Differences between a land turtle and a water turtle. Land turtles photos

Many animals live in glass containers: turtles, fish, lizards and crustaceans. Home terrariums usually contain a terrestrial species of turtles, from which freshwater and land animals emerge.

Reptiles with webbed swimming limbs. Most aquatic turtle species inhabit bodies of water with low water movement. Mobile carnivorous reptiles, but herbivorous species are also found.


Brown-green turtle. Also called . It lives in shallow ponds in Mexico, South and Central America and Africa. It got its name because of the red spots in the ear area; there are species with bright yellow spots. There are rich green stripes on the head and paws. Young individuals are less intensely colored than mature ones. Carapace ( top part shell) females up to 30 cm, males up to 15 cm, have claws. The diet of young individuals is dominated by animal food. Sedentary and non-conflict pets.

Trionix Chinese or Far Eastern

Turtles up to 20 cm in size with a soft leathery shell. The nose is oblong in the form of a trunk. These three-toed inhabitants of Asian reservoirs are very active and aggressive. They can injure a person with sharp plates located on their jaws. To keep these predators at home, a newborn individual is purchased. entered the Red Book and is prohibited for sale. It is caught by smugglers and supplied to stores.


Omnivorous turtles with a flat oval shell up to 30 cm in length. The color consists of alternating yellow and green stripes. Individuals love salty or fresh water with a temperature of 18–22 degrees and a large number of vegetation near the reservoir. Found in Southern Europe and Central Asia. In nature, they climb high into the mountains. They live for 30 years. In this species of freshwater turtle, sexual differences are clearly visible: the tail of males is more powerful and longer, the carapace is concave.

Silt loggerhead

Aquarium turtles with a small shell up to 18 cm and a disproportionately large body. Though harmless in appearance, reptiles are capable of injuring with their false teeth. Come from Northern and South America. They live in shallow streams and swamps with abundant vegetation. A container of 60–100 liters is suitable for keeping at home. They feed on animal food and dry food.

European marsh

Dark green turtles up to 35 cm. The body is covered with light spots. A large and long tail, webbed feet and sharp claws. Reptiles live near lakes and ponds. listed in the Red Book. Kept at an air temperature of about 30 degrees.

Types of small

According to the scientific classification, small turtles are considered freshwater species, the average size of which does not exceed 13 cm. A terrarium with a capacity of 100 liters is suitable for pets.


Small reptiles up to 13 cm. Color from reddish-brown to black, carapace with three keels. Easy to care for, an aquarium up to 100 liters is suitable. They inhabit the countries of South Asia and lead a completely land-based lifestyle in forests. They are omnivores, eat fruits and vegetables, and are not averse to eating fish. In some countries they are prohibited for home keeping.


Turtles get their name from the musk glands under their shells. The length of the oval carapace is 7–13 cm. There are light inclusions on the dark head and carapace. Young turtles are distinguished by three longitudinal ridges on the carapace, which disappear over the years. They feed on mollusks, insects, small fish. Range: Canada to South America. In the natural environment, they are the orderlies of the reservoir. Turtles swim well; the terrarium should have an island and a pond.


Amphibious pets up to 12 cm in length. The carapace is black, without projections. Light yellow spots are evenly distributed on the shell, head and limbs. There are also color variations with orange and reddish splashes. They live at room temperature. For convenience, place shelters in a glass container and aquatic plants in a pond. The turtle is diurnal. Diet type: insectivores. Juveniles feed exclusively on animal food. Plants are rarely eaten. In nature, they live in marshy and damp areas.

Pond Reeves

A turtle with a shell length of 13 cm. The carapace is colored brown tones. There are olive, gray-green and black body colors, with yellow stripes. Females are lighter than males and have a shorter tail. Temperatures not lower than 22 degrees are allowed. It is known that turtles can survive freezing temperatures.


Domestic turtles are endowed with a peculiarity: in case of danger, the gap between the plastron and the carapace closes. The genus of closures consists of species:

  1. reddish mud turtle;
  2. mud red-cheeked;
  3. mud walleye;
  4. musk common;
  5. musky keel.


The carapace of these 9-centimeter turtles is slightly extended forward and has a slight convexity. Color ranges from olive to brown depending on the breed. The forelimbs have scales and 4 or 5 toes. The muzzle is oblong. Females are larger than males. Carnivorous species, eats fish, mice and shrimp.

Types of land

Central Asian

Popular domestic pet species. At home, they grow up to 10–18 cm. Turtles have a light shell with dark scutes and four-fingered limbs. Once a week you can have a swim. They do not like to be disturbed; they prefer peace and regularity. Provide animals with air at 30 degrees and sandy soil in which they can dig.

Star or Indian

Beautiful pets with unusual shape shell. The scutes are convex, slightly pointed, with a striking star pattern. The shell is dark, the pattern is yellow. The turtles are medium in size, females reach 25 cm, males - 15 cm. The varieties living in Sri Lanka and South India have 5-7 rays in color. Individuals from northern India have 7–9 thin “star” rays. They eat plant foods.


Color and maintenance preferences differ among subspecies. The color can be plain or dark with yellow splashes. The front legs of domestic turtles have 5 toes, and the hind legs have spurs. There is a bump of horny tissue on the back of the thigh. Sizes up to 35 cm.


The shell size reaches 12 cm, females are smaller than males. The shell is sand-colored with black spots. They are whimsical in their contents and susceptible to diseases. Herbivores, in nature they feed on plants of the genus Artemisia. Calcium and D3 are added to the diet. The opportunity to determine sex in this species is available at 15 years of age. They are kept in groups of their own species in a spacious tank.


Shell size up to 20 cm. external signs resembles a Mediterranean turtle. The shell is light brown with a dark pattern. Over the years, the color fades to yellowish-gray. The tail has a horny tip. They feed on peas, beans, clover and fruits. Supplement the diet with slugs and snails. Mobile pets are especially active in the warm season.


Some species of domestic turtles are small in size and also relatively unpretentious. Even for such animals you will need a spacious and long aquaterrarium, an ultraviolet lamp and a water filter. Take a responsible approach to keeping your pet turtle, and then it will delight you with the opportunity to observe it for a long time.

Turtles are very ancient creatures. To some extent, they are descendants of some species of dinosaurs.

There are a huge variety of turtles. They are divided into species, subspecies, orders, suborders. Many are already extinct, and some are on the verge of extinction. Some turtles can be kept in the house, but some are simply not meant for this.

Today we will try to understand all the diversity and types of turtles.

There are a huge variety of turtle species. In total there are more than 328 species, which are included in 14 families.

The tortoise order consists of two suborders, divided by the way the animal retracts its head into its shell:

  1. Hidden-necked turtles with necks folded into an "S" shape
  2. Side-necked turtles with their head tucked toward one of their front legs

This is the simplest division. I will not give an official division into all types and subspecies here. For this we can read Wikipedia. The purpose of this article is not to confuse you, but to give the most convenient and simple classification. Therefore, we will divide turtles by habitat.

According to the habitat of turtles, there is the following classification:

  • Sea turtles (live in seas and oceans)
  • Terrestrial turtles (live on land or in fresh water)

In turn, terrestrial turtles last for:

  • Land turtles
  • Freshwater turtles

Types of sea turtles

Sea turtles are inhabitants of salt waters. Unlike their terrestrial relatives, they are large in size. They live in warm tropical waters, practically never visiting cold latitudes.

Sea turtles have remained virtually unchanged for millions of years since they appeared on the planet. They are characterized by developed forelimbs, used as flippers, and hind legs that are almost not involved in movement. Same with sea ​​turtles limbs cannot be retracted into the shell. Moreover, some species, such as the leatherback turtle, have no shell at all.

Despite the popular belief that turtles are slow animals, this is only the case on land, where they really look clumsy. However, in the water they are transformed, becoming examples of speed and superior navigator qualities. Even in Fiji (a state in Pacific Ocean) the sea turtle is the symbol of the maritime department. This is no accident - nature really rewarded these animals with qualities that allowed them to become excellent swimmers.

In addition, scientists have not fully figured out why, but turtles have amazing navigational abilities:

  • Firstly, they accurately determine the place of their birth, and return exactly there to continue their offspring. And even after many years they remember the place of their birth.
  • Secondly, sea turtles undergo enormous migrations, presumably guided by magnetic field Earth, which prevents them from getting lost.
  • And thirdly, some sea turtles, for example, the Ridley turtle, gather to lay eggs in the sand only on one day a year. Scientists suggest that only those individuals that were born in this particular place and were lucky enough to survive gather on the beach. Locals call this day "invasion" when thousands of turtles emerge from the water. This behavior suggests a collective consciousness among turtles.

When the turtle lays her eggs, she very carefully buries the eggs with sand, compacts it, and makes it invisible. Looking at such care for the eggs, it is difficult to imagine that the mother turtle does not experience any maternal feelings, and having done her job, returns to the ocean without waiting for the eggs to hatch.

The hatched turtle will likely live less than 10 minutes. Having got out of the sand, she rushes to the water, on the way to which a huge number of enemies, primarily birds of prey, await her. But even after reaching water, most of them will be eaten sea ​​predators. Only one in a hundred turtles born will reach adulthood and return to this beach to continue their lineage.

Based on materials from: inokean.ru

The most famous representatives sea ​​turtles:

  • Leatherback turtle
  • Green (soup sea turtle)
  • Loggerhead sea turtle (false carriage turtle)
  • Hawksbill sea turtle (true caretta)
  • ridley (olive turtle)

Types of land turtles

Terrestrial turtles make up the largest large group by the number of species included in it. This includes the family of land turtles, which has 37 species, as well as the two most large families freshwater turtles(85 species).

Terrestrial turtles also include many families, including 1-2 species.

Distributed throughout the hot and temperate zones (except Australia). Swamp turtles live in the steppe zone of Russia and the Caucasus.
Includes 5–7 species inhabiting the Mediterranean, the Balkan Peninsula, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia.

Terrestrial turtles are herbivores. This is one of the few examples of the development of only plant foods among turtles. Serves them as food green grass and vegetation, with which they receive the necessary portion of water. In the habitats of many species, food and water are available only for short periods.

In such places turtles most They spend their lives in hibernation. Thanks to this slow metabolism, the life expectancy of turtles is very long, up to 100 - 150 years.

The most famous representatives of land turtles:

  • Galapagos elephant tortoise
  • Elastic turtle
  • Steppe tortoise
  • Elephant turtle
  • Wood turtle

Types of land turtles

Land turtles, like freshwater turtles, belong to the species of terrestrial turtles.

Let's start with the land ones - a family of turtles with 11-13 genera, including about forty species.

Land animals with a high, less often flattened, shell, with thick columnar legs. The toes are fused together, and only the short claws remain free. The head and legs are covered with scutes and scales.

Among land turtles there are both small species, about 12 cm long, and giant ones, up to a meter or more in length. Gigantic species live only on a few islands (Galapagos, Seychelles, etc.). Specimens are known that have reached about 400 kg of live weight in captivity.

Compared to freshwater turtles, land turtles are very slow and clumsy, so in case of danger they do not try to escape, but hide in their shells. Another method of defense used by many land turtles is the sudden emptying of a very capacious bladder. When in danger, the Central Asian turtle hisses like a viper.

They are distinguished by phenomenal vitality and longevity. Life expectancy in different species ranges from 50 to 100 years, sometimes up to 150.

Land turtles are primarily herbivores, but their diet must include a certain amount of animal food. They can go for a very long time without water and food, and in the presence of succulent vegetation they do not need water at all, but they drink it willingly, especially in the heat.

The most popular are the Central Asian and Mediterranean turtles. It's better to take a young turtle. This can be easily determined by the size of the shell (it is small) and behavior (reaction, better in young turtles).

Based on materials from: so-sha.narod.ru

The most famous representatives of land turtles:

  • Panther turtle
  • Yellow-footed turtle
  • Yellow-headed turtle
  • Red footed turtle
  • Radiant turtle
  • Steppe (Central Asian) turtle
  • Mediterranean (Caucasian, Greek)

Types of freshwater turtles

Freshwater turtles are the largest family of turtles, comprising 31 genera and 85 species. These are small and medium-sized animals, the shell of which in most cases is low and has a rounded oval streamlined shape.

Their limbs are usually swimming, have more or less developed membranes and are armed with sharp claws. The head is covered on top with smooth skin, only sometimes there are small shields on the back of the head. Many species have very bright, beautiful colors of the head and legs, and often the shell.

The family is distributed unusually widely - in Asia, Europe, North Africa, North and South America. There are two main nodes in their geography. The main, most ancient center lies in Southeast Asia, where more than 20 genera are concentrated; the second center apparently formed later in eastern North America, where 8 genera of freshwater turtles are found.

Most species are aquatic inhabitants, inhabiting bodies of water with weak currents. They move deftly both in water and on land, and feed on a variety of animal and plant foods. Only individual species switched to living on land for the second time, which affected their appearance and behavior. Although carnivory is characteristic of aquatic turtles, some species are strict vegetarians.

Just like land animals, they should be kept in terrariums, but only in special ones. You need a heated lamp, a “bank” where the turtle should go out to warm up, and actual water.

Trionics is a representative of the family of soft-bodied turtles.

It inhabits the Amur basin within Russia (which is the extreme northern limit of its range) almost from the mouth and south to the western part of Primorye, Eastern China, North Korea, Japan, as well as Hainan Island, Taiwan. Introduced to Hawaii.

Lives in fresh water bodies. Most active at dusk and at night. During the day it often basks on the shore. In case of danger, it instantly disappears into the water, burying itself in the bottom silt. It feeds on fish, amphibians, insects, mollusks and worms.

Also, red-eared turtles are very popular. Representatives of the genus can be found south of North America, Southern and Central Europe, South Africa, South-East Asia.

The turtle got its name from the two elongated bright red spots behind its eyes. This spot may be bright yellow in the Cumberland turtle subspecies or yellow in the yellow-bellied turtle subspecies. The plastron is oval, usually dark in color with yellow lines and a yellow edging around the edge.

The most famous representatives of freshwater turtles:

  • Side-necked turtle

Unofficial division of turtles

These divisions are not included in the official ones, but I believe that it is worth dividing them according to these criteria to make your choice easier.

Types of pet turtles

Here again we will divide for convenience into land and freshwater turtles.

Land pet turtles

The most common type of turtle. Those turtles that we are used to seeing among our friends, acquaintances, and relatives. Moves slowly and a little awkwardly, waddling.

By the way, it is officially listed in the Red Book and prohibited for sale. But, as we see, most pet stores circumvent this ban.

In nature, it lives in southern, warm regions, in agricultural and desert areas of Central Asia. The sizes are medium, the shell is 20-30 centimeters long, yellow-brown in color with dark zones on the scutes. The limbs have four fingers.

The most comfortable temperature for keeping in a terrarium is 24-30 degrees. However, being in a closed space has a detrimental effect on the health and psychological state of the animal, and it dies early. Not in vain Central Asian turtle placed in the Red Book!

This breed has about 20 subspecies, living in various landscapes and climatic zones. This is mainly North Africa, southern Europe and South-West Asia, Black Sea coast Caucasus, Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Accordingly, it loves warmth and sunlight. Depending on the subspecies, it has different sizes and colors of the shell. The dimensions of the shell reach up to 35 centimeters. Color – brown-yellow with dark splashes. On the back of the thighs there is a horny tubercle. There are 5 toes on the front paws, and spurs on the hind paws. Comfortable temperature for keeping in an aquarium is 25-30 degrees.

Externally similar to Mediterranean turtles, but much less. The dimensions of the shell are 15-20 centimeters (according to some sources – 30 centimeters). The color of the shell is yellow-brown with black spots. At a young age it is bright, but fades over the years.

A characteristic feature of this species is the conical spike at the end of the tail. Individuals living in the west are smaller than individuals living in the east.

In general, this species lives in Southern Europe, along the Mediterranean coast: northeastern Spain, the European part of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian coasts of Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, as well as the Greek islands. Comfortable temperature for keeping in a terrarium is 26-32 degrees.

These turtles are very small. Their shell size is only about 12 centimeters. Yellow in color, shields with a dark border. There are no spurs on the hind legs.

Habitat: Mediterranean coast of Israel, Egypt, Libya. If you decide to get such a turtle, then remember that the temperature in the terrarium should be about 24-30 degrees. A characteristic feature of the behavior of the Egyptian tortoise is that, like an ostrich, it quickly buries itself in the sand when danger approaches.

Freshwater pet turtles

The most common species of freshwater turtles, which can be found in terrariums and aquariums of urban residents. It includes approximately 15 subspecies and belongs to the genus of decorated (lined, painted) turtles. They call it this because of its main distinguishing feature - a red spot near the ears (yellow in some subspecies).

The shell is 18-30 centimeters long. In youth it has a bright green shell color, which darkens with age. There are bright green stripes on the head and limbs. Males differ from females in their larger and more massive tail and nail plate.

They live naturally in the USA (Virginia, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico), Mexico and the countries of Central America and the Caribbean, and South America (Colombia, Venezuela).

Can also be found in Australia, South Africa, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel, Spain, and Great Britain. Lives in lakes and ponds with marshy shores. Leads a sedentary and lazy lifestyle. For comfortable living in your terrarium, maintain the water temperature 22-28 degrees, air temperature – 30-32 degrees.

There are 13 subspecies of the European marsh turtle. Their carapace is low, convex, and smooth. They reach a length of up to 35 centimeters and a weight of up to one and a half kilograms.

The carapace is dark green or dark olive in color, the plastron is light. Small spots on the head, neck, shell and paws (yellow specks). The claws on the paws are quite large, and there are membranes between the toes. In adult turtles, the length of the tail is up to ¾ the size of the shell, and in small turtles it is even longer!

Meet a European swamp turtle possible on the territory of Russia (Crimea, Yaroslavl region, Smolensk, Bryansk, Tula, Oryol, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Samara, Saratov region, upper Don, Mari El Republic, Trans-Urals, central and southern regions), Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Asia, Turkey, northern Iran and northwest Africa.

In its natural habitat it prefers ponds and lakes with muddy bottoms. Activity occurs during the daytime. The water temperature in the terrarium is 22-25 degrees, the air temperature is 30. The species is listed in the Red Book.

Reaches a total length of up to 30 centimeters (25 centimeters of which is the shell). The carapace is flat, oval, brown-green in color with yellow stripes. There are also stripes on the paws and on the head. You can distinguish a male from a female by the tail (in females it is shorter and thinner), and by the concave carapace of the male.

Caspian turtles live in southern Europe (Montenegro, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus), Western Asia, the north-west of the Arabian Peninsula (Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia), the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq.

In nature, it settles in bodies of water, both fresh and brackish water, near which there is coastal vegetation. And these turtles can climb mountains to heights of up to 1800 meters above sea level and live up to 30 years! In captivity, the air temperature in the terrarium is 30-32 degrees, the water temperature is 18-22 degrees.

Chinese trionix (Far Eastern tortoise). There are exceptions to any rule. Chinese Trionix is ​​proof of this. We are all used to seeing turtles with a classic hard shell. The Chinese Trionix is ​​soft.

The dimensions of the shell reach 20 centimeters, it is soft, leathery, without any scutes. Green color. But this is not all that can surprise an unprepared person in this unique representative of the turtle order.

They have three toes on their paws. On the face instead of a nose there is a proboscis. And if you pass by some pond somewhere in China and see such a proboscis sticking out of the water, you know that this is a Trionix turtle sticking out to get a fresh portion of oxygen.

Despite all their vulnerability and cuteness, the jaws of the Chinese trionyx have sharp cutting edges with which they grab their prey.

The amazing qualities of this turtle also include its speed of movement and reaction. This is not your classic turtle, barely moving around the house.

It is dangerous for humans due to its nature: Trionics turtles are quite aggressive, bite painfully and are rarely tamed. Unless they are raised in captivity from a young age. You can meet Trionix in China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, on the islands of Hainan and Taiwan, in Russian Far East, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hawaiian and Mariana Islands, Micronesia.

They prefer to live in rivers with weak currents, lakes and canals. In eastern countries - China, Japan, Korea - it is highly valued for its meat and served as a delicacy. In captivity, the water temperature in the terrarium should reach 26 degrees, the air temperature - 30-32.

Based on materials from: gerbils.ru

Types of aquarium turtles

You can look at aquarium turtles in a photo or in their natural form in a store, and choose a pet based on your aesthetic preferences. There are no big differences in the content of different breeds of such amphibians.

Types of aquarium turtles that are most often found in aquaterrariums:

  • Swamp turtle
  • Long-necked turtle
  • Mud turtle

The last one is the smallest. An adult reaches only 10 centimeters. Accordingly, she will need a comparatively smaller home. The rest grow 2-3 times larger at home. All these amphibians have good eyesight, react to movement, distinguish smells and tastes. At the same time, turtles are somewhat deaf, their ears are covered with folds of skin.

Keeping turtles in aquariums

When thinking about how to care for aquarium turtles, you should consider that they need full life you need both water and land. Well, it’s not for nothing that biologists called them amphibians! The minimum dimensions of an aquaterratium should be 160 centimeters in length, 60 centimeters in width and 80 centimeters in height. For a musk turtle, these dimensions can be halved.

Caring for an aquarium turtle will require the arrangement of three zones: a pond, land and “shallow water”. Dry land should occupy up to a third of the area of ​​the aquaterrarium. Cute amphibians climb onto it to warm themselves. The shallow water area (depth 3-4 centimeters) may be quite small, but it is definitely necessary. Turtles use it for thermoregulation.

Based on materials from: akvarym.com

Types of small turtles

The little turtle will be an ideal pet for those who are short on time.

Little turtles are very popular exotic pets. All over the world, millions of people choose these cute, funny animals that do not require complex care and maintenance as pets.

Advantages of small turtles over other pets

The little turtle is ideal for both small city apartments and spacious private houses. Small, leisurely, requiring virtually no care and very unusual in appearance, turtles will become loyal friends to both restless children and calm elderly people.

If you don’t have the time or desire to walk your dog three times a day in any weather, brush your cat every week, or spend a whole day every month cleaning an aquarium with fish, purchasing a turtle would be an ideal option.

For small turtles, a 100-liter aquarium or a terrarium prepared with your own hands from a large box or old suitcase (if the turtle is an amphibian) is quite enough.

Which turtles are small

Small turtles include species of turtles that do not grow in length by more than 12-13 cm. Turtles with a body length exceeding 13-15 cm are considered large and require more complex care and maintenance conditions. There are several species of small turtles.

Flat-bodied (flat) turtles. The body length of representatives of this species varies between 6-8.5 cm, weight reaches 100-170 g. Such miniature sizes allow the turtle to feel comfortable in a small aquarium, and the fact that these turtles feed mainly on small succulents (plants containing a lot of moisture), makes caring for them very simple.

Locking turtles. Locked turtles live naturally in parts of Africa, as well as in Mexico and the United States. There are four subspecies of reclusive turtles. Yellow snapback turtles and Sonoran snapback turtles typically grow to 7.5-13 cm. Striped snapback turtles and reddish mud turtles reach 7.5-11 cm.

Musk turtles. Another type of small turtles that can be kept at home. Adults reach a maximum length of 15 cm. The genus of musk turtles has four species. The keeled musk turtle reaches 7.5-15 cm in length. The common musk turtle and the small musk turtle grow to 7.5-12.5 cm. Sternotherus depressus is 7.5-11 cm long.

Spotted turtles. This is a semi-aquatic species of turtles reaching 7.5-13 cm in length. Since this turtle is a semi-terrestrial animal, in addition to a small water aquarium, a dry aquarium or terrarium is perfect for it.

Chinese three-keeled turtles. The average body length of representatives of this species of turtle is 13 cm. The three-keeled turtle is an excellent choice for people who are purchasing a turtle for the first time, as it is a very calm and unpretentious animal.

Small turtles do not require large expenses for their maintenance, do not need any special care and do not take up much space in the apartment - a small 100-150-liter aquarium will be quite enough for them.

Despite the enormous popularity of these small exotic animals as pets, keeping them in captivity is illegal in some countries.

Based on materials from: vitaportal.ru

Endangered turtle species

At the moment, there are several species of turtles that are either extinct or on the verge of extinction.

Galapagos tortoise or elephant tortoise. By the early 20th century, more than 200,000 Galapagos tortoises had been exterminated. Almost all natural habitats of elephant turtles were also destroyed.

This is due to the fact that actively began to develop Agriculture and there was a need for places to raise livestock. Many types of livestock were also introduced, which competed with turtles for food.

Since the early 20th century, much effort has been made to restore the elephant turtle population. Captive-bred turtles were released in their respective areas. natural habitat. Today the number of such turtles is more than 20,000 individuals.

Leatherback turtle. About 30 years ago, there were more than 117 thousand females of such turtles. Now their number has decreased to about 25 thousand.
This is due to the fact that leatherback turtles feed on jellyfish and dive to very great depths for them. In their natural habitats, water bodies are heavily clogged and turtles very often swallow various debris and die from this.

Swamp turtle. The only representative of turtles in Belarus. Females are distinguished by larger body sizes and a comparatively thinner tail at the base.

Protected in many European countries. The species is listed in the Red Books of Belarus and many other CIS countries.

The decline in turtle numbers in Belarus is associated with transformation and reduction in area natural places habitats following changes in natural landscapes and drainage of wetlands.

Far Eastern turtle. In most of its habitat, the Far Eastern tortoise is a common species. But in Russia, this is a rare species, the number of which in this part of its range is rapidly declining.

This is due to the fact that the Far Eastern tortoise is one of the main edible species turtles. Therefore, many poachers catch, kill and sell them. Local residents also destroy the nests and take away the eggs of Far Eastern turtles.

Poisonous turtles

Along with pet turtles, there are some species that can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Leatherback turtle. The leatherback turtle is the largest of all turtles, sometimes reaching over 2.5 meters in length. These 2,000-pound omnivores are arguably the widest-growing vertebrates on Earth, but their populations are declining every year due to industrial development, pollution and being caught as bycatch.

These turtles are usually quite gentle giants, however if disturbed they can bite and their bite can break bones as they are very strong and powerful. In one strange case, a huge leatherback turtle, likely weighing more than 680 kilograms, directed its aggression towards a small boat and rammed it. Shortly before, the turtle was being chased by a shark, so it considered the boat a potential threat.

Fringed turtle (mata-mata). The Amazon of South America is famous for its incredible and sometimes creepy creatures. In the same river as piranhas and river dolphins lives a bizarre fringed turtle.

What will happen if a person steps on a fringed turtle is unknown, but this strange river reptile has an elongated, snake-like neck and a strange mouth, which contains two sharp plates that resemble human teeth fused together. This uniquely creepy carnivore's lunch menu includes waterbirds, fish and other reptiles.

We can only imagine what will happen to a person who reaches out from the boat to touch the strange lump visible from the water...

Big-headed turtle. The big-headed turtle is a bizarre-looking creature with a long, snake-like tail that is almost as long as its body. This turtle is endemic to Southeast Asia, where it hunts a variety of prey in rivers.

The large head does not retract into the shell, and is equipped with very powerful jaws. If a turtle feels threatened, it will not hesitate to use its beak, which can crush bones, so it is better to keep your distance from them. Incredibly, this creature, living in Asia, is able to climb trees, where it can sit like a bird. Unfortunately this amazing creature is endangered due to poaching, which must be constantly combated.

Soft-bodied turtles. Looking like flattened human-reptile hybrids from alien horror films, soft-bodied turtles compensate for their lack of shell with a very strong bite. Among the many species of soft-shelled turtles from around the world, the most feared is the large Cantor's soft-shelled turtle, endemic to China.

She hides in the sand, waiting for prey, and then jumps out and bites the prey with sharp teeth. The turtle's sheer size and the force of its bite can cause horrific injuries. However, this species is unfortunately currently endangered. However, more common species of softshell turtles, such as the evil trionix, can be found throughout the world and are quite capable of biting an unwary fisherman.

Based on materials: bugaga.ru

I hope today you received a complete description of what types of turtles there are. We figured out all their diversity and have already planned a pet for the future. Well, I say goodbye to you.

Kawabanga, friends!

How to distinguish a land turtle from a water turtle? and what to feed? and got the best answer

Answer from Afonyaboston panyukov[guru]
The land animals have scales on their front paws; they are more like club feet. And their shell is often more convex.
This is an aquatic (red-eared turtle)

This is land (Central Asian)

Feeding land: Feeds every day. It’s better not to get carried away with cabbage, it washes away calcium. Cucumbers and tomatoes also leach calcium. Vegetables you can give are carrots, lettuce, peppers, beet, and zucchini. Their fruits are apples and pears. All edible berries can be given. They love the leaves of dandelions and hibiscus. They need supplements, I give them general vitamins and calcium. You can give citruses, bananas and all sorts of exotics, but turtles are often allergic to this. Instead of calcium, you can give it a cuttlefish bone to chew on (available at any pet store). But this is if you are talking about land. If we're talking about water, then it's fillet sea ​​fish. The same feedings. In general, keeping turtles is responsible; you need a terrarium or aquaterrarium, a heating lamp and an ultraviolet lamp.
Aquatic feeding: Turtles are fed every day. You have to work out the amount of food yourself, depending on how much the turtle eats. Typically, for babies the volume of food is 2-3 pieces of 1 cm3, for older adults - 2-3 pieces of 2-3 cm3. The food should be raw and at room temperature. Young turtles are PREDATORS, adults are omnivores (that is, in addition to animal food, they also eat plant food). The main food is FISH! It is best to occasionally give live small fish, which can be immediately introduced into the aquarium.
Types of food: FISH (low-fat and different types - hake, cod, gobies, thalassa, etc.), MEAT (beef liver, chicken heart, beef heart), INSECTS and CRUSTACEANS (daphnia crustaceans, gammarus, bloodworms, earthworms, crickets without legs, woodlice, legless locusts, beetles), OTHER (small freshwater snails, shrimp, squid, tadpoles, frogs), PLANT FOOD (lettuce, nettle, dandelion leaves, cabbage, duckweed and other aquatic plants, as well as carrot and apple slices , cucumbers).
The turtle should receive vitamins and mineral supplements. For these purposes, either calcium-containing supplements and vitamins (Wardley and other companies) are added to the feed, or a complete and varied feed is given. It is also advisable to place a mineral block neutralizer for turtles in the aquarium.

Answer from Alexander Tikhonov[guru]
a waterwoman walks easily in a spacesuit

Answer from VladislavChurikov[newbie]
sea ​​turtles have fins and land turtles have paws

Answer from Lyudmila Sazanovich[newbie]
By breed)

Answer from Anastasia[guru]
Take a photo, it will be difficult to say without a photo. Land animals are herbivores. Aquatic - predators.

Answer from Maria[guru]

Answer from Yustam Raskildin[newbie]

Aquatic turtles

Regular aquariums are used to keep aquatic turtles. It is advisable that the width of the aquarium is 2 times the height; the volume of the aquarium varies depending on the size of the turtle. Unlike their land-dwelling counterparts, aquatic turtles grow very quickly if they receive adequate nutrition, so I do not advise you to immediately buy an expensive aquarium, or a large one. A small turtle in a large space experiences stress.

The inside of the aquarium should be arranged so that the turtle has the opportunity to both swim and sit on land. An aquatic turtle is not a fish, it should not swim constantly, it is harmful to its health. To improve their growth and development, it is recommended to take small turtles out of the aquarium at night into a warm, dry place (a box with a terry towel, for example).

The aquarium is illuminated with an ordinary electric lamp, the power of the lamp is determined by the volume of the aquarium. For turtles weighing over a kilogram, the water temperature must be regulated using special devices. Water should not heat above 21 degrees. It is also advisable to illuminate the aquarium with ultraviolet light because The aquatic turtle really needs calcium, and it is not absorbed without vitamin D. The water will have to be changed frequently, this is due to the specific feeding and physiology of the animal. The musty smell of water is unacceptable!

The diet of aquatic turtles must include raw meat (beef, turkey, chicken); in addition to pork, you can also add fish. Young turtles can often refuse food; they can be fed with guppy fish. You should also add chopped vegetables to your diet. It is best to give adult turtles supplements that contain calcium, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for the growth and development of turtles.

As I already said, aquatic turtles grow very quickly, so when buying a small turtle that fits in your palm, you don’t have to hope that it will remain that way for the rest of its life, its body volume will increase 5 times in just 3 months.

Land turtles

To keep land turtles of all types, it is more advisable to use terrariums horizontal type. For a pair of animals measuring 15 - 20 cm, an area of ​​at least 0.5 m2 is required, and for turtles measuring 20 - 30 cm - about a meter. The width of the terrarium must necessarily exceed the width of the largest turtle by 2 - 3 times, so that the animals can easily move around in it. Temperature for a land turtle depends on the climate in its habitat. On average it is 20 - 35 "C.

All turtles in captivity readily drink water, and the inhabitants of wet tropical forests They lie in it with pleasure and for a long time. For convenience, drinking bowls and bathing trays must be sunk into the ground. Deep trays should have convenient ladders to make it easier for clumsy turtles to get out of them, and the water level in them should not exceed half the height of the shell of the smallest of them. For turtles to drink and bathe, the water must be at room temperature and must be settled.

The soil should have a thickness of 3 to 10 cm; sand is not suitable for this. Small pebbles without sharp edges are ideal substrate for turtles. Keeping turtles without soil leads to deformed limbs and colds. Like any animal, turtles need shelter. Typically, an upside-down wooden box is used with an entrance that allows the largest turtle living in the terrarium to easily pass through it.

All land turtles are herbivores; the main diet consists of vegetables and fruits. Before feeding, vegetables and fruits are thoroughly washed. Never give your turtle rotten or moldy food. Solid food is grated or finely chopped with a knife and mixed thoroughly so that the picky turtle cannot choose only its favorite food. The fruit and vegetable mixture is served on a wide tray with low edges. If you keep several turtles, then the size of the tray should allow all the inhabitants of the terrarium to eat at the same time. IN winter time Oat or barley sprouts should be added to the nutrient mixture, and in the summer - dandelions, clover, plantain, pea stems and leaves. Mineral supplements and seaweed are added to the food in small portions.

In winter, land turtles, especially young ones, are irradiated with ultraviolet light; in summer they must be taken out into the sun. If conditions permit, you can make a special enclosure to keep turtles outdoors throughout the summer. The land in the paddock can be sown with clover, dandelion and other plants, with the exception of poisonous ones, such as buttercups.

The shell of a fairly mature turtle is usually covered with wrinkles. Its length depends on the specific subspecies and, as a rule, reaches 28 centimeters. has a small spot near the eyes. The peculiarity is that their colors are diverse and tend to change over the years. Thus, in youth they are green in color, and in old age they are completely black. The ventral shield of the carapace is bright yellow with darkish round spots. A turtle grows as follows: for the first year and a half of its life, its height reaches 7.5 cm, then the pace becomes slower and it increases by only 1.25 cm per year. In two years, growth can be more than 20 cm, that is, it is mistaken to consider it dwarf. And you shouldn’t listen to sellers who convince you otherwise.

The length of the Scripta Scripta species reaches approximately 27 cm. This turtle has a bright yellow postorbital spot. Its plastron is a rich yellow color.

Another subspecies is Elegant, has a length of 28 centimeters. A reddish postorbital stripe is located on the head, and there are narrow stripes on the chin. The ventral shield of the carapace has large spots on all scutes.

The third species of turtle, Scripta Troostii, has the shortest length of all - about 21 centimeters. There is a narrow yellowish postorbital stripe on the head, and wide stripes on the chin. And its plastron consists of unusual patterns in the form of “eyes”, and sometimes of ordinary small black spots.


Turtles live in shallow lakes with low, swampy shores. They can be found in the USA in Florida, Virginia, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, as well as in Mexico, throughout Central America, and in northern Colombia.

What to feed the red-eared slider

As for young turtles, they need animal food for active vital growth of the body. In this regard, it should be given once a day, but no more. Also, the aquarium should have various algae and any other plants that are edible for turtles.

Adult turtles are individuals that are much larger than 12 centimeters. They must eat food once every two or three days and half of their diet must be some kind of vegetation. The aquaterrarium should contain any edible plants so that the turtles can eat them between meals.

The amount of food given is determined based on the size of the turtle. For kids, the norm is two or three pieces of one cubic centimeter, and for older turtles - two or three pieces several times larger in size.

It is necessary to ensure that the food is at a suitable room temperature and must have a raw consistency. It is important to remember that young turtles are, first and foremost, predators. Their main food is fish. You can add live fish to the aquarium that they cannot eat. It is necessary to diversify the diet given and not feed only gammarus and dry food. And adult turtles are omnivores. They eat both animal and plant food.

Types of feed

As for fish, it is useful for turtles to eat pollock, gobies, cod, blue whiting and any other fish, but not fatty ones. The liver can be beef, or you can also give liver or chicken heart. From insects and crustaceans: non-dry gammarus, earthworms, daphnia crustaceans, legless crickets, beetles. You can diversify the food served to them with the help of small snails, mollusks, squids, frogs, small tadpoles; you should not get carried away with seafood, since any turtle is itself a sea turtle. Aquatic plants are not prohibited from plant food: duckweed, hyacinth and others. In addition, it can be dandelion, daisies and any non-poisonous meadow flowers and plants. It is not advisable to give vegetables other than carrots and lettuce.

It is strictly forbidden to give turtles any meat: any minced meat, sausages, beef, sausage, lamb, chicken, pork, etc. Fatty fish, cheese, fruit and bread are prohibited. It is better to avoid dry food.

If the aquarium is well equipped, has ultraviolet lighting, appropriate temperature conditions, then vitamins can not be included in the diet. But, in the case when the conditions are far from ideal, it is necessary to remember about the vitamin and mineral base. Vitamins are already included in the food specifically for this purpose.


Puberty occurs differently in females and males and this is also influenced by their lifestyle. If they are in captivity, then this period begins at 4 years for males and at 5-6 years for females. And in the wild they reach maturity at about 8 years of age. The mating season begins in the spring: in March - April. Their process is as follows: the male crawls very close to the female, sticks his muzzle into her and tickles her chin with long claws.

The eggs laid do not exceed 4 cm in size. They are laid on land, not in water. But the place for the eggs must be moist, so the female moistens it with water from the anal bladder and then digs out a small hole. Female turtles lay no more than 10 eggs in their nests, which are subsequently buried. The incubation period is up to 150 days. Interesting feature with temperature. If the temperature remained above 30 degrees, then females hatch, and if below 27, males hatch.

What should an aquaterrarium be like for a red-eared turtle?

It should be quite long, but at the same time not wide and low. Volume not less than 120 liters. The water level must match the proportions of your turtle's shell so that it can turn over. A small bank should be installed near the aquarium. Maintain the water temperature within 25 degrees, on land - 31 - 33 degrees. To keep the temperature at the same level, a special heater must be provided.

The water must be changed and cleaned depending on the degree of contamination. But you can also use a special filter. For young turtles, external is preferable, and for adults, only internal. An ultraviolet lamp will not hurt, but it should not be located low, the approximate height is 25 cm, so that the turtle does not get a burn to the eyes. Another option for arranging an aquaterrarium is an incandescent lamp with the same requirements. They both need to switch off at night.

If the weather outside is nice and warm, try to take the turtles out to bask more often. But remember that the first time you do not need to keep it in the sun for more than 5 minutes. And it is important to increase the time spent in the fresh air gradually. They also need a dark place where they can periodically hide from the sun, as they are susceptible to overheating.

So, for the remaining two turtles from January to March the temperature should be 18 degrees, and the duration of illumination should be 8 hours, April - 21/8, where 21 is the temperature, and 8 is the duration of illumination, May - 24/10, June - 27 /13, July – 28/13, August – 28/11, September – 25/10, October – 22/8, November and December – 18/8.

And for Trachemys scripta troostii the requirements are as follows: January - March - 18/8, April - 20/8, May - 21/10, June - 23/13, July - 26/13, August - 25/11, September - 20/ 10, October – December – 18/8.


Some scientists argue that Trachemys scripta hibernates and that they need to do so. But it’s quite difficult to imagine this process at home. It would be more logical not to create difficulties for yourself and not to cause unnecessary harm to the turtle’s health by organizing its hibernation.

Red-eared turtles live up to 45 years, and European marsh turtles can live up to 80.

Many fishermen use their eggs to attract fish.

Be careful, as turtles can bite not only their own kind, but also humans! But if they are accustomed to being handled, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

And don’t forget that a balanced diet is the key to a turtle’s active growth and longevity!


Description of reptiles

Before getting an animal, you need to find out as much as possible about it.

This type of reptile primarily lives in water, which must be regularly changed and the terrarium washed, otherwise dirt can provoke the development of infections. Also, to prevent the animal from getting sick, it is important to ensure that the water temperature is optimal for keeping the pet.

It must be taken into account that turtles are quite aggressive, so they can start fights among themselves, which can result in injuries, especially if individuals of different generations are kept in the same terrarium.

But compared to other pets, the reptile rarely provokes allergies.

Red-eared sliders have a red stripe that starts from the eyes and runs down the neck. It is because of this that the reptile got its name.

The back of her shell is smooth and rounded. Its color is olive green with black and yellow stripes. The plastron is smooth, yellow in color, and dark spots can be seen on it.

While the turtle is small, its shell is bright, as the reptile grows older it becomes darker, and at the same time the red stripe fades.

When the reptile is just born, its length is about 2.5 cm. By 12 months they reach 5-7 cm in length. The period of puberty in males occurs when the animal grows up to 10 cm, in females - up to 12.5 cm. The average size of reptiles can vary from 25 to 30 cm. They depend on the type of reptile and the conditions for caring for it. At the same time, boy turtles are smaller than girls. In captivity, an animal grows faster than in wildlife. This is explained by the abundance of food and proper care.

Before purchasing a reptile, you need to learn how to determine the sex of the animal. Due to the fact that turtles grow faster in captivity, they reach sexual maturity earlier. Sex determination is possible when the animal is over 2 years old and its size is at least 10 cm.

Main differences:

  • females are larger than males, their tail is shorter and their cloaca is located closer to the tail;
  • in boy turtles, the claws are longer and more curved (this is an indirect sign);
  • in males, the abdominal part of the shell may be slightly concave inward, this helps him during mating.

Now you know how to determine the gender of your pet.

When the female lays eggs, the sex of the fetus is not determined; it directly depends on the temperature environment. If it is above 30 degrees, then only females will hatch, when below 27 degrees, then only males will be born. If the temperature varies from 27 to 30 degrees, then both boys and girls will be born.

What does a reptile need?

In order for a turtle in captivity to live a long time, you need to properly care for it:

  1. The terrarium must be at least 150 liters. You should not buy a smaller aquarium, since the reptile grows very quickly and if there is not enough space for it, its shell will become distorted and the animal will often get sick. There is an opinion that the larger the terrarium, the larger the turtle itself will be.

  2. The terrarium must have dry land, otherwise the reptile will drown.
  3. The reptile does not live long without ultraviolet rays, so in the summer you need to walk with it, but only in the shade, and be sure to purchase a UV lamp, which you can turn on in the winter 3 times a week for a maximum of 5 minutes. The terrarium should be at a distance of 30 cm from the ultraviolet lamp.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the water in the aquaterrarium is clean and that a film does not form on the surface. Change the water and wash the terrarium regularly. Before pouring water into the aquaterrarium, it must be left for at least 24 hours.
  5. The animal grows faster in clean water, so you can place a pump filter in the aquarium.
  6. The optimal water temperature for this type of reptile is up to 32 degrees.
  7. Red-eared turtles are predators, and if you add fish to their aquarium, then as soon as the reptile becomes large enough, it will eat them. She can also bite the owner's finger.
  8. The bridge to the bank should not be smooth, otherwise the animal will not be able to climb onto it. Also, it should not be closer than 30 cm to the edge of the terrarium, otherwise the reptile may get out.
  9. The reptile loves warmth and room temperature is too low for it. Therefore, an incandescent lamp should be installed 10 cm from land. The light from a 40-watt light bulb is enough to make your pet feel comfortable.

Before you buy a turtle, you need to know how to handle it.

If you decide to take an animal in your arms, you need to be very careful, as the pet can slip out, go to the toilet, or show aggression. He may begin to hiss and resist. It must be remembered that the reptile has sharp claws and powerful limbs, so you should hold them with both hands. Otherwise, both the owner and the pet may suffer due to improper handling.

After the animal is released into the wild, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap, since turtles are carriers of salmonellosis, although they themselves do not suffer from it. The infection develops especially quickly in children.

Therefore, you should limit your pet’s access to the kitchen and other places where there are products intended for feeding people. You should also not wash your pet or anything related to it in the kitchen sink.

Small red-eared turtles - care and maintenance

It is not uncommon for people to buy small turtles. It is important to know how to care for babies, since they are not resistant to disease and have a high mortality rate.

When the reptile has just hatched from the egg, on the abdominal part of the shell you can see the stomach pouch, which contains all the substances necessary for the animal. Under no circumstances should you touch it. Until this sac dissolves, the turtle may not eat the food offered to it.

It is not advisable to pick up babies. They are very shy and can get sick. There is no need to stand near the aquaterrarium for a long time and knock on the glass, let the animal get used to it and start eating.

You should not place babies with adult turtles, otherwise large individuals may injure them.

It is important to ensure that the temperature on land is 27 degrees, and in water - up to 32 degrees. You cannot install the aquaterrarium in a draft.

It must be remembered that this type of reptile is omnivorous. Their diet should include meat and plant products. You can feed the animal beef, poultry, lean fish, carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. The pet store also sells special food for reptiles; you need to buy those that are appropriate for their age.


Habitat in nature

Its historical habitat is Central America and the USA, which is why the red-eared turtle is called American.

The red-eared slider has a long lifespan in the wild. It is important to know that aquatic red-eared reptiles that live in river conditions need land no less than other land reptiles; when starting a red-eared reptile at home, you should create high-quality conditions for it, similar to living in nature. The small and large red-eared turtle lives not only in water, but also on land, where it must be warm.

Important to know before purchasing

Caring for a red-eared turtle at home is not difficult; it is enough to follow the rules and create appropriate conditions for keeping the red-eared reptile. The yellow-bellied turtle is suitable for beginners.

In winter, the turtle does not hibernate. The red-eared reptile spends a large period of time in water, so you should carefully monitor its cleanliness and maintain the required temperature.

It is important to consider that pets are very active and can be aggressive.

When buying small red-eared turtles measuring 2 centimeters, you must remember that the size of red-eared turtles can reach the palm of a person, so the aquarium for them must be of an appropriate size.

Often sellers deceive buyers and misrepresent the gender of the turtle, so be sure to check this before purchasing.

Aquarium turtles in an artificial environment can live on average 30 years. This feature of the red-eared individual obliges the breeder to take the purchase seriously.

Distinctive features of the red-eared slider

A distinctive feature of the American individual is its red stripe. The juvenile has a brighter stripe than the adult red-eared slider. The shell is smooth and round in shape. The color of the turtle's shell is green with black and yellow lines. The older the freshwater individual, the darker it is.

The length of the shell is not an indicator of age, since the red-eared reptile grows quite quickly when kept at home. The achieved sizes depend on environmental conditions, quality of care and health of the pet. The temperature of the water in the terrarium depends on the age and time of year. The temperature should be highest in summer and autumn. For young representatives, the water should always be warm.

For small representatives, the basis of nutrition is a completely plant-based diet. Upon reaching a size of 10 centimeters, animal food is proportionally added to the diet. In old age, the diet of an individual again becomes predominantly of plant origin. Read more about what to feed your red-eared slider in a separate article.


The size of red-eared turtles is measured using a ruler; to determine the length, the shell is measured, its irregularities are not taken into account. Newborns are born about 3 centimeters in length. The average size of a sea turtle is 20 centimeters. The duration of growth and maximum size depends on living conditions. As practice shows, than better conditions habitat, the better the individuals grow.

A red-eared turtle in good home conditions not only grows quickly, but can also grow several centimeters more, how much will also depend on environmental conditions.

Life expectancy varies; a domestic specimen, if well maintained, will live longer than other representatives. On average - about 30 years.

How many years a pet will live at home, and to what size a red-eared turtle will grow, depends on its breeder.

Do you need neighbors?

The reptile does not have a friendly disposition. Often turtles kept in the same container at home start fights, this behavior is especially observed in mature age. It is recommended to keep representatives of the same species separately from each other. If it is not possible to move pets into different terrariums, the space can be divided using partitions.

  • the size of the individuals must be the same;
  • there should not be more than one male in the group;
  • individuals must be of equal age.

Frogs, toads, lizards and snakes and other similar individuals are perceived by turtles exclusively as food.

How to care for a red-eared slider

A novice breeder should know how to properly care for their pet. Keeping a red-eared turtle requires high-quality regular care and proper diet. A red-eared turtle kept at home should not be disturbed frequently, especially small pets that have recently appeared in the terrarium. New individuals need time to adapt without the risk of stressful situations. To care for reptiles, it is recommended to carry out frequent cleaning, monitoring the cleanliness of the water, bathing procedures, and the habitat must be equipped with everything necessary. This little knowledge about care and maintenance will be enough for the longevity and health of your red-eared pet.

Necessary items and tools

To ensure good life, the red-eared turtle must receive not only high-quality care, but also have all the necessary items to furnish its home.

The main list of what you need to keep a red-eared turtle:

  • suitable container;
  • 100 Watt water heater;
  • filter;
  • incandescent lamp;
  • lamp;
  • island;
  • thermometer;
  • decorative stones.

It is not recommended to use aquarium plants, live or artificial. All flora is at risk of being eaten, and some plant species are deadly to turtles. If soil is used, it must be coarse.

Choosing and arranging housing

Domestic red-eared pets require a large terrarium or aquarium (volume of at least 150 liters). The height should be greater than the width of the adult representative’s shell, since it needs to turn over freely. For a small individual, you can use a small vessel, within 50 liters. To keep a pet, you need to pour water so that it can stand on its hind legs and stick out its muzzle.

If you plan to use wooden driftwood, then you need to keep them in boiling water for some time. All plastic products must be of high quality and non-toxic. All elements of the turtle's interior, such as the substrate, island and other decorative elements, should be washed regularly under tap water.

An island of land should be installed inside the terrarium, onto which the reptile can freely climb.

Incandescent light bulbs of 40 and 60 W should be located no higher than 25 centimeters; if the location is lower, the light will disturb the reptiles by getting into their eyes.

Aquarium water

The quality of care and the main condition for keeping a turtle is the condition of the water inside the aquarium. It is important to maintain cleanliness and maintain the required temperature of the liquid. Pets spend most of their lives in an aquatic environment, therefore, it should be replaced and filtered carefully to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

It is important for red-eared turtles to have free access to the shore; on a piece of land it can rest and bask; this requirement applies to all individuals.

Water for the aquarium must be settled and free of chlorine. The temperature should vary from 22 to 28 degrees. If the water drops below 20 degrees, it should be heated using a heater; for accurate measurements, you must use a thermometer.

Once a week it is important to change the water, no more than 1/3 of the part. It is forbidden to replace the water completely, as the internal biological balance of the terrarium, which is favorable for life, will be disrupted.

Heater and filter

To properly keep pets at home, it is important to satisfy their natural need to bask on land. The shell should heat up to 35 degrees; for this, the individual must install a lamp. It is important to monitor the temperature on the thermometer. Do not place the heat source too close to prevent your pet from getting burned. The lamp must be hidden from splashes of water and resulting fumes. The heat source must operate throughout the entire daylight period every day.

When choosing a filter, you should take into account all the features of internal and external cleaning elements. The filter is selected taking into account the volume of the terrarium. External elements require less maintenance and are safer for the reptile, since the internal filter can be removed by a pet and damaged.

Features of handling a pet

Red-eared turtles should not be allowed on the floor. They can bite, hiss and show aggression; you should handle it carefully when picking it up; it is recommended to hold the reptile with both hands; the shell can be quite slippery. After contact with pets, hands must be washed with soap; a large number of pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the shell.

Living in their natural environment, turtles independently obtain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for health. In a home environment, the owner must independently add important elements to the feed.

Mandatory list of useful substances:

  • vitamins d3, A and E;
  • calcium;
  • minerals.

All additives must be added strictly following the instructions and recommendations; any overdose is dangerous for the life of the individual.


A red-eared turtle kept at home needs walks in summer period. Thus, it becomes possible to receive a dose of ultraviolet rays, eat useful herb, get some fresh air. The place for a walk should be clean, away from the road, with lawn grass.

The temperature in the shade should not exceed 20 degrees, and the walking time should not exceed half an hour. When walking, there should be water in a visible, accessible place. In order not to lose your pet among the green grass, it is recommended to attach a bright mark, for example, orange, to the shell, it can be a sticker or a flag.

Care and hygiene

It is recommended to arrange water treatments for pets at least once a week. Waterfowl turtles need more frequent bathing or a bathing container in their terrarium. Water for bathing should be warm, but not more than 32 degrees, boiled if possible. The fluid level must be comfortable for standing with your head retracted.

During the first bath, you should carefully monitor the procedure to avoid frightening the animal. If the reptile does not feel well in the water and refuses to bathe, it is recommended to limit itself to spraying the shell and skin. If the bathing container is freely accessible inside the terrarium, the liquid must be changed every day.

It is recommended to use a cloth or sponge for washing; they must be soft. The use of chemicals is prohibited. For preventive measures against fungus, methylene purchased at a pet store is used. After each contact with water, the turtle should have the opportunity to dry and warm up under an ultraviolet lamp. She cannot tolerate temperature changes in the aquarium, which increases the risk of colds.


Before you start yellow-bellied reptile It is necessary to re-read the description of the article in detail again; the red-eared turtle may die if environmental conditions do not meet its needs. Keeping turtles requires knowledge of care information and the availability of all the necessary equipment for a comfortable habitat for the red-eared representative. To keep a reptile you must provide aquatic environment and the surface of the land, the proper temperature, and also take care of the cleanliness of the home during home maintenance.


Why terrarium?

The red-eared turtle is an aquatic inhabitant. Letting her out on the floor or putting her in a box is the biggest mistake; with such care she will not last long. Pet stores usually recommend a cute and comfy tortoiseshell.

This is a small plastic basin with a convex bridge and a shore, on which a green palm tree is installed as decoration. The big-eyed turtle the size of a coin (that’s how they are sold) looks very cute on her and seems like she will have plenty of room in the turtle hut for a long time.

Contrary to popular belief, coin turtles do not stay that tiny their entire lives. Dwarf turtles do not exist in nature - and red-eared turtles, moreover, grow very quickly. Within a year, a healthy turtle can reach the size of the palm of an adult man. The most you can expect when buying a green pet is that it will grow to be about the size of a plate(30 cm in diameter). Naturally, an animal of this size cannot live in a small basin with an inconvenient bridge and a minimum of water.

What should a red-eared turtle’s home look like if the turtle house is not suitable for it?

The best solution is to buy an aquarium and convert it specifically for the turtle. There are several ways here.

You can buy aquariums bigger size as the pet grows. This is a good option if you have little space in your home, lack funds, or are planning to move.

In this case, the list of aquariums that turtles will need looks like this:

  1. 20 liters. Enough for a small turtle for the first time, about three to four months. She will feel spacious and comfortable there.
  2. 50 liters. In such an aquarium, a turtle can live for about a year and several months after, depending on its individual growth rate. 50 liters is enough for a palm-sized turtle, however, once this size is reached, you need to think about buying the next aquarium.
  3. 100-150 liters, depending on capabilities. It is better that the third aquarium is the last one, since the turtle will quickly reach its goals. maximum dimensions. It is also necessary to take into account that the larger the turtle, the more dry land it needs, and it is quite difficult to fit all this in an aquarium of the wrong size.

You can go the other way and immediately buy a large aquarium with a volume of 150 liters or more. The pet can live in it for the rest of its life, and such an aquarium can easily be turned into an interior object - providing it with rocks, algae and other decorative elements.

The aquaterrarium must have a lid so that the pet does not get out and fall. Lamps are usually attached to it.

Video: example of a terrarium

What to look for when purchasing?

The aquarium should be free of chips and cracks and not cause a feeling of fragility. Round and semicircular aquariums are absolutely not suitable - they rarely last long and are not intended for large volumes of water.

After purchasing the aquarium, you need to check for leaks - pour water into it and carefully inspect it.

How to make a terrarium with your own hands?

If the options available in the pet store are not suitable, for example, you want an interesting shape or want to keep several turtles at once, you can make an aquaterrarium yourself. To do this you will need durable glass and special glue.

By making a terrarium yourself, you can bring to life the most interesting ideas, for example, to arrange a full-fledged second floor that acts as a shore, or to create several water levels. Using partitions, you can make a compartment for fish or a convenient “box” for a filter and heater.

You can also make the bridge yourself - hard wood and plastic will do. You can attach the bridge to the glass using suction cups, and optionally sprinkle pebbles on top and install decorative elements.

Water and land

As mentioned above, in addition to water, a turtle needs land on which it will go to warm up and rest.

Typically, the lower part of the aquarium is reserved for water, and the land area above is attached or otherwise arranged. The turtle will be able to swim and sleep below, and get out higher just under the light of the lamps.

There should be so much water so that the pet can swim freely. For a large turtle, the minimum is so much that when it gets up on its paws, it barely sticks its muzzle out of the water. In a large aquarium, the red ear will always have something to do and will not turn out to be a lethargic, sleepy and inactive pet.

The bank should have a convenient inclined slope with ledges to make it easier for the animal to climb onto it. For a small turtle, you can make a bank from a board or plastic; for a large one, it is better to make it out of glass. You can buy a shore or an island at a pet store - but most often they offer options that require a small volume of water, for example, bridges, and therefore are not suitable for use in large aquariums.

Filling the aquaterrarium

The larger the area of ​​the turtle's home, the more opportunities for creating beautiful decor. Stones are usually placed at the bottom of the aquarium; you can buy colored stones for aquariums - but be sure to choose all of them that are smaller in size than your pet’s head, so that he does not swallow them and choke. Sturdy shells without sharp edges also look great.

Turtles love to dig and dig., turn over and drag everything that gets into their aquarium. Even plastic algae, usually sold with a base, can be easily peeled off. Therefore, it will not be possible to arrange a beautiful, neat landscape - the turtle will quickly arrange everything the way it likes.

In this regard, it is better to place on the bottom something that can be easily moved and that changing places will not affect general form- for example, stones, shells and pieces of glass, or large objects that cannot be moved. These can be special driftwood, inside of which, by the way, you can hide a heater, or ceramic elements. You should not buy hollow snags and caves; the turtle can climb into them while it is small, however, it is just as likely to get stuck there.

You can glue photo wallpaper to the back of the aquarium. It is useless to plant algae near turtles; very soon they will be torn out and most likely eaten. However, in general, placing them in the aquarium is a good idea, but they are specifically edible and tasty for the turtle to enjoy. Those that float on the surface are most suitable.


Turtles are cold-blooded animals. This means that their activity directly depends on the environment - when the temperature drops, the turtle will begin to move little and sleep a lot, and may even hibernate, which is extremely dangerous for domestic turtles. Cold water It is also dangerous because the pet may develop pneumonia, in other words, it will catch a cold.


In nature, red-eared turtles spend a lot of time basking in the sun. This is not only pleasant, but also useful - ultraviolet light helps them grow and develop correctly. At home, the turtle will not have the opportunity to receive everything it needs from the sun, which means it needs to recreate sunlight on one's own.

To do this, your pet needs two lamps - a special ultraviolet lamp, which you can buy at a pet store, and a regular one. You can’t take any UV lamp - not all types of llamas are tolerated by the turtle’s eye, for example, the one that grandmothers usually use to warm the noses of their grandchildren with a cold - it can lead to loss of vision for the turtle, but will not bring any benefit.

An incandescent lamp creates the effect of solar heat - the turtle will be pleased to bask under its light. It is not necessary to turn on both lamps for the whole day.

One of the problems of keeping red-eared turtles is the need to change the water in a rather large aquarium. This can be solved simply by purchasing a filter. If the aquarium is small, a small filter, which is usually installed for fish, is suitable, but for a large one, an external filter with a higher power is needed.

Does your pet need neighbors?

Turtles grow well alone, so you don’t have to worry about your pet being bored alone. Keeping several individuals at the same time is possible, but it has its own characteristics.

Turtles are very territorial animals - when small sizes In an aquarium, neighbors will fight and compete, which can lead to injuries and injuries on both sides. For turtles to coexist in peace, they will need a large aquarium, larger than what is needed to keep one individual, and preferably several pieces of land.

If you really want the picture of the aquatic world to be complete, you can divide the aquarium into two parts with glass with holes, assigning most of the space to the turtle, and placing fish and algae behind the fence.

The holes are needed to ensure that water penetrates equally into both parts of the aquarium, however, fish should not fit into them, much less a turtle. This method of keeping is beneficial in decorative terms and allows you to combine two aquariums into one, however, the pet may not like the food that he can see but cannot grab, and he will constantly hit the partition and try to get to the fish. This is unnecessary stress for both the turtle and the fish.


An adult turtle needs an aquaterrarium with a volume of 100-150 liters, preferably that land occupies about 25% of its area. If possible, soil or crushed stone is poured on the shore. A gentle ascent with a rough but non-scratching surface is arranged to land. The water level must be greater than the width of the shell, so that if the turtle finds itself on its back, for any reason, it can turn over and not drown.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lower than 20°C, normal temperature 24-30°C (to maintain the temperature, it is advisable to install a heater). The water in the aquarium is replaced as needed, 1 - 2 times a week. A water filter allows you to do this much less often. However, a complete water change should be done at least once a month. It is advisable to install an incandescent lamp above the island in the aquarium. Turtles love to bask on dry land. Also, for the normal maintenance of a red-eared turtle, a source of dosed ultraviolet radiation is necessary.

In captivity, the diet of red-eared turtles includes small crustaceans such as gammarus or shrimp. Small aquarium or river snails, small or cut into pieces fish, meat cut into small strips, liver, small frogs, tadpoles, various insects and their larvae, earthworms, bloodworms, and tubifex are also suitable.

Do not forget that the diet of red-eared turtles should include foods rich in calcium: fish heads, bone meal, chalk, eggshells, etc. The diet of adult turtles also includes plant foods. Pets eat well dandelion leaves, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and plantain. Among algae, duckweed, elodea, spirogyra, seaweed, anacharis, water beetle, edogonium, etc. are well eaten. Young red-eared turtles are fed 2 times a day. Later they are transferred to single meals. Turtles over 2 years old should be fed no more than 2-3 times a week.

You should not feed your turtle the same thing; the diet should be varied. The amount of food is selected so that the turtles eat everything without leaving anything in the water. Turtles should be fed at the same time every day. It’s good if the turtle has warmed up well before this. At a temperature of 28-30°, turtle digestion is much more intense. You can also feed turtles outside the aquarium, for example in a basin with water. This will help keep the aquarium clean. If the turtle's food is not particularly varied, it should be given vitamins or vitamin complexes. You can find them in pet stores; choose ones marked “for reptiles.” Vitamins are fed to hungry turtles in their food. The dosage must be looked at in the instructions for the drug.

Reproduction of red-eared turtles

Juvenile red-eared sliders are essentially the same regardless of gender. Determining the sex of animals becomes possible when they become adults. Already at the age of more than one year, sex differences begin to be observed in turtles. The sex of the red-eared slider is easier to determine in comparison with other individuals. Females, as a rule, grow much larger than males. Although, given the age difference between animals, this sign cannot be used. Males have longer claws on their front paws than females. They serve for the courtship dance and help to stay on the female during mating. The male's tail is thicker and longer than that of the female. The lower part of the body in females is flat, while in males it is concave. The spots on the turtle's head are larger and brighter in color in males. In nature, turtles reach sexual maturity at 5-6 years; in captivity, this occurs somewhat earlier.

The courtship period for red-eared turtles occurs between March and July, and in captivity it can occur at any time of the year. The male swims in front of the female, tail first, and gently touches her muzzle with his claws, as if trying to stroke her. If the female is ready to reproduce, then she accepts courtship, otherwise the female drives the male away. In some cases it comes to a brawl. Young turtles can also perform a mating dance, but before they reach reproductive age they are unable to reproduce.

After successful mating, the female spends more time in the sun. Her eating habits may change, the amount of food she eats will change, and she may refuse some types of usual food. This is a normal reaction, you should try feeding her other foods and adjusting the amount of food.

Pregnancy lasts on average about two months; if the female cannot find a suitable place for laying, this period can be extended. During the last two weeks, the female spends a lot of time on land, sniffing and digging. Having chosen a place, the turtle generously moistens the soil from the anal bladders and digs a nest with its hind legs. A female red-eared turtle can lay from 1 to 22 eggs, with an average of 5-10. She has no instinct to care for her offspring. Having laid eggs, the female leaves the nest.

The incubation period lasts 100-150 days. Incubation time and sex of young turtles depend on the temperature at which the eggs are incubated. At temperatures above 29°C, females are born; below 27°C, only males are born. To pierce the egg shell, turtles use an egg tooth, which falls off an hour after birth. After the egg hatches, a small pouch is present on the newborn’s stomach; it contains the remains of food from the incubation period. Soon it will disappear, and the small wound remaining in its place will heal happily.

Diseases and treatment of red-eared turtles

The most common disease in red-eared turtles is pneumonia. Experts do not recommend keeping these exotic pets outside of an aquarium. The owners of a turtle sometimes let it walk around the apartment, thinking that it will be useful for their pet. In fact, this can be very dangerous, because the reptile can get caught in a draft and catch a cold. This also applies to the location of the terrarium; try to place it only in a place protected from wind and drafts.

If you notice that your animal is lethargic, is not eating well, or has refused to eat at all, it is most likely suffering from pneumonia. In an aquarium, the reptile swims only on the surface; it simply cannot dive. Probably yours a pet got hypothermic. It can be treated in two ways.

The traditional medicinal method involves a course of intramuscular injections. Keep in mind that red-eared turtles should only be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. Self-medication can cost your pet's life. And don’t forget about an important point: when you calculate the amount of medicine by the weight of the turtle, you need to subtract the weight of the shell. To do this, it is enough to divide total weight in half.

Some turtle owners are afraid to use medications and resort to methods traditional medicine. One of the methods is based on steam baths. You need to prepare a chamomile decoction. Next, you should slightly heat the broth and hold the turtle over the steam for a while. Monitor the steam temperature. it shouldn't burn your hand. Now we are preparing a warm bath. In a ratio of 1:3, dilute chamomile decoction in water, the temperature should be about 30°C. A turtle should take medicinal baths for about an hour.

Eye diseases of red-eared turtles. Monitor the animal constantly. Examine your eyes. If you notice swelling of the eyelids, excessive discharge from the eyes, or a purple color of the mucous membranes, be sure to go to a specialist. To treat eye diseases in red-eared turtles, they must be kept on land. It is necessary to treat the affected mucous membrane with a veterinary agent. These may be antibiotics or sulfonamides. You should take a clean bath at a temperature of 28°C once a day for several hours. The water must be absolutely clean. Treatment is carried out until the veterinarian confirms recovery.

Shell diseases of red-eared turtles. Symptoms of pet turtle disease include soft-touch shells, lethargic behavior, and poor appetite. Most often, symptoms appear from a lack of ultraviolet radiation, poor absorption of calcium and vitamin D3. To eliminate such problems, expose your pets to a UV lamp every day. This lamp can be purchased at a pet store.

To treat this disease, red-eared turtles should have raw fish in their diet daily, preferably with small bones. Include calcium and vitamin supplements in your diet. Turtle shell diseases are dangerous and their treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. You should react especially quickly if the animal experiences detachment of the horny plates from the shell. With active growth, this phenomenon is acceptable, but with age it can only occur if the reptile is not kept properly. Preventing and treating disease for red-eared sliders means careful care. This also applies to diet. Perhaps this violation is a consequence of drying out. Detachment can be caused by fungus or blue-green algae.

And in the end, in a concise form, we will present all the rules that must be followed when keeping red-eared turtles.

When keeping red-eared turtles, you must not:
keep in close quarters;
keep the turtle in an aquarium without land; a turtle is capable of drowning, despite the fact that it is aquatic;
keep the turtle without heating;
feed turtles only raw meat;
feed turtles only plant food;
if the turtle does not receive food rich in calcium, it is necessary to give mineral supplements;
add oil vitamins to the food “by eye”;
keep turtles in dirty water, especially if a film forms on the surface;
clean the turtle with rough brushes and even more so remove the horny scutes if it is overgrown with algae;
keep several males in one aquarium and introduce new animals without prior quarantine;
use only smooth materials (glass, plastic) for the construction of the ladder and island;
wash the aquarium in the kitchen and use dishes for turtles in which food for humans is prepared.
Clean the aquaterrarium irregularly;
hibernation optional for turtles;


American freshwater turtles

The name of the family also indicates the range of the species: red-eared (aka yellow-bellied) turtles can be considered their homeland Central America, Mexico, northern Venezuela and Colombia, as well as the USA.

Thanks to humans, these reptiles appeared in Guadeloupe, South Africa, Israel, Great Britain and Spain. In Australia, they were not happy about their invasion, declaring them pests that were displacing native reptiles.

In recent years, red-eared turtles have emerged quite often in the reservoirs of the Southern Federal District and Krasnodar region. They were seen in ponds and reservoirs in Rostov-on-Don, Anapa, Gelendzhik and Yeisk. These are those unfortunate animals whose stay in a city apartment turned out to be an unbearable burden for their owners.

And it’s good if the turtles released into the wild survive: these heat-loving creatures are absolutely not adapted to Russian frosts. Only those who hit the pipe with hot, non-toxic waste have a chance.

Do not be tempted by the toy size of the baby turtles (with age they will turn into decent basins) and think a hundred times whether you will be able to endure all the hardships of caring for them before you buy this voracious and finicky animal.

Exterior, description

A biologist will distinguish a male from a female by several characteristic features, including in size: males are noticeably inferior to females. A sexually mature red-eared turtle grows up to 30 cm, and some of its varieties grow up to half a meter or more.

Turtle babies look like bright green, raised leaves that darken as they mature: the carapace becomes dark brown or black (with jagged yellow lines). The head, neck and limbs have their own ornament, where curved green and white stripes are adjacent.

The ventral part of the shell is usually dark, but is diluted (like the upper) with yellow wavy stripes and edging of the same color.

On the turtle's head there are two stretched scarlet spots located near the eyes. These red “marks” give the species its name. Depending on the subspecies, the color of the spots varies and can be muted yellow, bright yellow or orange.

The absence of teeth will not prevent this turtle from flattening any strong object: its powerful jaws will help it with this. Another weapon of the “red lady” is her unusually strong and sharp claws, which she uses to fight off enemies.

Red-eared turtles do not complain about their sense of smell and vision. The only thing that lets them down is their hearing. However, the reptile instantly reacts to extraneous noises and always manages to dive into the water.


The turtle lives in swampy and shallow ponds and lakes that are not very clean. Demonstrates increased agility when hunting for prey (fish, crustaceans, tadpoles, snails, etc.) aquatic fauna) or avoiding enemies. At other times, it is inactive: it likes to crawl onto the bank, exposing its shell to the sun’s rays. In cool water (below +18 °C), the redfish loses its appetite and becomes lethargic.

TO natural enemies turtles include:

  • Jaguars are skilled at digging reptiles out of their shells.
  • Foxes push turtles onto rocks.
  • Birds of prey - drop them onto rocks.
  • Other turtles and crabs eat turtle babies.
  • Sharks and big ones predatory fish- eat newborn turtles.

Biologists believe that the red-eared turtle (contrary to known catchphrases) moves quickly both in water and on land. Speed ​​helps her break away from her pursuers, deftly avoiding obstacles.

The reptile notices a dangerous object about 40 meters away, which gives it time to quickly slide under the water: thanks to this lightning-fast reflex, the turtle is nicknamed “slider”.

If it was not possible to escape, it will defend itself: a rapid throw of its head will be followed by the closing of its strong jaws on the body of the victim. Mature turtles can not only bite, but also injure.

Injury can also be caused by carelessly removing your pet from the water, when it kicks with its hind limbs, studded with sharp claws.

Continuation of the family line

Even an experienced herpetologist will not tell who is in front of him (a boy or a girl) until the turtle is one year old. It is at this age that sexual dimorphism appears.

Difference between the sexes

It is known that females are much larger than males, but this trait can be considered significant only for individuals born at the same time. Otherwise, it is hardly possible to determine the gender by dimensions.

There are more notable features that help you figure out the gender of your pet. So, in males:

  • the spot near the eye is brighter and larger;
  • longer claws on the forelimbs that help cling to a partner during copulation;
  • the lower part of the body is concave, whereas in females it is flat;
  • thicker and longer tail.

Information about the sexual maturity of red-eared turtles varies somewhat. Usually the reptile enters the puberty phase by 5-6 years, and in captivity much earlier.


Turtles living in zoos and apartments mate, regardless of the time of year, but, being in their natural habitat, adhere to certain dates (March - July).

The male performs a mating dance the main role in which it is placed on the claws stroking the chin of the chosen one. imitate mating games Young reptiles can too: but these “rehearsals” do not lead to procreation until the turtle has entered reproductive age.

The partner swims tail first, being very close to the partner’s head, tirelessly tickling her face with his claws. If the female is not against mating, she accepts these advances. If the turtle is not ready for intercourse, it drives away the suitor, using physical force against those who are particularly dull.


If sexual intercourse leads to fertilization, the female begins to bask in the sun's rays and changes her eating habits. This is especially noticeable in domestic red-eared turtles and does not develop into a disaster: you just need to adjust the menu, including the amount of food.

About 2 months are allotted for pregnancy, but the period increases if it is impossible to find a good place for laying. Two weeks before “giving birth,” the female almost never leaves the ground, sniffing and digging. Having decided on a laying site, the reptile moistens it with liquid from the anal bladders and digs the ground with its hind limbs.

The red-eared turtle is a bad mother: having laid eggs (from 1 to 22), she completely forgets about the offspring. Incubation, the duration of which depends on temperature, takes from 100 to 150 days. The temperature in the nest also affects the sex of turtle babies: at 29°C and above, girls are born, at 27°C and below, only boys are born.

To emerge from the egg, newborn turtles pierce the shell with an egg tooth, which falls off after an hour. All babies have a small pouch on their abdomen with the remains of incubation provisions: when it falls off, it leaves a quickly healing wound.

Only at a superficial glance does the turtle create the deceptive impression of an extremely unassuming animal. In everyday life you will face a lot of problems that must be met head-on.

Equipment for the red-eared turtle's home

At home, turtles are kept in specially equipped aquaterrariums.

It is advisable to purchase aquaterrarium with a volume of 100 to 150 liters, which is filled with water to about 20-30 cm. This is done so that the turtle, if it turns over on its back, has the opportunity to take a normal position without outside help. It is also recommended to build a kind of beach, equipped with a heating lamp and a UV lamp that will disinfect.

The beach should have a slope from the bottom of the aquaterrarium, with a rough land surface, but not causing scratches. It is recommended to place the embankment no higher than 20-30 cm from the top of the aquarium, since some mobile pets are able to get out of their home. The temperature on land should be around 29-30°C.

The water part can be decorated with algae, but before planting them, you should find out if they are poisonous, since turtles love to taste everything. Fish, by the way, do not eat poisonous algae. In addition, the algae must match the lighting level and temperature in the aquaterrarium.

In addition to decorative algae, you can also plant vegetation intended for food. Spirogyra, hornwort, anacharis, duckweed, and ludwigia are suitable for these purposes.

The water should, of course, be clean and warm, about 26-28°C. It should be changed when it gets dirty or once a month.


The nutrition of turtles is quite an interesting thing. Firstly, young turtles are fed daily, and adult turtles about 2-3 times a week. Secondly, with age, the content of plant food should prevail. Therefore, if an adult turtle lives in an aquarium, then the algae has been eaten.

Proper nutrition– an important component in maintaining the health of pets. For this reason, you should carefully approach the preparation of your diet. It must include plant food, vitamin and mineral supplements and, of course, fish (cod, hake, thalassa) and meat.

Plant food may contain: abutilone, basil, aloe, oregano, peas, balsam, figs, rudbeckia, clover, coleus, calendula, nettle, onion, alfalfa, nasturtium, arrowroot, daisies, dandelion, petunia, purslane, tradescantia, rose petals, chlorophytum, fuchsia, barley, rose hips, cyperus, kalanchoe, fern, calathea, hibiscus, gloxinia, lawn grass, coffee, plantain.

IN summer time“free” food in the form of vegetation is available: carrot and beet tops, potato tops cannot be given, branches of fruit bushes and trees.

Do not feed to turtles plants such as monstera, epipremnum, philodendron, anthurium, silent, akalifa, croton, jatropha, azalea, delphinium, crocus, morning glory, lily of the valley, lupine, periwinkle, oleander, juniper, nightshade, ficus, philodendron, shefflera. The listed plants are so poisonous that even from ordinary touch the turtle develops long-lasting wounds and ulcers. If the juice of these plants gets into the eyes of an animal, it causes conjunctevitis.

In some cases, the use of prohibited plants contributes to disruption of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, when choosing components for food, you should be careful, since nutrition is the key to your pet’s health.

Buy a red-eared turtle

Farms where red-eared turtles are bred are located in the USA and Malaysia. From there comes both illegal and legal export of these heat-loving animals.

Smuggled bright green turtles are sold “for 5 kopecks a bunch” right on the street. They are very cute and disperse under the glib lies of the traders about the unpretentiousness of turtles.

Nobody knows what the babies are sick with, most of whom will die in the first months after moving into an apartment. As a rule, the cause of death of these poor fellows is pneumonia (the most common turtle ailment).

Of course, you can buy a reptile in a pet store for 200-250 rubles, but why, if the sites are filled with moans from current owners who dream of getting rid of the turtles they once acquired?

These people may not even take money from you and will happily give you not only their tortilla, but also its rich dowry (lamps, siphons, filters, aquaterrarium).

And one last thing. With careful care, red-eared turtles live for at least 40-50 years, and especially resistant specimens live up to 80. If you are ready for such a long relationship with a “red-eared” turtle, look for your future pet in in social networks and on the forums.


they need a large volume of water and a shore occupying at least 1/3 of the total surface of the water. Read in more detail the basic requirements for keeping red-eared turtles. all this must be respected!

A pair of red-eared turtles can be kept up to 1 year old in aquaterrariums of about 50-70 liters. , then you need from 200 l. Sushi should be at least 1/3 of the entire surface. It is better if there is a smooth slope of the shore into the water, but a flat surface is also necessary. The water level should not be too high; it is better that the aquarium has a large bottom area.
Keep in mind that a one-year-old turtle has a shell of approximately 10 cm in length, an adult - about 30 cm! And they live for about 30 years, so think carefully before purchasing such a pet.

1) a filter designed for a volume of water 3 times larger, since turtles’ water quickly deteriorates. The water is changed as it gets dirty (with the water standing for 2-3 days) once every 1-2 weeks.
2) a heater with a thermostat, the temperature in the water should be at least 25 degrees; on land - about 30 degrees
3) a heat lamp over the island so that the turtles can bask there (do not place it too low to avoid burns)
4) an ultraviolet lamp, which is replaced every six months, because over time it ceases to emit ultraviolet radiation. It is advisable to purchase a lamp that can work all day, and not for a certain amount of time
5) thermometer on land and in water.

Young turtles up to 2 years of age are fed once a day with an amount of food that is completely eaten in 5 minutes. Adult turtles are fed once every 2-3 days.
They are mainly fed lean raw meat and fish. Before feeding, fatty fish (for example capelin) are doused with hot water and kept in it for 2-4 minutes to degrease. The fish is given with bones and fins; they contain a lot of calcium. Also, frozen and dry gammarus and bloodworms should be included in the turtles’ diet; raw mussels, shrimp, squid; special fortified dry food for red-eared turtles, vitamins. Vegetable feeding is also necessary: ​​non-poisonous aquatic plants, fruits, vegetables. There are also recipes for “turtle jelly” on the Internet; you can make it yourself.
The more varied the diet, the better. For example, you can feed one food for 2 weeks, then another.
It is better to feed turtles in a separate container so as not to pollute the aquarium water.

Sex differences:
Females are smaller than males, the claws of adults are no more than 0.5 cm. Males have a slightly depressed plastron, claws about 2 cm, a more pointed muzzle, the tail is longer than that of females and is very thick at the base. The red spots on the head of the male are brighter and more saturated than those of the female. The female's shell is more round; the male's is oval.

All aquatic turtles are predators and should not be kept together with aquarium fish, newts, crayfish, frogs, etc. Also different types Aquatic turtles usually do not coexist in the same body of water. As a rule, they keep 1 male with 1-2 females, because male red whales like to sort things out among themselves over females in fierce fights.


Land turtles are easier to care for than aquatic turtles, but aquatic turtles are cheaper, more popular and brighter.
Small turtles get sick more than adults, so it’s easier to kill a baby. It is much more convenient to take a teenage turtle.
It is best to buy a turtle in the warm season, then there is a greater chance that the animal is healthy, and you will not catch a cold on the reptile on the way home.
If you are a beginner, then it is better to purchase simpler and more popular types (red-eared, swamp, Central Asian, trionix). Exotic species of turtles are more demanding in terms of living conditions.
It is almost impossible to determine the sex of turtles up to 10 cm, so if you take a baby, then take any!

Which turtle is best to get? Water or land?

Turtles are either land or aquatic. Aquatic ones, in turn, are freshwater and sea, but this should not bother you too much, because... No one keeps sea turtles at home anyway. Well, almost no one.

+ If you go somewhere, you can easily take a land turtle with you (on a train, in a car) in a box or in a carrier, or give it to friends to look after for a while.
+ It is easier to feed the land in terms of prices for vegetables and fruits, as well as cleanliness of eating.
+ It is believed that land animals are less aggressive than aquatic ones. Usually yes, but not always.
+ Cleaning the terrarium is much easier than changing the water and cleaning the filters.
— Most land turtles are in the Red Book, it is illegal to sell and buy them without documents, and they are also rarely sold in pet stores
— When moving to another country, it will be almost impossible to obtain documents for the turtle.

+ Aquatic turtles are always brighter, more beautiful and active than land turtles.
+ Most of the species sold are captive bred, making them easy to buy legally and cheaply. It does not harm nature.
+ Aquatic (especially red-eared) turtles groom each other
+ There are many more aquatic species than land species, so it is easier and cheaper to buy a turtle that is not the same as everyone else’s.

“If I were buying a turtle, I would take an aquatic one. It turns out that almost all land creatures are on the verge of extermination.
If I were simply taking a turtle that no one needed (a refusenik) from someone, I would have taken a land-based one.”

Land turtles lead a predominantly “dry” and terrestrial lifestyle, although sometimes there are more moisture-loving species that need a small body of water. Typically, such turtles feed on plant foods, but some species require protein in their diet (mice, insects, etc.). Aquatic turtles typically live in water. Land is desirable for everyone, however, how much time it will spend on it depends on the type of turtle. Some species tend to spend most of their lives in water. Such turtles in almost all cases eat fish, and as additional nutritious foods they should also receive seafood, small rodents, sometimes insects, in a word, “whole” meat (not minced meat, not fillet, etc.). Some aquatic species can be lenient towards plant foods, but, as a rule, they are very mature. Basically they are still predators.

Which type of turtle is simpler and more interesting?

First, decide what kind of turtle you want - aquatic or land. There is no point in keeping turtles in a city apartment that grow very large (more than 50 cm in length), they need a lot of space, caring for them is usually more difficult, and they live longer than their smaller relatives, so the turtle can catch you get bored (or your children). Large turtles include coal turtles, radiated turtles, spurred turtles, leopard turtles, snapping turtles, and vulture turtles. It is best to keep popular aquatic non-aggressive turtles: red-eared, marsh, musk, painted. Among the rarer ones are side-necked, kinosternon, and geographical. Of the land ones, the Central Asian one is best suited, as it is the most popular in our country and the best studied.
In order not to be mistaken with the size, check what size your turtle will grow to according to the list of terrarium turtle species and think about whether you can provide it with a suitable terrarium or aquarium.

What age should I take a turtle?

Baby turtles are more susceptible to disease than adults and are more likely to die or grow crooked if not cared for properly. Small turtles are also more difficult to treat, both for the veterinarian and for you. So if you don’t want your child to be upset and cry over a deceased pet, it’s better to buy a teenage or adult turtle.

I want to get the smallest (dwarf) turtle so that it doesn’t grow big!

There are NO dwarf or decorative turtles either among land or aquatic ones. Yes, there are species that in adulthood do not grow more than 12-14 cm - these are from the land spiders, Egyptian turtles and from the aquatic ones - musk turtles, but they cost much more than popular species and are much more difficult to find.
Under the guise of dwarf turtles, they sell baby red-eared turtles, which grow up to 15-25 cm, are predatory, and require an aquarium of 100-150 liters. Keeping a red-eared turtle.

I need the easiest turtle to care for!

Absolutely all land turtles require a terrarium, and all aquatic turtles require an aquaterrarium. All turtles belong to reptiles and have +/- one principle of body functioning, therefore, like most other reptiles, they require very specific conditions of detention. As a rule, for land animals this means the mandatory presence of overhead heating, ultraviolet radiation, soil in the terrarium, and rarely the presence of humidity. For aquatics - land, top heating, ultraviolet, large amounts of water, filter. In other words, all turtles are more or less the same, and in principle there are no special frost-resistant, bulletproof, couch-resistant, cat-food-eating turtles.

I want an exotic turtle!

There are several hundred different species of turtles in the world. Both water and land. You have the right to choose any type you like, but keep in mind that not every type of these several hundred can be easily bought at any pet store. Your choices are primarily limited by external factors. For example, some turtles are not removed from the wild at all due to the extremely small number of living individuals; some turtles are impossible to keep in an apartment due to their size or specific conditions of detention; and most importantly, most species cannot be legally brought into our country and legally sold here, so pet stores prefer not to do this. Thus, the choice of a turtle depends more on the “can” factor rather than the “want” factor. Briefly, of land turtles, two species are almost always and in many places available (Central Asian and Mediterranean), of aquatic turtles - about three (swamp, trionics, red-eared). Almost any of the listed types can be obtained for free from us at the HRC. In pet stores, the price for aquatic ones starts from 300 rubles, and for land ones from 600 rubles. All other types are available, as a rule, only on order from private owners, who have the opportunity to import them from other countries. The price in this case generally starts from 1000 rubles for aquatic ones and 4000 rubles for land ones and can reach several tens of thousands per individual. Our website contains a complete list of turtle species, which we try to make as up-to-date as possible, so you can read about each species you like, and especially enthusiastic enthusiasts can try to find and rare species on sale, but this requires serious time and material costs. At the very least, you will have to delve into the process of purchase and sale, CITES, import and other matters associated with the purchase.

Is it better to take a female or a male?

If you buy a small turtle, its gender cannot be reliably determined. If an adult is for solitary confinement, then any gender is possible. This, as a rule, has little effect on the behavior of the turtle (except for male Central Asian and Mediterranean turtles). If you pair a turtle, then a female-female pair will most likely live quietly, but in female-male or male-male pairs there will be fights, so it should be possible to separate the turtles. Land males are noisier and more aggressive and can rarely be kept with other males or even females to avoid fights. Females of any species from a certain age begin to lay eggs (including unfertilized ones), which has a bad effect on the health of the turtle.

What kind of turtles can be brought into a country pond?

In a summer cottage pond at a latitude not north of Moscow, you can keep in the warm season: red-eared turtles, marsh turtles, and also trionics. It is better not to risk other types of turtles. Only marsh turtles can be kept for the winter if the pond does not freeze completely and there are fish in it. Sick and weakened turtles may not survive the winter.
It is better to release turtles into the pond no earlier than June, when the temperature stabilizes; they can be removed at the end or mid-September.
The volume of the pond depends on the number of turtles released into it, but the more, the better. It is very desirable that it also contains not very large fish, so that the turtles can catch it and eat it themselves, as well as driftwood or large protruding stones, so that the turtles can bask on them. The pond itself should be fenced with a fence, preferably a meter long one, so that the turtles do not run away.
