Central Asian land turtle, description. Types of land turtles Land turtle species all about it

The turtle is an ancient animal from the order of reptiles. It appeared more than 200 million years ago and, according to scientists, has remained virtually unchanged over the past 150 million years.

The main distinguishing feature of a turtle is its shell. This is a complex bone-skin formation that covers the turtle’s body from all sides, protecting it from attacks by predators. The inner part of the shell is formed by bone plates, and the outer part is formed by leathery scutes. The shell consists of two parts - dorsal and abdominal. The dorsal part, or carapace, has a convex shape, and the ventral part, or plastron, is flat. The body of the turtle is firmly fused with the shell, from which only the head, limbs and tail protrude between the carapace and plastron. In case of danger, the turtle can completely hide in its shell. Turtles do not have teeth, but they have a strong beak, pointed at the edges, which allows it to bite off any food. Turtles, like some snakes and crocodiles, lay leathery eggs. Turtles do not care for their offspring. Immediately after laying eggs, they leave the clutch.

Diversity and lifestyle

There are more than 300 species of different turtles. Some of them lead a land lifestyle, and some have adapted to live in water. Freshwater turtles, unlike land turtles, have a more flattened and smooth shell, as well as membranes between the toes. This helps them skillfully swim in the water element. sea ​​turtles most They spend their lives in the seas and oceans. Only once a year, during the breeding season, they come ashore to lay eggs in the coastal sand. Limbs sea ​​turtles turned into flippers that allow them to “hover” in the ocean depths.


Turtles differ greatly in size: the land spider turtle does not exceed 10 cm in length and weighs about 100 g, and the sea leatherback turtle reaches two and a half meters and weighs more than half a ton. The giant among land tortoises is the Galapagos elephant tortoise. The length of its shell exceeds one meter, and its weight can be four centners.


The coloring of turtles is most often modest, camouflaging them with color environment. But there are species with very bright contrasting patterns. Thus, in the radiated tortoise, in the center of the scutes of the shell, against a mainly dark background, there are striking yellow spots, from which the same yellow rays extend. The head and neck of the red-eared slider are decorated with a pattern of wavy lines and stripes, and behind the eyes there are bright red spots.


Land turtles mainly feed on plant foods - grass, leaves of bushes, juicy fruits. Freshwater and sea turtles are predators that eat fish, insects and their larvae, worms and shellfish. Land turtles can supplement their diet with animal food, while aquatic turtles can supplement their diet with plant food.


The turtle is a long-living record holder among vertebrates. She can live more than a hundred years. There is a reliable case where a gigantic tortoise lived for 152 years. Scientists say that a turtle can live two hundred or more years.

Turtle: brief information

Central Asian tortoise- a slow and thoughtful animal that has increasingly begun to appear in city apartments. How to choose it, what are the conditions of detention, how to carry out feeding and reproduction - the main points that you need to know before purchasing. Simply following simple rules of care will help not only raise a healthy and active pet, but even get offspring from it.

The Central Asian tortoise (lat. Testudo horsfieldii), named after the American biologist Thomas Horsfield, belongs to the family of land tortoises.

Found in the southeastern regions of Eurasia, in clay and sandy deserts, foothills, river valleys, agricultural lands.

Choosing an area with relative humidity, this reptile digs holes, thus arranging its home. But it can also inhabit other people's houses.

Due to frequent catches by poachers, the animal is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.


In nature they live 40-50 years, and in captivity - 10-15 years. If the conditions of detention are acceptable for its active existence, its lifespan can be more than 30 years.


Turtles are born just 3cm long and continue to grow throughout their lives. The size of an adult individual can be 15-25 cm. But, as a rule, they are not very large: males are smaller - 13-20 cm, females are slightly larger than males - 15-23 cm.

At the slightest danger, the gray-brown head of medium size hides under a rounded, highly convex shell, the color of which, depending on the individual, can be anything - sandy, green, brown with vague dark spots.

The paws are the same color as the head, and have four toes, not three, like other brethren.

Buying a healthy pet

In order not to run to the veterinarian the next day to prescribe treatment, it is better to immediately buy a healthy turtle. Pay attention to everything:

  • observe her behavior, activity and coordination of movement;
  • the appearance must be free of damage and the presence of inappropriate stains;
  • the carapace is of regular shape with even scutes densely adjacent to each other;
  • the best way to determine whether a turtle is healthy is to look into its mouth: the mucous membrane should be free of plaque, light pink in color and without viscous saliva;
  • There should be no discharge from the nose.

Don't forget about transportation. For short distances in the warm season, it can be carried in a cardboard box with paper inside. In autumn and winter, it is better to cover the passenger with a warm cloth and place a heating pad there.


An animal that has just been bought at the market and brought home may refuse food and spend months getting used to its new environment.

So that the reptile is not afraid and takes root faster, you need to feed it.

She will love a specially prepared dish of green lettuce, sliced ​​pear, banana, apples, persimmons, carrots, which can be sprinkled with a small amount of calcium for reptiles.

To improve your pet's digestion, you can give him a warm bath.

Central Asian tortoise: keeping in a terrarium

In apartment conditions, a turtle is kept in a spacious volume of 60 to 100 liters per individual with a container width three times the size of the reptile. Humidity should be between 20-30%.

You definitely need to equip it with a warm and cold corner.

Warm place can be organized by installing an electric lamp with a power of 40-100 W. The air temperature should vary from 30 to 35°C. To prevent the animal from getting burned, it is important to adjust the height of the lamp.

In a cold corner daytime temperature should not fall below 26°C.

Priming. Since the Central Asian tortoise is a species of heavily burrowing animals, the presence of soil in a layer of at least 15 cm in the terrarium is mandatory. This can be large rounded shell rock, sand, hay, wood chips, small river pebbles mixed with peat, or corn flour. The reptile will grind its claws on large pebbles.

Vegetation. As an additional decoration and the presence of constant fresh greenery in the terrarium, it is recommended to sow oats or wheat along the walls.

Water. There is no need to install a drinking bowl in the terrarium, as turtles will try to knock it over. These reptiles get water from cows and weekly baths.

Outdoor aviary

In order for the Central Asian tortoise to receive more sunlight and fresh air, in summer time it can be kept outside in a spacious and well-equipped enclosure measuring 2x2 m or more.

A fence well buried in the ground (30 cm) and large stones placed in its corners will help to avoid undermining and escape of your pet. At night, she will hide in a burrow house, which you can make yourself.

You can put a shallow container of water for bathing, from which she can get out on her own.

Central Asian tortoise: care

Like all living things, the Central Asian woman requires careful handling. It is not recommended to pick her up too often, as this may cause her to experience stress, which will most likely lead to decreased activity and illness.

It is better to give it to children only under close supervision, because they can either drop it, or injure it, or even worse, step on it.

Bathing. You need to bathe your pet at least once a week. warm water, immersing it up to the neck for 15-30 minutes. Small turtles are bathed more often - 2-3 times a week.


You need to feed it varied: about 70% of the reptile's diet should consist of greens, about 25% - fruits, the rest - protein foods, mineral and vitamin supplements. up to 2 years of age, they are fed as they are full, but within reasonable limits, 2 times a day every day. Adults are given food every other day.

You can feed:

  • commercial feed for land turtles;
  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries);
  • pumpkin;
  • apples, pears;
  • pre-prepared dried or frozen grass;
  • leaves of fruit bushes and trees;
  • lawn grass (dandelion, plantain, clover);
  • some indoor plants (tradescantia, chlorophytum);
  • special calcium supplements.

You can't feed:

  • bread;
  • river snails;
  • fish, meat, eggs;
  • potatoes, cabbage;
  • nuts;
  • citrus peel;
  • porridge and other products from your table;
  • dry and canned animal feed;
  • dairy products.

Give in limited quantities:

  • grape;
  • cucumber;
  • onions, garlic, asparagus, spicy herbs.

Central Asian turtles are steppe inhabitants, and succulent food is rarely found in their diet. Watery foods, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and plums, should be given to them as rarely as possible, and cabbage should be completely abandoned, as it leaches calcium from the reptile’s body.

The ideal solution is to use seasonal vegetables with a long shelf life, such as pumpkin. It can be prepared in the fall and given to scoops throughout spring and winter. It must be cut into large pieces so that by biting the food, the reptile can grind down its beak.

Sex differences

You can distinguish a female from a male at the age of 6 by several characteristics, and it is best to compare with several individuals at once.

Mature males are more aggressive in nature and, as a rule, always smaller in size. The abdominal part is concave. The tail, long and wide at the base, is slightly curved under the shell. Closer to the tail there is a dent on the plastron. The cloaca is further away.

Females are always larger in size and their jaws are more developed. The abdominal part is flat. At the base of the short tail there is a cloaca.


To breed a Central Asian tortoise, you will need a pair - a male and a female - of approximately the same weight and age. The sexually mature age of a female is 10-12 years, for a male - from 5-6 years.

The mating period is February–August. The male approaches the female and, stretching his head forward, begins to hit her side with his shell, while making a dull clicking sound.

Since males become more aggressive towards each other, it is not recommended to keep two males in the same terrarium.

The female's pregnancy lasts 2 months. There are 2-6 eggs in a clutch. Incubation lasts from 60 to 65 days at a temperature of 28-30°C.

It has been noted that at low temperatures, a predominant number of boys may appear, and at higher temperatures, girls may appear.

The Central Asian land tortoise is a beautiful and graceful animal in its own way, requiring affection, skillful handling and proper care. After watching her, you will understand that behind her slowness lies the wisdom that many of us lack. After all, in a constant rush, we forget the main thing - to rejoice and enjoy life. Maybe this particular pet will make you think that you should stop and look at the world with completely different eyes.

How to properly care for a land turtle, watch the video:

The turtle is a beautiful animal belonging to the order Reptiles. Turtles count ancient creatures, which were among the first to appear on earth. IN wildlife these animals live in the tropics, as well as in places where temperate climate. Turtles can live both on land and in water.

Today, terrestrial species have become actively used as pets. Let's look at the main types of domestic turtles.

Terrestrial turtles are divided into two types:

  • land;
  • freshwater

Types of land turtles

Central Asian tortoise

Among the species of domestic turtles, this animal is considered the most popular. These are exactly the creatures that people most often see when visiting their friends and acquaintances. These are very clumsy animals that are characterized by extremely slow movement. It is worth noting that this turtle is listed in the Red Book, which means that its sale is prohibited by law. However, pet stores do not pay attention to this. In the wild, the main habitat is Central Asia.

The turtle has a light shell with dark scutes. The limbs are characterized by the presence of four fingers. To keep this species in a terrarium, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 30 degrees. It is also worth keeping in mind that from a psychological point of view these animals do not like enclosed spaces, it is this fact that explains the rapid death of turtles.

This species has about 20 subspecies, which are characterized by living in completely different climatic conditions. These turtles love warmth and direct Sun rays. Each subspecies has its own characteristics: the size and color of the shell. Maximum size reaches 35 cm. On the back of the thigh of this turtle you can see a mound of horny tissue. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have spurs. Keeping them in a terrarium involves maintaining a temperature of about 25-30 degrees.

Egyptian tortoise

These animals are extremely small. The maximum size of the shell is 12 cm. The color is yellowish with scutes bordered by a dark stripe. There are no spurs on the hind legs. In the wild they live mainly in Egypt, Israel, and Libya. Like most other species, the temperature in the aquarium is required within 24-30 degrees. These turtles have some peculiarities in behavior. So, for example, when any danger approaches, the animal immediately buries itself in the sand.

Balkan tortoise

This is the view external signs may be confused with Mediterranean turtles. The main difference is small sizes the shell is about 15-20 cm. The color of the shell is light brown with dark spots. The younger the turtle, the brighter its color. One more hallmark worth considering conical spike, which is located at the end of the tail. The main habitat in the wild is Southern Europe, namely the coast Mediterranean Sea. It is worth noting that turtles that live to the west are much smaller than those located in the east. At home, keeping the species is possible at a temperature of 26-32 degrees.

Types of freshwater turtles

European marsh turtle

This type has 13 subspecies. The turtle's shell is low and smooth. The length of the animal is about 35 cm, the average weight of individuals is approximately one and a half kilograms. The color of the shell of turtles is dark green. The head, neck and paws are covered with light spots. The fingers have large, sharp claws and webbing. View characterized by a fairly large tail, the length of which is ¾ of the length of the turtle’s entire body.

In the wild, these animals can be found in different regions of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, etc. Ideal conditions The habitat for the species is lakes and ponds. Individuals are most active during the day. The species is one of those listed in the Red Book. Keeping it at home requires a temperature of 22-25 degrees and air temperature of about 30.

Pond slider

Of all the species, city dwellers most often breed this one in their aquariums and terrariums. All 15 subspecies red eared turtles classified as so-called decorated. They received this name because of the red or yellow spots that are located near the ears. The size of individuals is about 18-30 centimeters. Young turtles have more light color shell. The head and paws are decorated with stripes of rich green color. The species has sexual differences: males have a more powerful tail and nail plate.

In the wild they are found in Mexico, America, the USA, and less often in Australia, Spain, Great Britain, and Israel. The optimal habitat is marshy shores of water bodies and ponds. Individuals of the species are very lazy, slow and inactive. At home, turtles must be kept at a water temperature of about 28 degrees, air temperature of 32.

Far Eastern turtle

Another name for the species is Chinese trionix. These individuals are the exception to all the rules. The fact is that, unlike the usual hard shell, these turtles have a soft “house”. Dimensions reach 20 cm, the surface of the shell is leathery, soft, without scutes, green in color.

This is not to say that the shell is the only part that can surprise this species. A little It’s unusual to see a trunk instead of a nose and observe the presence of only three toes on the paws. If somewhere in China a small trunk sticks out of a pond, you need to remember that this is a feature of Far Eastern turtles. At first glance, this species is very cute and completely defenseless, but they have a secret here too. Trionix's jaws have special sharp edges, thanks to which the animal can grab prey. In addition, it is worth noting the increased mobility of individuals and the speed of reaction.

For humans, these turtles are also very dangerous, as they often show aggression, bite and are very difficult to tame. The only option to find a common language with individuals is to raise them in captivity from birth. Main habitats: China, Japan, Far East Russia. The most popular places habitats are bodies of water characterized by weak currents. Chinese and Japanese The meat of these turtles is highly valued and consider it a delicacy. Closed terrariums for keeping at home require maintaining a water temperature of about 26 degrees and an air temperature of 32.

Caspian turtle

Individuals of this species have a flat, oval shell middle length 30 cm. Dark green color with yellow stripes. Stripes can also be noted on the head and limbs. Also the species has sexual differences: males have a concave carapace and a thicker and a long tail.

In the wild they are found mainly in Southern Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, the Caucasus, Iraq, and Iran. The most favorable habitat conditions are bodies of water with both fresh and salt water, with the presence of coastal vegetation. This species of turtle has a unique ability - to climb mountains at high altitudes, and also live about 30 years. To keep them at home, a certain temperature is required: water -18-22 degrees, air - 30-32.

  • ultra-violet rays;
  • required water and air temperatures;
  • terrarium or aquarium;
  • the ability of aquatic turtles to come onto land.

Thus, today there are quite a lot of species of domestic turtles. Each of them requires certain care and has its own characteristics. The choice always remains with the person, who has the right to choose which pet will delight the eye every day.

Terrestrial turtles land turtles

A genus of land turtles. Includes 5-7 species inhabiting the Mediterranean, Balkan Peninsula, Caucasus, Malaya and Central Asia. The most famous is the Mediterranean tortoise. Convex and smooth carapace, slightly serrated along the posterior edge, long. up to 30-35 cm, colored yellowish-brown or light olive with dark spots on the shields. There are five claws on the front paws, and one conical horny protuberance on the hips. These turtles are found in forests and forest clearings Black Sea coast Caucasus in Krasnodar region, as well as in dry steppes and forest edges in Dagestan. Lead daytime look life, feeding on a variety of vegetation, sometimes they eat worms, snails, and eggs of birds nesting on the ground. They spend the winter in a daze, climbing into holes, crevices between stones, or burrowing to shallow depths. In May, the females begin to lay eggs, the turtles hatch in the fall, but emerge from the earthen nests to the surface only next spring along with the adults. By this time, their size reaches 35-45 cm. Catching Mediterranean turtle prohibited, it is listed in the IUCN Red List. The Central Asian tortoise, found in the semi-deserts and steppes of Central Asia, differs from the Mediterranean tortoise in its flatter, lighter carapace and four claws on its front legs. It often appears in markets and pet stores in Russia.

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)

See what “terrestrial turtles” are in other dictionaries:

    TERRETS TURTLES, (Geochelone) a genus of reptiles of the family of land turtles (see LAND TURTLES), includes 16 species, common in Africa, South Asia, and South America. The most ancient species include giant tortoises (see... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Land turtles ... Wikipedia

    The general name for all turtles that live on land and in fresh water (see Freshwater turtles) and are contrasted with sea turtles (See Sea turtles). In a narrower sense, the family of land turtles (Testudinidae), belonging to ...

    A squad of reptiles. They have (except for the leatherback turtle) a bony shell that is fused with the vertebrae and ribs. 12 families, including freshwater turtles, land turtles, sea turtles, etc.; about 230 species, widely distributed; V… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Turtles Illustration from the book by E. Haeckel ... Wikipedia

    - (Testudines, or Chelonia), a detachment of reptiles. Known since the Triassic, descended from cotylosaurs. Feature structure Ch. is a bone-horny or bone-leathery shell covering the entire body, consisting of a dorsal (carapace) and abdominal... ... Biological encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Testudines or Chelonia) subclass of reptiles. They have a bony carapace, covered with horny scutes or skin and consisting of dorsal and abdominal shields. Blacks are devoid of teeth, their jaws are covered with horny sheaths that form something like a beak. Forms... ... Geological encyclopedia- a group of turtles that spend most of their lives in rivers, lakes and swamps, but breed on land; feed mainly on animal food. Together with land turtles they form a group of land turtles (See Land turtles). K P. h... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

A turtle is an animal of the chordate type, class Reptiles, order Tortoise (Testudines). These animals have existed on planet Earth for more than 220 million years.

The tortoise got its Latin name from the word “testa”, meaning “brick”, “tile” or “clay vessel”. The Russian analogue came from the Proto-Slavic word čerpaxa, which in turn came from the modified Old Slavic word “čerpъ”, “shard”.

Turtle - description, characteristics and photographs

turtle shell

A characteristic feature of turtles is the presence of a shell, which is designed to protect the animal from natural enemies. turtle shell consists of a dorsal (carapace) and abdominal (plastron) part. The strength of this protective cover is such that it can easily withstand a load exceeding the weight of the turtle by 200 times. The carapace consists of two parts: internal armor made of bone plates, and external armor made of horny scutes. In some species of turtles, the bony plates are covered with thick skin. The plastron was formed due to the fused and ossified sternum, clavicles and abdominal ribs.

Depending on the species, the size and weight of the turtle vary significantly.

Among these animals there are giants weighing more than 900 kg with a carapace size of 2.5 meters or more, but there are small turtles whose body weight does not exceed 125 grams and whose shell length is only 9.7-10 cm.

Head and eyes of a turtle

Turtle head It has a streamlined shape and medium size, which allows you to quickly hide it inside a safe shelter. However, there are species with large heads that fit poorly or not at all into the shell. In some representatives of the genus, the tip of the muzzle looks like a kind of “proboscis” ending in nostrils.

Due to the peculiarities of the way of life on land, the turtle's eyes look at the ground. In aquatic representatives of the order they are located closer to the top of the head and directed forward and upward.

The neck of most turtles is short, however, individual species it can be comparable to the length of the carapace.

Does a turtle have teeth? How many teeth does a turtle have?

To bite and grind food, turtles use a hard and powerful beak, the surface of which is covered with rough bulges that replace teeth. Depending on the type of food, they can be razor-sharp (in predators) or with jagged edges (in herbivores). The ancient turtles that lived 200 million years ago, unlike modern individuals, had real teeth. The tongue of turtles is short and serves only for swallowing, and not for capturing food, so it does not stick out.

Limbs and tail of turtles

A turtle has a total of 4 legs. The structure and functions of the limbs depend on the animal’s lifestyle. Species that live on land have flattened forelimbs adapted for digging and powerful hind legs. For freshwater turtles characterized by the presence of leathery membranes between the toes on all four paws that facilitate swimming. In sea turtles, during the process of evolution, the limbs have been transformed into a kind of flippers, and the size of the front ones is much larger than the back ones.

Almost all turtles have a tail, which, like the head, is hidden inside the shell. In some species it ends in a nail-shaped or pointed spine.

Turtles have well-developed color vision, which helps them find food, and excellent hearing, which allows them to hear enemies at a considerable distance.

Turtles molt, like many reptiles. U land species Shedding affects the skin in small quantities; in aquatic turtles, shedding occurs unnoticed.

During molting, transparent shields peel off from the shell, and the skin from the paws and neck comes off in rags.

The lifespan of a turtle in natural conditions can reach 180-250 years. When winter cold or summer drought sets in, turtles go into hibernation, the duration of which can exceed six months.

Due to the weakly expressed sexual characteristics of turtles, it is very difficult to determine which of the animals is a “boy” and which is a “girl”. However, if you approach the issue carefully, having studied some of the external and behavioral characteristics of these exotic and interesting reptiles, then finding out their gender will not seem such a difficult matter.

  • Carapace

In the female it usually has a more elongated, elongated shape compared to the male.

  • Plastron (lower part of the shell)

Turn the turtle over and look at it carefully - the shell on the side of the abdomen closer to the anus in female turtles is flat, in males it is slightly concave (by the way, this nuance facilitates the mating process).

  • Tail

Male turtles have a tail that is slightly longer, wider and thicker at the base, most often curved down. The tail of the “young ladies” is short and straight.

  • Anal opening (cloaca)

In females it is located somewhat closer to the tip of the tail, shaped like an asterisk or a circle compressed on the sides. In male turtles, the anus has a narrow oblong or slit shape.

  • Claws

In almost all species, except leopard tortoise, the claws of males on the forelimbs are longer than those of females.

  • Notch at the tail

Males have a V-shaped notch in the back of their shell, which is necessary for turtles to mate.

  • Behavior

Male turtles are often more active, and in mating season They are distinguished by their aggressiveness towards their opponent and towards the “lady of their heart”, they chase her, trying to bite her, and nod their heads funny. At this time, the female can calmly watch the “courtship”, hiding her head in her shell.

  • Some species of turtles have specific differences between females and males, such as color, size or head shape.

Types of turtles - photos and descriptions

The tortoise order consists of two suborders, divided by the way the animal retracts its head into its shell:

  • Hidden-necked turtles, folding their necks in the shape of the Latin letter “S”;
  • Side-necked turtles, hiding their head towards one of their front legs.

According to the habitat of turtles, there is the following classification:

  • Sea turtles (live in seas and oceans)
  • Terrestrial turtles (live on land or in fresh water)
    • Land turtles
    • Freshwater turtles

In total, there are more than 328 species of turtles, forming 14 families.

Types of land turtles

  • Galapagos tortoise (elephant) (Chelonoidis elephantopus)

The length of the shell of these turtles can reach 1.9 meters, and the weight of the turtle can exceed 400 kg. The size of the animal and the shape of its shell depend on the climate. In arid areas, the carapace is saddle-shaped, and the limbs of the reptile are long and thin. The weight of large males rarely exceeds 50 kg. In humid climate the shape of the dorsal shell becomes dome-shaped, and the size of the animal increases significantly. The elephant tortoise lives in the Galapagos Islands.

  • Egyptian tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni)

a small representative of land turtles. The size of the carapace of males barely reaches 10 cm, females are slightly larger. The color of the shell of this type of turtle is brown-yellow with a small border along the edges of the horny scutes. The Egyptian tortoise lives in northern Africa and the Middle East.

  • Central Asian tortoise (Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii)

a small reptile with a shell size of up to 20 cm. The carapace has a rounded shape and is colored yellowish-brown with darker spots of uncertain shape. These turtles have 4 toes on their forelimbs. The most popular type of turtle for home care, lives about 40-50 years. Lives in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, northeastern Iran, northwestern Pakistan and India.

  • Leopard tortoise (panther tortoise) (Geochelone pardalis)

The carapace length of this turtle exceeds 0.7 m, and the weight can reach 50 kg. The shell of this type of turtle is high and dome-shaped. Its color has sandy-yellow tones, on which in young individuals a spotted pattern of black or dark brown is clearly visible, disappearing as they grow older. This species of turtle lives in African countries.

  • Cape speckled tortoise ( Homopus Signatus)

the world's smallest turtle. The length of its carapace does not exceed 10 cm, and its weight reaches 95-165 grams. Lives in South Africa and southern Namibia.

Types of freshwater turtles

  • Painted turtle (decorated turtle) (Chrysemys picta)

A rather small species of turtles with individual sizes ranging from 10 to 25 cm. Top part The oval dorsal shell has a smooth surface, and its color can be either olive green or black. The skin has the same color, but with different stripes of red or yellow tone. They have leathery membranes between their toes. Lives in Canada and the USA.

  • European marsh turtle (Emys orbicularis)

The size of individuals can reach up to 35 cm and weight 1.5 kg. The smooth, oval carapace is movably connected to the plastron and has a slightly convex shape. Representatives of this species have a very long tail (up to 20 cm). The color of the upper shell is brown or olive. Color skin dark with yellow spots. The turtle lives in European countries, the Caucasus, and Asian countries.

  • Red-eared turtle (yellow-bellied turtle) (Trachemys scripta)

The shell of these turtles can be up to 30 cm long. Its coloring is bright green in young individuals, over time it turns into yellow-brown or olive. Next to the eyes on the head there are two spots of yellow, orange or red. This feature gave the species its name. lives in the USA, Canada, the northwest South America(in the north of Venezuela and Colombia).

  • Snapping turtle (biting) (Chelydra serpentina)

A characteristic feature of a turtle is a cross-shaped plastron and a long tail, which is covered with scales with small spines, as well as the skin of the head and neck. The shell dimensions of these turtles can reach 35 cm, and the weight of an adult animal can be 30 kg. The snapping turtle waits out unfavorable conditions in hibernation. This turtle lives in the USA and southeastern Canada.

Types of sea turtles

  • Hawksbill turtle (true carriage) (Eretmochelys imbricata)

The carapace of these turtles is heart-shaped and measures up to 0.9 m in size. Upper layer shell painted in brown tones with a pattern in the form of multi-colored spots. In young individuals, the horny plates overlap each other like tiles, but as it grows, the overlap disappears. The front flippers of the animal are equipped with two claws. The hawksbill lives both in the latitudes of the northern hemisphere and in southern countries.

  • Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

this is the largest turtle in the world. The span of its front flipper-like limbs reaches 2.5 meters, the mass of reptiles is more than 900 kg, and the dimensions of the shell exceed 2.6 m. The surface of the upper shell is covered not with keratinized plates, but with dense skin, for which the species received its name. The turtle lives in tropical areas of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

  • Green turtle (soup turtle) (Chelonia mydas)

The weight of the turtle ranges from 70 to 450 kg, and the carapace size is from 80 to 150 cm. The color of the skin and carapace can be either olive with a green tint or dark brown with various spots and stripes of white or yellow color. The turtle's shell is short and oval in shape, and its surface is covered with large horny scutes. Because of big size These reptiles’ heads do not hide it inside. The green turtle lives in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
