Encyclopedia of edible mushrooms with photographs. Beware, poisonous mushrooms: a selection of famous species

You don't have to wait until late summer to harvest edible mushrooms. Many delicious species inhabit the forest from June, and especially early ones - from spring. Knowledge of some types edible mushrooms will help distinguish them from dangerous ones.

Mushrooms that appear the earliest, when properly prepared, are no less tasty than those collected in summer and autumn. The main thing is to distinguish them from poisonous species, which also grow immediately after the snow melts.


They appear in areas well warmed by the sun's rays. Their cap is dotted with folds and indentations, which gives the morel a wrinkled appearance. The mushroom has several common varieties, so the shape of the cap may vary: be pear-shaped, elongated, conical.


Scientific name: roseoplate thyroid. It has a brown stem and cap. The diameter of the latter ranges from 1 to 10 cm. The pleasant-tasting white pulp is traditionally used in canning. Grows in gardens and wild apricot groves.


Oyster mushrooms

They grow in a suspended state on stumps, attached to them with a thin stalk. The color of the hat, often growing up to 30 cm in diameter, varies from snow-white to brown. Oyster mushrooms usually form whole flocks, which makes them easier to collect.

Meadow mushrooms

These are thin lamellar mushrooms, appearing in May in clearings and forest edges in the form of “witch’s rings.” The diameter of the chestnut cap is very small: less than 4 cm.

Meadow mushrooms


These valuable forest dwellers appear in mid-May in warm climate regions, choosing well-lit open spaces. The spherical cap is painted white, and the leg may have beige shades. It is widely used in cooking, including for the preparation of gourmet dishes.

Gallery: edible mushrooms (25 photos)


They appear everywhere at the end of May. This is a cap mushroom that loves the sun. Boletus mushrooms usually grow in “families” around trees. Their hemispherical cap can be either white or dark brown, depending on the age of the find. It is important to distinguish between boletus and gall mushroom: the latter has a burning taste with bitterness and a pink layer of spores, while in boletus spores the spores are gray.



Appear simultaneously with boletus mushrooms, but they prefer pine forests. Distinctive feature The oiler is a brown cap covered with a sticky film.

How to pick mushrooms (video)

summer edible mushrooms

In summer, spring mushrooms also grow and are joined by new ones. Avid lovers quiet hunt They go to the forest from June, and in August, which is the peak of fruiting, everyone else joins them.


The first place in the list of summer species is, of course, white. This is a very valuable species because it not only has an excellent taste, but also healing properties: it contains substances that kill bacteria.

The appearance of “white” is difficult to confuse with others: A fleshy hat, colored in warm shades of brown, pink or even white, mounted on a plump stem. The pulp has a pleasant taste and aroma.

For its positive properties it is called the “king of mushrooms”. You can find “white” in forests with birch and pine trees, in open areas. But the mushroom itself prefers to remain in the shadows, hiding under fallen trees or thick grass.



Grows in forests that contain oak or pine trees. At first glance, the flywheel resembles an oil can, but the surface of its brown or olive cap is dry and has a velvety structure. Their diameter does not exceed 10 cm, but in a favorable environment this figure can become larger.


This is a small and very fragile mushroom that grows everywhere in large quantities. The color of the caps can be very diverse: yellow, pink, purple, white. White pulp, easily broken when pressed, sweet in taste. Russulas grow until late autumn, mainly in the lowlands of any forest, and are undemanding to soil. Despite the name, it is better to prepare russula: fry in breading, boil, add to soup and potatoes, or pickle for the winter.



They grow in large “families” in well-moistened areas of mixed and coniferous forest. This lamellar mushroom does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. The cap of a young bitterling is almost flat, and over time it turns into a funnel-shaped one. Both the stem and the skin are brick-colored. The pulp, like that of russula, is fragile; if damaged, white juice may appear from it.


These are mushrooms loved by many and make an excellent duo with potatoes when fried. They appear in June among moss in birch or pine forests.

Chanterelles grow in a dense carpet or are bright yellow in color (which is why they got their name). The funnel-shaped cap has a wavy edge. A pleasant feature of the mushroom is that it is almost always untouched by worms.

Varieties of edible mushrooms (video)

Edible autumn mushrooms

The beginning of September can be called the most productive time for picking mushrooms, when a wide variety of mushrooms grow in the forest. different types: starting with boletus mushrooms that appeared in May and ending with autumn mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms

Perhaps the most beloved inhabitants of the mushroom kingdom that appear in the fall are honey mushrooms (they are also called honey mushrooms). Some varieties begin to grow as early as late summer.

Honey mushrooms never grow alone: ​​they “attack” stumps, logs and even healthy trees in entire colonies. One family can have up to 100 pieces. Therefore, collecting them is easy and quick.

Honey mushrooms are cap mushrooms of brown and red color.. The diameter of the brown cap, darkening towards the middle, is from 2 to 10 cm. These are mushrooms that have a pleasant smell and taste, so they are used for cooking in almost any form. Miniature young mushrooms with legs marinated in spicy brine are especially tasty.


A large family, whose representatives grow in orderly rows in pine or mixed forests. Sometimes they can form ring-shaped colonies . They have many species, most of which are edible. But there are also poisonous rows.

These are medium-sized mushrooms (the average diameter is 5–13 cm), the caps of which are painted in various colors. Their shape changes over time: old specimens are usually almost flat, with a knob in the middle; young ones can be cone-shaped.


This is an edible species that is often confused with toadstools. Its cap is usually covered with mucus, but can also be dry. There are different types of mothweed, for example, spruce and pink.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones

The task of a lover of quiet hunting is not only to find mushrooms, but also to distinguish edible from inedible and even poisonous ones. Knowledge and practical experience help with this. The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to know the characteristics of the species. But there is still general rules, allowing you to determine how safe the mushroom is for health.

Edible mushrooms

They have the following properties:

  • pleasant “edible” smell;
  • the bottom of the cap is covered with a tubular layer;
  • they were chosen by bugs or worms;
  • the skin of the cap is characteristic in color for its species.

There are general rules to determine how safe a mushroom is for health.

Inedible mushrooms

If there is any doubt about the suitability of a find for consumption, then it is better to leave it when the mushroom:

  • has an unusual or bright color;
  • it emits a sharp and unpleasant odor;
  • there are no pests on the surface;
  • the cut takes on an unnatural color;
  • there is no tubular layer under the cap.

The variety of species does not allow us to derive an axiom on how to determine by appearance whether a mushroom is dangerous or not. They successfully disguise themselves as each other and are almost indistinguishable. Therefore, the main rule of all mushroom pickers is: “If you’re not sure, don’t take it.”

The main rule of all mushroom pickers is: If you’re not sure, don’t take it.

Which mushrooms appear first?

Small poisonous mushrooms are usually the first to emerge from the ground. They are thin, fragile and unremarkable; They grow literally everywhere: in forests, parks and on lawns along with the first grass.

The very first edible morels will appear a little later, from about mid-April in the middle lane.

The importance of edible mushrooms in human nutrition

Mushrooms are widely used in cooking. Their taste and smell are determined by extractive and aromatic substances. The product is used mainly after heat treatment: as an addition to vegetable and meat dishes, salads and snacks. Dried caps and legs are added to soups to give them a characteristic taste and aroma. Another common method of preparation is canning, in which spicy spices and plants are added.

Top 10 most delicious mushrooms from the magazine "site"

Wandering through the forest in search of delicious mushrooms - what could be more wonderful on a sunny autumn day? But which mushrooms are the most delicious, and therefore the most desirable in a mushroom picker's basket? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Some people like fried mushrooms, some like pickled mushrooms, some like salted mushrooms. The main thing is to collect the gifts of the forest carefully, avoiding poisonous specimens, cook them correctly and with love, and then these dishes will turn out incredibly tasty. And now about which mushrooms are better to choose for your culinary masterpieces.

Porcini mushrooms (other names: boletus, ladybug) are considered the most delicious and valuable forest inhabitants. After drying and heat treatment, they do not turn brown or black, like many other mushrooms, retaining their beautiful white color, hence the name. Boletus mushrooms have a wonderful taste, bright aroma, and are valued for their high nutritional value and abundance of nutrients. Dishes from them are especially popular in French, Italian and Russian cuisine. Properly cooked porcini mushrooms are a real delicacy. They are delicious boiled, stewed, fried and baked. Mushroom mushrooms are frozen, dried, salted and pickled. Dried mushrooms make incredibly aromatic sauces, soups and casseroles.

Boletus mushrooms are excellent mushrooms. They are inferior to their close relatives, boletus mushrooms, only in that they darken with any treatment. True, it does not affect the taste. Of all the relatives (four species of these noble mushrooms are known), the most valuable and most delicious is the common boletus. It has all the advantages of wild mushrooms: it has an excellent taste and pleasant aroma, is suitable for drying, good for pickling, and ideal for frying. Gourmets do not like the hard legs of boletus boletus, but they adore hats. Boletus mushrooms go best with buckwheat, lentils, pearl barley, potatoes and cabbage. Noble bouquets of aromas are obtained by combining them with other mushrooms - boletus, chanterelles and boletus.

Like boletus mushrooms, these mushrooms darken when cut, but in terms of taste they are equal to boletus mushrooms. Because of the bright color of their caps, they are often called red mushrooms, and the first name is due to the fact that they grow near aspen trees. The uniqueness of these mushrooms is that they cannot be confused with any others; they are not like anyone else. All types of boletuses - white, yellow-brown and red - are edible and have a similar taste. These mushrooms are used in cooking, frying, and pickling. True, they deteriorate very quickly, so they require immediate processing after collection. But boletuses are very pliable, forgive culinary mistakes, can be combined with a variety of products, and can be used to cook delicious snacks, salads and soups, they go well with potatoes, buckwheat, rice and cabbage.

Mushrooms that appear mainly on stumps (which owes their name) every year in the same places, grow in large colonies (having found one family, you can fill a basket to the top), and do not break during transportation - the desired prey of any mushroom picker. But honey mushrooms also have other advantages: these mushrooms are very healthy and incredibly tasty, especially when pickled. True, fried mushrooms also taste wonderful. In Rus', honey mushrooms have always been a desirable dish on the table. In old cookbooks you can find hundreds of recipes that contain these mushrooms. In addition to autumn honey mushrooms, there are other varieties - winter honey fungus, summer honey fungus and meadow honey fungus (clove mushroom); the latter has a very pleasant almond-like aroma.

Saffron milk caps (pine and spruce) are one of the most valuable and tasty mushrooms found in Russian forests. Such a kind, affectionate and gentle name was given to them for their beautiful color and wonderful taste. The bright orange milky juice that appears when the pulp is cut has an aroma that is reminiscent of the smell of pine nuts mixed with the aroma of pine bark. Even after salting, the bright orange color remains. Collecting these noble lamellar mushrooms is a pleasure, as they grow big families. Ryzhiki do not lose their quality when dried; they are good in marinade, after pickling and fermentation. Fresh mushrooms make an incredibly tasty roast. And salted saffron milk caps can compete with the most delicious appetizers; their nutritional value is equal to that of beef.

Once upon a time, these mushrooms were considered a rare and expensive delicacy, an exquisite delicacy intended for the elite. Today champignons are the most common and popular mushrooms in the world, one of the first to be cultivated. Champignons are valued for their unpretentiousness, numerous beneficial properties, excellent taste and aroma. They are used in a huge number of dishes, and gourmets enjoy eating champignons raw. The most delicious mushrooms are grilled and cooked in clay pots. Champignons make excellent sauces and gravies, delicious soups and soufflé. Baked goods also benefit from their presence - mushroom pies, pizza, pies. A wonderful dish is stuffed champignons, because the filling for the caps can be prepared from your favorite products.

Oyster mushrooms (as oyster mushrooms are called in the USA and Western Europe) can be found in any supermarket today. But in Southeast Asia, Canada and the USA, these mushrooms are considered an exquisite delicacy. In Asian countries, they are used to make sauces, savory snacks and stuffing for dumplings, served with rice, added to noodles, cooked in oil and marinated. Oyster mushrooms are unpretentious, their composition is similar to meat, their taste is very pleasant, with notes of anise, almonds and rye bread. Oyster mushrooms love onions and go well with zucchini, eggplant, carrots, potatoes and cabbage. If you cook vegetables and mushrooms separately and then combine them, you will get a very appetizing dish. Oyster mushrooms are good as a filling for puff pastries and homemade pizza. You can also make delicious borscht from these mushrooms.

Among forest mushrooms, the common chanterelle is one of the most popular. It is valued for the fact that it is almost never wormy and does not break at all. When cooking these mushrooms, similar in color to the color of fox fur (hence the name), it is recommended to cut them as finely as possible in order to get the maximum benefit from the finished dishes; Chanterelles are less digestible than other mushrooms. They can be prepared in different ways: boiled, pickled, dried, but the most delicious are fried chanterelles; there are countless recipes for this simple dish. Chanterelle sauces are amazingly tasty; they can be served with any side dishes - rice, potatoes, pasta, buckwheat and other cereals.

Butterflies are among the most common mushrooms throughout the northern hemisphere. These forest inhabitants owe their name to the oily cap. The British have a very funny name for the oiler – Slippery Jack. Granular oiler, late oiler and deciduous oiler are all edible. Young and small mushrooms are most often pickled. In many homes, this cold appetizer is associated with a cozy family feast, New Year and Christmas holidays. Each housewife has her own recipe for this delicacy. Marinated or salted boletus makes very tasty salads. These mushrooms are rarely dried; after such treatment they become brittle. Butternuts are delicious when fried; they are often added to main dishes to add a mushroom flavor.

10. Milk mushrooms
IN large family The most common types of these mushrooms are white, black and yellow milk mushrooms. A glorious prey for every mushroom picker is white milk mushrooms. When salted, they acquire an original bluish tint, and the taste of these mushrooms is simply finger-licking! There are many recipes in Russian cuisine using milk mushrooms. Ever since Kievan Rus this mushroom was considered a valuable commercial product. Milk mushrooms are added to salads with sauerkraut, herring, peas, okroshka, soup, goulash, and roast are prepared from them. Any gourmet will be captivated by milk mushrooms baked with poultry. These mushrooms also make incomparable pickles. No less popular are milk mushrooms marinated with spices - bay leaf, cloves, allspice.

To understand which mushrooms are the most delicious, you need to cook them - in the oven, on the grill and in a frying pan, with vegetables, meat and fish, with spices, herbs and sour cream. Any mushrooms are a limitless field for culinary experiments. And special dishes are only those in which a piece of the soul of their creator lives. Happy cooking and delicious mushrooms!

The forest areas of Russia are very rich in mushrooms, and residents do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this gift of nature. Traditionally, they are fried, pickled or dried. But the danger lies in the fact that many poisonous species skillfully disguise themselves as edible mushrooms. That is why it is important to know the characteristic features of the varieties allowed for consumption.

Mushrooms are not only tasty, but also very healthy food. They contain substances such as salts, glycogen, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, C, D. If the mushrooms are young, then they also contain many trace elements: calcium, zinc, iron, iodine. Their reception favorably affects the metabolic processes of the body, increased appetite, work nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

In fact, there are no exact criteria by which one can distinguish safe mushrooms from poisonous ones. Only existing knowledge about the appearance, signs and names of each species can help in this matter.

Characteristics of edible mushrooms

General criteria for edible mushrooms include:

  • No sharp bitter smell or taste;
  • They are not characterized by very bright and catchy colors;
  • Typically the inner flesh is light in color;
  • Most often they do not have a ring on the stem.

But all these signs are only averaged, and may have exceptions. For example, one of the most poisonous representatives of the white grebe also does not have a pungent odor at all and its flesh is light.

Another important point in this matter is the growing area. Usually edible species grow away from them dangerous twins. Therefore, a proven harvesting site can significantly reduce the risk of running into poisonous mushrooms.

Common Misconceptions

Among the people, there are many signs and non-standard ways to determine the safety of mushrooms. Here are the most common misconceptions:

  • Silver spoon. It is believed that it should darken upon contact with an inedible mushroom;
  • Onion and garlic. They are added to a decoction of mushrooms and if they darken, then there is a poisonous species in the pan. It is not true;
  • Milk. Some people believe that when a fungus dangerous to humans is lowered into milk, it will definitely turn sour. Another myth;
  • Worms and larvae. If they eat certain types of mushrooms, then they are edible. But in fact, some species edible for worms can harm human health.

And another common myth is that all young mushrooms are edible. But this is not true either. Many species are dangerous at any age.

Expanded list of edible mushrooms and their descriptions

In order to indicate the names of all edible mushrooms and give them descriptions, you will need a whole book, since there are a huge number of their varieties. But more often than not, people opt for the most famous, trustworthy species, leaving dubious representatives to professional mushroom pickers.

It is also known as boletus. This mushroom has earned popularity due to its nutritional value and aromatic taste. It is suitable for any type of processing: frying, boiling, drying, salting.

The porcini mushroom is characterized by a thick light stalk and a large tubular cap, whose diameter can reach 20 cm. Most often it has a brown, brown or red color. At the same time, it is completely heterogeneous: the edge is usually lighter than the center. As the mushroom ages, the lower part of the cap changes color from white to yellow-green. You can see a mesh pattern on the leg.

The inner pulp has a dense consistency and its taste resembles a nut. When cut, its color does not change.


Very high in calories and nutritious. Great for pickling and salting. You can use other types of treatment, but it is better not to dry it. Characterized by a high degree of digestibility.

Main feature saffron milk caps are their bright orange color. Moreover, the color is characteristic of all parts of the mushroom: the stem, cap and even the pulp. The cap is plate-shaped and has a depression in the center. The color is not uniform: the red color is diluted with dark gray spots. The plates are frequent. If you cut the mushroom, the flesh changes color to green or brown.


A common species, which, as the name suggests, prefers to grow near a cluster of birch trees. Ideal fried or boiled.

The boletus has a cylindrical light leg covered with dark scales. It feels quite fibrous to the touch. Inside there is light flesh with a dense consistency. It may turn slightly pink when cut. The hat is small, similar to a gray or brownish-brown pad. There are white tubes at the bottom.


Beloved by many nutrient mushroom growing in temperate zones.

It is not difficult to recognize it: a plump leg expands to the bottom and is covered with many small scales. The cap is hemispherical, but over time it acquires a flatter shape. It can be red-brown or white-brown in color. The lower tubes are close to a dirty gray shade. When cut, the inner flesh changes color. It can turn blue, black, purple or red.


Small mushrooms that are most often used for pickling. They grow in the northern hemisphere.

Their cap is usually smooth and in rare cases fibrous. From above, it is covered with a mucous film, so it may seem sticky to the touch. The leg is also mostly smooth, sometimes with a ring.

This type definitely requires pre-cleaning before cooking, but the skin usually comes off easily.


One of the earliest spring representatives of mushrooms. Whole families grow up.

The hat is not a standard type. Initially it is flat, but over time it takes the shape of a funnel with a depression in the center. All parts of the mushroom are colored light orange. The white pulp is dense in consistency, pleasant to the taste, but not at all nutritious.


A tasty mushroom that can be found in temperate latitudes. Its most common types are:

  • Green. Characterized by a gray-olive cap, yellow fibrous stem and dense light flesh;
  • Bolotny. Looks like a boletus. The color is predominantly yellow. When cut, the flesh turns blue;
  • Yellow-brown. The yellow cap takes on a reddish tint with age. The leg is also yellow, but has a darker color at the base.

Suitable for all types of preparation and processing.


Quite large mushrooms growing in Siberia, the Far East and the European part Russian Federation.

Hats can have different colors: yellow, red, green and even blue. It is believed that it is best to eat representatives with the least amount of red pigment. The cap itself is round with a small depression in the center. The plates are usually white, yellow or beige. The skin on the cap can be easily removed or come off only along the edge. The leg is not high, mostly white.

Honey mushrooms

Popular edible mushrooms that grow in large groups. They prefer to grow on tree trunks and stumps.

Their hats are usually not large, their diameter reaches 13 cm. In color they can be yellow, gray-yellow, beige-brown. The shape is most often flat, but in some species they are spherical. The leg is elastic, cylindrical, sometimes has a ring.


This species prefers coniferous and deciduous forests.

The body of the mushroom is white or gray-white in color, sometimes covered with small needles. It can reach a height of 10 cm. The inner flesh is initially white, but over time it begins to darken. It has a pronounced pleasant aroma. If the flesh of the mushroom has already darkened, then you should not eat it.


It has a fleshy convex cap with a smooth surface. The inner pulp is denser with a pronounced odor. The leg is cylindrical, widening towards the bottom. It reaches a height of 8 cm. Depending on the species, the color of the mushroom can be purple, brown, gray-brown, ashy and sometimes purple.

You can recognize it by its cushion-shaped cap of brown or brown color. The surface is slightly rough to the touch. The lower tubes have a yellow tint, which turns blue when pressed. The same thing happens with the pulp. The stem is cylindrical and has a heterogeneous color: darker on top, lighter below.


A tubular edible mushroom that grows in sparse forests.

The cap is quite large, growing up to 20 cm in diameter. In structure and shape it is fleshy and hemispherical. The color is usually dark brown or yellow. The inner pulp is lemon-colored, but turns significantly blue when cut. The tall leg is thick, cylindrical, yellow. It usually has a darker color towards the bottom.

Oyster mushrooms

It is characterized by a funnel-shaped cap, up to 23 cm in diameter. The color, depending on the species, can be light, closer to white, and gray. The surface is slightly matte to the touch and the edges are very thin. The bright legs of oyster mushrooms are very short, rarely reaching 2.5 cm. The flesh is fleshy, light, with a pleasant aroma. The plates are wide, their color can vary from white to gray.


Very popular edible mushrooms due to their pleasant taste and high nutritional value. Their description and characteristics are familiar not only to mushroom pickers.

These mushrooms are familiar to everyone for their white color with a slight grayish tint. The hat is spherical with a downward curved edge. The leg is not high, dense in structure.

Most often used for cooking, but for salting they are used extremely rarely.

Conditionally edible mushrooms

The edibility of mushrooms in the forest may be conditional. This means that such species can be eaten only after a certain type of processing. Otherwise, they may harm human health.

Processing involves a thermal process. But if some types need to be boiled several times, then for others, soaking in water and frying is enough.

Such representatives of conditionally edible mushrooms include: true milk mushroom, green row, purple cobweb, winter honey fungus, common scale.

We are glad to welcome you to the blog. The mushroom season is in full swing, so our topic today will be edible mushrooms, the photo and name of which you will find below. There are many types of mushrooms in our vast country, so even experienced mushroom pickers cannot always distinguish edible from inedible. But false and poisonous species can ruin your dish, and in some cases even cause death.

In the article you will learn what edible mushrooms are, what types they are divided into, where they grow and what they look like, which mushrooms appear first. I will tell you what benefits they bring to your body and what their nutritional value is.

All mushrooms are divided into three main sections: edible, conditionally edible, inedible (poisonous, hallucinogenic). All this cap mushrooms, they form only a small part of the vast kingdom.

They can be divided according to many criteria. Highest value for us, it has the structure of the cap, since sometimes it is different in doubles.


  • tubular (spongy) – the bottom of the cap consists of tiny tubes, reminiscent of a sponge;
  • lamellar - plates at the bottom of the cap, located radially;
  • marsupials (morels) – wrinkled caps.

You can also divide forest gifts by taste, by the method of spore formation, shape, color, and the nature of the surface of the cap and stem.

When and where do mushrooms grow?

In Russia and the CIS countries, mushroom areas are found almost throughout the entire territory, from the tundra to steppe zones. Mushrooms grow best in soil rich in humus, which warms up well. Forest gifts do not like severe waterlogging and excessive dryness. Best Places for them in a clearing where there is shade, on the edges, forest roads, in plantings and copses.

If the summer turns out to be rainy, you should look for mushroom places at higher elevations, and if it’s dry, near trees in the lowlands, where there is more moisture. Typically, specific species grow near certain trees. For example, camelina grows in pine and spruce trees; white - in birch, pine, oak; boletus - near aspen.

Mushrooms in different climatic zones appear in different time, one after another. Let's look at the middle strip:

  • The first spring forest harvest - stitches and morels (April, May).
  • In early June, boletus, boletus, aspen, and russula appear. Wave duration is about 2 weeks.
  • From mid-July, the second wave begins, which lasts 2-3 weeks. In rainy years there is no break between the June and July waves. In July, the mushroom harvest begins to appear on a massive scale.
  • August is marked by massive growth of mushrooms, especially porcini mushrooms.
  • From mid-August to early autumn, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, and milk mushrooms grow in huge families when the weather is favorable.

IN deciduous forests the main season lasts from June to October, and from November to March you can find winter mushroom. More common in the steppes field mushrooms: umbrellas, champignons, raincoat, meadow mushrooms. Season: June to November.

Composition of mushrooms, benefits

The mushroom composition contains up to 90% water, and the dry part is predominantly protein. That is why the gifts of the forest are often called “forest meat” or “forest bread”.

The nutritional value:

  • Mushroom protein contains almost all amino acids, and even essential ones. Mushrooms are an important part of the diet, however, due to the fungin content, it is better to exclude them from the menu for people suffering from kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • There are much fewer carbohydrates in “forest meat” than protein. Mushroom carbohydrate differs from vegetable and is absorbed better, much like milk or bread.
  • Fatty substances are absorbed like animal fats by 92-97%.
  • The composition contains tartaric, fumaric, citric, malic and other acids.
  • Contains a large number of vitamins PP, B1, A. Some varieties contain B2, C, D.
  • Mushrooms are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium.
  • The composition contains microelements - zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, copper.

Edible forest products have many benefits; since ancient times they have been used to treat diseases. Nowadays it is a healthy and tasty food, and vegetarians replace meat with it.

Mushrooms can boost immunity, cleanse blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels, fight depression and excess weight. They help maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails. More details about contraindications and beneficial properties mushrooms on our website.

How to determine if a mushroom is edible or not

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones? After all, almost everyone knows boletus mushrooms, but rare and unusual specimens are found in the forest. There are many ways.

For example, as a child I had an interesting encyclopedia with pictures and descriptions, plus I always went into the forest with experienced mushroom pickers. By the way, this is the best idea, take with you into the forest a person who understands mushroom matters.

A few general tips:

  1. Take a closer look, if you see worms in at least one mushroom from the mycelium, they are edible.
  2. Tubular species are easier to distinguish from their twins.
  3. Study the colors, white and greenish often indicate a poisonous counterpart.
  4. Do not taste mushrooms, they are not always bitter, for example death cap, a little sweet. Similar experiment may result in poisoning.
  5. A skirt is often found on false and poisonous lookalikes.

This is only a small part of the signs. Basically, each pair of doubles has its own differences. You should pay attention to the frequency of the plates at the bottom of the cap, attachment to the stem, color, pulp when cut, the presence of rings. Below you will find a photo and name of edible mushrooms with a short description.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

White mushroom (boletus)

The mushroom king has a light stalk, the sponge under the cap is cream and white. If you break the cap, it will not darken. He has several false and poisonous twins. For example, the broken leg of a satanic mushroom will turn blue, while that of a gall mushroom will turn pink, and the broken leg will be covered with a dark mesh.

Boletus (redhead)

In most cases, the boletus has a red cap, dense flesh and a leg. When broken, the cut is bluish or white, while the false redhead is red or pink.

Boletus (boletus)

The color of the cap varies from dark brown to light beige. It has an elongated leg with a gray mesh, and does not change color when cut. The false mushroom has a dirty white or pink sponge, and its cap is gray or pinkish.

A rather massive mushroom with a velvet pillow-shaped cap and lemon-yellow flesh. The stem is red at the base and turns blue when cut. It is confused with the satanic mushroom, but it is lighter in color.

A real chanterelle is pale pink to orange in color, its edges are wavy, corrugated, and there are plates under the cap. In the false version, the color ranges from orange to red. The edges are jewel-smooth, and when broken, white juice is released.

Maslyanik – yellow mushroom, having a slippery spongy cap that is connected to the stem by a film. False butterflies have a dark cap, sometimes with a purple tint, with plates underneath it. The skin of the latter does not stretch when removed, and the flesh turns red.

The flywheel is spongy, the sponge is bright yellow. In “youth”, its cap is convex and velvety, but over time, it straightens and cracks. Its color ranges from dark green to burgundy. The leg does not have any special inclusions, and when broken, the color does not change. It is often confused with pepper, gall and chestnut mushrooms. The main difference between the moss fly is that it grows on moss.

The original has a beige or cream color, dark brown plates and a skirt. Champignon grows in well-lit places. The popular mushroom can be confused with the toadstool or the stinking fly agaric, which are deadly poisonous. The toadstool has light plates, but no skirt under the cap.

There are light cream and brown shades, they have skirts on the leg, and scales on the cap; they are plate-like and grow on stumps. False honey mushrooms are brighter, they do not have a film ring.

Young russulas have a spherical cap, while mature ones are flat, dry to the touch, matte or shiny. The color changes from green to red. The plates are fragile, different in size, frequent, yellow or white. The pulp is fragile white, changes color when cut. If the russula is bright red or purple, most likely you have a doppelganger.

Raincoat (hare potato, powder coat)

A real raincoat is shaped like a ball, often on a small stem. Its color is white or beige. The pulp is dense, white. The flesh of the false raincoat has a purple tint and the skin is dark.

They often grow near pines and larches. Over time, the hat begins to resemble a funnel, its color is orange, red or bluish-green. It's smooth and sticky. The cut becomes green over time.

It has a flat pink cap with a recess in the center and a discreet circle pattern, its edges are curved inward. The pulp is white, dense, the juice is also white. The color does not change when cut. Lookalikes often have scales and a greenish color, different from the white flesh.

Cobweb (swampweed)

Has a beautiful appearance, bright yellow. The shape of the cap is regular, round, it hides the plates. An adult web spider resembles a toadstool. False lookalikes have an unpleasant odor, are irregular in shape, and are covered in scales.

The umbrella got its name thanks to its long stem and characteristic shape cap, at first spherical in shape, then resembles an umbrella. The color is white with a hint of beige, there is a darker spot in the center and the surface is cracked. The plates darken with age. There are many lookalikes that differ in color, may have a pungent odor and loose flesh.


The talker's cap initially has a hemispherical shape, then a depressed shape, reminiscent of a funnel. It is dry and smooth, white, light brown, ocher in color, the center is darker. The plates are white, but darken with age. The pulp is white, dense, although it loosens with age. False talkers are white in color.


Lamellar mushrooms deserve their name because they grow in rows or circles (witch's circles). The young row's hat resembles a ball and then straightens out. It has white, brown, red, yellow colors. The edges can be curved, smooth, or curved. The skin can be dry, velvety or smooth, slimy. The leg is velvety and often has a pink-brown color. The poisonous doppelgänger is a dirty gray color, so be careful!


It is more often found in pine forests; due to possible frosts, black spots appear on its cap. The cap itself is fused with the stem and has a sinuous shape. It has a brown, brown, reddish or yellow color. The older the line, the lighter the hat. The leg is also not straight, but the flesh is white and breaks easily.


The surface of the morel cap seems to be covered in cells; it has an ovoid shape. Its color comes in grayish, yellow and brown shades. The morel flesh is white, soft, and the leg has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened towards the bottom. The false morel grows from the egg, emits an unpleasant odor and is covered with mucus.

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms grow on a tree, under each other, which is why they got their name. The cap of oyster mushrooms is smooth, sometimes wavy, the color is gray with a purple tint. The plates are frequent, dense, have a gray color. The edges are concave, the legs are short, dense. False oyster mushrooms are brighter and of other shades.

Now you know how to test a mushroom and find out if it is edible or not. You can go to the forest without fear. Choose only the right mushrooms and remember that even an edible mushroom can cause harm if it is old or starting to decay.

Video - edible mushrooms with description

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The best way to learn to recognize edible and inedible mushrooms- is to familiarize yourself with their names, descriptions and photos. Of course, it’s better if you walk through the forest several times with an experienced mushroom picker, or show your catch at home, but learn to distinguish between real and false mushrooms everyone needs it.

You will find the names of mushrooms in alphabetical order, their descriptions and photos in this article, which you can later use as a guide to mushroom growing.

Types and names of mushrooms with pictures

The species diversity of fungi is very wide, so there is a strict classification of these forest inhabitants (Figure 1).

So, according to edibility they are divided into:

  • Edible (white, boletus, champignon, chanterelle, etc.);
  • Conditionally edible (dubovik, greenfinch, veselka, milk mushroom, line);
  • Poisonous (satanic, toadstool, fly agaric).

In addition, they are usually divided according to the type of bottom of the cap. According to this classification, they are tubular (outwardly reminiscent of a porous sponge) and lamellar (on inside caps are clearly visible plates). The first group includes boletus, boletus, boletus and aspen. The second includes saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and russula. Morels are considered a separate group, which includes morels and truffles.

Figure 1. Classification of edible varieties

It is also customary to divide them according to nutritional value. According to this classification, they are of four types:

Since there are so many types, we will give the names of the most popular ones with their pictures. The best edible mushrooms with photos and names are given in the video.

Edible mushrooms: photos and names

Edible varieties include those that can be freely eaten fresh, dried and boiled. They have high taste qualities, and you can distinguish an edible specimen from an inedible one in the forest by color and shape fruiting body, smell and some characteristic features.

Figure 2. Popular edible species: 1 - white, 2 - oyster mushroom, 3 - oyster mushroom, 4 - chanterelle

We offer a list of the most popular edible mushrooms with photos and names(picture 2 and 3):

  • White mushroom (boletus)- the most valuable find for a mushroom picker. It has a massive light stem, and the color of the cap can vary from cream to dark brown, depending on the region of growth. When broken, the flesh does not change color and has a light nutty aroma. It comes in several types: birch, pine and oak. All of them are similar in external characteristics and fit for food.
  • Oyster mushroom: royal, pulmonary, carob and lemon, grows mainly on trees. Moreover, you can collect it not only in the forest, but also at home, by sowing the mycelium on logs or stumps.
  • Volnushki, white and pink, have a cap pressed in the center, the diameter of which can reach 8 cm. The volushka has a sweet, pleasant smell, and at the break the fruiting body begins to secrete sticky sticky juice. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in open areas.
  • Chanterelles- most often they are bright yellow, but there are also light-colored species (white chanterelle). They have a cylindrical stem that widens upward, and an irregularly shaped cap that is slightly pressed into the middle.
  • Oiler There are also several types (real, cedar, deciduous, grainy, white, yellow-brown, painted, red-red, red, gray, etc.). The most common is considered to be the true oil can, which grows on sandy soils in deciduous forests. The cap is flat, with a small tubercle in the middle, and characteristic feature- slimy skin that is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Honey mushrooms, meadow, autumn, summer and winter, belong to edible varieties that are very easy to collect, as they grow in large colonies on tree trunks and stumps. The color of honey mushroom may vary depending on the region of growth and species, but, as a rule, its shade varies from cream to light brown. Feature edible honey mushrooms - the presence of a ring on the stem, which false doubles do not have.
  • Boletus belong to the tubular species: they have a thick stem and a regularly shaped cap, the color of which differs depending on the species from cream to yellow and dark brown.
  • Saffron milk caps- bright, beautiful and tasty, which can be found in coniferous forests. The hat is regular in shape, flat or funnel-shaped. The stem is cylindrical and dense, matching the color of the cap. The pulp is orange, but when exposed to air it quickly turns green and begins to secrete juice with a pronounced odor. coniferous resin. The smell is pleasant, and the taste of its flesh is slightly spicy.

Figure 3. The best edible mushrooms: 1 - butterfly, 2 - honey mushrooms, 3 - aspen mushrooms, 4 - saffron milk caps

Edible varieties also include champignons, shiitakes, russula, truffles and many other species that are not so much of interest to mushroom pickers. However, it should be remembered that almost every edible variety has a poisonous counterpart, the names and features of which we will consider below.

Conditionally edible

There are slightly fewer conditionally edible varieties, and they are suitable for consumption only after special heat treatment. Depending on the variety, it must either be boiled for a long time, periodically changing the water, or simply soaked in clean water, squeeze and cook.

The most popular conditionally edible varieties include(Figure 4):

  1. Gruzd- a variety with dense pulp, which is quite suitable for eating, although in Western countries milk mushrooms are considered inedible. They are usually soaked to remove bitterness, then salted and pickled.
  2. Row green (greenfinch) distinctly different from others green legs and caps, which is preserved even after heat treatment.
  3. Morels- conditionally edible specimens with unusual shape cap and thick stem. It is recommended to eat them only after careful heat treatment.

Figure 4. Conditionally edible varieties: 1 - milk mushroom, 2 - greenfinch, 3 - morels

Some types of truffles, russula and fly agarics are also classified as conditionally edible. But there is one important rule that should be followed when collecting any mushrooms, including conditionally edible ones: if you have even slight doubts about edibility, it is better to leave the catch in the forest.

Inedible mushrooms: photos and names

Inedible species include species that are not eaten due to health hazards, poor taste and too hard flesh. Many members of this category are completely poisonous (lethal) to humans, while others can cause hallucinations or mild illness.

It is worth avoiding such inedible specimens(with photos and names in Figure 5):

  1. Death cap- the most dangerous inhabitant of the forest, since even a small part of it can cause death. Despite the fact that it grows in almost all forests, it is quite difficult to meet. Outwardly, it is absolutely proportional and very attractive: young specimens have a spherical cap with a slight greenish tint; with age it turns white and elongates. Pale toadstools are often confused with young floats (conditionally edible mushrooms), champignons and russula, and since one large specimen can easily poison several adults, if there is the slightest doubt, it is better not to put a suspicious or dubious specimen in the basket.
  2. Red fly agaric, is probably familiar to everyone. It is very beautiful, with a bright red cap covered with white spots. Can grow either singly or in groups.
  3. Satanic- one of the most common doubles porcini mushroom. It can be easily distinguished by its light cap and brightly colored leg, which is not typical for boletus mushrooms.

Figure 5. Dangerous inedible varieties: 1 - toadstool, 2 - red fly agaric, 3 - satanic mushroom

In fact, everyone edible double There is false double, which disguises itself as a real one and can end up in the basket of an inexperienced lover of quiet hunting. But, in fact, the biggest mortal danger represents the pale grebe.

Note: Not only the fruiting bodies of pale toadstools themselves are considered poisonous, but even their mycelium and spores, therefore it is strictly forbidden to even put them in a basket.

Most inedible varieties cause stomach pain and symptoms severe poisoning, and it is enough for a person to provide medical care. In addition, many inedible varieties are distinguished by their unattractive appearance and poor taste, so they can only be eaten by accident. However, you should always be aware of the danger of poisoning, and carefully review all the loot you bring from the forest.

The most dangerous inedible mushrooms are described in detail in the video.

The main difference between hallucinogenic drugs and other types is that they have a psychotropic effect. Their action is in many ways similar to narcotic substances, therefore their intentional collection and use is punishable by criminal liability.

Common hallucinogenic varieties include(picture 6):

  1. Fly agaric red- ordinary inhabitant deciduous forests. In ancient times, tinctures and decoctions from it were used as an antiseptic, immunomodulatory agent and intoxicant for carrying out various rituals among the peoples of Siberia. However, it is not recommended to eat it, not so much because of the hallucination effect, but because of severe poisoning.
  2. Stropharia shit got its name from the fact that it grows directly on piles of feces. Representatives of the variety are small, with brown caps, sometimes with a shiny and sticky surface.
  3. Paneolus campanulata (bell asshole) also grows mainly on soils fertilized with manure, but can also be found simply on swampy plains. The color of the cap and legs is from white to gray, the flesh is gray.
  4. Stropharia blue-green prefers tree stumps coniferous trees growing on them singly or in groups. Eating it by accident will not work, as it has a very unpleasant taste. In Europe, this stropharia is considered edible and is even bred on farms, while in the USA it is considered poisonous due to several deaths.

Figure 6. Common hallucinogenic varieties: 1 - red fly agaric, 2 - stropharia shit, 3 - paneolus bell-shaped, 4 - blue-green stropharia

Most hallucinogenic species grow in places where edible species simply will not take root (overly swampy soils, completely rotten tree stumps and piles of manure). In addition, they are small, mostly on thin legs, so it is difficult to confuse them with edible ones.

Poisonous mushrooms: photos and names

All poisonous varieties are somehow similar to edible ones (Figure 7). Even the deadly pale grebe, especially young specimens, can be confused with russula.

For example, there are several boletus doubles - Le Gal boletus, beautiful and purple, which differ from the real ones by the too bright color of the stem or cap, as well as the unpleasant smell of the pulp. There are also varieties that are easily confused with honey mushrooms or russula (for example, fiber and govorushka). Gall is similar to white, but its pulp has a very bitter taste.

Figure 7. Poisonous counterparts: 1 - purple boletus, 2 - gall mushroom, 3 - royal fly agaric, 4 - yellow-skinned champignon

There are also poisonous doubles of honey mushrooms, which differ from the real ones in the absence of a leathery skirt on the leg. Poisonous varieties include fly agarics: toadstool, panther, red, royal, stinking and white. Cobwebs are easily disguised as russula, mushrooms or aspen mushrooms.

There are several types of poisonous champignons. For example, the yellow-skinned one is easy to confuse with a regular edible specimen, but when cooked it gives off a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Unusual mushrooms of the world: names

Despite the fact that Russia is a truly mushroom country, very unusual specimens can be found not only here, but throughout the world.

We offer you several options for unusual edible and poisonous varieties with photos and names(Figure 8):

  1. Blue- bright azure color. Found in India and New Zealand. Despite the fact that its toxicity is little studied, it is not recommended to eat it.
  2. Bleeding tooth- a very bitter variety that is theoretically edible, but its unattractive appearance and poor taste make it unsuitable for food. Found in North America, Iran, Korea and some European countries.
  3. bird's Nest- an unusual New Zealand variety that really resembles a bird's nest in shape. Inside the fruiting body are spores that, under the influence of rainwater, spread around.
  4. Comb blackberry also found in Russia. Its taste is similar to shrimp meat, and its appearance resembles a shaggy heap. Unfortunately, it is rare and listed in the Red Book, so it is grown mainly artificially.
  5. Giant golovach- a distant relative of the champignon. It is also edible, but only young specimens with white flesh. Found everywhere in deciduous forests, fields and meadows.
  6. Devil's Cigar- not only very beautiful, but also a rare variety that is found only in Texas and several regions of Japan.

Figure 8. Most unusual mushrooms world: 1 - blue, 2 - bleeding tooth, 3 - bird's nest, 4 - combed blackberry, 5 - giant bighead, 6 - devil's cigar

Another unusual representative is the cerebral tremors, which is found mainly in temperate climates. You cannot eat it, as it is deadly poisonous. We have provided a far from complete list of unusual varieties, since specimens of strange shape and color are found all over the world. Unfortunately, most of them are inedible.

An overview of unusual mushrooms of the world is given in the video.

Plate and tubular: names

All mushrooms are divided into lamellar and tubular, depending on the type of pulp on the cap. If it resembles a sponge, it is tubular, and if stripes are visible under the cap, then it is plate-like.

The most well-known representative tubular is considered white, but this group also includes boletus, boletus and boletus. Perhaps everyone has seen the lamellar one: it is the most common champignon, but it is among the lamellar varieties that there are the most poisonous ones. Among the edible representatives, russula, mushrooms, mushrooms and chanterelles can be distinguished.

Number of mushroom species on earth
