Very poisonous snake 3. The most poisonous snakes

With an active increase in pace global warming the number of various cold-blooded organisms, including snakes, inhabiting our planet began to increase significantly. This is primarily due to the fact that heat environment creates conditions of increased comfort for these creatures. This article presents all the most dangerous and poisonous species of snakes living in different parts of our planet.

The most poisonous snake

The most poisonous snake the globe is rightfully considered a taipan.

These reptiles live in Queensland and New Guinea and have the following features:

  • on average, their body reaches a size of 190–200 centimeters, has a uniform color of red, dark or light brown;
  • the head is often slightly lighter than the body, and the abdomen is white or yellow;
  • The poisonous glands of the taipan, placed at the base of the poisonous teeth, reaching a size of 1.3 centimeters, on average contain from 120 to 400 mg of poison, which has a neuroparalytic and coagulopathic effect.

Did you know? The largest one discovered in wild nature representatives of this species reached a size of three meters.

This reptile is prone to a diurnal lifestyle. The basis of its diet consists of small frogs and rodents, which is why the taipan can often be found not far from human dwellings and sugar cane fields, where cases of their attacks on people are often recorded.

Seeing potential danger, these reptiles raise their heads, shaking them slightly, and then make a series of sharp lightning-fast attacks towards the enemy, each of which ends with a bite. If appropriate assistance is not provided, death from the bite of this snake can occur within 4–12 hours.

Video: about the most poisonous snake in the world - taipan

Poisonous and dangerous snakes

In nature, there are many varieties of snakes that pose a significant threat to human life. At the same time, the danger is posed not only by poisonous representatives of this group of animals, but also, for example, by anacondas and pythons, which, despite the presence of quite impressive teeth, do not have glands in their bodies responsible for the production of poison.

In addition to various terrestrial reptiles, there are also sea and freshwater snakes that pose a potential danger to human life. Below we present to your attention a list that includes the names of the most dangerous species of snakes on Earth, depending on their habitat.


The following poisonous representatives of reptiles live in Russia:

  1. - the most common species of poisonous snakes in central Russia. Most often it can be found in forest areas, in swampy areas and along the banks of various bodies of water. The length of the body (quite thick) rarely exceeds 1 meter. There is a characteristic X-shaped pattern on the head, and a dark-colored line in the shape of a zigzag runs along the ridge. Color can vary from reddish-brown to gray.
  2. - found on the territory of all steppes Russian Federation. Most often it settles in various bushes, ravines, gullies and along roadsides. The size of its body very rarely reaches 60 centimeters; males are slightly smaller than females. The back of the steppe viper has a grayish-brown color; along the ridge there is a stripe tapering towards the tail, which can sometimes be divided into separate fragments. The lateral parts of the muzzle of this reptile have pointed edges and are slightly raised above its upper pole.
  3. - body length is about 170–190 centimeters. The anterior edge of the muzzle has a pronounced roundness. The body is covered with olive scales on top. On the lateral surface of the body, especially in large individuals, a clearly visible dark stripe appears, the upper border of which is bordered by a yellow or white dotted stripe.
  4. - in its structure it is very similar to the steppe viper, however, it is characterized by a thicker body and brighter coloring. The body is usually brick-red or orange-yellow, and a zigzag stripe of brown or black appears on the back.
  5. - the head of this snake is covered with fairly large shields, which is why it got its name. Between the nostrils and eyes of such a reptile there is a small depression in which a heat-sensitive organ is located. They are characterized by a gray or brownish color. The back is streaked with transverse stripes of dark shades.
  6. - hallmark are covering it upper part skull ribbed scales. This snake is the most dangerous of all the reptiles that live in modern Russia. Body size rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. Males of this species are smaller in size than females. The color of the body varies from gray to brown-red. Along the ridge there is a row of elongated spots of orange or brown color. On the sides of the body there are rows of small dark spots.
  7. Ukraine

    The following are found in Ukraine Poisonous snakes:


    The common viper is the only poisonous snake found on the territory of Belarus.

    Did you know? Steppe vipers almost completely died out on the territory of Ukraine, since they are not adapted to life in the conditions of cultivated fields.


    The following representatives of poisonous reptiles are common in Kazakhstan:


    The following venomous reptiles live in Australia:


    In Brazil you can find the following poisonous snakes:


    On African continent reside:


    Live in India:

    Important! India is one of the most densely populated countries with snakes; three million people in this country suffer from snake bites every year, so be extremely careful if you go there on a tourist or work visit.


    In Thailand there is a danger of encountering the following poisonous snakes:


    Pit vipers, more commonly called rattlesnakes in the United States, are the only species of venomous snake found in the United States. They are found mainly in desert and hot parts of this country.

    Other countries and continents

    In other countries there are also reptiles, meeting which can pose a danger to humans:

    First aid for a poisonous snake bite

    When bitten by any poisonous snake, you should follow these rules:

    1. Apply a tourniquet from available materials (fabric, elastic band, rags, belt, etc.) above the bite site to prevent further spread of the poison throughout the body.
    2. Suck out the poison that gets into the wound with your mouth, always spitting, with a rubber bulb or a syringe without a needle. It is necessary to suction until normal blood flows from the wounds inflicted by the snake (at first, coagulated clots will flow).
    3. Then treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply an aseptic bandage over it.
    4. Take the victim to a doctor to provide further assistance and monitor the patient's condition.

    Video: first aid for a snake bite We hope this article will help you recognize the most poisonous and dangerous snakes on our planet and avoid meeting them.

    Did you know? There are no documented sightings of snakes in Greenland.

    Remember that in most cases, snakes will not attack you unless you violate the limits of acceptable behavior with them. Treat any representatives of flora and fauna with respect - this will definitely help you avoid unnecessary troubles and visits to the doctor.

Today we will talk about the most dangerous snakes in the World

Snakes are one of the most mysterious and complex creatures on earth; some consider them incredibly beautiful and dangerous, others consider them vile, scary, disgusting, useless animals. The serpent, according to biblical legends, was the wisest animal before the fall of man, after which it began to crawl on its belly and eat dust. Snakes perform mainly sanitary functions by eating rodents, but many of them are poisonous to humans.

“More than 2,500 species of snakes live on our planet. They can be found everywhere except Antarctica and a few islands such as New Zealand and Ireland, and there are also none on the small islands of the Atlantic and Pacific (its central part) oceans. However, among all the snake diversity, only 10% are poisonous."

Of the more than 2,500 species of snakes, 410 are venomous.“They differ from each other not only in their structure and way of life, but also in the chemical composition of the poison and its effect on a living organism. Official statistics states that up to 50,000 people die from snakebites every year.”

The most actively populated by dangerous snakes are countries, regions, continents, where tropics, heat, mountains, and jungles abound. For example, in the vicinity of Brazil there is an island called “Snake”.

“Snake Island (located off the coast of Brazil)

The most dangerous poisonous snakes on the continent are found here. For example, spearheads - one bite from a snake of this species leads to instant tissue death and death.

According to statistics, the number of poisonous snakes ranges from 1 to 5 individuals per square meter of Zmeiny Island. Therefore, visiting the island is officially prohibited. But still, every year there are extreme sportsmen...”

There are only a few species of venomous snakes found in Russia, mainly in the North Caucasus. In the rest of Russia you can find vipers and copperheads. Their bites are usually non-fatal, but there are rare fatal cases. In general, death from a viper bite occurs about as often as from a hornet bite, and mostly not from poison, but from anaphylactic shock.

In the North Caucasus you can find such poisonous snakes as the copperhead (three species), the viper (six species), the viper, and the tiger snake.

Pictured: Cottonmouth

Viper in the photo

In the photo is Gyurza

“The viper is a representative of the genus of giant vipers and is capable of reaching a length of two meters, it is the most major representative a kind of viper. For humans, such a snake is the most dangerous.

In terms of its toxicity, the venom of the viper is perhaps second only to that of the cobra, while during defense, the snake is able to jump the length of its own body towards the enemy.

The bite of such a snake is accompanied by severe pain, vomiting and dizziness; just one such bite contains up to 50 milligrams of poison. If help is not provided on time, then within two to three hours the person will die.”

In addition to infecting the victim with venom, snakes are capable of killing and harming the victim in other ways.

For example, in tropical rivers South America, Brazil is home to the anaconda, we have seen it in horror films and in wildlife videos where a snake swallows animals alive by a crocodile.

This is the most large snake Of the known modern snakes, even the weight of females can reach 100 kg, length 5-6 meters.

In the photo there is an anaconda

Contrary to the horrors described and shown, the anaconda rarely attacks a person, however, cases of attack and murder of people have still been recorded.

Boas, for example, squeeze the victim, tying it with rings and squeezing the chest or throat.

There are a lot of snakes that infect the victim directly with poison; let’s look at the most dangerous of them.

The first places are shared by the cruel snake, the taipan, tiger snake, sand faff.

I’ll tell you right away about the most beautiful of them:

"Spectacled snake, or Indian cobra(lat. Naja naja) is a very beautiful motley snake, growing up to 1.5-2 meters in length. Lives in India, Central Asia, Southern China (to the Philippines and the islands of the Malay Archipelago).

The photo shows a spectacled snake

The offspring of this cobra are poisonous from the very first minutes after birth. I spectacled cobra contains toxins that damage the central nervous system. Just one gram of poison can kill 140 medium-sized dogs.”

Pictured is a Malayan krait

“The Malayan krait (lat. Bungarus candidus) is a very dangerous snake from the adder family. Extremely unfriendly. It lives in Australia, South Asia and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.

Its poison is fatal and primarily affects the human brain. Death can occur quickly and even without paralytic symptoms.”

I must say, in general, asps are all beautiful, from the outside... Asps are a large family of poisonous snakes, which includes 347 species, grouped into 61 genera, including mambas and cobras.

“In general, neurotoxins predominate in the venom of slate snakes, which gives a characteristic clinical picture when bitten. Local phenomena in the area of ​​the bite almost do not develop (there is no swelling or redness), but death quickly occurs due to depression of the nervous system, primarily paralysis of the respiratory center. The bite of large adders, such as cobras, represents mortal danger for a person."

In the photo there is a harlequin adder

“The harlequin, or eastern adder (lat. Micrurus fulvius) is a poisonous snake that lives in northeastern Mexico and the southeastern part of the United States. The owner of a bright color with characteristic red, black and narrow yellow rings.

The bite of this snake is very dangerous for human life. If help is not provided in time, a person can die within 20-24 hours.”

Adders also include the most poisonous land snake - the cruel snake (although a number of scientists, according to latest research, called the most dangerous tiger snake, others taipan).

The photo shows a cruel snake

“On average, one snake receives 44 mg of venom - this dose is enough to kill 100 people or 250,000 mice. With a semi-lethal dose of 0.01 mg/kg, its poison is approximately 180 times stronger than poison cobra. However, unlike the coastal taipan, the fierce snake is less aggressive; all documented cases of bites were the result of careless handling” (Wikipedia).

The taipan is perhaps not as beautiful as the harlequin adder, but more dangerous; it is one of the most dangerous and aggressive snakes in the world; every second person bitten dies, despite the use of the serum:

“The coastal taipan or simply Taipan (lat. Oxyuranus scutellatus) is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.

Pictured is a taipan.

The taipan is very aggressive and fast: when it sees danger, it raises its head, shaking it, then strikes the enemy several times in a row with lightning speed. A taipan bite can lead to death in 4-12 hours, while a person bitten by other most poisonous snakes lives for about a day.

In Queensland, where taipans are most common, despite the invention of the serum, every second bitten person still dies.

Because of its aggressive nature, large size and speed, the taipan is considered the most dangerous of all venomous snakes in the world, although the strength of its venom is somewhat weaker than that of the desert taipan, a fierce snake.”

Mulga in the photo

Mulga or brown king (lat. Pseudechis australis) is a dangerous snake from the adder family. In terms of toxicity, its venom is second only to that of the taipan and tiger snake, but this is successfully compensated for by its large quantity: at one time the mulga is capable of releasing up to 150 mg of venom. Moreover, this snake is in no hurry to immediately let go of the victim, but holds it with its long teeth, injecting new portions of poison.

The black mamba (also a snake) is common in Africa, one of the fastest snakes, reaching speeds of over 11 km per hour (yes, that's fast for a snake).

Pictured is a black mamba

“The snake has the sad reputation of being extremely dangerous, the bite of which, before the advent of antidotes, invariably led to death. However, it is not aggressive and avoids human contact whenever possible, only attacking when caught off guard or cornered.

The poison is highly toxic and contains neurotoxins, primarily dendrotoxins, which, in the absence of an antidote, lead to paralysis and respiratory arrest. There are known cases where death occurred within 45 minutes after the bite.”

“Adult specimens reach a length of 2.5 meters, although there are cases of sad encounters with mambas of 4 meters in length. The black mamba owes its name not to the color of its body (it varies), but to the inky color of its mouth.

This reptile is very fast, reaching speeds of up to 20 km/h. After the first “tip,” the mamba tries to sting several more times, and if the poisonous tooth gets into a vein, all is lost. Mambas often love garbage dumps in African villages, which makes ordinary garbage disposal a very extreme activity.”

This is one of the 20 most dangerous snakes on the planet. A dose of 15-29 mg is enough to kill an adult, but the black mamba injects 100-400 mg of poison at a time.

If a person is bitten on a limb, a person has a couple of hours; with timely assistance (injection of serum into the blood), there is a 99% chance of recovery; if the bite is in the face, there is only 20-30 minutes.

The photo shows a green mamba

The green mamba is an insidious snake, it is also nicknamed the “green devil”. The color of its color is very beautiful, from light green to bright green, the length of an adult is about 1.5 m. There are fewer cases of death from green mamba bites than from black mamba bites, but the green mamba attacks very unexpectedly, on its own, and for no apparent reason, there have been cases when she was waiting for people on tree branches while harvesting tea plantations and fell by the collar from above, inflicting a fatal blow. It happened that a person’s death occurred in a couple of minutes, not that they didn’t have time to administer the serum - they didn’t have time to understand what happened.

Death snakes are also a subspecies of adders.

The photo shows a deadly snake

« Deadly snakes (lat. Acanthophis) are a genus of Australian very poisonous snakes, consisting of 3-5 species. They are among the most poisonous snakes on the planet. The name is translated from Greek as “thorny snake.”

The venom of deadly snakes is extremely toxic - enough venom can be obtained from one snake to kill 2,285 mice. When bitten, a deadly snake injects 70-100 mg of venom (LD50 for mice 0.4-0.5 mg/kg). The venom is almost exclusively neurotoxic and is 1.5 times stronger than the venom of the cobra (Naja naja).

Unlike most Australian adder bites, symptoms of poisoning develop slowly, peaking 24-48 hours after the bite. However, before the development of a special serum, half of the recorded cases died from bites of these snakes. The deadly snake Acanthophis antarcticus is the 10th most venomous land snake in the world.”

There is a common misconception that the most poisonous and dangerous snake is the cobra, in particular the king cobra. This is wrong.

"I king cobra has mainly neurotoxic effects. The venom toxin blocks muscle contractions, which causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles, respiratory arrest and death. Its strength and volume (up to 7 ml) are enough to cause the death of a person within 15 minutes after the first full bite. In such cases, the probability of death may exceed 75%.

But, taking into account all the behavioral features of the king cobra, in general, only 10% of bites become fatal to humans. In India, deaths from king cobra bites are rare, despite the fact that up to 50 thousand people die from poisonous snake bites in the country every year.

Pictured is a king cobra

The king cobra is a very patient snake. If a person finds himself on close range with this snake, he should stand (or sit) at the level of its eyes, not make sudden movements, breathe evenly and look at it calmly. After a few minutes, the cobra will consider the person a harmless object and slip away.”

The sand epha, which usually has a body length of only 70-80 cm, is found in the foothills and valleys Central Asia, in all northern Africa to Algeria.

In the photo there is a sand faff

“If an efa bites, then the person is doomed, even if he survives, he will remain crippled forever. In Africa he dies from its poison more people than from everyone African snakes combined.

Lives in lumpy sands overgrown with saxaul, in clay deserts, thickets of bushes, on river cliffs and in ruins. In favorable conditions, efa can be very numerous. For example, in the valley of the Murgab River, over an area of ​​about 1.5 km, snake catchers produced more than 2 thousand eff in 5 years.”

“The mortality rate for poisoning with epha poisons is about 20%. The use of serum reduces it to 2.5%. According to David Worrell, efa is responsible for the largest number deaths among all snakes. Death from an ephas bite occurs at a “record” late date: within 3-41 days.”

The most poisonous snake living in the sea (according to some sources, the most poisonous in general) is Belchera; a drop of venom from one snake can kill a thousand people (for comparison, the venom of a tiger snake can kill 400 people, a cruel one - 100). True, the Belchera is peaceful and attacks only in extreme cases; death occurs within 1 minute.

Belcher's photo

There is a lot of debate among biologists and specialists about which snake is the most poisonous - some call the Belchera the most potentially poisonous, some say the efu, some say the taipan, a cruel snake.


“It is definitely difficult to answer which poisonous snake out of all their diversity is the most dangerous to humans. Why? Because not only the toxicity of the poison matters, but also the aggressiveness of the snake, the method of attack, the amount of poison injected during the bite, and the location of the teeth.

Putting all the factors together, scientists have identified the most dangerous snake on the planet - the sand epha for the following reasons:

  • it has killed more people than all other poisonous snakes combined;
  • every 5th person bitten dies even today, in the age of high medical technologies;
  • If a person still survives, then he will have health problems for the rest of his life. Most often the consequences of a bite sand f-hole have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and liver.”

All snakes are cold-blooded, their body temperature is the same as that of the environment, they are not able to maintain body heat. “Cold, sometimes warm, sticky, slippery” - this is how those who had contact with them characterize the reptiles.

But the main thing is that snakes are always predators, and if some of them are not dangerous to people, they are dangerous to rodents.

There are many different species of snakes in the world. Some of them pose a danger to human life. Snake venom enters the human body through touch or bite, and sometimes you can become poisoned by eating snake meat.

It’s impossible to talk about all poisonous snakes at once; let’s focus on the most famous of them. So, I present to you ten the most poisonous snakes in the world.

Top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world

Belcher's sea snake is the most poisonous snake in the world. The snake got its name from explorer Edward Belcher and is also sometimes called the striped sea snake. A snake rarely attacks a person; in order to provoke it to bite, you need to try very hard, so cases of a Belcher sea snake bite are extremely rare. You can meet it in the waters off Southeast Asia and Northern Australia.

The victims of bites most often were sailors who caught the snake in nets along with fish. However, it is known that only a quarter of the bitten sailors died, since the snake rarely injects its venom completely. One milligram of Belcher's snake venom can kill 1,000 people - it is the most toxic snake venom in the world.

The inland taipan or fierce snake today ranks second in our ranking of the most poisonous snakes in the world. The taipan lives in Australia and is distinguished by its ability to change color depending on the time of year. It can be difficult to see the snake, as it prefers soil breaks and cracks.

The taipan is the most venomous land snake in the world. The maximum recorded yield of poison is 110 milligrams, which is enough to kill 100 people or, for example, 250,000 mice. This snake is fifty times more poisonous than a cobra. Fortunately inland taipan not too aggressive, and it can be found extremely rarely. There have been no recorded cases of human deaths from a taipan bite, although it can kill an adult in 45 minutes.

In third place is the eastern brown snake, which lives in Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. The venom of this snake can cause bleeding, muscle paralysis, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest. There are cases where a person died instantly after being bitten by a snake.

Unfortunately, the eastern brown snake prefers to live near settlements, so cases of bites are common. The snake moves quickly and can be aggressive: it chases its prey and attacks repeatedly. The venom contains neurotoxins and blood coagulants. The eastern brown snake reacts to movement, so when encountering one, you should remain calm and, if possible, not move.

The Malayan Blue Krait is certainly worthy of our rating. It lives in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. The color of the snake resembles a zebra or a traffic cop's baton - a dark background with bright white stripes. More than half of blue krait bites ended fatal, despite the antidote. The krait is a nocturnal predator, which is why it is more active at night.

The venom of the Malayan blue krait is a neurotoxin 16 times more potent than that of the cobra. When it enters the human body, it causes convulsions and paralysis, which lead to death. Before receiving the antidote, the mortality rate from bites was 85%, however, the antidote does not guarantee survival. death usually occurs 6-12 hours after a krait bite.

The most dangerous black mamba lives in many parts of the African continent. As you know, the snake is very aggressive and usually its throw is extremely accurate. The black mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. This terrible snake is capable of 12 bites in a row.

The venom is a fast-acting neurotoxin. During one injection, the snake releases an average of 100-120 milligrams of poison. If the poison reaches a vein, then 0.25 milligrams of poison per 1 kilogram of body is enough to kill a person. Initial symptoms of a bite: pain in the bite area, tingling in the mouth and limbs, double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation, ataxia (lack of muscle control). If the victim does not receive medical care, symptoms quickly progress to severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and paralysis. Eventually, respiratory arrest, coma and death occur. Depending on the nature of the bite, death occurs in the range from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Without an antidote, the mortality rate is 100% - this is the most high level mortality rate among all venomous snakes.

The tiger snake lives in southeastern Australia. Its disposition is quite peaceful - the snake attacks only if it is disturbed, but in the event of an attack it strikes with unerring accuracy.

Snake venom is a powerful neurotoxin that causes internal and external bleeding and muscle paralysis. Most often, the death of the victim occurs precisely because of heavy bleeding. Before the creation of an antidote, the mortality rate from a tiger snake bite was 60-70%. Death from the bite can occur within 30 minutes, but usually occurs within 6 to 24 hours.

The Philippine cobra, as the name suggests, lives in the Philippine Islands, mainly in fields and jungles. This is a relatively small brown snake that can reach 1 meter in length.

The Philippine cobra is the most poisonous among cobras. It differs in that it is capable of throwing poison at a distance of up to 3 meters. The poison is a neurotoxin that leads to disruption of cardiac and respiratory functions. Human death can occur within 30 minutes after the bite. Symptoms of poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and cramps.

Many of our readers have probably heard about the viper. This snake is found throughout most of the world. Prefers damp places, forest edges, river banks, swamps, lakes, and climbs mountains. Mainly leads night look life, most active after rains. The viper is a very fast snake.

The initial symptoms of viper poisoning are pain at the site of the bite and swelling of the affected part. Symptoms such as bleeding (especially from the gums), falling blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate. Superficial necrosis of the affected area often occurs; in a third of cases, vomiting and facial swelling are observed. If there is no antidote within 1 to 14 days, death occurs from blood poisoning, respiratory or heart failure.

The viper-like death snake lives mainly in New Guinea and Australia, preferring rocks and dry places. The snake, both in appearance and in behavioral factors, is very similar to a viper, hence its name. A deadly snake can lie in ambush without moving for up to several days, waiting for its prey. It feeds on rodents, small birds, and can attack other snakes. The snake's head has the shape of a triangle with a sharp neck, its body is short and thick.

At one time, the viper-like death snake typically injects 40-100 milligrams of neurotoxic venom. Untreated bites are among the most dangerous in the world. The greatest danger to life occurs 24-48 hours after the bite, so due to the slow progression of symptoms, antivenom can be quite effective.

Last in our ranking the most poisonous snakes in the world A rattlesnake that is easily identified by the special rattles or rattles on its tail. The rattlesnake is very poisonous and neither clothing nor shoes can protect you from its bite. The snake lives mainly in North America, prefers dry and rocky areas, burrows of rodents and birds. By nature, the snake is lazy, although it can crawl quickly. It announces itself with a characteristic rustling noise created by a rattle.

Young rattlesnakes are most venomous due to their inability to control the amount of venom injected. I rattlesnakes is a powerful coagulant and causes difficulty breathing, paralysis, and severe bleeding. A snake bite is always dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. However, antivenom is usually very effective and reduces mortality by up to 4%.

Some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet are poisonous snakes, which most people have an overwhelming dislike for, just like spiders or rats. Snakes live on almost all continents, excluding Antarctica and several large, northern islands, such as New Zealand and Ireland.

Most species of these reptiles are not poisonous, but there are special specimens whose poison can easily kill an adult. In many reptiles, the poison is so complex that scientists still cannot create an effective antidote.
In this rating, we will talk about the most poisonous snakes in the world, a meeting with which can end in a painful and very painful death.

1. Malay Krait

This outwardly beautiful snake is colored alternately with black and yellow rings and looks quite harmless. But do not be fooled, because behind the attractive coloring hides one of the most scary killers, which killed more people than all the elephants, leopards and tigers in Asia combined.

The Malaysian Krait is the most aggressive venomous snake in the world. And unlike other reptiles that bite their prey once and immediately try to hide, the little krait attacks several times to be sure that his enemy is poisoned. Most of the dead are people from the countryside, because the krait likes to build its nests near human habitation. The snake is "armed" with neurotoxic venom, chemical composition which is similar to the poison of a cobra, only the venom of the krait is much more powerful.

After the bite, paralysis sets in, and then the victim dies within minutes to 2-3 hours after the attack, depending on the amount of venom injected. So far, no effective antidote has been found against the bites of this snake. Even with modern treatment, more than 50% of bites are fatal.

2. Deadly snake (Acanthopis antarcticus)

Despite your scientific name, the Australian death snake has no connection to Antarctica. But it has a very bad reputation, and locals call it "snake death with a scythe."

This short and thick snake looks like a poisonous sausage from the side. It grows to a length of 1.7 meters, has a dark brown or gray color with colored stripes on the sides. The head is thick and short, triangular in shape.

One of the most venomous snakes in the world lives in the arid regions of Australia, where it preys on small vertebrates, lizards and frogs. Acanthopis antarcticus is a very cunning predator that hides among leaves and grass, waiting for its prey. As a rule, the snake hunts at night, and after the breeding season, the female crawls into the hole, where 20 "cute little kites" are waiting for her, already deadly poisonous.

Only 10 mg of poison is enough to kill an adult. deadly snake, but usually the reptile, along with saliva, injects at least 180 mg of poison into the victim in one bite. In less than 6 hours, respiratory paralysis occurs, and then inevitable death.

3. Coral snake

Coral asp - living on the North American continent and one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet. In general, there are 48 subspecies of coral snakes and the most terrible of them is the harlequin coral snake. Many scientists believe that these snakes are among the most beautiful on the planet. Their scales are colored alternately in bright yellow, red and black colors.

Coral snakes reach a length of 1.5 m, do not really like the color of the sun and hide in the shade of tree leaves. These reptiles are nocturnal but are often very active in the evening and at dawn. The female lays 5-7 eggs from which the offspring hatch within 60 days. The poison of these snakes is very strong, but fortunately for humans, snakes have a very narrow mouth opening and small teeth, so that the snake can rarely inject enough poison to kill the victim.

However, 15-25 asp bites are recorded annually in the United States alone, of which 5-7 are fatal.

4. Beaked Sea Snake

The beaked sea snake lives in sea ​​waters and feeds mainly on fish. Unlike its mythical cousins, sea serpents, this reptile is small in size and rarely reaches a length of more than 1.2 m.

But this reptile is rightfully considered one of the most terrible killers on the planet, annually sending several thousand people “to the next world”!

The snake's glands constantly contain enough venom to kill 50 people, twice as much as the king cobra or the deadly viper. Contrary to its gloomy and dark reputation, the snake's coloration is vibrant. The skin of the snake is decorated with shades of green, yellow and gray color mixed with black.

The beaked sea snake is an extremely aggressive reptile., which is usually found in warm waters Pacific and Indian oceans. It has a pair of very sharp and large fangs that can easily bite through the thick skin of large animals. This snake is responsible for most of the deaths of divers and ordinary bathers in the ocean, with 90% of the bitten victims not surviving to the next day.

5. Tiger snake

The South Australian tiger snake has small size and rarely reaches a length of more than 2 meters. The snake leads a sedentary lifestyle and preys on small animals, mainly rodents and frogs. The reptile's coloring is very bright, black or dark brown with stripes. yellow color, which is why she was nicknamed tiger.

The tiger snake is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. a large number the poison contained in her glands, which would be enough to kill hundreds of people. During a bite, the reptile injects a huge dose of neurotoxin, which in a matter of seconds affects nervous system, and if the victim is not immediately given an antidote, he is doomed to a quick death within a few minutes.

But it is worth recognizing that the tiger snake is not aggressive and will never attack a person first. In all tragic cases, people either set up tents in the habitat of these reptiles, there were cases when snakes attacked children who threw stones and sticks at them and bit careless daredevils who wanted to catch them with their bare hands.

6. Taipan

Taipan has a large size and can grow up to 4 meters. Australia is considered the homeland of this venomous snake, although taipans are also found in New Guinea and Tasmania. Reptiles are painted in light green or dark brown, rarely come across completely black taipans. Lead daytime look life, in the wild they hunt marsupials, mammals, rabbits and rats. Taipan females lay up to 20 eggs.

Coastal taipans are especially dangerous, their neurotoxic poison is so strong that almost immediately after a bite, it paralyzes the human nervous system. The average time after an attack on a victim until his death is no more than 90 minutes and if the victim is not given an antidote in time, death will occur in 100% of bite cases.

Taipan is very aggressive and can attack a person himself, even if he did not disturb him. Before throwing, he curls up into several rings and makes several false attacks towards the victim. Then there is a rapid throw, the snake overcomes a distance of 3-4 meters in one second, practically not giving the slightest chance to escape to the unfortunate.

7. African black mamba

The black mamba, nicknamed on the African continent “black death” and “avenging insults,” is one of the largest venomous snakes on the planet. Its length can reach 4.5 meters, and the amount of poison that the snake injects when bitten is 400 mg, with a lethal dose for humans, only 15 mg.

Mamba is very aggressive and can chase its prey, as it is also considered to be the most fast snake on the continent. It can reach speeds up to 20 km/h. The first symptom of poisoning is local pain at the site of the bite, the victim experiences tingling in the mouth and limbs, tunnel vision and double vision, severe confusion, fever, increased salivation (including foaming from the mouth and nose) and severe ataxia (lack of muscle control).

To save the victim from the bite of a black mamba, it is required to administer an antidote immediately after the attack, otherwise the chances of a successful outcome are not great. Death from the bite of this poisonous snake occurs within 2-3 hours.

8. Eastern brown snake

The eastern brown snake is one of the most aggressive snakes found in Australia. It reaches a length of 2 meters and hunts advantage in the daytime. The diet of these reptiles is no different from their counterparts: rabbits, marsupials, frogs and birds.

Most brown snakes live in the province of Victoria, where the largest number of victims from their bites are recorded. The brown snake is an extremely vicious, fast and strong snake, so when encountering it, it is better to try to get around it as far as possible.

According to research by international expert Steve Irwin, this snake is responsible for the majority of human deaths in Australia, in the wild. U brown snake The venom is enough to kill 200 people, and the venom of this reptile is considered the second most toxic in the world.

9. Taipan inland

This subspecies of venomous snakes was discovered by scientists relatively recently, in 2007, and like most others poisonous species lives in Australia. Also, this reptile is also called a ferocious or cruel snake. It feeds mainly on mammals and lives in hot, dry plains, hiding in cracks and small fissures in the ground, making it difficult to spot.

The venom of this snake is highly toxic and one bite is enough to kill an adult human within minutes. But unlike its other taipan brothers, the ferocious snake, despite its name, is not very aggressive and, if threatened, tries to run away or hide.

10. Philippine cobra

Cobras themselves are very venomous creatures, but the Philippine cobra has a special difference. Not only is its poison considered one of the most powerful in the world, but this snake is also capable of shooting its poison into the eyes of the offender at a distance of up to three meters!

The toxin affects the respiratory and cardiac functions of the victim and eventually leads to death from respiratory paralysis. A cobra does not attack a person if there is no direct threat to her life or the safety of offspring.

Philippine cobras rarely grow more than 1 meter, only single specimens reach a length of 1.5 meters, they live mainly on the islands of the Philippine archipelago: Mindoro, Masbate and Luzon.

Of all known species There are only 250 snakes on the planet that pose a potential danger to humans. Fortunately, a small number of those bitten die, as timely administration of the serum prevents the action of the toxin.

About 5% of the total number of victims remain disabled with varying degrees of severity. The number of deaths can be reduced if you accurately understand the types of snakes, which will allow you to instantly select a cure.

Even with the bite of the most poisonous snake, there is a chance of survival if you go to the hospital in time or administer serum in a short time.

Important! 3 species of the most poisonous snakes on the planet live on the same continent of Australia. Other types of poisonous creepers are common on almost all continents.

The reptile is peaceful and does not attack people or animals unless necessary. Individuals live exclusively away from people. The snake is very large - the length of an adult can reach 3-3.5 meters.

This is the most poisonous land snake, but the sea snake is called Belcher's snake. According to statistics sea ​​monster almost 100 times more poisonous than its land counterpart.

The most poisonous snake in the world has the following characteristics:

Main characteristics Detailed description
Taipan bite The snake's teeth are about 1.3 centimeters long. When a snake bites, it does not release all the venom, but only part of it. The entire concentration of poison could kill 100 people.
Poison duration After being bitten, an adult dies within half an hour. If a large dose of poison is injected, even serum will not help. To survive, it is worth administering the antidote within the first 5-10 minutes.
Effect of poison The poison is highly toxic. The toxin components paralyze the muscles of the respiratory system.

In addition, the blood loses its ability to clot, which means that death can occur not even from the action of the poison, but from blood loss.

Ready before you bite Before delivering a bite, the snake raises its head, bending its body. The whole body begins to vibrate strongly. In a split second, the snake fully straightens and strikes the victim in a jump.

Top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world

Among the 250 species of venomous snakes, there are especially dangerous ones that pose the top 10 threats to human life. Dangerous creeping reptiles from this rating have threatening characteristics.

It is not worthwhile to rank snakes in a certain sequence according to the toxicity of their venom, since in addition to this characteristic there are other equally dangerous characteristics.

List of the 10 most poisonous snakes on the planet:

Important to remember, that the presence of serum does not guarantee that a life will be saved.

Therefore, it is better to avoid contact with representatives of this list and follow safety rules when traveling through their habitats.

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