Plants of our region are listed in red. Nature, plants and animals of the Saratov region

The Red Book of Russia consists of two volumes: one is entirely devoted to rare and endangered plant species, the second - to animals. The first one talks about representatives of the flora; it was republished last time in 2008. Lists of relict plants are constantly updated, but it is impossible to accurately determine the number of natural specimens; all data is approximate. The condition of some plant species cannot be assessed at all.

Plant statuses from the Red Book

Many regions and territories of Russia have regional Red Data Books. By looking through them, you can find out which animals and plants are listed in the Red Book, what family they belong to, etc.

Each representative of the flora, which can be observed on the pages of the above book, has one of 6 statuses, according to which the following species are distinguished:

  1. Probably disappeared.
  2. With an uncertain status.
  3. Recovering.
  4. Endangered.
  5. Rare.
  6. Contracting.

Vascular plants of Russia

The most numerous and extensive niche in terms of the number of plant species are vascular representatives of the flora. Despite the medical term, these are the most common greens, surrounding a person. What types of plants are listed in the Red Book of vascular members flora? The list is quite wide:

  1. Ferns.
  2. Horsetails.
  3. Psilotes.
  4. Lycopsoid.
  5. Gymnosperms.
  6. Angiosperms.

The list includes rare and endangered species. This amount is about 4% of the entire flora of Russia. Which plants are included in the Red Book from this list?

  • 440 species of angiosperms.
  • 11 representatives of gymnosperms.
  • 10 species of ferns.
  • 4 types of lycophytes, etc.

Angiosperms species of woody flora

They grow in many climate zones Russian Federation in various environmental conditions. Basically, these plants can be reduced to two main types: woody and herbaceous.

Representatives of woody plant species form the basis of taiga forests. Due to the fact that in Lately barbaric destruction of forest plantations is being carried out for the sake of valuable wood, they become rare, or even disappear altogether. After all, in the taiga complex, everything is closely interconnected natural ingredients. And deforestation upsets this balance. Which plants are included in the Red Book of Russia from the angiosperm families of the woody type?

  1. Olga larch.
  2. Juniper tall.
  3. Chalk pine.
  4. Yew berry.
  5. Japanese maple.
  6. Dense-flowered pine, etc.

Mushrooms listed in the Red Book

What other plants are listed in the Red Book? An integral part of the forest is mushrooms. They are classified as a separate kingdom because they combine the characteristics of both plants and animals. Since they are listed in the first volume of the Red Book, we will consider them here.

When a forest is cut down, then, accordingly, some living organisms whose habitat is forest plantations also die. These organisms also include fungi. They process the remains of plants and animals, thereby cleaning the environment. In addition, they create favorable conditions for absorption from the soil. minerals higher plants, increase soil fertility. Mushrooms are used in food and medicinal purposes. Therefore, it is very important not to waste mushrooms, not to kick them, not to trample them, but to treat them very carefully. The following are listed in the Red Book:

  • Amanita pineal.
  • Sprassis curly.
  • White boletus.
  • Mutinus canine, etc.

In total, 17 species of rare mushrooms are listed in the Red Book of Russia, including edible and inedible. It is important to understand that among the abundance of saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, and moss mushrooms, you can find a lot of poisonous ones.

Causes of extinction of plants and animals

The main reason why flora and fauna on Earth are disappearing is human activity and everything connected with it: plowing of virgin lands, deforestation, drainage of swamps, construction of roads and settlements, etc. All this leads to the alienation of territories, occupied by natural vegetation. As a result, it turns out that some plant species completely disappear from the face of the Earth.

Another reason is changes in the environment, such as drought, floods, volcanic eruptions, mountain avalanches, forest and steppe fires. To find out which plants are listed in the Red Book, you just need to read the entire list that is presented in it.

Some plants cannot adapt to changes in the environment, cannot withstand competition from other species and die as a result. It is important to understand that the work to preserve the green resources of the Earth cannot be delayed.

Herbaceous angiosperms

Today there is a large number of plants that have become especially valuable, rare and endangered species precisely because of active and sometimes irresponsible human activity. Here are the plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation among herbaceous angiosperms:

  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Cut sedge.
  • Euphorbia tough.
  • Wormwood swamp.
  • St. John's wort Montbray.
  • Crimean saffron.
  • Lipsky Tulip.
  • Snowdrop broadleaf, etc.

Primroses of Russia

In addition to the disappeared plants, there are also those that remain in very few places. They are under guard. We're talking about primroses. Unfortunately, not everyone knows which plants are listed in the Red Book. There is a photo of primroses in this article, these are:

  1. Snowdrop.
  2. Lily of the valley.

These first harbingers of spring are in real danger. Every year the first flowers are destroyed by predators. Tons are brought to megacities and supplied to the retail chain. And no matter how the environmental inspectorate monitors the situation, this happens from year to year.

Undoubtedly, the reason that plants and animals disappear is human activity, as mentioned above. But constant change is also a threat to some plant species. climatic conditions. In order to preserve rare representatives of the flora, it is necessary first of all to make an inventory of endangered plants both on a regional and global scale.

Botanical gardens and arboretums

Botanical gardens and arboretums play an important role in plant conservation. In our country there are about 120 of them. Also in Russia, 140 scientifically based reserves have been created. They occupy various areas: from one hectare to several hundred. In these places, at the proposals of scientists, work is underway to protect rare and endangered representatives of the flora.

To find out which rare plants are listed in the Red Book, you just need to look into it. After all, these relict species may be nearby.

Unfortunately, there are such small numbers of some plant species in nature that they cannot be botanical gardens, nor reserves can become a guarantor of their safety. Therefore, other measures are being developed to preserve the plant gene pool.

Any activity that leads to the death, reduction of numbers or disruption of the habitat of rare and endangered plant species is not permitted and is prosecuted by law.

Description of some rare plants of Russia

Here you can find information about which plants are listed in the Red Book. The description of all representatives will take more than one page. Below are just a few.

Rhodiola rosea is sometimes called golden or rose root. This is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Crassulaceae family. It got its name “golden root” due to the color of bronze or old gilding with a pearlescent sheen.

On river banks, meadows, rocky slopes, forest edges coniferous forests you can find a delicate and beautiful flower - the cut violet. The name of the flower was given by the purple corollas, which are also its main charm. Violet reproduces by seeds, which are not produced every year. Therefore, the fragrant flower is included in the list of specially protected plants.

It is very important to know which plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia, because this is our country, and we are simply obliged to preserve it natural resources. Many people, being on a pond, could meet a yellow water lily. The flower grows in shallow water, its leaves are located both on and under the water. The water lily is often called the yellow capsule for appearance fetus. Plants delight the eye from late May to August with large, yellow, spherical flowers. The flower is often cut for bouquets, but this is done in vain, since it does not stand in a vase. This type of flora is also used as medicinal product, which is also recognized by official medicine.

Saranka lily (badun, royal curls) are lovely snow-white (lilac or pink) flowers with dark dots and curved petals. Blooms in June-July in the steppes and forest-steppes of Siberia. This representative of the flora looks great in bouquets, and its tubers are edible. Among other things, it has various medicinal properties, which further contributed to the fact that it was massively destroyed by people.


But this is not all the information about which plants are listed in the Red Book. About 29 species of lichens are on the list of protected plants in Russia. What are they and where do they most often grow?

Lichens are organisms that combine the structure and features of terrestrial algae, mosses, and fungi. There are about 25 thousand species of them in the world. They are important for soil formation, for maintaining balance environment. In addition, many insects live in the dense thickets of lichen. It is lichens that are the main food of deer in the Far North. These representatives of the flora are often used in medicine, as well as for preparing delicious dishes.

These plants are a kind of indicators of the environmental situation, since they do not grow in contaminated areas. 29 species of lichens out of 3000 growing in Russia are listed in the Red Book. This list includes:

  1. Letaria wolfis.
  2. Pulmonary lobaria.


Mosses, like lichens, are very important in the formation of soils. They also participate in other important natural processes. Each plant has its own functions, including mosses. Without them, peat would not form. There would be no alternative to nature's most powerful sponge, which is capable of holding large amounts of moisture. This, in turn, would negatively affect the state of the Earth's landscapes as a whole.

Mosses are widespread in swampy areas and coniferous forests. 22 species of such flora representatives are rare and endangered. What plants are listed in the Red Book? They have different names, for example:

  1. Fossombronia Alaskan.
  2. Ball-bearing agglomerates.

Man is closely connected with the animal and plant world on Earth. Therefore, it is important to treat Mother Nature with care and preserve her wealth.

1. What is the Red Book? Use your textbook to complete the definition.

- This is a book that contains information about rare and endangered plants and animals.

2. Using the textbook, color the plants from the Red Book and write their names.

3. The Wise Turtle asks if you know the animals from the Red Book. Cut out and paste the pictures from the Appendix.

4. Make and write down a general outline of a story about a rare plant or animal.

  1. Appearance.
  2. Habitats.
  3. What do they eat.
  4. Causes of extinction.

Irbis - snow leopard

One of the rare endangered species of animals is the snow leopard, which is also called the snow leopard. This is a very beautiful representative of the cat family: smoky gray with ring-shaped dark spots, very flexible, with thick strong paws and a long bushy tail.

Snow leopards live in the mountains of Central and South Asia. For example, in Russia they live in the Caucasus, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tuva, Khakassia, the Altai Republic and Buryatia. Snow leopards prefer rocky mountains and alpine meadows, located at an altitude of 1500 - 4000 meters above sea level.

Snow leopards are real predators. They prefer to hunt big catch: mountain goats, rams, deer, wild boars, roe deer, deer and argali. However, they won’t refuse Snow leopards and from smaller game: pheasants, birds - snowcocks and hares.

Snow leopards themselves also often became the object of hunting because of their beautiful, unusual fur. Poachers caught snow leopards en masse and sold their precious skins for incredible prices. As a result, to beginning of XXI century, the number of snow leopards decreased to several thousand individuals. So according to estimates World Fund wildlife There are only 3,500-7,500 snow leopards left in the world.

Currently, hunting snow leopards is prohibited. These animals are listed in the Red Book, and in Russia in 2010, the Irbis Snow Leopard program for studying and monitoring the population of these animals began to operate.

5. Write down which plants and animals of your region are included in the Red Book.

Steppe polecat, gray hamster, great bittern, red heron.

According to the instructions in the textbook, prepare a report about any plant or animal from the Red Book. Take advantage general plan a story about a rare plant or animal. Write down the basic information about it point by point in the plan.

  1. Appearance.
  2. Habitats.
  3. What do they eat.
  4. Causes of extinction.
  5. Measures to preserve an endangered species.


The muskrat is an unusual fur-bearing animal from the mole family. The muskrat has a long nose - a trunk, sensitive whiskers - vibrissae and a very long thick tail. Its body is covered with thick velvety fur of a grayish-silver color, and the toes on its short paws are equipped with membranes.

The muskrat lives mainly in Russia: in the basin of the Dnieper, Volga, Don and Ural. The muskrat is also found in Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. Usually this animal lives in burrows, the entrance to which opens directly under the water of a small lake or river.

Muskrats feed on beetles, mollusks, leeches and insect larvae. Despite the fact that this animal's food is mostly small, it eats a lot of it - in one day it can eat food weighing equal to the weight of the muskrat itself. That is why during times of famine winter months muskrats also add small fish to their diet.

Oddly enough, it was not poaching that led to the extinction of the muskrat as a species. The reason for the decline of the species was a change in the animal’s habitat. Deforestation, pollution of water bodies, drainage of lakes and rivers, construction of dams and dams - all this has reduced the number of water bodies suitable for muskrat life. And if animals have nowhere to live, then their numbers immediately decrease.

To preserve this endangered species, muskrat fishing is now completely prohibited in our country. Also, 4 nature reserves and 80 game reserves have been created, which are home to a third of the remaining animals.

In the northern part of the Lower Volga region of the Russian Federation there is a wonderful region - the Saratov region. The beautiful lands of which are spread over an area of ​​more than 100 thousand km2. The interesting thing is that deep river The Volga, flowing, divides the Saratov region almost in half into two parts: left and right. This region pleases the eye with its open spaces and picturesque landscapes. There are unique beauties here that are not repeated anywhere else. Here are the Volga Upland, the Trans-Volga steppe syrt plains, and the desert Caspian lowland.

Flora of the Saratov region

The diversity of the flora of the Saratov region is influenced by landscape zones: steppe, forest-steppe and semi-desert. Large but uneven areas, mainly on the right bank, are occupied by forests, where there are 1,600 species of handicrafts (buckthorn, bean, spirea, steppe cherry, rose hip, euonymus, blackthorn - the most common) and tree species plants, in the oak groves there are wild pear and apple trees, rowan, birch, linden, sycamore maple, ash and elm.

Territory steppe zone Almost all of it is plowed, grains (rye, corn, wheat, etc.) and feed crops are cultivated. Fertile black soil, uniform heat and light make it possible to grow the best durum wheat in the country, for which the Saratov region is often called the birthplace of strong cereals. Due to active cultivation of the land, many plant species have been lost, but still in untouched virgin zones, on slopes and in ravines, carnations, yellow chamomile, different types feather grass, alfalfa, wormwood, astragalus. But the most common are sweet clover, millennium, speedwell and tansy.

In the semi-desert part of the region, weak precipitation and saline soils do not please with abundant vegetation, but even here there is something for the eye to catch on: pinworm, twig, spirea, chamomile and white wormwood.

Along the main rivers - the Volga, Khopra, Izgir and Tereshka - floodplain forests have formed, where there are both poplar and willow. But main feature is that relict forests are common in the region, which has a positive effect on the preservation of flora; for this purpose, reserves and national parks were created: “Moss Swamp”, “Floodplain Oak Forest”, “Tulip Steppe”, etc. 26 plant species are listed in the Red Book .

Fauna of the Saratov region

The fauna of the Saratov region, as well as the flora, depends on natural areas and human activities. For example, in the steppe zone of the Lower Volga region, before active cultivation of the land, the permanent residents were the saiga antelope, the tarpan horse, the roe deer and the red deer. But, alas, today, except for the saiga, it is unrealistic to meet these mammals. Small rodents are often found: ground squirrels, voles, hamsters, pieds, jerboas, steppe choruses. Feathered representatives are cranes, larks, and bustards.

Forest-steppe forests and oak groves are inhabited by deer, elk, foxes, wolves, hedgehogs, squirrels, hares, and dormice. The restoration of animals: beavers, wild boars and muskrats is considered successful. The following animals were introduced and took root: raccoon dog, mink, muskrat.

Gophers and gerbils live in the semi-desert zone. An interesting fact is that p. The Volga, like a border, does not allow rodents to spread, for example: the common mole rat, the reddish, speckled, and yellow ground squirrels. They live only in the Volga region.

Climate in the Saratov region

The climate of the Saratov region is continental, as it is formed by continental air masses, but also varies from natural zones, but mostly here winter comes at the end of November with the first snow and is accompanied by blizzards, snowfalls, strong wind and sometimes snowstorms. The minimum temperature in winter is -13 degrees, but usually drops much lower. Spring is often early, sunny, and the snow melts in April. Summer can be even wetter than spring, and temperatures rise very quickly. Autumn comes early with cold fogs.

We publish interesting review most rare plants listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Every day there are fewer and fewer rare plants.

Almost always, the reason that there are fewer representatives of the fauna is man and the negative results of his activities, deforestation, and deterioration of the environmental situation. The latter is also related to human activity. People destroy nature, and the state of the atmosphere and many other vital things depend on nature. And even if now over 50% of the country’s territory is taiga, this does not mean that we should value coniferous forests little, on the contrary - It is precisely this number of trees and plants that saves the environment, but if there are fewer of them, the surrounding background will noticeably deteriorate even compared to today, and the plants listed in the Red Book must be carefully preserved.

But even those who do not always treat the country’s green wealth with absolute respect, the majority are well aware of the value of this intangible wealth. Well, everyone else is certainly one of the first national treasures What they are proud of is the nature of Russia.

Facts about the red book

The Red Book contains sections of plants and animals. Volume dedicated to rare representatives flora of Russia, i.e. the red book about plants, last reprinted in 2008. The lists are constantly updated, but it is worth considering that the picture is only approximate: it is impossible to determine the number of natural specimens by any method, everything is only approximate; the condition of some plant species listed in the red cannot be assessed at all. According to the latest reissue, the Red Book includes 652 species of rare plants from the Red Book and 24 species of mushrooms.

In 2017, the volume with the animal world was republished. It is difficult and time-consuming to talk and study about plants, so the red pages of the Red Book of Plants are waiting for their turn.

It is possible to exclude a species of plant or animal from the Red Book of Russia if the number of this species has recovered.

Each rare or endangered representative of the flora has one of 6 statuses: Probably extinct species of Russia, Species of Russia with uncertain status, Recovering species of Russia, Endangered species of Russia, Rare species of Russia, Declining species of Russia.

Many regions of Russia have regional Red Books, which contain information about endangered plants and animals and rare plants listed in the Red Book.

The most extensive niche in the number of species (over 11,400 species) of the flora of Russia is vascular plants. It includes all higher plants (terrestrial), except mosses: ferns, horsetails, psilotes, lycophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.

“The Red Book contains a list of plants: 440 species of angiosperms, 11 species of gymnosperms and 10 species of fern-like plants, that is, 4% of the flora. Experts believe that at least 2–3 thousand species of vascular plants are actually exposed to varying degrees of danger.” .

In addition to the listed plants, some species of lichens, fungi, and mosses are included in the Red Book of Russia.

Vascular plants

“The abundance of vascular plant species listed in the Red Book of Russia is quite original. In addition to the maxima in centers of increased biological diversity, where species with adjacent territories(Caucasus, mountains of southern Siberia, Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands), there are also regional centers that have no analogues in other groups. An increased number of species of rare plants from the Red Book is typical for the steppe zone (usually 15 - 30 species), which is certainly due to its deep anthropogenic transformation. A local maximum exists in Chukotka (11 species) due to the penetration of a number of American species, as well as on southern shores Gulf of Finland and its islands (27 species), where a significant number of Western European plants grow. On vast spaces Northern Siberia rare plant species are unknown. The maximum number of rare plant species is observed in the Khanka lowland - 66 and at the western tip of the Russian part of the Caucasus - 65" (

Despite the “medical” name, these are the most common, understandable, Red Book plants that surround us on all sides, especially in summer.

Mosses are a department of higher spore plants that are listed in the Red Book of Russia and are similar in structure to mosses.

There are only 4 representatives in the list of lycophytes included in the Red Book of Russia: Asian poloshnik, sea poloushnik, lake poloushnik, bristly polunik.

What plants are in the Red Book, let's look at them:

The list of angiosperm plant species included in the Red Book of Russia contains more than 90 names.


Some of the most famous:

Flat-leaved snowdrop, plant from the Red Book photo and description

A beautiful flower, fully corresponding to the first part of its name, blooms, growing out of the snow, in the spring. Found in Georgia and North Ossetia.

Volodushka Martyanova (rare species) plant from the Red Book of Russia photo

The plant grows primarily only in Russia, Altai, and the Sayan Mountains.

Colchicum cheerful, plant of the Red Book of Russia photo and description

It is found mainly in the meadows and steppes of the Ciscaucasia.

Pictured is Schlippenbach's Rhododendron (population is declining)

Deciduous shrub, one of the most beautiful among its kind. In Russia there are specimens only in the Khasansky district in the south of Primorye on the mountain slopes.

Pictured is Rhododendron Fori (rare view)

In the photo Saffron is beautiful

In the photo Lily lanceolate

In the photo there is a dwarf Tulip

In the photo Magnolia obovate

Nut lotus (one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers)

Lotus plants from the Red Book are found in Russia mainly in regions neighboring Asia, in Far East in the lower reaches of the Amur, in the basins of the Ussuri rivers, on the coasts of the Caspian and Seas of Azov. It disappears mainly due to neglect, for example, lotus root is considered a delicacy in Chinese cuisine, and therefore the flower is often destroyed for food; near swamps and on the banks they eat it wild boars, cows.

In the photo, Mountain Peony flowers from the Red Book of Russia

Pictured is Oriental poppy

Pictured is Buttercup Sayan

Despite its prevalence, it is listed in the Red Book as rare view. Found mainly in Siberia.

In the photo there is a cut violet (population is declining)

Common ginseng plant of the Red Data Book of Russia photo

This is very useful plant, it is used in medicine; raw materials from ginseng root have powerful immunomodulatory and stimulating properties. It grows mainly on the territory of the Russian Federation: in the Far East of Russia - in the south Khabarovsk Territory, in Primorsky Krai.

In the list of fern-like plants, the Red Book of Russia, there are about 10 plant species, some of the representatives are:

In the photo Marsilia Egyptian (view disappears)

In the photo there is a tall juniper

Trees in the Red Data Book of Russia are under special control. The growth of such trees and trees in general takes too long.

Symbol of Crimea.

Forever green conifer tree 10-15 meters high, species of the Juniper genus, Cypress family. In general, it is a symbiosis of juniper, cypress and pine. Lives on average 2 centuries, distributed in the Crimea, Asia Minor, and the Caucasus. Status: endangered species.

Olgin larch, trees listed in the Red Book photo

It is found in the south of Primorsky Krai, along the coast and along the eastern foothills of the Sikhote-Alin. A relict species, it occupies less than 1% of the forest area in which it grows. In the Red Book, the status is endangered.


According to information at the end of 2013, there were 29 species of lichens, plants that are listed in the Red Book. What kind of plants are these from the Red Data Book of Russia and where do they most often grow? Lichens are organisms that combine the features and structure of terrestrial algae, fungi, and mosses; there are about 25 thousand species in the world. They are important for soil formation, deer feed on lichens in the Far North, insects hide and live in their dense vegetation, lichens are necessary to maintain the balance of the environment, they are used in traditional medicine, some species are used to prepare gourmet dishes, do not survive in “dirty” air, and therefore are indicators of the environmental situation.

“Out of approximately 3,000 species of lichens in Russia, 29 are included in the Red Book. It should be noted that these materials are far from complete. The flora of lichens and the distribution of their individual species have been studied insufficiently for the territory of Russia, especially considering their high role in the formation of Arctic, subarctic and boreal ecosystems. In addition, lichens are very sensitive to external influences, especially air pollution, which makes them especially vulnerable. This same property makes us consider the group as an important indicator general condition natural environment.

The moss flora in Russia is now estimated at 1,370 species, of which 22 are listed in the Red Book of Russia. But the flora of mosses has been studied even less well than that of lichens, so these data are of an approximate nature” (

In the photo Lobaria pulmonary

In the photo Letaria wolfis


The list of bryophytes in the Red Book of Russia contains over 60 items."Mosses - department higher plants, numbering about 10,000 species, united in approximately 700 genera and 110-120 families." Widely distributed in marshy areas, in coniferous forests. They participate in important natural processes to maintain the balance of soil, air, water, and ecosystems. All plants have their own functions, their place, and without mosses there would be no peat, there would be no alternative to the most powerful natural sponge that holds large amounts of water, which would negatively affect the state of landscapes as a whole. Some types of mosses are used in medicine to prepare medicines. Mosses and lichens are very important roles participate in soil formation processes.

In the photo Fossombronia Alaskan (rare species)

In the photo Capania spheroid


The list of mushrooms included in the Red Book of Russia includes 17 species. The kingdom of nature, especially the forests of Russia, is unimaginable without mushrooms. And basically we all sympathize with boletus, champignons, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, but besides them there are a lot of “unsightly”, inedible, and, moreover, poisonous mushrooms, which for some reason take their place in the world of flora. Mushrooms are decomposers (they collect and process dead remains into inorganic compounds), increase soil fertility, are used for food and medicinal purposes, and can also cause harm (for example, poisoning caused by eating mushrooms). Many are included in the Red Book of Russia inedible mushrooms(but there are also those allowed for consumption), which is good: it means there are plenty of edible ones, you just need to get up earlier during the harvest season.


On liability for violation of the safety of plant specimens listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation:

“According to the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses(Article 8.35), destruction of rare and endangered plant species that are listed in the Red Book of Russia or are protected international treaties, as well as actions (inaction) that could lead to the death of such plants, or the extraction, collection, maintenance, acquisition, sale or shipment of these plants, their products, parts or derivatives (derivatives) without proper permission or in violation of the conditions, provided for by the permit, or in violation of another established procedure, entails the imposition of administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles with or without confiscation of tools for obtaining plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; for officials - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of the tools for obtaining plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives; on legal entities- from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles with or without confiscation of tools for obtaining plants, as well as the plants themselves, their products, parts or derivatives.”

If the batch is particularly large or the collection of rare plants from the Red Data Book of Russia entails their complete destruction, criminal liability arises.

A plant or animal included in the red pages guarantees protection by law and punishment cannot be avoided.


National programs for the conservation of endangered species listed in the Red Book of plants of Russia are implemented in nature reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, for violation of the safety of natural specimens, fines and administrative (sometimes criminal) penalties are applied. In total, there are 66 reserves, 103 nature reserves, and 47 national parks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The flora of the region is very rich and diverse. Many northern species are found in the island forests and swamps, which closely coexist with representatives of the southern forest and steppe flora. On interfluve plateaus and slopes of ravines with chernozem soils, steppe and halophilic-steppe soils have become widespread; in river valleys, meadow, aquatic, wetland, halophilic and psammophilic floristic complexes have become widespread.

Currently, the vascular flora plants Voronezh region has about 2000 species. 272 species of native flora require special protection measures.

The list of species listed in the Red Book of the Voronezh Region includes 4 species of lycophytes, 7 ferns, 3 gymnosperms and 258 species of flowering plants. 119 species of vascular plants were assigned category 3 (rare species).

Category 2 (declining) was assigned to 93 species, Category 1 (threatened) to 41, Category 0 (probably extinct) to 15, and Category 4 (uncertain status) to 4 species.

From vascular plants listed in the Red Book 143 grow in the region on the border or near the border of the range: 75 species reach the northern border of the range, 27 species in the north-west, 3 in the north-east, 33 in the south, 3 in the south-east, 2 in the east. Endemic temperate zone Eastern Europe, the south of the European part of Russia, the Don basin and the Seversky Donets are 17 species, including narrowly local endemics of the Don basin Centaurea pineticola Iljin, Centaurea dubjanskyi Iljin.

From the list of protected species, 43 are included in, 33 species in the Central Black Earth Region are known only from the territory of the Voronezh region, 10 species in the central zone of the European part of Russia are also known only from the Voronezh region.

One species Silene cretacea Fisch. ex Spreng. included in Annex I to the Berne Convention for the Protection of wild fauna and flora and natural environments habitat, 22 species are listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

For ease of use, a list (list) of plants listed in the Red Book of the region is presented. Species of plants and animals listed simultaneously in the Red Book of Russia and the Voronezh Region are not duplicated in this section; in the lists they are presented as active links to the Red Book of the Russian Federation
