Canada's national animals and nature. Interesting facts about Canada

Canada is one of the most big countries by area occupied. Its wonderful and unusual nature attracts a huge number of tourists. Economic valuation natural conditions and resources of Canada shows that natural complexes countries have survived to this day in a natural, pristine state, despite the proximity of large modern settlements.

Approximately a tenth of the area of ​​the state is untouched wildlife. locals They are proud of this and protect natural complexes in every possible way. In Canada you can find big number rare representatives of fauna and flora.


Speaking about what natural resources Canada is rich in, it is necessary to dwell separately on minerals. The bowels of the country contain inexhaustible riches, which are represented by almost the entire periodic table. These are rare, non-ferrous, noble metals, uranium, natural gas, oil, coal, potassium salts, asbestos. This diversity is primarily due to the peculiarities geological structure. The plains of the north and west are rich in energy raw materials, and the areas of the Canadian Shield are rich in metal ores.

Coal deposits are mainly located in the Appalachians, in the territory in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, in the territory of the maritime provinces. In the region of the Labrador Peninsula, Lake Superior and in the Cordillera, iron ores occur. The provinces and Quebec are rich in asbestos deposits.

An economic assessment of the natural conditions and resources of Canada allows us to conclude that the country's pantry is the Canadian Shield, where huge deposits of nickel, copper, iron, cobalt, uranium, platinum, silver, and gold lie. The Appalachians have deposits of coal, asbestos, noble and non-ferrous metals. The Cordilleras are also famous for their metal deposits.

Canada in the world market

Among other states, Canada stands out for the extraction of various ore raw materials. In the Western world, it ranks first in the production of nickel - 70%, zinc - 30%, uranium - 25%, silver - 20%. It is in second place in the production of titanium, lead, platinum, gold. It ranks third in the production of cobalt, iron ore, and tungsten. Strong positions of the country are also in the production of non-metallic raw materials. So, Canada's resources allow it to be the world leader in the production of asbestos - 50%, potash salts - 40%. The country ranks second in the world in sulfur production. As for the extraction of fossil fuels, despite the vast territory, Canada has not been so successful in this, although gas and oil in the mining industry occupy the first places.

Animal world

The natural resources of Canada are represented by a rich wildlife. The most famous representative of the fauna here is the beaver. It is the symbol of the state. Thanks to beavers, a large

The most dangerous and largest Canadian animal is the bear. On the territory of the country there are several varieties:

  1. Grizzly bears. The most aggressive representatives of the bear family. They live in the northwest of the country.
  2. They are smaller than grizzlies and live near the Pacific coast.
  3. Polar white bears. Protected by the state, because they are very rare.
  4. Black bears. They live throughout the country.

Natural resources of Canada: fauna

The fauna of the country is very diverse and rich. IN wild forests there are many furry animals. Among predators, foxes, wolves, coyotes, lynxes can be noted. Deer and pronghorn antelope live in the southern part. Moose, bison, musk oxen, and caribou live in the north and west. In British Canada, you can meet bighorns, which are also called bighorn sheep, and wild gray cats, which are considered unique animals.

Raccoons, porcupines and skunks live in city parks. The natural conditions and resources of Canada make it possible to offer a variety of entertainment for tourists. One of them is whale watching off the coast of the ocean.

Birds and fish

There are about five hundred bird families in the country. The most popular representatives of birds are the great blue heron, loon and wild Canadian goose.

Canada's natural resources are also characterized by a great abundance of fish. The water bodies of the country are literally filled with various vertebrates. A beautiful wild world can be seen in national parks, of which there are many in Canada. The largest and most famous of them is Wood Buffalo.

Canada: natural resources. Vegetable world

The vegetation of the country is directly related to the local climate. The largest natural areas are tundra and taiga. The north of the mainland is practically all year round is under cover of snow, therefore, in the northern parts of Canada, vegetation characteristic of the tundra zone is observed. Coniferous forests stretch on the ocean coasts, and taiga in the south. The east of the country is famous for its deciduous forests, and in the west of Canada there are prairies ( steppe zones).

Willows, birches are common in the tundra, rosemary, primrose, fireweed, and cranberries are found. IN summer period lupins, dryads and buttercups grow on the lawns.

A zone of coniferous forest with aspens and black spruce passes through the entire area of ​​the country. Also in the taiga there are oaks, maples, poplars, larches, white birches, mountain ash, cedars, aspens.

In the Great Lakes region, birch, maple, beech, aspen, spruce, and pine trees predominate. In addition, chestnuts, firs, magnolias are found in this area. Coniferous species dominate in the Acadian forests: black and red spruce, balsam fir, American beech, cedar, larch, yellow birch.

In British Columbia, you can find different varieties of pines, Oregon oak, Douglas, aspen. Due to the low amount of precipitation, cacti come across in some places.


Canada's natural resources are vast and varied. Every year, thousands of tourists visit the country to admire wildlife, because it is the leading state in the world in terms of the number of territories untouched by man.

The material explains the reason for the rather low level of development economic activity on the territory of the country. Explains what is the similarity between Russia and Canada. Gives an idea of ​​the minerals that make up the natural resource potential of the state.

Nature of Canada

The country is one of the largest territories in terms of area in the world. bewitching and wonderful nature attracts travelers who dream of plunging into the wild nature of Canada.

The natural reserves of the country are preserved in their original and natural state. This is not hindered even by the rather close proximity to modern settlements.

Almost 1/10 of the country's area is virgin nature in its natural form. Local residents are overwhelmed with a sense of pride in their natural wealth in the form of untouched areas of the territory, and they are trying to preserve them by any means.

Rice. 1. Canadian beaver.

The Canadian beaver is considered an animal symbol of the country.

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In Canada, you can find a lot the rarest representatives flora and fauna of our planet.

Natural conditions of Canada

In terms of the specifics of natural conditions and the provision of natural gifts, Canada is often compared with Russia. Canada has a significant mineral resource base.
The state has significant reserves of non-ferrous metal ores, including:

  • nickel;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • lead.

In addition, there are deposits iron ore, uranium, oil and gas of natural origin, as well as potassium salts, asbestos and coal.

Canada is the largest importer of minerals in the developed countries world, including the United States.

Canada's climate is varied. In the main part of the territories, the climate is quite severe.

It is this fact that does not allow conducting economic activities in full.

A significant part of the country's territory (about 45%) is covered with forests. In terms of total timber reserves, the country ranks third in the world. Great importance have natural resources of Canada that belong to the animal world, namely: fur-bearing animals and game fish.

Rice. 2. Salmon fishing.

Separate place in natural resource potential country belongs to water resources.

By the presence of natural sources of fresh water, the country is in third place after Russia and Brazil. Great transport and energy importance is assigned to the Great Lakes of Canada and the St. Lawrence River.

Rice. 3. Great Lakes of Canada.

The natural specificity of the territory has created the prerequisites for uneven development of territories in the economic aspect.

What have we learned?

Find out what Canadians are proud of. We found out what area of ​​the country's territory is occupied by forest plantations. We got an idea of ​​what natural resources the land of Canada is rich in. We got acquainted with the information about which representative of the Canadian fauna is recognized as a symbol of the country. Understood what is an additional and no less valuable source natural resources states other than minerals.

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Canada is considered one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area. Unusual and wonderful nature attracts many tourists who want to enjoy the wild nature of Canada.

The natural complexes of the country have been preserved in their original natural state, despite the fact that they are very close to modern large settlements. Approximately 10 part of the country's area is wild untouched nature. Local residents are very proud of their natural complexes and protect them in every possible way. Here you can meet many rare representatives of flora and fauna.

Animal world of Canada

The most famous animal of Canada is the beaver. This animal is the symbol of the country. Thanks to these animals, a large area of ​​Canada was previously explored and developed.

The largest and most dangerous among Canadian animals is the bear. Several varieties of bears live in Canada:

  1. Grizzly bears. These representatives of bears are dangerous and aggressive representatives of the bear family. They live in the northwestern part of the country.
  2. Brown bear. The animal is smaller than its fellow grizzly bears. They live near the Pacific coast.
  3. White polar bears. This type protected by the state, because it is a very rare animal.
  4. The black bear lives throughout the country.

Fauna of Canada very rich and varied. In the wild forests you can meet many representatives of fur. Among the representatives of predators found in nature, wolves, foxes, lynxes and coyotes can be noted. Pronghorn antelopes, a variety of deer, live in the south. In the territories of the northern and western parts The country is inhabited by bison, elk, caribou, musk oxen. Visiting the area of ​​British Canada, you can get acquainted with bighorns, also called bighorn sheep, and also see gray wild cats. The latter are considered unique animals of the country.

Porcupines, raccoons and skunks can be found in urban parks in Canada. Canada offers a variety of entertainment for tourists. One such entertainment is watching the behavior of whales off the coast of the oceans.

Lives about half a thousand families of birds. The most popular representatives of birds are:

  • The loon is beautiful
  • Great blue heron
  • wild canadian goose

The reservoirs of the country are filled with various fish. For the beautiful wild world Canada can be observed in national parks. There are many such parks in the country. The most famous and largest is Wood Buffalo Park.

Flora of Canada

The vegetation of Canada is directly tied to the local climate. The largest natural areas flora Canada - taiga and tundra. The northern part of the mainland is under snow cover almost all year round.

In the north of Canada, vegetation characteristic of the tundra zone is observed. In the south of the country there is a taiga with rocks. On the coasts of the oceans, coniferous forests sprout. The eastern part of the country is famous for its broad-leaved forests. In the west of Canada, there are steppe zones - prairies.

Tundra. It is located in the north of the country. Common here dwarf species plants: willows, birches. In summer, various flowers grow on the lawns: dryads, lupins and buttercups. In the tundra, you can find such plants as rosemary, primrose, various cereals and sedges, cranberries, fireweed.

Taiga. It is a zone of coniferous forest and runs through the entire area of ​​the country. Black spruces and aspens grow here. Spruce forests also sprout on the territory of the taiga. In the taiga you can find maples, oaks, larches, poplars, white birches, cedars, mountain ash, aspens.

Great Lakes. In this area you can find mixed forests. They grow: maple, birch, hemlock, beech, Weymouth pine, spruce and aspen. Also on the territory of this zone fir, maple, chestnut, tulip tree, magnolias, hickory, forest nisses sprout.

Acadian forests. Conifers dominate here. Canadian plants in this zone include black spruce, balsam fir, red spruce, cedar, American beech, larch, maples and yellow birch. In short-grass areas, keleria, feather grass and buteloua sprout.

British Columbia. In this zone grow: various types of pines, spruces, American larch, hemlock. You can find various varieties of pines, Douglas, Oregon oak, aspen. Due to the low rainfall, cacti can be found in some places.

Canadian flora and fauna are rich in unique animals and plants. Thousands of tourists visit the country every year to admire the wild, untouched nature Canada. Canadians protect their rich nature. Canada is the world's leading country in terms of the number of untouched territories. Canadians create national natural parks which are protected at the government level.

Wildlife Canada video

The nature of Canada is diverse. Its vast expanses, flora and fauna, many different trails with amazing landscapes are amazing.

Mixed forests, green meadows, snowy mountains and ocean bays create an amazing atmosphere.


In the west of the country stretches a wide mountain range of the Cordillera. In the northern part of the Cordillera are the Rocky Mountains, famous for their glaciers.

Features of Canada

In the north, the country is in the arctic and subarctic climatic zones. northern islands are the largest and least populated. They are covered in ice. Here harsh winter and short summer. Here, in the northern part of the country, there is almost no sun, but in the south of the country it is light 8 hours a day.

nature canada photo

In the south and west, the climate is mild - temperate, with a lot of precipitation. Canada has a huge number of forests, and the most beautiful of them grow in the Cordillera region.

Animals of Canada

The most common mammals in Canada are wolves. They live in all regions of the country. Porcupines, rabbits, badgers, raccoons, foxes, chipmunks, skunks live in forests and meadows. Squirrels are common in Ontario. Flying squirrels in Southern Ontario. But due to the reduction in the number deciduous forests this type of squirrel began to be classified as a rare species.


In the south of the tundra, coniferous forests are located in a wide strip. They have a large variety of firs: gray, black, Engelman, Sitka, red. In some places there are Pacific fir and Canadian cedar.

Canadian forests photo

The central region of the country is dominated by deciduous forests. grow there different types maple trees, birches, oaks, willows, poplars. Off the coast of the Hudson in the meadows you can see a lot of flowers: daisies, buttercups, primroses. Northern cranberries grow near swamps.

Lakes and rivers of Canada

There are many lakes and rivers in Canada - this is a whole river and lake network interconnected. In addition to small bodies of water, this includes the Great Lakes and major rivers countries. Here are some famous lakes:

  • Upper is the largest freshwater lake in the world.
  • Kliluk is an unusual lake due to the unique spots on the water. It contains a huge amount of minerals, its water has a healing effect.
  • Emerald - located in the Rocky Mountains. Due to the presence of limestone in the water, it has an emerald color.

For 5 - 9 months of the year, the rivers and lakes of Canada are covered with ice.

  • Mackenzie is the largest and deepest river in Canada, its length is 4000 km.
  • Saint Lawrence - greatest river countries. Its feature is the miscibility of fresh and salt water.
  • Niagara is the most beautiful river, it forms a whole complex of waterfalls. One of the most famous is Niagara Falls.

Reserves of Canada

  • Cathedral Park - in its vicinity are majestic rocks and snowy mountains, alpine meadows with lakes.
  • Park Rouge - nature reserve in Toronto along the Rouge River. Tourists come here to admire the views of the river valley and the lake, which has been formed since ice age.
  • Jasper National Park - famous for the ancient Athabasca Glacier and waterfall. The mountain landscape strikes with extraordinary beauty. Wild animals roam freely in the park without fear of people.

Jasper National Park photo

Sights of Canada

  • Banff National Park is the oldest national park in Canada is of interest for its ice valleys and fields, mountain peaks and hot springs.
  • Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world amazing miracle nature.
  • Casa Loma Castle - resembles a fairy-tale castle. The owner tried to realize his childhood dreams, but he never built it to the end.


Environmental issues are the most common in Canada. The further south you go, the more you feel the impact of people on the environment. Water and air pollution, garbage dumping, deforestation, acid rain kill unique plants and trees, causing significant damage to the nature of Canada.

Canada has a single desert called Carcross. This is an unusual desert. It was formed after the Ice Age. It is a sand dune overgrown with wild drought-resistant plants. It is considered the smallest desert in the world.


Many people come to Canada every year to enjoy the wild and amazing nature. Canada takes the lead in protecting environment. The government guards and protects organized parks and reserves. Here you can meet unique representatives of flora and fauna.

Canada is one of the countries with the most large area in the world, ranking second after Russia. The territory of Canada is 9,984,670 km², while the population of the country in 2016 was 36,048,521 people. But the density of the country is only 3.5 people per km2, which is one of the lowest in the world. Canada is also famous for having the longest coastline in the world - 243,791 km! Canada is located on the mainland North America, in its northern part. It has a land border only with the United States, and has sea borders with Denmark (Greenland) and France (Saint Pierre and Miquelon).

Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The length of Canada from north to south of the country is 4600 km, and from west to east of the country - 7700 km.

The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Currency unit- Canadian dollar. The current monarch of Canada is Elizabeth II.

Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. It was founded in 1534 by J. Cartier. The country consists of 3 territories and 10 provinces. The country has two official languages ​​- English and French.

Flag of Canada:

Today, this country is an industrially and technologically advanced state. Canada has a diversified economy based on trade and natural resources Canada is rich in.

Relief of Canada

The central part of the country is occupied by plains. We can distinguish the Hudson Bay Lowland, which is marked by a flat relief, the Laurentian Upland, which is characterized by a hilly relief, and the central plains. In the west of the country is the Cordillera mountain system. The highest point is Mount Logan of this mountain system, the height of which reaches 5959 m above sea level. In the northeast of the country there is a strip of mountains up to 2000 m high, and in the southeast the region of the Appalachian highlands.

Climate of Canada

The climate of Canada is quite diverse, due to its large territory. In total, Canada has three types climatic zones– Arctic, Subarctic and temperate. The temperature is very different in the north and south of the country. IN winter time the difference in average temperatures in the south and north reaches almost 30 units, and in summer it is slightly less.

For example, the average maximum temperature in the north in winter reaches -28 degrees Celsius, and in the south of the country -0.4 degrees Celsius. In summer, the average maximum temperature in the north reaches 6 degrees Celsius, and in the south of the country 29 degrees Celsius. At the same time, in the summer in the south of the country the temperature can rise to 35-40 degrees Celsius, and in the north of the country it can drop to -45-60 degrees Celsius with strong icy winds.

Canada's climate is quite harsh. These are lengthy snowy winters, which last up to 8 months a year and short summer. At the same time, in winter in the south of the country the sun shines 8 hours a day, and in the north it does not shine at all. Since icy winds from the north and warm winds blowing from the USA occur on the territory of the country, quite a lot of precipitation falls over Canada. a large number of precipitation.

Inland waters of Canada

Canada occupies one of the first places in terms of the number of lakes. About 10% of Canada is covered by water. On its territory are the Great Lakes (Ontario, Superior, Erie, Huron), as well as smaller lakes and numerous rivers throughout the country. The most important river in Canada is the navigable St. Lawrence River, which connects the Great Lakes to the Basin Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to Canada's climate, all of its lakes and rivers are covered with ice for 5 to 9 months a year.

Flora of Canada

The vegetation in the country varies from deciduous and mixed forests in the south of the country and up to the tundra, taiga, which in the north of the country turn into arctic deserts. Of the forests in Canada, coniferous forests predominate. In the forests, you can most often find plants such as: black spruce, pine, white spruce, thuja, larch, oak, beech, chestnut, alder, birch, willow, cedar, fir, strawberry tree, elm and many other plants.

Animal world of Canada

In the south of the country animal world the most diverse, and in the north the most scarce. Deer, elk, sheep, goats, arctic fox, hare, chikari squirrel, chipmunks, jerboas, porcupines, american flying squirrel, beaver, raccoon, wolf, fox, bears and many other representatives of animals. There are also many migratory and game birds. Rivers and lakes are rich in fish. But the list of reptiles and amphibians is not so numerous.

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