Species of horse mackerel in the Black Sea. Black Sea horse mackerel

Black Sea horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus is a small subspecies of the Mediterranean Trachurus mediterraneus.

This is a Black Sea fish a few minutes after being caught near Gurzuf.
Photo: http://egenika.gallery.ru/

A decrease in the size of individuals in a part of the population that, in one way or another, ends up in a body of water with a smaller volume of water - even if it is quite large in itself - is practically a biological law.
Similarly, the Mediterranean anchovy was crushed in the Black and Azov Seas into anchovy, the Atlantic herring in the Baltic was transformed into a subspecies of Salak, and the smelt, stuck after they were separated from the Baltic Sea, in Ladoga and Onega degenerated into smelt.
At the same time, the new subspecies differ from the original species in taste - due to the different composition of the water of the reservoir that gave them shelter and the differences in the species composition in it food base.

Having settled in the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic some thousands of years ago, and then colonized the Black Sea, the horse mackerel has already reached Moscow. In size it is not inferior in the capital yet, but in quality compared to freshly caught fish it is quite obvious

the lens has become cloudy - and ideally the eyes should be clear, as in the first photo.

But I fell in love with it so much when I lived in Crimea - which was still Ukrainian, and therefore cosmopolitanly common - and I miss it so much that I bought one, with a clouded lens.
Moreover, in the first time after the heroic annexation of the peninsula, horse mackerel was offered in the capital for 1 thousand rubles per kg - and now I saw it at the market on Prazhskaya for 250 rubles: Muscovites probably didn’t understand it, they didn’t try it, but they are catching it now in Crimea, without regard to any norms of the maximum permissible seizure, and this overfishing needs to be sold somewhere.

The horse mackerel's intestines turned out to be empty, so I didn't gut the fish - and didn't even rip off the tail scutes

although for the sake of pomp it would be necessary.

So, without scraping out the tail stems, and placed it on a well-heated frying pan.

Only I even overheated the oil - and the delicate skin immediately burst.

But this is even good: because it is better that these prickly shields do not get into the mouth - so the skin would still have to be removed. In general, it’s a blast anyway

But no matter how much I was in a hurry to eat the fried horse mackerel with cold beer, I immediately put some of it aside and dry-salted it with Extra salt

I place the carcasses crosswise in an enamel container, and a bag - or even two - to make the pan easier to wash later.

And a day later I ran a stream of cold water under the tap: I washed off the remaining salt

and opened it across the back.

It turned out just great

Some of the lightly salted ones were eaten immediately, and a few pieces were dried: hung inside the refrigerator on straightened paper clips, clinging to the shelf bars. They hung for 6 days. I took off the hanged ones - but not yet dried: the skin is dry and taut, and the flesh inside is elastic

Just before eating - and admiring - you need to remove the skin. Use a knife blade to hook it at the base of the dorsal fin and remove it first from one side and then from the other.
And if you don’t remove it, with the shields that stretch along the side line, you can not only scratch your lips, hurt your throat, but also simply choke

Muscles shine with fat

It's incredibly delicious, I haven't been this happy in a long time.
I just salted it by eye - so I can’t tell you how much salt to put on 1 kg of fish.
It needs to be lightly salted.
Yes, and one more thing: beer, wine and vodka are not required - although they are usually wonderful in themselves - and I really like lightly salted fish with sweet black coffee and a hot egg in a bag.

And these are the scutes on the caudal peduncle that I wrote about above - which you can’t eat, and they definitely need to be torn off

This is an important systematic feature of the family. Carangidae/syn. Horse mackerel, which also includes horse mackerel, and every time I am surprised how people manage not to notice them - and confuse horse mackerel with a completely obvious and fundamentally different smooth-sided mackerel.
Well, if you are already in Crimea, try both: it is clear that there, freshly caught, they are even tastier than those brought to Moscow.

Several decades ago, horse mackerel was widely known, widespread and popular, but then it almost disappeared from the shelves and undeservedly became half-forgotten. Therefore, it is worth getting to know her again and sorting it out. Wikipedia and the reference book on ichthyology say that horse mackerel is a ray-finned sea fish from the order of perch and the horse mackerel family.

What kind of animal is horse mackerel?

This fish small body, full of swiftness, begins with a pointed head and ends with a thin base of the tail, similar in shape to a weaving shuttle or spindle, slightly flattened on the sides. On its body there are small fins and a sharply defined forked tail, similar to the feathers of an arrow. From Latin scientific name Horse mackerel Trachurus literally translates to rough tail.

This fish is not large, on average 30–50 cm long, weighing on average 400–500 grams; individuals up to 60 cm in length and weighing more than 1.5 kg are very rarely found. Its back is dark, gray with a blue tint, its belly is almost white, pearlescent. In schools swimming in sea water, in the photo this fish looks like a glare of light, its small scales are so mirror-like. She has rather large eyes and a large predatory mouth.

Horse mackerel is a full-fledged predator. All the contours of its body indicate that this fish is not one of those who lazily lies at the bottom, waiting for the gaping food to come. It lives in flocks, migrates often and far, and feeds on small crustaceans, invertebrates, and even small fellows like anchovies.

At the same time, this small fish is also food for more large predators, so it is not surprising that the fish’s body is equipped with protection: ventral fins there are sharp spines, and, characteristic of this breed of fish, the lateral line is covered with sharp bone scutes with spines. This fish is not accustomed to familiarity, so you need to handle it carefully so as not to get hurt.

Habitat and production of horse mackerel

Prefers to live in shallow depths, from 50 to 100 meters, sometimes deeper, but not more than 300 meters, usually in the coastal shelf areas of continents in many seas of the world: the Mediterranean, Black, Northern, Atlantic, Pacific (East China Sea) and Indian seas oceans.

Horse mackerel is very widespread in warm seas; it can be found, especially due to seasonal migration, off the coast South America, Argentina, Africa.

Varieties of commercial species

Science knows about one and a half hundred varieties of mackerel, however, not all of them are commercial.

Several varieties are known, the main ones in production; their names also include several varieties:

Horse mackerel in cooking

The most famous and widespread types of this fish on the counter are ordinary and Black Sea.

The calorie content of this fish is low, only 114 kcal per 100 grams, and its taste deserves great attention.

Horse mackerel meat is juicy, with a pleasant, special taste. The fat content of this fish is low, lower than that of mackerel, but higher than, for example, cod. In addition, horse mackerel does not have small bones, like herring, for example. Therefore, for culinary specialists this fish is valuable for its convenience and variety of cooking methods.

You can buy horse mackerel for culinary experiments chilled or frozen. In any case, you can and should prepare a lot of dishes from it, and for long-term storage you can freeze it.

Cooking methods:

But this fish has earned respect and popularity not only for its variety of dishes, but also for its properties.

Useful properties and nutritional value of horse mackerel

First of all It should be noted that the meat of this fish is low in fat, so boiled horse mackerel, which has a low calorie content, is a valuable dietary product, including when following a diet to reduce weight. In particular, horse mackerel is recommended for diabetics for weight loss.

Horse mackerel contains various vitamins (vitamins B, PP, A, C, E and others), microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega 3:

  • the phosphorus contained in this product helps improve brain function, relieves lethargy, and improves the functioning of neurons;
  • iodine improves metabolism and supports thyroid function;
  • iron, zinc, manganese participate in metabolism, supporting the body's defenses;
  • Omega 3 improves the condition of blood vessels and skin, protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Restrictions and contraindications

In addition to being beneficial, any product can be harmful.

First of all, horse mackerel, like other types of fish, Contraindicated for those who have food allergies to fish and seafood.

Besides, due to the fact that this fish lives in coastal areas warm seas at shallow depths, it can accumulate harmful elements from polluted waters, in particular mercury. Mercury affects the development of the nervous system and its development, therefore these types of fish are highly not recommended for young children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

When cooking, be sure to remove its head. It is in the head and gills that the main accumulation of harmful substances occurs, so the heads should be thrown away without being used in any form.

Horse mackerel is the collective name for a whole genus of mackerel fish. There are 14 varieties of this fish, which live mainly in warm ocean waters: in the photo below you can see what the Black Sea horse mackerel looks like, which is very rare. Very rarely, fish are found in brackish rather than salty water.


In representatives of the horse mackerel family, the body is laterally compressed, but its shape can be different. Thus, the common horse mackerel, shown in the photo below, has a very elongated, spindle-shaped body, covered with small scales. Horse mackerel has 2 fins on its back. The first of them, the front and short one, has spines ranging from 3 to 9. The rear and long fin has soft feathers ranging from 18 to 37 pieces.

Along the lateral line of horse mackerel you can find protruding spiny bone plates. The caudal fin is widely forked, as can be seen in the photo. The fish has a silver-colored belly, and its back is a mixture of blue and gray. Individuals can reach a length of up to 50 centimeters. Body weight can be approximately 1500 grams.

Distribution and lifestyle

Horse mackerel is a predominantly marine representative of the ichthyofauna, which is rarely found in brackish waters all oceans, with the exception of the Arctic. The fact is that horse mackerel is an inhabitant of warm waters, and it can tolerate low temperatures can not. Fish are found in all seas belonging to these oceans. The common mackerel, which you can see in the photo below, lives not only in the Atlantic Ocean, but also in the North, Mediterranean and even the Black Sea, as well as in the western waters of the Baltic Sea. Horse mackerel is also found among west coast South Africa, along the coast of Argentina.

Horse mackerel is a schooling pelagic fish that is a predator. The basis of the diet is zooplankton. Sometimes individuals use benthic and benthic invertebrate organisms such as shrimp as food. It adheres to the mackerel of the continental shelves, occasionally reaching the slopes of the depths. Its larvae, as well as juveniles, often swim in schools and hide from other predatory fish under the domes of jellyfish.

Duration life cycle horse mackerel is approximately 9 years old. Spawning in northern oceanic waters begins in the warm season, and in tropical and subtropical zones it can happen all year round. With the onset of cold weather, flocks of mackerel fly seasonal migrations in the North Sea, off the coast of Australia and South Africa. With the onset of warming, the schools return again.

Horse mackerel is commercial species fish. But not all horse mackerel species are commercial targets. Canned mackerel is used to prepare canned food; it is good when salted. It is an object of amateur and sport fishing.

Horse mackerel is a predatory fish that lives in sea ​​waters, belongs to the ray-finned class, the horse mackerel family.

The fish has a characteristic rough tail, which is arranged in a wedge shape.

Description of horse mackerel

Horse mackerel is a small fish, it is only 40 cm long and weighs from 280-370 grams. Individual, larger horse mackerel can weigh as much as a kilogram. There were cases when fishermen caught horse mackerel weighing more than one and a half kilograms.

Most often in nature, horse mackerel small sizes. The body of the fish is more elongated with small scales. Bones with sharp spines are located on the sides of the back, most often they are turned backwards.

Spikes are all a fish has to protect itself from predators. On average, horse mackerel can live no more than 8 years.

Types of horse mackerel

The total number of species of such fish does not exceed 10. Let us name the main types of horse mackerel:

Common horse mackerel

The fish lives in the waters of the Atlantic, in the North and Black Seas, in the coastal waters of Argentina, Africa, and also in the Mediterranean Sea.

This type of horse mackerel lives in schools, each fish reaches 47 cm in length and weighs about one and a half kilograms.

Mediterranean horse mackerel

It happens this type in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the Mediterranean and Marmara seas. Horse mackerel can be from 25-55 cm long. The sides of the fish’s body are covered with bony shields.

Horse mackerel back gray with a blue tint, the belly is white with silver splashes.

Mediterranean horse mackerel is found in schools, and in one school there are fish of completely different sizes.

This type of fish consists of two subspecies, namely the Mediterranean mackerel and the Black Sea.

Southern horse mackerel

It is found in the Atlantic Ocean mainly off the Brazilian, Uruguay, and Australian coasts. The fish is also found in New Zealand, but in smaller quantities. The body of this type of fish is no more than 60 cm long.

Horse mackerel is different big head and a large oral cavity, on the first fin in the back area there are 8 spines. The fish lives at a depth of 250-300 m.

Japanese mackerel

Lives in Japanese waters and South Korea, more of it can be seen in the China Sea. In autumn, fish swim to the shores of Primorye.

The length of the Japanese mackerel is only 37 cm. It lives at a depth of 100 - 250 meters.

Where is horse mackerel found?

The main habitat of horse mackerel is the Northern, Black and Mediterranean seas, where it is found in large quantities. Small schools of fish can also be found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Selected species fish are found in the waters of Argentina and Australia.

Horse mackerel can swim quite quickly and is found at a depth of no more than 300 meters. With the onset of cold weather, mackerel sails to warm places, mainly to the waters of Australia and Africa.

Only five species of horse mackerel are found in Russian waters. Horse mackerel fishing in the Black Sea is carried out during the period when the fish stops spawning.

What does mackerel eat?

Horse mackerel is considered predatory fish, it eats small fish plankton, crustaceans and shrimp.

The main delicacy of fish is the caviar of pelagic fish. The fish spends less of its time at depth; it mainly hunts by swimming closer to the surface of the reservoir.

How do fish spawn?

A distinctive feature of the fish from many of its relatives is the fact that the fish spawns in warm waters tropical countries almost all year round. In the warm season, horse mackerel prefers to lay eggs in mid-latitude waters.

Horse mackerel is considered the most prolific fish; it can lay from one and a half thousand to two hundred thousand eggs at a time.

As soon as the fry emerge from the eggs, before reaching one year of age, they attach themselves under the dome of the jellyfish, thus escaping from predators. Young fish also eat zooplankton.

How is horse mackerel caught and prepared?

Many people wonder how to catch horse mackerel. Fishermen set nets in the waters, since fish are found in schools and immediately fall into the net a large number of fish.

Horse mackerel meat is not fatty, very tender without large bones.

The fish has a specific taste, it tastes a little like water, and also has a certain sourness. You can buy horse mackerel frozen or fresh.

Fish is versatile in preparation; it can be marinated, stewed, fried, dried or smoked. Delicious, rich soups are prepared from horse mackerel, as well as all kinds of cold appetizers and sandwiches.

Horse mackerel is often found canned, in oil, in tomato, or as a pate.

Photos of horse mackerel

Horse mackerel is a marine ray-finned fish from the horse mackerel family. The genus name comes from the words "trachys" and "oura", which in Greek mean "rough" and "tail", respectively. Representatives of the species are of valuable commercial value. All over the world, horse mackerel is eaten and used for preparing canned food, appetizers, and snacks.

The fish leads a fast pace of life, which is why its fillet contains virtually no fat. Doctors recommend eating dietary meat for people suffering from hypertension, coronary disease, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis.

Horse mackerel is a source of valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which support cardiovascular health. Its benefits do not end there. A representative of marine fauna has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, nervous system, increases the body's endurance.

The weight of commercial fish, as a rule, does not exceed 400 g. At the same time, the largest horse mackerel that was caught in the entire history of fishing weighed 2 kg.

Description and types

Horse mackerel is a pelagic schooling fish with an elongated spindle-shaped body reaching 30 cm in length. The dorsal fins are well developed, and the pectoral fins are shorter than the ventral ones. The body of the fish is laterally compressed and ends in a caudal peduncle. The back is covered with small bluish-gray scales, and the abdomen is silvery. The curved lateral line is represented by bony scutes with pointed ends, which form a sawtooth ridge, dangerous to enemies. It protects mackerel from large relatives -,. Her life expectancy is 9 years. Being a predator, it feeds on cephalopods, small fish, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates.

Horse mackerel lives in warm waters, stays near the bottom, rarely goes to depth, inhabits areas near coastal shelves. Hunts in large flocks in surface layers of water, reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h.

In the tropics and subtropics, fish spawn all year round, and in mid-latitude waters - during the warm period. Female horse mackerel are highly fertile, each laying about 200,000 eggs at a time. Interestingly, until the age of one year, the fry take refuge from predators under the dome of jellyfish. Juveniles feed on zooplankton.

Fish meat without small bones, tender and tasty with a specific sour taste and aroma.

The commercial importance of horse mackerel is difficult to overestimate. It is fried, boiled, smoked and dried. Besides, sea ​​fish baked, salted and pickled. It is used to prepare canned food in vegetable oil or tomato sauce, cold/hot appetizers, soups, and pates.

Currently, the horse mackerel family includes more than 150 species of fish.

The most popular representatives:

  1. Common (Atlantic). It lives in the Mediterranean, North, Black and Baltic seas, the Atlantic Ocean, and the coastal waters of South Africa and Argentina. Body length Atlantic horse mackerel does not exceed 50 cm, and its weight is 1.5 kg.
  2. South. Found off the coast of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia. The fish goes into the water column up to 300 m. The head and mouth are large, the body reaches 60 cm in length, and 8 spines are concentrated on the first dorsal fin.
  3. Mediterranean (Caucasian horse mackerel). Geography of habitat: Marble, Black, Mediterranean and Sea of ​​Azov, Atlantic Ocean. The lateral line of horse mackerel is covered with bony scutes. The length of an adult depends on the food supply and growing conditions and varies from 20 to 50 cm. The color of the belly is silvery-white, the back is bluish-gray.

Mediterranean mackerel consists of 2 subspecies: Black Sea and Mediterranean.

  1. Japanese. Inhabits the East China Sea, the waters of Korea and Southern Japan. In autumn it is found off the coast of Primorye. The fish lives at a depth of 50-275 m below the water surface. Body length reaches 35-50 cm.
  2. Peruvian (Chilean). Habitat includes coastal zones of New Zealand, Peru, Chile, south Pacific Ocean and Australia. The body length of an adult fish reaches 20-40 cm. It swims at a depth of 15-60 m.

In the tropics of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans Cigar or ten-fin mackerel are common. A characteristic feature of which are additional fins located behind the second dorsal and anal fins. The body of ten-finned horse mackerel is almost round in cross-section, practically not compressed from the sides. Along the rear part the side line is strewn with scutes. The teeth are located on the tongue, palatine bones, jaws and vomer.

Horse mackerel belongs to the class of the most important commercial fish. Each year, the volume of their catch varies from 300 thousand tons to 1.4 million tons. Interestingly, 90% of the catch comes from Peruvian horse mackerel.

Chemical composition

The nutritional value horse mackerel depends on the type of culinary processing. 100 g of boiled fillet contains 130 kcal, fried fillet - 190 kcal. canned sardines in oil increases to 238 kcal.

The energy ratio of fish is 65%: 35%: 0%.

Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of horse mackerel”
Components Content per 100 g of product, g
Boiled Fried
72,5 60,5
20,0 20,3
4,9 10,5
2,6 4,7
1,48 1,48
1,0 1,6
0,11 0,11
and dextrins 3,7
Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of horse mackerel”
Name Nutrient content per 100 g of product, ml
Boiled Fried
6,2 6,5
1,0 3,2
0,8 1,1
0,11 0,16
0,1 0,11
0,01 0,01
656,0 1352,0
240,0 271,0
190,0 352,0
75,0 160
43,0 80,0
16,0 41,0
1,6 1,4
0,8 0,9
0,21 0,43
0,15 0,11
0,06 0,09
0,03 0,03
0,02 0,055
0,005 0,004
0,003 0,006
0,015 0,02

In autumn, horse mackerel accumulates 15% of valuable fish oil, so during this period it is a particularly desirable trophy for fishermen.

Which is healthier: freshwater or sea fish?

Fish is a valuable nutritious product for the human body, replenishing reserves of high-quality protein, vitamins A, C, E, and mineral compounds. It is interesting that the life expectancy of peoples who live near marine areas and regularly consume seafood is 5-10 years longer than people who do not eat it. The first place belongs to the residents of Monaco (89 years), second – Macau (84 years), third – Japan (83 years). As you can see, these countries are located along the Mediterranean, South China and Japan seas.

It turns out that fish protein is much more nutritious than poultry and is easier to digest than meat. In addition, the inhabitants depths of the sea, unlike freshwater relatives, contain useful omega-3 acids, vital for the functioning of the body. are part of cell membranes, on which the exchange of signals between nerve cells and the efficiency of the retina, brain, and heart depend.

Interestingly, the amount of phosphorus and calcium in sea fish fillets is 40% higher than the content of macroelements in,. In addition, mackerel contains iodine, which is simply absent in representatives of fresh water bodies.

It is believed that with regular consumption of 100 g of sea fish per day, the risk of developing heart disease is minimized. While the meat of inhabitants of fresh water bodies is capable of accumulating heavy metals, radionuclides and pesticides from more susceptible to contamination environment. It is less pure than sea fish and is much inferior in the amount of minerals, vitamins and minerals.

Usefulness of horse mackerel

In 2004, a record was recorded for mackerel production: in the waters Mediterranean Sea 80 tons of representatives of the species were caught.

Due to the abundance of omega-3 saltwater fish in mandatory included in the diet of people with metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis.

Benefits of eating horse mackerel:

  1. Delivers construction material into the body (protein) for the formation of organs, tissues, cells, hemoglobin, hormones, and energy synthesis.
  2. Nourishes the thyroid gland, saturating it with iodine, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. It does not burden the digestive tract, therefore it is indicated for consumption as an alternative to meat for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Increases life expectancy.
  5. Improves vision.
  6. Normalizes nervous activity.
  7. Reduces the level, preventing the development of heart diseases. It has been proven that when eating sea fish 1-2 times a week, the risk of stroke is reduced by 22%, and heart attack by 2 times.
  8. Has an antitumor effect.
  9. Strengthens bone tissue and the body's immune defense.

When boiled, horse mackerel is a dietary product (130 kcal per 100 g of fillet), so it can be included in the diet of a person losing weight. In particular, following protein, Atkins,. Active consumption of fish improves the condition of the skin due to the fact that it helps dermal cells retain moisture, as a result, protects it from withering.

Non-stop product

Horse mackerel fish is a predator that is capable of accumulating mercury compounds in meat, which have a detrimental effect on the formation of the nervous system. Therefore, nutritionists recommend excluding it from the menu for young children, pregnant and lactating women. Otherwise, contraindications to eating fish end in individual intolerance to the product.

Fish for pancreatitis

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, fish oil should be excluded from the diet of patients. Despite the usefulness of the product, it has Negative influence on the cells of the damaged organ, increasing the load on them. The problem with this phenomenon is that to break down fat you need an enzyme synthesized by the pancreas - lipase. In the acute stage of the disease, the enzymatic activity of the organ is purposefully suppressed to achieve remission. As a result, during this period lipase is produced in insufficient quantities, which creates difficulties in the process of digesting food.

For pancreatitis during the period of remission, it is permissible to introduce fish with a fat content of up to 8% into the diet of patients. These include: horse mackerel, sea bass, carp, bluefish, blue whiting, and bream. At the same time, a single serving should not exceed 150 g. The preferred method of processing fillets is boiling or steaming.

Principles of cooking horse mackerel

Sea fish meat without large bones, tender, slightly sour in taste. Horse mackerel is sold fresh, frozen or canned (in oil or tomato juice).

Traditional dishes with horse mackerel:

  • in Iceland - with pickled onions or wine vinegar;
  • in Turkey - with spices, herbs and;
  • in Greece - with and;
  • in Japan - with, dry herbs;
  • in Russia and Ukraine - served lightly salted and dried.

To fully reveal the savory smell and taste of fish, while preserving everything beneficial features, it is prepared with the addition of a minimal amount of fat at high temperatures.

How to cook horse mackerel:

  • bake with herbs in the oven or on the grill;
  • make dietary soup or aromatic fish soup;
  • fry in corn breading;
  • subject to cold or hot smoking;
  • marinate with natural vinegar or tomato;
  • grind into minced meat, from which to make meatballs and cutlets.

Canned sea fish is used to prepare soups, cold appetizers, pates and sandwiches. The spicy taste of horse mackerel is harmoniously emphasized by spicy herbs and sour berry sauces. The fish is combined with fresh herb salads, boiled vegetables, and dark rice.

Cooking rules:

  1. Control the time of heat treatment of fish. The smaller the piece, the less time it takes to cook it. The horse mackerel carcass is cooked for no more than 15-20 minutes, and the fillet – for 7-15 minutes.

Prolonged heat treatment contributes to the loss of vitamins; the fish ceases to “hold” its structure and turns into a tasteless porridge.

  1. Remove the pungent iodine odor of sea fish. For these purposes, horse mackerel is soaked in water acidified with lemon juice or for an hour.
  2. You should not use the head of a fish for cooking, as harmful substances are deposited in it, causing poisoning of the body.
  3. Before cooking carcass sea ​​predator pre-defrost in cold water. Under no circumstances should it be placed in warm or hot liquid, otherwise it will lose its appearance and become tasteless.
  4. During cooking, do not allow rapid boiling. In addition, excessive amounts of water worsen the taste of horse mackerel. If possible, it should be taken as little as possible. In this case, cook the fish over low heat for no longer than 7-20 minutes, depending on the size of the piece, in a small volume of water.

The quality of the dish directly depends on the quality of the raw materials. When selecting sea fish, you should carefully inspect the carcass. It should be without spots and completely covered with scales with transparent eyes, bright red gills, characteristic iodine odor. Do not buy frozen fish with icy deposits and whitish spots in opaque packaging. The glaze layer should be uniform along the entire length and, ideally, not exceed 5 mm. In addition, make sure that the carcass has the correct configuration, without distortions, unevenness or kinks.

It is a protein weight loss system aimed at satisfying hunger, giving muscles strength, and burning subcutaneous fat. The main advantages of the method are the rapid rate of weight loss and long-term retention of results. As a result, the lost kilograms do not return immediately after completing the course, as happens with three- and five-day express diets. The disadvantage of a fish diet is nutritional imbalance. As a result, protein promotes the removal of calcium and phosphorus from the body, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, and increased bone fragility. In addition, the load on the kidneys increases. Contraindications: gout, pancreatitis, colitis, dysbiosis, kidney dysfunction, irritable bowel syndrome, increased blood clotting.

  • lunch – (up to 5%) – 100 g, boiled fish (mackerel) – 200 g, vegetable salad with herbs – 200 g;
  • afternoon snack – green tea without – 300 ml;
  • dinner – leaves – 5 pcs., low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g, boiled fish (pollock) – 200 g;
  • before bed – green tea – 200 ml.
  • You are also allowed to eat 1%, boiled shrimp, and citrus fruits. It is recommended to give preference to fresh fish, but it is not prohibited to boil frozen carcasses.

    The maximum duration of observance is 2 weeks. If it is necessary to repeat the protein diet, you should take a break for at least 2.5 months.


    Horse mackerel is a commercial schooling fish, characteristic feature which are bone scutes along the lateral line of the entire length. They are designed to bend her body during fast swimming, and also protect her from predators. Nutritionists note that horse mackerel meat has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive system, thyroid gland. With regular consumption of sea fish (2-3 times a week, 150 g), the risk of developing osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, and hypothyroidism is reduced. The benefits of horse mackerel are not limited to this, it normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, improves skin condition, stabilizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, increases intellectual potential, efficiency, relieves lethargy and apathy, and maintains the normal speed of nerve impulses.

    Horse mackerel is a nutritious product widely used in cooking for preparing appetizers, first and second courses. It is salted, smoked, dried, stewed, steamed, boiled and fried. Because of the rich chemical composition, an abundance of beneficial omega-3.6 acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, easily digestible protein and essential amino acids, sea fish is used in dietary therapy to combat excess weight. In a week of following a protein menu, you can lose up to 5 kg.

    The usefulness of horse mackerel depends on the conditions under which it is kept. Fish caught in environmentally unfavorable conditions (polluted water bodies) poses a danger to human health. Therefore, the purchase of goods should be made exclusively from trusted manufacturers, subjecting the products to visual inspection.
