Description of Bigfoot. Bigfoot - myths and facts

Bigfoot - myth or reality? Billions of people on Earth want the answer to this question.

Are you interested in the topic big Foot photo or bigfoot video film? This article is about just that! Bigfoot or, as he is also called, bigfoot, hominoid, sasquatch is a humanoid creature that is believed to be found in the highlands and forest regions of the world. There is an opinion that this is a mammal that belongs to the order of primates and to the genus man, preserved from the time of human ancestors. Swedish naturalist, creator unified system animal classification and flora Carl Linnaeus identified him as Homo troglodytes, or, in other words, a caveman.

Descriptive Characteristics of Bigfoot

There is no exact description of Bigfoot. Some say that these are huge four-meter animals that are distinguished by mobility. Others, on the contrary, say that his height does not exceed 1.5 meters, he is passive and swings his arms strongly when walking.

All Bigfoot researchers are inclined to conclude that the yeti is a good creature, if it is not angry

According to unconfirmed reports, the yeti differs from modern humans in its pointed skull, thicker build, short neck, longer arms, short hips, and massive lower jaw. Its entire body is covered with reddish gray or black hair. The hair on the head is longer than on the body, and the beard and mustache are very short. It has an unpleasant strong odor. Among other things, he is excellent at climbing trees.

It is believed that the habitat of Bigfoot is the snowy edge that separates woodlands from glaciers. At the same time, forest populations of snowmen build nests on tree branches, while mountain populations live in caves. They feed on lichens and rodents, and, before eating, the caught animals are butchered. This may indicate a close relationship with a person. In case of hunger, yeti approach people, and thus behave carelessly. According to the villagers, in case of danger, the humanoid savage makes a loud barking sound. But Chinese peasants talk about how snow people weave simple baskets, and also make axes, shovels and other elementary tools.

Descriptions suggest that the yeti is a relic hominoid that lives in married couples. However, it is possible that some people with overdeveloped unnatural hairline are mistaken for these creatures.

Early references to Bigfoot

The very first historical evidence of the existence of Bigfoot is associated with the name of Plutarch. He talked about how Sulla's soldiers caught a satyr who, according to the description, matches the appearance of a yeti.

In his short story Horror, Guy de Maupassant describes the meeting of the writer Ivan Turgenev with a female Bigfoot. There is also documentary evidence that in the 19th century there was a woman named Zana in Abkhazia, who was the prototype of the yeti. She had peculiar habits, but this did not prevent her from safely giving birth to children from people who, in turn, were distinguished by mighty strength and good health.

In the West in 1832 there were reports of a strange creature living in the Himalayas. Hodtson B.G., English traveler and explorer to study this mysterious creature settled in the highlands. Later Hodtson B.G. in his works he talked about a tall humanoid creature, which the Nepalese called a demon. It was covered with long thick hair, differed from the animal in the absence of a tail and upright walking. The first mention of the Yeti Hodtson was told by local residents. According to them, for the first time about Bigfoot was mentioned in the fourth century BC.

Half a century later, the Briton Lawrence Waddell became interested in savages. At an altitude of 6,000 meters in Sikkim, he found footprints. After analyzing them and talking with local residents, Lawrence Waddell concluded that predatory yellow bears, which very often attack yaks, are mistaken for humanoid savages.

The growth of interest in bigfoot was observed in the 20-30s of the twentieth century, when one reporter called the hairy savage "a terrible bigfoot". In means mass media it was also reported that several Bigfoot were caught and imprisoned, after which they were shot as Basmachi. In 1941, the colonel of the medical service of the Soviet army Karapetyan V.S. made an inspection of a snowman caught in Dagestan. Shortly thereafter, the mysterious creature was shot dead.

Bigfoot theories and film

To date, scientists do not have sufficient data to make an official confirmation of the validity of one of the theories. However, scientists are voicing rather bold hypotheses about the emergence of the Yeti, which have the right to exist. Their opinions are based on the study of hair and footprints, photographs taken, audio recordings, sketches of a strange creature, as well as video recordings that are not of the best quality.

For a long time, a short film directed by Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson in 1967 in Northern California was the most compelling evidence for the Yeti's existence. According to the authors, they managed to film a Bigfoot female.

This happened in the fall, when Bob and Roger rode horses along a densely forested gorge in the hope of meeting a yeti, whose traces were repeatedly seen in these places. At one point, the horses were frightened of something and reared up, after which Patterson noticed a certain large creature, which was squatting on the bank of the stream by the water. Glancing at the cowboys, this mysterious creature got up and walked away towards the steep slope of the gorge. Roger was not taken aback and, having taken out a video camera, ran to the stream for the creature. He ran after the savage, shooting him in the back. However, he realized that it was necessary to fix the camera and follow the moving creature, after which he knelt down. Suddenly, the creature turned and started walking towards the camera, but then, turning a little to the left, it left the stream. Roger tried to rush after him, however, thanks to his fast walking and large size, the mysterious creature quickly disappeared, and the film on the video camera ran out.

Gimlin-Patterson's film was immediately rejected by experts of the most important scientific center USA - Smithsonian Institution - as a fake. American experts said that such a hybrid with a hairy chest, gorilla head and human legs simply cannot exist in nature. At the end of 1971, the film was brought to Moscow and shown to a number of scientific institutions. Specialists of the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics positively assessed him and became very interested in him. After a detailed study of the film, a written conclusion was made by the professor of the Academy physical education D.D. Donskoy, who noted that the gait of the creature on the film is absolutely not typical for a person. He regarded it as a natural movement, in which there were no signs of artificiality, and which is characteristic of various deliberate imitations.

Renowned sculptor Nikita Lavinsky also believed that the Gimlin-Patterson film was authentic. Based on the frames of this film, he even created sculptural portraits of a female Bigfoot.

The participants of the seminar on hominology Alexandra Burtseva, Dmitry Bayanov and Igor Burtsev undertook the most in-depth study of this film. Burtsev made a photographic reproduction with various expositions of stills from the film. Thanks to this work, it was proved that the head of the creature on the film was not a gorilla, as the Americans claimed, and not an ordinary person, but a paleoanthrope. It is also clear that the hairline is not a special costume at all, since the muscles of the back, legs and arms are clearly visible through it. The Yeti also differs from a human in its elongated upper limbs, the absence of a visible neck, the planting of the head, and an elongated barrel-shaped torso.

The arguments on which Patterson's film is based are:

  • The ankle joint of the mysterious creature, captured on film, has exceptional flexibility, which is unattainable for a person. The foot in the dorsal direction has more flexibility than a human. Dmitry Bayanov was the first to draw attention to this. Later, this fact was confirmed and described in his publications by Jeff Meldrum, an American anthropologist.
  • The Yeti's heel sticks out much more than the human heel, which corresponds to the structure of the Neanderthal foot.
  • The then head of the department of biochemistry at the Academy of Physical Culture, Dmitry Donskoy, who studied the film in detail, concluded that the gait of a strange creature on the film is completely not inherent in Homo Sariens, which, moreover, cannot be recreated.
  • The film clearly shows the muscles on the limbs and body, which in turn eliminates the assumption of a suit. The whole anatomy distinguishes this mysterious creature from a person.
  • A comparison of the frequency of hand vibrations with the speed at which the film was shot proved that the hairy creature was rather tall, about 2 meters 20 centimeters, and if you take into account the complexion, then big weight- more than 200 kilograms.

Based on these considerations, Patterson's film was deemed authentic. About it on scientific publications reported in the USA and the USSR. However, if the film is recognized as authentic, then the existence of living relic hominids, which are considered extinct tens of thousands of years ago, is recognized. Anthropologists cannot yet agree to this. Hence the endless number of rebuttals of the authenticity of excellent film evidence.

Among other things, ufologist Shurinov B.A. contrary to popular belief, claims that Bigfoot is of alien origin. Other researchers of the yeti mysteries insist that the origin is associated with interspecific hybridization on anthropoids, thus putting forward the theory that Bigfoot occurred as a result of crossing monkeys with humans in the Gulag.

Bigfoot photo real. Bigfoot family in Tennessee (USA)

Real photo of a frozen yeti

In December 1968, two famous cryptozoologists, Bernard Euvelmans (France) and Ivan Sanderson (USA), examined the frozen corpse of a hairy hominoid found in the Caucasus. The results of the survey were published in the scientific collection of cryptozoologists. Euvelmans identified the frozen yeti as a "modern Neanderthal".

At the same time, active searches for Bigfoot were also carried out in former USSR. The most significant results were given by the studies of Maria-Janna Kofman in the North Caucasus, Alexandra Burtseva in Chukotka and Kamchatka. Scientific expeditions in Tajikistan and Pamir-Altai led by Igor Tatsl and Igor Burtsev ended very fruitfully. On Lovozero ( Murmansk region) and in Western Siberia Maya Bykova successfully led the search. Vladimir Pushkarev devoted a lot of time to the search for the Yeti in Komi and Yakutia.

Unfortunately, the last expedition of Vladimir Pushkarev ended tragically: due to lack of funds for a full-fledged expedition, he went alone in September 1978 to the Khanty-Mansiysk district in search of bigfoot and went missing.

Janice Carter has been friends with the Yeti (Bigfoot) family for decades!

IN last years interest in the Yeti is reviving, new regions of distribution of modern Neanderthals have appeared. In 2002, Janice Carter, a Tennessee farm owner, said in a television interview that a whole family of Bigfoots had been living near her farm for more than fifty years. According to her, in 2002, the father of the “snowy” family was about 60 years old, and their first acquaintance took place when Janice was a seven-year-old girl. Janice Carter met Bigfoot and his family many times in her life. This drawing was made from her words and clearly shows the proportions of the yeti and its peacefulness.

Recently, Russian hominologists (Yeti researchers) found information that in 1997 in France, in the small town of Bourganef, a frozen body of a Bigfoot was demonstrated, allegedly found in Tibet and smuggled from China. There are many inconsistencies in this story. The owner of the refrigerator in which the corpse of the yeti was transported disappeared without a trace. Gone was the van itself, with its sensational contents. Photos of the body were shown by Janice Carter, who confirmed that she did not rule out that this was not a falsification, but the real Bigfoot body.

Bigfoot video. Yeti speculation and falsification

In 1958, Ray Wallace, a resident of the American town of San Diego, launched a sensational story about the Bigfoot, which is a relative of the yeti living in the mountains of California. It all started with the fact that in August 1958, an employee of Wallace's construction company came to work and saw huge footprints around the bulldozer that looked like human ones. The local press dubbed the mysterious creature the Bigfoot, and thus America got its own kind of Bigfoot.

In 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, his family decided to reveal the secret. The footprints, 40 centimeters long, were cut from boards at Ray's request, after which he and his brother put these paws on their feet and walked around the bulldozer.

He was so captivated by this prank for many years that he could not stop and periodically pleased the media and the society of lovers of the mysterious either with a recording on which he makes sounds, or with photographs with blurry monsters. But the most interesting thing was that the relatives of the deceased Wallace announced the falsification of the film, which was shot by Patterson and Gimlin. Many experts assumed that the footage was genuine. However, according to relatives and acquaintances, this filming was a staged episode in which Wallace's wife starred, dressed in a specially tailored monkey costume. This statement was a solid blow to enthusiasts who are trying to find a humanoid mysterious creature.

But back in 1969, John Green consulted the Disney film studio, who created monkey costumes for the actors, in order to determine the authenticity of the film. They said that the creature that was filmed was wearing real skin, not a suit.

I would like to note that hundreds of volumes are devoted to the observations of the hominoid scientific literature. But there is still no concrete answer to the question of its origin and existence. On the contrary, the longer the research and search lasts, the more acutely questions are raised. Why can't catch Bigfoot? Can small populations of these creatures survive in unconnected areas? And there are many more questions that have not yet been answered...

I bring to your attention an excellent film about the Yeti with good video quality, dedicated to all aspects of this interesting topic, for many years disturbing the minds of people around the world.

Man has always been interested in various inexplicable events, mysteries of nature, strange cases. Almasty, Bigfoot, Yeti are no exception - the most famous as Bigfoot - mysterious, mystical creatures. Since ancient times, there have been many legends and myths associated with them. Does Bigfoot really exist or is it all fiction and fairy tales? It is not possible to give a definite answer to this question. Many scientists believe that Bigfoot does not exist and are trying to find a scientific explanation for this. Meetings with them take place all over the world, but end very quickly. According to eyewitnesses, tall hairy creatures literally disappear before our eyes. They also find unusual traces that they leave. In the depths of the forests, strange structures are often found from uprooted trees, such common man not under force.

Most often, these creatures live in places that are difficult for people to reach: high in the mountains or in the wilderness. Huge footprints were discovered in the Himalayas in 1936. In this region, the fact of the Yeti's existence is taken very seriously. So, in Tibet, they believe that Bigfoot guard the entrance to the mystical city of Shambhala. In some Tibetan temples, fragments of the remains of humanoid beings are kept. At the beginning of the 20th century in Mongolia there was a case of meeting with a cub of Almasty. Unfortunately, he died, but eyewitnesses say that they saw a small body covered with wool. In 1967, the Americans managed to capture unique footage on video: a tall, hairy figure was running along the bank of a stream. It is believed that it was a female yeti. At the beginning of the 19th century in Abkhazia, an unusual creature was caught by Prince Achba, who turned out to be a wild woman. The appearance of the savage was quite specific. She was about two meters tall, her muscular body was covered with thick dark brown hair, her eyes were red. The woman's face, broad with rough and large features, had a flat nose, the lower jaw with powerful teeth protruded forward. She had rather thick and long fingers on her hands. Due to her appearance, the captive received the name Zana.

Bigfoot Zana, yeti

Later, it was presented to Prince Ece Genaba. He kept the snow woman in a palisaded pit because of her extraordinary strength. The wild woman frightened those around her with her abilities, she was incredibly hardy. She also behaved quite aggressively, rushed at people. However, over time, she was gradually calmed down and tamed. A hut was built for her, into which she was later moved. The Almasty female learned to enter the premises only with the permission of the owner, she was able to perform simple tasks. Thanks to her strength and power, she easily coped with hard work. Zana didn't know how to talk, but human speech I understood that I was not picky about food, I refused to wear clothes. Only towards the end of her life did she begin to put on a loincloth. But she constantly participated in the prince's festivities, during which she often drank alcohol and had connections with men. The most interesting thing is that she did not have external signs aging. Presumably, the female Bigfoot died at the end of the 19th century during childbirth.

Having given birth to her first child without outside help, the woman wanted to bathe him in the river, but the water in it was too cold, the baby caught a cold and died. The same thing happened with the second child. After these cases, people began to select and educate newborns from Zana. She had four children: two girls and two boys. All the children of the woman have grown absolutely normal people, albeit with their own characteristics. Almost nothing is known about the fate of two of them, but the boy Khvit and the girl Gamasa grew up in the same family. There was a rumor that Ece Genaba himself was their father. Zana's daughter died in the 1920s, Khvit lived to be almost 70 years old and died in 1954.

Direct descendants of Zana

Zana's children grew up with ordinary children and did not differ much from them. They all had their families, children, occupied a certain place in the community. Zana's son had dark skin, large black lips, and straight, coarse hair. Khvit was tall, like a mother possessed superhuman strength. Local old-timers said that he could lift a chair with a person sitting on it with his teeth and dance at the same time. He also had an explosive temper, often getting into fights, as a result of one of which he lost his arm. Even with one hand, the descendant of the snow woman was excellent at gardening and field work.

Khvit - son of Zana

Khvit was married twice and had three children. An incredible force was transferred to his son Shaliko, the man lifted the set table with his teeth. Khvit's son died in an accident in the mountains.

Son of Khvit

A tragedy also occurred with his daughter, she died from an electric shock. They say that during her lifetime, Raisa had a unique gift - a woman could see with her skin: she stood with her bare feet on a newspaper and read what was written word for word.

Khvit's daughter in her youth

Khvit's daughter

Gamasa also had a strong physique, like her brother, her skin was dark in color, her body was covered with hair. The woman died at the age of 60. Details about her life are unknown.

On the left is Khvit's skull, on the right - presumably Zana's

Igor Burtsev with the skull of Khvit, son of Zana

Scientists have been looking for an answer to this question for years. Through various studies, it was found that the skull of the son of a yeti in structure is significantly different from an ordinary human. It combines the structural features of the Neanderthal and modern man. The skull is unique and has no analogues in nature. The assumptions that Zana was an African slave were also erroneous, her DNA did not match the genes of Africans, because the yeti and her descendants had straight hair, which is significant hallmark from representatives of the Negroid race. Igor Burtsev himself is absolutely sure that the wild woman belongs to the Neanderthals, and her son is a hybrid with modern man.

Historian Porshnev also believes that Yetis are Neanderthals. Presumably, these predecessors of modern man have not disappeared, but continue to coexist with humans. This fact confirms the structure of the Bigfoot skeleton.

Some scientists speculate that Bigfoot does not actually exist. These are ordinary people with mental disabilities who have left their place of residence and hide in the forests away from society.

Although, from the point of view of science, there is no evidence of the existence of Almas, someone leaves traces of huge feet, tufts of dark long wool in different corners. the globe. There is an assumption that yetis come to us from a parallel world, perhaps that is why they appear from nowhere and go nowhere. Also, tree structures found in forests can serve as a portal for mysterious creatures. One thing is known that disputes around Bigfoot will continue for many years to come. However, some mysteries must remain unsolved.

, "Ramayana" ("rakshasas"), folklore different peoples(faun, satyr and strong in Ancient Greece, yeti in Tibet and Nepal, byabangguli in Azerbaijan, chuchunny, chuchunaa in Yakutia, almas in Mongolia, ieren, maoren and en-khsung in China, kiikadam and albasty in Kazakhstan, goblin, shish and shishiga among Russians, divas in Persia (and Ancient Rus'), virgins and albasty in the Pamirs, shurale and yarymtyk among the Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs, arsuri among the Chuvash, pitsen among the Siberian Tatars, sasquatch in Canada, teryk, girkychavylyin, myrygdy, kiltan, arynk, arysa, rakkem, julia in Chukotka, sweet potato, sedapa and orangpendek in Sumatra and Kalimantan, agogwe, kakundakari and quilomba in Africa, etc.).

Plutarch wrote that there was a case of the capture of a satyr by the soldiers of the Roman general Sulla. Diodorus Siculus claimed that several satyrs were sent to the tyrant Dionysius. These strange creatures were depicted on the vases of ancient Greece, Rome and Carthage.

An Etruscan silver jug ​​in the Roman Museum of Prehistory depicts a scene of armed hunters on horseback chasing a huge ape-man. And in the psalter of Queen Mary, dating back to the 14th century, an attack by a flock of dogs on a man covered with hair is depicted.

Bigfoot eyewitnesses

At the beginning of the 15th century, the Turks captured a European named Hans Schiltenberger and sent him to the court of Tamerlane, who handed over the captive to the retinue of the Mongol prince Edigei. Shiltenberger nevertheless managed to return to Europe in 1472 and published a book about his adventures, in which, among other things, he mentioned wild people:

High in the mountains lives a wild tribe that has nothing to do with all other people. The skin of these creatures is covered with wool, which is absent only on their palms and faces. They run over the mountains like wild animals, feed on foliage, grass and everything that can be found. The local ruler presented Yedigei as a gift of two forest people- a man and a woman captured in dense thickets.

The Indians of the northwestern United States and Western Canada believe in the existence of wild people. In 1792, the Spanish botanist and naturalist José Mariano Mosigno wrote:

I don’t know what to say about Matlox, a mountain dweller who brings everyone into indescribable horror. According to the descriptions, this is a real monster: his body is covered with hard black bristles, his head resembles a human, but much larger, his fangs are more powerful and sharper than those of a bear, his arms are incredibly long, and on his fingers and toes there are long curved claws.

Turgenev and the President of the United States personally encountered Bigfoot

Our compatriot great writer Ivan Turgenev, while hunting in Polissya, personally encountered Bigfoot. He told Flaubert and Maupassant about it, and the latter described it in his memoirs.

« While still young, he(Turgenev) somehow hunted in the Russian forest. He wandered all day and in the evening came to the bank of a quiet river. It flowed under the canopy of the trees, all overgrown with grass, deep, cold, pure. The hunter was seized by an irresistible desire to plunge into this clear water.

Undressing, he threw himself at her. He was tall, strong, strong and a good swimmer. He calmly surrendered to the will of the current, which quietly carried him away. Herbs and roots touched his body, and light touch stems was nice.

Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder. He quickly turned around and saw a strange creature that was looking at him with a greedy curiosity. It looked like either a woman or a monkey. He had a broad, wrinkled, grimacing and laughing face. Something indescribable - two bags of some kind, obviously breasts - dangled from the front. Long matted hair, reddened by the sun, framed her face and flowed behind her back.

Turgenev felt a wild, chilling fear of the supernatural. Without thinking, without trying to understand, comprehend what it is, he swam with all his might to the shore. But the monster swam even faster and touched his neck, back and legs with a joyful squeal.

Finally, the young man, mad with fear, reached the shore and ran as fast as he could through the forest, leaving his clothes and gun behind. Strange creature followed him. It ran just as fast and still squealed.

The exhausted fugitive - his legs gave way from horror - was about to fall down when a boy armed with a whip came running, tending a herd of goats. He began to whip the hideous humanoid beast, which took off running, uttering cries of pain. Soon this creature, similar to a female gorilla, disappeared into the thickets.».

As it turned out, the shepherd had already met this creature before. He told the master that this was just a local holy fool, who had long gone to live in the forest and completely ran wild there. Turgenev, however, noticed that hair does not grow all over the body from running wild.

Met Bigfoot and US President Theodore Roosevelt. He included this story, artistically processed, in his book The Hunter of Wild Beasts. The story takes place in the Beet Mountains, between the states of Idaho and Montana. From there, by the way, evidence of meetings with bigfoots is still coming.

In the first half of the 19th century, a trapper (that is, a hunter setting traps) Bauman and his friend explored a wild gorge. Their camp was constantly ravaged by some huge creature, moving on two, not four legs. The attacks took place either at night or during the day in the absence of hunters, and therefore it was not possible to properly examine the creature. Once a comrade remained in the camp, and Bauman, returning, found him torn to pieces. The footprints surrounding the body were identical to those of a human, but looked much larger.

Bigfoot kids

A very curious meeting with bigfoot in 1924 awaited lumberjack Albert Ostman. He spent the night in a sleeping bag in the woods near Vancouver. Big Foot grabbed it, put it on his shoulder right in the sack and carried it. He walked for about three hours and brought Ostman to the cave, where, in addition to the yeti who abducted him, his wife and two children also turned out to be.

They didn’t eat the lumberjack, but they received it quite hospitably: they offered to eat spruce shoots, which the Bigfoot ate. Ostman refused and survived for a week on canned food from his backpack, which big Foot thoughtfully took it with him.

But soon Ostman understood the reason for such hospitality: he was being prepared as a husband for the already grown daughter of the head of the family. Imagining the wedding night, Ostman decided to take a chance and poured snuff into the food of the hospitable hosts.

While they were rinsing their mouths, he rushed out of the cave with all his might. For many years he did not tell anyone about his adventure and when asked where he disappeared for a whole week, he simply remained silent. But when there was talk about Bigfoot, the old man's tongue loosened.

Yeti woman

It is documented that in the 19th century in Abkhazia, in the village of Tkhina, a woman, Zana, lived with people, who looked like a Bigfoot and had several children from people, who subsequently integrated normally into human society. Here is how eyewitnesses described it:

Reddish fur covered her greyish-black coat, and the hair on her head was longer than on her whole body. She let out inarticulate cries, but she could not learn to speak. Her large face with prominent cheekbones, a strongly protruding jaw, powerful brow ridges and large white teeth was distinguished by a ferocious expression.

In 1964, Boris Porshnev, author of a book about the relic hominid, met with some of Zana's granddaughters. According to his description, the skin of these granddaughters - they were called Chalikva and Taya - was dark, Negroid type, chewing muscles- strongly developed, and the jaws - extremely powerful.

Porshnev even managed to question the villagers who, as children, attended the funeral of Zana in the 1880s.

The Russian zoologist K. A. Satunin, who in 1899 saw a female relic hominid in the Talysh Mountains in the south of the Caucasus, draws attention to the fact that “the movements of the creature were completely human.”

Bigfoot in captivity

In the 20s of the XX century, several yeti, imprisoned and, after unsuccessful interrogations, shot as basmachi.

The story of the warden of this prison is known. He watched two bigfoot located in the chamber. One was young, healthy, strong, he could not come to terms with lack of freedom and raged all the time. The other, the old one, sat quietly. They ate nothing but raw meat. When one of the commanders saw that the warder was feeding these prisoners only raw meat, he shamed him:

“You can’t do that, after all, people ...

According to the people who participated in the fight against the Basmachi, there were still about 50 such subjects, which, due to their “wildness”, did not pose a danger to the population of Central Asia and the revolution, and it was very difficult to catch them.

The certificate of the lieutenant colonel of the medical service is known Soviet army B. S. Karapetyan, who in 1941 examined a live Bigfoot caught in Dagestan. He described his encounter with the yeti as follows:

« Together with two representatives of local authorities, I entered the barn ... Until now, I see, as if in reality, a male creature that has arisen in front of me, completely naked, barefoot.

Without a doubt, this was a man, with a completely human body, despite the fact that his chest, back and shoulders were covered with shaggy dark brown hair 2-3 centimeters long, very similar to a bear.

Below the chest, this hair was rarer and softer, and on the palms and soles it was not at all. Only sparse hair grew on the roughened wrists, but the luxuriant hair of the head, very rough to the touch, descended to the shoulders and partially covered the forehead.

Although the entire face was covered with sparse vegetation, the beard and mustache were absent. Sparse, short hair also grew around the mouth.

The man stood perfectly straight, his arms at his sides. His height was slightly above average - about 180 cm, however, he seemed to tower over me, standing with a protruding mighty chest. And yes, he was much bigger than anyone. local resident. His eyes expressed absolutely nothing: empty and indifferent, they were the eyes of an animal. Yes, in fact, he was an animal, nothing more.».

Unfortunately, during the retreat of our army, the hominid was shot.

Bigfoot in the Himalayas

But most of all, the Bigfoot from the Himalayas became famous, relic hominids are called the local “yeti” there.

For the first time, these unusual inhabitants of the mountains became known from the notes of English officers and officials who served in India. The author of the first mention is considered to be B. Hodgson, from 1820 to 1843 the plenipotentiary of Great Britain at the court of the King of Nepal. He described in some detail how, during his journey through Northern Nepal, the porters were horrified to see a hairy tailless creature that looked like a man.

Several Buddhist monasteries claim to have yeti remains, including scalps. Western researchers have long been interested in these relics, and in 1960 Edmund Hillary managed to obtain a scalp from the Khumjung monastery for scientific examination.

Around the same time, relics from several other Tibetan monasteries were also explored. In particular, the mummified hand of Bigfoot. The results of the examination were questioned by many, and there were supporters of versions of both a fake and an incomprehensible artifact.

Snow people hiding in the Pamir caves

Major-General of the Soviet Army M. S. Topilsky recalled how in 1925 he pursued with his unit Bigfoot hiding in Pamir caves. One of the prisoners said that in one of the caves he and his comrades were attacked by several creatures similar to great apes. Topilsky explored the cave, where he discovered the corpse of a mysterious creature. In his report, he wrote:

« At first glance, it seemed to me that it was really a great ape: the hair covered the body from head to toe. However, I am well aware that great apes are not found in the Pamirs.

Looking closely, I saw that the corpse resembled a human one. We tugged at the fur, suspecting that it was a disguise, but it turned out to be natural and belonged to the creature.

Then we measured the body, turning it over several times on its stomach and back again, and our doctor carefully examined it, after which it became obvious that the corpse was not a human either.

The body belonged to a male creature, about 165-170 cm tall, judging by gray hair in several places, middle-aged or even advanced... His face was dark in color, without a mustache and beard. There were bald patches at the temples, and thick, matted hair covered the back of the head.

The dead man was lying open eyes baring his teeth. The eyes were dark in color, and the teeth were large and even, shaped like a human. The forehead is low, with powerful brow ridges. Strongly protruding cheekbones made the face of the creature Mongoloid. The nose is flat, with a deeply concave bridge of the nose. The ears are hairless, pointed, and the lobes are longer than those of a human. The lower jaw is extremely massive. The creature had a powerful chest and well-developed muscles».

Bigfoot in Russia

There were many meetings with Bigfoot in Russia as well. The most remarkable, perhaps, took place in 1989 in the Saratov region. The guards of the collective farm garden, having heard a suspicious noise in the branches, caught a certain humanoid creature eating apples, in all respects similar to the notorious yeti.

However, this became clear when the stranger was already tied up: before that, the watchmen thought that this was just a thief. When they were convinced that the stranger did not understand human language, and in general did not look too much like a person, they loaded him into the trunk of a Zhiguli and called the police, the press and the authorities. But the yeti managed to untie himself, opened the trunk and ran away. When, a few hours later, all those summoned arrived at the collective farm garden, the watchmen found themselves in a very awkward position.

Bigfoot caught on video

Actually, there are hundreds of evidence of meetings of different proximity with Bigfoot. The material evidence is much more interesting. Two researchers were able to film Bigfoot in 1967 with a movie camera. These 46 seconds have become a real sensation in the world of science. Professor D. D. Donskoy, Head of the Department of Biomechanics of the Central Institute of Physical Education, comments on this short film So:

« After repeated consideration of the gait of a bipedal creature and a detailed study of postures on photographic prints from film, the impression remains of a well-automated, highly advanced system of movements. All private movements are united into a single whole, into a well-established system. The movements are well-coordinated, repeating the same from step to step, which can only be explained by the steady interaction of all muscle groups.

Finally, we can note such a sign that cannot be accurately described as the expressiveness of movements ... This is typical for deeply automatic movements with their high perfection ...

All this taken together makes it possible to evaluate the creature's gait as natural, without noticeable signs of artificiality, characteristic of various kinds of deliberate imitations. The considered gait of a creature for a person is completely atypical».

The English biomechanic Dr. D. Grieve, who was very skeptical about relic hominids, wrote:

« The possibility of forgery is excluded».

After the death of one of the film's writers, Patterson, his film was declared a forgery, but no evidence was presented. It is worth recognizing that the notorious yellow press, in pursuit of sensations, often not only invents them, but also loves to expose the past, both imaginary and real. So far, there is no reason not to recognize this film as a documentary.

Despite a lot of evidence (sometimes from people who deserve absolute trust), the vast majority scientific world refuses to acknowledge Bigfoot's existence. The reasons are that the bones of wild people, not to mention the living wild man, have not yet been allegedly found.

Meanwhile, a number of examinations (we talked about some of them above) made it possible to come to the conclusion that the remains presented cannot belong to anyone recognized by science. What's the matter? Or are we once again facing the Procrustean bed of modern science?

Stories about Bigfoot appear in the press with enviable regularity. Indisputable facts about the existence of strange, scary hominins are overgrown with a snowball of rumors and are finally declared pseudo-research by representatives of the scientific community.
But how, then, to explain the repeated encounters between man and Yeti, many of which have been documented on film?
Let's try to understand in more detail.

Russian searches

It is well known that on the territory of Russia they were engaged in the search for Bigfoot a hundred years ago. At the beginning of 1914, a certified zoologist Vitaly Khakhlov sent information to the Academy of Sciences that he had managed to find undoubted signs of the existence of a new animal species in Kazakhstan. The zoologist even managed to give the species a name, Primihomo asiaticus, and demanded an entire expedition from the Academy. Unfortunately, the first World War and Soviet scientists simply did not have the resources to search for some semi-mythical animal.

Meeting on Everest

By the middle of the last century, climbers from all over the world began to explore the highest peaks of the planet. Modern equipment allowed daredevils to climb to such heights that it literally took their breath away. Around the beginning of the 1950s, a wave of information about the meetings of strange creatures allegedly living high in the mountains swept the world. The case of the British climber Eric Shipton, who managed to capture the footprints of a yeti during the conquest of Everest, can be considered a landmark.

Expedition Izzard

The English press was so excited by such a loud sensation that they even sent a special expedition to the mountains. It was led by Daily Mail journalist Ralph Izzard, who had previously received his doctorate in zoology. Bigfoot Izzard failed to catch, but the sly scribbler managed to penetrate into the holy of holies of the Sherpa mountain dwellers - high-mountain monasteries. And here he found evidence that huge, furry half-humans-half-beasts existed right at the monasteries. Frightened to the point of trembling in the knees, the journalist hurried to get away from the mountains and never again agreed even to an interview about his expedition.

For administrative use

The next expedition of Soviet scientists to the Himalayas took place in 1959. It was headed by Professor Boris Porshnev, who later became the founder of an entire new science, hominology. All data on the results of the expedition were encrypted. It is only known that in 1963 Porshnev presented his monograph " Current state question of relict hominids, also published with a note “strictly for official use”.

Deadly knowledge

Boris Porshnev repeatedly tried to publish his monograph. He even put together an entire book, "On the Beginning of Human History," despite the obsessive advice of the authorities to keep history secret. The prominent scientist always led an active life and was a man of sports. However, shortly before publication, Porshnev suffered a sudden heart attack, which the zoologist did not survive.

Who are these animals!

But fragments of the monograph still leaked to the press. The year 1974 was already relatively free in the yard. Published excerpts from Porshnev's book showed that the scientist considered the "bigfoot" Neanderthals who managed to survive to this day. Porshnev argued that this side branch of human evolution was able to adapt to life without the use of fire, tools, and even without speech.

American footprint

Interest in semi-mythical hominids flared up again in 1967. American traveler Robert Patterson filmed a female hominid in Northern California. However, the Smithsonian Center hastened to declare the record a fake and put it on the far shelf. It is worth mentioning that Patterson - a healthy, strong traveler in the prime of life - died suddenly of brain cancer shortly after the start of his film career.

hybrid of human and animal

The most frightening version of the origin of the Yeti is vivisection.
Back in the Middle Ages, alchemists were making great strides in their attempts to create an artificial creature, so what prevents modern, much more trained scientists from following the same path? More recently, the biography of a student of Academician Pavlov, Ilya Ivanov, was declassified. As it turned out, since the early 1920s, Ivanov had been conducting government-sponsored experiments on crossing humans and chimpanzees. Has he been successful? Given that the experiments lasted more than 10 years, it is quite likely. Moreover, like other Bigfoot researchers, Ivanov died under very mysterious circumstances.

Many myths and legends of the world closely echo real events and meetings that defy explanation. Bigfoot is one of the most controversial figures in history. Although its existence has not been proven, there are eyewitnesses who claim to have met a real yeti.

The origin of the yeti image

The first mention of the existence of a huge, hairy humanoid creature living in the mountains is found in. There is a record that a humanoid creature of incredible size inhabits this territory, possessing the instinct of survival and self-preservation.

The term Bigfoot first appeared thanks to people who went on expeditions and conquered the snow-capped peaks of the Tibetan mountains. They claimed to have seen huge footprints in the snow belonging to. Now this term is considered obsolete, as it became known that Yeti prefer mountain forests, not snow.

While there is an active discussion among scientists around the world about who the Bigfoot is - myth or reality, the inhabitants of the mountainous local eastern countries, and especially Tibet, Nepal and some regions of China, are absolutely sure of its existence and even often go out with yeti to contact. In the middle of the XX century. The government of Nepal even recognized the existence of the Yeti at the official level.

By law, anyone who can discover the habitat of Bigfoot will receive a large monetary reward.

Based on this, it can be said that the yeti is a mythical or real humanoid animal that lives in the mountain forests of Tibet, Nepal and some other areas.

Description of the appearance of the yeti

From Tibetan legends and eyewitness observations, you can learn a lot about what Bigfoot looks like. Character traits his looks:

  • Yeti belongs to the family of hominids, which includes the most developed individuals of primates, i.e. humans and great apes.
  • A feature of such creatures is their extremely a big increase. The average adult of this species can reach from 3 to 4.5 m.
  • Yeti's arms are disproportionately long and almost reach the feet.
  • The whole body of a snowman is covered with wool. It can be gray or black.
  • It is believed that the females of this species of hominids differ so much big size breasts that during fast travel they have to throw them over their shoulders.

The Yeti family is the American and South American Bigfoot. In some sources it is called Bolshenogiy.

The nature and lifestyle of the creature

Despite his appearance, Yeti is far from aggressive, has a relatively balanced and peaceful character. They avoid contact with people and deftly climb trees, like monkeys.

Yetis are omnivores, but prefer fruits. They live in caves, but there are suggestions that some species that live deep in the forest are able to build their own houses in trees.

Hominids are capable of reaching unprecedented speeds of up to 80 km / h, which is why they are so difficult to catch. Not a single attempt to catch the Yeti was successful.

Yeti encounters in reality

History knows many cases of meeting a person with a yeti. Typically, the protagonists of such stories are hunters and people leading a hermitic lifestyle in a forest or mountainous area.

Yeti is one of the main subjects of study for people who are fond of cryptozoology. This is a pseudoscientific direction that searches for evidence of the existence of mythical and legendary creatures. Often cryptozoologists are simple enthusiasts without higher scientific education. To this day, they put a lot of effort into capturing the mythical creature.

For the first time, footprints of Bigfoot were discovered in the Himalayan mountains in 1899. The witness was an Englishman by the name of Weddel. According to an eyewitness, he did not find the animal itself.

One of the official mentions of a meeting with a yeti dates back to 2014 during a mountain expedition of professional climbers. Forwarders conquered the highest point of the Himalayan mountains - Chomolungma. There, at the very top, they first noticed giant footprints located at a fairly large distance between them. Later, they saw a broad, hairy figure of a humanoid creature, reaching a height of 4 m.

Scientific refutation of the existence of the yeti

In 2017, Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Kamensky gave an interview for the scientific publication "Arguments and Facts", in which he argued the impossibility of the Yeti's existence. He used several arguments.

On this moment There are no places left unexplored by man on Earth. The last major primate species was discovered over 100 years ago. openings contemporary figures sciences are mostly rare small plants, etc. Yeti is too big to be able to constantly hide from explorers, zoologists and ordinary inhabitants of highlands. Yeti population size plays a big role. It is clear that in order to maintain separate species at least several dozen individuals should live in one area. Hiding so many huge hominids is not an easy task.

The vast majority of evidence in favor of the existence of Bigfoot turned out to be falsification.

Yeti image in popular culture

Like many other folklore and mythical creatures, the image of Bigfoot is actively used in art and various manifestations of popular culture. Including literature, film industry and computer video games. The character is endowed with both positive and negative traits.

Bigfoot in literature

The Yeti character is actively used in their works by writers all over the world. The image of a huge hairy hominid is found both in science fiction, mystical novels, popular science works, and in children's books.

One of the main roles of the yeti is played in the novel by the American science fiction writer Frederick Brown "The Horror of the Himalayas". The events of the book unfold in the Himalayan mountains during the filming of the movie. Suddenly, the actress who played the main role in the film is kidnapped by a yeti - a huge humanoid monster.

In the science fiction series "The Flat World" by the famous British prose writer Terry Pratchett, the yeti is one of the main ones. They are distant relatives of the giant trolls that live in the area. permafrost beyond the Ovtsepik mountains. They have snow-white fur, can subdue the passage of time, and their giant feet are considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Alberto Melis's children's fantasy novel "In Search of the Yeti" describes the adventure of a team of explorers who set off to the Tibetan mountains in order to save Bigfoot from the ubiquitous hunters.

Character in computer games

Bigfoot can be called one of the most frequent characters computer games. Usually live in the tundra and other icy locations. For games, there is a standard image of Bigfoot - a creature that resembles something in between a gorilla and a man, gigantic growth with white and thick fur. This coloration helps them effectively camouflage in environment. Lead predatory image life and pose a danger to travelers. Brute force is used in combat. The main fear is fire.

Bigfoot and its history

Bigfoot or Sasquatch is a relative of the Tibetan bigfoot, inhabiting the forest and mountainous areas of the American continent. The term first appeared in the late sixties thanks to the American bulldozer Roy Wallace, who discovered footprints around his house that resembled human ones in shape, but reached enormous sizes. Roy's story quickly gained popularity in the press, and the animal was recognized as a relative of the Tibetan Bigfoot.

After almost 9 years, Roy presented a short video footage to the media. In the video, you can see how the female bigfoot moves through the forest. This video has long been on the examination and all kinds of scientists and not only. Many recognized him as real.

After Roy's death, his friends and relatives admitted that all Wallace's stories were just fiction, and the confirmations were falsifications.

  • For footprints, he used ordinary boards carved in the shape of large feet.
  • The video showed the bulldozer operator's wife dressed in a suit.
  • Other materials that Roy regularly showed to the public turned out to be false.

Although Roy's story turned out to be false, this does not mean that there are no anthropoid hominids in America. There are many more stories in which the Sasquatch appears as the main actor. The Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of America, claim that huge hominids lived on the continent long before they themselves.

Outwardly, the bigfoot looks almost the same as its Tibetan cousin, Bigfoot. The main differences are that the maximum height of an adult reaches 3.5 m. The color of the American Bigfoot is red or brown.

Albert captured by Bigfoot

In the seventies, one Albert Ostman, who worked all his life as a lumberjack in Vancouver, Canada, told his story about how he lived in captivity with a Bigfoot family.

At that time, Albert was only 19 years old. After work, he stayed overnight on the outskirts of the forest in a sleeping bag. In the middle of the night, someone huge and strong grabbed the sack along with Albert. As it turned out later, Bigfoot stole him and took him to a cave where a female and two children also lived. The creatures did not behave aggressively towards the lumberjack, but rather treated him as humans treat pets. A week later, the guy still managed to escape.

Bigfoot History at Michelin Farm

At the beginning of the XX century. in Canada, unusual events took place on the farm of the Michelin family for some time. For 2 years they were faced with bigfoot, which simply disappeared over time. Over time, the Michelin family shared some stories from encounters with this creature.

They first encountered Bigfoot face to face when their youngest daughter was playing near the forest. There she noticed a large, hairy creature that reminded her of a man. When Bigfoot saw the girl, he headed towards her. Then she began to scream and men with guns came running, frightening off an unknown monster.

The next time the girl saw a hominid was when she was doing household chores. It was noon. She raised her eyes to the window, then faced the gaze of that same Bigfoot, who was now intently watching her through the glass. This time the girl screamed again. Parents with a gun ran to her aid and drove the creature away with shots.

The last time Bigfoot came to the farm was at night. There he ran into dogs that were barking loudly, causing him to disappear. After that, the hominid did not appear again at the Michelin farm.

History of the frozen bigfoot

One of the most sensational stories related to the meeting of a man and a yeti is the story of an American military pilot Frank Hansen. In 1968, Frank appeared at a well-known touring exhibition. He had an unusual exhibit - a huge refrigerator, inside of which there was a block of ice. Inside this block one could see the body humanoid creature covered with wool.

A year later, Frank allowed two scientists to study the frozen creature. Over time, the FBI began to show interest in Frank's exhibit. They wanted to get the frozen corpse of Bigfoot, but he mysteriously disappeared for many years.

After Hansen's death in 2012, his family admitted that Frank kept a refrigerator with a frozen corpse in his basement for several decades. The pilot's relatives sold the exhibit to Steve Basti, the owner of the Museum of Oddities.

Professional examination of the exhibit

In 1969, Frank Hansen allowed zoologists Eivelmans and Sandersen to inspect the exhibit. They made a small scientific work describing his observations.

Hansen declined to say where he got the Bigfoot corpse from, so zoologists initially assumed it was a Neanderthal that had been preserved in a block of ice since the Stone Age. Then it was found that the creature died from a bullet wound to the head and was in the ice for no more than 2-3 years.

  1. The individual was male, and reached almost 2 m in height. The peculiarity was that the entire body of the hominid was covered with thick, long black hair, which is absolutely not typical for people, even in the presence of diseases of excessive hairline.
  2. The proportions of the Bigfoot body are quite close to human, but more reminiscent of the physique of a Neanderthal. Broad shoulders, too short neck, convex chest. The limbs also differed in their prehistoric proportions: the legs are shorter than human, arched, and the arms are too long and almost reach the heels of the hominid.
  3. Bigfoot's facial features are also more reminiscent of the appearance of Neanderthals.
  4. A small forehead, a large mouth without lips, a large nose with swollen eyebrows that are very close to the eyes.
  5. Feet and palms are much larger and wider than human, and fingers are shorter.

Confession of Frank Hansen

There he wrote that one day he went to the mountain forests to hunt. He set off on the trail of a deer, which he had been tracking for some time, and quite unexpectedly saw a picture that shocked him. Three huge hominids, covered with black hair from head to toe, stood around a dead deer with its stomach open and finished eating its insides. One of them noticed Frank and went to the hunter. Frightened, the man shot him directly in the head. Hearing the sound of a shot, the other two Bigfoots ran away.
