Transit compounds of uranium. Transit of the lunar nodes across the planets. Conjunction

Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

-/+ The direct passage of Uranus through the radix position of the Sun will, as a rule, be assessed very critically. Only if Uranus is in the most favorable aspect to the Sun will a favorable development of the situation be possible during such a transit, but in any case this period will not pass without problems and unrest.
+ Uranus is closely related to philosophy, parapsychology, the subconscious and astrology. Its harmonious transits to the birth position of the Sun can lead to metaphysical knowledge, activate the abilities of the “sixth sense” and make the native susceptible to hypersensitive perceptions. During this period, you can discover completely new character traits, dare to do things that you would never have dared to do before, outgrow yourself spiritually and feel an irresistible desire for the stars.
Uranus transits can release enormous internal forces that will dramatically improve your life situation. The horizon will expand and it will open before the native new country, which he strived for with all his heart. These will also be periods of happy excitement, for example, great luck with winning a game or lottery. Under the influence of Uranus there are never harmonious periods of life and a measured way of life. Therefore, natives who are attuned to creative restlessness can create something great during this period and precisely in the direction that the house in which the Sun will be in the birth position will point and through which the radix occupation of the Zodiac sign Aquarius (Uranus sign) will pass ).
+ The great transformations that Uranus brings can also greatly change the essence of the native whom they affect. If in the radix Uranus is in conjunction with the Sun, then this will contribute to a strongly pronounced division life path the native for a seven-year cycle, during which the native will, having collected all his energy, purposefully overcome the obstacles that stand in his way.
Love and marriage:
+/- All acquaintances made during this period are rather casual in nature and rarely last long.
Work and business contacts:
-|- The impact of these transits will be especially favorable on work that has something unusual and eccentric as its object. Those geshefts who were previously in a fluctuating period of their development will sharply move forward during this period. A native who has worked in any public sphere or in a large group in front of the public will suddenly have the opportunity to break out of the gray mass and find himself under the spotlight.
Material sphere and finance:
+ Profit in financial terms during these transits will be possible only if, according to the radix, there is a happy period for the native, associated with business games and speculation. Thanks to new implementations, as well as through work in the technical sector, it will also be possible to achieve good profits.
+ The period of psychosomatic diseases has ended, the period of a general increase in vital energy has begun.

L.A. Filippova. Predictive astrology

The need for spiritual renewal, mobilization of all spiritual forces, a flash of creative insight, hidden abilities appear. They are capable of extreme decisions and actions that they would never have dared to take at any other time. A person begins to realize his uniqueness, his uniqueness, hence his unusual actions. This explosive period can cause brain overstrain and lead to a stroke or heart attack.
In the negative aspect, eccentric behavior can be uncontrollable, antisocial, a person opposes himself to society. All plans collapse, so it is better not to make long-term plans during any transit of Uranus. Danger from electricity, fire, explosions, lightning. On physical level- insomnia.

Pavel Globa. Transit connections

IN best case scenario: the ability to make extraordinary decisions in life appears that a person would never have agreed to before. A person is required to mobilize all spiritual forces. At this moment, he sometimes feels like a genius, a tendency to unusual creative revelations appears, and unexpected abilities are revealed.
In the worst case: the transit is explosive and can lead a person to a heart attack, stroke, or brain overstrain. Overexertion promises a person subsequently a very strong decline, so that he becomes incapable of new, unique actions. Usually he realizes his uniqueness, originality and contrasts himself with others, becoming eccentric, less manageable in society. During this period, under no circumstances should you make any plans or draw up projects, because... subsequently the plans collapse like a house of cards. You should beware of electricity, fire, explosions.

Larisa Nazarova. Transit aspects

There is an urgent need to express your individuality in an unusual way. The methods may vary depending on the strength and kindness of Uranus. If the aspect is related to the 1st house, extra-artistic abilities appear, the person knows how to present himself, shine among others, creative revelation comes to him. In the worst case, you manage to shine, but “in the wrong place.” A person may show gullibility and suffer because of it. With evil Uranus, a sudden stroke or heart attack, insomnia. Risk of accident from electricity or in an airplane.

Transit – Business

The aspect occurs only once during a life of normal duration and marks a period of freedom to choose life directions, areas of employment, a period of ample opportunities for original, creative individual manifestation and self-realization. Favorable for spiritual search, development of self-awareness and self-improvement. It can last from several months to a year and brings various extraordinary events and meetings with unusual people. This transit will bring you good luck in business if you are not alien to manifestations of progress in any form, but it can present unpleasant surprises if you are opposed to the idea of ​​personal spiritual development.

Transit – Health

A period of dramatic changes, including in health. It can last up to a year and cause interruptions in the functioning of various body systems, especially the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Nervous breakdowns and heart attacks, other unpleasant and crisis events and incidents are possible.

Transit – Love and family

The effect of this aspect can last from several months to a year and bring unexpected changes in your personal life, significant changes in views on partnerships and intimate problems. It may not affect you directly, but may affect the fate of your children. A period of fighting boredom and routine, striving for adventure and romance. It is quite possible for you to break outdated, routine connections and create new, exciting ones.

11.000.01] Transit North Node according to the Sun. The aspect promotes self-affirmation in society, brings successful meetings and profitable connections, improves relationships with father, husband, bosses and dignitaries. In a woman's horoscope there may be marriage, a wedding. With an evil Sun, there are obstacles in society or from high-ranking persons. Breaking alliances.

12.000.01] Transit of the South Node across the Sun. Transit constrains activity and creative initiative, making a person vulnerable. Recession possible physical strength, cardiac dysfunction, especially if the radix contains indicators of heart disease.

Transit of the North Node on the Moon. The aspect promotes spiritual unions. Emotional leadership over other people is possible, especially in relationships with women. With an evil Moon, a painful emotional attitude towards everything, alienation in relationships with a mother, wife, sister or close woman.

Transit of the South Node on the Moon. Internal loneliness and complexes. Most often, during this transit, a person is required to pay debts to his parents or mother. A person cannot leave his parents, he should not leave them. But emotionally he must free himself, become independent, and not depend on his mother’s opinion in his affairs and actions.

Transit of the North Node through Mercury. Social and business sociability, desire to exchange ideas and joint plans. Mercurian principles find application in society. Karmic acquaintances and karmic connections appear, which contribute to the understanding of one’s karmic tasks. A good time for trade and business. With evil Mercury - a violation of relationships with the environment, prudent use of contacts and relationships with people for one’s own benefit. There may be delays and setbacks in business relationships

Transit of the South Node through Mercury. Decline of intellectual strength, loss of interest in education. During the transit, many people drop out of school educational institutions. Severance of friendships or business relationships. When Mercury is evil, business deception is likely.

Transit of the North Node through Venus. The aspect promotes the conclusion of love unions. IN male horoscope- this is the time of the emergence of love affairs, intimate extramarital relationships. But Venus is also the significator of marriage, so there may be an engagement or a wedding for love. With evil Venus - alienation, discord in love, or a person indulges in entertainment, sexual fun.

Transit of the South Node through Venus. Sexual complexes and disharmony appear in love relationships. It is best not to sort out the relationship in this aspect, but to wait it out, since a showdown is fraught with a break.

Transit of the North Node on Mars. There is the possibility of social realization and energy for big things. Aspect of cooperation and business alliances, cooperation. In the female horoscope - intimate relationship, engagement, marriage. With evil Mars - sports and quarrels, scandals in the team. In the female horoscope - alienation, separation, sometimes only for the period of transit.

Transit of the South Node on Mars. Blows of fate. External circumstances stronger than man, he cannot control his actions, especially with evil Mars. Imperative situations in which a person shows lack of will.

Transit of the North Node through Jupiter. A great aspect for popularity, if Jupiter is not flawed in the radix. This is a time of social elevation, gaining power and rewards. The aspect strengthens alliances, connections, and social contacts. This best time for marriage, conception, childbirth and legal affairs. With an evil or dissonant Jupiter, a karmic test of a person by power.

Transit of the South Node through Jupiter. Decline in social authority. With evil Jupiter, loss of power and position.

Transit of the North Node through Saturn. The aspect brings independence and promotes alliances with people senior in position or age. These alliances will turn out to be strong and will bring benefits and benefits for a long time. With evil Saturn - a period of trials, grief, sadness, breaks in relationships with older people, death in the family.

Transit of the South Node through Saturn. The aspect requires you to take care of the affairs of the house ruled by Saturn. Then things related to the North Node will be successful. With evil Saturn - a period of karmic reckoning, loneliness, melancholy, depression.

Transit of the North Node through Chiron. Very good transit for lawyers and diplomats, politicians and peacekeepers. The most complex diplomatic negotiations are successful, political conflicts can be resolved, and major trials can bring popularity and fame in society. At the same time, a person’s two-facedness is manifested, and with the evil Chiron, chameleonism, the ability to fool everyone around him and extract social benefits for himself.

Transit of the South Node through Chiron. Effective situations around the house, where natal Chiron is, do not turn out in favor of the owner of the horoscope - you have to pay karmic debts “both ours and yours,” which is perceived very painfully by a person. In addition, with evil Chiron, “ours and yours” can agree and lead to clean water. There may be conflicts with the authorities, the courts may not be in favor of the person, he may be tricked or slandered. The person does not fit in anywhere and it seems that cunning and the ability to maneuver work exactly the opposite.

Transit of the North Node through Uranus. In the highest version - the aspect of liberation, recognition by society original ideas and unusual merits, fame. Contacts and acquaintances with unusual people may appear, extraordinary relationships or friendships may begin with them. With evil Uranus, such acquaintances can lead unexpected turns in fate for the worse. In addition, alienation between friends and discord with them appears.

Transit of the South Node through Uranus. Unexpected blows of fate and no freedom. This aspect is detrimental to travel, especially on airplanes; there may be accidents or dangerous surprises on the road. Karmic payment of debts to friends or through friends.

Transit of the North Node through Neptune. This aspect can bring fame and recognition to ministers of the church, philosophy, and ideology. A wonderful transit for fulfilling a high mission and for poets, musicians, and artists. There could be a life-changing journey across the water. With evil Neptune, deceptions from those in power or those in high places social status. Revealing a secret can harm a person's public or social status.

Transit of the South Node through Neptune. A person pays debts through secret enemies, secret vices or secret influences. The aspect makes a person suggestible and gullible, so he may become a victim of fraud or deception. When Neptune is evil, mental abnormalities or bad habits may appear.

Transit of the North Node through Pluto. The aspect brings a lot of energy and the desire to gain power, often hidden. Since this also means self-confidence and great will, a person, as a rule, achieves what he wants. With a dissonant Pluto, there may be abuse of power. At the everyday level, an ordinary person becomes very collective and sociable, begins to attend mass shows and collective events, including sessions of hypnotists, magicians, and psychics. With a strong Pluto, after such sessions he feels a surge of strength, with a weak one, vice versa.

Transit of the South Node through Pluto. With a good Pluto, disasters occur before a person’s eyes; he becomes an eyewitness to someone’s death or tragedy. With evil, a catastrophe happens to him in places where there are large crowds of people. Subways, mines, and underground work are dangerous.

Transit of the North Node through Proserpine. Social changes cause deep personal changes; lifestyle, rhythms and even health change. The quality of change is determined by the sign and house where natal Proserpina is.

Transit of the South Node through Proserpine. Serious karmic trials are associated with the radix position of Proserpina. Social processes require a person to rebuild, but he is not able to change. Irreversible changes may occur, after which a person will never regain his social status.

Transit of the North Node on the Black Moon. Social processes lead to the manifestation of the vices of individuals. For example, the decline of the economy and the impoverishment of members of society give birth to beggars, scammers, corrupt women, and perverts. People who were completely normal members of their society begin to engage in dirty deeds.

Transit of the South Node on the Black Moon. The aspect may go unnoticed if the problems of the Black Moon are worked out by a person. In the negative version, these are internal complexes and internal compliance to negative deeds. Mental deviations are possible, so one push is enough for a person to commit dirty deeds for which he was internally prepared. It could be binge drinking or suicide.

Transit of the North Node on the White Moon. Aspect promotes everyone good deeds. It is possible to fulfill a high mission. In other cases, the aspect does not manifest itself.

Transit of the South Node on the White Moon. There is an opportunity to repeat good deeds already done in the past. A person himself can refuse or give something for the sake of a high goal, since the aspect strengthens the internal sense of duty. In other cases, the aspect goes unnoticed.

Let's analyze what the transit of Uranus through Saturn and its aspects mean in astrology. Fatal events, anxiety and nervousness. Conflicts with the environment.

The conjunction of transiting Uranus with Radix Saturn always creates fatal events in life this person, especially in cases where both planets already have an aspect to the radix.

This transit creates psychological tension, inner restlessness and nervousness, problematic thinking, judgments, disputes, conflicts with the environment and even contradictions in one’s life. inner world feelings.

This transit has a particularly strong effect on external events and incidents in cases where one of these planets already has harmful aspects in the radix from Mars, Pluto or the Sun.

Also, this transit causes hostility towards this individual from the outside world, with consequences such as arrest or prison, or even an attack on the freedom and independence of this person. This transit also causes disharmony among close people, as a result of which new worries and troubles arise, new concerns about other people.

All this comes from the fact that during this transit the heaviness, difficulties and obstacles of Saturn are combined with the randomness and suddenness of Uranus. Transit of Uranus through favorable aspects of Saturn usually increases creative power, improves family relationships with older people.

Favorable aspects of transiting Uranus to Saturn

At the same time, the opposition of the basic principles of Saturn and Uranus cannot give a completely harmonious influence, therefore the transit of Saturn and Uranus over the favorable aspects of Saturn necessarily creates a certain disharmony, excitement, tension, and the worse the position of Saturn in the radix, the stronger it is. People who have predominant positive constellations of both planets in the horoscope have a greater tendency to active thinking and action, to a more intense destiny.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Uranus to Saturn

A negative constellation transfers all its influence to the mental and spiritual plane. In horoscopes with planetary clusters in cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer: Capricorn, the influence of Uranus is much stronger than if the planetary clusters are in changeable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Before assessing the transit of Uranus, like any other planet, you should always carefully analyze the radix.

Transiting Uranus conjunct Saturn

Fatal events, sometimes death! Injuries, injuries, illnesses. During this period, serious hostility can be expected, and death in relatives is possible. Unfavorable aspects. Mental stress, inner restlessness, nervousness.

Problematic thinking, opinion, judgment, decisions and court verdicts (VII, IX and XII houses), disputes, quarrels, conflicts with the environment. Internal contradictions. Fatal events and incidents if one of these planets is damaged by harmful aspects in the radix from Mars, Pluto, the Sun.

Hostility towards a given individual from the outside world, arrest or prison, attacks on reputation and position, on freedom and independence. Disharmony among loved ones, new worries and troubles, new worries because of other people.

Sometimes death. Wound, injury, illness, surgery. Accident. Complications due to willfulness, selfishness. Kidnapping, captivity. Sudden death a close man. Quadrature. Serious hostility, failure at work, financial difficulties, family difficulties.

Transit of Uranus through Neptune

Let's analyze what the transit of Uranus through Neptune and its aspects mean in astrology. Disappointment, slander, defeat. This transit has little effect on the external material side of a person’s life.

It explodes from the inside, brings harm to the reputation of a given person, troubles at work due to gossip and slander, prepares and carries out secret, insidious attacks, unsuccessful plans for a long period, mental turmoil due to external factors, the causes of which cannot be detected or disclosed in advance.

A whole cluster can cause serious damage strange cases. Particular attention should be paid to the transit of Uranus through the constellation of Neptune if the latter is damaged by malefic aspects.

Transits of Uranus through favorable aspects do not play a relevant role. It has a greater effect on the mental and spiritual plane of a given person and only in people of a high level of intellectual development.

Transiting Uranus conjunct Neptune

A particularly bad aspect. At this time, the greatest caution and vigilance is required. Unexpected losses, poisoning, and emotional turmoil are possible. Unfavorable aspects.

Brings disappointment because of people who do not keep their promises. Damage to reputation, troubles at work due to gossip and slander. Secret attack. Unfortunate shocks due to unfavorable external factors. There is a danger of catastrophe, poisoning, illness, accident during a trip, flight or movement, sudden unexpected losses.

Favorable aspects of transiting Uranus with Neptune

They do not play an actual role. Affect the mental and spiritual planes of people with high level intellectual and spiritual development, causes a penchant for the occult, trips, changes, inspiration, new acquaintances with people of a spiritual nature, with people who are spiritually close, and activities with them.

Transit of Uranus through the Ascendant

Let us analyze what the transit of Uranus through the Ascendant and its aspects mean in astrology. Incidents in society, unrest and excitement, skirmishes and clashes, meetings and contacts.

Uranus, as a symbol of surprise and unexpectedness, bringing change in life and reshuffles, innovations and innovations, during its transit across the border of the 1st house is of particular significance in cases where the Ascendant is strongly aspected by Uranus itself, and even more so when Uranus itself is in 1st house or close to the Ascendant.

All transit of Uranus through the 1st house of personal individual characteristics brings external worries, most often incidents with society, with the close environment, and also affects married life. All these unrest and excitement, internal restlessness, noticeable and characteristic accompanying phenomena often force a person to be ready for any upheavals and changes, the nature of which will depend on good or bad aspects from other planets.

Under this influence is not only the organism, the physical body of a given person, but also his mental and spiritual state and position, he is like the soul of a person, always open to everything new and unknown, and the spirit of a person always strives for change.

Aspects of Uranus - Ascendant in the horoscope

Great tension in the soul always strikes the eye when Uranus in the radix is ​​at a distance of no more than 5° from the Ascendant, because the position of Uranus in the main horoscope, as well as its aspects, play a very important role in all areas of a person’s life. A transit over the Ascendant itself has a greater influence on a given person when Uranus has an aspect to the Ascendant in the radix.

Otherwise, the most that this transit can bring is temporary external disturbances, skirmishes and clashes, meetings and conflicts in society and environment. Sometimes this transit brings travel and travel or a change of residence and work.

Sometimes this transit determines accidents, injuries, injuries, illnesses, especially if Uranus already has critical aspects in the radix, especially if damaged by Mars or Saturn. Throughout the long period of this transit, a state of internal (in the person’s soul) or intra-family (between both marriage partners) excitement remains.

Uranus, being in transit in opposition to the Ascendant radix, creates a disharmonious or even hostile attitude towards a given person on the part of the outside world or its narrow circle.

Transiting Uranus conjunct the Ascendant

External disturbances, incidents within society, in a close environment. Upheavals and changes, conflicts in society and at home, marriage crisis. Moments of danger, tendencies to accidents, injuries, injuries, diseases. Disharmonious or hostile attitude from the outside world or a narrow circle of close people. Sometimes a violent death or fatality.

Favorable aspects of transiting Uranus to the Ascendant

Sudden fractures and rearrangements in a good way, changes in better side. Great tension of the soul, which is useful to use at work, in science, technology and art. Sometimes trips and travel. A favorable period for love relationships in marriage, new meetings and contacts.

Transit of Uranus through Meridian

Let's analyze what the transit of Uranus through the Meridian and its aspects mean in astrology. Serious changes, turns, rearrangements. New ideas and plans. The border of the X house of radix, or Meridian, is related to parents, inheritance, marriage and symbolizes profession and work, strength and power, glory and honors, attitude towards the world around us, one’s own “I” with all ambitious desires, plans, goals.

Sharp and serious turns and changes, internal and external rearrangements are more pronounced here. This transit brings a change of job, profession, position. More and more new ideas and plans come to mind due to irritability and excited feelings, awakening in a given person dissatisfaction with himself, with his affairs, which in turn gives him an irresistible desire for change, for turns and rearrangements.

This transit causes troubles and unrest not only at work and in society, but also at home, in the family or among loved ones. Transit of Uranus through the Meridian and its aspects. The most strong effect Uranus has its effect in cases where the Meridian is already aspected in the radix by Uranus or other planets.

Uranus influences the meridian extremely intensively if in the radix it is in square or opposition with the Meridian, or in conjunction no further than 5°. The trine creates chances for lifting and pushing forward and upward. In general, in all cases, this transit exposes and shows the personality of a given person in a good or bad sense.

Compound; unfavorable aspects of transit Saturn to the Meridian

Sharp and serious turns and changes” internal and external rearrangements. Change of job, profession, position. Irritability, agitation of feelings. Dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s activities. Sometimes violent death. Death, accident, injury and damage or illness. Marriage crisis. Favorable aspects. A favorable period for lifting, pushing forward and upward. Joy, progress. Promotion, recognition, awards.

Occurs once in a lifetime, since the second conjunction will be in 84 years.

Transit Uranus according to the radix Sun.
A flash of creative insight. A person is capable of extreme decisions and actions and begins to realize his uniqueness. This explosive period can cause brain overstrain and lead to a stroke or heart attack.
In the negative aspect - eccentric behavior. All plans collapse. Danger from electricity, fire, explosions, lightning. On the physical level - insomnia.

Transit Uranus on the radix Moon.
Sudden changes in mood, a person does not know what he wants. This is a particularly difficult period for women - unfulfilled desire can cause hysterics. Are escalating family relationships, especially among young people with parents. In the negative aspect - depression, uncontrollable emotions, the desire to do everything in defiance.

Transit Uranus on radix Mercury.
Increased mental activity and original thinking, creative insights, good luck and discoveries. In the negative aspect - unpredictable impulsive manifestations of all the qualities of Mercury with negative consequences (lawsuits, notoriety).

Transit Uranus on radix Venus.
A person is looking for unusual love, maybe unexpected love. Originally manifested in art. Strange relationships with others, a partner - old forms of relationships can be destroyed and new ones created. Unexpected financial success. The events of this period are marked by extraordinaryness and are remembered for a lifetime.
In the negative aspect, a strong need for renewal in love and friendship leads to the severance of family ties, scandals and quarrels. If Uranus and Venus were initially in tense aspects, there is a danger of rape.

Transit Uranus over radix Mars.
Tendency to impulsive, rash actions, crisis situations. A person becomes brave, but reckless, and strives to overcome all obstacles on the fly. In the negative aspect - in order to achieve a goal, he is capable of cruelty, violence, fighting, and risk. Hazards from fire, electricity, lightning, explosions and sharp objects.

Transit Uranus over radix Jupiter.
An unexpected opportunity to travel and expand your education appears. The sphere of interests is expanding. A person actively struggles with routine, becomes more noticeable in society: he is celebrated, awarded, nominated. May give promotion for a random reason. A good time to move to a new job.
In the negative aspect, there is an uncontrollable desire to develop and expand at any cost. They can deceive you, drag you into lawsuits, and become notorious.

Transit Uranus over radix Saturn.
The sense of time changes, and a disruption in biorhythms may occur. There is a need for spiritual restructuring, physiological and material restructuring is underway. In the negative aspect, what seemed stable collapses, a person becomes undisciplined, he is in danger of loneliness, the danger of robbery, loss of money, disaster, hospital. This transit is especially dangerous in old age.

Transit Uranus according to radix Uranus.
Occurs around age 84. Gives alienation from the material world and liberation from worldly duties. Interest in occult and mystical phenomena (especially the problems of life after death, reincarnation) is intensifying.

Transit Uranus over radix Neptune.
Strengthens intuitive abilities, a penchant for imagination, unique ideas arise that are ahead of their time. A person can explore his previous lives, successfully engage in parapsychological research, or be involved in secret groups or organizations.
In the negative aspect - pipe dreams, disappointments from facing the truth of life, slander and deception around, the danger of disaster, mental illness. The period is especially important for people with a large number of planets in Aquarius.

Transit Uranus on radix Pluto.
There is an increasing desire to change existing conditions. In heavy extreme situations, associated with collective energy, where you need to take risks, self-control saves a person. Unexpected manifestations of unusual talents. In the negative aspect - danger from fire, explosions, electricity, underground disasters. Increased impulsiveness leads to nervous breakdowns and forces you to go to extremes. It is dangerous to be in an excited crowd.

Transit Uranus through radix Proserpine.
Irreversible changes in life: a person, under the influence of an impulse, can make a unique decision and rebuild his whole life. Risk of disasters.

Transit Uranus according to radix Chiron.
A person skillfully adapts to any circumstances, changes tactics, makes new acquaintances, changes old relationships. He succeeds in everything he could not do before. There is a danger of getting entangled in dual situations and becoming too carried away by freedom. In the negative aspect - double life, deception of loved ones, lawsuits.

Transit Uranus according to radix Rahu.
Makes a person brighter, more independent. He clearly knows what he needs. Involved in new experiments and actively participates in them.

Transit Uranus according to radix Ketu.
A person becomes invisible, indecisive, his freedom is constrained by circumstances, any initiative fails. Loses faith in his own strength. Small troubles are perceived as major ones. Breaking contacts.

Transit Uranus according to radix Lilith.
Gives the seduction of freedom, freedom at any cost. Unbridled desires go against moral laws and lead to difficult changes in life. A person is drawn to risk, danger, and loses control over himself. The danger of accidents (especially road accidents) is also from electricity.

Transit Uranus according to radix Selena.
New unique abilities and the gift of foresight may appear. A person listens to his inner voice, receiving help and warnings about danger. New true friends appear. A period of high inspiration and creative excitement.

Transit Uranus according to radix Asc.
A person strives for personal freedom, neglecting dangers. Heightened perception gives a new idea of ​​oneself, and interest in unusual activities arises. A push to a new stage in development. In the negative aspect, a person cannot adapt to a new level, he simply becomes eccentric, unreliable in contacts and cooperation with unpredictable behavior.

Transit Uranus according to radix Dsc.
Active social activities, changes in personal relationships, success in cooperation. Unexpected marriage, new business partners. Dislike of manifestations of possessiveness and jealousy. In the negative aspect - disagreements with society, partners, breaks, conflicts, lawsuits. divorce or unsuccessful unexpected marriage.

Transit Uranus according to radix MC.
Changes the purpose of life. The unexpected rise of a person - recognition of his public or professional activity. Finding new methods in the profession or new job, there may be a change of profession. In the negative aspect - adventurism in professional or social activities.

Transit Uranus according to radix IC.
The desire for freedom in your own home, a change in relationships. Separation from family members or relocation is possible. In a positive aspect, karmic memory awakens, a person realizes past mistakes. In the negative aspect, he chops the branch on which he sits: he breaks the connection with home and roots. Home robbery.

People seriously interested in astrology often come across such a scientific term as transits. We’ll look at what this is in our next publication. You will also learn about the basic principles of predictions, retrograde movement and the impact of transits on our lives.

An important part of scientific astrology

Any astrological forecasts (for a year, a month or a day) are made based on transits. What does transit mean? In astrology, this term is usually used to refer to the aspects that form the relationship between the position of stars and planets at the birth of a person with the current state of the cosmogram. In order to find out this, it is necessary to draw up a picture that reflects the position of the planets and stars at the moment of a person’s birth. To obtain information, in addition to the exact date of birth (down to minutes), you need to know the region (latitude and longitude). As a person grows older, the position of the planets in the zodiac circle changes. Thus, planetary transits influence our destinies.

How are transits taken into account in predictions?

From now on we will call the natal planet (the one that influenced you at birth) the natal house. The event itself, which is about to happen, consists of three stages. It originates from the natal position of the planets involved in the transit. Then the main event occurs, and only then the person experiences the consequences of the influence of the transit (result). Astrologers connect planets not only through the house, but also through the sign itself. Moreover, a transit planet may have greater or lesser strength depending on its influence in natal horoscope.

What types of transits are there?

We have already found out what transits are. Now let's talk about their differences. Fast-moving celestial bodies that influence our lives are usually called personal planets. These include Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon. They are responsible for a person's character. Slowly moving planets (Saturn, Jupiter) are responsible for the sociality of a particular individual.

Another group, consisting of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, directs its power to profound changes in consciousness. All celestial bodies in the zodiac circle pass through hemispheres, divided into sectors depending on the cardinal directions. Also, each planet has a direct or retrograde period of motion. Moreover, transits of planets in astrology are deeply influenced by retrograde (trying to go backwards) movement. An exception to this list may be Venus, which itself has a reverse rotation.

How an event is formed

Now let’s learn more about what predictive astrology is. Transits during the first contact form the situation and are a prerequisite for its occurrence. As we said earlier, the retrograde movement of planets is important for the formation of a particular event. That is why the second aspect, which gives rise to the development of an event, is most often associated with retrograde. This gives the situation strength, momentum, acceleration. As you understand, the third contact ends the event, and the person has to make one decision or another.

Aspect Connections

The heroes of our today's publication are transits. What are trines, squares, conjunctions and other predictive methods? Let's talk about this briefly right now. While slow-moving planets can warn us of an event, an "invasion" by Mercury, the Moon or Mars can narrow the timing of an event down to the day. The type of aspects formed may include a combination of two celestial bodies, three (trines), four (quadratures) and more.

Doesn't have of great importance, how many celestial bodies influence your situation (the strongest are considered to be conjunction and opposition). Focus your mind on possible consequences. If the proposed event has a pronounced positive imprint, accumulate energy to move forward. If the stars promise Negative consequences, be extremely careful in your actions, statements and even thoughts. Paradoxically, sometimes the most difficult aspects seem to be the most effective. A person is programmed to be positive and does not see anything out of the ordinary in it. It is customary to struggle with difficulties, and as a rule, this bears fruit.

Predictive methods

Now let's talk about what progressions and transits are in astrology. We have already learned that transit is the main aspect involved in the predictive method. In addition, there are additional methods that are no less important, but more subjective. These include solar and lunar returns (progressions), intensified by transits. Astrologers are very fond of using detailed charts based on the symbolic location and movement of the planets. This card is called progressive. The progressions themselves (secondary directions) are built on the principle of similarity. The main pair of the cycle is day and year (solar cycle) or day and month (lunar cycle).

Versatility of aspects

At a given period of time, the transiting planet has a certain position in the sky. This means that it will influence the situation equally for everyone. When zodiac sign changes, all earthlings experience the energy of the transit planet. The same can be said about the influence of directness or retrograde. All of the above aspects are universal, if they do not appear in natal chart.

Fate teaches a lesson

Transits of planets in astrology are in an orb (interval) from the moment of first contact to the last. In this case, a specific degree, minute of the natal planet and even a point are taken into account. A transit can interact with the natal point several times. Fate allocates this number (or length of time) for a person to learn a specific lesson. Moreover, the better the information is assimilated, the higher the personal development of the individual.

As we have already said, the influence of transits occurs in three contacts or phases. The first encounter with an event (observation) can be a huge shock, because the person has never experienced it before. The second phase, when awareness of what happened occurs, is usually compared to learning. At this stage, a person develops an understanding of the situation and thoughts about managing his actions. Astrologers say that the second phase of transit is the most difficult, because it is during this period that a person needs to look for solutions or ways out. The third contact of transit (not always the last) forms the assimilation of the material. Once foreign energy merges with daily memories and transforms into internal resources or experiences.

In our today's publication, we get acquainted with such an astrological concept as transits. We have already learned what this is. Now let's delve a little deeper into the theory and look at some interesting facts. Sometimes the transit can be long in time, which means it can consist of five contacts. In this case, at the learning stage, a person will have to “consolidate” the material. Sometimes short-term aspects are observed, especially under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn. In this case, one contact is formed, and the information has already been learned by the person earlier. You can consider such a transit as a reminder.

There are so-called planets of karma - Saturn and Pluto. But if events are clearly predetermined, then transits dwarf planet act in an almost incomprehensible, mystical way. During periods of influence of these planets, a person reaps previously activated karma. This means that we are dealing with previously formed thoughts and actions. In addition, you can form karma yourself, or, as astrologers say, “sow seeds.” All created developments can be successfully used in the future. Thus, the transits of Jupiter and Uranus coincide with the so-called sowing time. “What goes around comes around” is absolutely true folk wisdom. During this period, a person discovers his potential for future development.

Our publication has already mentioned transits and quadrants (quarters zodiac circle). The quadrants are divided into astronomical spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each period has three zodiac signs, starting with Aries. The spring quadrant symbolizes childhood with the dominant Ceres. People with a highlighted first quadrant in the natal horoscope definitely need a mentor. The second period with dominant Mercury represents youth, the third with dominant Chiron represents maturity, and the fourth (Neptune) represents old age. So, if a person has an autumn quadrant highlighted in his natal chart, he can become a pessimist in life, but only reveal his maximum potential in old age.


In our today's publication on astrology, we looked at concepts such as transits, what aspects are and how they form predictions. We hope our article was useful to you.
