April is a month of relaxation by the sea. Where is it warm in April? Where is the sea warmer in April?

April is already the second month of spring, but the weather in Russia is not kind. Even in the southernmost resorts of Crimea, the weather is not conducive to a beach holiday, and in the north of the country there is even snow. Where to go to the sea if your vacation falls in April? Fortunately, there are many visa-free countries for Russians, where you can fly to the warm sea and the hot sun in April without a visa and have an inexpensive vacation.

April is the beginning of the holiday season in Turkey. At the beginning of the month there are still few tourists, but by the end of April a revival begins in the southern resorts of the country. In spring it is better to go to the southernmost resorts of Turkey - Alanya, Side, Antalya, here the most warm weather. In April, the water at these resorts warms up to +20°C, and the air to +25°C. Local residents do not yet swim in the sea, but Russian tourists do it with pleasure, knowing firsthand that such weather Black Sea coast Russia can't wait until June.

April in Turkey is most suitable for those who, in addition to lying on the beach, enjoy active recreation. It’s not yet hot, the local nature is awakening and Turkish resorts are buried in flowers. There are few tourists and you can visit all the tourist places without rushing, go to the mountains and enjoy the spring nature.

In April, while there is no rush demand, you can buy cheap tour. Flights and hotels in Turkish resorts are also cheaper than in summer, so April is the time when you can travel to Turkey quite inexpensively.


Tunisia is another destination where you can fly and relax inexpensively in April. Relatively cheap tours are perhaps the only advantage of an April beach holiday in Tunisia. During the day it is sunny +20…22°С and tourists are already sunbathing on the beaches. However, the sea is quite cold, the water warms up no higher than +16...17°C, so those who like swimming are better off staying in hotels with a swimming pool. Also in April, the weather can bring surprises in the form of dust storms and hot desert winds.

If you have long dreamed of visiting such attractions as the Colosseum in El Jem, the Gazi Mustafa Fortress, the Bardo Museum, Hamammet Fort, or visiting the Sahara Desert, then April is your month. The weather is just right for excursions, and the lack of crowds of tourists around the attractions will allow you to take great photos. But those who can't wait to dive into the sea will be disappointed. Even Russian tourists, accustomed to cold water Black Sea, they do not dare to enter the water.


April is the ideal time for a beach holiday in the United Arab Emirates. During the day, the thermometer can rise to +33°C in Abu Dhabi and up to +29°C in Fujairah, and at night it drops to 20...23°C. The water temperature on the beaches of the Persian Gulf is +25-27°C; in Fujairah, the Indian Ocean warms up to +21°C. Comfortable weather in mid-spring is perfect for traveling around the country, and there is a lot to see here.

In Dubai you can visit Asia's largest zoo and largest water park, and here is one of the most ancient mosques. In the state of Ajman, you can ride on sailboats from the times of Sinbad the Sailor, and also go on a jeep safari through the sands of the Arabian desert. Shopping lovers always have something to do in United Arab Emirates. In April, the international exhibition “Motechna” is held here, where fashion shows and accessories from famous world designers take place.


April weather in Egypt is quite unstable. Rain is rare, but possible in the first half of the month dust storms. By the end of April, the weather stabilizes and the flow of tourists increases noticeably. In April it is better to go to the Sinai Peninsula resorts of Dahab, Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba; in April the sea is warmest here and comfortable conditions for a beach holiday. The air temperature is the same as in Hurghada +28°C, but there are no winds and the water warms up to +25°C. The coldest sea is in Alexandria, only +19°C

At the end of April, beginning of March there is a peak tourist season in Egypt. This is also considered the best time for excursions around the country. April 25 is an official holiday throughout the country; all of Egypt celebrates a national holiday - Sinai Liberation Day. The holiday was approved in honor of the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai Peninsula. On this day, festive entertainment events take place throughout the country - fairs, exhibitions, costume processions.


Thailand is a country where beach season lasts all year round, but mid-spring has its own characteristics. April is the end of the high season and there are noticeably fewer tourists. Prices are falling for everything and vacations are becoming much cheaper. First of all, the outflow of tourists is associated with the arrival of heat in Europe. Many “winterers” from European countries, having exhausted their visa period, return home to return here in November-December, when winter cold sets in at home. Also in May, the season begins at Mediterranean resorts and the choice of destinations for a beach holiday increases significantly.

Thailand is the best place for your first solo trip. You can stay in the kingdom for up to 30 days without a visa. There are so many hotels here that you can always choose the right option. For the first time it is better to stay in Pattaya. Although the beaches here are not the cleanest, in other respects it is much more convenient and cheaper to relax in Pattaya than on the islands.

When traveling to Thailand on your own, do not forget to take out an insurance policy. Medicine in Thailand is very expensive. To apply a plaster cast in a Bangkok hospital will cost 20,000 baht, at today's exchange rate it is about 46,000 rubles, and 4 days in the hospital - 100,000 baht. A doctor's appointment costs from $80.

Today you can find an insurance company and buy an insurance policy without leaving your couch on the website. It contains offers from all insurance companies, you can compare prices and insurance conditions.

April in Thailand is considered one of the hottest periods. At seaside resorts, the thermometer during the day rises to +33...35°C, and the water temperature everywhere is 30°C. Far from the sea coast in the north of Thailand and in Bangkok, the heat is even greater - up to +40°C. There is not much rain yet in April, but it is already influencing the increase in humidity. The most comfortable and driest weather is in Pattaya. In Phuket it rains twice as often, so the stuffiness is felt more strongly. On some Phuket beaches, waves rise and the water becomes cloudy. The most hot weather in April on Koh Samui. Here the thermometer can rise to +40°C

When traveling to Thailand in April, make sure your room has air conditioning. If the hotel is located far from the coast, then getting to the beach every day in the heat will not be very pleasant, so choose a hotel with a large pool.


In April, dry, warm weather prevails throughout Vietnam and the beach season is open even in the northernmost resorts of the country. All that remains is to choose a vacation spot in Vietnam so that it best suits your requirements.

If you are going on vacation with children, then the best Vietnamese resort for you will be Nha Trang. There is a developed infrastructure, many hotels for every taste and budget. And if you settle on Vin Pearl Island, then you will have a whole amusement park at your disposal around the clock, and most importantly, everything is free: a huge oceanarium, a water park, slot machines, interesting attractions for children and adults.

April is one of the most favorable months for a beach holiday in Nha Trang. During the day +27…32°С, at night +22…27°С, warm sea +27…28°C, strong winds There is no such thing as a calm sea - what else is needed for complete happiness. Nha Trang is quite large and modern resort town. There is plenty for shopping lovers to do here; gourmets will find numerous cafes with Vietnamese cuisine and a huge market. The city has two well-equipped mud springs, where you can spend the whole day taking mud baths with mineral water while enjoying a massage and swimming in the pool.

If you just dream of a relaxing holiday away from the hustle and bustle on a beach of clean white sand, swimming in clear warm water, eating fresh exotic fruits, then Phu Quoc Island is for you. In April, during the day on the island +33°C, at night +25°C, water temperature +28°C

For those who want to go kitesurfing, Mui Ne, the southern resort of Vietnam, is best suited. There are 23 kitesurfing schools and 200 instructors teaching this sport to everyone. Those who like to lie on the beach and swim in the sea do not feel very comfortable here because of the surfers scurrying around at high speed. The weather in Mui Ne is the same as on the island. Phu Quoc, day +33°C, night +25°C, water temperature +28°C

Ha Long Bay will be of interest to nature lovers; it is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The local landscapes amaze with their beauty and pristine nature. In addition to a beach holiday, you can go to sea ​​cruise, kayak through sea grottoes in mysterious caves and photograph unique landscapes. In April, during the day it’s +26…30°C, at night +23°C, water temperature +25°C

Goa in April

April in Goa is a transition month from the dry to the wet season. Daytime temperatures rise to a maximum of +32...33°C, sea water 28...29°C - ideal conditions for a beach holiday. Due to the wind increasing to 9 m/sec, quite high waves rise at times, making swimming in the sea unsafe. For these reasons, April in Goa is not the best favorable time for a beach holiday with children. The average monthly precipitation is at the level of 20...25mm. The rains are short-term, mainly in the evening, and do not interfere with beach holidays. Air humidity gradually increases over the course of the month, and it becomes uncomfortable to go on excursions due to the stuffiness.

Goa celebrates both Christian and Hindu festivals. In April, Hindus celebrate Navartari and Rama Navami - the day of the appearance of the god Rama. On this occasion, festive processions are held in cities, led by statues of gods and a sacred fire is lit. Also in April, Catholic Easter is widely celebrated in Goa.

Sri Lanka

April is the last month of a comfortable beach season in Sri Lanka. In May, the island falls under the power of the southwest monsoons, bringing heavy rainfall and storm wind. Their approach can be felt already in April, although holidays in this spring month are always great. Only sometimes big waves appear on the sea and the weather changes slightly.

The air temperature is rising and by the end of the month it reaches +34°C. The ocean warms up to +29°C, and the amount of precipitation increases. Short and intense It is raining mostly in the evening. Particularly heavy rainfall occurs in the southern resorts of Hikkaduwa and Bentota. Heat and high humidity, creating a feeling of a steam room, take over all the resorts of the island.

For those who like to swim in the sea, it is better to choose bays in the east of the country. On beaches with the open sea it becomes unsafe due to high waves. Pay attention to the eastern bay of Arugam Bay - which is the most beautiful bay in the world and the beautiful Trincomalee beach.

In general, despite the nuances, the month of April is the high season and the resorts of Sri Lanka at this time are always full of tourists from all over the world.

Cost of tours (on-line) at this moment time! Only real offers! All prices for holidays in April are here:

You will be very lucky with your holiday in April! Tour prices are falling this month. There are many last-minute tours, various special offers and early booking promotions for the summer. At the same time, in European countries it is already a warm spring, and in exotic countries summer continues. There are so many interesting things you can see! For example, in Catholic Spain and Italy, April usually coincides with the Easter celebration. At this time of year, colorful carnivals take place in Athens, the World Irish Dance Championships in Belfast, and the famous April fairs in Seville, Spain. Every year, on April 21, in the capital of Italy, on the day of the city of Rome, impromptu gladiator fights take place, and in the capital of Malta, Valletta, there is a real knightly parade.

Exotic holiday in April 2016

If you have never seen cherry blossoms, then go to Japan. April is the time for this plant to bloom, and in 2016, this will happen in the second half of the month. In South Africa, during this period the rainy season ends and natural parks begin to receive visitors. The bravest ones can test themselves with diving. Scuba diving at this time is also popular in another part of the planet - on the Red Sea, where it is in full swing the Velvet season. For exotic lovers, we also recommend going on vacation in April to China, to the island of Hainan. There you will find amazingly beautiful landscapes and learn the secrets of the Butterfly Gorge and Monkey Island.

Beach holiday or active?

If you decide to relax with your children, then perfect holiday in April, a tour to Tunisia or Morroco can serve - there is excellent weather there at that time for beach lovers. In the Canary Islands you will see unique natural beauty - tropical impenetrable forests and amazingly beautiful frozen magmas of volcanoes. Lovers active rest in April they can still go skiing in Sweden, at the resort of Åre. Hurry up! The season will end soon!
Holidays and festivals of the world

This month, almost all over the world, April Fool's Day, Bird Festivals, Dance Festivals and, separately, rock and roll, snowdrop, and jazz festivals are celebrated. National and public holidays and festivals will greet you in Cyprus, Finland, Bulgaria, Israel, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, Egypt, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Vietnam. Some Catholic countries celebrate Walpurgis Night. If you go to Turkey at this time, be sure to attend the celebrations on the occasion of the local Children's Day, if you go to Iceland, then the Girls' Day, and in Mexico the Children's Day is celebrated. One of the unusual celebrations is the South Korean tree planting festival.

In Thailand, in the second month of spring, they celebrate the local New Year, where to go on vacation you need to plan in advance, because... An influx of tourists from neighboring countries is expected.

And yet: where to relax in April?

You can choose a tour in our search system, not only for April, but also for other months of the year. We have a large list of offers, and all of them are from the best tour operators. To select, you need to: determine the country where you would like to go, the exact date of departure, for how long you need to book the tour, what hotel you would like to stay in, and also indicate the options for diet, accommodation and some other conditions.

A fairly large number of people prefer to go on vacation in the summer, since during this period they can organize the best quality vacation. But it is in the summer that it is most difficult to take a vacation - for the same reason, many employees are absent from work. However, you can act more wisely and go on a trip abroad, organizing a quality beach holiday for yourself in April or even March.

The best place to go in April is African continent, and, in particular, its northern coast.

In Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia, at this moment the air temperature is just beginning to rise - this means that the sun will still be gentle and not scorching, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea will already be warm enough for you to swim in it. In addition, it is during this period in Tunisia that you can take advantage of the lowest prices for the entire holiday season in this country.


In all of Africa, Tunisia has the most tranquil environment, which will give you the opportunity to come here on vacation with minor children. In addition, there are luxury hotels in Tunisia in which you receive not only a full range of services on site, but also large-scale excursions throughout the country, which is an advantageous difference from Egypt and Turkey.

The calm sea in March and April attracts many divers here who are eager to explore all the secrets of the African coast and find the legendary treasures that, according to rumors, have been accumulating at the bottom since the times of Carthage.

For those who prefer a regular beach holiday, there is also a place in Tunisia - in the spring, the local resorts are barely half full, which allows you to enjoy solitude and boundless tranquility.


Egypt has a slightly different character - this country has been focused on tourism and recreation for a very long time and is popular all over the world. Therefore, here you will find an excellent beach holiday with all possible amenities, but a large number of hotels, and several large tourist excursion routes.

However, only a few cities here have historical value, as well as ancient monuments - temples and pyramids. Therefore, count on long independent travel not worth it, but from Egypt you can travel or go by sea to other major resorts located in Cyprus, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain and Italy.


Those who want to find real exoticism, which cannot be seen either in Egypt or in Tunisia, should go on vacation to the Atlantic coast of Morocco. In March and April, quite a lot of Europeans come here on vacation, as the water temperature can rise to 22-24 degrees by mid-spring.

Among the advantages of the country are very high-quality beach holidays, as well as national flavor, which is not accompanied by traditional restrictions for Muslim countries. There is also plenty to do here - history buffs will find ancient cities, and connoisseurs of a modern lifestyle will find luxurious casinos, discos, bars and restaurants.

Asian beaches

If you don’t want to be satisfied with half measures and want to get into real summer in order to ensure the best quality beach holiday in April, you should go to Asia, where the holiday season has not yet ended at this time of year.


If you can't decide where to go in March or April, choose Thailand, which combines top-class beach holidays and many active leisure opportunities.

It should be noted that many entertainments are available in this country, including quite risky ones - so those who like to take everything from life will be able to have a good time there.


Indian is also quite popular. Goa resort, the conditions of which are very similar to a holiday in Tunisia - here you receive the highest class service, which gives you the opportunity to enjoy your vacation without thinking about any problems.

In addition, there are places to go in India - you can choose the mountainous regions of the north with their ancient temples and caves, the central part, where the largest monuments are located, including the Taj Mahal, as well as South coast, where beach recreation is very well developed.

March and April are the peak season here, so you'll be able to swim in the warm, gentle waters without any problems, but you'll have to deal with high prices and high hotel occupancy.


Those who want to plunge headlong into oriental exoticism are recommended to go on vacation to Hainan Island, which is part of China. Here in April it also sets best weather, which makes it possible to provide an excellent vacation - both on the beach and on active trips.

As in Tunisia and Morocco, here you can find a national flavor unique to China, but without encountering any cultural restrictions. On the contrary, if you get bored and don’t know where to go, you will be kindly invited to visit the Tea Festival, which is one of the best means displaying the characteristics of Chinese culture.


If you want to go to the warm sea in March-April, but you are not ready to cross half globe, then the United Arab Emirates will be the ideal option for you.

This holiday will appeal to everyone who loves high level service - as in Tunisia and Egypt, on the hotel premises you will receive the highest quality service. In addition, in March and April, not only beach holidays are available here, but also shopping - for example, Dubai is one of the world's largest trade centers, where tourists from all over the world go for bargains.

Exotic islands


The Maldives, which receive visitors not only in April and March, but almost all year round, can offer maximum privacy and a romantic setting for couples in love.

Thanks to the extraordinary setting here you will get best vacation, which we could only dream of before. You will have such unusual options as:

  • hotel room on stilts;
  • renting an entire coral atoll;
  • a hut in the rainforest with all the amenities of civilization.

In addition, if you get bored of solitude, you will have somewhere to go - on some islands there are small towns where you can find plenty of bars, restaurants and nightclubs open in April and all months of the holiday season.


There are also more exotic options - for example, in April you will find a very good beach holiday in the Canary Islands of Spain. Of course, this resort has long been favored by visitors from all over the world, so you need to be prepared for a large number of people.

In addition, it’s worth coming here to relax if you really like to have a chic nightlife with all its advantages. You can come here in March, when the influx of tourists is not yet so great, but the weather will still be cool enough for swimming.

April is a great time to get rid of the heap winter clothes somewhere on the shore of a warm sea.

This time can be called transitional from cold winter to hot summer. Traveling towards the sun with the whole family will be especially appropriate, because the climate of many countries will contribute to a great time.

In addition, there are not so many tourists at this time. We invite you to find out where is the best place to relax at sea in spring in April big family with children, because holidays with young travelers require a more detailed choice of place for an unforgettable vacation.

Decide on a place and enjoy your holiday together at the best resorts in the world!

TOP 10 best countries for holidays with children - where to relax in April?

  • Egypt

    Egypt - the best place, where you can have a great holiday at sea in April with your children. It is not for nothing that this country takes an honorable first place, because the weather fully contributes to this. The air temperature in April is +27ºС, and the water temperature is +23ºС. True, the cool wind is still blowing a little on the coast. Therefore, when deciding to spend time at the resorts of Egypt, take note that warm sweaters will not hurt you on vacation. The country's resorts will still be sparsely populated, so April is the ideal time for a beach holiday with the whole family. Your holiday will be filled with unforgettable impressions if you attend a festive event, dedicated to the Day liberation of Sinai. This holiday falls on April 25th. So, you definitely won’t be bored when visiting fairs, fun carnivals and other entertainment events;

  • UAE

    On the second line of places where you can relax in the best way at sea, we are solemnly pleased to present you the UAE. In April, the daytime temperature will be approximately +32ºС, and the water temperature will be +23ºС. By the evening it will become a little cooler +20ºС. Here you can do whatever your heart desires: swim in the bay, build sand castles, walk around the zoo. Moreover, the country has the largest water park in Asia;

  • Morocco

    But the air temperature in Morocco during the day is +28ºС on average, the water temperature is +19ºС. By the end of the month it will become even warmer, although swimming in the sea will still be cool, but you should not exclude the country from places to visit;

  • Thailand

    Thailand - perfect place, where a family with children can relax on the seashore in April, is beginning to receive its tourists on a large scale. This is a real country of smiles, even though protests have become increasingly common here, but nothing scares our tourists. And this is true, because the climate in April will contribute to a great time at the country’s resorts with children. The air temperature will warm up to +35ºС, while the water temperature will reach +30ºС. So, for lovers of a beach holiday in April in Thailand, all conditions for increased comfort have been created;

  • GOA

    But in Goa in April you can also save money on vacation and take part in many religious celebrations. For example, Rama Navami is celebrated on April 20. The air temperature will be within +33-35ºС, and the water temperature up to +28ºС;

  • Vietnam

    You can sunbathe on the beach in April with your whole family at the resorts of Vietnam, especially since the water and air temperature at this time will warm up to about +28-30ºС. At the end of the month, the country has a great local holiday - Liberation Day. A festive parade takes place;

  • China

    Don't forget that in China in April there are also all the conditions to spend your holiday on the beach. The water will warm up to +27ºС, the air - to +30ºС. The nature of the country will appeal to both adults and children;

  • Tunisia

    Another tourist place where it would be best to relax at sea in April with the whole friendly family with children is Tunisia. At this time the water will warm up to +17ºС, and the air to +22ºС. At night it becomes a little cooler +15ºС. You will remember a family holiday in Tunisia with wonderful memories, because the country has everything for its excellent organization. For children at all Tunisian resorts, hotels have developed special recreation programs, water parks and swimming pools;

  • Mauritius

    It will be no less interesting to visit Mauritius with the whole family, especially since in addition to the friendly climate, which will be conducive to relaxation (temperature +28+30ºС), you will be treated to delicious fish cuisine of local residents with their own interesting customs and customs. So, when deciding where to relax for the whole family at sea in cool April with your children, do not forget about these wonderful corners of our planet;

  • Dominican Republic

    And on the last line of our TOP 10 countries where it is proposed to relax at sea are the resorts of the Dominican Republic. In April, the air temperature reaches a comfortable level of +25ºС, and the water in the Caribbean Sea is warmed up all year round at least +25ºС, which will be an excellent condition for a holiday in the Dominican Republic with children.

Spring is just around the corner and the most beautiful month of this season is May with long holiday weekends. And you can spend them somewhere on a wonderful coast. Many are already thinking about where the whole family will be comfortable, so that the beach is good, the sea is warm, the child is interested, and there is no gap left in the family budget. It's time to plan your vacation while there are still tours at attractive prices. We have prepared a review of resorts and will tell you where to relax by the sea in May, so that you can enjoy warm sand and even sea baths after a capricious winter.

Why not go on a cruise? The prices are very affordable! , .

The beach season officially opens in Turkey. There are no longer empty seats on flights to popular resorts in the country, as well as in hotels that offer a high level of service at affordable prices. That is why we recommend booking your tour now. The prices for the “Early Booking” promotion are pleasantly pleasing and allow you to save a lot. As a rule, tourists in Turkey choose “all inclusive” or “ultra all inclusive” packages. Who wants to think about where to have breakfast, lunch and dinner when you can just enjoy the sea, the gentle sun and a cool Tequila Sunrise.

Young guests will feel very comfortable here, since there is no sweltering heat yet and you can stay under the sun for a long time. At the same time, no one canceled the protective cream! The weather will also allow active tourists to make exciting long trips and explore the sights of the country. Be sure to visit Cappadocia! Should I take warm clothes with me? Certainly. In the evening it’s still cool like spring, but during the day the air temperature warms up to +25..+28°C and you can sunbathe.

May in the Holy Land - for real summer month, the best time for a sea holiday in terms of weather conditions. On the Mediterranean coast it is already quite warm during the day (in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Netanya - +24-27°C), the sun does not heat the sand, as in July. In the evening it becomes fresh (+17-20°C), the nights are cool. The air temperature in Haifa is one degree lower.

The water cannot be called very comfortable (+21°C), but many are already swimming. It’s hot in the resorts of the Red Sea, in Eilat +35°C, you can stay in the water (+23-25°C) for a long time. In the Dead Sea it is simply hot (+31°C). For all the climatic pleasures of May you will have to pay more than in other months. But comfortable conditions for excursions to unique attractions compensate for the financial costs. At the Dead Sea you can not only indulge in a beach holiday, but also take medical procedures.

In the Mediterranean there are strong waves on some days, and surfers take advantage of the moment. There are plenty of other sea activities here: riding inflatables, banana boats, jet skis, yachts, parasailing. Helicopter rides are popular. The Red Sea, which is usually calm, is conducive to diving and snorkeling. The rich underwater world gives divers true pleasure with its colorful diversity. Trips to ancient shrines leave deep impressions.

  • – 2 restaurants, swimming pool with hot tub and small pool for children, beach 10 minutes walk
  • — serves guests on an all-inclusive basis, swimming pool with 3 slides, pizza bar by the pool

A holiday in Jordan will be very pleasant and interesting. Here you will have the gorgeous beaches of Krasny and Dead Seas. These places are best suited for family holidays, since for children there is real freedom here - a warm, clean sea and plenty of entertainment. In addition, Jordan is a real paradise for lovers of diving and eco-tourism. The coral reefs of the Red Sea are stunning with their beauty and diversity of the underwater world, and the luxurious vegetation of the coast and a very mild climate will allow everyone to spend several days in complete unity with nature.

Jordan is rich in attractions. You can tour biblical sites, visit the famous cave complex of Petra, as well as many other Bedouin and Muslim monuments. And, again, the best time for excursions here will be May, before the sizzling summer heat sets in.

The season also opens at some European resorts. This is a good time to travel to Greece, the beaches of many islands in this country are already open for swimming, the weather is warm but not hot, and all entertainment and excursions are quite affordable, since prices have not yet reached their summer maximum. The beginning of the month is rich in holidays - in Greece, as well as in Russia, Workers' Day is celebrated on a grand scale. Parades and holiday events take place across the country.

At the same time, many cities celebrate the ancient pagan holiday flowers, dedicated to the goddess Demeter, and a little later, on May 21-23, Pirovassia, or Anastenaria, is noisily celebrated in many parts of the country. The most important event of this ancient holiday– dancing on hot coals, which invariably attracts a huge number of spectators. Since Greece is a country of rich culture, it is impossible to ignore the date of May 18, when the country celebrates the International Day of Museums and Monuments. It is useful for every tourist to know that on this day you can enter all the country’s numerous museums completely free of charge.

Fans of costume performances can recommend visiting the Medieval Festival, which takes place at the end of the month on the island of Rhodes. At the same time, a flower festival takes place here, and all the streets of the island are generously decorated with floral arrangements, the beauty of which is simply breathtaking.

  • — area 80,000 m2, beach 100 m, 4 indoor and outdoor pools
  • — cooking shows, weekly theme evenings. Was awarded environmental awards. One of the most romantic places in the archipelago
  • - suites and bungalows, excellent cuisine, infinity pools. Magnificent views of the island of Spinalonga.

If speak about European countries, then the most comfortable and interesting holiday can be on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. During holidays, many of our compatriots go to Cyprus. The weather is wonderful here, and the sun easily warms the water off the coast to 21 degrees above zero.

At the same time, the nights are quite cool. The most popular island holiday destinations are Ai-Napa, Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, each of which is characterized by unique holiday conditions. For example, for all lovers of night parties, Ai-Napa is more suitable, and for married couples with children it is better to go to the beaches of Limassol.

You can enjoy water attractions in numerous and well-equipped water parks. The cultural life of the island is very rich. It is here that the European Dance Festival takes place at this time, as well as the Anthesteria festival. Anthesteria is a festival dedicated to the flowers of Cyprus, many of which grow only here.

During the festival, large flower fairs are held in all cities, and among Cypriots there is a custom of giving bouquets of flowers to all your friends. Also at this time, a carnival takes place in Larnaca, Limassol and Paphos. Paphos is the center of all celebrations, and the holiday here is celebrated on a special scale. And those who were lucky enough to see the Cypriot flower carnival talk about it as an unforgettable beauty spectacle.

  • — located on the sandy shores of Coral Bay beach, indoor pool, hydromassage pool and 2 outdoor pools, water slides
  • — located on the famous Nissi Beach, outdoor and indoor pools, several bars and restaurants
  • — works on an all-inclusive basis, only 150 m to the sandy beach of Landa Golden, 5 swimming pools, water slides, 8 restaurants, children's club

Anyone who is afraid of the rainy season is not a “bearded” tourist. Experienced travelers know that precipitation at this time falls mainly only in the evening or at night, and during the day you can safely sunbathe and go swimming. And the best part is that the prices for tickets are simply fantastic. Shy people choose proven Turkey or the UAE, while thrifty tourists have a great time in Vietnam, where the water temperature is +27°C and higher.

We recommend choosing a hotel in Nha Trang, as there is practically no precipitation here. During the day, the thermometer rises to +32°C. Also take a closer look at the beaches of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. In Fukuoka you can already swim without fear of jellyfish; in addition, May is considered one of the hottest months here. Those who choose Vietnam will definitely not be disappointed, because they will have a pleasant holiday, a variety of entertainment and rich excursion routes.

Another attractive Mediterranean island for tourists is Malta. Everything here is literally buried in flowers - oleanders, bougainvilleas, apple trees, pears, and various citrus trees are blooming. The entire island turns into a lush garden. Here you can fully feel the breath of spring. Despite the very comfortable air temperature, the swimming season in Malta opens a little later, the sea is still cool.

However, Malta is so rich in a variety of attractions and entertainment that you may simply not have time for swimming. Here you will be offered numerous excursion tours for every taste, but you yourself should definitely take an exciting trip on the famous red excursion train, the route of which passes through the picturesque surroundings of Rabat and Mdina.

Several times a year, the tourism department holds a very interesting historical parade in the capital's Fort St. Elmo, dedicated to the heyday of the power of the Order of Malta.

Soldiers dressed in historical uniforms demonstrate to the audience their ability to handle a musket and arquebus, followed by the announcement of orders, changing of the guard and other historical details. ordinary life medieval garrison, which can be extremely interesting to fans military history. Well, after an interesting day of sightseeing, you can try your luck in one of the four famous Maltese casinos.

Russians are allowed a visa-free regime to this fabulous country of the Adriatic, which makes the trip much easier. When the long-awaited warmth arrives in Russia only at the end of the month, in the seaside resorts of Montenegro May is almost a summer month. Although there are rains here, they are quite warm and short-lived. Daytime air temperatures at the beginning of the month reach +24-25°C almost everywhere by noon, and the water warms up to +18-19°C (Kotor, Bar, Tivat, Petrovac, Budva, Podgorica).

Of course, not everyone is at risk of swimming at such temperatures. But there is freedom for fans of sunbathing and bronze tanning. Montenegro is not only beaches, but also stunningly beautiful nature, unique architectural and religious monuments. Participation in organized excursions (quite reasonable prices) will allow you to see the delightful beauty of the Budva Riviera, the Bay of Kotor, etc.

The May Day days here are marked by the “Queen of the Mediterranean” carnival in Budva. The second half of May pleases with summer warmth, when the beach season is already open along the entire coast. Perfectly clear water Coral reefs– a paradise for scuba divers and divers. But it is worth remembering that in the evening it quickly gets cool here (+12-13°C) even in the very south, in Ulcinj (14°C). Warm sweaters, jackets and sneakers will not hurt at all. Staying in Montenegro will be the best weekend ever.

The resort life of the Bulgarian Black Sea region cannot be called active, but this does not detract from its advantages sunny Bulgaria. All establishments on the coast are preparing to receive tourist flows. Divine nature also strives to please guests with the lush flowering of the gardens. The lush green lawns, bright flower beds, gentle sun, clean air, and the aroma of May herbs drive you crazy.

Just look at the Valley of Roses, which turns into a delightful carpet of flowers! The Bulgarian sun pleases with the generosity of its rays, warming the air in Sozopol, Burgas, Nessebar and Sunny Beach to +21-22°C, and on some days – up to +25°C. On Golden Sands, in Varna it is cooler (+19-23°C). You can safely take sunbathing swimwear with you. For now, only walruses will allow themselves to swim (water +15°C). An umbrella won't hurt either - thunderstorms with rain are no exception here.

Cool water does not prevent avid divers in wetsuits from exploring the wonders of the underwater kingdom. Guests of Bulgaria have the opportunity to admire crystal lakes, magnificent mountain ranges, picturesque rocks, and the famous Valley of Roses near Kazanlak. A kaleidoscope of pink buds greets tourists along the entire coast. Local hotels strive to provide guests with hospitality, comfort and budget prices.

The Spanish archipelago of 7 large and 6 small islands of volcanic origin is a resort mecca. Although there is practically no winter here, the swimming and beach season begins everywhere in May. Average monthly temperature air temperature on the islands is +23°C during the day, +17°C at night, rain is a rare occurrence. The widest beaches with white and black volcanic sand, picturesque nature are a feature of the Canary Islands.

Most popular island Tenerife welcomes guests with comfortable weather, without strong winds, storms and minimal precipitation. The waters of the Atlantic (+20) are not yet indulged in summer warmth, but short-term swimming is quite possible. Even ardent lovers of swimming and sunbathing will not be disappointed - in addition to sea recreation, they will find exciting entertainment and excursions here.

For example, Tenerife is famous for its many parks (Siam, Loro, Aqualand, Monkey, Jardine Botanico, Ostrich Farm), a visit to which causes a storm of delight among children and adults. Tropical whales swim between the islands of La Gomera and Tenerife, and everyone enjoys watching them. In the middle of the month, an incendiary fireworks display is held in the town of Los Realejos. And at the end of May, Tenerife hosts a grand festival dedicated to the Day of the Canary Islands. Boat trips between the islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura) on yachts and boats are a favorite pastime for vacationers. A stay at any of the resorts is an unforgettable time.

The days of May for Russians are the best time of the year. They will become simply fabulous if you spend them in beautiful Italy. The long Mediterranean coastline with amazing beaches, amazing ancient cities, priceless monuments is a magical land. In the country of the greatest painters, sculptors, singers, a holiday at sea will be rich and interesting.

Under the gentle sun, nature is fragrant with the aromas of blooming citrus fruits, sparkling with the emerald of young foliage and the velvet of herbs. The bright inflorescences of wisteria, bougainvillea, and irises fascinate with their beauty. The air and water are becoming warmer, “urging” guests to change their spring clothes to summer outfits. With promotion daytime temperatures begins at sea high season.

In coastal resorts: Rimini, Ischia, Capri, Sardinia, Sicily, Naples, Venice during the day + 21-23°, at night - + 12-13°. The water warms up to an average of +17-19°. Only the most seasoned will risk swimming, but everyone can sunbathe. In addition to large resorts, the Italian coast is rich in small, cozy towns full of charm: Scylla, Tropea, Galliopoli, Otranto, Maratea, etc.

Each of them is usually located in the vicinity of a large city. You can visit any of these colorful towns for 1 day. May in Italy – the right time for excursion trips. And here there is something to see: the Vatican in Rome, the museums of Florence, the city of canals Venice, the trendsetter Milan and much more. Wine tasting and inimitable Italian delicacies will make a pleasant contribution to your stay.

  • - located in the resort of Lido di Jesolo, on the seashore. Wellness center with an area of ​​2000 m2, children's club, outdoor swimming pool
  • — private Torre Conca beach in the bay (first line), breakfast + lunch + dinner included. Seasonal outdoor pool, bar, children's playground
  • - located on the coastline, direct access to a private beach, outdoor pool with bar, elegant rooms and gourmet restaurant


The best choice for a holiday on the coast North Africa is the most famous Moroccan resort of Agadir. At this time, the air here warms up to +27 degrees, the sea is also warm, which will allow you to enjoy a good beach holiday. By the way, it is in Agadir that the most best beach the entire Atlantic coast of Morocco. In addition to sunbathing, you can go surfing here or take a break from the sea by taking a pleasant horse ride. The resort has thalassotherapy centers and excellent golf courses. Also, many excursion routes begin in Agadir, and May is the ideal time to travel to the south of the country.

Do you want to find yourself in the atmosphere of hot summer, tropical beauty against the backdrop of the boundless turquoise of the ocean? Then fly to the Maldives. The island state, consisting of 26 attol rings, will greet you with equatorial warmth (+30°-31°), water similar to fresh milk (+26-28°C). The beginning of May is the best time to relax here. The wet season has not yet gained momentum; there are short showers that do not spoil beach leisure. Humidity is not as high as in later periods of the month.

The “bounty” atmosphere is conducive to a serene holiday, when you literally merge with the amazing beautiful nature. Lazy lying on the sand can alternate with active diving, snorkeling and other types of water activities. Undersea world The coral reefs here are truly fantastic. More than 1 thousand dive sites provide the opportunity to explore the bottom for beginners and experienced divers.

In the last ten days, high ocean waves, whipped up by strong winds, give surfers space, and parasailers become more active. Fans of these sports visit Lohifushi, Tari Villand, Haddumati, Addu (Male Attol). The divine sunsets in the Maldives are especially expressive - they amaze the imagination with crazy colors. Fishing fans get great satisfaction from the caught trophies in the form of swordfish, blue marlin, barracuda and others exotic inhabitants Indian Ocean.

May is a good month to visit Tunisia. Firstly, you can relax at sea, and secondly, you can save a lot. At this time of year, the air heats up to +25-27°C, and at night it is also quite warm - up to +21C. But the sea is still relatively cool: at the beginning of the month +17°C, at the end of the month +21°C. Therefore, there is no massive influx of tourists yet, and prices are lower. The beaches are very pleasant - the sand is white, the entrance to the sea is gentle. You can sunbathe and healthy people- and swim.

At the same time, the entire infrastructure of seaside resorts is already starting to operate. Nightclubs are open, music is played in discos, cafes, shops, and entertainment centers are open. You can walk along the beautiful embankments, book yacht trips, or go on excursions. A two-day excursion to the Sahara Desert will be very interesting, visiting attractions along the way.

You will see the places where they filmed " Star Wars", look at the salt lake of Death, the Roman amphitheater and the city of the troglodytes. On May 1, the country celebrates Labor Day. And this month there are two beautiful holidays - the Rose Festival and the Spring Festival. Don't miss the opportunity to visit them. The fairs that take place in the country will also delight you.

  • — area 39,000 sq.m., two outdoor and one indoor pool, swimming pool with sea ​​water, water park 5 slides
  • - area of ​​125,000 sq.m., located 100 meters from Mezraya beach, 3 outdoor pools and a water park
  • — area 130,000 sq.m., 4 outdoor swimming pools and a water park

May in Thailand is a very special month. During the day it is already very hot; by noon the thermometer is guaranteed to cross the mark of +30°C, but it can rise to +40°C. Sea water not refreshing - it is heated to +28-29°C. So sunbathe on the beach better in the morning and in the late afternoon, and during the day stay in rooms where air conditioning is installed - in shops, spas, restaurants. You also need to take into account that the sea in May is often stormy, and if you see red flags on the beach, you shouldn’t tempt fate. Be aware of undercurrents.

It's not good for diving either. best month– there is a lot of plankton in the water, visibility is reduced. But surfing fans will be delighted - they will always find somewhere to surf. Equipment can be rented at very low prices. There's still a bit of rain, and you're guaranteed at least 4-5 hours of sunshine every day, so you'll come home with a good tan. You can take yacht trips, feast on fruit, and take part in local festivals.

It is worth exploring the caves of Mai Kaoe, visiting the orchid farm and the village of sea gypsies. Children will love elephant rides and jungle excursions. On May 5, Thailand celebrates Coronation Day, and the First Furrow Festival is also very interesting, when the king personally takes up the plow and the monks bless him. The Fruit Festival is also interesting. Holiday prices are 40% lower than in high season.

In May, the popularity of the UAE as a tourist destination is lower than in winter. It's getting too hot here and summer is just around the corner. There is practically no rain in May, and the air temperature during the day reaches +37C. There are still a lot of people on the beaches, but only in the early morning hours and when the sun is already sinking to the horizon. The sand is snow-white, the water temperature is +27-28°C - heavenly conditions. But you should be careful, you can easily get burned. Those who ride on a yacht need to be especially careful. The breeze creates a feeling of coolness, but does not reduce solar activity.

Take out hot climate It can be difficult even for the local population, which is why air conditioning is used everywhere in UAE cities. In hotels and spas, restaurants and shopping centers, public and personal transport. The best option, if you have a driver's license, would be to rent a car and see the sights, only leaving the cool interior for a short time.

Don't forget to bring long sleeves. They will protect from solar radiation and from sudden temperature changes when you enter a room with air conditioning from the street.
In general, in the UAE you can have a good rest, go shopping, and swim to your heart’s content in the sea. Prices are significantly reduced compared to high season.

  • - located along the pristine beaches of the Arabian Gulf, children's and adult pools, health club with sauna, seafood restaurant and English pub.
  • In Indonesia, this is the beginning of the high season. The climate in Bali is becoming significantly drier. There may be about 7 rainy days during the month, but the showers will not interfere with your rest - they are short-lived, and after a couple of hours the sun appears in the sky again. The air temperature is within the range of +28-33°C, the water temperature is +26-28°C. So beach holidays for tourists remain the main entertainment. At night on the island it is also very warm +23-25°C, air conditioning may be required. You can surf, dive warm water scuba dive and explore the amazing underwater world.

    Since the high season begins, all establishments are opening on the island, the purpose of which is to entertain tourists. You will be able to watch local dances, the artists will be dressed in national costumes - this is a real holiday, bright and colorful. There are a lot of Russians living in Bali, so you can book excursions with a Russian-speaking guide. You will see the Bird and Reptile Park, plantations where rice or coffee grow, and beautiful temples. Ubud is an arts and crafts hub, so you'll leave with some great souvenirs.

    High season is also starting in Malaysia. The air here remains hot +30-34°C, but there is much less precipitation, and breathing is much easier in a dry climate. The sea water temperature is +26-28°C, even children can swim for a long time. It is only important to remember that solar radiation is especially dangerous for children’s delicate skin; it is better to sunbathe in the morning and evening hours. Malaysia has many natural and architectural attractions, so a rich excursion program awaits you.

    You will be able to visit national parks, see them amazing inhabitants, walk along the Sky Bridge, look at temples and mosques, and look into beautiful caves. Malaysia has a very special cuisine, and you should not miss the opportunity to get to know it. You will also be impressed by the fact that in some cafes food is served on banana leaves. A holiday in Malaysia will not be cheap, but the vivid impressions that you will take away from here will be worth it.

    In Mauritius, May is the “velvet season”. At this time, it is worth coming here for those who cannot stand the heat; it will be a good holiday with children. Surfers will always find waves to ride. And those who like to shop will enjoy the Shopping Festival, when prices for goods are significantly reduced - up to 50%. The air temperature stays within +28-29°C, with a pleasant coolness of +20-21°C at night. Sea water is heated to +26°C. Don't forget that the weather in Mauritius changes very quickly. During the day there may be a sudden short rain, so don't forget your umbrellas. Air humidity is quite high.

    Scuba diving gives tourists great pleasure. The underwater world here is rich. And also very beautiful landscapes - grottos and caves, thickets of corals. There are few tourists in Mauritius at this time, so you can book places in the best hotels at reduced prices, and there will always be enough space on the beaches.
    Also, May in Mauritius is the time of fashion shows, competitions and various entertainment events.

    It's the height of the holiday season in this country. Egypt is especially in demand during holidays. The sun, not yet scorching as in summer, fresh greenery, lush flowering flora make a stay here very comfortable. Statistics clearly show that there is a large influx of tourists in May. Therefore, when planning a trip to the “cradle of humanity,” you should book your flights and hotel early. There are practically no last minute deals to Egypt. The resorts of the Red Sea (Hurghada, Sharm El-Sheikh, El Gouna, Soma Bay) delight with warm sea water (+26°C), summer heat (+30-33°C), and hot sand.

    The sea is almost always calm, and beach activities are quite varied. Dive centers are open, there is equipment rental, yacht and boat rental. There are night clubs, discos, etc. It is cooler in the Mediterranean resorts (Alexandria, El Alamein, Marina, Mersa Matruh). During the day, the air warms up to +30-31°C, the water temperature reaches +23-24°C. Beautiful white sandy beaches, many ancient prehistoric monuments, and luxury hotels have made Alexandria an elite resort for Europeans.

    A rich cultural and entertainment program brings interesting variety to your holiday. The city of El Alamein is famous for its resort infrastructure and entertainment. Luxurious 4 and 5 star hotels, built in circular complexes, are turned into mini-oases with magnificent swimming pools surrounded by palm trees and flowers. Marina is a resort consisting of 3 villages that amazes with its beaches and breathtaking landscapes. No, it’s not for nothing that Egypt is considered the cradle of humanity.
