bar for straightening the blade. The saw is fixed on the axis, and when the handle is tilted, it can be fixed in the working position. But if it becomes dull or broken, then the saw can be replaced.

During the tests, it turned out that it is desirable to have one combined saw on one side of the blade teeth for wood, on the other - for metal. The removable awl was also fixed on the scabbard, and the can opener was removed as unnecessary. The design of the awl has become more versatile. Now it has a diamond coating and at the same time plays the role of a finishing bar. At the same time, the awl plane itself is designed for fine-tuning the main cutting edge, and its back has a shape corresponding to the shape of the sereytor, and is designed for its sharpening.

The scabbard itself is made of plastic.. But it has some disadvantages - it is too noisy. For a saboteur knife, this is unacceptable. Therefore, a knife with a sheath is carried in a special auxiliary case, on which the fastening elements of the knife on the equipment are located. This cover is made of Avisent and has noise-absorbing pads. The knife has a double fixation: it is fixed due to the elasticity of the sheath, and a special rubber cap ring. The scope of supply for the knife includes spare parts and accessories, which includes a spare saw, two rubber rings, a passport with instructions for use and a packing box.

Another problem that we encountered in the course of work on the Needle topic was competing companies that, on their own initiative, presented their models for testing. So the SARO company offered its Murena underwater knife. Interesting and even in many ways unusual design.

A very tricky saw is used on the Moray knife. On the very butt of the knife there is a wavy sharpening, designed in theory for cutting cables, on the wavy sharpening there is a longitudinal groove into which an additional saw for metal is inserted. It is made from a regular hacksaw blade. This would be a very good solution: if the saw is broken or dull, it can be easily and cheaply replaced with a piece of hacksaw blade.

However, in reality, things are not so smooth. Contact of corrosion-resistant steel (of which the blade is made) with carbon steel (of which the hacksaw blade is made) in sea ​​water leads to severe corrosion of carbon steel. During testing, the saw rusted to the knife so much that it was simply impossible to remove it.

The second problem of the Moray knife is the sheath. They are made of plastic and have a retainer in the form of a notch, which includes the peg of the saw latch, and fixation occurs only due to the elasticity of the sheath. The fixation is reliable, but in order to remove the knife from the sheath, you need to stick your finger into them and push the walls apart, and if you can still do this “trick” on land, then under water in thick diving gloves it will not work. In general, Murena was an order of magnitude inferior to the Sea Devil both in terms of development quality and manufacturing quality.

There were other competitors as well. So the KEMPO company from Orekhovo-Zuev, which is developing underwater equipment, including in the interests of the Navy, developed its own model of a knife for divers, but this knife was focused mainly on instrumental use. For combat swimmers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (there are some), the Southern Cross company also developed its own version of an underwater knife. These models were not direct competitors to the "Sea Devil", moreover, the "Southern Cross" had simply disappeared from the market by that time, but the developments and customers remained.

Our frogmen's knife served as the basis for other knives. So for the special purpose units of the Navy, a simplified version was proposed. The knife itself was taken without change, and the design of the scabbard was simplified - they did not have wire cutters and saws. They are simply not needed. On the basis of the "Sea Devil" the knife "Kasatka" was also developed. It is designed for UPASRA (Navy Rescue Directorate), and it has a modified blade tip, made in the form of a tanto. This made it possible to strengthen the knife blade and use it for heavy work. A simplified version of such a knife is also considered as a diving one.

It is easy to see that it is easy to obtain several models for different purposes on one constructive base. On the basis of combat models, a universal model of the Murena was also developed, produced in the version of a diving knife and a survival knife (not to be confused with Murena from SARO). Our "Moray eel" has changed the front part of the blade, as a result, the knife is not considered a melee weapon. In the variant of the survival knife, instead of a sereytor, a two-row saw goes along the butt.

Strange as it may seem, but it was the underwater knife that served as the basis for the knife developed by NOKS on the topic "Peregrine Falcon"(survival knife for Russian Air Force pilots). The reason is the versatility of the basic design and its flexibility. "Sapsan" has the same type of blade, shortened to 130 mm and a slightly shortened handle, but the type of blade and even the type of sereytor remained unchanged. Only the harpoon ledge has been added.

The reduction in the dimensions of the Sapsan sample was forced, as it was dictated by the conditions of placement on flight equipment and weight reduction. The sheath is made of plastic, while the knife has two carrying options. The first is used for parachute jumps and should ensure the safety of the landing. After landing, the knife is hung on the belt. These features are reflected in the design of the suspension.

Have one knife for all situations and all climatic zones not rational, it is not for nothing that there are so many varieties of knives that reflect local conditions and habits, life and the development of technology, this is also true for combat knives. So the “Sea Devil” turned out to be very convenient for the conditions of the North and the Middle Strip, but for the mountains this knife is too heavy and bulky. Therefore, the NOKS company has developed a version of a combat knife for mountain conditions. The Irbis knife was taken as a basis, the blade length of this model is 130 mm, the blade thickness is 6 mm. The sharpening of the knife is one and a half, in the root part there is a sereytor for working with a rope. Double-sided guard and kraton hilt.

The requirements for this design are minimum dimensions and weight while maintaining combat and operational properties. Combat properties are determined by the possibility of delivering a piercing blow through warm clothes . Sheath made of Avisent with the possibility of fastening in different places of combat equipment. The scabbard has a pocket that holds a mini-tool. The mini-tool is made on the basis of the “Biker” tool developed by NOKS. The only difference between the military version is the presence of a detonator crimp on the pliers, the "Biker" was chosen for its small size and, most importantly, for its flat dimensions, which allow it to be conveniently placed in a pocket.

Thus, on the basis of one combat model of the "Sea Devil" knife, a whole range of knives for various purposes has been developed. In addition, according to the drawings of the "Sea Devil", which were transferred by the company "NOX", the Zlatoust company "AiR" produced a gift version of this knife. Demand for the “Sea Devil” in a gift version appeared just after it was handed over to the President of Russia.

The combat knife shown in the photo was a standard knife for light divers of the USSR Navy and is still used by naval reconnaissance and anti-PDSS units (underwater sabotage forces and means) as cold weapons and for work under water or on land.

The NVU blade is equipped with a serrator for sawing cables, ropes and steel nets. The sheath is plastic, with the possibility of a two-point attachment to the shin or forearm. In the scabbard, the NVU is attached with a rubber pad on the handle. This method of fastening reduces the time of removing the knife, but also virtually eliminates the possibility of losing it.

NVU has negative buoyancy, in other words, it sinks. But, having drowned and reached the bottom, it becomes vertical on the ground with the handle up, which makes it easier to search for it under water in case of loss. There is an anti-magnetic modification of the NVU-AM knife, which does not have a serrator.

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When I hear the phrase “combat knife”, an image of a shark appears in my imagination - a predator, an ideal killer, not changed by evolution since the time of the dinosaurs, who outlived them and to this day inspires horror to any inhabitant of the ocean. Perhaps it was the shark tooth that prompted primitive man to the idea of ​​hewing a stone, giving it the shape of a combat knife, which also existed from ancient times to the present day, without undergoing significant changes.
There is an opinion among collectors that the term "Russian combat knife" has no right to exist. Like, there was a shoemaker’s knife, there was a baguette, there was a bayonet, but there was no Russian combat knife. Although both the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" and the chronicles tell us the opposite - the Russian tradition of knife fighting is much more powerful than similar traditions of any other state. It was the knife, and later the bayonet attack, that the Russians terrified the enemy.
By the way, an interesting historical fact - in the armies Western Europe the bayonet was the "last chance". The concept of a "bayonet attack" practically did not exist there, and the deadly attachment to the barrel of a musket served only for defense.
The Russian deadly offensive bayonet attack has become a legend. The great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov generally introduced her into a cult, relegating to the background the importance of bullet shooting from firearms. His proverb“A bullet is a fool, a bayonet is a good fellow” is known to every Russian who is interested in his homeland. However, the most famous was and remains the bayonet to the rifle of the remarkable Russian designer and organizer of the gun production, Sergei Ivanovich Mosin.

Bayonet to the rifle S.I. Mosin model 1891/1930

Developed on the basis of the bayonet for the Berdan rifle of the 1870 model, the square bayonet entered service with the Russian army along with the Mosin rifle in 1891.

It was terrible weapon close combat. A half-meter four-sided needle blade inflicted deep penetrating wounds, accompanied by severe injuries. internal organs. In addition, a small inlet did not allow to assess on the spot the depth of penetration of the bayonet into the body and the severity of the injury, which could result in internal bleeding and infections, leading to peritonitis and, as a result, to death.
Practically unchanged, the bayonet for the Mosin rifle existed for half a century, having survived its peak in the revolution and civil war. In the Great Patriotic War, he became the cause of death of a considerable number of the Nazis and a symbol of the people's liberation war against the Nazi invaders, which is reflected in many posters of that time.

Army knife (NA-40)

Just before the Great Patriotic War the weapon of Russian soldiers was born, no less legendary than the bayonet for the Mosin rifle - the famous NA-40 ("army knife"), or HP-40 ("scout knife"), adopted for service in 1940, immediately after the Soviet-Finnish war. The second more popular, but historically less true name is due to the fact that reconnaissance companies and submachine gunners were armed with this knife.
The narrow - up to 22 mm - blade of the NA-40 made it possible to stick it between the ribs of the enemy with the least resistance and at the same time lighten the weight of the knife itself. The wooden handle and scabbard served the same purpose and at the same time reduced the cost of production.

Army knife of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps

An interesting historical fact: in 1943, the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps was formed, fully equipped due to above-planned labor and voluntary donations from the workers of the Urals. It was a gift to the front from people who were already working at the limit of human capabilities, an example of mass labor heroism of workers.

Finca NKVD

It was the Soviet-Finnish war that was an experience that revealed the shortcomings of the reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Soviet specialists behind enemy lines, including the lack of a multifunctional universal combat knife in their arsenal. With the help of which you can silently remove an enemy sentry, equip a temporary parking lot or caches in the forest, make snowshoes, and quickly build a drag for a wounded comrade from improvised material. Therefore, on the basis of a uniform bayonet-knife of the 1919 model and a Finnish scout knife, the legendary NA-40 was created.
However, I do not think that it was the Soviet-Finnish war that opened the eyes of Russian gunsmiths to the advantages of the combat knives of a recent enemy. "Finka" was known in Russia and was popular even before the revolution. And although since the 30s the Finnish knife has been legally banned in the USSR, in the same years it becomes a special means of the NKVD in a slightly modified form.
The so-called “Finnish NKVD”, or “Norwegian-type knife”, shown in the photo, was produced at the Trud factory (before the revolution, the factory of the industrialist Kondratov) in the village of Vacha, Nizhny Novgorod Region, in the 40s. Although in reality this particular knife has nothing to do with Finland - the model is copied from a Swedish hunting knife made by the famous master Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna.

Hunting knife of Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna

The same knife, the prototype of the famous “Finnish NKVD”, or “Norwegian-type knife”, which is talked about so much and which few people even saw in the photograph. A Swedish hunting knife made by Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna, the photograph of which was provided at my request especially for the Combat Knives project by the author of several books on this subject, Andrei Arturovich Mak.

Finca NKVD, modern version

Currently, the "NKVD Finca" is produced from modern materials, its design has been significantly redesigned. The guard became almost straight, the pommel of the handle was “rounded”. The handle itself can be made entirely of wood or coated with type-setting leather.

Army knife model 1943 "Cherry"

In 1943, the guard, hilt and scabbard of the NA-40 underwent significant changes and Soviet intelligence officers received an even more successful design - an HP-43 knife with a straight guard, leather sheath and a strong plastic handle topped with a metal pommel - if anything, hammer a wedge and caress the enemy on the head. The knife was named "Cherry". The design turned out to be so successful that it is still in service with a number of Russian special forces.

Special Scout Knife (NRS)

In the 60s, the NRS (special reconnaissance knife) was developed in the USSR, designed to defeat the enemy in battle both with a blade and with the help of a firing mechanism located in the handle and representing a short barrel and a trigger mechanism. The NRS fired a silent SP-3 cartridge with a 7.62 mm caliber bullet of the 1943 model.

Special scout knife - 2 (НРС-2)

In 1986, the NRS was upgraded to the NRS-2. The blade of the knife became spear-shaped, the saw on the butt was almost halved, the SP-3 cartridge was replaced with the also silent SP-4 with an unusual cylindrical bullet, despite the “hump-shaped” shape that pierces a standard helmet at a distance of twenty meters. The cocking of the trigger is carried out by a special lever located on the handle, the descent is carried out by another lever located on its end part. Reloading is carried out by removing the barrel, which takes an average of 1-2 minutes. Currently, the NRS-2 is in service with the reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces and marines, as well as special forces of the internal affairs bodies and parts of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Bayonet for 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1949

However, the most famous Russian combat knife for every inhabitant of our country is the bayonet-knife for the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The first model of the Kalashnikov AK, adopted for service Soviet army in 1949, had no bayonet at all. Only in 1953, along with the so-called lightweight AK assault rifle, was the “6X2 product bayonet-knife” adopted, which had the same blade as the bayonet for the SVT-40 self-loading rifle and differed only in the locking mechanism. According to experts, “the bayonet-knife product“ 6X2 ”was an extremely successful design.

Experimental knife R.M. Todorov sample 1956

The prototype of the bayonet-knife for AKM was the regular knife of the reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Navy, designed by Lieutenant Colonel R.M. Todorov sample 1956. Judging by the suspension of Todorov's knife, he simply hung on his belt like an ordinary HP.
Todorov's experimental knife came to the attention of Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov's employees, who were developing a promising bayonet-knife, and was redesigned for AKM with a change in a number of nodes, retaining the appearance of the blade practically unchanged. And since that time it has been copied in one form or another by the designers of almost all countries of the world that manufacture weapons.

Bayonet-knife for AKM model 1959

In 1959, during the modernization of the AK-47 assault rifle to AKM, the bayonet-knife “6X2 product” was replaced with a lighter and more versatile one, developed on the basis of an experimental knife designed by Lieutenant Colonel R.M. Todorov, which was mentioned above. But the new bayonet-knife, the “6X3 product”, was soon again upgraded to the AK-74 assault rifle, which replaced the AKM.

Bayonet-knife for AKM and AK74 model 1978

This bayonet has become a kind of calling card Soviet Union along with the AK-74 assault rifle. I will not lie if I say that the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the most famous and popular weapon of the last century, adopted for service in fifty-five countries of the world. On the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Mozambique there is an image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle with an attached bayonet, which symbolizes the struggle for the country's independence. Also, the Kalashnikov assault rifle can be seen on the coats of arms of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and the Republic of Zimbabwe.

Bayonet for AK-74 model 1989

Hand on heart, this is a completely different bayonet-knife, little like its predecessor. Perhaps, the similarity remained only in the shape of the scabbard and the presence of a characteristic hole on the blade. The shape of the blade and handle, the material from which the handle and scabbard are made, as well as the form of fastening have changed - now the Russian bayonet-knife is located in a horizontal plane to the right of the new Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle adopted by the Russian army.
The engineers of the Izhevsk plant, who created the last sample of a regular bayonet-knife, believe that this method of fastening will help to avoid the blade getting stuck between the enemy's ribs. And, perhaps, there is a certain reason for this, because such a position of the blade is typical for many schools of knife fighting. Although the previous one, in general, has not been canceled, the knife flies remarkably into the stomach of the enemy and in the vertical plane.

Sling cutter Airborne Troops USSR

I can't help mentioning this interesting weapons of this particular type of troops, as a regular sling cutter of the Airborne Forces of the USSR. Despite the purely practical purpose of this knife - to cut tangled parachute lines in the event that the main dome does not open when landing on a tree or on water, this is precisely a military weapon. And quite serious, given the ability of a double-sided saw to inflict lacerations. If, on the basis of the principle that “in the Airborne Forces, any object is a weapon”, in addition to sharpening the blunt leaf-shaped part of the blade to the proper sharpness, the sling cutter becomes a completely full-fledged hand-to-hand combat weapon.

Sling cutter of the Russian Airborne Troops

The modern Russian sling cutter is an automatic knife with a frontal ejection of the blade, which has a double-sided sharpening in the absence of a piercing point.

Regular diving non-magnetic knife

Now I would like to say a few words about Russian diving knives. To date, only professional divers and, perhaps, collectors can find classic diving knives, which are characterized by large sizes and have a developed handle with large stops that allow you to securely fix the knife both in your bare hand and in a diving glove. The materials of such knives are made of special non-magnetic alloys, mainly titanium. The blade is extremely durable and can have several types of sharpening, as well as special tools and screwdrivers. On the butt there is often a metal pommel, which can be used as a hammer. The photo shows a regular diving non-magnetic knife, which was supplied by Soviet submarine engineers, who, in accordance with the requirements for magnetic visibility when working with high-sensitivity magnetometric fuses, should not have magnetic equipment items.

Regular diving knife with a ring

The method of fixing a knife in a sheath using a threaded connection was widely used in the armies of various states, including Germany, Italy and the United States. Such a fixation of the blade was also used in the USSR in the standard diving knife of the Navy, shown in the photo. The blade of this classic knife is made of stainless steel, the handle is made of processed wood.
The ring on the handle is used to attach the cord to prevent accidental loss of the knife. Despite the external elegance, the knife is quite heavy, its weight with a sheath reaches one kilogram, and the dimensions of the handle allow you to confidently use it with a hand dressed in a diving glove. The fastening of the scabbard on the belt is rigid due to the metal bracket into which the diving belt is threaded. This is necessary in order to be able to make 3–4 half-turns of the handle with one hand, without holding the sheath, releasing the knife fixed at the mouth of the sheath with a threaded connection.

Knife diving universal (NVU)

The combat knife shown in the photo was a standard knife for light divers of the USSR Navy and is still used by naval reconnaissance and anti-PDSS units (underwater sabotage forces and means) as cold weapons and for work under water or on land.
The NVU blade is equipped with a serrator for sawing cables, ropes and steel nets. The sheath is plastic, with the possibility of a two-point attachment to the shin or forearm. In the scabbard, the NVU is attached with a rubber pad on the handle. This method of fastening reduces the time of removing the knife, but also virtually eliminates the possibility of losing it. NVU has negative buoyancy, in other words, it sinks. But, having drowned and reached the bottom, it becomes vertical on the ground with the handle up, which makes it easier to search for it under water in case of loss. There is an anti-magnetic modification of the NVU-AM knife, which does not have a serrator.

Sea Devil

However, in addition to the bayonet-knife for the Kalashnikov assault rifle, a fairly large number of developments of combat short-bladed edged weapons have been and are being carried out in Russia. About some of them, in my opinion the most interesting, I want to tell. The knife received the name "Sea Devil" with the light hand of combat swimmers participating in the testing of new models of edged weapons.
The designer of the knife is Igor Skrylev, the author of many developments in the field of creating combat knives, adopted by special units of the Russian army and navy. "Sea Devil" is a wide-profile knife that can be successfully used by both combat swimmers and special forces of other branches of the armed forces to solve a wide range of tasks.


An experimental model of a utility knife for the marines. The creation of universal knives has always attracted designers who develop new models of edged weapons, but solving a wide range of tasks with a single tool is almost impossible.
The Storm knife has a stainless steel blade and a shock-resistant, chemically inert handle, as a result of which it can be used for close combat by the Marine Corps units for which it was actually developed. The knife is purely combat - due to the lack of a saw on the butt and a serrator on the blade, it can hardly be considered universal.


The knife was made by order of the Moscow SOBR by the AiR company from the city of Zlatoust. Available in three versions - Combat Knife, Premium Combat Knife and civil modification. The photo shows the combat version. The premium version differs in that it is made with gilding, but in terms of tactical and technical characteristics it does not differ from the combat one.

DV-1 and DV-2

Knives DV-1 and DV-2, differing only in the length of the blade, were developed by order and in cooperation with the fighters of the Far Eastern special forces. This is also evidenced by their names - DV means "Far Eastern". These are massive camping knives that can withstand heavy loads and be used for the toughest jobs.

The photo shows a DV-1 knife with a spear-shaped blade and additional sharpening on the butt. The knife handle is made of Caucasian walnut, steel guard and pommel of the same material. The DV-1 knife has an all-metal shank passing through the handle, a screw assembly and a leather sheath.

The photo shows an export version of the DV-2 knife from a limited edition, which differs from its serial progenitor in the materials used. Its blade is made of Z60 steel instead of the usual 50X14MF carbon steel for these knives, and the handle of the knife is made of typesetting leather, while in the basic version it is made of walnut.
At first glance, the knife impresses with its size. Its total length is 365 mm, and the length of the blade is 235 mm. The blade is coated with a matte black finish to protect against corrosion and prevent unmasking glare. Descents from half a click, even with a solid thickness of 5.8 mm, provide a good cut. On the butt of the blade there is a section with a bevel, forming an unsharpened wedge, which is used for cutting bones. The recess in front of the guard (choil) allows you to intercept the knife, passing its guard between the index and middle fingers. Such a grip is used to facilitate the removal of a stuck knife, as well as for a number of jobs where such an arrangement of the brush on the knife provides better control.
DV-2 has a double-sided guard, which perfectly protects the hand. The handle, made of tightly fitting leather discs, has an oval cross section. The hilt ends with a massive pommel used for traumatic purposes. The top is put on a through shank and tightened on it with a flat nut. The sheath of the knife is of a classic design, made of two layers of thick leather, interconnected with rivets. The suspension is vertical, with a strap that securely fixes the handle.


Knives of the Punisher series are designed and manufactured for the power units of the FSB of Russia by ZAO Melita-K, which has been producing high-quality knives since 1994, including a wide range of combat knives and daggers.

"Punishers" are produced in two versions - "VZMAX-1" and "Maestro". In addition, there are modifications that differ in the material of the handle (composite leather, rubber or kraton). "VZMAX-1" differs in the root part of the serrated sharpening, and "Maestro" - serrated sharpening on top, the type of scabbard and the type of blade finishing (anti-reflective, black or camouflage). The guard is double-sided. The wide blade is convenient for digging and allows, if necessary, to use the knife as an additional support on slopes with loose soil. The cutting part of the blade has a sickle-shaped cavity, which allows to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions. The knife is completed with a sheath made of high-quality leather or avisent, allowing you to mount it on the arm, leg, belt and elements of combat or hiking equipment. Knife "VZMAX-1" officially adopted.

Vityaz NSN

The knives "Vityaz NSN", "Vityaz NM", "Vityaz" were developed by order of the President of the BKB Vityaz Hero of Russia S.I. Lysyuk to equip special forces. A distinctive feature of the design is a large, heavy blade with a narrow blade, which allows, upon impact, to maintain the inertia of movement, reduce weight and increase penetrating ability, anatomically comfortable guard, which allows you to hold the knife in your hand while working.


Knife "Antiterror" designed and manufactured for the power units of the FSB of Russia. The blade of the knife has a petal shape, which allows the maximum use of the working area of ​​the blade and increases its secant properties. The blade configuration has high penetrating abilities, the cutting part has a sickle-shaped cavity, which allows to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions. Reinforced the back of the blade. The standard ergonomic guard prevents the hand from slipping off at the moment of striking.


Combat knives of the Katran series differ in the type of blade and handle material. Knives of the "Katran" series, depending on the modification, are used as an underwater knife, a combat knife or a survival knife. The handle of the knife has a double-sided guard and a metal pommel. The handle material is type-setting leather, rubber or craton, depending on the modification.
"Katran-1" - underwater combat knife. Blade with one and a half sharpening. On the butt, the sharpening is made in the form of a wave-shaped saw. In the root part there is a hook for cutting nets and serrated sharpening. Rubber handle. Plastic scabbard with leg straps. Coating of metal parts - black chrome.
"Katran-1-S" is a land version of this knife. It differs in blade material: steel 50X14 MF. Anti-reflective treatment of metal parts. The handle is type-setting from skin. Leather sheath with plastic insert.
"Katran-2" - a hunting knife with one and a half sharpening. On the butt, the sharpening has an angle designed for cutting. Anti-reflective treatment. The handle is type-setting from skin. The scabbard is leather.
"Katran-45" - combat knife. An exclusive model developed by order of the 45th Airborne Regiment. It is distinguished by the presence of a metal saw blade on the butt, anti-reflective coating. The handle is type-setting from skin. Leather scabbard. There is an option with a camouflage coating of metal parts.


The combat dagger "Shaitan" was developed in 2001 by order and together with employees of the power unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. The combat dagger "Shaitan" is available in two versions: the handle is type-setting leather and the skeletal type ("Shaitan-M"). The knife has a narrow leaf-shaped blade with double-sided sharpening. In the root part, the sharpening is serrated. The serrator is designed to be used as a sling cutter, cutting through 10-12mm climbing rope with ease. The shape of the blade is intended for inflicting deep cut wounds, as well as for the greatest use of the working part of the blade. The guard and handle are symmetrical. Also, "Shaitan-M" can be used as a throwing knife that can withstand up to 3000 throws. Handle made of type-setting leather, subjected to special processing. All metal parts have anti-reflective treatment.


Knife "Akela" was developed by order of SOBR as a "police" knife. Distinctive feature is its small size, which allows you to work in cramped urban conditions, crowded places, where it is impossible to use firearms. Knife dagger type, double-edged, the blade has an anti-reflective coating (black chrome). The handle is made of MBS rubber, fits comfortably in the hand. The pommel is metal, has a hole for a lanyard.


Knife "Smersh-5" - a classic combat knife. The prototype of this knife was used during the Second World War (NR-43). The blade of the knife has a high penetrating power. Ergonomic guard prevents the hand from slipping during a strike. The upper butt part of the guard is designed for additional pressure when cutting hard objects.


The sample shown in the photo was adopted by special units of the FSB. Knife "Gyurza" consists of two modifications and has a narrow blade with one and a half sharpening. On the butt part of the sharpening is made with a serrator. Serrator raises combat capabilities knife, and is also used for cutting ropes and cables and, to a limited extent, as a substitute for a saw


Combat knife "Cobra" was developed by order of SOBR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This is a small dagger with a narrow blade and a double-sided, anatomically comfortable guard. "Cobra" is a serious weapon that allows you to solve combat missions in crowded places where the use of firearms is excluded. This dagger is designed not only for an injection, the shape of its blade allows the use of cutting and chopping techniques, both with a direct and reverse grip.

explosives technician

This large and powerful knife with a blade length of 180 mm was developed by order of the sapper units of the FSB. "Vzryvotekhnik" was created as utility knife, designed to perform the functions of a military weapon, a survival knife and an engineering tool. Currently officially accepted for supply. The blade is symmetrical, with differentiated sharpening - on one side of the blade is a regular sharpening, on the other a small serrated blade. The wooden handle has a steel pommel that can be used both in combat and as a hammer.

Russian Financial Intelligence Dagger

The combat knife shown in the photo, made by the AiR company (Zlatoust), retains all the features of a classic dagger - a double-edged blade, symmetrical guard and handle. This dagger is interesting in that it is, apparently, the only one in modern Russia a case of the revival of the tradition of departmental weapons, which, being a combat model, at the same time indicates belonging to a strictly defined state structure.
A small and only batch of this combat knife was made in 2008 by order of the Financial Monitoring Service especially for its employees. The dagger is made of stainless steel, the handle is type-setting leather, the guard and buttstock are aluminum.

The abbreviation "OTs" stands for "TsKIB Weapon". The OTs-04 knife was developed at the Tula Central Design Research Bureau (TsKIB) in the late 80s and early 90s and was intended for the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The knife has a very massive design, butt thickness - 7 mm. The blade has a slight bevel in the front. There is a two-row saw on the butt of the blade, but due to the small height of the teeth, its efficiency is relatively low, especially when sawing raw wood. The handle is symmetrical, with a double-sided guard, made of plastic and has a large corrugation for a better hold.
Iron sheath, riveted from two halves. In them, the blade is held by a spring-loaded plate, like AK bayonet knives. The sheath has a leather loop for the classic location of the knife on the belt. Also included are leather adjustable straps that allow you to place the knife on the body and equipment in several ways.