How to give your son a nice name. Male names for a child

The name given at birth remains with a person for life. It is not for nothing that during pregnancy, future parents think for a long time about how to name the child.

There is an opinion that names can influence the characters of people and even how their destinies will develop. After all, it is the sounds of his name that a person hears constantly from childhood.

Hard, clear sounds can make a person's character firm and stubborn, soft and melodious - to awaken complaisance and sensitivity in the soul. But this is just an explanation in general terms. Let's figure out how to choose the right name for your child.

What does history say?

Since ancient times, people have treated the choice of a name for a child with great attention. It was believed that knowing him, it is possible to completely predict the fate of a person. Therefore, a lot of details were taken into account.

  1. According to the precepts of our forefathers, it is impossible to name a child in honor of a living relative or a person living with the child in the same house. It was believed that one of them might die.
  2. Also, our ancestors did not name children in honor of deceased relatives. You should not impose someone else's fate on a new soul and break it.
  3. In ancient times, children were given two names. One was for everyday use, and the second was secret. It was believed that, knowing what a person's name is, you can find out absolutely everything about him, which means that he can be vulnerable to the enemy.
  4. Giving girls a masculine name is also not the best option. The so-called "unisex" names - Sasha, Zhenya - can bring a difficult fate to their owners.
  5. To name a boy after his father, for example, Ivan Ivanovich, means to complicate his fate. The name will constantly oblige the child to conform to the father, perhaps abandoning his path in some way.

Thus, we see that names are more than just an opportunity to distinguish one person from another. In our time, the customs of the ancestors have already been forgotten, however, to this day, parents pay a lot of attention to the choice when naming their baby.

By what principle are babies named in our time?

When choosing a name for your baby, you need to try to follow a few unspoken rules.


It is good when the name sounds harmoniously together with the patronymic and surname. For example, you can compare how Nadezhda Andreevna and Lev Lvovich or Mark Dmitrievich sound.

It's not good when last letter name coincides with the first - in the patronymic. Usually, this is enough to simply say the name and patronymic out loud. Ideally, the combination should sound smooth and not cause difficulties.

Ease of pronunciation

By the way, about the difficulties of pronunciation. It is better not to choose exotic names that are not familiar to our ears. We quite agree that there are many unusually named celebrities and stars in the world, but what will it be like for a girl named Evlampia Josephovna, who lives in an ordinary city among ordinary people?

Or vice versa Cleopatra Petrovna? But, despite the rarity of use, for example, Glafira Petrovna sounds organically and smoothly.

Compatibility with patronymic

It is also worth thinking about how your grandchildren will be called by their patronymic. And this again applies to "exotics". What middle name will your offspring give to his son if you name him Joseph? That's what it is!

Don't fall for fashion. Agree, four Lenas in a children's sandbox or 3 Dimas in a class are too much. It can be unpleasant for a child, and other children, in order to distinguish yours from other namesakes, will give him a nickname.

Lack of "teasing" forms

The children's environment is also important. It is better to try to name the baby so that his name does not form offensive forms. For example, from Dima you get Dimka, but you can’t imagine a teaser from Igor.

But this, of course, is your personal choice. Because Dmitry also sounds quite beautiful and timeless.

We call the baby according to the saints

According to the rules of Christianity, the name of the child should be given in honor of the saints who are commemorated on dates close to the time of the birth of the child. However, it is not at all necessary that the dates correspond to the day.

Earlier, according to the canons of the church, the child was baptized on the eighth day after birth. Accordingly, it was necessary to find, according to the church calendar, which saint is commemorated on a given day. Parents could also choose from the names of the saints of the next three days.

By order of Theophan the Recluse, parents were given the right to choose from a list of saints from those eight days that passed between the date of birth and the date of baptism.

The meaning of the name chosen according to the church calendar

Previously, it was believed that, receiving the name of a saint, a person perceives a certain part of his spiritual qualities and stamina. In addition, parents can hope that the saint will protect the child throughout his life, providing support.

Features of the naming according to the holy calendar

The Orthodox calendar is replenished to this day. Even for those parents who are not deeply religious people, it can be useful and interesting to get acquainted with the calendar.

We only add that in Lately, naming a child according to the holy calendar began to move into fashion, without having a true understanding and faith.

In an effort to highlight the baby, parents choose the most unusual names for him, while even the clergy previously made it possible to abandon the dissonant choice of relatives and prefer the most convenient for use.

Choice by zodiac sign

The approach that involves a combination of a person's name with a zodiac sign according to the month of birth is radically different. However, at the same time, it coincides with the methods listed above in an effort to give the child maximum protection and support.

According to astrologers, both the names of people and the signs of the zodiac concentrate a certain energy charge in themselves. The name of a person consists of sounds that contain strong energy.

If the energy of the name is combined with the energy of the zodiac sign, the fate of a person is defined as successful, falling into favorable conditions for the development of his potential.

If you believe in astrology and want to pick up a child suitable name by date of birth, pay attention to the tables of combinations of names with zodiac signs. We will give only the most common examples.


Men's: Andrey, Artur, Boris, Valery, Egor, Stepan, Yuri.

Women: Anna, Alexandra, Arina, Varvara, Galina, Daria, Larisa, Nadezhda, Maryana.


Men's: Anton, Adam, Bogdan, Boris, Ilya, Maxim, Nikita, Pavel.

Women: Angela, Vera, Vasilisa, Diana, Ekaterina, Olga, Oksana, Tatyana, Polina.


Men's: Arkady, Valery, Gennady, Daniel, Evgeny, Konstantin, Mark, Sergey.

Women's: Alice, Alina, Angelica, Valeria, Elena, Christina, Inga, Maya, Nadezhda, Margarita, Oksana.


Men's: Andrey, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Maxim, Semyon, Stanislav

Women's: Elena, Sophia, Olga, Julia.

a lion

Men's: Alexander, Bogdan, Herman, Ilya, Kirill, Lev, Robert, Roman, Yaroslav.

Women: Alla, Arina, Veronica, Barbara, Clara, Christina, Natalia, Rosa, Uliana, Juliana.


Men's: Boris, Vsevolod, Victor, German, Grigory, Gleb, Leonid, Nikita, Sergey, Timur, Felix.

Women: Anna, Angelina, Victoria, Irina, Inna, Maria, Raisa.


Men's: Artem, Anatoly, Veniamin, Victor, Konstantin, Nikita, Oleg, Mikhail, Pavel, Sergey.

Women: Angelina, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Victoria, Vera, Elena, Lyudmila, Tatyana.


Men's: Artem, Athanasius, Valery, Dmitry, Sergey, Philip, Yuri.

Women's: Alevtina, Anastasia, Varvara, Ekaterina, Zinaida, Lyudmila, Margarita, Yana.


Men's: Alexander, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, George, Maxim, Nikolai, Stepan, Stanislav.

Women: Alina, Alexandra, Zhanna, Marina, Barbara, Lesya, Ekaterina, Tatyana.


Men's: Arthur, Boris, Vasily, Grigory, Denis, Igor, Maxim, Ruslan.

Women: Arina, Vera, Dina, Zinaida, Sophia, Christina, Olga, Maria, Regina.


Men's: Andrey, Vladimir, Vladislav, Evgeny, Gennady, Evgeny, Oleg, Gleb.

Women: Arina, Anna, Valeria, Victoria, Ilona, ​​Svetlana, Julia.


Men's: Anton, Vasily, Vladislav, Vadim, Maxim, Mikhail, Nikita.

Women: Alevtina, Valeria, Vera, Marina, Maria, Irina, Polina.

Of course it's not full list names that are combined with a single horoscope sign. However, when choosing, remember that each of them has its own meaning.

It is also important that it does not conflict with the energy of the constellation under which a person was born into the world.

The relationship of the name and character of a person with the time of year in which he was born

There is also an opinion that the time of the year when a child was born leaves its mark on his character. To correct possible weak sides, parents should give the child a name with the opposite energy.

At the same time, one should also take into account the correspondence of his character to a person by months, according to the time of the year in which he was born.

What is the principle of choosing a name for "winter" kids?

For example, people born in winter acquire the features inherent in this season: a certain rigidity, coldness, stubbornness. But at the same time, these same features can have positive value- perseverance in achieving goals, willpower, restraint and self-confidence.

Experts recommend choosing soft names for “winter” children that would smooth out the severity inherent in winter. We open the lists and see - "soft" names are melodic, easy to pronounce, melodious. This means your baby, born in winter, the name will do Alexey, Vasily, Anna or Natalia.

For "spring"

"Spring" children are distinguished by the subtlety of nature, touchy, sensitive and at the same time kind and complaisant. Well, then let's try to give them a little strength, self-confidence and fortitude. The names "solid" are characterized by a combination of several consonants - Arthur, Dmitry, Olga, Albina, Inga.

For "summer"

People, born in summer, took over from the season all the advantages and disadvantages. Goodwill, openness and kindness are combined in them with a certain laziness and gentle character.

Here, as in the previous case, it is advisable to choose a “solid” name for the crumbs in order to give a core to character and develop perseverance.

For "autumn"

"Autumn" children have by nature practicality, reasonableness, the ability to draw conclusions and prudently manage their resources. Openness and responsiveness are combined in them with firmness and insight.

Here, most likely, it is not necessary to adjust the character in any direction. On the contrary, by giving excessive softness or hardness to the character, one can get an excessive bias in one direction or another.

In such cases, neutral names are chosen that do not affect the character too much with their sound. Children with such names have both willpower and perseverance, but they quite easily go to reconciliation and are amenable to persuasion. Examples include: Artem, Victor, Zoya, Zinaida, Roman, Irina, Peter.

To make the choice as easy as possible, we have put together a few tips for you that various researchers recommend taking into account when naming your baby.

Combination of hard and soft

When choosing names by sound, one should also take into account the energy of the patronymic. So, if both the name and patronymic are “solid”, the character of a person is formed authoritarian and tough.

However, there is an opinion that the hard sound of the name can be made softer using diminutive forms (Maria - Masha) - after all, a person gets more used to how he is called at home, and not to how he is written in documents.

Accounting for national and cultural affiliation

It is highly desirable to use names that belong to the culture and nationality of the baby and his family. And, on the contrary, try not to take those that have a clear coloring of foreign nations and cultures.

First, the traditional name carries the strength of the entire nation. And as for the second, then, for example, the combination of Pedro Ivanovich will sound somehow strange ...

Avoiding "star" combinations

Don't name your child famous person if, together with the patronymic, a complete match occurs. The risk of comparisons is too great. Do not create yourself the ground for low self-esteem.

Participation in the selection of other family members

It is not true that a mother bears a child and brings it into the world, and only therefore has the right to name it alone. Naming a child is an important process both from the point of view of his fate and for the well-being of the family. Both mother and father should like the name of the baby and “fit”.

Hence one more piece of advice - maybe it goes against the rules of our ancestors, but we recommend that you take it into account if the microclimate in the house is important to you.

If you are expecting a younger child, allow the older child to participate in the discussion of the name. If the ideas of a daughter or son seem unsuitable or “childish” to you, you, as adults, can always find a compromise and be able to explain to the child what an important moment it is - choosing a name for a brother or sister.

After the birth of a child or even before this event, the parents face the question of how to name the baby. Often, after going through many options during pregnancy, it is difficult to finally solve this problem. With the help of a beautiful name, mothers and fathers seek to direct the child's life on the path of good luck and prosperity, designate his personality and preserve certain family traditions.

How to choose a beautiful name for a newborn boy?

Harmony and prudence are the main principles that should be followed when naming a newborn. A correctly chosen name should be combined with a patronymic and surname, not be overly pretentious and difficult to pronounce.

The baby should be named according to cultural and religious traditions. For example, it is better not to call a Russian boy Said or Domenik, which may cause ridicule in the future.

Before naming a boy, you should familiarize yourself with a few rules:

  1. Maintaining individuality. You should not name the baby in honor of the father, other close relatives or great figures. Giving preference to such names, mom and dad often have high hopes for their son, which he will not always be able to justify. In the future, this often leads to conflicts between parents and the child.
  2. Preference for "male" names. Naming the baby Zhenya, Sasha, Valya, you can provoke mockery of the boy in the future. Together with an indeclinable surname, such a naming may be the reason for its adoption. strangers for a girl.
  3. Respect for tradition. Despite the mixing of cultures and world integration, you should not call the baby a name from another tradition, which will be out of harmony with the Russian patronymic and surname.

Beautiful male names according to the church calendar

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Believing parents adhere to the method of naming their sons according to church canons. Often babies are named after saints. Being mediators between God and people, even after death they give their parishioners the faith that allows them to endure the hardships of fate. It is believed that with their help you can protect the baby from evil.

You can name your son according to the calendar, and if it is impossible to make a choice, consult with a spiritual mentor on your own. Today, most often they are guided not by a calendar, but by a list of saints revered by the church. The most popular names are

  • Nicholas;
  • Vladimir;
  • Basil;
  • Andrey;
  • Michael;
  • Mark;
  • Konstantin;
  • Kirill and others

Name selection by horoscope

This ancient tradition is to name the baby by date of birth. The method involves compiling natal chart, which accurately determines the appropriate name. This method has long remained the exclusive prerogative of the wealthy aristocracy. Today, anyone can use it, having received the advice of a specialist.

To determine the name by horoscope, it is not necessary to contact an astrologer. You can choose it from a list of names that are most suitable for a particular zodiac sign.

For naming boys, such beautiful names are often used:

  • Aries - Alexander, Alexei, Artem, Yegor, Nikolai, Yaroslav;
  • calf - Anton, Bogdan, Daniel, Ilya, Maxim, Nikita;
  • twins - Heinrich, Eugene, Igor, Konstantin, Sergey;
  • cancer - Andrey, Vitaly, Stanislav;
  • lion - Alexander, Artem, Ivan, Cyril, Mark;
  • maiden - Vsevolod, Gennady, Gleb, Denis, Rostislav, Stepan;
  • scales - Anatoly, Anton, Vitaly, Leonid, Mikhail, Oleg, Plato;
  • scorpion - Arseny, Rodion, Ruslan, Fedor, Yuri;
  • Sagittarius - Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Peter, Roman, Jan, Yaroslav;
  • Capricorn - Arthur, Vadim, Gleb, Denis, Yegor, Nikolai;
  • Aquarius - Leonid, Gennady, Oleg, Ruslan, Svyatoslav;
  • fish - Bogdan, Valery, Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Roman.

Fashionable vintage names

In recent years, there has been a craze for old names. This trend is associated with the interest of society in history and native culture. Naming their sons in the old manner, parents tend to turn them to their national roots. Often the name is chosen under the influence of the fashion and mentality prevailing in society.

The most popular old names are:

  1. Matthew. Differs in diligence and perseverance, but at the same time isolation. Often chooses a profession that requires concentration and method - surgery, sports, banking. It has natural uncertainty, and therefore it is necessary with early childhood encourage Matvey's initiative so that he succeeds.
  2. Zakhar. Despite some severity of sound, this name means a sentimental and good-natured person. He has a caring and accommodating character, which largely determines his personality. future profession. He is not attracted to office work. Most often, he connects his life with a technical or agricultural specialty.
  3. Vsevolod. Rarely finds himself in unpleasant situations, which is associated with discretion, the ability to nip dangerous moments in the bud with the help of humor and diplomacy. He has the gift of persuasion and the ability to get along with others, for which he is respected by people. Vsevolod is stubborn, firm and diligent, but does not always strive for victory. It can give way to a more worthy, in his opinion, person.
  4. Proud. Differs peacefulness and optimism. With outward modesty, he has inner strength and vigor. He is an interesting storyteller and an attentive listener.
  5. Luke. Despite the similarity with the verb "dissemble", this name denotes an honest person. Purposefulness of his character is combined with impulsiveness. He thinks carefully about the solution to the problem and perseveres along the path to achieve results. In defending his interests, he can show uncompromising and impulsiveness.

Beautiful Russian names for a child

Wanting to name their son in accordance with the Russian tradition, parents often mistakenly prefer ancient names, which today look somewhat pretentious. Svyatogor, Varlaam, Dobrynya, Ostromir are not very suitable for modern children and are accepted by society for the extravagance of their parents. The top 10 Russian names that are most relevant today include:

  • Elisha;
  • Plato;
  • Nicholas;
  • Michael;
  • Paul;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Vladislav;
  • Denis;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Andrey.

Popular foreign names for boys: English and American

In English-speaking countries, the tradition of naming children by two names is popular: personal and middle. The first is the baby's distinctive name and is used in Everyday life. The second is most often given in honor of close relative, and in official documents indicated between the main name and surname.

If in the post-Soviet environment naming is of Greek, Latin, Old Russian origin, then authentic names are predominantly popular in English culture:

  • today in the UK boys are often referred to as Pauls, Davids, Georges, Jacobs, Alans, Marks;
  • in the United States, sons are named Richard, William, Noah, Robert, Aaron.

How to choose a beautiful Muslim name?

In Muslim culture, the method of naming children in accordance with ancient documents is especially popular. The wrong choice of a name for a boy can cause him bad luck, poverty, illness, laziness in the future, which pushes his parents to name him in honor of the saints: Muhammad, Abdul, Idris, Kadir, Rahim, etc.

Muslim culture is characterized by the same meaning for several names that differ in sound. For example, Hasan and Elmir mean beauty, while Zabir, Kavi and Ali characterize a strong and powerful person. It is noteworthy that there are no negative names, which explains the desire of parents to provide their children with a better fate.

Muslim traditions are replete with names denoting beauty. You can call the boy Anwar (bright, bright), Jamil (handsome), Dilyair (soulful), Ihsan (merciful), Ramil (magical), Fazil (talented). If parents cannot resolve the issue of naming their son on their own, they can turn to the imam.

Before the revolution, it was common for Muslims to use two names on the territory of the Russian Empire. The child received the first naming as a talisman. To protect the son from the evil eye, this name was hidden from strangers. The second was of less importance and was used in everyday life. IN Soviet times this tradition died out, but today there is a return to it.

Unusual and rare names

Calling sons unusual names, parents tend to endow them with a bright personality. Such children may deviate from public opinion and sometimes go against him. Wishing to achieve any success despite the influence of external factors, they can only rely on their perseverance and fortitude.

Parents sometimes make the mistake of calling their son a rare name in order to endow him with the qualities of a fighter. If for one part of the boys it becomes an impetus for the formation of a bright personality, with the help of which they achieve success under any circumstances, then for the other it becomes a cause of constant psychological discomfort.

For thoughtful, calm children, a non-standard name is an annoying factor that attracts unnecessary attention. Naming the baby Oscar, Azat, Mikel or Radislav, the parents endow him not with the power to defend his beliefs, but with a source of internal conflict. He is expected to constantly prove his own worth, while he needs solitude for the development of his personality.

A rare name should be combined with the child's surname and patronymic. Combinations such as Petrova Madonna Alekseevna or Kozlov Marcel Ivanovich sound disharmonious.

Naming the baby, they take into account the national and cultural characteristics of the mentality prevailing in society. For example, with surnames Slavic origin names such as Arkhip, Bronislav, Borislav, Lavrenty go well together.

Choosing a name depending on the time of year

When choosing a name, parents are traditionally guided by the month of their son's birth. There is an opinion about the relationship between the seasons and certain character traits of the baby.

It is believed that children born in winter are stubborn and domineering. To mitigate these features, sons are called names containing soft sounds:

  • Alexei;
  • Leonid;
  • Nikita;
  • Paul;
  • Basil.

Babies born in the spring are distinguished by a romantic and sublime temperament. It is recommended to call them by traditional male names to balance the subtle nature, give them courage and strength.

Names for boys must be chosen as responsibly as possible. With all the desire of the child, it is impossible to change it. Only upon reaching the age of majority will the guy be able to change his name. And before that, he will have to go through a difficult school path with a strange name, if such eccentric parents choose him.

We strongly recommend that before you call the boy by any name, think carefully about your choice. Say the combination of first and last name out loud. If what you hear does not cause you embarrassment and discomfort, you can consider the chosen version of the male name for the child.

How to choose names for boys

If your last name is long, choose a short name for a boy. Be wary of non-standard names, exclude options for beautiful names from another culture. Remember the old joke about the boy who they wanted to call Gleb, but his grandmother dissuaded him, citing the fact that the child would be teased with bread at school. As a result, the baby was named Anton.

There is no getting away from this, but modern children are quite cruel in their nicknames. Peer bullying can cause psychological trauma. It is your duty, as parents, to choose the right masculine name for the child and raise him in such a way that already in childhood he was respected by other children.

Boys are not characterized by too soft names. Such a boy will never be taken seriously in any society. Male names for a child should be simple. Usually highlighting due to excess extravagance adds problems. Say the name out loud, think, would you like such a name for yourself? Ask friends or relatives to say the name out loud, you may not like the sound from the outside.

Remember that the names of boys can affect the fate of the child. Children from a very early age hear the owl's name, absorb its sound and fully associate it with themselves. Never choose masculine names for a child based on current fashion. The fashion impulse will pass, but the name will remain. Also, you should not select the names of boys based on the names of your idols.

When determining what to name your son, consider the option of religious saints who can become your baby's guardian angel. If you are looking for male names that are beautiful, modern and worthy for your baby, look at the table that contains all male names for a child.

Male names for a child

Name Meaning Origin

Boy names starting with A

August great, sacred, majestic latin
Avtandil heart of the motherland Georgian
Adam first man, red clay Hebrew
Adolf noble wolf Old Germanic
Akbar eldest, greatest Arabic
Akim (Ekim) God offers Hebrew
aladin sublime faith Arabic
Alexander defender of the people ancient Greek
Alexei defender ancient Greek
Ali exalted Arabic
Alonso courage, wisdom, resourcefulness Spanish
Albert noble brilliance Germanic
Alfred free, unencumbered Old Germanic
Anatoly Oriental Greek
Anwar radiant Persian
Andrey (Anzhey) courageous, brave Greek
Andronicus winner ancient Greek
Anisim execution, execution Greek
Anton (Anthony) fighting, competing in strength latin
Apollo (Appolinarius) belonging to Apollo - the god of the Sun ancient Greek
Arkady blessed, inhabitant of Arcadia Greek
Armen resident of Armenia Greek
Arnold soaring eagle Old Germanic
Arsen (Arseny) strong, courageous Greek
Artem (Artemy) healthy, unharmed Greek
Arthur bear Celtic
Arkhip (Archipp) chief of cavalry Greek
Askold golden voice singer Old Norse
Aslan mighty lion Arabic
Athanas (Athanasius) immortality Greek
Ahmad famous person Turkic
Ashot fire Turkic

Boy names starting with B

Bogdan given by God Slavic
Boniface (Boniface) good fortune latin
Boris fighter Slavic
Bronislav glorious defender Slavic
Bruno swarthy Germanic
Bulat strong, strong, with a rod Turkic

Boys names starting with B

Vadim strong, strong, healthy latin
Valery strong, rich latin
Walter manager of people, protector Old Germanic
Vasily (Vasilides) royalty Greek
Benjamin son of the right hand Hebrew
Victor (Victorin) winner conquering all latin
William knight Old Germanic
William desired Germanic
Vissarion gorge, valley, forest, forest dweller Greek
Vitaly life, life latin
Vladimir ruler of the world, ruler of the world Slavic
Vladislav illustrious Slavic
Vlas lethargy, inflexibility ancient Greek
Voldemar famous sovereign Old Germanic
Vsevolod owning everything and everyone Slavic
Vyacheslav (Vatslav, Wenceslas) great, glorious Slavic

Boys names starting with G

Gabriel strength of faith in God Hebrew
Galaction lactic Greek
Hamlet twin, double Old Germanic
Hector omnipotent, guardian Greek
Gennady noble Greek
Henry powerful, rich Old Germanic
George farmer Greek
Gerasim honorable, respected Greek
Hermann blood, native latin
Gleb favorite of the gods Old Norse
Gogi (Gochi) brave, brave Georgian
Gordey name of the famous king of Phrygia Greek
Gorislav burning, blazing glory Slavic
Gregory awake, vigilant Greek
Gustav military adviser Germanic

Boys names starting with D

David favorite, long-awaited Hebrew
Daniel my judge Hebrew
Demyan subduing, humble latin
Denis belonging to the god Dionysus, inspired ancient Greek
Jamal (Jamil) beautiful, pleasant Arabic
Dmitriy dedicated to the goddess of fertility Demeter Greek
Dobrynya daring, dexterous Slavic
Dorotheus God's gift Greek

Boy names starting with E

Eugene noble, noble Greek
Yevsey (Evseny) pious, spiritual Greek
Egor farmer Greek
Elisha savior of the living Hebrew
Emelyan flattering Greek
Eremey crowned by God Hebrew
Erofei sacred Greek
Yefim pious Greek
Ephraim (Ephraim) prolific Jewish

Boy names starting with Z

Zakhar God remembers Hebrew
Siegfried favorite of the gods Old Germanic
Zinovy life given by Zeus ancient Greek

Boys names starting with I

Jacob (Jacob) second-born of two twins Hebrew
Ivan (Jean) gracious, the god Yahweh has mercy Hebrew
Ignatius (Ignatius) fiery, fiery latin
Igor militant, strong Old Norse
Israel God rules here Hebrew
Izyaslav famed Slavic
Jesus God help everyone Hebrew
Hilarion cheerful, joyful, carefree Greek
Ilya fortress, impregnability, Yahweh is my God Hebrew
Innocent innocent, virgin latin
Joseph (Osip) God will multiply, add Hebrew

Boy names starting with K

Casimir peaceful, serene Polish
Kamal perfection Arabic
Karen generosity, generosity Arabic
Karim merciful, generous Arabic
Charles brave Old Germanic
Qasim distributing, separating, separating Turkic
Castor beaver Greek
Kirill lord, lord, master Greek
Klim vine Greek
Conon witty, smart latin
Konstantin persistent, permanent latin
Roots horn or dogwood berry latin
Christian one who belongs to Christ latin
Kuzma tamer Greek

Boy names starting with L

laurel laurel tree, wreath, victory, celebration latin
a lion Lion is the king of the animals Greek
Leonid lion-like latin
Leopold bold as a lion Old Germanic
Luke light latin

Boy names starting with M

Makar blessed, happy Greek
Maksim greatest, biggest latin
Mark hammer latin
Martin militant, strong latin
Matvey God's man, God's gift Hebrew
Mahmoud nice, kind Arabic
Myron fragrant Greek
Mitrofan found by mother Greek
Michael like God Hebrew
Micah equal to God Hebrew
Mstislav gloriously revenges Hebrew
Murad (Murat) desired, achievable goal Arabic
Muslim conqueror Arabic
Mukhtar chosen one Arabic

Boys names starting with N

Nathan God gave Hebrew
Naum comforter, sedative Hebrew
Nestor repatriated Greek
Nikita winner Greek
Nikifor victorious, hero Greek
Nicholas conqueror of nations Greek

Boy names starting with O

Oleg holy, sacred Old Norse
Lobster remembering everything Arabic
Orestes mountain Greek
Oscar divine chariot Old Norse
Otto owning something Germanic

Names for boys starting with P

Paul small, petty latin
Pahom broad-shouldered, healthy Greek
Peresvet brightest, luminous, very bright Slavic
Peter stone, rock, stronghold Greek
Plato broad-shouldered ancient Greek
Prokhor leading in the dance, dancing Greek

Boys names starting with R

Ramadan from the name of the post among Muslims: Ramadan Arabic
Ramon skillfully defending Spanish
Rashid (Rashit) on the right track Arabic
Rezo favor, mercy Arabic
Renat resurrected, resurrected
short for "revolution, science, technology"
Richard smashing, conquering without a miss Old Germanic
Robert unfading, eternal glory Old Germanic
Rodion wild rose, rose, thorn Greek
Novel Roman, Roman, resident of Rome latin
Rostislav growing fame Slavic
Ruben pointing to son
Rudolf Red Wolf Old Germanic
Ruslan (Arslan) lion, lion Turkic
Rustam (Rustem) mighty Turkic

Boys names starting with C

Savva old man Aramaic
Savely begged from God Hebrew
Svyatoslav holy glory Slavic
Sevastyan venerable, sacred, wise Greek
Semyon (Simeon, Simon) heard, listening, heard Hebrew
Seraphim burning, fiery angel, fiery Hebrew
Sergey clear, venerable, well-born latin
Solomon peaceful, without enmity Hebrew
Stanislav most glorious Slavic
Stepan wreath Greek
Sultan power Arabic

Boy names starting with T

Taras troublemaker, rebel Greek
Theodore gift of god Greek
Timothy God-fearing, God-fearing Greek
Timur iron Turkic
Tikhon lucky, bringing happiness Greek
Trofim breadwinner Greek

Boys names starting with F

Fazil worthy, excellent, best Arabic
Farhat (Farhad, Farhid) understandable, clear Persian
Fedor given by God Greek
Felix happy, sunny latin
Fidel devotee, disciple latin
Philip fond of horses Greek
Thomas twin Hebrew

Boys names starting with X

Hakim wise Arabic
Khariton generous, generous Greek
Christopher carrying the faith of Christ Greek

Boys names starting with C

Caesar dissecting latin

Boy names starting with E

Edwin brought victory with the sword Old Germanic
Edgar city ​​guard Old Germanic
Edward (Edward) cares about prosperity, craves wealth Old Germanic
Eldar divine gift Arabic
Emil diligent, precise latin
Emmanuel God is with us Hebrew
Eric nobility, leadership Old Norse
Ernest serious, severe, thorough Old Germanic

Boy names starting with Y

Julian a person from the genus Julius, July latin
Julius curly, soft, fluffy latin
Yuri farmer latin

Boys names starting with I

Jan given by God Slavic
Yaroslav strong, glorious Slavic

In this collection you can find rare and beautiful, popular and outdated names for boys. Choose the name that matches the surname and patronymic of the boy. Sometimes in families the boy is called by the name of his father. Some combinations sound interesting, and some are just ridiculous. Do not overstep the bounds of reason when choosing a name for a boy.

Names for boys through the eyes of psychologists

When choosing a name for a boy, psychologists do not recommend children to call their parents' names. In most cases, the sound of such a combination will be heavy. Such names tend to be abbreviated. And if in the case of San Sanych everything is fine, then Nikolai Nikolaevich can be reduced to a strange Kolya-Kol. It doesn't sound very nice. In addition, children who bear the names of their fathers often grow up moody, nervous and irritable.

On the other hand, if you want to give your son the name of his father, psychologists do not dissuade parents. In some families, this is a ritual that is repeated from generation to generation. In many ways, the nature of the child will depend on the upbringing and education of the parents themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to decide how to name the boy after a careful analysis of the surname and the chosen name.

Another pitfall when choosing a male name lies in the so-called names of the mutual sex. We are talking about such names as Sasha (Alexander and Alexandra), Zhenya (Eugene and Evgenia), Valya (Valentin and Valentina). When choosing such a name for a boy, it is especially necessary to take into account the combination of the surname. For example, Sasha Malinsky makes it clear that a boy is hiding behind the name, but if the child's name is Zhenya Karpevich, then it is not clear whether it is a boy or a girl.

A lot has already been said about children's ridicule. Psychologists always try to draw the attention of parents to such moments. Choose a male name that is not only beautiful and modern, but one that cannot be understood ambiguously or with ugly overtones.

Before naming your son by the name you have chosen, read the history of this name. Perhaps its meaning or origin will not please you or not suit you. Surely, you do not know that the names Maria, Ivan and Anna are not originally Russian. In its origin it Jewish names. There are many mysteries in male names that you should find out before the name becomes a companion of your child.

Another advice from psychologists on how to call a boy concerns a rude (brutal) and affectionate (diminutive) name. If in childhood a boy shows signs of rudeness and severity, he should be called pet name in everyday life (Maksik, Maksimka, Lyosha, Lyoshenka). This can soften the character of a nimble baby. Also, on the contrary, if the child is too timid and shy, you can give him courage by the courageous form of his name (Max, Lyokha).

In order to develop a strong character in a boy, psychologists recommend choosing solid-sounding names. It can be Dmitry, Grigory, Gleb, Igor, Bogdan, Artem. In such names most occupy voiced paired consonants and are often combined with the letter R. Remember that these strong and hard names can easily be turned into gentle and affectionate ones.

The names Mikhail, Alexei, Ilya are distinguished by a calmer and more accommodating character. These names are not prone to conflict in most cases. But do not forget that the key role here is played by the upbringing of the boy and his environment. In such names, vowels and sonorous sounds (l, m, n, d) predominate. Names that cannot be unequivocally attributed to either hard or soft are considered neutral. These are Roman, Pavel, Arkady, Andrey.

It is important to take into account the phonetic structure of the name, but it is even more important when choosing a male name to take into account the direct and indirect associations that it evokes. A simple test confirms this. If you ask a stranger to compose psychological picture of a person, his conclusions will be connected only with the associations that the name calls out.

Most often, the name Alexander evokes the association of an imperious strong man. This name is identified with famous and great people. All Alexandra in absentia receive a mass positive qualities. The name Vladimir evokes associations of firmness, cunning, strength and intelligence. A person who "owns the world" cannot have other characteristics.

But Mikhail almost always evokes the image of a bear in his mind. Therefore, a person with this name is credited with strength, clumsiness, simplicity and hard work. Thus, male names evoke a number of associations that largely determine the fate of a person. The further development of the personality also depends on the name and the attitude of those around him.

When choosing a name Special attention give associations. The chosen name will cause you many mental images. If you like them, all without exception, then do not hesitate to name the boy. The perfect name for your baby has been found.

Often in a family where a male baby is expected to be born, one of the most difficult problems is choosing a name. Now they choose names for boys with a slightly “foreign” sound, and traditional Russian ones. But in any case, the choice should be balanced, depending on many criteria.

The most important

In pursuit of the best or most beautiful of names, it is important not to miss the main thing:

  • When choosing a name for a boy who will continue the clan and protect the family clan, it is important that in the future it becomes the basis of a good sonorous patronymic for grandchildren.
  • Rare, strange, funny, meaningless names of boys are negatively perceived by society. For example, the name of the hero of your favorite series can become an object of ridicule for a child at school and kindergarten.
  • Psychologists do not recommend naming a child after the father. In addition to domestic inconvenience with a coincidence, this may be the cause of nervous breakdowns of the future heir.

In honor of relatives

A peculiar tradition of naming a boy as a sign of respect, gratitude, love for someone is an interesting idea. But will the owner of the name like it in the future? Here are examples of whom male children are often named after:

  • Relative. It can be a dear grandfather, uncle, beloved godfather of one of the parents. Why not? The child will be the darling of a beloved relative, an object of care and protection.
  • Deceased relative. Not the best idea for superstitious parents. So it was customary among the people that the newborn in this case, on a subconscious level, will copy all the character traits and fate of the deceased.

A child can be named in honor of a man - an obstetrician who safely delivered, or any other person who once gave a helping hand, who played a crucial role in the fate of the father or mother of the unborn child. In any case, the decision must be balanced, negotiated by both the father and the mother.


The time of the year when the birth of a child is planned affects the fate and character of the newborn.

Consider the names of boys born in different seasons:

  • Winter. Arseny, Mikhail, Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin. Soft and calm names are necessary for a kind of compensation for the stubborn, strong, strong-willed nature of winter men.
  • Spring. Harder-sounding ones are suitable here, because spring children rarely have a lively character. So that the unborn child is always confident in himself, he can be called Oscar, Boris, Timur, Victor, Gleb.
  • Summer. Active, proud, summer men love risk and freedom. Short, courageous ones are suitable for these people: Gleb, Roman, Denis, Anton, Mark.
  • Autumn. Balanced realists born in autumn trust few people. Smart and calm boys of this season need sonorous names, claiming attention: Nikolai, Sergey, Peter, Felix, Herman, Cyril.

Surname and patronymic

Parents sorting out names for a boy need to think about the euphony of the name in combination with the patronymic and surname of the child. Important role have consonants. It can be predominant voiced or deaf consonants. The name must contain the same consonant sounds as in the patronymic or surname. For example, Ivanov Matvey Semenovich (the predominance of noisy consonants) or Andreev Viktor Borisovich (solid consonants).

This combination is considered pleasant for hearing and pronunciation, and also makes communication with the owner easy and convenient. Many people think that short boy names are more suitable for long surnames and vice versa.

It's fashionable

Naming a boy in a fashionable way is the choice of many modern parents who keep up with the times. Every New Year rich in an abundance of popular male names.

What are relevant in the mid-2010s?

  • Benedict,
  • Arthur,
  • Adam,
  • Hermann,
  • Walter,
  • David,
  • Ignat,
  • Rudolf,
  • Plato,
  • Taras.

Fashionable ones are often outdated, long forgotten, for example, Khariton, Clement, Zakhar. In an effort to pay tribute to fashion, it is important not to overdo it and not call the boy too funny, complicated or strange.

According to the church calendar

A little time has passed since all the children were named according to the name day in church calendar. Such a calendar prompted parents for male names for a newborn. To this day, it is believed that a boy named according to the calendar will have good health, successful work And happy family. Unfortunately, such a calendar has a limited number of names that modern spouses might like.

According to value

Each name, translated from various ancient languages, has a special characteristic, meaning. When choosing a name for a boy, parents often want to invest certain qualities in the future heir:

  • Andrew is courageous.
  • Boris is a fighting man.
  • Leo - intelligence and foresight.
  • Nikita is a winner. Great choice for the future athlete.
  • The novel is a favorite of women.
  • Peter - independence, conviction.
  • Sergey is an ideal father and husband.
  • Tikhon is a lucky man.
  • Constantine - constancy.

Valery, Vitaly - those names that personify health and fortitude. Anton is a competitive person who struggles with difficulties. So it is advised to call weak or premature children so that the magic of the name gives the boys vitality and improved health.

Important Points

Names for boys can be beautiful, short, old, double, foreign.

But, among other things, when choosing, attention should be paid to such points:

  • Nationality. Many families where spouses are representatives different nationalities have difficulty choosing what to name the child. Here it is important to think about it in advance, find a compromise and take into account the national identity of the future baby. This will avoid further marital disagreements and resentment.
  • A diminutive form of the name. This form should not irritate, cause irony, be too difficult to pronounce.
  • Place of residence. Prim, refined, rare names for boys are out of place in small villages with a predominance of traditional views on life. Marseille, Alfred, Antonio, Emmanuel will be more harmoniously perceived by the society of megacities.

By month

An approximate alphabetical list of popular boy names:

  • August, Augustine, Auror, Agap, Adam, Aksen, Alevtin, Alexander, Alexei, Alexy, Albert, Anastasy, Anatoly, Anvar, Andrey, Andron, Anisim, Antip, Anton, Antonin, Aristarkh, Arkady, Arseny, Artamon, Artyom, Artemy, Arthur, Arkhip, Askold, Athanasius, Afinogen.

  • Boris, Bogdan, Borislav.
  • Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Valerian, Vasily, Vatslav, Velimir, Velor, Veniamin, Vincent, Victor, Vilen, Vitaly, Vlad, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vladlen, Vlas, Vlasy, Volodar, Voldemar, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav.
  • Gabriel, Gavrila, Gaidar, Gaspard, Guy, Genius, Gennady, George, Herman, Hermogenes, Gleb, Count, Grigory.
  • Dan, Daniel, David, Danila, Dar, Dementy, Demid, Democrat, Demyan, Denis, Didim, Dean, Dmitry, Dimitri, Dobrynya, Donat, Dorofey.
  • Eugene, Evgraf, Evdokim, Evlampy, Evlogii, Evsey, Evstafiy, Egor, Elizar, Eleazar, Elisha, Emelyan, Epifan, Yeremey, Ermak, Ermil, Ermolai, Erofey, Efim, Ephraim.
  • Zhdan.
  • Zakhar, Zinovy, Zoriy, Zot.
  • Ivan, Ignat, Igor, Izyaslav, Iy, Hilarion, Ilya, Innokenty, Joseph, Ippolit, Iskander, Iriny, Julius.
  • Casimir, Kapiton, Kai, Kaspar, Kim, Cyrus, Cyril, Claudius, Klementy, Klim, Kondraty, Kondrat, Konstantin, Krasnoslav, Kuzma.

  • Laurus, Lawrence, Lazar, Larion, Leo, Leonid, Leonty, Leopold, Lermont, Fox, Luke, Lukyan, Love.
  • May, Makar, Max, Maxim, Maximilian, Marin, Markel, Mars, Marseille, Manuel, Martin, Martin, Matvey, Methodius, Mecheslav, Milad, Milen, Miloslav, Mir, Miron, Miroslav, Mikhail, Mitya, Mstislav.
  • Naum, Neonil, Nestor, Nikanor, Nikita, Nikifor, Nikodim, Nikolai, Nikon, Nile, Novomir.
  • October, Oleg, Olgerd, Onesim, Osip, Oscar, Ostap, Ostromir.
  • Pavel, Panteleimon, Panfil, Paramon, Pahom, Peresvet, Peter, Plato, Potap, Prozor, Prokofy, Prokhor.
  • Radislav, Radomir, Rodion, Roman, Rolan, Rostislav.
  • Saveliy, Samson, Light, Svetlan, Svetozar, Svetoslav, Svyatogor, Svyatoslav, Sever, Severyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Glory, Spartak, Spiridon, Staliy, Stanislav, Stepan, Stefan.
  • Timur, Timofey, Telnan, Terenty, Tikhomir, Tikhon, Tryphon, Trofim, Tunguz, Taras.
  • Ulyan, Ustin.
  • Fadey, February, Fedor, Fedor, Theodore, Theodosius, Feofan, Filaret, Filat, Filimon, Philip, Thomas, Frol.

  • Khariton, Brave.
  • Caesar.
  • Cheslav. Schmidt
  • Edgar, Oedipus, Edmund, Edward, El, Elbrus, Engel, Energies, Erasmus, Erast, Erg, Eriy, Eric.
  • Julian, Julius, Hume, Jupiter, Yuri, Justin.
  • Yakov, Jan, Jaromir, Yarodan, Yaroslav.

But which one to choose?

Based on the month of birth, because depending on this, the boy may differ in special qualities of character.

  • January. Independent person, devoted friend. Having difficulty accepting important decisions. The names Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Philip, George, Artem, Trofim will do.
  • February. The male representative of this month is a sensitive, vulnerable nature. He is a caring father, a meticulous worker. Fedor, Stepan, Gennady, Leonty, Alexander, Yegor, Ephraim, Savva, Luka.

  • March boys are optimists and merry fellows, they are not afraid of difficulties. Pavel, Julian, Mark, Denis, Benedict, Heraclius, Alexei.
  • April - mobile and light natures that do not stand in one place. They crave change. Dedicated to the women you love. Zakhar, Thomas, Innocent, Antip, Polycarp, Rodion, Aristarchus, Samson.
  • May. Energetic and non-confrontational person. favorite cheerful companies. Dmitry, Yegor, Fedot, Pavel, Pahom, Athanasius, Vsevolod.
  • June. The boy of this month is an extremely lucky person, and in the future - an authoritative person with good health. Ignatius, Sergey, Konstantin, Vladimir, Nazar, Igor, Mstislav, Karp.
  • July. He is a leader, an organizer. He will never regret the past, clearly planning all his actions. Gleb, Julian, Roman, Yakov, Vasily, Daniil, Gury, Stanislav.
  • August. This boy knows how to keep secrets, is principled and faithful. Roman, Semyon, Makar, Naum, Nikolai, Dmitry, Frol, Markel.
  • September. The men of this month are never bored. They always have a lot of ideas in stock, conflict-free. Andrey, Fadey, Zakhar, Kirill, Khariton, Valery, Pimen, Arkady.

  • October. Gambling, enterprising nature. They take everything from life. Oleg, David, Vlad, Mark, Grigory, Nikita, Ignat, Demyan.
  • November. Dreamy and romantic representatives of this month are rarely correctly understood by the environment. Names for the boys of November: Ivan, Artem, Victor, Orest, Yuri, Osip, Taras, Nestor, Philip.
  • December. Inside these men is an ocean of passions, but an ardent nature is hidden under a mask of cold indifference. Little trust in others. Zakhar, Roman, Mikhail, Maxim, Leo, Pavel, Spiridon, Semyon, Filaret, Modest.

So, the choice of how to name the boy must be approached with all responsibility so that the future man is proud, and not ashamed of his name.


It's no secret to anyone that different times years, children are born with different traits of character and thinking. Accordingly, knowing the date of birth and the color of nature, you can choose the right boy names by month, besides, the meaning of the chosen name will help to successfully develop certain qualities that the baby will miss so much. Absolutely any name has a vital meaning and impact on the human character. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in more detail with all the male names that you liked, and study the meaning and origin of the name.

Names for boys born in January

Adam, Philip, Anton, Pavel, Artem, Nifont, Athanasius, Peter, Valentin, Prokop, Daniel, Prokhor, Yegor, Elizar, Mikhail, Emelyan, Konstantin, Efim, Benjamin, Ivan, Maxim, Ignat, Vasily, Ilya, George, Cyril, Clement, Grigory, Mark, Naum, Nikanor, Nikita, Sevastyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Nikolai, Proclus, Savva, Sergey, Timofey, Theodosius, Trofim, Feoktist, Stepan, Yuri, Fadey, Yakov.

Names for boys born in February

Akim, David, Alexander, Pankrat, Leonty, Alexei, German, Anton, Julian, Arkady, Maxim, Arseny, Lavrenty, Valentin, Konstantin, Valerian, Fedor, Valery, Vasily, Ignatius, Benjamin, Pavel, Timofey, Victor, Kirill, Vitaly, Ippolit, Vlas, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Yuri, Gabriel, Semyon, Gennady, Zakhar, George, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Roman, Eugene, Savva, Yegor, Prokhor, Efim, Nikifor, Ephraim, Peter, Ivan, Philip, Ignat, Feoktist, Clement, Luka, Makar, Nikita, Stepan, Nikolai, Porfiry, Felix, Yakov.

Names for boys born in March

Alexander, Yakov, Alexei, Roman, Anton, Savva, Arkady, Cyril, Arseny, Ilya, Athanasius, Efim, Valery, Semyon, Vasily, Nikandr, Victor, Heraclius, Vyacheslav, Mikhail, Gerasim, Makar, Grigory, David, George, Daniel (Danila), Benedict, Denis, Eugene, Yegor, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Kuzma, Lev, Leonid, Taras, Leonty, Trofim, Maxim, Timofey, Mark, Julian, Nikifor, Philip, Pavel, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan , Stepan, Yakov, Fedor, Rostislav, Fedot.

Names for boys born in April

Alexander, Andrei, Anton, Artem, Stepan, Vadim, Gabriel, Semyon, George, Trofim, David, Thomas, Daniel, Yegor, Yuri, Efim, Yakov, Zakhar, Martin, Ivan, Innokenty, Khariton, Kirill, Leonid, Savva, Makar, Benjamin, Maxim, Sergei, Mark, Vasily, Mstislav, Nikita, Peter, Plato.

How to name a boy in May

Alexander, Alexei, Anatoly, Anton, Boris, Vasily, Semyon, Victor, Stepan, Vitaly, Savva, Vsevolod, Leonty, George, Kuzma, Yakov, German, Maxim, Gleb, Grigory, Gabriel, David, Konstantin, Denis, Ivan, Nikifor, Ignat, Cyril, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Roman, Fedor, Thomas.

How to name a boy in June

Gennady, Anton, Nikita, Karp, Vladimir, Alexei, Denis, Alexander, Innokenty, Semyon, Stepan, Savva, Mstislav, Nikifor, Nikandr, Valery, Pavel, Konstantin, Eremey, Igor, Leonid, Elisha, Yuri, Ephraim, Vasily, Grigory, Andrey, Jan, Sergey, Khariton, Arseny, Tikhon, Kirill, Fedot, Mikhail, Gabriel, Ivan, Roman, Ignatius, Peter, Savely, Ignat, Dmitry, Timofey, Nazar, George, Julian, Fedor, Leonty, Yegor, Christian, Makar, Sylvester.

Names for boys born in July

Alexander, Demid, Demyan, Kuzma, Anton, Sofron, Tikhon, Fedot, Kirill, Gleb, Yakov, Arseny, Philip, Mikhail, Konstantin, Nikodim, Sergey, Thomas, Vladimir, German, Andrey, Efim, Peter, Galaktion, Gury, Leonid, Ivan, Julian, Samson, Innokenty, Alexey, Artem, Vasily, Stepan, Matvey, Daniil, Emelyan, Terenty, Anatoly, David, Leonty, Denis, Stanislav, Pavel, Julius, Roman, Ipaty, Valentin, Evsey, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Fedor, Mark.

Names for boys born in August

Savva, Trofim, Dmitry, Nikolai, Ilya, Roman, Vasily, Gleb, Konstantin, Leonty, Leonid, Grigory, Alexei, Maxim, Alexander, Semyon, Boris, Mikhail, Stepan, Matvey, David, Christopher, Anton, Denis, Makar, German, Naum, Seraphim, Clement, Kuzma.

Names for boys born in September

Athanasius, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Fadey, Gleb, Ivan, Arseny, Zakhar, Akim, Fedot, Daniil, Christopher, Nikita, Yakov, Sergei, Mikhail, Kirill, Dmitry, Semyon, Anton, Clement, Thomas, Savva, Alexander, Timofey, David, Julian, Grigory, German, Maxim, Fedor, Nikandr, Andrey, Khariton, Gennady.

Names for boys born in October

David, Pavel, Trofim, Vyacheslav, Kuzma, Grigory, Julian, Efim, Khariton, Sergei, Makar, Ivan, Maxim, Roman, Benjamin, Ignatius, Dmitry, Konstantin, Peter, Martyn, Alexei, Anton, Andrey, Luka, Mikhail, Denis, Foma, Fedor, Mark, Nazar, Oleg, Philip, Nikita, Matvey, Erofey, Alexander, Igor, Leonty, Vladimir, Stepan, Vladislav.

Names for boys born in November

Grigory, Zinovy, Stepan, Mark, Pavel, Maxim, Cyril, Heraclius, Fedor, Fedot, Yegor, Artem, Victor, Ivan, Vikenty, Ignatius, Yuri, Anton, Arseny, Orest, Athanasius, Kuzma, Nikandr, Mikhail, George, German, Valery, Evgeny, Konstantin, Yakov, Denis, Alexander, Dmitry, Andrey.

Names for boys born in December

Christopher, Roman, Gennady, Alexander, Alexei, Fedor, Yuri, Andrei, Athanasius, Naum, George, Plato, Gabriel, Mikhail, Yakov, Savva, Ivan, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Valery, Grigory, Peter, Nikolai, Stepan, Anton, Egor, Vasily, Maxim, Innokenty, Makar, Zakhar.

Male names starting with A

Adam - ancient Hebrew: red clay or the first man.
August - Latin: sacred, great, majestic.
Avtandil - Georgian: the heart of the homeland.
Abram (Abraham, Abramius, Abram, Abraham) - ancient Jewish: father of the people, father of heaven.
Adolf - ancient German: noble wolf.
Akbar - Arabic: elder, great.
Akim (Ekim) - ancient Hebrew: God's offer.
Aladin - Arabic: ascended belief.
Alexander - ancient Greek: human protector.
Alexis - Ancient Greek: protector.
Ali - Arabic: ascended.
Alonso - Spanish: wisdom, resourcefulness, courage.
Albert - German: noble radiance.
Alfred - ancient German: unencumbered, free.
Anatoly - Greek: Oriental.
Anwar - Persian: radiant.
Andrey (Anzhey, Andzhey) - Greek: brave, courageous.
Apollo (Apollonius, Appolinarius) - Ancient Greek: refers to the sun god Apollo.
Andronicus - Ancient Greek: champion.
Anisim - Greek: fulfillment, fulfillment.
Anton (Antonin, Antony) - Latin: competing with strength, entering into battle.
Arcadius - Greek: the name of a paradise or inhabitant of the country of Arcadia.
Armen - Greek: inhabitant of Armenia.
Arnold - ancient German: soaring eagle.
Arseny (Arsen) - Greek: strong, courageous.
Artemy (Artem, Artamon) - Greek: healthy, unharmed.
Arthur - Celtic: bear.
Archippus (Archip) - Greek: head of the cavalry.
Askold - ancient Scandinavian: singer, golden voice.
Aslan - Arabic: majestic lion.
Ashot - Turkic: fire.
Athanasius (Athanasius, Athanas, Atanas) - Greek: immortal.
Ahmad - Turkic: famous person.

Male names starting with B

Bonifatius (Boniface) - Latin: the blessing of a successful fate.
Bogdan - Slavic: brought by God.
Boris - Slavic: fighter.
Bronislav - Slavic: illustrious defender.
Bruno - German: swarthy.
Bulat - Turkic: rod, strong, steel.

Male names beginning with B

Valentine (Valens) - Latin: mighty, strong, strong, healthy.
Vadim - Latin: accusing everyone, troublemaker, healthy.
Valery - Latin: rich and strong. Generic name in Rome.
Walter - ancient German: managing patron of people.
Basil (Basilides, Vasil, Basil) - Greek: regal.
Benjamin - ancient Hebrew: hands of the right son.
Victor (Victorius, Victorinus) - Latin: victorious, winner.
Wilhelm - ancient German: knight.
Bessarion - Greek: inhabitant of the forest, valley, gorge, forest.
William - German: desired.
Vladimir - Slavic: owning the world, world ruler.
Vitaliy (Vit) - Latin: life, life.
Vladislav - Slavic: having glory.
Vlas - ancient Greek: sluggishness, lethargy.
Voldemar - ancient German: famous ruler.
Vyacheslav (Wenceslav, Vatslav) - Slavic: glorious, great.
Vsevolod - Slavic: possessing all everything.

Male names starting with the letter G

Galaktion - Greek: milky.
Gabriel - ancient Jewish: firmly believes in God, for sure: my power is God.
Hamlet - ancient German: double, twin.
Hector - Greek: keeper, almighty.
Heinrich - ancient German: rich, powerful.
Gennady - Greek: noble.
George - Greek: farmer.
Herman - Latin: native, blood.
Gerasim - Greek: respected, venerable.
Gleb - ancient Scandinavian: favorite of the gods.
Gordey - Greek: noble name of the king of Phrygia.
Gogi (Gochi) - Georgian: brave, brave.
Gorislav - Slavic: fiery glory, burning.
Gustav - German: military adviser.
Gregory - Greek: vigilant, awake.

Male names starting with D

Daniel - ancient Hebrew: my judge.
David - ancient Jewish: long-awaited, beloved.
Demyan - Latin: humble, conquering.
Denis - Ancient Greek: inspired, belongs to the god Dionysus.
Dimitri - Greek: given to the goddess Demeter of fertility.
Jamal (Jamil) - Arabic: pleasant, beautiful.
Dorotheus - Greek: gift of God.
Dobrynya - Slavic: dexterous, daring.

Male names starting with E

Evsey (Eusebius, Evseny) - Greek: spiritual, pious.
Eugene - Greek: noble, noble.
Egor - Greek: farmer.
Elisha - ancient Jewish: the living savior.
Yemelyan - Greek: flattering.
Erofei - Greek: sacred.
Eremey - ancient Jewish: completed by God.
Ephraim - Hebrew: prolific.
Yefim - Greek: pious.

Boy names starting with Z

Zenobius - ancient Greek: Zeus gave life.
Zakhar - ancient Jewish: God remembers.
Siegfried - ancient German: God's favorite.
Zurab - Georgian: divine.
Zosima - Greek: life, strong life.
Zlatomir - Slavic: the golden world.
Zeus - Greek: supreme god.

Male names starting with I

Ivan - ancient Jewish: blessed.
Jacob - Hebrew: a synonym for the name Jacob.
Ignatius (Ignatius) - Latin: red-hot to the fire, fiery.
Igor - ancient Scandinavian: strong, militant.
Israel is ancient Jewish: God rules here.
Jesus is ancient Jewish: God will help everyone.
Izyaslav - Slavic: achieved glory.
Illarion - Greek: carefree, cheerful, joyful.
Elijah - ancient Jewish: impregnability, fortress.
Joseph - ancient Jewish: God will add, multiply.
Innocent - Latin: virginal, innocent.

Male names starting with K

Kamal - Arabic: perfection.
Casimir - Polish: serene, peaceful.
Karen - Arabic: generosity, generosity.
Karim - Arabic: generous, merciful.
Karl - ancient German: bold.
Castor - Greek: beaver.
Qasim - Turkic: demarcated, distributing, separating.
Cyril - Greek: master, lord, lord.
Klim - Greek: vine of grapes.
Conon - Latin: quick-witted, witty.
Constantine - Latin: constant, persistent.
Roots - Latin: berry or dogwood horn.
Kuzma - Greek: tamer.
Christian - Latin: belonging to Christ.

Male names starting with the letter L

Leo - Greek: lion, king of beasts.
Leonid - Latin: like a lion, mastered by Russians.
Laurel - Latin: triumph, wreath, laurel tree, victory.
Luca - Latin: light.
Leopold - ancient German: brave as a lion.
Lawrence - Latin: crowned with laurels.
Lazarus - ancient Hebrew: God helper.
Leontius - Latin: lion.
Lukyan (Luke, Lucian) - Latin: light.
Lubomir - Slavic: loving peace.
Ludwig - German: battle, glory.

Men's names starting with the letter M

Maxim - Latin: the biggest, the greatest.
Makar - Greek: happy, blessed.
Mark - Latin: hammer.
Matthew - ancient Jewish: God's gift, man of God.
Martin - Latin: warlike, devoted to Mars, strong.
Mahmud - Arabic: kind, glorious.
Myron - Greek: fragrant.
Michael - ancient Hebrew: like God.
Mitrofan - Greek: found by his mother.
Micah - ancient Hebrew: equal to God.
Murad (Murat) - Arabic: goal achieved, desired.
Mstislav - ancient Jewish: gloriously takes revenge.
Mukhtar - Arabic: chosen one.
Muslim - Arabic: Conqueror.

Men's names starting with the letter N

Naum - ancient Jewish: calmer, comforter.
Nathan - ancient Jewish: God gave.
Nestor - Greek: returned to his homeland.
Nikita - Greek: winner.
Nicholas - Greek: conqueror of nations.
Nikephoros - Greek: hero, victorious.
Nazar (Nazarius) - ancient Jewish: dedicated to God.
Nicodemus - Greek: victorious nations.
Nicander - Greek: conquering man.
Nikonor - Greek: victorious.
Nifont - Greek: reasonable, sober.

Male names starting with O

Osip - Hebrew: a synonym for Joseph.
Omar - Arabic: forgetting nothing.
Oleg - ancient Scandinavian: sacred, holy.
Orestes - Greek: mountainous.
Otto - German: owning anything.
Oscar - ancient Scandinavian: divine chariot.
Onufry - Greek: rising up.
Onisius - Greek: benefit.

Male names starting with P

Pahom - Greek: healthy, broad-shouldered.
Pavel - Latin: small, small.
Peresvet - Slavic: very bright, brightest, luminous.
Peter - Greek: rock, stronghold, stone.
Prokhor - Greek: dancing, leading in the dance.
Plato - ancient Greek: broad-shouldered.
Pankrat - Greek: omnipotent.
Panfil - Greek: loved by all.
Panteleimon - Greek: all-merciful.
Patrikey (Patricius) - Latin: a noble descendant of a man.
Paphnutius - Greek: fat.
Pimen - Greek: shepherd, shepherd.
Porphyry - Greek: purple.
Polycarp - Greek: prolific.
Potap - Greek: wanderer.
Prov (Proviy) - Latin: kind, honest.
Prokofy - Latin: prosperous.
Proclus - Latin: born in the absence of a father.
Protas - Greek: establishing, putting forward.

Male names starting with R

Ramon - Spanish: defending skillfully.
Ramadan - Arabic: Meaning from the name of the Ramadan fast.
Rashid (Rashit) - Arabic: who chose the right path.
Rezo - Arabic: mercy, favor.
Renat - Latin: resurrected, reborn .; Soviet meaning: technology, science, revolution.
Richard - ancient German: without a miss conquering, smashing.
Robert - ancient German: glory eternal, unfading.
Rodion - Greek: thorn, rose, wild rose.
Roman - Latin: inhabitant of Rome, Roman, Roman.
Rostislav - Slavic: growing glory.
Rudolf - ancient German: the wolf is red.
Ruben - ancient Jewish: pointing to the son; Latin: blushing.
Rustam (Rustem) - Turkic: mighty.
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic: lion, lion.

Male names starting with C

Savely - ancient Jewish: implored from God.
Savva - Aramaic: old man.
Svyatoslav - Slavic: sacred glory.
Sebastian - Greek: wise, sacred, highly venerated.
Stepan - Greek: wreath.
Sultan - Arabic: power.
Semyon (Simon, Simeon) - ancient Hebrew: audible, listening, heard.
Seraphim - ancient Jewish: fiery, burning, fiery angel.
Sergey - Latin: highly respected, well-born, clear.
Solomon - ancient Jewish: without enmity, peaceful.
Stanislav - Slavic: the most glorious.

Male names starting with T

Theodore - Greek: God's gift.
Taras - Greek: rebel, troublemaker.
Timothy - Greek: God-fearing, honoring God.
Timur - Turkic: iron.
Trofim - Greek: breadwinner.
Tikhon - Greek: bringing happiness, successful.
Terentius - Latin: to thresh bread.
Titus - Latin: revered.
Trofim - Greek: pet.
Tryphon - Greek: to live in luxury.

Male names starting with F

Farhat (Farhid, Farhad) - Persian: clear, understanding.
Fazil - Arabic: the best, excellent, worthy.
Fedor - Greek: gift of God.
Felix - Latin: sunny, happy.
Fidel - Latin: disciple, devotee.
Thomas - ancient Hebrew: twin.
Philip - Greek: lover of horses.

Male names starting with X

Christopher - Greek: bears the faith of Christ.
Hakim - Arabic: wise.
Khariton - Greek: strewn with graces, generous.
Khalid - Arabic: permanent, eternal.
Khaliq - Arabic: a true friend.
Hamid - Arabic: praising.
Harold - Scandinavian: commander.
Christian - Ancient Greek: Christian.
Christ - ancient Jewish: liberator.
Khudayar - Persian: God's favorite.

Male names starting with C

Tsvetan - Slavic: blossom, flourish.
Caesar - Latin: dissecting, cutting.
Celestine - Latin: heavenly.
Tsakharias - German: like the name Zakhar.
Zadok - ancient Jewish: righteous.
Tsavar - Lezgi: heaven.
Tsagaan - Kalmyk, Mongolian: white.
Tsagar - gypsy: king, king.
Zadok - Hebrew: righteous.
Tsaivili - Lezgi: fiery.
Tsane - Macedonian: Alexander
Tsaruk - Armenian: tree.
Tsar - Slavic: ruler.
Bloom - Bulgarian: flower.

Men's names starting with the letter E

Edwin - ancient German: Victorious with the sword.
Edward - German: guardian of wealth, preserving property.
Edgar - ancient German: city guard.
Edward - ancient German: thirst for wealth, concern for prosperity and well-being.
Eldar - Arabic: God's gift.
Emil - Latin: precise, diligent.
Emmanuel - ancient Hebrew: God is with us.
Ernest - ancient German: solid, strict, serious.
Eric - Old Scandinavian: leadership, nobility.

Male names starting with Y

Yuri - Latin: farmer; shaped George.
Julian - Latin: Denotes the name Julius.
Julius - Latin: fluffy, soft, curly.
Juvenal - Latin: young.
Eugene - gypsy: free wind.
Yuhim - Ancient Greek: benevolent.

Male names starting with the letter I

Yaroslav - Slavic: glorious, strong.
Jacob - Jewish: following on the heels, followed.
Yang - Slavic: given by God.
Jaromir - Slavic: sunny world.
Yakhont - Russian: beautiful.
Yazid - Arabic: bestowed.
Yakim - Greek: benevolent.
Yanislav - Slavic: praising the river.
Januarius - Latin: dedicated to the god Janus.
Yaropolk - Slavic: strong people.
Yarosh - Old Slavic: February.
