Close, but so distant: Yulia Menshova’s father despises his son-in-law because of his betrayal with a famous artist. Igor Gordin: the very beginning of a love relationship

Yulia Savicheva // Photo: Instagram

Singer Yulia Savicheva, who recently became a mother for the first time, flew from Portugal, where she had been for a long time. The performer decided to return to Moscow. The ex-“factory owner” was accompanied by her husband, composer Alexander Arshinov. Apparently, the artist intends to resume her career after a break.

When Savicheva was abroad, her producer Maxim Fadeev shared her ward’s creative plans with journalists. The show business figure reassured Yulia's fans and said that she intended to present new songs. In Portugal, Savicheva did not sit idle: she worked hard, recording tracks and showing her recordings to Fadeev.

Yulia's producer preferred not to comment on information about Yulia's pregnancy, believing that everything has its time. Fadeev also noted that he would definitely share a joyful event with the public if the performer becomes a mother. Later, the show business figure kept his word: on August 22, he got in touch with subscribers and reported important news from Savicheva’s life.

"Hi all! It's time to open up. I want to tell everyone the news. We have very good news. Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter. Many talked about this, especially journalists, Yulia “gave birth” every month,” said the show business figure.

The former Star Factory participant decided to name the baby Anna. After some time, Julia confirmed that she had given birth to a girl. The artist decided to publish a touching message to her daughter, in which she shared her emotions from the long-awaited event. The singer and her husband Alexander Arshinov are very happy to become parents. Savicheva expressed the hope that in the future Anna will definitely read her message.

“You are very little now, and most likely you don’t understand all our joy and pride, but the day will come when you will read this message. You will probably be surprised how many people were waiting for you, how many of our friends congratulated you. How long have we been going towards this? How much effort and nerves were spent in order to say “good morning” to you today. We wish you health and joy. Be happy and loved,” Julia addressed the baby.

The actress, whose difficult relationship with her husband has long been an open secret in the theater backstage, again had a row with him, loudly and in full view of many people. Guests of the anniversary evening on the occasion of the mother’s 70th birthday turned out to be unwitting witnesses to the family scene. famous actress Vera Alentova.
The daughter of director Vladimir Menshov took part in the celebration not only as a close relative - in her directorial debut, the play “Love. Letters” Vera Alentova and her husband played on the stage of the Pushkin Theater, where the hero of the day has been performing all her life. Everything that happened on the stage was very touching, but soon a scandal broke out.

Despite the fact that half a million rubles were spent on the expected luxurious feast, the organization of the informal celebration behind the stage failed: the assistants did not have time to set the table in time, and then the theater management had to wait quite a long time. The main character of the anniversary became nervous, and this nervousness was passed on from her mother to Yulia Menshova. Which, in turn, fell on her husband, actor Igor Gordin.

The man did not have the patience to let his wife’s barbs fall on deaf ears. He got into an altercation, and this showdown had to be observed by the couple’s eldest son and the guests of the evening.

Yulia Menshova, in a certain sense, repeated the fate of her mother. Vera Alentova and her husband shortly after the birth of their daughter family life gave a serious crack. Menshov and Alentova separated and lived apart for three years, although they did not officially divorce. And although the director tried more than once to start new life with other women, one day he finally decided to return to his wife, and she did not reproach him for anything.

“The parting was good,” Alentova said later. I think if we hadn’t broken up then, we probably would have broken up later. But they would never have connected again.”

As for Yulia Menshova, she and Igor Gordin were already noisily divorced in 2004 - their second child, a daughter, was barely six months old at the time. According to one version, the divorce happened because the man was tired of constantly being in the shadow of his wife with a famous surname. However, some sources claim that the reason for the couple’s separation was another woman, Gordin’s stage colleague Inga Oboldina. For his sake, Oboldina divorced her husband, and for Yulia, who learned about this move by her rival, the news became a disaster.

“At this time we were finishing the third season of Balzac’s Age,” Olga Braund, a member of the series’ crew, said in an interview. “It was scary to look at Yulia, she kept repeating: “We have to do something!” I constantly called Igor and made appointments. In principle, he can be manipulated; they say he gets drunk easily...”

Those around the couple whispered that the “iron lady” Yulia Menshova did everything possible to keep her husband and told him that she was pregnant with her third child, but when the couple reunited, it turned out that she was “mistaken” in her symptoms. According to Olga Braund, it was rumored in the movie crowd that Julia begged her husband: do whatever you want, just don’t leave the family!

In 2008, Gordin returned to his wife, who, like her mother, chose to turn a blind eye to his love affair (according to theatrical rumors, it is still ongoing).

Return to ex-spouses Psychologists associate, oddly enough, with habit. Despite the fact that people leave the family consciously, being ready for new relationships, the everyday side plays a very significant role in the formation of a union.
Over time, everyday life can destroy love. In fact, divorced spouses need to build their lives from scratch, and it doesn’t matter whether the person changes his place of residence or someone else appears in his apartment... Things that are not put together, an unusual breakfast, different foods in the refrigerator and a lack of understanding of desires , which were previously considered law - all this is an incentive to return to the former family. A striking example of this is the story of the reunion of Sergei Zhigunov and actress Vera Novikova. When he left for Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Sergei believed that he had done everything right - his marriage had exhausted itself. But seeing strangers around, and not his own children, the producer and actor gradually fell into

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Leningrad (St. Petersburg)

Russian actor theater and cinema. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

“For me, acting, which I have been pursuing for quite some time, is a calling.”


Igor Gordin was born and raised in the northern capital of our country in a family of intellectuals who have nothing to do with the world of art. The actor recalls about his childhood: “In our family, order and discipline have always come first. My mother is a translator, and my father worked all his life as an engineer at the Institute of Optics. He can rarely afford to sit idle. And I always had my responsibilities : going to the store, picking up my younger sister from kindergarten, and from the age of eight I helped my dad with work in the dacha.”

Igor grew up as an obedient, hardworking child. Parents dreamed that their son would become an engineer. And they didn’t even know about his passion for theater - in high school, the young man attended the well-known Theater in St. Petersburg youth creativity. From here to different time came out: Lev Dodin, .

“At the age of fourteen, accidentally finding myself on stage at a pioneer camp, I felt that I could be different, I could be anything,” says the artist. “I became seriously interested in theater and ended up in the Theater of Youth Creativity of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers, which became the main place for me for nine whole years. My roots are in this theater. My first love, my first songs, all my friends are from there. I try to keep that bright feeling of the theater in myself, no matter what."

However, after ten years, Igor still received first higher education at the Polytechnic Institute, becoming a nuclear physicist. And only at the age of 24, having finally realized that he could not live without the theater, he entered GITIS. He studied at the course of professor of the department of directing Irina Sudakova.


Having become a professional actor, the young man worked for one season at the Moscow State Academic Theater Sovremennik. Then, in 1994, he moved to the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators, where he currently serves.

At MTYUZ the artist was immediately offered the main roles. He was involved in productions by directors: Sergei Vinogradov, Andrei Droznin, Henrietta Yanovskaya, Irina Kucherenko. But the actor’s greatest success came from his roles in the plays of Kama Ginkas. Two of them - Dmitry Gurov in Chekhov's "Lady with a Dog" and He in Dostoevsky's "A Gentle Woman" - Igor highlights especially.

"These works were awarded theater awards. “The Lady with the Dog” by Kama Ginkas is almost a one-man show. It’s quite difficult to keep the viewer’s attention for two hours without leaving the stage. Gurov is my first role of this kind. Now there is already “The Meek”, which is not could have happened without “The Lady with the Dog,” perhaps my most intense and painstaking work,” the actor clarifies.

About his native theater, Gordin says: “I am not interested in entertainment theater, where there are petty themes, a poor plot and a set of media persons on stage. I have been working for 16 years in a theater that professes a completely different ideology. The repertoire of the Moscow Youth Theater includes both comedy and musical performances, but there are also performances where emotional comfort is not provided. Great courage is required from Yanovskaya and Ginkas to stick to their line, despite the bacchanalia of general entertainment around. Our theater has its own audience. We work to ensure that this audience does not disappear as a cultural phenomenon."

The actor is periodically invited to work in other theaters: “Practice”, “Theater of Nations”, “Pyotr Fomenko Workshop”. He gladly uses this opportunity for professional self-realization and acquiring new experience.

Theater works:


  • Several central roles - "Good-bye, America!!!" S.Ya. Marshak (1989, dir. Henrietta Yanovskaya)
  • Borkin Mikhail Mikhailovich, a distant relative of Ivanov and manager of his estate - “Ivanov and Others” based on the play “Ivanov” by A.P. Chekhov (1993, dir. Henrietta Yanovskaya)
  • Persine - "Romantics" by E. Rostand (1994, dir. Andrey Droznin)
  • Popolani, the Baron's alchemist - "Jacques Offenbach, love and trou-la-la" (1995, dir. Henrietta Yanovskaya)
  • Berkopf - "The Execution of the Decembrists" Kama Ginkas (1995, dir. Kama Ginkas)
  • Nicolas - “Foam of Days” by Boris Vian (1996, dir. Sergei Vinogradov)
  • Tikhon - "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky (1997, dir. Henrietta Yanovskaya)
  • Vladimir Sollogub - "Pushkin. Duel. Death." Kama Ginkas (1999, dir. Kama Ginkas)
  • Leonard Vole - "Witness for the Prosecution" (2001, dir. Henrietta Yanovskaya)
  • Dmitry Gurov - "Lady with a Dog" A.P. Chekhov (2001, dir. Kama Ginkas)
  • Don Carlos - "The Cavalier - Ghost" based on the play "The Hidden Caballero" by Pedro Calderon (2008, dir. Roman Samghin)
  • Jason - “Medea” based on texts by Seneca, J. Anouilh, I. A. Brodsky (2009, dir. Kama Ginkas)
  • He is “Meek” F.M. Dostoevsky (2009, dir. Irina Keuchenko)
  • Son, pianist - “Nocturne” by Adam Rapa (2012, dir. Kama Ginkas)
  • George, history professor, Martha's husband - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" based on the play of the same name by Edward Albee (2014, dir. Kama Ginkas)
  • Svidrigailov - “On the way to...” by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (2015, dir. Kama Ginkas)

Other theaters:

  • Petya Trofimov - " The Cherry Orchard"A.P. Chekhov (2003, dir. Eimuntas Nyakrosius)
  • Aleko - “Happy Roads” based on the drama by A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies" (2006, dir. Zoya Buzalkowska, Elena Kamburova Music and Poetry Theater)
  • Stolz - “Bummer off” (2007, dir. Mikhail Ugarov, A. Kazantsev Center for Drama and Directing)
  • Potapov - "Capital" (2007, director Eduard Boyakov, Praktika theater)
  • Enric - "Grenholm Method" (2010, dir. Yavor Gyrdev, State Theater of Nations)
  • Helikon - "Caligula" by A. Camus (2011, dir. Eimuntas Nekrosius, State Theater of Nations)
  • Ilyin - “Five Evenings” by Alexander Volodin (2011, dir. Viktor Ryzhakov, Pyotr Fomenko Workshop)


The actor first appeared in cinema in 2002 in the action adventure film, playing one of the supporting roles.

Three years later, Igor Gordin was entrusted with playing the main characters - in Elena Zhigaeva’s detective story “Big Evil and Minor Mischief” (Minister of Information) and Ilya Makarov’s melodrama “Heavenly Life” (Verbitsky).

The actor’s work with director Andrei Eshpai in the films “Children of the Arbat”, “Ellipsis”, “Event” belongs to the same period. He considers him his godfather in cinema: “Before meeting Eshpai, I thought that cinema was not my thing. While working on the film “Children of the Arbat” I suddenly believed in myself. In the film “Event” I already had the main role. This auteur film really captivated me: a little strange, with theatrical techniques and surreal scenery. Serious, real work."

Later, the artist actively starred in the series: “On the way to the heart” by Abai Karpykov, “The crime will be solved” by Stanislav Libin, “Bullet the Fool” (several seasons) by Valery Chikov, “Afghan Ghost” by Andrey Eshpai.

The actor’s work in the leading role of investigator Gnezdikovsky in the crime melodrama “The Seventh Victim” by Mark Gorobets was notable. The film was attended by: Tatyana Andreeva, Oleg Zinoviev.

"Moscow Twilight"

In 2012, another very interesting role appeared in Igor Gordin’s piggy bank. He played in the mystical film by Alena Zvantsova very strange hero- a ghost who at night takes on the former outlines of a person and, with the exception of some features, lives as before.

The actor shares his impressions of participating in the film: “In Alena Zvantsova’s wonderful script, I saw a human story, written with great humor and at the same time touching, paradoxical. Through the story of a ghost, telling the story of a person was precisely this task that stood before me. I played a person, and not a ghost."

"Dog Paradise"

Filming in Anna Chernakova’s family movie “Dog Paradise” was remembered by the artist for its extraordinary script: “In this case, I was fascinated by the script, whose talent I have long admired. When I read the script, I immediately remembered my favorite Bergman film “Fanny and Alexander.” Dog Paradise" - the autobiographical story of Adabashyan."

The film takes place in Moscow in 1953 in a house on Serov Passage. There lives a 12-year-old girl, Tanya, who did not go to summer camp this season. And the family of the boy Mitya returns to this house from a distant exile in Magadan. He tells Tanya that where his family came from, his beloved dog named Hector remained. Tanya and Mitya do everything to return Hector to Moscow, and in the course of searching for all possible options, they learn the secrets of Mitka’s family.

In 2013-2014, the actor played leading roles in such popular projects as: melodrama, action movie by Dmitry Kuzmin, crime film by Kirill Mikhanovsky and Alexander Vartanov “Dubrovsky”, drama by Alena Zvantsova “Heavenly Court. Continuation”.

"Adult Daughters"

2015 gave the artist new meeting with Andrey Eshpai in the melodrama "Adult Daughters". The director entrusted Igor Gordin to play the father of many children.

According to the script, the actor's hero is police captain Alexei Kolganov, a courageous officer and fair man, who lived in Afghanistan and is the father of six daughters, through a misunderstanding ends up in the epicenter of a gang war. To ward off danger from his family, Kolganov is forced to hide abroad. Upon returning, he learns that his wife died, giving birth to his long-awaited boy. The child was immediately adopted, and now Alexey must find his only son.

In one of the interviews, the artist spoke about the filming and admitted that he owes this work to his teacher Andrei Eshpai: “In general, until recently I did not believe that I would be approved for the main role in the series for Channel One, they still need media people, which I am not. Director Andrei Eshpai liked my auditions, I consider him my mentor. He taught me a lot about cinema. Andrei is one of those rare directors who not only knows how to frame a frame correctly and use special effects, but can also and set a task for the actor.

The producers of the series, Konstantin Ernst and Denis Evstigneev, eventually approved me for the role of a father with many children. I immediately found a common language with all my film daughters. We filmed 12 episodes for three months in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Cyprus."


This grandiose project is the director's debut. He will also play the main role - the national team's scorer Yuri Stoleshnikov, who misses a penalty at the decisive moment. After an unfortunate mistake, Stoleshnikov leaves the national team, ends his career and becomes the coach of the small provincial team "Meteor". It is with this club that Stoleshnikov will have to perform a miracle and believe in himself again.

“We met Yulia in 1996,” recalls Igor. “She, along with our mutual friends, came to see me at a performance at the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators. Afterwards we decided to go to a restaurant. We immediately had a mutual sympathy, I asked her on a date. At that time she was already a very popular TV presenter, hosting the talk show “I Myself.”

It was as if I was in another dimension and for a long time I could not believe that I was meeting not just anyone, but with. But mutual attraction, the amazing “one wave” attitude made me finally believe in the reality of what was happening. And one day I suddenly calmed down: I began to see in Yulia only my beloved girl, and not a screen star.”

The couple lived in a civil marriage for two years and then legalized their relationship. IN acting family two children - son Andrei was born in 1997, and six years later daughter Taisiya was born. The eldest decided to continue the dynasty - he studies at the Moscow Art Theater School. Taya plans to become a dancer.

The family life of Igor and Yulia was not always cloudless. After the birth of a daughter in a relationship star couple a crisis arose that separated the spouses for several years. The actor clarifies: “There was a period when I left my family. When I returned, I began to value daily communication with my children and my wife more strongly. The breakup with Yulia lasted four years, which was quite a long time. I was always looking for ways to reconciliation, the children brought us closer, both of us were ready to take a step forward.

Now we have almost no misunderstandings or grievances. We know what to expect from each other, we have become more tolerant, we are more focused on each other and on the children. Over the years, the desire to give more grows."


About the profession

“Each actor has his own time: some made their mark in youth or even adolescence, and then spent many years of oblivion, and for others, their “golden period” begins after 50 years. Stanislavsky also said that every talent has its own heyday.” .

“The acting profession involves many difficulties, and, alas, not everything in it depends on the person. In our profession there is a very large percentage of luck. The acting profession requires absolute devotion. And if anyone thinks that you can “go left” and then come back, "He is deeply mistaken. Real actors, great actors, in spite of everything, remain faithful to their calling, even if they are suffocating from their helplessness and lack of demand."

“Several times I was offered to teach acting, but I refused and will continue to refuse. I believe that the professions of an actor, director and teacher are different professions. The acting course may be headed by a famous person, like, but teaching is conducted by teachers. Both in the theater and "It's a very rare thing in cinema to be a teacher from God. Personally, I don't see in myself the qualities necessary for teaching."

About cinema

“Unfortunately, in recent years in our country human films are very rarely made, not to mention children’s and family films. They mainly produce TV series, entertainment films, action films. I’m more interested in dealing with stories about our lives, so that I can recognize in them your loved ones, friends, acquaintances..."

“I also had a negative experience in cinema - in the series “Demons”. I prepared so seriously for filming - I spent a lot of mental energy. Still, you can’t shoot Dostoevsky in such a time mode as... That’s how I managed to get into this project!”

About the theater

“I’m not a very vain person and I don’t strive to be on the covers of all the magazines. It’s not that interesting to me. I feel more comfortable in the theater, and there I achieve some success.”

About vacation

"The forest and mushrooms are the best rest for me. Lately We discovered Finland, we are relaxing in a cottage on the shore of a forest lake. There you can go boating, fish, go to the forest to pick mushrooms, and gain strength for the coming season. And the Finnish climate is suitable for me. I don’t like the sea and beaches, the heat tires me terribly. I am a forest person. And in search of the treasured porcini mushroom I can experience the real thrill of the hunt."

About Me

“I’m a silent person. I’m a closed and reserved person, an introvert by nature. It’s easier for me to conceal some problems within myself than to discuss openly, although silence is fraught with dangerous explosions. It’s hard for me to talk. And after a performance where I spoke for two hours straight, communication of forces does not remain at all.

The work of an artist requires a lot of energy, and in order to accumulate it, I need a lot of time. I don’t always like to save myself, sometimes it’s a pity and a shame that I don’t have enough strength to just play with the children. I try to catch up in the summer. But, probably, like everyone else, different situations I am different. In an unfamiliar group, I can’t be seen or heard; I have a hard time making contact with new people. It’s important for me to have people around me who I know and who I can rely on.”

"Now I am absolutely happy man: in the morning I go to work with pleasure, and in the evening I rush home to my beloved wife and children. I think this feeling is the most important thing that makes a person happy!”

Awards and titles:

  • Theater Award "The Seagull" (2001, for the role of Gurov in the play "The Lady with the Dog")
  • Stanislavsky Foundation Prize "Moscow Premiere" (2001, for the role of Gurov in the play "The Lady with the Dog")
  • Honored Artist of Russia (2004)
  • National Theater Award "Golden Mask" in the category "Best Actor" (2011, for his role in the play "Meek" directed by Irina Keruchenko)
  • Winner of the International K. S. Stanislavsky Prize (theater season 2015-2016) in the acting category at the International Theater Festival "Stanislavsky Season"

Based on materials from Wikipedia and websites:,,,,,,,,,, moscowtyz .ru,,

Filmography: Actor

  • Tell the truth (2019), TV series
  • Coach (2018)
  • Ikaria (2016)
  • Universal Conspiracy (2016)
  • Norway (2015)
  • Adult Daughters (2015), TV series
  • Farewell, my love! (2014), TV series
  • Heavenly Judgement. Sequel (2014), TV series
  • Dubrovsky (2014)
  • Explosion Point (2013), TV series
  • Dog Paradise (2013)
  • Love at first breath (2013)
  • The Cure for Fear (2013), TV series
  • The Past and the Duma (2013), documentary
  • Delhi Dance (2012)
  • Moscow Twilight (2012)
  • Who if not me? (2012), TV series
  • Diamond Hunters (2011), TV series
  • The Seventh Victim (2010) main role
  • Lady with a Dog (2010), film-play
  • The crime will be solved-2 (2010), TV series
  • Bullet Fool - 3 (2009), TV series
  • Bullet Fool - 2 (2009), TV series
  • Kromov (2009)
  • Ivan the Terrible (2009), TV series
  • The Event (2008) main role
  • Bullet Fool - 1 (2008), TV series
  • The crime will be solved (2008), TV series
  • Afghan Ghost (2008), TV series
  • On the way to the heart (2007), TV series
  • Scenic Adventure (2007)
  • Saboteur. End of the War (2007), TV series
  • Schedule of Fates (2006), TV series
  • Charm of Evil (2006), TV series
  • Ellipsis (2006)
  • Demons (2006), TV series
  • Pushkin. Duel. Death (2005), film-play
  • Heavenly Life (2005), TV series
  • Gorynych and Victoria (2005), TV series
  • Death of the Empire (2005), TV series
  • Big Evil and Small Mischief (2005), TV series
  • Children of Arbat (2004), TV series
  • Trio (2002)

Igor Gordin

Photo: Elena Lyamina/press service of the MTYUZ theater

Honored Artist of Russia Igor Gordin is known primarily as a theater actor. He is the winner of several prestigious awards - "The Seagull", "Golden Mask" - and recently received the International Stanislavsky Prize for his work recent years. TV viewers know him from such TV series as “Schedule of Fates”, “Moscow Twilight”, “Heavenly Court”, but Gordin is rarely filmed. Those who don’t go to the theater at all associate his last name with the TV presenter, with whom the actor has been married for many years. Igor Gennadievich himself is a closed person and gives few interviews. Even son Andrei says that “dad is a secret.” We tried to lift the veil of this mystery a little in a conversation with.

Igor, I looked up your date of birth and was surprised that you, it turns out, are already such an adult. When you rarely meet once again You become convinced that life goes too fast. Do you ever get the feeling that some fifty years have disappeared somewhere?

I arrived at the theater quite late, so I was listed among the young artists for a long time. At twenty-eight years old I came to the Youth Theater. Well, of course, everything is happening faster and faster, but I don’t have that feeling for these years to pass unnoticed. Every year it continues to grow. Bye. I would like it to go up until a certain age, and then from fair to fair, as they say. (Smiles.) For now I’m trying to make the most of my time. The further I go, the more I feel that its value is increasing. This year will be twenty-five years of my activity, so I’m going into creative retirement, because a quarter of a century in the Youth Theater is equivalent to retirement age, as in ballet and circus. (Smiles.) Since Soviet times it has been considered this way, and it is still believed that the Youth Theater is a theater where one in seven.

Tell us about the premiere of “Variations on a Mystery,” which you are performing together with Valery Barinov. What is your character's drama?

This is a conversation about the love of two men for one woman. For one, love is the object of his love, and for my character, love is his ego. One wants to give, the other only wants to receive. The drama of my hero is that he doesn’t want to give. Or maybe he can't. And therefore he refuses the passion, the obsession that happened to him. As a creative person, a writer, he says: “I couldn’t do anything else, I couldn’t write, I could only think about her.” The intrigue is that this woman died ten years ago, and he, not knowing about it, corresponded with her all these years, poured out his soul every day, not suspecting that her husband was answering him.

- Did you bring out a lot of things from yourself for your hero that, perhaps, you didn’t expect in yourself?

There is a twenty-minute monologue in the play where my hero says how he met this woman, and how it captivated him, and how he eventually came to the conclusion that he could not live without her. Naturally, here I need to discover and bring out some intimate things in myself: passion, sensuality, which awaken in my hero. Although in every role, one way or another, you have to do this. Love overtakes Gurov in “The Lady with the Dog” as punishment, and Svidrigailov’s feelings in “Crime and Punishment” are also passion, albeit a cynical one. They all have a lot in common.

I recently read from Balzac that “love based on base feelings knows no pity.” Do you agree with this?

Apparently yes, if we are talking about passion.

- Why do you think people are more endowed with base feelings than with true love?

True love is a gift. And it is given to few people. People are essentially all egocentric. Giving is much more difficult than receiving. Receiving does not require much mental effort, but giving requires a lot of work, it’s like being in a marriage.

- Jealousy is a common feeling, and I don’t believe it when a person says about himself: “I’m not jealous.”

But there are passionate jealous people. And there are jealous people. Jealousy is an animal, reflexive feeling. When someone tries to lay an eye on your woman, this reflex involuntarily turns on. Another thing is that this can go to extremes. Jealousy is a strong feeling, and your head turns off. I didn't have any such outbreaks. We need to control ourselves.

There are no secrets and no advice can be given. It depends on both one and the other person, and how can you give advice to both at once? For example, I am an introvert, I save everything within myself, I rarely explode, and if this happens, it happens inside. And my wife, Yulia, is an extrovert; on the contrary, she brings everything out into the open. Each person goes his own way, and there are no recipes. The only thing I can say is that marriage requires effort, mental work. Sometimes you need to pinch yourself a little, give in somewhere, accept somewhere, help somewhere. You can't demand attention to yourself all the time.

-Did you come to this during your marriage or is this how you are in essence?

This is my first and only experience. I have not had another marriage or other long-term relationship; I have nothing to compare with. But I got married late, at thirty-two, and was already a mature person, without youthful maximalism, inflated expectations and demands. From this side it was easier for me. On the other hand, it’s more difficult, because there were already established habits and it turned out to be difficult to reformat.

You say you need to control yourself. To what extent? If the situation is challenging, will you get out of control?

Probably. This has happened five to seven times in my entire life. I remember when I was still a schoolboy, I had to fight off several people who attacked me on the street. I gave them a worthy rebuff. Besides the fact that I’m an introvert, I’m also a Taurus, and if you test me for too long, I’ll explode - and then take out everyone. In principle, I try to protect my peace, and if irritation accumulates, do not let it explode, let off steam, somehow express my dissatisfaction or make fun of the situation so that it does not reach a critical point.

Your mother-in-law Vera Valentinovna Alentova is also an introvert. Yulia said that after a quarrel she may not speak for a long time. Does this happen to you?

Yes. (Smiles.) In this sense, she and I are very similar.

Apparently, consistency is yours distinguishing feature. You said in one of your interviews that you are still friends with those who studied with you in your youth in the theater studio.

Yes. I don’t know about others, but for me personally it’s hard and difficult to find new friends. And those with whom I grew up for five years, from fifteen to twenty, it was the happiest time, and the team in which we existed was quite unique, so friendship remains not only between me and them, but between them all too.

- How did life turn out for these guys, who did they become?

Differently. Few became actors. In the Theater of Youth Creativity, in Tyuta, as we called it, we were not raised to be artists, but to be creative people. In addition to acting, each of us mastered some kind of theatrical profession. This is the pedagogical method of director Matvey Dubrovin, the founder of Tyuta, which, by the way, still exists. Today you, as a stagehand, assemble and install the scenery, and tomorrow, as an actor, you go on stage. Education through creative work. Very good people are obtained in such a team. True, it was hard later in real life.

- Why? After all, they taught you so many useful skills?

Because we existed in a separate world, better than environment. A little bit idealized. We existed there, not expecting to be stabbed in the back. And this was the darkest time of stagnation, from 1979 to 1985, and in memories it remains as the most joyful.

-Dubrovin told you that you need to go further, to the theater?

No, everyone decided this for themselves, because the profession of an actor depends not only on talent, but also on luck, on your ability to work. I wouldn't tell anyone: go. There is a saying: if you can’t be an actor, don’t be one. The work is very hard. You have to get your emotions out of yourself all the time. If your theatrical destiny has worked out, then happiness, but if it hasn’t worked out and you are left somewhere on the sidelines and cannot realize yourself creatively, it eats away at you from the inside, gnaws at you. And it's very difficult. The acting profession is sacrificial.

- And you studied at the Polytechnic Institute, but still taught acting at TYUT?

I tried it. All graduates graduate from the studio and work as social educators for a year or two or three. I was also offered to take a studio.

- On a voluntary basis?

No, they paid a little. But it turned out to be quite a difficult experience. I didn’t have the skills to work with children twelve or thirteen years old. They had to be captivated and entertained by something all the time. Then I left there and soon after that I left for Moscow.

In youth, everyone needs good advisers. So you studied at the Polytechnic for five years, but still strived to achieve your dream. Wasn't there an adult nearby who could give advice?

My parents said that I needed to get a higher education. I thought that theater would remain my hobby. But, by the way, after graduating from the studio, the studio members and I tried to create our own team - and we made three performances. I devoted all my free time to this. After the third year I purposefully went to Lev Dodin. And he didn’t. Then I decided to finish my studies at the Polytechnic, and after the fourth year, enter the theater school. But the next year they were recruiting directors, and I went to Moscow.

Sergei Gerasimov told his students that it is possible to get married or get married unsuccessfully in life, separate and make mistakes again - it’s not scary. The worst thing in life is to diverge from your calling.

Right. But the time is very short when you have to catch it. And young people are always childish; at seventeen they want to have fun and relax. Only parents can guide. It’s easier for girls, they have a way out - family.

- What if it doesn’t work out? Any number of beautiful, educated girls - and single ones.

And still. Men have no such option. For them, family is not self-realization. They need to deal.

- Your son is already studying at the Moscow Art Theater School. Did Andrey want to become an actor since childhood?

No, I decided at the last moment. Choosing a profession is a difficult matter, especially for boys. But Andrey was always fascinated by cinema, he wanted to be a film director. Yulia and I told him that the directing profession still requires life experience. They advised: “Let’s first get an acting education, get an idea of ​​​​this environment, understand something for yourself.” Andrey is already in his third year.

- And what does he say, are his hopes justified?

He has no regrets. He understands that he needs it and gains experience. Let's see what will happen next. It’s not a fact that he will become an actor, maybe he will still go into directing, there is someone, as they say. (Andrey’s grandfather is film director Vladimir Menshov. - Author’s note)

- Has Taisiya already decided who to become?

The daughter has not yet formed, she is in the period of growing up. She doesn't really look into acting. Rather, we will direct it towards journalism. From Yulia she has the ability to formulate her thoughts and write. From me - perseverance in achieving the goal. He won’t go to sleep until he has learned all his lessons. I also always tried to do everything in advance and not leave anything for later. Andrey was not like that. But with these gadgets it’s so difficult to keep children busy with something serious. Now Tasi is required to at least read.

- Doesn’t he want to?

Vladimir Valentinovich is busy. But he comes to Andrey for all his college exams and monitors his progress. Maybe take it with you to a movie premiere. Our grandfather and grandmother (Vera Valentinovna Alentova) work actively and a lot, you can’t afford to leave your grandchildren behind.

-Who helped you raise them? Your parents?

No, my parents live in St. Petersburg. I had to hire a nanny. It was hard, but somehow we managed.

- You have a sister. What does she do?

Tatyana teaches mathematics, she is an honored teacher of Russia. Here you go, she was by vocation, she was interested in the subject from childhood, and they had a very good teacher mathematics. Several math teachers walked out of her class. This is how the personality of a teacher can influence a child. The title of Honored Teacher is, by the way, less common than Honored Artist.

-Are you friends with her?

Not so much as a child, there is a five-year difference between us, just like our children. I was fifteen, she was ten, and the friendship was not working out. And then I left for Moscow. When Tatyana got married, gave birth to a son and I started a family, we became closer.

- Does she come from St. Petersburg to your premiere?

I'm coming on tour. Tatyana became such a theatergoer. I advise her on what to do, and now this is her favorite leisure activity. She always waits impatiently for me to bring some performance. But lately, tours in St. Petersburg have become rare, unfortunately.

Julia said in one of her interviews that she imagines herself and you at your leisure, when you are retired, walking in Jurmala along the seashore. Do you have a dacha there?

Apartment. Julia became infected with that climate while living with me. She loves the south, the heat, the tan, but for me it’s painful. I usually sit in the room until the heat subsides, and then I take everyone out for a walk. We began to look for some way out, and the idea arose to buy an apartment in Jurmala. Julia now loves it very much, because the holidays there are calm and the climate is too. Good switch after Moscow. But we don’t have a beach holiday there, but a forest and a bicycle. For beach holiday Still, Spain is more suitable. But with our group of friends, the same ones that I have had since the days of theater studio, we go to Finland every year for a week. The climate is as mild as in Latvia, there are cottages on the seashore. Everyone comes with children, about thirty of them. We live as a commune, cook for everyone, eat together, and then everyone disperses according to their interests: some go to the forest, some go fishing, some play volleyball or badminton. Every year for ten years in a row we carve out a week in August for this holiday. And although Yulia says every time: we don’t know if it will work out, we have work, filming, we still come. This is a charge of good energy for the whole year.

Photo: still from the series “Heavenly Court”

Your relationship with Yulia began when you began to teach her to play billiards. It's such a quiet, slow game, but underneath it seems to me that it's very exciting.

Any game is a gamble. What about chess? Two people sit and think. Billiards is a sports game, so it offers excitement, satisfaction, and the joy that everything works out and, perhaps, depends on your personal qualities. Once a year, somewhere on vacation, Yulia and I still play. And Tasya is already beating her mother at billiards.

You have been together for twenty years. Julia talked about your breakup, which happened many years ago, and admitted that it was a very useful experience for her. She was able to reconsider her ambitions. And you?

It was a really difficult experience. But he helped me somehow look at the situation in the family from the outside and begin to appreciate the relationship, every minute lived together. When you lose, you understand the value of loss. Ten years have passed, time has smoothed everything out.

- Your house is open, do you like to receive guests?

Now, in my opinion, they don’t go to visit people, they meet in a cafe or restaurant. When I come to my native St. Petersburg, I go there to visit. These traditions are still preserved.

-You still haven’t gotten used to Moscow?

I’m used to it, but my soul is still in St. Petersburg. I need to go there once every month or two and get out somehow. In Moscow you work, and you exist in such a rhythm all the time, back and forth, and only at home do you come to your senses a little. And Moscow itself is vain. And it was the same before, when I arrived in the capital and got off at the Leningradsky station, I immediately fell into the flow of people that carried me. And in St. Petersburg there is a sedate rhythm of life. And in Jurmala it’s the same.

- I really love you on the screen, and, of course, as your fan, I want to see you more often...

And I don’t really like myself on screen (smiles), there are several of my on-screen works that I am tolerant of. Unfortunately, I refuse to film because I have no time at all. Now I have four theaters. And when there is little time, you begin to select proposals more carefully, because you need to understand why you should waste time and give your last strength.

This year you have two projects. One is “Coach”, and the director is Danila Kozlovsky. Do you trust the young master?

I have an episode there. We met Danya at the film “Dubrovsky”. Then we met by chance on the street, and he said: “Come.” According to the film's script, this episode is very important, so I agreed.

The second project “Intercessors”. Set in 1966. Retro. You don’t remember this time, you were only a year old. But I remember, so I will watch with passion.

Fine. I have a negative role there. For some reason, these are the only characters I often see: all sorts of bastards, spies. Apparently the time has come. (Laughs.)

Igor Gordin most spent his life on stage and was able to earn the love and respect of many television viewers. But him actor career at this stage has faded a little into the background, because the biography of Igor Gordin contains interesting information about his personal life and everyone is interested in his relationship with his first wife.

Igor Gordin: the very beginning of a love relationship

They say that everyone is creative and famous people they simply cannot be monogamous, but Igor Gordin honorably refutes this theory - in his biography there is only one woman with whom his personal life began and this is his first wife.

It all started back in 1995, when a young but already quite famous girl, Yulia Menshova, decided to hold a cultural evening and go to the Youth Theater for the play “The Execution of the Decembrists,” where the attractive Igor Gordin played one of the roles.

The girl was impressed by the game young talent and couldn't take my eyes off beautiful face– at first glance, everything about this man was perfect.

But this outburst of emotions was fleeting and, it seemed, these two were simply not destined to meet. But fate thought differently.

After the performance, Yulia found herself in a restaurant, where she was invited by a group of friends. Igor was also there, having managed to impress the girl on stage so much. Even then, after the first communication, the young people had their first romantic feelings and their relationship began to develop with incredible strength.

Memories of Yulia Menshova about the fateful meeting

When the couple’s relationship developed and they began to appear together in public, journalists simply bombarded Yulia with personal questions. And she almost never refused to talk about this topic.

Daughter famous parents admitted that 1994 became a rather difficult year for her, as she said goodbye to the theater and began to look for herself in a new path - journalism. And although this is exactly what she dreamed of since childhood, the path to success was not close.

After such a personal crisis, after some time, a friend’s girlfriend was invited to the theater, and Yulia went, promising herself in advance that she would run away as soon as the opportunity arose. But this plan was never implemented.

Igor Gordin played on stage, with whom the successful actress and journalist learned to play billiards within a few hours, felt his palm on her waist and listened to a voice that made her heart flutter more and more. She understood that she wanted to be with this person always.

Igor Gordin also immediately realized that he future life, personal happiness and biographical pages would not be complete without Yulia Menshova, so without delay, he offered her to live together. The girl in love agreed without hesitation.

How did parents react to the union of two loving hearts?

Just two months after they met, Igor had an important event ahead of him - to appear before the eminent parents of his chosen one. This meeting meant a lot to him, since the fear of not being liked by his future relatives did not leave the young man.

The Menshov family, although it has a certain status in the world of theater and art, is not particularly wealthy and it is very difficult to call them snobs. Vladimir Valentinovich and Vera Valentinovna simply wanted happiness for their daughter and did not expect her to bring a “money bag” into the house.

They greeted Igor very warmly, although they were very worried and worried that they might accidentally harm Yulia’s relationship. But the first meeting went well and everyone was happy with the first impression.

It is worth noting that Igor Gordin did not try to embellish his biography and told everything to the parents of his future first wife - both about his personal life and about relatives who came from an ordinary St. Petersburg family. He did not hide the fact that he initially received a technical education and only then decided to become an actor. Yulia's parents accepted all this information calmly and did not express their dissatisfaction.

Igor was not even afraid to admit at the first meeting that he lives in an ordinary hostel and does not have his own home. It is unknown what reaction he expected, but certainly not what happened next - the Menshovs were indescribably delighted. After all, their relationship once upon a time began in the same way in an ordinary student dorm and they managed to go through all the difficulties. So why couldn't their daughter cope?

Igor’s parents found out about their son’s affair a little later and at first they didn’t know how to feel about it. They could not believe that their calm and modest boy was able to gain the sympathy of an already accomplished actress, presenter, and also an aspiring journalist.

It seemed to them that this romance could not be serious, but when Gordin proposed to his chosen one, the parents accepted the girl into the family and gave their blessing to the wedding.

The solemn event took place two years after the first meeting and the lovers could not get enough of the fact that they could finally call each other husband and wife.

This was followed by two main events in their lives - in 1997, their son Andrei was born, and in 2003, their daughter Taya was born.

Igor Gordin is very proud that in his biography there was a place for such long-awaited new lives - his personal life without children would not be the same ( general photos you can see below).

First troubles

No matter how wonderful the past was, in the future we often face new problems and difficulties in relationships. Igor and Yulia, unfortunately, were no exception to this hackneyed pattern, and a difficult period began in their family.

Everyday life, difficult acting schedules, raising children and time played a cruel joke on them - absolutely everyone talked about the scandals in Igor Gordin’s family, and journalists added fuel to the fire, informing the public that the personal life with the first wife of the talented actor was covered with a copper basin and it was time him to start writing a new biography.

Ultimately, all the rumors were confirmed - in 2004, the lovers quarreled so much that they could no longer be under the same roof.

What caused the star break?

The real reason for the breakup of the family is still unknown. But there are two versions that have not been confirmed by any source, but could still be true:

  1. Many fans and Igor’s work colleagues believe that the ambitious actor could not come to terms with the success of his wife and did not want to remain in her shadow all his life. He himself wanted to shine and did not want to give up his place in the sun even to his own wife.
  2. Another reason is Gordin’s possible romance with Inga Oboldina, who played with a man on the same stage. This theory gained even more adherents after Inga left her husband shortly after the family of Yulia and Igor ceased to exist.

Igor Gordin, like his first wife, will only repeat one thing about their personal life during this period of their biography: both had accumulated so many grievances that they could no longer remain silent. Every evening began with mutual reproaches, constant fatigue and the understanding that something was going wrong.

And even though Julia recently gave birth to a daughter, the couple accepted the most difficult decision in your life - file for divorce. But none of them objected to this idea.

The divorce proceedings took place quietly and without prying eyes - despite the problems in the family, the former lovers treated each other with respect and did not fight over acquired property.

The machinations of fate and another wedding

Igor Gordin had a difficult time with the breakup and would rather turn these pages of his biography, but despite the collapse in his personal life, he never forgot about his children.

They continued to see Yulia and tried not to remember past grievances. Former lovers even starred together in a multi-part project called “The Crime Will Be Solved.”

There they took on the role of divorced spouses who were eventually able to revive their feelings and become happy family. Soon this plot became prophetic for the main characters of the film.

Igor Gordin realized that he was falling in love with his first wife again and wanted to devote his entire personal life only to her, raise children together and write new stories into a common biography.

The feelings turned out to be mutual, and three years after the official divorce, in 2008, the newly-made couple played another wedding.

That day they were as happy as when they first met, then, in the billiard room. They shared their joy with their loved ones and friends, who could not believe such a turn of fate.

And, it seems, this time the marriage is truly happy. After all, how many years have passed, but the lovers are still together and do not intend to separate ever again.
