Vedic names for men. In the beginning there was a word...

In the morning the question came to mind: are there Russian names that mean something in Sanskrit?.. Right off the bat, only “Natasha”, “Dasha” and “Seva” came to mind. Then I decided to make a transcript note. :) So that our people know what certain Russian names mean in Sanskrit... :)

NATASHA. A very Vedic name that has two meanings, depending on how the sandhi is opened (for those who don’t know: in Sanskrit words are written together in certain rules, which are called "sandhi". Because of this, the same word can be divided in different ways and get different meanings). So, 1) “Na-ta-asha” (na - no; ta - he, she, that, that; asha - joy, satisfaction). 2) "Nata-asha" (Nata - dance). That is, either 1) God does not give joy, or 2) he or she who loves to dance. You can even perceive it as an epithet of Shiva or Krishna, something like a synonym for “nata-vara”.

SEVA (Sevastyan). It sounds very good in Sanskrit and means “service to God”.

DASHA. If you don’t separate it, then the name translates simply as “ten”, “chervonets” :). And if we take it as “da-asha”, the translation is already more interesting: “She who loves to give”, generous, that is. Although, maybe it’s the other way around, as “taking away happiness.” Because there are generally problems with “yes”. When it is at the beginning of a word, it can mean “destruction”, “cutting off”, but not necessarily, and when at the end, it means “giving”.

NOVEL. Literally "romance" with the emphasis on the first syllable, in Sanskrit it means "body hair". So, perhaps, “novel” can be translated as “hairy.” Sorry. :)

DAVID. "Da-vid" - "one who is well versed in charity." Or: “one who deprives of knowledge.”

DANILA. "Da-nila." “Yes” - give or deprive, “nila” - dark blue; sapphire; Nila is Rama's ally in the fight against Ravana. So the name is very complex and can be interpreted in any way. :)

IVAN. Very similar to the Sanskrit “ivant” - “as if big and great.” Or it can be divided into “iva-ana” - “as if living.”

KIM. In Sanskrit, "kim" is the interrogative pronoun "What?" :)

MAKAR. Quite a Sanskrit name. It means a special creature - half crocodile, half shark. Interestingly, when Krishna was small, He wore makara-shaped earrings. Although it can be perverted and divided into “ma-kar”, which means “idler”. :)

MARAT. In general, in Sanskrit, when at the beginning of a word there is “maa-” with a long “a”, then this word means negation or absence. "Rata" in Sanskrit means pleasure, pleasure. So...

NIKITA. "No-kita." Phew, what a terrible translation! I will not translate so as not to offend anyone.

TARAS. "Ta-ras" - "the same taste." :) But in general, good name, it turns out, if we take the esoteric meaning of the word “race”.

KHARITON. Eh, it’s a pity “tone” doesn’t mean anything, otherwise it sounds like such a promising name... That would be “haritan”! Then: “Child of God.” :) "Hari" - God, "tana" - offspring, child...

VARVARA. "Var" - favorites, best. Then: “var-vara” - “the best of the best.” :)

MAYAN. Well, everyone knows that. "Ma-ya" - "that which does not exist."

MARINA. “Mari-na” (mari - murder, na - no) - I don’t even know how to translate. :)

MARIA. Interesting name. Because in full form"Maria" the name is translated very well: "something related to love", but in the abbreviated form Masha ("ma-asha") - the meaning is not so good. :(

NINA. Hmm, well, let’s say it can be translated as “aspiring to the heights.” :)

RENATA. Eh, if the name sounded like “Ri-nata”, such a wonderful translation would have turned out!

TAMARA. "Ta-mara"... What a horror. :(I won’t translate.

Ugh, I'm tired of it! I've been sitting for an hour now, going through the names and trying to "decipher". :) I'd better go get some work done. :) If I forgot some “pure Sanskrit names”, write in the comments, I’ll try to translate “at the request of the workers”.

On this page of the site you can choose a name for yourself. Don't perceive given choice too seriously, but at the same time - allow yourself to take your choice as seriously as necessary in order to accept the chosen name as your own for a while.

As many people know, it is not by chance that in the East practitioners receive a second name in order to distance themselves from their past (usually material and meaningless), and also to identify with a new name, which often has spiritual meaning and significance. On this page of the site you are invited, although very distant from the authentic initiation rituals, but nevertheless realistically, to do approximately the same thing.

All names are Sanskrit names. For each name an approximate translation of its meaning is given. You choose a name and consider it yours for a while (for example, one day, a week or more). Try not to choose a name many times - accept the first name and feel it as yours, for any period you wish. You can then choose a different name, etc.

To choose a name - focus on your choice, think about it for a moment and click on one of the links below that matches your gender.

Choose your name:

On the next page your name and its meaning will be waiting for you.

All names in Sanskrit usually have many meanings and, as a rule, are obscure to many people, do not worry if you have chosen a name that is not very beautiful and original in your opinion - this is not very important, all names in Sanskrit have a deep meaning and significance - therefore the main thing is this.

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Vedic names

Vedic men's and female names

Vedic names include:

Names mentioned in the Vedas (Vedic scriptures). Including the names of God.

Names in Hinduism.

Sanskrit words that became names (for example, Aditya - sun).

Veda- a collection of the most ancient sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit.

Vedas translated from Sanskrit means “absolute knowledge”. In other words, the Vedas contain knowledge of the Absolute Truth.

In Vedic culture there are different names God. Although God is one, people call Him by different names.

Vedic male names

Abhijit (Abhijit) - victorious

Abhishek (Abhishek) - milk foam

Aditya (Aditya) - sun

Ajay (Ajay) - invincible

Ajit (Ajit) - invincible

Amar (Amar) – immortal

Amitabh (Amitabh) - magnificent

Anil (Anil) - god of the wind

Anupam (Anupam) - incomparable

Arjun (Aryun) - peacock

Arun (Arun) – sun

Ashok (Ashok) - non-sorrowful

Bhanu (Vhanu) - sun

Bharat (Vharat) - master of the Universe

Deepak (Deepak) – lamp, good

Devdas (Devdas) - serving God

Devraj (Devray) – king of the gods

Dilip - king, predecessor of Rama

Gagan (Gadan) - heaven

Gopal (Gopal) - god Krishna

Hari (Hari) - sun, god Vishnu

Indeever - blue lotus

Ishan (Ishan) - sun

Ishwar (Ishvar) - strong, supreme god

Jaidev (Jadev) – god of victory

Jaswant (Jasvont) - victorious

Jawahar (Jawahar) - precious

Jayant - winner

Jitendra (Jitendra) - lord of conquerors

Kamal (Kamal) - lotus flower

Lakshman (Lakshman) - prosperous, brother of Rama

Mahesh (Mahesh) – god Shiva

Manish (Manish) - god of reason

Mayur (Mavur) – peacock

Mehul (Mehal) - rain

Mithun (Methun) – couple

Mohan (Mohan) - beautiful, enchanting

Naveen (Navin) – new

Nayan (Nayan) – eye

Nishad (Nishad) - the seventh note of the Indian musical scale

Pavan (Pavan) – wind

Prakash (Prakash) – light

Prasad - offering to God through prayer

Prashant (Prashant) – quiet and reserved

Pratap (Pratar) - dignity, greatness

Prem (Prem) - love

Premal (Premal) - fullness of love

Premanand (Premanand) - joy of love

Pritam (Pritam) - lover

Raj (Raj) - king

Rajeev (Rajiv) – blue lotus

Rajesh (Rajesh) - god of kings

Rajkumar (Rajkumar) – prince

Rakesh (Rakesh) - lord of the night, sun

Ram (Ram) - god Rama, beautiful

Raman (Raman) - beloved, pleasant

Ranjeet (Ranjeet) - winner in the war

Ravi (Ravi) - sun

Rochan (Rokhan) - red lotus

Rohit (Rohit) – red

Samir (Samir) – wind

Samrat (Samrat) - emperor

Sandeep (Sandeep) – light, lamp

Santosh (Santosh) – happy

Sapan (Sapan) – dream, dream

Shankar (Shankar) - god Shiva

Shashee (Shashi) – moon

Shiv (Shiv) – god Shiva, happy, lucky

Shyam (Shyam) – dark blue

Sohan (Sohan) - handsome

Sundar (Sandar) - beautiful

Sunil Sunil) – dark blue

Swaraj (Swaraj) - freedom

Taran (ram) – raft, sky

Udeep (Yudip) – flood, stream

Udit (Judit) – grown, awakened, luminous

Ujesh (Yudzhesh) – giving light

Vasant (Vasant) – spring

Veer (Vir) - brave, courageous

Vijay (Vijay) – victory

Vishal (Vishal) – huge, great

Vivek (Vivek) - justice

Female Vedic names

Aishwarya (Ashwarya) - prosperity, fullness

Amrita (Amrita) - nectar, immortality

Anjali (Anjali) – sacrifice

Bipasha (Bipasha) - river

Chandni (Chandni) - moonlight

Divya (Divya) – wonderful, glowing

Eesha (Isha) - goddess Parvati, purity

Esha (Yesha) – desire

Gaura (Gaura) – suitable woman, goddess Parvati

Geeta (Gita) - the holy book of Hinduism

Hema (Hema) – gold

Juily (Julie) – flower

Kajal (Kajal) - art

Karishma (Karishma) - miracle

Kiran (Kiran) - ray of light

Madhuri (Madhuri) – sweet girl

Megha (Megha) – cloud

Nandini (Nandini) - holy cow

Neelam (Neelam) - sapphire

Neeta (Nita) - honest

Nisha (Nisha) – night

Pia (Pia) – beloved

Prema (Prema) - love

Radha (Radha) - beloved of Krishna, wealth

Prianka (Prianka) – favorite

Rani (Rani) – queen, princess

Rekha (Rekha) – line

Samiya (Samiya) - incomparable

Sanjana (Sanyana) – light

Sapna (Sapna) – dream, dream

Shivani (Shivani) - goddess Parvati

Smaram (Smaram) - memory

Sitara (Sitara) – star

Sumita – friendly

Sumitra (Sumitra) – friendly

Sunila (Sunila) – blue (light blue)

Sushmita (Sushmita) – good smile

Tara (Tara) – star

Vijul (Vidzhul) – silk

Yuvati (Yuvati) – young woman

Akrura- Lord Krishna's uncle

Amara– immortality

Angira- one of the seven great sages born of Brahma

Bali– king of asuras (demons)

Budha- son of the moon god (Soma), wise, intelligent

Bharata- son of Maharaja Dushyanta

Valin- king of the monkeys, son of Indra

Varuna- deity who rules the water element

Vasudeva- father of Sri Krishna

Vein- demonic son of King Anga

Vidura- hero of the Mahabharata, son of Vyasadeva

Virani– daughter of Brahma, goddess of the night

Vishwamitra- famous sage of antiquity

Gandhari- daughter of the king of Gandhara

Garuda- gigantic bird Vishnu

Govinda– name of Krishna

Danu (Dana) – heavenly cow, daughter of the heavenly cow Zemun

Daksha– The Lord of creatures, according to the legend of the Vedas, Bharata is the seventh son of Brahma, glorified by his daughters who became wives different gods(Dharma, Parvati, Durga, Sati, Uma, Shakti)

Dasaratha- father of Rama, sung in the Ramayana

Dvarakadisa– name of Sri Krishna in Dwaraka

Jagadamba– Mother of the World

Jagatguru– Guru of Peace

Jaganath– Lord of the World

Jatpita– Father of the World

Jagdish– Lord of the World

Jadugar- wizard

Janaka- Sita's father's name

Janasandha- father-in-law of the demon king Kamsa, opponent of Krishna

Jaya– friend of Parvati, both are consorts of Shiva

Jayanta- son of the sky god Indra

Jayanti- daughter of Indra

Divya– divine

Draupadi- wife of Yudhishthira, the eldest of the five Pandava brothers

Drona– elder brother of the Kauravas, mentor in military affairs

Durga- one of the names of the goddess Kali

Duryodhana- difficult to overcome. The eldest son of the blind Kaurava king - Dhritarashtra

Alive- goddess of life, spring, wife of Dazhbog. Saved Dazhbog from Morena

Gauranga is another Name of Lord Chaitanya. Gaura - gold, anga - beautiful image of the Lord

Giridhari– name of Krishna

Giriraja– name of Krishna

Govinda- one of the names of the Supreme Lord Krishna

Zemun– heavenly Cow in the Russian Vedas

Indra- the main god of the universe, the king of the heavenly planets

Ishvara Puri- Vaishnava saint

Cali- goddess personifying Kali Yuga

Kamsa- demonic king from the Bhoja family

Countea- one of the names of Arjuna

Kubera– god of wealth, ruling deity of the north

Kunti– queen

Lakshmi- goddess of prosperity

Maharishi- great sage

Nam (Nama)– clean Holy Name Gentlemen

Nanda Maharaj- father of Sri Krishna

Narada Muni (Narad)– great devotee, one of the first sons of Brahma

Narayana– Krishna in His four-armed form on the Vaikuntha planets

Nimai– name of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Parvati- consort of Lord Shiva

Preeti– love, joy, friendship

Ravana– a powerful demon killed by Lord Ramachandra

Rama (Ramachandra)– incarnation of Sri Krishna as an ideal monarch and man, the name of the Lord meaning “source of pleasure”

Ritwik- Vedic priest who sings hymns during rituals and sacrifices

Rudra– one of the eleven expansions of Lord Shiva

Rukmini- chief of Krishna's queens during His pastimes in Dwarka

Hari– Name of the Lord meaning “Who takes away all the sins of His devotee”

Shiva– a great devotee of Lord Vishnu; god in charge of the mode of ignorance in the material world

Shukra– omnipotent

Yatra- wandering

Yashoda- mother of Krishna, queen of Vraja and wife of Nanda Maharaja.

Our A new book"Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Vedic names. Vedic male and female names


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People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

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Slavic Vedic names. Name - expression, purpose of the soul in Revealing

As the ancient Latins said - “ nomen est omen." A name is a sign.

“Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail”...

Unlike foreign names, our names carry a deep meaning that is understandable to every Slav. For example, who can say offhand what the name “Paul” means? And “Kreslav”? Immediately I remember “armchair”, “kres” (fire); fire worshiper

It is very simple to distinguish a Slavic name from a foreign one: you need to think about whether there are parts of this name in any native word? The Slavs almost did not use the letter A at the beginning of a word, but tried to replace it with other letters I, O, I, and so on.

Personal names starting with this letter are, for the most part, not of Slavic, but of foreign origin. Unlike foreign names, our names carry a deep meaning that is understandable to every Slav. In Vedic culture, naming is directly related to the evolutionary level of human development. If the hvarna (varna, Zharye body) of a born child corresponds to a clergyman (magician, sorcerer, witch - knowledgeable mother; varna brahmana), then his name consists of two roots. And one of the roots is usually “slav” (i.e. glorifying) or “lyubo” (loving).

For example, “Boguslav” - glorifying God, “Dobroslav” - glorifying goodness; “Lyubomir” – loving world, “Lyubomysl” – loving to think, etc.

The two-root name indicates that this person is twice-born - in body and in spirit (acquired a Zharier body).

If Zharya’s body corresponds to a knight warrior (varna kshatriya), then the child is also given a two-root name, which usually has the roots “peace” and “vlad”.

For example, “Branimir” – fighting for peace, “Tvorimir” – creating peace-harmony; “Vladduh” is the owner of the spiritual body, “Vladimir” is the owner of the world.

If the Zharye body corresponds to the Vesya (Orachi-peasants, Varna Vaishyas), then the name has only one root, and if Smerdu (Sudra), then a simple nickname is given.

Names can be domestic, communal, spiritual, secret, deceptive. In the modern name book, out of 150 names, only 15 are actually Slavic, the rest are of a different origin (For example, Sergei is a Roman family name with the meaning “clear, highly revered”; Fedor is Greek: “gift of God”).

The Slavs also used nicknames that complemented the name. Here is one of them: Mazai – the one who smears; or the anointed one himself. Zhuravushka is a faithful wife, homely, happiness in the house. Fool, Durash, Durov, Fool - Skt. dur – “door”; dur-anta - “infinity”. This name and nickname are mysterious, they are rooted in the infinity and chaos of the primordial world (and the world most ancient ancestors), therefore, are characterized by both positive, negative, and deceptive meaning (unrecognized, for example, “to fool”). This is precisely the meaning in the names Fool, Ivan the Fool, Ivanushka the Fool in Russian folk tales. A fool who has a connection (a door) with the other world of ancestors and first ancestors (“grandchildren of Dazhbog”), with the Gods, with the infinity of space, who understands the language of animals, herbs, and elements, is not at all stupid. (Durnik) pupil of Luchansk Prince Vladislav;..."


Bazhen is a desired child, desired. The names also have meaning: Bazhai, Bazhan. From these names arose the surnames: Bazhanov, Bazhenov, Bazhutin. Bazhena is the feminine form of the name Bazhen.

Beloslav - From BEL - white, turn white and SLAV - to glorify. Abbreviated names: Belyay, Belyan. From these names arose the surnames: Belov, Belyshev, Belyaev. Beloslava is the female form of the name Beloslav.

Short name: Belyana Berimir - caring for the world.

Berislav - one who takes glory, who cares about glory. Berislava is the female form of the name Berislav.

Blagoslav - glorifying kindness. Blagoslava is the female form of the name Blagoslav. Abbreviated names: Blaga, Blagana, Blagina.

Fornication - dissolute, unlucky. One of the "negative" names. From this name arose the surname: Bludov. Historical figure: Blud - governor of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Bogdan is a child given by God. The name also has meaning: Bozhko. From these names arose the surnames: Bogdanin, Bogdanov, Bogdashkin, Bozhkov. Bogdana is the feminine form of the name Bogdan. Short name: Bozena.

Bogolyub - one who loves God. From this name arose the surname: Bogolyubov. Bogomil - dear to God. The name also has meaning: Bogumil.

Bozhidar - given by God. Bozhidara is the feminine form of the name Bozhidar.

Boleslav - famous. Historical figure: Boleslaw I - Polish king. Boleslava is the female form of the name Boleslav.

Borimir is a peace fighter, a peacemaker. Borislav is a fighter for glory. Abbreviated names: Boris, Borya. From these names arose the surnames: Borin, Boriskin, Borisov, Borisikhin, Borichev, Borischev. Historical figure: Boris Vseslavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Drutsk princes. Borislava is the female form of the name Borislav.

Borscht is one of the personified names of the plant world. In literal translation: Borscht is the tops of plants. The surname Borshchev came from this name.

Boyan is a storyteller. The name was formed from the verb: bayat - to speak, tell, sing. The names also have meaning: Baian, Bayan. From these names came the surname: Bayanov. Legendary personality: songwriter - Boyan. Boyana is the feminine form of the name Boyan.

Bratislav - From BROTHER - to fight and SLAV - to glorify. Bratislava is the female form of the name Bratislava. Bronislav is a defender of glory, protecting glory. The name also has meaning: Branislav. Short name: Armor. Bronislava is the female form of the name Bronislav.

Bryachislav - from BRYACHI - to rattle and SLAV - to glorify Historical figure: Bryachislav Izyaslavich - Prince of Polotsk.

Budimir is a peacemaker. From this name came the surnames: Budilov, Budishchev.

Velimir — Big world. Velimira is the feminine form of the name Velimir.

Velimudr - knowledgeable.

Velislav - great glory, most glorious. Velislava is the female form of the name Velislav. Abbreviated names: Vela, Velika, Wieliczka.

Wenceslaus - dedicator to glory, crowned with glory. Wenceslaus is the female form of the name Wenceslaus.

Faith is faith, true.

Veselin - cheerful, cheerful. Veselina is the female form of the name Veselin. The name also has a meaning: Vesela.

Vladimir is the ruler of the world. The name also has meaning: Volodymer. From this name came the surnames: Vladimirov, Vladimirsky, Volodimerov, Volodin, Volodichev. Historical figure: Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Red Sun - Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev. Vladimir is the female form of the name Vladimir.

Vladislav is the owner of glory. The name also has meaning: Volodislav. Short name: Vlad. Historical figure: Volodislav is the son of Igor Rurikovich. Vladislava is the female form of the name Vladislav. Short name: Vlada.

Vojislav is a glorious warrior. Abbreviated names: Voilo, Warrior. From these names came the surnames: Voeikov, Voinikov, Voinov. Historical figure: Voin Vasilyevich - from the family of Yaroslavl princes. Voislava is the female form of the name Voislav.

Wolf is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Volkov.

Raven is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surnames: Voronikhin, Voronov.

Vorotislav - returning glory.

Vsevolod is the ruler of the people, who owns everything. From this name came the surnames: Vsevolodov, Vsevolozhsky. Historical figure: Vsevolod I Yaroslavich - Prince of Pereyaslav, Chernigov, Grand Duke of Kiev.

Vsemil - beloved by everyone. Vsemil is the feminine form of the name Vsemil.

Vseslav - all-glorifying, famous. The name also has meaning: Seslav. From this name came the surname: Seslavin. Historical figure: Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk - Prince of Polotsk, Grand Duke of Kiev. Vseslav is the feminine form of the name Vseslav.

Vtorak is the second son in the family. The names also have meaning: Second, Second. From these names came the surnames: Vtorov, Vtorushin.

Vyacheslav is the most famous, the most glorious. The name also has meaning: Vatslav, Vysheslav. From these names came the surnames: Vysheslavtsev, Vyacheslavlev, Vyacheslavov. Historical figure: Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Smolensk, Turov, Pereyaslav, Vyshgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev.

Vyachko is a legendary personality: Vyachko is the progenitor of the Vyatichi.

Godoslav - The name also has meaning: Godlav. Historical figure: Godoslav is the prince of the Bodrichi-Rarogs.

Goluba is meek. From this name came the surnames: Golubin, Golubushkin.

Gorazd - skillful, capable. The surname Gorazdov came from this name.

Gorislav is fiery, burning in glory. Gorislava is the female form of the name Gorislav.

Gorynya - mountain-like, huge, indestructible. Legendary personality: hero - Gorynya.

Gostemil - dear to another (guest). From this name came the surname: Gostemilov.

Gostomysl - thinking about another (guest). Historical figure: Gostomysl - Prince of Novgorod.

Gradimir - guardian of peace.

Gradislav - protector of glory. Gradislava is the female form of the name Gradislav.

Granislav - improver of glory. Granislava is the female form of the name Granislav.

Gremislav - famous.

Gudislav is a renowned musician, trumpeting glory. Short name: Gudim. From these names came the surname: Gudimov.

Daren - gifted. Darena is the feminine form of the name Daren. The names also have meaning: Darina, Dara.

Nine is the ninth son in the family. From this name came the surnames: Devyatkin, Devyatkov.

Dobrolyub - kind and loving. From this name came the surname: Dobrolyubov. Dobromil is kind and sweet.

Dobromila is the feminine form of the name Dobromil.

Dobromir is kind and peaceful. Abbreviated names: Dobrynya, Dobrysha. From these names came the surnames: Dobrynin, Dobryshin. Legendary personality: hero - Dobrynya. Dobromira is the feminine form of the name Dobromir.

Dobromysl is kind and reasonable. From this name came the surname: Dobromyslov.

Dobroslav - glorifying kindness. Dobroslava is the female form of the name Dobroslav.

Domaslav - glorifying relatives. Short name: Domash - our own, dear. From this name came the surname: Domashov.

Dragomir - more valuable than the world. Dragomir is the feminine form of the name Dragomir.

Dubynya - like an oak, indestructible. Legendary personality: hero - Dubynya.

Druzhina is a comrade. The common noun has the same meaning: Friend. From these names came the surnames: Druzhinin, Drugov, Drunin.

Ruff is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Ershov.

Lark is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Zhavoronkov.

Zhdan is a long-awaited child. From this name came the surname: Zhdanov. Zhdana is the female form of the name Zhdan.

Zhiznomir - living in the world.

Zhirovit Zhiroslav Hare is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Zaitsev.

Zvenislava - announcer of glory.

Winter is harsh and merciless. From this name came the surname: Zimin. Legendary personality: Ataman Winter from Razin’s army.

Zlatomir is a golden world.

Zlatotsveta - golden-flowered. Short name: Zlata.

Anger is one of the “negative” names. From this name came the surnames: Zlobin, Zlovidov, Zlydnev.

Izbygnev Izyaslav - who took glory. Historical figure: Izyaslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Polotsk, ancestor of the Polotsk princes.

Iskren - sincere. The name also has meaning: Iskra. Iskra is the feminine form of the name Iskren.

Istislav - glorifying the truth.

Exhaustion - languid (possibly associated with difficult childbirth). From this name came the surnames: Istomin, Istomov.

Casimir - showing the world. Kazimir is the female form of the name Kazimir.

Koschey is thin and bony. From this name came the surnames: Koshcheev, Kashchenko.

Krasimir - beautiful and peaceful Krasimir - the female form of the name Krasimir. Short name: Krasa.

Kriv is one of the “negative” names. From this name came the surname: Krivov.

Lada - beloved, dear. The name of the Slavic Goddess of love, beauty and marriage.

Ladimir - one who gets along with the world.

Ladislav - glorifying Lada (love).

Swan is a personified name for the animal world. The name also has meaning: Lybid. The surname Lebedev came from this name. Legendary personality: Lybid is the sister of the founders of the city of Kyiv.

Ludislav Luchezar - shining ray.

We love - beloved. From this name came the surname: Lyubimov. Love is beloved. The name also has meaning: Lyubava. From these names came the surnames: Lyubavin, Lyubimtsev, Lyubavin, Lyubin, Lyubushin, Lyubimin.

Lyubomila - beloved, dear.

Lubomir - loving world. Lyubomir is the feminine form of the name Lyubomir.

Inquisitive - someone who loves to think.

Luboslav - lover of glory.

Lyudmil is dear to people. Lyudmila is the female form of the name Lyudmil. Historical figure: Lyudmila - Czech princess.

Mal - small, junior. The name also has a meaning: Small, Mladen. From these names came the surnames: Maleev, Malenkov, Maltsov, Malyshev. Historical figure: Mal - Drevlyan prince.

Malusha is the female form of the name Mal. The name also has meaning: Mlada. From these names came the surname: Malushin. Historical figure: Malusha is the wife of Syatoslav Igorevich, the mother of Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Mieczyslaw is a glorifying sword.

Milan is cute. The name also has meaning: Milen. From these names came the surnames: Milanov, Milenov. Milana is the feminine form of the name Milan. The names also have meaning: Milava, Milada, Milena, Militsa, Umila. From these names came the surname: Milavin. Historical figure: Umila is the daughter of Gostomysl.

Milovan - affectionate, caring.

Milorad is sweet and joyful. From this name came the surname: Miloradovich. Miloslav - sweetly glorifying. Short name: Miloneg. Miloslava is the female form of the name Miloslav.

Peaceful - peace-loving. From this name came the surname: Mirolyubov.

Miroslav - glorifying the world. Miroslava is the female form of the name Miroslav.

Molchan - taciturn, silent. From this name came the surname: Molchanov.

Mstislav - glorifying revenge. Historical figure: Mstislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Tmutorakan, Grand Duke of Kiev. Mstislava is the female form of the name Mstislav.

Hope is hope. The name also has meaning: Nadezhda.

Nevzor is one of the “negative” names. The surname Nevzorov comes from this name.

Nekras is one of the “negative” names. From this name came the surname: Nekrasov. Nekrasa is the female form of the name Nekras.

Eagle is one of the personified names of the animal world. From this name came the surname: Orlov.

Osmoy is the eighth child in the family. The name also has meaning: Osmusha. From these names came the surnames: Osmanov, Osmerkin, Osmov.

Ostromir Peredslava - The name Predslava also has meaning. Historical figure: Predslava - wife of Svyatoslav Igorevich, mother of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich.

Overexposure - very light. Historical figure: Peresvet - warrior of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Putimir - reasonable and peaceful

Putislav - one who glorifies wisely. The name also has meaning: Putyata. From these names came the surnames: Putilov, Putilin, Putin, Putyatin. Historical figure: Putyata - Kyiv governor.

Radiohost - caring about another (guest).

Radimir is someone who cares about the world. The name also has meaning: Radomir. Short name: Radim. From these names came the surnames: Radilov, Radimov, Radishchev. Legendary personality: Radim is the progenitor of the Radimichi. Radimir is the female form of the name Radimir. The name also has meaning: Radomira.

Radislav - one who cares about fame. The name also has meaning: Radoslav. Radislava is the female form of the name Radislav.

Radmila is caring and sweet.

Radosveta - sanctifying joy.

Joy - joy, happiness. The name also has meaning: Rada.

Reasonable - reasonable, sensible. From this name came the surname: Razin. Historical figure: Razumnik - student of Cyril and Methodius.

Ratibor is a defender.

Ratmir is the defender of peace.

Rodislav - glorifying family.

Rostislav - growing glory Historical figure: Rostislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Rostov, Vladimir-Volynsky; Tmutarakansky.

A name is a set of letters that defines future fate person. People who are attentive to the issue of choosing a name for their child are doing the right thing, because... a name is a program that will influence the smallest events in a person’s life. In this entry, I would like to offer the meanings of names, deciphered from the point of view of the Vedas, in which each letter and each syllable had its own deep sacred meaning. In this post you will learn a lot about your name, and you can easily choose a name for a boy or a girl. Here we consider the most common male and female names, taken from the book by D.V. Okunev "Reiki - The Path of the Spirit." I think this information will be of interest to all young mothers and fathers, as well as those who want to understand the secret meaning of their name.

Women's names.

Alevtina – La – (Soul). AL – (high). Even if AL is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. In - (preposition denoting direction and answering the question - where). Tina – doesn’t need translation... almost. This is the world of Navi, the so-called underground World or in other words – the World of the Dead.

From all this it follows only one thing: the main, karmic task named after Alevtina during this life, come out of the mud into the light and realize your High Soul. This can be very difficult, but if Alevtina cannot cope with this task, then there may be no talk of the next incarnation (at least in the world of Reveal - the earthly plane). That is why the main thing for her is to find her own system and method in life, as well as HER Teacher, through whom she can completely change HER destiny. In all senses. And, as a rule, the Gods help her with this. The main thing is not to ignore their help... which is also not an easy task.

The name Alevtina came to us from the Roman Empire and there it meant “strong woman.” Let’s leave this part of the explanation aside, since Alevtina’s strength is often truly above average. And all sorts of powers. And physical and psychological and moral. The main thing is to properly direct these POWERS and everything will be just wonderful.

I think our translation is more complete.

Alexandra - La - (Soul). Even if Al is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. E – (is, this). K – (preposition indicating the direction of movement). SAN – (son). D- (kindness). RA – (the radiance of the truth of the Almighty).

Perhaps one of the most difficult female names to translate. Let's try to take it. And so what we have. An unconscious departure from one’s High Soul, towards one’s masculinity, through excessive communication with the father and misunderstanding of the role of the mother, and maintaining the ability to achieve the fullness of the True Radiance of the Almighty through the comprehension of kindness and its manifestation in all aspects of one’s life. Which is her the main karmic task named for this incarnation. Wow.

Simply put, Alexandra must in this life comprehend God not through his male hypostasis (male behavior), but through his female hypostasis (female share). Become feminine, soft, gentle, kind, loving and fluffy. This does not mean that she will automatically lose the ability to stop a galloping horse and take a tan in the burning fire of the hut. Simply, after completing her Task, she will do it gently, affectionately, with a smile, in general - like a woman...

In addition, SA is (male energy of the atmic (Divine) level, allowing one to comprehend this world of the subtle Plan). This energy will allow Alexandra to fulfill everything that is destined for her by fate, even Furthermore. Therefore, Alexandra should not be afraid to take on too much, since no matter how much she takes on, it will all be, relative to the potential given to her, relatively little. In addition, she always has an internal fuse, in the form of intuition, which is responsible for the level of cargo (obligations, affairs) and its “nominal weight”. So, in principle, we can be calm about Alexandra.....

Anna - AN-NA (ability to give and receive).

Moreover, first she gives everything, and only then she accepts what comes. At the same time, it would be a mistake for Anna to expect gratitude from the outside world and from people for what she gave to him and them, since such an expectation could lead to Anna’s severe disappointment not only in people, but in the entire Universe. Which is naturally wrong, fundamentally. From here - main karmic task named Anna is to reach and comprehend all three levels of love, the highest of which will be - unconditional love divine plan to all manifestations of this very GOD. Only in this case will She give everything with a light heart and pure thoughts. And only with this approach will she be able to receive everything that the Universe has prepared for her and, most importantly, will she learn to receive true pleasure from gifts, which she previously received only from giving gifts herself... And, and only occasionally...

Anna can ask Marianna about the duality of nature... and right in this book...

Translation from Hebrew by Anna, as GRACE, we leave...

At least - the most harmless translation available.....

Anastasia – Anna, Stas and I. Almost three in one, or more precisely, two.

The combination of the feminine (ANNA) and the masculine (STAS). SI – (female energy of the atmic (Divine) level, allowing one to comprehend this world of the subtle Plan).

In principle, Anastasia is self-sufficient and, paradoxically, often suffers from this. They can do everything themselves, that is, they can be for both a woman and a man, and in all aspects of life. Everything would be fine, but those around Anastasia always react ambiguously. If it concerns work, then they try to harness her to the fullest, throwing all the most difficult tasks onto her shoulders. If this concerns relatives, then there is another problem, since her relatives usually do not perceive her for who she is and try in every possible way to remake her in their own way, not realizing that she is Different. Men perceive her more as a friend, and only a few dare to come closer, although her Anna is always ready to become affectionate, fluffy and a little weak. But only a little...

Hence the main karmic task named for Anastasia – thanks to the SI energy given to her from birth, to open herself from all sides and, having harmonized both of them, began to realize herself in this life. And often she succeeds. What we wish.....

Antonina Anton — AN (If NA means to give, then AN means to receive). T – (that, you, that). He is he. Nina – Neither (denial of something, refusal). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). Literally - the one who does not give, but only receives, and mainly from men.

This applies to energy and attention and understanding and everything else. Antonina simply needs men and male society, in which she feels much better than in female society. Because in women's society, whether you like it or not, she has to constantly become a donor and give. And this does not leave its mark on her well-being and energy state. Therefore, for Antonina, like no one else, it is necessary to find her own system of spiritual development, which will allow her not only to restore her inner harmony, but also help her to recharge her energies purely on the physical plane and stop depending on men in this regard. Here Reiki is – as they say, simply – demonstrated.

Hence the main karmic task of Antonina by name – learn to combine the masculine (Yang) and feminine (Yin) principles and learn to distribute and give away your feminine energy.


AN - (take, pick up). HELI (Helios) – planet. LI – (female energy of Intuition; thanks to the accumulation of this energy, a person could rejuvenate and not grow old). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). ANGEL – (the ministering Spirit of the world of Rule, i.e. the subtle plan of the Gods, one of 400,000 human forms of life). Literally - a woman in whom lives the service Spirit of the Divine plan, whose task is to take away from the Planet (information, experience, thoughts, emotions and impressions) and transfer it to the higher planes of the world of the Gods.

Angelina is a kind of “sentee” into the world of people, who on the outside is in no way different from them, which cannot be said about the inner world. It is, as a rule, much richer, more varied and deeper than that of any “ordinary” earthly woman. She can only open access to this inner world to a select few, and this really must be earned. Why is it necessary? Because through Angelina, you can directly comprehend God, which naturally needs to be used. But for this, especially a man, a lot needs to be done before the gates of this level open before him.

Due to the fact that Angelina is here, as if on duty, she treats herself and those around her quite seriously, restrainedly and strictly, which is not entirely correct. I always say that God has an immense sense of humor (since he created us), so it doesn’t hurt Angelina to be a little more relaxed in life. A little recklessness, improvisation, humor and childish spontaneity have never harmed anyone. So it goes from here a secondary (main task, we have already sorted out) karmic task named for Angelina – become more Human than Spirit. Or you can say it differently - to be not a human spirit, but a Spiritual Man, which you will agree is much more pleasant... At least, if you look from my narrow human level of consciousness...

Alla - LA - (Soul). AL – (high). Also AL - (this is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding). Literal translation – Highly Spiritual.

As a rule, the name Alla is a bonus for a girl in life, not even from her parents, but from ROD itself (our original God). I can’t count how many girls and ladies haven’t used this bonus, well, I mean, a huge number. But those who used it developed in full and in all forms, levels and plans.

It is enough to remember only Alla Pugacheva and Alla Dukhova (ballet Todes), and it becomes clear why exactly they are in the place they are in now. But how it was given to them, and what efforts were made in order to become what they became, only Alla himself knows. Hence Alla’s wish for everyone - do what you didn’t even suspect yesterday. Try everything on which your thought stops and your gaze lingers, test yourself every moment and be different with every new person. Look for yourself and at the end of the PATH you will understand that there is simply no one of you. All those women you played in life are parts of you. This is all you and you are made up of them. They are not apart from you and you are not apart from them. So accept yourself in all your diversity... no matter what others say about this and no matter how they squeak.... out of envy.

Everything that is said for Anna and Marianna also applies to Alla. The only difference is that Alla was initially given by the creator main karmic task deal with Your Soul, understand it, accept Yourself and after that, unfold your Soul on the spiritual Path of development towards the LIGHT. If this does not happen during life, it means that it was lived practically in vain. And who wants this? No one. So if anyone is surrounded by Alla, then please tell her the “most pleasant news” about her Task for this life. And if you can, help so that this task is completed. Maybe God will put another sun in your diary for a good deed.

Valentina –

B - (direction). LA – (Soul). AL – (high). Even if AL is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. LEN - (Laziness). T – (that, that). IN – (other, different). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). Literally - a High Soul, striving for development, but due to laziness, does not do this and gives itself to others over trifles. At the same time, Valentina becomes a different person, i.e. not who she should have become.

It’s nice to look at realized Valentines, but not so much at those who haven’t found themselves yet. Since Valentines have a very interesting character trait that can be described as follows. When she feels good, then everyone around her feels good, when she feels bad, then everyone around, to put it mildly, is a little uncomfortable. Valentina can find salvation only in her innate optimism, which almost never leaves her. Even in the most difficult situations she, at least outwardly, will look decent, and only the pillow knows what it cost her. Valentina simply needs to have a business for her Soul; it is optimal if this hobby gradually develops into work. In this case, it will be difficult to disrupt Valentina’s harmony. Only a man can do this, and not a smart man.

Valentina is able to understand almost all men, since she very easily (thanks to her masculine component in the name - Valentin) takes their place. Which the latter use mercilessly. Hence the main karmic task named for Valentina learn to communicate with men without dissolving into them and without alienating them from yourself so much that then approaching becomes inaccessible. In general, do not reveal yourself right away, but give yourself in small pieces, never completely giving yourself to anyone. Only in this case, Valentina will always remain desirable and will not lose interest in herself from men until...

(I wanted to write - until I am very old, but this is not the expression that the Valentines like, so I will have to erase everything... Although what is written with a pen, you can’t cut it out,... so let’s leave it... The Valentines may not read it).

Veronica –

B – (direction). E – (is). OR is (Strength), and RO is its absence or distortion (wrong direction). Neither (denial of something, refusal). KA – (pre-Soul). Literally – a Young Soul, who still does not know how to properly direct her forces, of which there are not so many, who denies herself.

The last one is perhaps the most wrong. Veronica, especially in at a young age, often does not understand and has no idea where and how to go, who to be, what to do, who to trust and who to fear. At the everyday level, this is expressed in instability, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths, some inattention and lack of understanding of others. This is due to the special work of Veronica’s cerebral hemispheres, in which the relationship is not very strong, and that is why in order to make a decision (or answer a question correctly) Veronica always needs some time. Hence the recommendation - don’t do anything in a hurry, in vain.

Make every decision carefully, and it’s better to sleep with him at night. The morning of the evening is more important not only for Ivan the Tsarevich, but also for Veronica. Moreover, for Veronica this is more relevant than for the sons of kings married to frogs.

From this we understand that the main karmic task named for Veronica for this incarnation there is a task to learn to LIVE. Just live. Gain experience of Earthly incarnation and receive maximum amount impressions, skills and abilities of a purely earthly, practical nature. And the most important thing is to learn to receive maximum satisfaction and joy from these simple (seemingly) earthly affairs. Those. so that Veronica has “RA” (the energy of the Divine Plan) in abundance, which in the future will be useful for a new incarnation... maybe not on this planet.

The name Veronica was brought to us from Byzantium and translated (in the local language) it means “bringer of victory.” In this sense, it is desirable that each team (family, society) has its own Voronika. As a last resort, just Faith. Although Faith is a little different and we will return to this Name, but probably a little later.

Galina –

GA – (movement). LI – (female energy of Intuition; thanks to the accumulation of this energy, a person could rejuvenate and not grow old). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). Literally, a girl (woman) who constantly gives away part of her feminine energy (intuitively dosing both the quantity and the direction of return) and is constantly in motion (physical, spiritual, emotional, etc.).

Galina cannot be called fickle. It is constant in that it is constantly changing. This must be understood and not regard Galina’s next change (or hobby) as something unnatural and wonderful. For her, on the contrary, this is LIFE. It is clear that not everyone can withstand such a pace of life, therefore the only man left next to Galina is the one who accepts her as she is, completely and does not try to correct her in any way. He, of course, can try to do this, but at the same time he risks losing his Galina, and losing him almost forever, since Galina changes her decision once made in very extreme cases. Which, in principle, says more about her wise approach to life than about the fact that she is not flexible in many matters. When it comes to questions, she is flexible and can understand a lot, but the decision is made immediately and forever.

Galinas can be wonderful housewives, mothers, daughters, but more out of everyday necessity than by vocation. It’s just that the Galinas approach everything very responsibly, and everything turns out great for them. But, in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, she can simply wither away, like a beautiful flower in a wonderfully decorated pot, but on the windowsill. Just as any plant needs the open spaces of nature, so Galina needs the open spaces of society. A man who understands this immediately acquires two in one - a girl as a WOMAN and a woman as the FEMALE aspect of GOD. And this, in principle, for a man is the maximum peak of development... at this stage of incarnation.

So go for it. Not many people are so lucky.

The main karmic task of Galina by name can be expressed by the following expression: “In order to marry a prince, you must first BECOME a princess YOURSELF.”

Diana – DI (two, double, doubling). Ana (Anna). AN-NA (ability to give and receive). Literally twice capable of giving and receiving, in general - twice ANNA. In addition, the particle “Di” indicates that this person is already twice born, i.e. was both in the World of Rule (in heaven) and in the World of Reveal (on Earth). From here, if necessary, Diana can most easily remember their past incarnations, if they, of course, need it.

In general, double Anna is such an “explosive mixture” that not everyone is able to withstand. Not only do Dianas usually show increased mobility and increased talkativeness, they also demand this from their environment. Although, under certain conditions, they can be quiet and calm and measured (as a rule, only in unfamiliar company and in public... however, only for the first fifteen minutes). But then, all this affects relatives and friends, since the energy accumulated during this time will need to be put somewhere.

Naturally, all this affects Diana’s relationship with men and the attitude of men (and not only) towards Diana. The fact is that a natural inclination to protect all the disadvantaged and a naked sense of justice forces Diane to take everyone under her wing, making no distinction by gender, social level, or level of development of consciousness. They will equally defend the rights of a stray dog ​​to additional social food and overnight accommodation at public expense and the rights of women to equal rights with men in society.

This is what some particularly cunning individuals of the human race can take advantage of. Those. They will constantly try to use Diana, and use her, as they say, “blindly.” And she will need to learn to distinguish between these types of actions and find an adequate response to such attempts, so that the same thing does not happen again in the future, only in different versions.

Another thing she will need to learn in life is relationships with the fair half of humanity, i.e. with women, since not everything here is as simple as it may seem at first glance. Due to the fact that Diana’s level of vital energy is, as a rule, above average, some women will simply adore and love her (in every sense). And some are clearly ignored and hated. Only one thing is clear: no one can treat her neutrally. This is probably what there is its main karmic task named for this incarnation - learn to be yourself and, using your natural capabilities, learn to realize them without causing trouble to other people. In general, learn to balance always and everywhere, starting from the inner world and ending with work at the level of the Universe, to which, under certain conditions, it can be admitted... Twice-born after all.....

I often call Diana simply Dana.

A DANA this is the goddess of fresh waters. She was revered in Rus' as a bright Goddess who gives life to all living things. According to the ancient poetic idea, the Thunder God boils rainwater in a thunderstorm flame, bathes the sky and earth in its downpours, and thereby grants the earth the power of fertility. This goddess was given special honors during the Kupala holidays. The mermaid goddess Ros is one of her incarnations.

So Diana can be both Dana and Diana... both names are simply wonderful........

The name Diana was borrowed by us from the Romans and (in their way) means the Goddess of the Hunt. Not enough, but let it be...

Larisa –

La – (Soul). SA – (similar, similar). SA – (male energy of the atmic (Divine) level, allowing one to comprehend this world of the subtle Plan). RI (IR is Iriy, the subtle plane of the Gods, then RI is the one who descended from this plane into the world of Revealing (earthly level). Literally - a Soul that has the male part of the energy of the Divine Plan (the energy of God), descended from Heaven and continues to be similar to itself , the one she was on the subtle plane before her incarnation on Earth.

Very interesting. In addition, RIS has always meant fertility, so there is another addition to the name Larisa - Initially fertile (fertile) Soul. The fruit here must be understood as the direct offspring, as well as deeds, undertakings, ideas, plans that must be realized. Those. – Larisa always has a lot of projects and ideas, but, unfortunately, only in her head. On the physical plane, she manages to realize only a small fraction of what she could do, but why? Because she is a Strategist. She always thinks in huge layers, as she is used to, there in heaven, where everything is realized with the help of thought. For immediate implementation on earth, one thought form is not enough, this is why our physical world. Here you need to work not only with your head, but also with your hands.

But for this you need a man. Preferably not, but whatever. And the one who is able, firstly, to understand what Larisa wants to do, secondly, to find the means to realize her plan and, thirdly, to complete what she started, which not every man can do. Hence, there are so many “airy” Larisa who walk among the human race, dreaming of the “unrealizable” and being content with what they have. Therefore, I propose a slogan for Larisa - “For every Larisa there is a REAL Man.”

I understand that this slogan is relevant for many, but for Larisa it is more relevant than relevant. Although Larisa has masculine energy, it is only enough for creation, building a castle in the air. To make this castle on a specifically allocated plot of land and at the same time strictly in accordance with the general development plan, here main karmic task named for this incarnation for Larisa. And what they will use and who they will use is the second thing. The main thing is to bring to life as many ideas as possible, because we all need them so much.....

Daria -

The only name, perhaps, that should not be taken apart in parts, since it has directly passed through time, and brings us the original meaning already in its name. Namely: Daria (Daryana) is a courageous Daariyka. Direct descendant of the Slavic-Aryans. To put it even more simply, she is the granddaughter of God.

The only thing I would like to focus on is that when a girl wants to add a feminine aspect to herself (to become more feminine, soft, gentle, wise), then she should call herself Daria. But if she wants to add a masculine aspect to herself (to become more courageous, firmer, pragmatic and smart), then she should call herself Daryana, since masculine energy (Yan) appears in this middle name.

But I would like to immediately warn you that going from wise to smart and from feminine to courageous is going backwards. Clever woman- it's just a disaster. I think everyone remembers their math teacher.

A woman, already from the very beginning, should be wiser than smart. Otherwise, from whom should we gain wisdom? Therefore, no Lady should abuse the Yang principle, even with her own. It is best to try to revive the ancestral memory, which Daria and Daryana are quite capable of. It is they who carry within themselves the entire culture, way of life and True Knowledge of the Slavic-Aryans. And for this you need to read the right books, listen to the right music, sing the right songs, communicate with the right people.

Which, in principle, she often does... intuitively.

The main karmic task of Daria (Daryana) by name is to revive, preserve and pass on to the future generation the Knowledge of the Slavic-Aryans. This - MISSION and Daria (Daryana) will not be able to leave her... And therefore, the sooner she realizes the need to fulfill it, the more she can do.

We will only welcome this and help... to the best of our ability.

Evgeniya –

E – (distortion, distortion of the true meaning of the word that comes after this letter; introducing artificial changes, as a rule, with dark side, provided that this letter is at the beginning of the letter). B – (direction). GEN – (basic code of life; unit of individual information carrier). Iy – (Irian Garden, subtle plane of the World of the Gods). I am (a person, his True Self). Nonsense in the genes. Literally – a Person who has known (or perhaps came) from the subtle plane of the Gods, but certain changes have been made (from the dark side) to the main individual information code.

Based on these changes, the TA side constantly calculates it and keeps it under control as best it can: it does not allow one to perceive information correctly, it leads one astray from the true Path of Spiritual development, and in every possible way harms one’s life. physical level, disrupting the functioning of all body systems. At the same time, an unconditioned reflex is gradually developed (like Pavlov’s dogs), which is triggered when Evgenia resists the influence of the dark ones on her and remains silent when she does everything correctly (according to their concepts). Hence the diagnosis - if Evgenia is doing well, it means it’s bad. And vice versa, if something doesn’t go well for Evgenia, it means she’s definitely stepped on someone’s tail. And our people, with their tails, don’t even go to the bakery.

All in all the main karmic task of Evgenia by name , in this incarnation, remove your sunglasses. As soon as she does this, she immediately becomes our beloved Zhenya, i.e. – The original Feminine Nature, aware of its feminine aspect and giving it to everyone who needs it.

At the same time, it is clear that the dark side will try in every possible way to put a spoke in Evgenia’s wheels, just to prevent her from throwing off their bridle. And even, once freed from the control of Those comrades, Evgenia (or rather Zhenya) should keep her ears open and check every suspicious bush and every suspicious person. And only then decide whether to sit on this bush, and whether to communicate with this person or just pass by. And past the bush, and past... second bush...

The name Eugene was brought to us from Byzantium and translated (in the local language) it means noble. Such a characterization (especially after we figured out what the name Evgeniy is), to put it mildly, is not complete. In order for Evgenia to truly become Born into the Good, she needs to learn to create this Good herself. And this, with black glasses, is almost impossible to do, since any born Good will have a wormhole... what I really don’t want...

Elena (Lena) –

E – (distortion, perversion of the true meaning of the word that comes after this letter; introducing artificial changes, usually from the dark side, provided that this letter is at the beginning of the word). In addition, E is also translated as it is, i.e. takes place. LEN – (laziness). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). EL (el) – minister, servant. ELE - figuratively translated as a swing (two letters e swing on the base - L). The name Elena came to us from the ancient Greeks, so its translation is quite complicated. But we'll try anyway.

Literally, a girl who has a specific mission on Earth (servant), constantly gives herself to other people and lives no longer for herself, but for others, has a certain laziness of soul and is initially under the influence of dark forces. From the definition it becomes clear why there is such close attention to Elena from the forces of destruction and disharmony. She is a MINISTER and this is a responsible one MISSION helping others. And that is why there will always be forces that will try to bring it under their control, and at almost all levels, from the simple everyday to the level of spiritual development.

Hence the main karmic task for Elena by name - to try to withstand, maintain the calm of the Spirit and the integrity of the Soul, in order to fulfill her main mission - helping people. But. Elena needs to start, first of all, with herself. A person who has not helped himself, has not figured out all the complex and painful issues in his life, has little to give to another person... except for your personal problems and concerns.

In addition, if Elena has not yet realized herself as a Personality, has not found her Path and has not understood her mission on this planet, then it is enough for her to simply start calling herself Alena. AL – LA – Soul. As soon as Elena comes to HERSELF, she will immediately show all her positive qualities... of which she may have very, very many.... The main thing is not to be lazy to show them... And for this you need motivation... often this is a beloved man, for whom Elena (Alena) is able to do almost everything... if not more....

Translated from greek name Elena is translated as “sunny”. And she may be exactly like that... but for this you need to deal with your dark side and simply come out of the shadows... in every sense...


E – (distortion, distortion of the true meaning of the word that comes after this letter; introducing artificial changes, usually from the dark side, provided that this letter comes at the beginning of the letter). FOR – (for something, for someone). LI – (female energy of Intuition; thanks to the accumulation of this energy, a person could rejuvenate and not grow old). BE – (Knowledge, Knowledge). TA (TE) – those. COVENANT (Instruction, commitment from parents, past teachers, etc.). A – (first, initial, initial).

Literally – Initially fulfilling the covenant of God, accepted, deciphered and realized with the help of intuition. At the same time, Lisa herself must deal with the purity of information in the received covenant and clear it of the dark component that the corresponding forces will definitely try to introduce into it. Sooner or later she will do it anyway, since initially she is already endowed with Intuitive Knowledge and Intuitive Memory.

Hence the main karmic task of Elizabeth (or better yet, Lizaveta) by name for this incarnation - to restore the ancestral memory of our ancestors and, on the basis of it, learn to really help not only ourselves, but also people. If, at the same time, Lizaveta also learns to pass on all her accumulated experience and knowledge by inheritance to her children (relatives or spiritual, i.e., students), then she will not even complete one, but at least three tasks, which, in principle, is up to her and wait on the subtle plane. Otherwise they wouldn’t have called it exactly what they called it. In general, Lizaveta has a lot of work to do. What will prevent her soul from becoming lazy, which, in turn, will keep Lisa constantly in fighting shape and will not allow Yoi to relax too much.

The name Elizabeth was brought to us from Israel and means, according to Jewish concepts, one who worships God. Well, now, after our interpretation of this name, we also understand why the Elizabeths honor God... How can one not honor one’s own father?... And who also left a covenant.

Ekaterina (Katerina)

E – (distortion, perversion of the true meaning of the word that comes after this letter; introducing artificial changes, as a rule, from the dark side, provided that this letter comes at the beginning of the letter). KA - (before the Soul, young Soul), TER (terra) - earth, I - (Irian Garden - on the subtle plane the level of the Gods). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). Literally a young soul who came to Earth from the subtle plane of the Gods and is capable of giving this world a lot, but, as a result of distortions and changes, received (and is receiving) the experience of interacting with the dark side on the Planet.

Once she gets enough similar experience, so she turns from Ekaterina into Katerina, i.e. cleansed Katya of unnecessary dark inclusions. She manages to do this quite quickly, since, unlike Evgenia, the process of darkening her Soul has not gone that far. And the most important thing is that after such a “dark vaccination”, in the future she will already intuitively feel darkness, lies, falsehood and untruth, which in itself is very important, especially for a woman.

Due to the fact that she has a fairly strong connection with the Earth, it is not dangerous for her to engage in the “coolest” spiritual practices and master the most complex techniques for working on all planes of existence. It’s just that, since her Soul remembers a lot (don’t forget which plane it came to Earth from), many of these systems and techniques seem like children’s play in a sandbox to her, and she simply doesn’t understand how people can do exactly this. We understand it perfectly in this regard, but let’s let each individual work in his own rhythm, in his own sequence and, if necessary, in his own sandbox. To some, this sandbox seems like the ocean. This must be remembered and not forgotten.

The name Catherine was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means virgin. Hmmm. The question is certainly interesting. Virgin, if my memory serves me correctly, then this is not a name, but a time period. How can a person be called a period of time? This will no longer be a Name, but a nickname. Therefore, let’s better take our version of the translation of this name as a basis. And more precisely and more virginally…..

Irina – (Irita), Iriy – (Iriysky Garden, the level of the Highest Gods on the subtle plane). On (give, transfer, give).

The dark side turns on people with this name Special attention, and here's why: the name Irina is translated as Ascended to the Spiritual World. Having access to the World of the Gods and the possibility of ascension to them. This is very serious MISSION and a task in life, so Irins very often have a hard time precisely on the Earthly plane. In terms of unsettled Life, personal Life, physical health, financial stability, etc. As soon as she understands what her true Task is for this incarnation, natural Earthly problems will disappear by themselves and the long-awaited harmony will come. But for this you need to make an effort... quite a lot of effort... if not to say that you need to do everything possible. Naturally, she will have a lot of difficulties along this PATH, so we wish her STRENGTH, PATIENCE and LUCK. Everything will work out, because it cannot be any other way.

Translated from ancient Slavic, Irina means ascended. In general, we are talking about the same thing.

Inna –

IN – (denial of something, someone). YIN – (feminine, lunar energy). On (give, transfer, give). Literally - a woman who does not want to give away her feminine energy due to not realizing herself as a Woman and not revealing the potential of her Feminine energy. By and large, this, naturally, should be done by the man who is nearby, but in the absence of one, Inna will have to do everything herself. This is a REALLY difficult path, but for Inna it is completely surmountable.

Inna's main karmic task the same as Inga's. (see below). In fact, they are very similar, so everything that is written about Inga also applies to Inna.

In the Old Russian name book there are the names INGA and INNA (their nicknames were given by representatives of a slightly different ethnic group), so you just need to remember and realize their true meaning, discard everything superficial and unnecessary and come to YOURSELF... beloved.

Inga –

IN – (denial of something, someone). GA – (movement). Literally – denying any movement.

The name Inga belongs to names - pseudonyms, therefore, by and large, it cannot be considered a name. Yes, for a short time a pseudonym may be necessary, but living permanently under a pseudonym without having a real name is very difficult, and also impractical.

In principle, you can leave the name Inga if you personally like it, but then let’s put a slightly different meaning into it. Namely. IN is YIN - the feminine principle. GA – movement, advancement. Literally - a girl (or woman) who is aware of her feminine principle and manifests it in all forms of her being - this is the main, karmic task for Inga. And then INGA will be translated simply as “Feminine,” which is what we wish for her.

Clara – K (preposition indicating direction and associated with the syllable before which it is placed). La – (Soul). Ra is the Primordial Divine Light, the Highest Level of the Divine Origin.

Here we see that the name, practically without translation, indicates main (Karmic Task ), which a person bearing this name must fulfill in the course of his life. Those. – Reach the Divine level with your Soul. To comprehend God within yourself and not to stop at the simple Faith that He exists, but to KNOW Him.

And precisely through myself. Reducing her name by exactly one letter will help Clara complete this task faster, since LARA is directly the Soul of God. Lara doesn’t even need to strive anywhere, she already has everything... from birth. The main thing is to realize and correctly use the divine gift that she has. Simply wasting life for Lara (and for Clara as well) is tantamount to death, although very often this is exactly what Lara and Clara are used to doing. There is only one recipe here - stop in time and understand yourself, and then everything will go like clockwork...

Marina - MA (Mother), R. - (clan, homeland), I - (Irian Garden - on the subtle plane, the level of the Gods), NA - give, transfer, give away). MA – (male part of the energy of thought, mental energy).

A woman who has a connection with her Family and is able to pass this on to her children. In addition, the name Marina is associated with Marena, the Goddess of Death. There is nothing negative about death, as many are accustomed to think. The goddess Marena controls the process of death, i.e. the process of transition from one form of existence to another. It is she who is responsible for when each of us needs to make this transition and it is she who directs us, after the death of the physical body, to one or another part of the Irian Garden (Ra-Ya), if, of course, we deserve it.

So Marina, albeit unconsciously, carries within herself the Laws of Justice and the Laws of Karma (Goddess Karna is the Goddess responsible for the execution of the Law of Cause-Effect, i.e. the Law of Karma). From here: The main, Karmic task of Marina learn to stand between this World and That and learn to be Fair. At the same time, not forgetting about your family and what you need to pass on to your children.

The particle MA in the name indicates that Marina thinks very well, since “MI” and “MA” are the female and male parts of mental energy, i.e. – energy of thought. Very few women, along with their intuitive thinking, can also think “like a man.” Not logically, but in a masculine way, i.e. constructively, balancedly, without unnecessary emotionality, with specific planning and construction of what is desired. Marina (Masha, Marita, Maria, Marianna) has this character trait and it’s very cool. That is why girls and women who bear these names prefer to communicate more with the opposite sex. With age, everything smoothes out, but their preference for men over women remains for life.

The name Marina was borrowed by us from the Romans and (in their words) means “sea”. In my opinion, our translation is more complete. It is also necessary to take into account that the name Marina can be translated as Mother of the World. If we remember that in Rus' there was a name Arina and the bearers of this name carried a specific specific mission (Arina Rodionovna, for example), then in general everything falls into place.

Marita -

The name Marita is most likely a derivative of Marina, but with its own characteristics. Therefore, Marita needs to first read everything that relates to Marina, and then return again to her name and move on to the next paragraph.

MA – (male part of the energy of thought, mental energy). MA (Mother), R - (clan, homeland), I - (Irian Garden - on the subtle plane, the level of the Gods), RITA (Laws of RITA, laws of purity of blood and one’s clan). Ta – (that, that).

Literally, She who must live and develop according to the Laws of RITA, and thanks to the energy of thought given to her by nature, comprehend not only her life, but also the life of her entire family on the maternal side.

Marita is the bearer of karma in the female line, and her children, if girls are born to her, will also continue to carry the female line and feminine. Hence the main karmic task of Marita - to take and multiply all the good things that her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, etc. had, while simultaneously working on what they, at one time, could not, or were not able to do. Apart from Marita, in her family, as a rule, no one can do this. Partly because she has access to the plane of death (Mara is the Goddess of Death) and she is not afraid of this process of development of the Soul.

And further. The name Marita is the name Margarita, from which a very significant part of the word - GAR - was removed. Ga is movement, path. Therefore, Marita will always have to find her own Path (road) and at the same time use only her experience, since she not only cannot learn from the mistakes of others, but simply others do not, and cannot have, those mistakes on the Path that were would be a lesson for Marita.

She always has HER and only HER way. And that's really great.

Maria – MA (mother), R. – (genus), I – (Irian Garden – on the subtle plane, the level of GODS) I – (man, his True Self).

If Marina has at least two tasks, then for Maria it all comes down to one thing, namely: to discover the level of Mother and motherhood in herself, to live in harmony with herself and the Gods, discovering their level for herself, often only after the birth of a child. That is why Mary is very eager to give birth and almost constantly, albeit unconsciously, strives to find a life partner who would contribute as much as possible to the realization of this basic function. Main Karmic Task of Mary, Having created a family and having children, you don’t go to the physical level and, as they say, don’t get bogged down in everyday life. Although there will always be people who will try with all their might to ground her, and sometimes openly humiliate her.

Hence another translation of the name Maria, from Hebrew - unfortunate.

Now, if Maria does not complete her main task, then most likely she will become a wretched person, but if she DOES COMPLETE it, then she will become... Well, I’m even afraid to say who she can become... Minimum - on the same level with the Gods, i.e. - Goddess. But for this, it really is necessary to have a qualitative second (i.e.) masculine principle, and with this, as a rule, Mary has the main difficulty. It’s just that there are always so many male representatives hovering around Maria that the One and Only One, with the True Beginning that Maria needs, simply cannot crowd through, since he, as a rule, is much more modest than his active competitors. Therefore, the recommendation for Maria is not to “look at the root”, but to see EVERYTHING and most importantly - EVERYONE... Fate is always nearby, you need to learn to just feel it...

Marianne - MA (mother), R. - (genus), I - (Irian Garden - on the subtle plane, the level of the GODS) AN - NA (to give in both directions, or to be able to both take and give).

In translation it sounds like this. Marianna is the one who in this life should be able not only to know God and His level through herself, but also to teach this to others. Wherein its main karmic task in life, learn to get rid of attachments. Become and be independent of anyone and nothing, realizing that everything comes from God and comes to Him. If Marianne, as a rule, is all right with giving, then she often simply does not know how to receive. This is the second task. Learn to accept and understand that she is worthy, not only to give, but also to receive, and sometimes she can even receive more than she gives. You need to get used to this and you need to get through it.

In addition, it should be noted that this name seems to combine two women, which will often characterize Marianne as a dual nature. The main thing is that both women who originally existed in her find a common language with each other and love each other. Then such duality will only give advantages. If there is no such harmony (internal), then it will be quite difficult for Marianne to live in this world. And without LIGHT it’s generally hard.

And again, if we take the Hebrew translation of this name, then we get a rather absurd phrase - miserable grace.

To avoid this, we read everything that is written above about Maria and Marina, especially the final paragraphs, and about Anna too.

Natalia (Natalia) - ON - (give, transfer, give away). T (to you, create, yours). LA – (Soul) If AL is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. I am (the man himself, his True Self).

If Natalya calls herself and asks others to call her NATALIA, then she will be able to develop her intuition and come to her feminine side, and at the same time shed years….thick years off the calendar. Since - LI - (female energy of Intuition, thanks to the accumulation of this energy, a person could rejuvenate and not grow old).

Literally - giving all of herself, part of her Soul and hence often losing herself, not understanding whether she is the same or not (Ta - Li - Ya). That is why the main karmic task of Natalia (Natalia) by name, collect yourself, get back the wasted energy, and in the future clearly distinguish between who you can give energy and strength and maybe even part of your health, and who simply doesn’t deserve it.

Intuition, which Natalya, as we can see from the presence of the “Li” particle, will help to separate who gets what, is very strong. Maybe sometimes, of course, she doesn’t hear her or doesn’t listen, but that’s another question and another task.

In general, the main law of life for Natalia (Natalia) is the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. As soon as she begins to apply it to all manifestations and aspects of life, complete harmony will come, which will never leave her in the future.

The name Natalia was borrowed by us from the Romans and (in their way) means – nee. They have almost no meaning, since we are all born. And we have? But with us it’s a completely different matter – completeness and depth, as it should be.

Olga – Oh (similar, similarity). LG (Lie down) – (the ministering Spirit of the world Glory). A (original, primary, first). OL – (drink). GA - (movement, path).

Literally, a girl similar to the servant of the World of Glory, who has found her Path precisely in service and is moving along this Path. Each Olga must find her own Path, her own realization, her own place in Serving People. Only by helping others can she be fully realized in this life, and this is is her main karmic task for this incarnation .

Due to the fact that she has access to the World of Gods and Spirits, she often, sometimes simply out of curiosity, and sometimes quite consciously, strives to control the elements and energies. She often succeeds, but at the same time, she herself may suffer from her experiences. Therefore, the recommendation for Olga is not to experiment with this plan, but pebble by pebble, build your skeleton, your foundation, your platform, in general - your life. And then, gradually, if necessary, control of the elements, control of events, and much more will come to her. At the same time, the main thing for Olga is not to become “Great”, otherwise she will have to find herself “at the bottom” again, it’s good if she has a stable psyche. And if not? It will be sad...

The name Olga came to us from our antiquity and means playful. We just added to it, and I think it’s not bad. The best thing for Olga is to treat everything playfully. Do everything playfully and it is in this case that she will succeed in almost everything... over time, of course.....


O – (similar, similar, similarity). K – (connecting denoting direction). SA – (male energy of the atmic (Divine) level, allowing one to comprehend this world of the subtle Plan). NA – (give, transfer, bestow).

Literally - like a man, striving to comprehend God, through giving of oneself. Which, in a looser translation, means a courageous woman. If we remember that SAN is translated as son, then it becomes clear that Oksana really has enough masculine energy, which helps her in some moments, but clearly hinders her in others. She would like to be quiet, calm, fluffy and soft, but often this remains only in dreams, since in life she simply has to be tough and strong and firm and violent. I would not say that Oksana suffers from this style and pace of life; rather, on the contrary, she receives a certain pleasure, since this is the only way she understands that she is living. The only question (not even a problem, just a question) for her is relationships with men.

Due to the fact that Oksana leaves the impression of herself as a girl who knows how and is capable of standing up for herself, men are simply a little afraid of her and are always ready, upon closer acquaintance, to go under her control. And Oksana is not interested in this. Therefore, as soon as she sees that another man is showing signs of subordination and lack of independence, she immediately tries to say goodbye to him. And, in general, he does the right thing. Otherwise, how will she find someone with whom she can get along like a scythe with a stone, like an anvil with a hammer, or like ice with fire.

As such, Oksana does not have any main karmic task named after her. This means that she must create it for herself and fulfill it herself. That's why we'll write it like this: the main karmic task named Oksana find (or create) this very problem and bring it to a complete solution at all levels and plans…. Maybe with the help of a man...

Svetlana – Light, La (Soul), NA – (give, transmit, bestow).

Everything is quite simple here. Svetlana's main karmic task bring the light of your Soul to everyone, giving yourself to other people. At the same time, naturally controlling the process of bestowal itself and who exactly to give this Light to, and from whom to simply turn away. Moreover, Svetlana has the right to ignore anyone, by definition. Her name can also be translated this way. Svetlana - A pure soul(particle of God), but located partly in the world of Navi (underworld). And you definitely need to take a piece of yourself from there. For complete harmony, as they say. Why from underground? Because Svetlana often tries to help those who no longer need help, or who simply cannot be helped, since they are already practically with both feet outside the world of the living.

Due to the fact that Svetlana sometimes does not want to see these simple things (to understand, she understands, but for some reason it is very difficult for her to admit to herself that this is exactly the case) she has to suffer.

Therefore, believe in yourself and believe that everything you understand and feel is true, for Svetlana it is second karmic task.

That's lucky. Some people don’t even have a karmic task for this incarnation, but Svetlana has two. And what kind! Therefore – STRENGTH and PATIENCE for her…. Well, and a lot, a lot of Reiki, of course...

Tatiana – Tat (tata) – father. Yang – (Path of spiritual development, active creative, masculine, masculine energy). NA – (give, transfer, bestow).

Hence the decoding of the name. Tatyana is the daughter of her father, who took from him his masculine, active, creative principle (mainly to find the WAY of her spiritual development) and gives this beginning. Very often it radiates to the right and to the left, since, of all women, it is Tatyana who has the strongest vital energy (of all women), which flows out of her... very often at herself. She can measure her masculinity only with YANOY , which may be inferior in some ways. Basic quality and Tatyana's main karmic task is to SURVIVE. Preferably not at any cost, since you will then have to start all over again.

If for Yana the question of survival is for the sake of survival as such, then for Tatyana it is for the sake of her spiritual development. Tatyana is like Yana in past life, and vice versa. If for Yana the main thing in life is to Go, then for Tatyana there is a very big difference in how to Go, Where, with Whom and most importantly - WHY. She is constantly busy solving these issues. Whoever helps her solve these problems is automatically added to her close friends; whoever does not help is blacklisted as enemies. There are no halftones here. Everything is clear and understandable... for her, of course....


PS: I think that such female names as Lyubov, Nadezhda, Lyudmila do not need translation, since they have retained their true meaning and their original SIGNIFICANCE for the owner of such a name.

Male names.

Alexander -

La – (Soul) If Al is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. E – (is, this). K – (preposition indicating the direction of movement). SAN – (son). D- (kindness). R (RA, WORK)) – (the radiance of the truth of the Almighty). DR – (tree). In addition, SA is (male energy of the atmic (Divine) level, allowing one to comprehend this world of the subtle Plan).

Literally - the good Son of his father, who has the energy to prolong his lineage and for his spiritual development, often unaware of his Soul and deviating away from his True Path. Moreover, if Alexander decides to follow the spiritual path of development, then automatically he becomes not just an adept of this or that teaching, but reaches the greatest heights in this direction (of course, if desired). This happens because from the Son of his father he automatically passes into the Son of God (SANDR), which, for obvious reasons, gives him certain advantages over other representatives of the male half of humanity.

But it is here that another test may await Alexandra. Everything will turn out great for him, everything will be easy, and without any strong tension. And this is where many Alexanders begin to feel truly GREAT. After this, they cause nothing but pity and often end up with a very strong fall…. even below the baseboard, i.e. below the place from which their ascent once began. Therefore, a small recommendation for the Alexanders - be simpler and perceive everything not through the prism of your Self, but through the prism of the fact that you are a son. Just a son. Son of his Father, but not the Father Himself. This will help you do even more than you can do.

I couldn’t find the name Alexander among our ancestors, but there is something similar. Oleksandr, which means the son of the priest of the forest, like Legus. ((San – (son). DR – (tree)., i.e. – druid)). In general, based on all of the above, each Alexander himself chooses to be with a capital “O” or “A”, and in general, whether to be with a capital “A”... and whether to be at all....

Alexei -

La – (Soul) If Al is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. E – (is, this). K – (preposition indicating the direction of movement). CE (Syo) – (this, is) Y – (Iriy, Iriysky garden, subtle plane of the level of the Gods). It is also necessary to take into account that KSEI (KSAY) is translated as KING. If we consider the “position” of the Tsar in the light of all other similar positions, such as King, Grand Duke, Emperor, and from the position that all the people who held these positions were considered as representatives of God on Earth, then everything becomes even more complicated. It is more difficult, of course, for Alexey, since, whether he wants it or not, he will have to deal, first of all, with the development of his Soul in order to subsequently take on quite serious obligations.

The name Alexey gives the right to choose MISSION, which in itself is perhaps only possible for a few representatives of humanity. The rest are usually entrusted with the mission, but here it is the choice that takes place. But only after the Soul turns from the AL position to LA, i.e. almost one hundred and eighty degrees. For some Alekseevs, such a reversal of their insides goes unnoticed, but for others it is very, very painful.

In general, the sooner each Alexey comes to himself, the fewer difficulties he will have and the more he will be able to do. To do it, first of all, for others, since the Tsar is obliged to think no longer about himself, but about those who are given to him to rule. And, I must honestly say that many Alekseevs are very good at managing processes. And if Alexey takes his letter “e”, at least at the end of his name (the meaning of which he must always remember), and replaces it with the letter “i”, then his possibilities will become almost limitless. Alexy can do three times more than Alexey, since he will have additional ancestral memory activated.

Optimally, to use the full power of his Spirit and the full potential of his Soul, Alexey can call himself Alixy, but this name is no longer suitable for everyone, but only for those who are ready for a lot... and not just in words……..

Andrey -

A – (first, initial, initial). AN - (take, collect, pick up). D – (kindness). DR – (tree). ReY – River Iriy or (a place on the subtle plane where the Gods gather). Literally - an initially good person who enjoys the support of all our Gods and who is obliged to prolong his family by giving life to as many male representatives as possible. Those. - he is the founder of his family tree, and how strong his family will be and how long it will exist depends on the quality of his energies.

That's what it is his main karmic task , for which Andrey must raise his vibrations as high as possible, cleansing himself not only spiritually, but also physically. Due to the fact that Andrei is one of the few men who is entrusted with MISSION revival of our Slavic gene pool, they are literally being hunted from the dark side. Almost all representatives of that world are trying to lead Andrey astray. They will constantly try to put him into any dependence. The main tools will be alcohol, nicotine, drugs and a perverted sex life.

Due to the fact that Andreys are very often distinguished by excellent health from birth, they still resist the above temptations for some time in their adult life and do not depend much on them. But, as they become addicted (read: immersed in the web of addiction), they (not all, but many) become practically helpless to change anything in their lives.

Very often the end of such Andreevs is joyless and sad. Sad, only because they did not justify the hopes of our Slavic Gods, the guardians of our Clans, which they placed, including on the Andreevs.

The Andrei who overcomes these peculiar fire, water and copper pipes will emerge as a definite winner in the fight against evil and will be worthy of all kinds of encouragement for his perseverance and courage. And the reward that came from the subtle plane of the Gods is not at all what we are used to receiving in the form of a reward on our earthly plane. This cannot be compared with anything. That is why Andrey should try to earn this particular award.

Anatoly –

AN-NA (ability to give and receive). TO – (that). LI – (female energy of Intuition; thanks to the accumulation of this energy, a person could rejuvenate and not grow old). Y (Iy) – (Irian Garden, subtle plan of the World of the Gods).

Literally - a harmonious man (capable of both giving and receiving), possessing intuition, whose Soul came from the highest plane of the Gods, i.e. from HEAVEN.

Very interesting. And Anatolia themselves are unlikely to suspect the purpose of their name and WHAT exactly it means. For Anatoly, there is no karmic task here on Earth as such. His task is simply to live, which he often does. Due to the fact that this is not his first time on this plane of existence, he clearly knows what exactly he needs here in the first place, how to achieve this and what needs to be done for this. Hence, over the years, he becomes somewhat lazy and inactive. Provided, of course, that he flirts with the material-physical plane and becomes increasingly bogged down in simple, human pleasures.

Under no circumstances should he do this, since after the end of his life on this plane he will no longer be able to get back to where he came from. If he came, as we spoke with heaven, i.e. from that place where there is no demon, then his return will only be to heaven, i.e. that place where there is no God, but these are still different places.

That is why Anatoly needs to constantly do something and be constantly busy with something. In general, for him there is a motto from a good old song - “... do not let the soul be lazy, day and night and day and night, The soul must work, day and night, and day and night...”.

The name Anatoly was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means a resident of Anatolia. Well, it’s just an unforgivably weak translation of the name, although... a resident, he is a resident... In this case, Anatolia or any other part of the Earth does not make much difference...

Anton – If NA means giving, then AN means accepting, taking away. T – darkness. HE is he. Literally, he (the man) takes away the darkness.

We already know that a man normally constantly gives out his energy, like a battery. Charged (from nature) - gave, charged - gave. If at the same time he is also capable of absorbing the dark, i.e. then, a place where there is no energy, then he is able to do a lot, but only with proper preparation and training, which, first of all, should be carried out by the father. He called him that, so let him get out of it.

If Anton has not undergone such training, then over the course of his life he risks acquiring as much of the dark principle upon himself as will be enough to completely discharge his battery. That is why Anton, like no other representative of the male half of humanity, needs to find for himself a system of development and spiritual growth that would not undermine his foundations and would not use his vital energy. Apart from Reiki, I don’t yet know such a system.

Translated from Latin, Anton means “competitor.” Well, now we know what kind of competition this is and with whom exactly.....

Artem –

Ra – Great Primordial LIGHT, RADIANCE of the Almighty. AR – absence of this LIGHT. TEM – darkness, darkness. Literally – the absence of LIGHT and the presence of darkness. This is an explosive mixture. Literally – the Radiance of the Primordial Light of the Most High, darkened (absorbed) by darkness and because of this, creating the impression that there was no Light. By analogy, AR-mya-ne (a whole people who were attacked by a black amorph) and only a few of these people were able to cope with the darkness and take the side of the LIGHT, although this is their karmic task for the nation.

Well, returning to Artem, we now understand what consists of his karmic task named . We won't repeat ourselves. Let us wish him good luck and STRONG, which will never hinder him, since he will not be able to simply open up the light within himself. Long-term and systematic work is necessary, and only then will there be a lasting and, most importantly, the most BRIGHT result.

The name Artem came to us from ancient Greece and means “impeccable health.” Yes, to fight the darkness, especially within yourself, you really need impeccable health….

Arthur -

Ra – Great Primordial LIGHT, RADIANCE of the Almighty. AR – absence of this LIGHT. TEM – darkness, darkness. Literally – the absence of LIGHT and the presence of darkness. UR - Light. I also wanted to write that Art-UR is at the end of the world, but somehow it doesn’t sound very good... although it’s true...

The name Arthur was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means the owner of impeccable health.

The name Arthur is also among the Celts and translated from the Celtic language means big bear. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt Arthur to read everything that has also been written about Boris.

Boris –

BOR (bear). B - (large). OR – (Strength). If Si is radiance, then IS is absence of radiance or simply darkness. Literally - a bear in the dark. Now let’s imagine what such a large animal as a bear can do, and even in the dark. This is practically the same as the Bull in the China Shop. Now let’s, for clarity, add a corresponding surname to the name Boris, for example, such a rare surname as Yeltsin. Ate- (ate, eats). Qi – (Energy). All together it will sound something like this - A large animal similar to a Bear, existing in the darkness and eating life energy. Naturally not yours.

From here - Boris's main karmic task learn to be useful people and society, learn to give rather than take and become a harmonious person in all aspects. In general, leave a Trace in History, not INHERIT. Or - learn to fight with yourself.

Vladimir –

B – (direction) LA – (Soul). D- (good). And - here - the connector. WORLD – Earthly plane of existence (Our World).

A name cut short by time. Originally the name was VOLADIMIR (VOLODIMIR). This full name meant a person Incarnate with a High Soul and acting in this Our Earthly World with a specific Mission.

Now, having removed just one letter from the name, we have a person who is only ashamed to realize his Great Soul and is only still groping for his true purpose on This Earth. Hence Vladimir's main karmic task – become VOLADIMIR (Volodimir), i.e. – come to yourself, realize yourself and fulfill your Mission. Few names include precisely the Mission of its bearer. This is what it has.

So we wish Volodymyr (Volodymyr) to take his own path of development and go through it to the end, for this he has almost everything...

Vitaly –

VITA – (life, vital). LI – (female energy of Intuition; thanks to the accumulation of this energy, a person could rejuvenate and not grow old). Y – (Iriy, Iriysky garden, subtle plane of the level of the Gods). Literally - an intuitive, vital person, striving to climb the ladder of his spiritual development and reach the highest levels. This, as they say, is a task. But in reality, Vitali often simply waste their lives (Vita) and, as a rule, because of this, they leave this plane of existence very early. That is why the sooner Vitaly starts his development, the better. At the same time, turning to your inner, spiritual world can happen for Vitaly at any age and under any set of circumstances. The main thing for him is to take this step, to take the Path. Whether or not you have the strength to complete it to the end, it depends.

If there is enough, then the Path will be completed in one go; if there is not enough, you will have to go back and finish what was not completed in the previous incarnation. In any case, there is a lot of work and sooner or later it must be completed by Vitaly. He can’t get away from this, so the sooner he starts all this, the better.

Gennady –

GEN – (basic code of life; unit of individual information carrier). Iy – (Irian Garden, subtle plane of the World of the Gods). NA – (give, transfer, bestow). D – (good). Y – (Iriy, Iriysky garden, subtle plane of the level of the Gods). Literally - a kind man who has a QUALITY DNA composition (transmitted to him from the Gods) and is capable of transmitting this basic code of life to his descendants. As a rule, Gennady is the head of his family. Therefore, the more children they have, the better.

It is quite difficult to place or influence Gennady. Due to the fact that he is a good carrier of the energy code, he is completely under the protection of his Gods. But, for his full realization on all plans and levels, he himself needs, from the bottom, to go up and restore contact with his RELATIVES. To do this, if Gennady has light skin, he needs to come to our Slavic Gods, study the Vedas, i.e. to know them and restore your ancestral memory. What we wish for him and all of us...

The name Gennady was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means noble. Naturally, we leave this value and add ours.

Georgiy –

GEO – Planet. OR – (Strength). GIY (GOY) is a true Aryan, in our opinion.

Literally – having initially, from birth, the Power given by our Planet, i.e. Earth. Georgy is much more grounded than Gennady, but the fact that they are similar is a fact. Therefore, we direct George to read everything that has been written about Gennady, and we ourselves will add a little.

If Gennady, as if from birth, is under the special protection of the Higher Powers, then George needs to... not deserve it, but, I would say, achieve it, achieve it. Nothing will come easy to him; he will need to achieve everything himself and with his own work. He needs more than one night (or better yet, a day, since night is not our time) to stand in God’s waiting room before he is accepted and listened to. But the fact that it will be accepted is certain. The main thing is more perseverance, improvisation, humor and.... courage. And everything will work out.

The name George was brought to us from Byzantium and translated (in the local language) it means venerable. Not enough... not only for George, but for any name......

Our translation, in my opinion, is more accurate and complete... isn’t it Georgy?........

Yes, by the way, I forgot to warn you about what Georgiy should be wary of and what he should not participate in. I think you already understand me... if not, then subtract from the word George its stabilizing beginning GE………..

Daniel –

YES – (place). NI – (denial of something, refusal). IL - from our side - the last level of the soil, from the side of the underworld - the upper level of existence.

Literally - a person standing on the edge of worlds and denoting (primarily in himself) the place where these two worlds (Reality - OUR and Nav - Underground) connect and separate.

The task is not easy. Just imagine, a person can see both your dark and your light sides at the same time. It may be nothing to you, but to him... as a rule, Daniil always stands out from his environment, and even from childhood. If all the children are interested in participating in the slide, then he is interested in watching it. If all the other children constantly forget where the edge is and often suffer as a result, then Daniil is always careful. And who shouldn’t be careful if not him. He knows exactly where the Edge is, and on all levels and planes.

The name Daniel was brought to us from Israel and, according to the Jews, means judge of God. Under certain conditions, he can be a judge of any level, even divine, so here the Jews do not at all distort the concept of a name. And how can they do this, because the Judge is nearby, which means the punishment too...

Denis –

De - (particle denoting destruction, differentiation (DEgeneration, DEvaluation, DENATURATION). NIS - bottom. Nor - can also be read as a preposition. Then C is LIGHT. Literally - a man who carries a particle of destruction in himself and in the most unfavorable conditions (when no one is at hand) destroying himself, and at the bottom, i.e. along his first and second chakras. This, in turn, leads to diseases of the pelvic organs and veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, Denis, first of all, needs watch your physical condition, for what and when he is, how and when, and with whom he sleeps, how and when he rests, etc.

At the same time, it is simply vital for Denis to learn to transform his accumulating inner negative energy into something bright and clean. How to do it? For Denis, and for everyone, I think, this is a question of questions. Everyone must answer it himself and find a method or method that is effective for HIM.

The name Denis came to us from Greece and means “dedicated to the God of fun.” Well, fun is one of the ways to transform negative manifestations. The main thing is that everything should be dosed and the fun itself should not become one of the aspects of the manifestation of this very inner principle of a person, otherwise everything will be even more neglected than it was before the fun began...

Demid –

De - (particle denoting destruction, differentiation (DEgeneration, DEvaluation, DENATURATION). MI - (female part of the energy of thought, mental energy). D - good. Literally - a man with both masculine and feminine thinking (i.e. - developed by both hemispheres of the brain), initially carrying goodness, but containing a particle of destructiveness.

That is why Demida needs to be fully loaded from childhood. A music school, sports sections, art classes and courses are also suitable. foreign languages. It is necessary to give Demid the opportunity to turn on both of his hemispheres at full capacity and then he can independently cope with what is inside him. If he needs help, then those around him will know about it, since Demid has no sense of false modesty, and if he needs something, he will always just take it and ask... or just take it... it depends on his upbringing...

The name Demid was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means – council of the Gods. Naturally, we are not against such an interpretation. The main thing is to understand what advice, where and who should be present.

Dmitriy -

D – (good). MI – (the female part of the energy of thought, mental energy). THREE – (trinity, trinity, the basis of the World, manifested in three levels). Iy – (Irian Garden, subtle plane of the World of the Gods). Literally - a bringer of good, with the help of thoughts and filling his thoughts with energy, to achieve, through service to others, the harmony and trinity of the World. Those. – all three worlds: Navi (underground kingdom), Reveal (our manifested world) and Rule (the subtle plane of the Gods, i.e. heaven).

IN Old Slavonic language Sometimes you can also come across the name DIMITRY, which for me, for example, as the bearer of this name, is the most attractive. DI - Two. In direct translation, the name Demetrius will mean a person, out of two, who, with the help of the power of thought, makes three and is turned to the levels of the Gods. If we remember the basic principle of the creation of the Universe and our World, which sounds something like this - one (God) gives birth to two (Masculine and feminine principles), two gives birth to three (UNION, UNITY), and three gives birth to a great multitude, then the name Dimitri becomes clear, which I would really like to live up to. If we also take into account that the particle Di indicates that this person is already twice born, i.e. was both in the World of Rule (in heaven) and in the World of Reveal (on Earth), and, in connection with this, can remember his past incarnations (and this has already happened), then I am still more Dimitri than Dmitry, preparing to incarnation on (Triy) on the third level...

From here, by the way, it comes out and the main, karmic task named Dmitry (Dimitri) for this incarnation - REMEMBER EVERYTHING and use it all in this life.

The name Dmitry was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means dedicated to Demeter, the Goddess of Agriculture.

Well, why only the Goddess, and why alone? At a minimum there should have been three of them (Triy), by definition, in extreme cases - two (Di)…..

Valentin –

B - (direction). La – (Soul) If Al is a departure from the Soul, its TRUE understanding. LEN - (Laziness). T – (that, that). IN – (other, different).

Literally - a High Soul, striving for development, but due to laziness, does not do this and gives itself to others over trifles. At the same time, Valentin becomes a different person, i.e. not what he should have become.

It’s nice to look at realized Valentines, but not so much at those who haven’t found themselves yet. Since Valentines have a very interesting character trait that can be described as follows. When he feels good, then everyone around him feels good; when he feels bad, then everyone around him, to put it mildly, is a little uncomfortable. Valentin can find salvation only in his innate optimism, which almost never leaves him.

Even in the most difficult situations, he will, at least outwardly, look decent, although he may very often simply break into a rant. Valentin simply needs to have a business for the Soul, optimally if this hobby gradually develops into work. In this case, it will be difficult to disrupt Valentine’s harmony. Only a woman can do this, and not a wise woman......

Valentin is able to understand almost all women, since he can very easily imagine himself in the image of Valentina. Which these same women very often and ruthlessly take advantage of. Hence the main karmic task named for Valentin learn to communicate with women without falling for them and without alienating them from yourself so much that then approaching becomes inaccessible. In general, do not reveal yourself right away, but give yourself in small pieces, never completely giving yourself to anyone. Only in this case, Valentin will always remain cheerful, vital and, most importantly, healthy.

We borrowed the name Valentin from the Romans and (in their way) means big man. A big guy is the optimal option... which is what Valentin needs to strive for....

Victor –

B - (direction). And – (Irian Garden, subtle plan of the World of the Gods). K – (direction). T – (that, that). OR – (Strength). Literally - twice aimed at the WAY of comprehending the level of the Gods and having the necessary POWER for this. Those. – Victor is the one who needs to be guided, and not just once, but better yet twice.

There is such a thing as a leader of the second plan. I think this is just about Victor. He is capable of achieving a lot, but only if increased demands are not placed on him and he is not rushed. If you want Victor to understand, everything needs to be explained to him twice. Don't spare any effort and don't be nervous. You explain it twice, and everything will be done exactly the same way, exactly as you explained. Agree, few people can do this even after the tenth explanation? But Victor can... and only from the second.

In order to always feel harmonious and calm, Victor needs to engage in all types of creativity. You need to try everything. At the same time, don’t despair if something doesn’t work out or doesn’t work out. Gradually go through different aspects of creativity and find yours. We start with poetry, and then – how it goes………

You will become and be a WINNER only if you do something about it…..

Eugene -

E – (distortion, distortion of the true meaning of the word that comes after this letter; introducing artificial changes, usually from the dark side). B – (direction). GEN – (basic code of life; unit of individual information carrier). Iy – (Irian Garden, subtle plane of the World of the Gods).

Nonsense in the genes. Literally – a Person who has known (or perhaps came) from the subtle plane of the Gods, but certain changes have been made (from the dark side) to the main individual information code.

Based on these changes, the TA side constantly calculates it and, as best it can, keeps it under control: it does not allow one to correctly perceive information, leads one astray from the true Path of Spiritual development, does harm in every possible way on the physical level, disrupting the work of all systems of the body, instills ideas of chosenness and greatness. At the same time, an unconditioned reflex is gradually developed (like Pavlov’s dogs), which is triggered when Eugene resists the influence of the dark ones on him and remains silent when he does everything correctly (according to their concepts). Hence the diagnosis - if everything is fine with Evgeniy, it means it’s bad. And vice versa, if something doesn’t go well for Evgeniy, it means he’s definitely stepped on someone’s tail. But our people, with their tails, don’t even go to the bakery.

All in all the main karmic task of Eugene by name , in this incarnation, remove your sunglasses. As soon as he does this, he immediately becomes our beloved, good old Zhenya, i.e. – literally – a vital (pleasing to everyone) person, aware of his personal aspect and CORRECTLY perceiving the WORLD.

At the same time, it is clear that the dark side will try in every possible way to put spokes in Eugene’s wheels, just to prevent him from throwing off their bridle. And even, once freed from the control of Those comrades, Evgeny (or rather Zhenya) should keep his ears open and check every suspicious bush and every suspicious person. And only then decide whether to sit on this bush, and whether to communicate with this person or just pass by. And past the bush, and past... second bush...

The name Eugene was brought to us from Byzantium and translated means noble. For us, this meaning carries very little information, especially after we have completely translated this name into our language. Eugene can become noble only if he corrects his genotype and climbs the ladder spiritual perfection. Otherwise, it will be difficult to call him noble….. no matter how much he wants it….

Ilya –

The name Ilya refers to names - pseudonyms (nicknames), artificially invented by the “God’s chosen” people. People who had a pseudonym instead of a name were automatically included in the religious egregor and acquired a full bouquet of suffering and the whole complex of failures inherent in modern religions.

If a nickname begins with the letter “I,” this means that this nickname is meaningfully associated with dragons, snakes, amphibians, and is usually reserved for “lucky” people. Why is the word lucky in quotation marks? Because after several strokes of luck, such people will definitely have bad luck. They will be framed for something they didn't do or forced to do something they didn't want to do. And if after this they manage to survive, then they begin to be lucky again until the next life catastrophe. Their luck is significantly higher than zero, but their fall is tantamount to death.

The prefix “I” appeared already at the time of the birth of Egypt and, like the prefix “E,” perverted all the words in which it began to be used. (This, naturally, does not apply to those words that were in the Old Church Slavonic language, i.e., before Egyptian civilization. For example, the name IRINA comes from there). Most big damage, in my opinion, from the introduction of the letter “I” at the beginning of the names of original Russian words, it brought that instead of COUNTRY (RA IS WITH YOU - WE), our homeland began to be called Empire, which in literal translation means - IM (negation) Periya ( from the word PERUN - one of our Gods) - undivine.

Therefore, people who have names – nicknames, and even those starting with the letter “I” – are directly shown a name change. It is better to go through the naming process with the Magus, who will appear in your field as soon as you are ready for this.

The name Elijah was brought to us from Israel and, according to Jewish concepts, means the power of God. Yes, in principle, we are not against such an interpretation, we just added a little conceptual material and that’s it, thereby defining what kind of power and what kind of god………..

Ivan –

The prefix “I” appeared already at the time of the birth of Egypt and, like the prefix “E,” perverted all the words in which it began to be used. (This, naturally, does not apply to those words that were in the Old Church Slavonic language, i.e., before Egyptian civilization. For example, the name IRINA comes from there). The greatest damage, in my opinion, from introducing the letter “I” into the beginning of the names of original Russian words was caused by the fact that instead of COUNTRY (RA IS WITH YOU - WE), our homeland began to be called Empire, which literally means - IM (negation ) Periya (from the word PERUN - one of our Gods) - undivine.

Therefore, people who have names – nicknames, and even those starting with the letter “I” – are directly shown a name change. It is better to go through the naming process with the Magus, who will appear in your field as soon as you are ready for this.

Don’t be surprised, but the name Ivan (full – John) was brought to us from Israel and means, according to Jewish concepts, Jehovah gave. In general, we now know and understand everything that Jehovah gave to people... This makes me a little sad... but only a little....

Igor –

We just talked about the prefix “I” above. And the name is only Igor once again confirms how everything can be distorted and turned inside out by making only small adjustments. See for yourself. GO – (Road, Path). Rb – (Heavenly Iry, i.e. – the subtle plan of the Gods). The name GOR would mean a person walking the path of the Gods, encroaching on their essence, etc. And Igor means the exact opposite - a person leaving his Primordial PATH and thereby renouncing himself as a particle of the Divine level.

Therefore, Igor, first of all, needs to deal with himself. Understand yourself and accept yourself. After this, he realized that at some stages of his life he was going in the wrong direction. After this, again, understand and realize that everything can always be fixed. You just need to direct yourself, your thoughts and actions to the Mountain, because GO-RA is the place, the path where you can comprehend God. And the letter “I” will have nothing to do there.

In addition to everything that has been said, Igor would also like to read everything that we wrote about Ivan and Ilya...

In fact, the name Igor is an ancient Slavic name and it means “protecting the name of God.” That is why Igor may not need to change his name, maybe a complete clearing will be enough... at your local dry cleaner...

Security guard, after all………

Novel -

OR is (Strength), and RO is its absence or distortion (wrong direction). MAN (Mind). Literally - a person who has the power of the mind, but directs this power incorrectly.

Hence the main karmic task of Roman – learn to use natural opportunities. And not only the mind, but also the intellect, and these are two different things. In addition, he must constantly remember that the mind and intellect require development. And this means that it is necessary to constantly, I repeat for the Romanovs, constantly learn. As soon as the first signs of laziness appear, it is necessary to understand that from that moment on Roman may experience a “program malfunction” and no one can say what will happen next. At best, this is an early “retirement” way of existence. At worst, early, premature death.

What will be the cause of this sad death, a brick from the roof, or a banal tram with rails, does not matter, since the root cause will be in Roman himself. Therefore, friends, we work, we work... and on ourselves, first of all.

And, it would seem, the word Roman, in our understanding, means something intriguing, fascinating, enchanting, bewitching, albeit quickly ending, but still interesting. This is how Roman, in principle, can be... in his best form. Let's add consistency and solidity to him and, taking his desire to change himself, we will help him in everything... but only on the condition of his personal work...

Sergey -

SER – (denotes grey colour). GOY – ( respectful attitude to a man (...oh you are a GOOD WELL DONE.....), in the literal sense - a full-fledged male genital organ. Hence - goyny - pure, strong and “goy power” - the power of life and fertility). If we take into account that E - (distortion, perversion of the true meaning of the word that comes after this letter; or in the middle of which it stands; introducing artificial changes, usually from the dark side), then GAY is a disrespectful attitude towards a man, or more precisely – not really to a man.

Literally – Respectful Man Spoiled by the Grays, “FUCKING lad.”

Yes, Sergei definitely needs to do something about this, and the sooner the better. First you need to carry out sedum, i.e. become not gray (with a blue tint), but white, preferably milky white. And then - to become a real man.

Those. perform masculine actions, take responsibility for others, give up alcohol and nicotine, keep your word, protect women and children with your masculine energy, give your chosen one love, true masculine love. And for this it is necessary to know her (love, and not the chosen one, since he usually has much more of the latter than the norm). And for this, in turn, you need to know yourself - this is what Sergei's main karmic task for this incarnation.

Mikhail –

MI - (We). X (hier, priest). HA – (radiating radiance of the heavens, the Sun; energy center). HA – (the male part of the energy of the etheric body). IL - from our side - the last level of the soil, from the side of the underworld - the upper level of existence. Literally - a collective image of a man, into which a lot of information from the subtle plane is embedded, with the goal of bringing this very information to Earth so that people, literally, rise from the mud.

This is not even a Mission, it is most likely - Duty. The mission - if you want, do it, don’t do it if you don’t want to, but the duty and obligation simply must be fulfilled, and precisely in this incarnation and precisely in given time. Mikhail Zadornov fulfills his duty - he brings Knowledge to people, albeit in a joke wrapper. Mikhail Evdokimov was simply not allowed to do this. But Mikhail (Mikhailo) Lomonosov managed to bring us a lot in his time. In general, if Mikhail does not strongly resist his intuition, listens to his inner feelings and acts precisely on the basis of his inner feelings, then he will soon begin to do what he came to Earth for. At the same time, almost everywhere he meets help, understanding and support for fulfilling his Role. Now, we have finally found the word that characterizes what Michael should do in this incarnation. To fulfill his role... written and handed to him by the Creator, and maybe even more than one......

The name Michael was brought to us from Israel and means, according to the concepts of the Jews, who is like God. The same is not entirely clear, but with our comments, I think it is more clear.

Nikolay –

Neither (denial of something, refusal). K – (preposition indicating the direction of movement). OL (EL) – (servant). LA – (Soul). Y – (Iriy, Iriysky garden, subtle plane of the level of the Gods). COLA (Kolo) – circle. Literally - a man with a Soul, a servant of the Divine plan, denying forward movement in the circle of DEVELOPMENT. Simply - a rebellious guard, so to speak.

Moreover, his rebellion is not active, they say - everyone is on the barricades and to overthrow God, but passive, within himself, they say - he would be glad to serve, but it is sickening to be served. In general, his Soul has already outgrown the position of a simple servant, and no one will let him go further. Why is there no further development? But because Nikolai has not yet asked this very God for anything. And in general, Nikolai usually don’t like to ask, such is the earthly sign of Nikolaev. In addition, they still do not know how to say no when it is really necessary. When they figure it all out, learn to ask and say no, at the right moments in life, then they will deserve a promotion, according to the divine staff schedule and the table of ranks…….

The name Nikolai came to us from Greece, where it meant “victory of the people.” Somehow I didn’t quite understand this expression in relation to the designation of a name. No, well, the Greeks will name their children, then rack your brains about who means what and is responsible for what......

Oleg -

O – (similar, similarity). OL (EL) – (servant). LEG - (the ministering Spirit of the world Glory).

Literally, a man similar to the servant of the World of Glory, who has found his Path precisely in service and is moving along this Path. Each Oleg must find her own Path, her own realization, her own place in Serving People. Only by helping others can he realize himself to the fullest in this life, and this is is his main karmic task for this incarnation .

Due to the fact that he has access to the World of Gods and Spirits, he often, sometimes simply out of curiosity, and sometimes quite consciously, strives to control the elements and energies. Often he succeeds, but at the same time, he himself may suffer from his experiences. Therefore, the recommendation for Oleg is not to experiment with this plan, but pebble by pebble, build your skeleton, your foundation, your platform, in general - your life. And then, gradually, if necessary, control of the elements, control of events, and much more will come to him. At the same time, the main thing for Oleg is not to become “Great”, otherwise he will have to find himself “at the bottom” again, it’s good if he has a stable psyche. And if not? It will be sad...

The name Oleg came to us from our antiquity and means playful.

We just added to it, and I think it’s not bad. The best thing for Oleg is to treat everything playfully. Do everything playfully and in this case he will succeed in almost everything... over time, of course.....

Yaroslav -

YAR - (YARILO) - God of the Sun and THE LIGHT ITSELF. O - (similar, similarity). LA – (Soul). SLAV – (Glorification with the Soul, literally in the text – with the Soul involved). Literally – Solar man, glorifying the Sun God and carrying his LIGHT.

After the name Yaroslav, I always want to put an adjective by analogy. Wise, Brave, Great, etc. If everything is clear with the name, then Yaroslav will still need to earn each such adjective. It, unlike his name, is not given to him automatically at birth and therefore Yaroslav will have to prove to everyone and himself all the time that he can be wise, brave and even great somewhere.

Let me tell you this is not such an easy task. If such diversified development is not required from everyone else, then for Yaroslav this is considered the norm and this non-compliance with the norm will be regarded as the fall of Yaroslav. After all, he is the representative of the Sun God on Earth, so it is necessary to correspond to such a position. Otherwise, they may be demoted to ordinary Luchiki, or archers. In this case, even Yaroslavna’s crying won’t help, you’ll have to start all over again. So isn’t it better to appreciate what we have and engage in development, although very often society and Yaroslav’s circle will resist this in every possible way. That's what society is for, to think in crowds. Yaroslav is not like that... And that's great.

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I would like to know how my name can be broken down into its components - Oris


As I wrote above, you can only expand the name with Slavic roots. In Devanagari (an ancient language, the predecessor of Sanskrit) - the language of our ancestors, in which each letter had its own meaning, and of which there were 147 (letters). Modern names of a non-Slavic type are just words that are almost impossible to sort out into initial letters. , because they appeared relatively recently, when the alphabet was already significantly curtailed.

Reply Reply Hello. What you name your child is entirely your decision. The name, in the end, should be chosen based on what the Soul says, and not some dictionaries or reference books - this is my opinion. The article provides the Vedic meanings of names. There are not many of them here, but you can get a rough understanding of how the name is correctly deciphered.

If you still want to look at reference books of Russian names, then do not pay attention to those of them where (I’ll give my name as an example) Vladimir is explained as “owning the world.” Explanation of the name Vladimir - in harmony with the World.
To make it more clear, I’ll give a short historical information. When the Slavs called Prince Vladimir to rule, they told him “rule us.” Modern historians misinterpreted this phrase, and they wrote in textbooks that the peasants called Prince Vladimir to rule (to the throne). In fact, the meaning of the phrase was that the peasants said “be in harmony with us,” which can be interpreted as “understand our joys and worries, be your Soul in unison with our Souls.”


  1. Thanks for the answer! It’s just that you reveal the meaning of names in more detail; I haven’t seen anything like this on other sites) And I want to give the child a good name, not just to make it sound nice)


    1. There are many good, strong names. Here we must also take into account how the child will be born - his character and inner Strength. I have more than once observed situations where young parents during pregnancy planned to name their son, for example, Dmitry. And when the child was born, they declared in unison: “What kind of Dmitry is this? It’s Mikhail!”:)

      Try to stop internal dialogue at least for a couple of minutes. And then ask the question: what name should I give my child? If you can stop the VD, you will receive a clear and unambiguous answer.


  2. I always thought so, owning the world :-), besides, my wife’s name is Irina (the world in translation), but now I found out that it turns out that I am in harmony with the world, I like it better.


    I wonder if it ever occurred to the author of the post that the energy of a name could change “beyond recognition”? and, for example, if a boy is named in honor of St. Nicholas, then he seems to automatically fall into an egregor of a completely different orientation, which defines him life path. Well, of course, this will not apply equally to all “Nikolays”, but, nevertheless. Quite a lot of time has passed since Old Slavonic times, and the intention with which people name their children largely determines their fate. the author of the post literally “dooms” many potentially wonderful people to a difficult and sometimes unpleasant fate. this is somewhat incorrect from the point of view. presentation of information, one-sided and just an information movie :)
    I deliberately do not indicate the name so that there is not the slightest connection to it. We are what we think about ourselves. and whatever you name the ship, it will stay afloat.

In my opinion, it’s easier to decide on the desired character traits to which the name is predisposed and choose names based on such criteria.

