The most unusual trees on our planet. These amazing trees are the miracle trees of our planet.

Below we offer you an illustrated story about ten of the most phenomenal trees in the world.

1. The giant sequoia "General Sherman" is the most a big tree in the world

Giant sequoias growing in California are considered the most big trees in terms of volume. The most famous and largest among them is the "General Sherman" in national park Sequoia. Its height reaches 83 m, its volume is about 1,486 cubic meters. m, and weighs more than 6000 tons.

The tree is estimated to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old, and each year the tree grows as much wood as an 18-foot redwood tree.

2. Aspen poplar: Pando is the heaviest tree in the world

Pando or the Trembling Giant, located in Utah, USA. This is not one tree, but a large colony aspen trees, spread over 100 acres. All the trees in this colony are genetically identical because they grow from the same organism - they have a common giant root system.

Pando is made up of 47,000 trunks and its collective weight is 6,600 tons, making it the heaviest organism in the world. Although average age individual trees are about 130 years old; the entire organism is about 80,000 years old.

3. The Thule Tree is the World's Largest Tree

The Tule tree is the most prominent tree of the species Taxodium mexicanis, which is located near the city of Oaxaca in Mexico. It is famous for its largest trunk girth (58 m) and trunk diameter (11.5 m).

The tree is believed to be about 2000 years old. In 1994, the tree began to dry out: the leaves became painful yellow and there were dead branches everywhere. Studies have shown that the problem is a simple lack of water. After changing the watering system, the tree came back to life and feels great.

4. The tree of life is the loneliest tree in the world

The Tree of Life in Bahrain is the loneliest tree in the world. The mesquite tree is located on the highest point of the barren desert of Bahrain, hundreds of kilometers from other plants. Its roots go tens of meters deep to aquifers, thanks to which the tree is alive. This tree grew here more than 400 years ago. According to the legend of local residents, this tree stands on the site of the Garden of Eden.
5. Wollemia is the oldest tree in the world

The Wollemia tree, funny in appearance, hides a very ancient history. Wollemia, which grows in Australia, is a real living dinosaur. The oldest fossil of Wollemia dates back to 200 million years ago. In 1994, scientists unexpectedly discovered a living Wollemia tree.

The exact location of these coniferous trees was hidden to protect the last 100 copies from complete destruction. Since 2006, trees began to be sold as seedlings, thus removing the population of these ancient plants from the threat of extinction. Now the tree can be seen in many botanical gardens.

6. Pirangi cashew tree - the largest forest tree

The famous Pirangi tree is located near the city of Natal in Brazil. This is a 177-year-old cashew tree that covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted in 1888 by a fisherman. Thanks to the genetic mutation of the tree, the branches that touch the ground take root. Which usually doesn’t happen with trees of this species. As a result, the tree became a tourist attraction - it looks like a real forest with an area of ​​8,400 square meters. m. In fact, this is one tree! It produces about 80,000 fruits per year.
7. Tenere Tree – once the loneliest tree in the desert

The Tenere tree is a solitary acacia tree growing in the Sahara Desert in Niger. The tree was over 300 years old and was the only tree within a 400 km radius. There was once a forest here, gradually eaten away by the desert and winds. The last acacia gave such long roots that they made it possible to draw water from great depths.

Sadly, in 1973, the Tenere tree was hit by a drunk truck driver. Later, a metal monument was built on this site in honor of the Lone Tree of Tenere.

8. Banyan: Mahabodhi tree - Buddha tree

The banyan tree is named after the Hindu traders who sold their goods sitting under this tree. The tree is notable for its aerial roots that descend from the branches to the ground.

One of the most famous types of banyan (also called ficus sacred or Bo tree) is the Mahabodhi tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. The tree is said to have grown from a cutting from the tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment in the 6th century BC. Planted in 288 BC, it is the oldest tree in the world planted by man with an exact date of planting.

9. Baobab is the largest living water reservoir in the world

Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the baobab, but it grows in Africa and Australia. Baobab trees are the most ancient forms of life on the African mainland. Many of them have been growing since Roman times.

The amazing baobab or "monkey breadfruit tree" can grow up to 30 m in height and 11 m in width. Most for years they remain without leaves. The baobab tree has a characteristic pot-bellied trunk that serves as a water storage facility.

The baobab tree can hold up to 120,000 liters of water, which helps it survive severe droughts. Some trunks are so large that people live inside the tree.

10. The Dragon Tree is the most multi-stemmed tree in the world

The Dragon Tree is located in Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife (Canary Islands). It is about 1500 years old. Instead of one trunk, the tree has many individual trunks, closely intertwined and ensuring the strength of the entire structure - there are no other similar trees in the world.

It got its name thanks to the resin; residents believe that it is the dried blood of a dragon and have been using it to treat various ailments since ancient times.

One can only envy Mother Nature’s fantasy - it is truly inexhaustible. There are so many interesting and unusual corners that exploring them would not be enough throughout your entire life. Each continent is unique in its own way, and above all, with its flora. There are more than 100,000 species of trees alone. Some of them are so unique in appearance, texture and dimensions that I would like to pay special attention to their description.

Trees of the world: amazing and incredible among us

An impromptu top ten of the most amazing trees in the world might look like this. Moreover, the order plays absolutely no role - they all deserve a prize, if not for beauty, then certainly for their strangeness and originality.

Place of “deployment” is the island of Socotra (an archipelago of the same name in the Indian Ocean). Visually it resembles an umbrella turned inside out or a giant russula mushroom with a green cap. The massive trunk of this miracle of nature reaches up to 10 m in height, and the radius of the crown can be tens of meters. The tree got its exotic name because of its resinous red sap, reminiscent of blood. During the monsoon rains, dragon “umbrellas” begin to bloom, becoming covered with funny branchy panicles.

A distinctive feature of this tall and proud handsome man is his multi-colored trunk. It seems that some impressionist artist did a good job creating such a bright and unusual palette. In fact, the whole trick is that the tree bark, being renewed naturally, changes color from soft light green to brick-raspberry. And on the way from “youth” to “old age” it still manages to transform into orange, purple, green and even blue. In addition to their many colors, chameleon eucalyptus trees can be safely called one of the longest-living trees on the planet. Their age often jumps over the thousand-year mark, and their height reaches 100 meters or more.

It, of course, has nothing to do with military topics, but the fruits clearly resemble military cannonballs - hence the name. Often found in botanical gardens of the subtropics. The original fruit-balls stick quite tightly to the tree trunk, representing real threat the lives of those who risk being close to this outlandish representative of forest flora.

At first glance, nothing extraordinary, many will think. Ficuses will surprise few people, and they grow in almost every home. But all the grins will instantly disappear from your face at the sight of a huge and semi-mysterious tree growing in the botanical park of the Indian city of Khauri. It is popularly called the “Tree Forest”, representing a real forest grove with hundreds of individual trunks and a shady upper crown. And to be completely speechless, it is worth mentioning its size - about 1.5 hectares in volume. According to scientists, the old ficus is about 250 years old.

It is not difficult to guess that this relative of the baobab received its name due to its resemblance to glass bottle. Of course, no botanist will give him a prize for grace and aesthetics, but there is a certain eccentricity in his appearance - that’s a fact. It grows in Namibia, feels great under the scorching African sun and even pleases the eye with pink-red flowers, vaguely similar to magnolias. The bottle tree is also very poisonous, which Bushmen warriors did not neglect to take advantage of, lubricating hunting arrows with its juice.

The tree is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. It has a rather warlike appearance, thanks to the spiral-shaped turns of sharp thorns that wrap around the trunk from the roots to the very top. The height of the palm tree can reach up to 20 m, and the length of the leaves often exceeds 3 m. It is noteworthy that the fruits of the peach “ruff” are still popular among residents of Central and South America, making up a significant part of the daily diet. And the most interesting thing is that they acquire the brightest taste precisely in their fermented form.

In Mayan mythology, it was one of the sacred symbols, and today the relay of worship has migrated to Puerto Rico, a South American state under US jurisdiction. The fruits of mature trees are large capsules containing fluffy, shiny fiber resembling cotton. But the most amazing thing about this 60-meter giant is that the trunks and large branches are simply strewn with prickly thorns. This terrifying “outfit” helps the tree retain moisture and feel good in the tropical heat.

Its discoverers were English sailors who moored on the shores of New Guinea and watched in amazement as the local aborigines gobbled up juicy fruits that resembled bread by both cheeks. Later, they learned to cultivate the tree in Jamaica, and it was used for a long time to feed slaves on plantations. Bread “loaves” can weigh up to 4 kg, piled up on a trunk or large branches. On average, seven hundred fruits are harvested from one mature tree per year - a good harvest! And these powerful beauties with a spreading crown live up to 70 years.

It turns out that you can milk not only a cow, but also trees - an amazing discovery for the inhabitants of Russia and a phenomenon of everyday life for the inhabitants of Central and South America. An incision is made on ripe fruits, and then, by analogy with birch sap, a container is placed, and the liquid gradually flows into the prepared container. You can milk up to 4 liters of juice at a time. When such milk is boiled, wax is released, which is then used to make candles or improvised chewing gum.

The second name is kigelia. It continues the food theme, although its fruits are not eaten in their raw natural form. Large, sausage-shaped cucumbers hang between the branches, turning brown as they ripen. Among Africans, kigelia is still considered a panacea for all diseases, and is actively used to treat skin and venereal diseases, wounds and insect bites, ulcers, as well as for various shamanic rituals. They also make alcoholic drinks from the “sausages,” adding honey to start the fermentation process.

The world of trees is truly unpredictable and amazing. And no matter how hard technological progress tries to subjugate our attention, it will never surpass nature.

There are more than 100 thousand species of trees in the world. Depending on the nature of the area and climate, they grow tall or low, strewn with thick and large foliage or small needles. There are also specimens that have strange edible fruits. Today we will tell you what unusual and rare trees world live on our planet.

bottle tree

It is indigenous to Namibia. the world are not always useful and pleasing to the eye. The bottle tree is one of the most poisonous plants on our planet. Its milky juice is extremely dangerous. Previously, the Bushmen used it as a powerful poison, which they moistened arrowheads with.

It got its name due to the unusual shape of the barrel - its resemblance to a bottle is amazing! The tree grows in the mountainous regions of the country. Its flowers are usually white or pink, which turns into a dark red hue towards the center.

Wawona tree

What other ones are there? unusual trees peace? There are many of them, and one of them is Wawona (Wavona), which grew in the USA. This is a sequoia from the Mariposa Grove, located in one of national parks countries. According to some reports, giant tree about 2100 years old. In 1969, it collapsed, unable to withstand the weight of snow on its crown. The height of the giant was 71.3 meters, the diameter of the trunk at the base was 7.9 meters. For environmental reasons, they decided to leave Wavona in place, since such a giant is quite capable of creating its own mini-ecosystem for insects, small animals and many plants.

In 1981, a passage was cut out of a huge tree. The tunnel turned out to be quite spacious: 2.1 meters wide, 2.7 meters high and 7.9 meters long. Since then, the amazing tree has become one of the landmarks of the United States.


These interesting trees of the world are quite difficult to find. Most often they can be found in Mexico. They are distinctive feature and the landmark Ta Prohm Temple. Mighty roots entwine the ancient temple, and the bombax grows up to 60-70 meters in height.

peach palm

These amazing trees of the world grow in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. They are also found in South and Central America.

Peach palms have rows of sharp black thorns arranged in rings along the entire surface of the trunk - from the roots to the very top.

The plant reaches a height of 20 meters, and the leaves grow up to three meters in length. Once upon a time, indigenous people used the fruits of this tree for food after they had fermented a little. But even today, fermented remains a favorite delicacy.

milk tree

These unusual ones grow in South and Central America. They were named so because of their milky juice, which both looks and tastes like cow's milk. It is tasty and healthy, contains vegetable wax, water, sugar. But more viscous and thick than real milk.

To obtain a wood drink, an incision is made on the bark, to which a container is placed. About 1 liter of juice is collected in an hour. Unlike natural cow's milk, milky juice does not spoil within a week even in the tropics.

Trees of the world: breadfruit

There are many unusual plants in Oceania. Along with the coconut palm, which produces butter and milk, an amazing breadfruit tree grows in this area. It bears fruit in “rolls” weighing up to 12 kg. The pulp of oval fruits accumulates starch, which turns into dough as the fruits ripen. The ripe gifts of the tree, which have a yellow-brown shell, are baked, and after that their taste resembles a slightly sweet wheat bread. By the way, raw pulp does not store well, but crackers do not spoil for a long time.

candy tree

Often the trees of the world amaze not only with their unusual appearance, but also amazing fruits. For example, in the forests of Southeast Asia you can see sweet howenia - a tree that looks like a linden tree, more than 15 meters high.

Its juicy and thick stalks are half (47%) composed of sucrose and taste like raisins with a hint of rum. In autumn, just shake the tree and these fragrant “candies” fall in whole bunches. From one hoveniya they harvest more than 35 kilograms.


In the Panama Canal area you can see real candles on the trees. The fruits of such plants contain a large amount of fat. Local residents insert a wick into their middle and use them to illuminate their homes. It is important that the flame of these “candles” burns brightly and does not smoke at all.

oil tree

Agree, the trees of the world can surprise even a sophisticated botany expert. Take, for example, the unique oil tree (hanga), which grows in the Philippine Islands.


But the natives of America were able to solve the problem of detergents with the help of soap trees. Sapindus is native to the Florida peninsula. By lightly rubbing its ripe fruits, you will get a rich soapy lather. It should be noted that local residents do not use any other soap.

And quilaya, growing on the western slopes of the Andes, is covered with bark containing saponin, a substance that creates soap suds. Things washed with this bark do not fade or fade.

Keppel tree

Another amazing tree grows in India - the keppel. Its fruits are so fragrant that the person who tastes them smells like violets in their sweat.

These fruits are the size of an apple, covered with thick skin and have a sweet and juicy pulp. They taste like mango and grapes. They grow in small groups (several pieces).

The most beautiful trees in the world

The flora of our planet is very diverse, its representatives are countless. Trees, bushes, flowers... Dwarfs and giants, useful and not very useful, beautiful and inconspicuous in appearance - all of them are undoubtedly interesting and worthy of attention. Now we are most interested in beautiful tree in the world. According to experts, it grows in a park in the city of Tochigi (Japan). This is a wisteria planted in 1870.

Its branches are supported so that they form a flower umbrella. From mid-April to mid-May you can see extraordinary things on wisteria


The trees of the world, photos of which you can see in our article, amaze with their diversity. Albizia, or sleeping tree, is a large plant belonging to the legume family. Its height is about 12 meters. The tree has a spreading umbrella-shaped crown. Distributed in Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

Rare trees

The oldest tree on Earth is the Methuselah pine. Its age is more than 4850 years. It received its name in honor of the Biblical hero, who was considered the main long-liver in the world.

This tree grows in the United States, more precisely, in the White Mountains. The exact place where the pine grows is known only to botanists who monitor it. This secrecy is explained by the desire to protect this old-timer from vandals. Many tourists go to the mountains to find the relic, but their attempts, as a rule, end in failure.

This is not just a tree, it is a symbol of eternity. It seems dead, but at the same time each of its branches is full of life.

"Tree of Life"

Perhaps this is the loneliest tree in the world. And the only one growing in the desert sands of Bahrain.

The “Tree of Life,” or “Shajarat al-Hayah,” as the locals call this unique piece, is 400 years old, but the most interesting thing is not its age or the fact that it is a very rare specimen. Scientists cannot understand how the acacia managed to live for several centuries in the desert, completely without water, while exuding vital energy.

dragon tree

This amazing tree grows on one of the Canary Islands. Scientists believe that it is between 650 and 1500 years old. It consists of several trunks that tightly wrap around each other and grow upward. The dragon tree is crowned with a canopy of dense foliage. It was named so because of the resin that is released when the leaves or bark are cut. Local residents believe that this is the blood of a dragon that has dried up. This resin is used to treat various diseases.

Thule tree

This is very large tree, belonging to the species Taxodium mexicanis, which grows in the city of Oaxaca (Mexico). It has the largest trunk girth (58 meters). Its age is about 2000 years. Previously, many argued that this is not one tree, but three, fused together. But all doubts disappeared after the tests. It was determined that this was the same plant. Perhaps this is the most unusual tree in the world. Photos of him can be seen in many textbooks in biology and, of course, on this page.

In 1994, the leaves of the relic turned yellow and the branches began to dry out. Scientists decided that the tree was dying, but when specialists in tree diseases examined it, it turned out that this giant simply did not have enough moisture.

Sri Maha Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi tree has an unusual structure: it has a huge dome and aerial roots hanging down to the ground. To see this with your own eyes amazing plant, you will have to go to Sri Lanka and visit the temple in Bodh Gaya. This representative flora supposedly named after Hindu traders who sold goods while sitting under it, but, according to another version, everything was completely different. It is believed that Bodhi grew from a shoot sacred tree, under which the great Buddha achieved Enlightenment in the 6th century BC.

The natural world amazes us with its diversity. And sometimes any trip to an ordinary forest ends with interesting discoveries for some. However, if for some lindens, oaks or spruces are ordinary trees that grow right next to the house, then for others these trees are a real discovery from the natural world. Sequoias, baobabs or silk trees may also appear to us. Therefore, in order to show all the tree diversity of our planet, the site contains a selection of ten of the most incredible and amazing trees.

Amazing dragon tree

This unusual tree is common in subtropical climatic zone on islands near Africa and in Southeast Asia. This plant is an unusual form of the indoor dracaena known to many. However, unlike its indoor counterparts, it is truly gigantic in size.

Amazing dragon tree

The tree has a characteristic thick trunk unusual shape, due to which it has such an impressive appearance. In appearance it can be described as a hypertrophic cactus. All its branches grow upward and it is at the top of the dragon tree that you can see pointed tufts of leaves. Moreover, their trunk can reach four meters in girth and rise twenty meters in height.

The tree gets its unusual name from the resinous sap released when the bark is damaged. For its unusual properties - at first it has no color, and then acquires a bloody color, due to large quantity in the resin of the pigments dracorubin and dracocarmine - it was called “dragon’s blood”. This resin has medicinal purposes and for a long time, it was the sale of this “blood” that was the main source of income for the inhabitants of the islands on which the tree grew.

Interesting feature. The tree does not have traditional growth rings and its age is determined by its flowering, which occurs approximately once every fifteen years. The oldest dragon tree grows in Tenerife. Its age is about 400 years.

African fat baobab trees

Baobabs are perhaps one of the most famous trees on the African continent. Almost anyone can recognize these fat men. However, most often they have a sloppy and unaesthetic appearance. And only in Madagascar did they acquire original forms and become real symbols of the island, by which it is recognized throughout the world.

Looking at this tree, anyone can understand its unusualness - Madagascar baobabs, like all their representatives, seem to grow with their roots upward. Ordinary tree reaches 20-30 meters in height and up to 10 meters in trunk girth. However, some representatives of this species can reach up to 80 meters.

An interesting feature of these trees is their dryness. The baobab bark is very thick and does not allow moisture to evaporate. And during the rainy season, it produces the opposite effect - it absorbs streams of water like a sponge and then retains them throughout the dry period.

Another one interesting feature These trees are that they are able to take root in almost any condition and, after being cut down, can easily “reborn from the ashes.” Thanks to such vitality, scientists are still unable to accurately determine their life expectancy - some analyzes show only a thousand-year period, while according to others it can reach up to five thousand years.

New version of baobab - bottle tree

bottle tree from Australia

On the Australian continent, which is also known for its arid climate, its analogue of the baobab - the bottle tree - could not help but appear. Here its name sounds more modest - boab. By its very name you can understand that it looks like a pot-bellied bottle. All its varieties, regardless of their height, have a single, similar appearance - a trunk increasing towards the roots.

However, due to its inconspicuousness, it is worth talking about another representative of this genus, bottle trees from the island of Socotra. It is here that endemic trees grow, that is, species that cannot be found anywhere else on earth. The island itself is equidistant from the Arabian Peninsula and the African coast, so it has an arid climate. And just like their baobab counterparts, they retain any liquid in their thick base.

These trees are much lower than their Australian counterparts, but have the same trunk part that lengthens towards the bottom. I would call them “pyramidal” because, unlike African boabs, they have a smoother transition from the bottom of the trunk to the top.

It is especially interesting to watch them during the flowering period - they appear on the branches pink flowers, and the bark is filled with an incredible bronze tan. This period for trees begins in February, so those who want to see this extraordinary picture should fly to the island at the end of winter.

Giant Aloe - Quiver Tree

This tree-like evergreen grows in the Southwest African continent and is a tall thick trunk with branches branched at the end. This relative of the domestic aloe known to us reaches a height of nine meters.

Currently, it is most often seen in Namibia. It is in this country that this funny tree grows among a pile of stone boulders. It acquired its second name, quiver tree, due to the fact that African tribes used its trunks to create quivers for arrows.

The uniqueness of this tree is that only this type of tree can be found only where there are stones and severe drought. And these umbrella-shaped crowns and gnarled trunks have a rather picturesque appearance.

The oldest centenarians on Earth are Bristlecone pines.

Bizarre twists of nature

In California, unusual trees grow that “time itself is afraid of.” We are talking about Bristlecone pines. This group of trees whose age older than age any other organism known to scientists on our planet is now listed in the Red Book. According to scientists, these amazing trees are about four thousand years old and they are the same age famous pyramid Cheops.

Finding yourself in a forest like never before, you realize how short human life. After all, even the youngest of these trees is almost a thousand years old. The oldest tree in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest is the Methuselah pine, which is already 4,723 years old.

The amazing beauty of Bristlecone pine

These trees grow in an amazing place, which is never more suitable for this - at an altitude of more than three thousand meters above sea level and in conditions of poor soil layer and low humidity. Moreover, this type of pine has another rare feature. Due to the very low rate of regeneration and reproduction, the spread of this species is very difficult.

The most positive tree is the rainbow eucalyptus

Positive tree - rainbow eucalyptus

IN large family eucalyptus trees There is one variety, looking at which, you can instantly get a charge of positivity. We are talking about rainbow eucalyptus. This majestic tree, which can rise, like all its fellows, to a height of up to seventy meters, has one undeniable advantage - its bark can play with all the colors of the rainbow from yellow and orange shades to green and purple.

These positive trees grow in the Southeast part of the Asian continent, and their homeland is the Philippine island of Mindanao. So unusual beauties, which nature writes on the trunk of the rainbow eucalyptus, is explained by the process of peeling off the bark, which occurs at different periods of time. And this variety of colors seems to serve as an indicator of the time scale of bark loss.

For example, the bark that a tree has recently removed will have a bright greenish tint. Over time, the bark begins to gradually darken and change its color, gradually becoming purple, then maroon, and eventually gets an orange camouflage.

The fire tree, surprising with its royal beauty

Delonix royal has long been considered one of the most beautiful views trees. And this is no coincidence, since this, as it is also called “fire tree” in the world, attracts everyone with its bright colors. This tree, like the baobab, which was already written about above, comes from Madagascar.

Until the 17th century, only lemurs in the wilds could admire it deciduous forests Madagascar. However, the curiosity of botanists led to the fact that it began to be actively developed in America. As a result, it can now be found throughout the American continent, but in Madagascar itself it has practically disappeared. This was due to the fact that, in addition to its unusual yellow-red flowering, it has another valuable property - the crafts of local residents made from its dense wood are especially valuable. And it was they who were responsible for the fact that the Fire Tree is practically unknown in its homeland.

Delonix regalis is a tropical plant and cannot withstand long periods of drought. That's why it became widespread on tropical islands Caribbean and in South American countries. However, if suitable conditions are created for it, it can be grown in other parts of the world. And, for example, in the southern part of China it has already become a symbol of several cities.

Surprisingly bright Wisteria

Wisteria, or wisteria as it is also called, is a woody deciduous vine. This perennial plant reaches a height of 15-20 meters and has profusely flowering shoots with leaves up to thirty centimeters long.

Now the most famous are two types of wisteria - Japanese and Chinese. It is these two species that have the most vibrant deciduous vines, differing in color from each other.

So, if Chinese wisteria has all sorts of lilac shades, then Japanese representatives have white and pink flowers. And it is the latter that, during flowering, form the most vivid and impressive pictures.

Amazing mangrove trees

In the process of evolution, amazing trees appeared on earth, which are very different from all their relatives. The thing is that this type of tree is almost the complete opposite of most of the trees presented above and, unlike the bottle tree or baobab tree, does not need water at all, since it literally lives in it.

All these trees may belong to different species, but due to their specific distribution area they were combined into a single species - mangrove forests. This group of forests includes representatives of 24 species tropical plants. They grow in small tropical lagoons, where they stretch for tens of kilometers in a small strip along sea bays.

The beauty of mangrove trees is most clearly visible underwater

Mangrove trees also look original respiratory system. These trees have developed peculiar adventitious roots, through which the plant is supplied with oxygen.

They look especially beautiful during high tides. At this time, on the water, they seem like a single leafy ocean, nomadic on the water. However, the main beauties can only be observed by lovers of underwater diving - it is under water that picturesque pictures appear, proving that it is not for nothing that mangrove forests are included in the list of the most beautiful trees on Earth.

An innumerable number of amazing trees grow on the territory of our planet. We will introduce you to some of them in this article.

We are all accustomed to the way the trees around us look in everyday life, so if we see something that is not like them, at first we cannot even believe that such unusual trees exist - but they exist, they grow beautifully where we are not here and local residents taken for granted

Take, for example, the baobab - well, which of us in our right mind would call such a tree “ordinary”? Moreover, he doesn’t even have rings to determine his age - scientists have to be content with the results of radiocarbon dating when figuring it out

No less interesting is another type of baobab, familiar to Madagascar landscapes - the teapot baobab. he is not a separate species- any of the six species of baobab growing in Madagascar can take the form of a teapot or bottle. What this is connected with is unknown, but most likely in this way the trees take care of moisture, which is not so abundant in these latitudes

Other interesting tree- rainbow eucalyptus, which we already wrote about earlier. The bark of this amazing tree literally attracts the eye - it seems as if some artist “worked” here. Eucalyptus trees themselves, even those without “rainbow” bark, are amazing trees. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the tallest trees ever found were eucalyptus trees. For example, one report from 1872 mentions a fallen eucalyptus tree that was over 150 meters high!

Another amazing tree that does not have growth rings is the dragon tree or simply dragon tree. Because of the red sap that immediately appears at the site of the cut in the bark, it is also sometimes called the dragon's blood tree.

Cotton trees (Ceibs) that grow on the ruins of an ancient Cambodian temple complex deserve special attention - their roots have long since formed a single whole with the ancient stone buildings of the majestic temple

Ceibas are interesting in themselves, not only in the context of a picturesque “symbiosis” with the ruins of an ancient temple. Their unusualness lies in the fact that, being essentially representatives of the palm tree family, they grow mainly in arid regions of the planet, and therefore their entire trunk and branches are covered dense layer spines, allowing them to retain the moisture necessary for life

Sometimes trees are found so unusual that they are given their own names. This happens for a number of reasons - due to great age, unusual appearance or colossal sizes. One such unusual tree is the intermountain bristlecone pine Methuselah, discovered in 1953 in the Inyo National Forest in eastern California. The uniqueness of this pine is that it is one of the oldest and still living trees in the world - according to experts, Methuselah turned 4842 this year. In order to prevent acts of vandalism and protect the pine tree, its exact location is not disclosed

Another ancient tree with its own name is located in another North American state - South Carolina. We are talking about the 1,500-year-old Angel Oak, growing in the wilderness of John's Island. The height of the oak is 20 meters, the diameter is 2.7 meters, and the most spreading branch reaches 27 meters in length. This oak received such an unusual name from the last owners of these lands - the Angel family

Also worthy of attention is the thickest tree in the world - the Tule Tree, growing next to one of the churches in the Mexican city of Santa Maria del Tule

The tree belongs to the Taxodium family, found only in Mexico, its trunk girth is 11.62 meters, the trunk circumference is 36.2 meters, the Tule Tree reaches a height of 35.4 meters, although it used to be slightly taller. By different versions he is from one and a half to six thousand years old

The oldest olive tree grows on the island of Crete - the Elaia Buibon tree. Despite the fact that it is already about 4 thousand years old, it, surprisingly, still continues to bear fruit.

And last of all, I would like to dwell on perhaps the most unique of the currently known trees - relatively young, in comparison with the above-mentioned long-livers, “only” the 400-year-old Tree of Life, which grew in the middle of the desert in Bahrain, not far from the city of Jebel Dukhan . It seems amazing. that such a huge tree survived and grew in conditions of extremely scarce water supplies, and it still remains a mystery how miraculously it succeeded...
