Edible - inedible. Which mushrooms have poisonous counterparts? How to distinguish false champignons from real ones Names of dangerous double mushrooms

We've all heard that doubles exist. edible mushrooms, the use of which can be dangerous to our life and health. But what to do if you are going to the forest for the first time and don’t know how to distinguish edible from poisonous? That is why today we will tell you what real twin mushrooms look like.

And we will talk about fly agarics, gall mushrooms and silverfish. We’ll also tell you what mushrooms they are most often confused with.

  • Poisonous mushroom double honey fungus

Porcini mushroom's dangerous doppelgänger

We've all heard about White mushroom, which is considered the standard. For example, mushroom pickers often evaluate their “harvest” by quantity. But, unfortunately, if you are not a professional, then this species can be easily confused with gall. So let's figure out how we can maintain our health.

We have already decided on the name of the dangerous double of the porcini mushroom. Now let's talk about how to distinguish it from the original. First of all, you need to pay attention to the leg.

If it is evenly covered with a light mesh, then it is most likely a white mushroom. But if the mesh is dark and located only on the upper part of the leg, then you need to look at this specimen more carefully. Then, in order to be sure whether it is a porcini mushroom or not, make a small cut on the stem.

If the flesh remains white a few minutes after the cut, then this is definitely an edible product. But if the flesh turns pink, then such a “harvest” should be thrown away immediately, since you managed to pick a gall fungus.

By the way, another double of the porcini mushroom is considered to be satanic. Its distinctive feature is a reddish mesh throughout the leg and a red tubular layer. And a few minutes after the cut, the flesh may turn dark purple.

Dangerous mushroom double champignon

This species is most often confused with the white fly agaric. And, as you know, it is quite dangerous for our lives.

The differences between champignon and white fly agaric are as follows:

  • Champignon

1. Egg-shaped cap. The pulp has a pleasant smell. After touching, the cap may turn yellow;

2. The plates are pinkish or light red. They may also be dark brown;

3. The leg has a cylindrical shape, expanding closer to the base. Approximately in the middle of the leg there is a small white circle with a yellowish coating.

  • White fly agaric

1. The hat at the very top is rounded-conical in shape, closer to the bottom it becomes more spread out. The flesh of the cap has an unpleasant odor;

2. The plates are located very freely. Most often there are white. They may also be light pink;

3. The leg is thin, slightly swollen near the base. The ring on the stem is quite wide and striped.

If you know about such distinctive features, then the likelihood of consuming a poisonous product will become much less. Now you understand that you need to carefully examine all the mushrooms so that there is no dangerous harvest in the basket.

By the way, pale toadstools also belong to the family of white fly agarics. And a lot can be said about the consequences of poisoning with them. The fact is that all signs of poisoning with toadstool can appear some time after eating it. It is for this reason that people quite often do not even immediately remember what they ate. And, unfortunately, in most cases they simply do not have time to provide the necessary assistance in case of poisoning. Therefore, when collecting forest beauties you need to be very careful.

Poisonous mushroom double honey fungus

Honey mushrooms are also quite popular among gourmets. And most often the sulfur-yellow false stump is confused with them. In fact, these two mushrooms are really similar to each other. Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent sure what you are putting in your cart. useful product, then it’s better not to touch it at all.

The real honey fungus has a cream or honey-yellow cap. The smell of the pulp is quite pleasant.
The plates are also light yellow or cream. The leg at the base can be brown, black or brown. And on top the leg is white. If you take it in your hand, the leg should feel velvety to the touch.

False honey mushrooms are distinguished by a gray-yellow cap with a reddish dot on top. The plates are also gray-yellow or greenish. The leg has the same light yellow color.

Signs of poisoning by false mushrooms

As you already understand, it is not difficult to confuse edible and poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, you need to clearly know what the consequences of poisoning may be. This way you can notice all the negative symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

So, the main symptoms of such poisoning include:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting;
  • Significant abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  • Heat. Although this symptom is individual, since someone can no longer get out of bed with a temperature of 37 degrees;
  • Hands and feet get cold.

Fly agaric poisoning has some peculiarities. In this case, one can note such signs of poisoning as delirium, the appearance of hallucinations, or the manifestation of a state that may be similar to insanity.

Such signs may appear within one and a half to two hours after eating a poisoned product. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor or ambulance. If you have to wait for a doctor for some time, try to lie down and drink plenty of warm water.

This way you will prevent the poison from spreading throughout all tissues in the body.

By the way, there is a risk of poisoning from edible mushrooms. But this can only happen if you wash them poorly. The point here is that the soil may contain spore-bearing bacilli, which are the causative agents of such a serious disease as botulism. Signs of such a disease are complete or partial visual impairment, headache, convulsions or difficulty breathing.

Attention! If you notice at least two of all the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, the consequences can be very negative.

As you can see, such gifts of the forest can significantly ruin our lives. And in case of unfavorable development of events, such poisoning can also have death. Therefore, before eating a mushroom, be sure to make sure that it is non-poisonous.

If you don’t have such confidence, then you should show your “harvest” knowledgeable people or throw it away out of harm's way. Be healthy!

by the materials mjusli.ru

2015-10-24T07:05:45+00:00 admin useful tips food and health, useful tips

We have all heard that there are doubles of edible mushrooms, the use of which can be dangerous to our life and health. But what to do if you are going to the forest for the first time and don’t know how to distinguish edible from poisonous? That is why today we will tell you what real...

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Among the fans quiet hunt“The porcini mushroom with its unique aroma and nutty taste is especially valued. Often, instead of edible ones, false, poisonous specimens end up in the basket, the consumption of which is dangerous for life. To prevent the dangerous double of the porcini mushroom from falling into the basket, you need to know its characteristic signs.

Description of white mushroom

Porcini mushrooms are eaten in in different forms: pickled, fried, dried, and after proper processing, even raw - in salads. A real porcini mushroom looks extremely attractive and has the following description:

  • the fruiting body consists of a weighty hemispherical cap and a strong stalk;
  • the size of the cap can reach 30 cm in diameter;
  • its surface is dry;
  • the leg is elastic, thicker in the middle or at the base;
  • the pulp is snow-white or slightly yellowish, aromatic, without obvious signs of fibrousness;
  • The color of the cap depends on the forest (birch, coniferous, mixed) in which the mushroom grows.

If you have never collected mushrooms and do not have sufficient information about their appearance, taste, possible poisonous counterparts, be sure to visit the appropriate sites that allow you to familiarize yourself with the necessary information in advance, consult with experienced mushroom pickers, get acquainted with printed publications (atlases), and then head into the forest.

General characteristics of poisonous twins

Conditionally edible or poisonous counterparts exist in almost all mushrooms. The analogy can be superficial or more thorough, so when collecting porcini mushrooms you need to be careful: they have poisonous counterparts, which are difficult to distinguish from edible ones by external signs at one, often superficial glance.

The noble boletus has its own characteristics; it differs from false specimens not only in appearance, but also in taste. The main difference between dangerous doubles and edible mushrooms: they contain toxins that pose a danger to human health.

Appearances can sometimes be deceiving: after heavy rain The fly agaric may lose its characteristic white spots on its cap. Due to this, it becomes similar to other mushrooms - red russula. False honey fungus changes color over time, acquiring external signs edible.

Depending on the effect that toxic substances have on the human body, inedible mushrooms divided into the following categories:

  • causing severe food poisoning;
  • affecting the central nervous system;
  • mushrooms, poisoning with which in most cases is fatal.

The main signs by which porcini mushrooms can be distinguished from their similar dangerous counterparts should be known to everyone who goes into the forest for them:

  • the structure of the underside of the cap - in most inedible mushrooms it is lamellar, not spongy;
  • a real boletus never changes color when broken - if, after breaking off a piece from it, you notice a clear change in the color of the pulp, then it is better to throw away this specimen;
  • The porcini mushroom has a pleasant aroma, unlike its counterparts.

Examples of false boletus

Unfortunately, such a noble mushroom as boletus has a considerable number of dangerous doubles. In order not to make mistakes when collecting and not to endanger your health, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.


Because of its bitter taste, this species is popularly called bitter. According to the description, the gall mushroom has the following characteristics:

  • inedible;
  • the yellow-brown cap of the gall mushroom has the shape of a semicircle, its diameter is 5-15 cm;
  • the leg is cylindrical, 3-15 cm high, thickness reaches 3 cm;
  • the pulp is dense, with distinct fibrousness, the aroma is weakly expressed;
  • hymenophore tubular (spongy);
  • the spore powder is pink, the flesh turns red where it is broken or cut;
  • on the surface of the leg there is a characteristic brown mesh, forming a beautiful pattern.

Boletus is beautiful

It is often called beautiful-legged for the characteristic color of this part of the fruiting body. Despite its attractive name, this white mushroom counterpart is inedible due to its very bitter taste. Its bitterness does not go away even after prolonged cooking.

Among the main characteristics are the following:

  • the cap is large (up to 25 cm), semicircular, its surface is velvety and dry, the color is from light to dark brown;
  • the leg is high (up to 10 cm), dense and thick, the fruiting body grows up to 15 cm;
  • the lower spongy side of the cap (hymenophore) has a rich yellow color;
  • the pulp is elastic, yellowish, with an unpleasant odor;
  • there is a fine mesh on the leg;
  • the cut area takes on a blue tint.
  • The beautiful-legged boletus is widespread only in the southern part of Russia, where it is found in mountainous areas. It forms mycorrhiza with representatives of coniferous trees.
  • In young mushrooms the pulp has a sweetish taste, in adults it is extremely bitter. There is no smell.
  • The color of the leg varies from the cap to the ground surface: from greenish-yellow to red or dark red. But the very base of the leg is white.
  • The original coloring of the legs may fade in older specimens.
  • On the surface of the leg there is a fine mesh: in the upper part it is white, in the middle of the leg it is red.

Opinions differ on the toxicity of the beautiful-legged boletus. The disputing parties agree on one thing: there are no deaths as a result of poisoning by this species. But in any case, you must follow safety rules.


Outwardly similar to white, but actually poisonous, the satanic mushroom grows in oak and birch forests. It is an increased source of danger to human health: consuming even 20-30 g of the product can result in severe poisoning. Its description includes the following features:

  • the cap is large (up to 40 cm), cushion-shaped, dense and smooth, brown in color with an olive tint;
  • the underside of the cap is spongy and pink;
  • the leg is cylindrical, tapering downwards;
  • the color of the leg is very peculiar: in the upper part it is red-yellow, in the center it is red-orange, at the bottom it is yellow-brown;
  • the mushroom grows up to 13-15 cm in height;
  • the cut initially turns blue and then turns red, which is due to the oxidation of toxic compounds by oxygen.

Speckled oakweed

This mushroom is classified as conditionally edible: with proper heat treatment it is suitable for consumption. It looks like a boletus and has the following characteristics:

  • the cap is large (up to 20 cm), cushion-shaped, the surface is velvety and dry, the color is brown with a reddish tint;
  • the leg reaches 10 cm in height and has a tuberous shape;
  • when pressing on the light edge of the cap and stem, the mushroom darkens;
  • After some time, the cut on the pulp acquires a blue tint.

Prefers acidic soils. It is rare in Russia. The first fruiting bodies appear in mid-May. You can collect until the end of October. Peak yield occurs in July.

Borovik le Gal

Its second name is legal boletus. This is another variety of poisonous false porcini mushrooms, which is characterized by the following features:

  • the cap is large (up to 16 cm), curved, with a smooth pink-orange surface;
  • the mushroom has a pleasant aroma;
  • milky pulp with a yellowish tint;
  • the leg is strong, thick, reaches 5 cm in diameter, grows to 15-17 cm in height;
  • the color of the stem reproduces the color of the cap;
  • a red mesh forms on the leg in its upper part;
  • The color of the pulp is white or yellow; it turns blue when cut.

Representatives of the species prefer alkaline soils. Fruiting bodies can be found in the forest in summer and early autumn.

Harm and signs of poisoning

Mushroom picking is a fascinating, but extremely responsible activity. Poisonous with an inexperienced mushroom picker false mushrooms, skillfully masquerading as edible, can play a cruel joke, in best case scenario sending him to a hospital bed.

Even a small amount of the toxic substance that is found in dangerous boletus twins can cause a lot of problems. The first signs of poisoning appear a short time after consuming the product and include:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • problems with stool;
  • the appearance of hallucinations (not uncommon);
  • disruption nervous system(convulsions);
  • damage to the cardiovascular system.

Almost all of these processes are accompanied by an increase in temperature. If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help. medical care. While waiting for her, you need to start flushing your stomach yourself. However, this must be done carefully so that vomit does not enter the respiratory tract.

Mushrooms, even poisonous ones, contain substances that are used as ingredients to create ointments for frostbite, to fight cancer and staphylococcus. Medicines against typhus and purulent skin diseases are made from the extract of the beautiful boletus.

Psilocybin and alkaloids contained in poisonous mushrooms, are substances that help fight human mental illness, stabilizing and correcting his brain activity.

Despite all the dangers they pose edible lookalikes porcini mushrooms for human health and life, their skillful use also brings benefits. When picking mushrooms in the forest, you should not put everything that comes along the way into the basket. Mindfulness and taking care of your health - that’s fundamental principles"silent hunt"

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It just so happens that humanity loves “quiet hunting” for mushrooms. In our latitudes they appear in mid-summer and delight us until the end of autumn. But not all mushrooms can be eaten. Some are generally poisonous and cause serious consequences, and even death. To avoid accidents, you need to know the main differences between regular and false mushrooms.

All wild mushrooms are divided into: edible, conditionally edible (or inedible) and poisonous

  • Edible mushrooms are used in culinary recipes around the world and add their own flavor to every dish.
  • Conditionally edible mushrooms, after prolonged heat treatment, will not cause harm to health. These include milk mushrooms, morels and autumn honey mushrooms. They should be cooked for at least 40 minutes and then rinsed well.
  • Poisonous ones are gall mushroom or mustard mushroom, devil's or satanic mushroom, false puffball and others.

Very often, when hunting for mushrooms, we come across those that mislead us. Therefore it is vital to know distinctive features edible and especially poisonous mushrooms.

Pear-shaped, hedgehog or hedgehog-spiny puffball and its double, false puffball

The body of the mushroom is pear-shaped, which is why it got one of its names. The “pseudo leg” is clearly defined, but sometimes it is hidden under the moss, making the mushroom appear round.

A young raincoat is almost white, but over time it undergoes a certain metamorphosis, and it changes color to dirty brown. The surface is covered with ring-shaped dense spines. A large spike sticks out in the center of each ring, and small needles on its sides. If you step on a ripe puffball, it will burst into a “smoke” of spores.

The correct raincoat is hard to the touch, and when cut open it is white as milk.

The pear-shaped puffball is considered edible only until its flesh begins to darken.

In medieval Europe, raincoats were used to make broths for sick people. Already at that time their enormous benefits for the body were known.

False raincoat

Instead of thorns, it is covered with warts, has an elongated fruiting body and a nasty smell. The mushroom is conditionally edible and can even be dangerous if eaten in large quantities.

White mushroom and its doubles

The porcini mushroom is exquisite, fleshy, with an exquisite taste; finding such a mushroom is a real success for lovers of quiet hunting. It is extremely rich in useful elements, and it is very rare to find it. It has a brownish head, the color of which varies from light hazel to dark brown. After rain it is quite slippery, but in dry weather it is dry and velvety.

Small specimens are almost round, with a cap that is rolled up at the edges; as they grow older, it opens up and becomes almost flat. Compared to the head, the leg is powerful, fleshy, barrel-shaped with a convexity in the middle. The color of the leg is almost white or pale brown, the surface of the mesh structure is beige. The pulp is white, tight and elastic, but with age it acquires a slightly spongy structure. After cutting, the color remains the same.

Gall mushroom

At first glance, it is quite difficult, almost impossible, to immediately understand that it was the bitterweed that got into the basket. It is very reminiscent of the correct porcini mushroom. But a thin mesh on a dark-colored stalk and a spongy cap on the underside indicate an erroneous mushroom. Its flesh also quickly turns red at the break, and the cap has a pinkish tint.

The cap is spongy with a thin layer of porous pulp.

Biologists consider the gall fungus to be inedible. If you lick it, bitterness immediately appears, and heat treatment only intensifies it. But in a vinegar marinade, the bitterness is partially masked by vinegar, and if you soak it in water for a long time, it will disappear completely. Therefore, some mushroom pickers do not exclude this mushroom from their diet.

This false boletus stands out for its truly colossal size: its cap can reach 40 cm, and its leg - 15 cm. It looks so elegant and festive, it is unlikely that anyone will confuse it with a porcini mushroom.

A distinctive feature is a hat with a top that looks like a pillow. Under the cap there is a dense sponge of a light pink color. The surface of the mushroom is slightly rough to the touch.

The main sign is that after cutting the stem, you can observe first a blue and then a bright red color. Satanic mushroom smells like a rotten onion. Unfortunately, only adult specimens have this feature, and the young mushroom does not smell at all, which leads to confusion. 10 g of raw false boletus is enough, after which a person can experience complete paralysis of the nervous system.

Real honey fungus and its doubles

The real honey fungus is growing large families on stumps and rhizomes of trees. The cap is round, light brown, with small copper scales. In older mushrooms it is light, but over time it becomes brownish.

The stem of the mushroom is thin, flexible, elongated, hollow inside and “dressed up” in a ring-skirt. The pulp is soft, moist, pale beige in color, pleasant to the taste, with a distinct aroma of wood.

Sulfur-yellow false honey fungus

It is similar to the edible one, but smaller in size. The leg is thinner and does not have a film under the head. The head is round and flat, grayish-yellow, slightly darker in the center. If you break it, you can see blue juice that smells and tastes bad. The sulfur-yellow honey fungus is not lethally poisonous. However, the outcome is also unpleasant: taking it causes a spasm and not fatal, but still poisoning.

These representatives of the fungal fauna have a fleshy, brick-red, poisonous-brown or yellow-brown cap. You can see nice white flakes on its edges. The leg is long and thin, there is no dense ring of film on it. The base of the leg is dirty brown, it is tight, straight or narrowed towards the bottom.

Boletus and their doubles

With these mushrooms everything is much simpler; it is very difficult to confuse them. The color of the oiler head can range from chestnut to bluish-green or yellow-brown. Not an old mushroom looks like a ball crawling out of the ground. The sticky, slippery skin peels away from the flesh well.

The stem is slightly lighter than the cap, often with a dirty tint. It can be solid or fibrous and cylindrical. The pulp is fresh, brown at the root and light yellow near the cap, brown just under the cap. Butterflies are often attacked by worms and other pests.

Pepper mushroom is very poisonous. The poison settles in the liver and destroys it, causing mutations. Subsequently, cirrhosis and cancer may develop. To avoid this, you need to carefully look at the mushrooms that you put in the basket.

The pepper mushroom has a sponge-like head and a thick skin with a sticky surface. When the mushroom is still young, its cap has a copper tint; when mature, it is repainted into a rich rust color.

If you press down on a pepper mushroom, it will change color and release a red liquid. The flesh is bright yellow with a gray tint and turns scarlet after cutting.

Champignons and their doubles

Champignon is the most common mushroom in the world. It can grow like natural environment, and mushroom farms, in basements or garages. Representatives of these fungi are often found on heaps of manure, since rich, fertilized soil is exactly what these fungi love.

The champignon has a tight cap with small scales. At first it is round, and as it grows it straightens and can reach up to 10 cm. The color of the head, depending on the type, is white, brown or beige.

The pulp is firm, very aromatic, white, slightly yellowish or reddish. The leg is straight, tight, with one or two rings.

Death cap

Champignons have doubles that carry great danger for a person. first of all - this death cap and the fly agaric is smelly. Young individuals are very similar to an edible mushroom.

The toadstool has the same cap and has rings and scales on the stalk, but the toadstool has root sacs inserted into the stalk. However, over time, the plates do not change color and remain the same. The cut area first becomes bright yellow, and over time it becomes completely lemon-colored. Smells like iodine or carbolic acid. If you place it in hot water, it takes on an orange tint.

Although this is a representative of the mushroom fauna and has a snow-white cap of a regular shape, its appearance is quite repulsive due to the abundant mucus, which sometimes even drips from the edges of the mushroom.

The head looks a bit like a cone. There are always a lot of insects on the cap, attracted by the shiny mucus. The cap is attached to a long and very thin stem, around which there is a ring of small scales.

The bottom of the cap contains dense plates with spores, which, spreading in the air, can cause an attack of suffocation. If you break the mushroom, you can see white, dense pulp with a very unpleasant smell.

The mushroom is definitely inedible and can lead to intoxication even with the slightest amount.

Chanterelles and their doubles

A real fox lives in friendship with pine, spruce, oak or beech. Her hat and leg have fused into a single body and have no dividing boundary. The color varies from brick to pale yellow. The edge of the head is wavy and irregular in shape. Its surface is silky, and the skin is almost inseparable from the pulp. The firm pulp with a slightly sour taste and the smell of dried roots has won the hearts of more than one mushroom picker.

False chanterelle or orange "talker"

It is distinguished by a bright golden or orange cap. The “double” has a brighter color and looks like a funnel or an inverted umbrella. The edges of the head are smooth, whereas, like a regular chanterelle, they are wavy and bumpy. The false chanterelle's leg is thinner and tapered towards the bottom. The flesh of the “twin” is lemon or brick-colored and smells very bad. Inner side the heads taste bitter. If you don't press it down, the color won't change. . home distinguishing feature- false chanterelles are attacked by worms.

Important! Collect only those mushrooms in the basket that you have no doubt about. Do not take overripe, worm-damaged or flabby mushrooms; they do not provide any benefit.

Very often, poisonous mushrooms are similar to edible mushrooms collected in the forests of the Primorsky Territory, and an inexperienced mushroom picker can easily confuse them. In some cases, the similarity between double mushrooms is quite small, but sometimes the mushrooms are so similar that even a mushroom picker with extensive experience can make a mistake when identifying mushrooms. Such mushrooms are called twin mushrooms.
There are many known types of double mushrooms, and it is especially dangerous that many deadly poisonous mushrooms have edible doubles. This is what often leads to fatal mistakes when picking mushrooms and is one of the most common reasons mushroom poisoning.
In this section we provide examples with illustrations of mushrooms that are similar to each other and dangerous due to their similarity.

For example, a mushroom like Chanterelle has its poisonous counterpart, the fake Chanterelle. Edible chanterelle the whole thing is painted a uniform egg-yellow color, and the lower part of the cap of the fake one is brighter than top part and leg. The edge of the cap of the false chanterelle is very smooth, while that of the real one is wavy.

The porcini mushroom has two inedible counterparts - the gall mushroom and the devil's mushroom. By appearance they are difficult to distinguish, but if the mushroom is broken, then at the break the flesh of the boletus remains white, and the flesh of the gall mushroom quickly turns pink, the damn mushroom first turns red and then turns blue. The leg of the boletus mushroom is dense, speckled with white veins, while that of the devil's mushroom is very swollen at the base, with a reddish mesh at the top.
The mushroom called Satanic in reference books is confused with or mistakenly called the devil's mushroom.

Honey mushrooms also have doubles. Well-known poisonous relatives of honey mushrooms are Sulfur Yellow and Brick Red. Both real and fake honey mushrooms grow in groups on old stumps and tree roots. False (Unreal) honey fungus is similar to the edible one, but is smaller, thinner and does not have a film. The hat of a real honey mushroom is copper-colored, with small brown scales, while the hat of a fake one is gray-yellow, with a reddish center. The plates of a real honey mushroom are first light and then brown, while those of a fake honey mushroom are greenish-gray in color. The pulp of the fake honey mushroom has a bitter taste.

What to do if you are poisoned by mushrooms.
Doctors' advice. If poisoning occurs, remember! Drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage immediately after symptoms of poisoning appear will help you cope with the problem before the doctor arrives.
No pills, much less alcohol! You can afford to drink activated carbon, which adsorbs harmful substances, and as much liquid as possible.
When poisoned with neurotoxins, the patient develops signs of damage to the nervous system - intermittent breathing, convulsions, tremors and loss of orientation in space. Drinking, rest and a doctor are all you can do in this case.

Depending on the type of mushroom, the appearance of signs of poisoning can occur either in a matter of minutes (20-30) or in hours (up to eight hours). Cases have been described in which poisoning manifested itself in a person almost two days after eating mushrooms.
What happens during poisoning - after a while you feel pain or discomfort in the abdomen, it may be bloating or gas, then weakness appears throughout the body, dizziness and nausea, sweat appears on the palms, chills begin to strike, skin, as a rule, they turn pale due to the outflow of blood, breathing becomes difficult, thoughts are confused.

You can't hesitate! At the first signs, you should immediately seek medical help.
Try to calm down and induce a vomiting reaction (you can stick your fingers deep into your throat). If you have water and soda or potassium permanganate on hand (you can also table salt) make a weak solution and drink as much as possible (to the point of nausea). Try to regurgitate all the contents of your stomach.
Under no circumstances take antipyretic, sedative or painkillers, much less alcohol, this can only worsen the situation and, in case of dung beetle poisoning, even kill.
While waiting for the doctor, try to empty your stomach as much as possible; if you cannot induce vomiting, try using an enema.
Do not make sudden movements, do not massage the stomach, the most you can do is to provide the patient with peace and not a hot heating pad or wrap him in a blanket or blanket.
As a rule, upon admission of patients with mushroom poisoning, doctors prescribe a course of general strengthening, stimulating and neutralizing drugs that neutralize the effect of neuroleptics. The course of treatment, depending on the intoxication, can range from a week to a month and a half.
In particularly severe cases it is used intensive therapy with complete cleansing with drugs that neutralize toxins in the blood and restore liver and kidney function.
For home prevention after recovery, glycine and honey are used to improve brain activity and help restore heart function.

This search service created based on the author’s own impressions, who was trying to understand the mushrooms growing in the Southern Primorye region.
Using books and websites devoted to mushrooms, I have more than once come across inconsistencies in the description and determination of the edible suitability of many mushrooms that I came across on forest hikes. Many catalogs contain not only controversial facts about non-edible mushrooms, but also false information about edible ones. I sent a number of such comments to the authors of resources about mushrooms, but so far there has been no reaction.
I am not a professional mushroom picker, but I often need knowledge about the edibility of a particular mushroom. Of course, it is unrealistic to remember all the species, their names and, especially, the Latin abbreviation of mushrooms Far East, but I still managed to concentrate on what the mushroom looks like, whether it’s suitable for food or not.

If you desperately need more extensive knowledge about mushrooms, use an electronic encyclopedia or scientific works from the library. There are very good book“Edible Mushrooms of the Far East” which, in my opinion, although there are a number of inaccuracies and errors, contains extensive information about the spores, mycelium and taxonomy of the mushroom world.
My goal was not to refute other people’s theories or to create something new in the systematization of mushrooms. Here there is only an “operational assistant to the mushroom picker”, which allows you to look “on the go” and determine by appearance whether these mushrooms are worth taking or not.

The service is designed in such a way that it will be easy for you, using the network and phone, to scroll through pictures of mushrooms and, by comparison, determine their suitability for food or preparation.
Look at the mushroom, think about which of the classifier’s pictures the mushroom reminds you of and go to the section for comparing images with your find.
Having selected a conditional category or using the full catalog with pictures and photographs of mushrooms, simply scroll through the images until you see a mushroom similar to the one you are looking for. One of the inscriptions - tasty, edible, conditionally edible, inedible, poisonous - will tell you whether you should take this mushroom or not.
In addition, the site contains more detailed information about the taste qualities, methods of preparation and storage of the mushrooms you collected. The most famous recipes for dishes with mushrooms, rare dishes and pickles. Useful although not edible mushrooms are described in the form of recipes traditional medicine, and not the standard methods of using poisonous and hallucinogenic mushrooms, are described in a closed section that not everyone is destined to get into - at the entrance to the section you will have to pass a small test for the adequacy of information perception.

I love collecting, cooking and eating mushrooms, treating friends and telling stories about mushroom pickers and forest wanderings.
I wish you a successful “quiet hunt” and bon appetit!

Because poisonous mushrooms are often similar to edible ones, they can be confused. In some mushrooms the similarity is superficial, while in others it is so similar that even an experienced mushroom picker can mistake such a mushroom for edible.

White mushroom (boletus)

In appearance, the white mushroom is similar to the inedible gall mushroom (Fig.).

Rice. Gall mushroom


The boletus can be confused with the inedible gall mushroom.

Distinctive features of porcini mushroom, boletus and gall mushroom

Mushroom parts


White mushroom


gall mushroom

light brown, gray-brown, yellow-brown, dark brown

white, grayish, yellowish, brown brown, almost black

brown or brownish

white, does not change color when broken

white, turning pink at the break, with a bitter taste

Tubular layer

white, then yellowish, greenish

whitish, then gray-brownish

white, then dirty pink

white, covered with white mesh pattern

white, covered with dark brown scales

creamy, covered with a dark brown mesh pattern


Dubovik's counterpart is the poisonous satanic mushroom.

Autumn honey fungus

Mushrooms grown on birch or oak trees and stumps have the best taste; the rest have lower taste characteristics.

The autumn honey fungus is similar in appearance to the summer honey fungus, the winter honey fungus, as well as the sulphur-yellow honey fungus and the poisonous sulfur-yellow honey fungus.

Summer honey fungus

Belongs to edible mushrooms, category IV. Only caps are consumed in boiled, fried, salted and pickled form.

Distinctive features of the oak mushroom and the satanic mushroom

Mushroom parts



satanic mushroom

olive-brown, yellowish-brown, grayish-brown, dark brown

whitish, greenish-yellowish or grayish-yellowish, sometimes with pinkish or rusty spots closer to the edges of the cap

lemon yellow, turns blue when broken, then gradually becomes dirty yellow, odorless and tasteless

white, slightly yellowish or pinkish, at the break it first turns red, then turns blue, but gradually acquires its original color, with an unpleasant odor and bitter taste

Tubular layer

first greenish-yellowish, then bright red or brownish-red, turns blue when touched

first light yellow, then orange or red tint

yellow, covered with pink-brown mesh or reddish dots

yellowish, covered with pinkish spots and rounded loops of a mesh pattern

Distinctive features of autumn honey fungus, summer honey fungus, winter honey fungus, sulphurous honey fungus and sulfur yellow honey fungus

Mushroom parts


autumn honey fungus

summer honey fungus

winter honey fungus

Seroplate honey fungus

sulfur-yellow honey fungus

gray or yellow-brown

yellow-brown or reddish-brown

honey yellow

ocher yellow

greenish-yellow, yellow-brown or sulfur-yellow

brownish, with a pleasant smell and taste

light yellow or creamy, with a pleasant smell and taste

whitish, with a bitter taste

light yellow or yellow, with an unpleasant odor and bitter taste


white, then light yellow with rusty spots

whitish, then rusty brown

light yellow or cream, then darker

pale yellow, then lilac-gray and purple-violet

yellow, then greenish and olive-black

light brown above, dark brown below

brown, darker below

yellowish above, dark brown below

reddish-yellow above, darker below

light yellow above, yellow-brown below

Distinctive features of valuuy and false valuuy

Mushroom parts



false value

ocher-yellow or brown-yellow, spherical, then flattened, slightly concave in the center

white or dirty yellowish, convex, then prostrate, sometimes with a small bump in the middle

white, then yellowish, with a bitter taste

whitish, with a rare odor and a very bitter taste


first white, then rusty-yellow, with brownish spots, attached to the stem

whitish, then yellowish or grayish-yellowish, slightly attached to the stem or free

white or brownish, straight or thickened in the middle

white or dirty yellowish, slightly thickened at the bottom, covered with brownish scales


Serushka can be confused with the faded milkweed and the smooth one.

Gladysh (common milkweed)

To remove the bitter milky juice, the mushrooms should be soaked and then poured with boiling water so that the flesh becomes elastic (Fig.).

Rice. Gladysh

Green russula

Green russula is similar in appearance to greenish russula and, which is very dangerous, to the deadly poisonous toadstool (green form).

Distinctive features of the white moth, white milkweed and smooth moth

faded milkweed

convex, then funnel-shaped, grayish-violet, with dark concentric rings

flat-convex, then funnel-shaped, gray-brown or lilac-gray

flat, with a small pit in the middle, violet-gray, yellowish-gray or reddish-gray, with or without concentric rings


descending, rare,

pale yellow

descending, frequent, white or yellowish-cream, turning gray when touched

descending or attached to the stalk, sparse, thin, yellowish or pink-cream

white or grayish

white or cream

milky juice

white or watery, does not change in air

white, turns gray in air

white, outdoor



light gray, dense in a young mushroom, hollow in a mature one

slightly paler than the cap, hollow

same color as the cap, hollow

Russula yellow

The counterpart of yellow russula is the poisonous fly agaric.

Russula golden-red

Golden-red russula can be confused with the poisonous red fly agaric

Distinctive features of green russula, greenish russula and pale toadstool (green form)

Mushroom parts


green russula

greenish russula

pale grebe (green form)

convex, then prostrate, bluish-green, lighter along the edges, with cream and stripes

flat-convex, curved-wavy, rough, gray-greenish, lighter edges

bell-shaped, then flat-convex, light or olive green, darker in the middle, silky

white, thick, fragile

white, thick, strong

white, thin


adherent to the stem, white or cream

attached to the stem or free, white or yellowish

loose, white

membranous ring, tuberous thickening and absent vagina

in the upper part there is a membranous ring, at the base there is a tuberous thickening surrounded by a sac-like vagina

Distinctive features of yellow russula and toadstool mushroom

Mushroom parts


yellow russula

fly agaric

hemispherical, then flat or funnel-shaped, bright yellow, smooth

flat-convex, with a small depression in the center, white, then yellowish-greenish, with large white flakes on the surface


adherent to the stem, white, then light yellow

adherent to the stem, white, sometimes with a yellowish edge

smooth, white, then yellowish or grayish, without membranous ring, tuberous swelling and vagina

white, with a white or yellowish membranous ring, a tuberous thickening at the base, enclosed in the vagina

Distinctive signs of golden-red russula and red fly agaric

Mushroom parts


golden-red russula

red fly agaric

convex, then prostrate, orange-yellow or orange-red, with yellow spots

spherical, then flat-convex, bright red or orange-red in color, covered with numerous white or yellowish warts


adherent to the stem, infrequent, light yellow

loose, frequent, first white, then yellowish

pale yellow or yellow, smooth or slightly thickened towards the base, dense, without a ring, tuberous thickening or vagina

white, dense, then hollow, with a membranous ring, a tuberous thickening at the base, enclosed in the vagina

Distinctive features of the May mushroom, entoloma corymboses and poisonous entoloma

Mushroom parts


May mushroom

Entoloma thyroid

poisonous entoloma

creamy, yellowish or off-white

light gray or brown-gray

white, then yellowish, gray-brown in old mushrooms

white, with a pleasant taste and floury smell

white, slightly watery, with a pleasant taste and floury smell

white, brownish under the skin, young mushrooms have a floury odor, old mushrooms have an unpleasant odor


frequent, white or cream

sparse, wide, white, then pinkish

sparse, wide, whitish, then pinkish-yellow

whitish, yellowish or creamy, slightly thickened towards the base

white, smooth, straight or curved, covered with longitudinal scars

white, slightly thickened at the base, silky, without scars

May mushroom (May talker, T-shirt, St. George mushroom)

The May mushroom is similar in appearance to the corymbose entoloma and the dangerous poisonous entoloma.

Entoloma corymboses, or Entoloma garden

Grows in deciduous forests, meadows, forests, often in large groups, from late May to September.

The cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, light gray or brown-gray, bell-shaped in young mushrooms, then becomes prostrate, with a thick tubercle in the middle, the edges of the cap are curved, cracked (Fig. a).

The plates adhere to the stem, are sparse, wide, at first white, acquiring a pinkish tint with age. The pulp is white, slightly watery, thick, dense, with a pleasant taste and floury smell. Spore powder is pale brown in color.

The stem of the mushroom is up to 10 cm long, up to 2 cm thick, white, smooth, straight or slightly curved, fibrous, hollow, covered with longitudinal scars.

Edible mushroom, category IV. It is consumed boiled, fried and pickled, and does not require pre-boiling. The corymbose entoloma is similar in appearance to the dangerous poisonous entoloma (Fig. b) and the May mushroom (Fig. c).

Greenfinch, or green row

Greenfinches are rarely wormy.

The mushroom is similar to the mildly poisonous sulfur-yellow rower.

Distinctive features of greenfinch and sulfur-yellow row

Mushroom parts



sulfur-yellow row

greenish-yellow, darker in the center, brownish-green

bright sulfur yellow, darker in the center, lighter at the edges, without a green tint

almost white, then pale yellow, tasteless, with a pleasant floury smell

yellow or greenish-yellow, with an unpleasant odor and bitter taste


greenish-yellow, frequent

sulfur-yellow or greenish-yellow, rare

greenish-yellow, almost entirely hidden in the ground, covered with small scales

sulfur-yellow, covered with small brown spines

Row earthy gray

The earthy-gray rower in appearance resembles the dangerous rower, pointed and poisonous rower.

Gray-pink fly agaric, or pink fly agaric, blushing fly agaric

You can use gray-pink fly agaric for food only if you are completely confident in its correct identification, since this mushroom can be confused with the very poisonous panther fly agaric.

Distinctive features of earthy-gray rowing, pointed rowing and poisonous rowing

Mushroom parts


earthy gray row

pointed row

poisonous row

mouse-gray, covered with dark gray scales

gray or brownish-gray

off-white or brown-gray with a bluish tint, covered with gray-brown scales

white, then greyish, with a pleasant smell and pungent taste

light gray, then almost white, with a pleasant floury smell and bitter taste

whitish, slightly grayish under the skin, tasteless, with a pleasant floury odor


light gray, darkens with age

white or light gray

off-white with a greenish or yellowish tint

white or light gray

white or light gray

white above, brownish below

Porchowka blackening

In appearance, the blackened puffball, just like the lead-gray puffball, looks like an inedible false puffball.

Float white

The white float's counterpart is the poisonous fly agaric. Also in appearance the white float resembles edible umbrella mushroom white and conditionally edible volvariella beautiful.

Distinctive features of the gray-pink fly agaric and panther fly agaric

Mushroom parts Mushroom
fly agaric gray-pink fly agaric panther
hatdirty reddish or gray-pink, with dirty gray flakes on the surface gray-brown, dark olive-brown, olive-gray, with numerous white warts
Pulpwhite, turns red when broken, tasteless and odorlesswhite, with an unpleasant odor, the color does not change when broken
Recordswhite at first, with a reddish tint in mature mushroomswhite
Legwhite, then reddish-brown, striped white ring, reddish in mature mushrooms white or brownish, ring striped white, quickly disappearing

Distinctive features of the blackened fluffwing, the lead-gray fluffwing and the common puffball

Mushroom parts


blackening fluff

lead-gray flutter

false raincoat


external - white, thin, disappearing; inner - first white, then black or brown, thin

external - white, thin, disappearing; internal - lead-gray, thin

dirty yellow or light brown, rough, thick, smooth, scaly or warty

white, then yellow, later purple-brown, tasteless and odorless

white, then brown, tasteless and odorless

yellowish, then violet-black with white veins, gray-olive, with an unpleasant odor

White umbrella mushroom

The white umbrella mushroom grows in forest clearings, meadows and pastures, along roads, in parks, singly or in small groups, and is found from mid-July to October.

The cap reaches 10 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is rounded, with age it becomes umbrella-shaped, white, slightly brownish in the center, with a cracking surface covered with small angular scales and a ribbed edge. The plates are loose, infrequent, white. The pulp is soft, loose, white, with a pleasant smell and taste. The spores are white.

The stem of the mushroom is up to 10 cm long, up to 1 cm thick, slightly thickened downwards, white, under the cap on the stem there is a white membranous movable ring.

The mushroom is edible and belongs to category IV. Only the caps of young mushrooms, boiled, fried and dried, are suitable for consumption.

In appearance, the white umbrella mushroom is similar to the poisonous stinking fly agaric (fig.).

Rice. White umbrella mushroom

Volvariella is beautiful

Volvariella beautiful can be confused with the poisonous fly agaric.

Orchard or cherry

The mushroom is rare in deciduous forests, in forest clearings, sometimes in gardens and orchards, in meadows, alone or in small groups, from July to September.

The cap reaches 10 cm in diameter, irregular in shape, at first convex, with age it becomes funnel-shaped and depressed, sometimes with a small tubercle in the middle, the edges of the cap are wavy. The surface of the cap is white or creamy, becoming gray with age. The plates descend along the stalk, frequent, white in young mushrooms, yellowish-pink in mature ones. The pulp is dense, white, with a mealy odor and pleasant taste. Spore powder is light pink in color (Fig.).

Rice. pendant

The stalk of the hanging tree is short, up to 6 cm long, up to 1.5 cm thick, narrowed towards the base, smooth, sometimes mealy, white.

Cherry blossom is edible and belongs to category IV. Can be eaten boiled and fried.

The twin of the hanging tree is the poisonous waxy talker, very similar to it in appearance.

Distinctive features of the white float, white umbrella mushroom, beautiful volvariella and stinking fly agaric

Mushroom parts


float white

white umbrella mushroom

Volvariella is beautiful

fly agaric smelly

white, covered with white flakes that then disappear

white, slightly brownish in the center, covered with scales

white with dark gray center

white, odorless, with a pleasant taste

white, with a pleasant smell and taste

white, tasteless and odorless

white, with an unpleasant odor


white, then pinkish

white, with white movable ring

white, widened base enclosed in the vagina

white, with a thin white ring, widened base enclosed in the vagina

Lepiota corypus

The mushroom is found in mixed and coniferous forests from July to October, in groups, sometimes forming witches' rings on the ground.

The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, bell-shaped in young mushrooms, then becomes flattened, with a small dark tubercle in the center, white, yellowish-brown in mature mushrooms. The surface of the cap is covered with scales arranged in concentric circles; the color of the scales changes with age from white to reddish-yellow and brown. The edges of the cap are covered with small flakes. The plates are loose, frequent, white or yellowish. The pulp is thin, dense, white, has a pleasant smell and taste. Spore powder is pale yellow in color.

The leg of Lepiota scute is up to 6 cm in length, up to 1.5 cm in thickness, cylindrical, slightly widened towards the base, hollow. On the stem under the cap there is a flake-like ring, the same color as the surface of the cap. The leg up to the ring is smooth, whitish, below the ring it is covered with yellowish scales.

In appearance, Lepiota scutella resembles the inedible Lepiota comb (Fig.).

Rice. Lepiota corypus

Distinctive features of the pendant and the waxy govorovushka

Mushroom parts



waxy talker

white, later with a gray tint, funnel-shaped, depressed, with wavy edges

white, with watery round spots, prostrate, slightly concave, with wavy downy edges

dense, white, with a powdery odor and pleasant taste

dense, white, with a pleasant smell and taste


descending along the stalk, frequent, white, then yellowish-pink

Plates descending along the stem, frequent, white or with a grayish tint

white, tapered at the base, smooth or powdery

white, with a yellowish or grayish tint, thickened towards the base, smooth, pubescent below

Lepiota crest

The mushroom grows from late June to October in mixed and coniferous forests, on forest edges, clearings, meadows, and sometimes in vegetable gardens.

The cap of Lepiota combata is small, up to 5 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is bell-shaped, with age it becomes flat-convex, with a small reddish tubercle in the middle, whitish, with concentrically located brownish scales. The plates are free, frequent, and white. The pulp is thin, white, turns red when broken, has a sharp rare odor and an unpleasant taste. Spore powder is yellowish in color.

The stem of the mushroom is up to 8 cm long, up to 1.5 cm thick, smooth, slightly thickened towards the base, yellowish or yellowish-reddish. On the stem under the cap there is a narrow white or slightly reddish ring, which disappears when ripe.

The mushroom is inedible, according to some sources, poisonous (Fig.).

Rice. Lepiota crest

Distinctive features of Lepiota scutella and Lepiota combata

Mushroom parts


Lepiota scutera

lepiota comb

white, then yellowish-brown with a dark tubercle in the center, covered with concentrically located white or reddish-yellow

whitish, with a small reddish tubercle in the middle, with concentrically located brownish scales

white, with a pleasant smell and taste

white, turns red when broken, with a rare odor and unpleasant taste


white or yellowish

with a flocculent yellowish-brown ring; smooth, whitish up to the ring, covered with yellowish scales under the ring

yellowish or yellowish-reddish, smooth, with a narrow white or reddish ring that disappears when ripe
