Children born on the waxing moon. Moon phase of your birth

The growing Moon, pleasing the eye, seems to smile: expect profit and good luck!

In this phase, the Moon gradually begins to transform from a silvery, barely noticeable crescent into a whole shining ball. With this, she seems to tell people that a stage for growth and life improvement is coming. The time when fortune needs to be caught by the tail. On the growing Moon, it is necessary to carry out practices related to planning, strengthening, and replenishing everyday nuances. Define your goals. But don't get too tired! Buy now Money Tree or a good luck charm.

On the waxing moon

On the waxing Moon, listen to pleasant, quiet music. Sit in a comfortable chair and relax. Take one or two inhalations and exhalations, leave extraneous thoughts. Think about what exactly is your goal in your work and career. Listen to yourself! Write down your wish in a notebook. Try to feel your goal realized! Believe me, your goal will be achieved! My dears! You must know that you have the amazing gift of creating your future. Time will pass, and you will realize that everything you wrote down in your notebook has come true! If your wishes come true, thank the Universe for your help.

The time of the waxing Moon is especially suitable for various endeavors and renewal. Take up some new business during the waxing Moon and do not stop doing it throughout lunar cycle– the result will be wonderful! On the waxing Moon, it is worth doing as much as possible to organize coziness and comfort in the house. The positive energy of the waxing Moon will undoubtedly help with this. You are capable of moving mountains, everything will work out for you. This is the time of your good mood, the time of plans and their implementation.

New Moon

The young moon is a symbol of birth and development. This time is ideal for planning and starting new things, starting a “new life”: finally try to do exercises, whitewash the house, repair the car, invite friends to visit you, read your favorite book again, make time for your favorite activities.

People born in the first moon phase, characterized by curiosity and love for comparisons, juxtapositions, and analysis. However, they can be very naive. Their characteristic property is a combination of gullibility and independent character. Their emotional world develops quite late, they know how to be patient and have their own opinion on any issue. The behavior of such people is quite difficult to predict. They are dreamy and able to protect their emotional calm.

If you were born during the waxing moon

The moment of the waxing Moon includes the period of intermediate phases from the new moon to the full moon. This period can be divided into two phases: The first is the time from the appearance of the crescent moon to the first quarter. The second is the time from the first quarter to the full moon. Synchronously with the growth of the Moon, all those processes and phenomena in those areas of life that the Moon controls are intensified and filled with energy.

In the first quarter phase

In the first quarter phase, exactly half of the lunar disk appears illuminated, and the other half is unclear. There is, as it were, a “battle” of light and darkness, while the light (positive principle) is as great as the darkness (negative principle), and a struggle begins between these opposing phenomena: between joy and sadness, energy and passivity, “plus” and "minus". But the parties not only oppose, but also complement each other, so there is an excess of energy when people want to change, redo, or accomplish something. People show more activity than usual, they are overcome by the desire to act, the desire for change, but at the same time the number of various kinds of obstacles, trials, and temptations increases.

In the second phase of the moon

People born during the second phase of the Moon are very flexible and receptive emotionally. They painfully tolerate indifference, they are characterized by insight, and they grasp a lot intuitively. The inner world of such people is infinitely rich and gives them the opportunity, if the need arises, to understand their emotions, impulses, unreasonable outbursts and passions. They often get upset if they perceive coldness in communication with loved ones or partners. They need constant emotional contact to maintain a sense of mental comfort and their own peace of mind.

During the waxing moon, the body can malfunction in various systems, especially the digestive system. Chronic diseases worsen more often, operations may proceed less favorably, and wounds heal more slowly. General state tension often leads to increased nervousness and, as a result, to the emergence of conflicts “out of nowhere.” In the evening, when you go to bed, thank the past day for all the good things it has given you, for the fact that it has taught you something.

To the 2nd phase lunar month It is good to straighten dislocations, treat the spine, eliminate the consequences of old injuries, and engage in general correction of the body.

Useful tips

The lunar calendar begins its reportfrom the first lunar day , when the Moon does not appear in the sky, and a person is waiting to see such a dear and familiar crescent again.

The disappearance of the Moon from the sky is a very important moment whena new lunar month is born and new energy . Very soon, dark moonless days are replaced by the appearance of a thin crescent, which over the next two weeks grows to a full bright luminary.

However, all this will happen later, but what happens at that moment when the Moon suddenly disappears from the sky, goes into oblivion?

Why the “new” Moon need to hide, hide before reappearing?

And what happens when a new lunar month begins?

First celestial body, which our distant ancestors began to observe, was the Moon. And this is not surprising, because it is located closer than other space objects, which means its influence on all creatures, as well as the nature of our planet, is incredibly high.

Although the ancients had their own ideas about astronomy, and they did not know the intricacies of the rotation of the Moon, they clearly understood that the appearance and disappearance of the Moon, as well as its phases, are very cyclical and meet within certain deadlines.

Read also:

Later, when science began to better understand the intricacies of astronomy, it became clear that the Moon revolves around our (equally round in shape) planet in a little more 29 sunny days.

At the moment when Moon, Sun and Earth find themselves approximately on the same line and the moment of the new moon occurs. The inhabitants of our planet, who experience night at this time, do not see the Moon, since it is located on the opposite side, where it is day at that moment. And those who have daylight at this time of day do not see the Moon due to sunlight.

If the line on which the Sun, Moon and Earth line up more accurate, then in a certain zone of the Earth one can observe solar eclipse- that is, the disk of the Moon overlaps the Sun. This happens about several times a year ( 2-5 times). In all other cases it will be simple new moon.

New Moon: what lunar day?

Astrologers attach great importance to the Moon and its cycle: how could it be otherwise, since the Moon is in close proximity to us, which means its influence is felt very strongly and clearly!

When the Moon approaches new moon, it disappears from the sky for 3 nights. The day before the new moon, the 29th lunar day refers to days of Hecate. There are four of these days in the lunar calendar: 9, 15, 23 and 29. honor of the ancient Greek goddess of moonlight, mystical forces, the underworld of the night. Hecate was also the patroness of magic and witchcraft.

Hecate was often depicted with three bodies, for example, in the form of statues that represented not one, but three women at once, looking in different directions. This threefold nature of the goddess is associated with three states of the moon– growing, full and decreasing.

If just before the new moon, especially in 29th lunar day Something bad happens to you - this is a sure sign that you have not used the energy of this lunar month correctly, but this is even good, because you can clearly see what exactly the problem is and solve it.

The 29th lunar day is very difficult, because it is a cleansing process, and it does not always go away painless. But after the 29th lunar day, the 30th may come, which does not happen every month.

30th lunar day lasts from moonrise to the moment of the new moon, so its duration is different each time, and sometimes it is not present at all in the lunar month.

This is a very bright time that brings lightness and relief after heavy energy. 29th lunar day. Usually this is only a few hours before the new moon, but this time may be enough for you to receive strong cosmic energy and strength for the entire next month.

If on the 30th lunar day you feel very uncomfortable, sad and melancholy, this means that you do not want to part with something that you don’t really need. Be more careful at this time, because each segment of the lunar month can bring with it different emotions, internal sensations, and your subconscious and intuition will give you clues about what you are doing right or wrong.

The influence of new moons

On the days around the new moon, you can observe many interesting things:

  • Vitality, energy and enthusiasm, as well as mood during the new moon are at a fairly low level;
  • It is difficult to force yourself to act and express yourself to the fullest; creativity and the desire to realize creative ideas decrease;
  • It is difficult to make contacts and understand complex work issues;
  • The pressure of fluids in the body is reduced, which is especially difficult for people with low blood pressure;
  • Depressed people are more immersed in gloomy thoughts and moods, so their conditions worsen;
  • An emotional decline occurs;
  • A person feels indifference, lethargy and finds it difficult to experience vivid emotions;
  • It is more difficult for people to understand each other and perceive new information, memory decreases;
  • Due to absent-mindedness and brain fog, many mistakes may be made these days;
  • It is difficult for patients these days to feel an improvement in their conditions; healthy people may feel a deterioration in their health;
  • People become more confused, indecisive, it is difficult to start something;
  • Many begin to behave tactlessly and incorrectly;
  • People who tend to get addicted ( donors), are especially vulnerable these days, because they are easier to manage, they will give their energy more easily;
  • These days, many are drawn to hide and hide something (after all, the Moon is hiding, it is not visible in the sky).

The effect of the new moon on men

The influence of new moons is more often noticeable on men than on women. These days many of them are becoming more nervous, aggressive, it is more difficult to negotiate with them and more difficult to ask for something. If you are looking for an approach to a man, then during the new moon it is better to refrain from making any requests. Conversation and even more so demands.

Emotionally, men are especially vulnerable these days, so even a minor reason can cause outburst of anger. This, of course, applies to those who have an unstable emotional background, as well as those who were born near the new moon, because such people will have certain kinds of emotional outbursts every month near the new moon.

During the new moon, men are more likely than women to experience epileptic seizures, heart attacks, strokes, as well as other attacks (of course, if they have corresponding diseases or health problems).

What can you do on a new moon?

The period of the new moon, that is, the days around the moment of the new moon itself, are energetically divided into two parts: BEFORE AND AFTER. This is very important to understand in order to highlight those activities that are acceptable to engage in. The moment of the new moon sets a very clear boundary when we complete something, cleanse it, throw it away, and when we are already ready for something new.

The new moon is a sign of happiness and resistance to evil forces, the ancients believed

On the 29th and 30th lunar days it is good:

  • Do cleaning, cleaning, sorting things;
  • Get rid of everything unnecessary, including intangible things: thoughts, memories, negative emotions;
  • Ask for forgiveness, and also forgive those who have offended you, or you think have offended you;
  • Fumigate the premises with incense that suits your home and your energy;
  • Approach any task meaningfully, do not do everything automatically;
  • Summarize, even if you did not have time to finish something, complete a certain stage in order to begin a new chapter in the next lunar month (you can at least look back and check what was done this month in order for you to reach your goal) ;
  • Bring talismans to your home for good luck, money, love, health, etc. For example, you can bring and hang a horseshoe front door in the house;
  • Eat light food, preferably plant-based (exclude meat, eggs, fish and dairy);
  • Cultivate positive emotions in yourself, share your good mood with others;
  • Beware of water;
  • Carefully monitor safety precautions in any business;
  • Start things you want to hide.

On the 1st lunar day it is good:

  • Do breathing exercises that help clear your mind;
  • Do various practices that are aimed at improving, increasing energy, attracting what you want (it is especially good to use a candle or fire);
  • Visualize, build mental models (especially good after cleansing done on the 29th and 30th lunar days);
  • Write wish lists (both small and large);
  • Make to-do and shopping lists (for a month or for other periods);
  • Set goals (short-term and long-term) that are very specific and have real deadlines (this differs from desires);
  • Eat light food, preferably plant-based (exclude meat, eggs, fish and dairy)
  • Engage in creative and intellectual activities;
  • Collect information that may be needed in the future.

What can't you do on a new moon?

The days that are on the calendar near the moment of the new moon are usually 28, 29, 30, 1st and 2nd lunar days These are days with low energy levels. There is no moon in the sky, which means it cannot provide energy. That is why it is better not to do the following these days:

  • Give in to sad thoughts, become interested in negative news, fall into depressive moods, cultivate self-pity;
  • Worry about little things, and also give great importance disagreements that have arisen;
  • Quit things without finishing them, if you can complete them that day;
  • Show aggression in any form;
  • Start any important business;
  • Take on new responsibilities, move to a new job;
  • Perform operations: any surgical intervention may be unlucky during the new moon;
  • Make injections;
  • Do complex manipulations with the rectum (since this part of the body is quite vulnerable), and also do not touch those organs that are vulnerable these days in accordance with the position of the Moon in the signs (the Moon on the new moon will be in a new sign every month, in order) ;
  • Eating very spicy and hot food;
  • Make important appointments, negotiations, mass meetings and any important matters;
  • Be in places with large crowds of people;
  • Go on sea voyages;
  • Rush in making decisions and commit rash actions;
  • Accept important decisions;
  • Sign important documents;
  • Register marriage or any other unions;
  • Accept suggestions;
  • Lift weights and give yourself a lot of physical activity.

New moon and eclipses

From 2 to 5 times a year, the new moon can be accompanied by solar eclipse. Eclipses magnify the power of the new moon many times over, giving us the opportunity to better understand what we really want and bring it closer.

Why don't solar eclipses occur every new moon? A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon occurs at a certain point relative to the position of all three participants - the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

The Moon and Earth move in certain orbits, and the points where these orbits intersect each other are called Lunar Nodes. If on a new moon the Earth and Moon are near one of these Nodes, solar eclipse. Earthlings can observe an eclipse when there is a new moon and Lunar Node are no further than 12 degrees away.

You can read more about eclipses in the article

New moon magic

Before the moment of the full moon, more precisely at 29th lunar day, all negative energy month is connected together in order to be burned at the moment when the new lunar month begins - at the moment of the new moon.

This is why the day before the new moon is considered a very powerful day in magic and is often used for magical rituals, many times enhancing their actions.

But after the moment of the new moon, when the negative energy is burned and the lunar month begins its report, that is on the 1st lunar day, very good practice magical rituals to attract what you want into your life or increase what you already have.

Rituals and visualizations On a new moon you can do this to:

1) Decide on plans, understand more clearly what you really want;

2) Attract more money into life (with the help of a new position, new job, new knowledge or with the help of a third party);

3) Attract love and new serious relationships into your life;

4) Improve your appearance;

5) Increase vitality, improve health;

6) Get more inspiration, attract new ones interesting ideas(usually suitable for creative people, but also for everyone else who would like to work in a new way);

7) Improve the quality of life in general (gain more optimism, positive thoughts, self-confidence).

The New Moon also provides very powerful energy for the future to open up to you. For example, if you are interested and tormented by some question, focus rest on it on the 1st lunar day, mentally ask a question and you will receive an answer.

If you have knowledge in the field tarot, runes, astrology or other mantic systems, then during this period of the lunar month it is very good to look at the future, make layouts and reflect on what you will see.

We have already talked about some rituals that are good to do on the new moon in the article:

In fact, rituals are just concentration of your consciousness and subconscious on those things that you desire. Remember that no rituals have magical power unless you have a strong intention and desire to receive and achieve something. You yourself, with your intentions and desires, endow any ritual with magical power.

That's why you can invent your own rituals, which will help you focus on what is important. But if you don’t yet know how rituals are invented, you can use ready-made ones.

The second important thing you should remember is that if you wish for something on the new moon, apply to your wishes and plan for their implementation or think through a possible set of circumstances and sequence of events. If you just wish and do nothing, your desires will remain unfulfilled.

If you are exactly don't know what you want(this often happens), then make a wish on the next new moon to understand this. Ask the Universe to help you understand your desires, give you some hints or signs, and show you the right path.

New moon wish

So, we found out that the new moon consists of several stages - the stage of cleansing, completion and getting rid of unnecessary things and preparing for a new positive experience. But the most important thing about these days is that you can bring fulfillment of your desires!

Imagine that the moment of the new moon is a kind of moment when a door opens leading into space, where all your dreams, desires and goals have already been fulfilled, and you can enter it and see what your life would be like if you were there.

Read also: K How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true?

How to prepare for new moon rituals?

In order for rituals to have maximum strength, you should prepare for them in advance. This will allow you to tune in and be prepared physically and mentally.

1) A few days before the new moon, give up food of animal origin: eat only vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

2) On the 28th and 29th lunar days, do a general cleaning of your home, get rid of unnecessary things.

3) Before performing the ritual, take a bath or at least a hot shower and allow your body to relax well.

4) To perform rituals, find a secluded place where you will not be distracted and where you can concentrate well. It's best not to be disturbed by pets either. If you have the opportunity to perform rituals outside, this is also quite possible.

5) During rituals, turn off all gadgets, phones and devices so that nothing distracts you.

6) During rituals, you can turn on meditative music.

New moon rituals for love

Rituals to attract love are perhaps the most common rituals used during the new moon. It is especially good to perform these rituals during the new moon in the signs ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra). Such new moons usually occur in October and May. It is at this time that the symbolism of the sign will work most strongly to harmonize relationships or attract new love.

If waiting six months is too long, then use new moon closest to you, since all these rituals will make sense on any new moon.

What you will need: red candle, incense (sage or other) or aroma lamp with essential oil roses, rose quartz, sheet of paper and pen, container for burning paper.

What to do:

  • Light a candle and an aroma lamp (or incense), take a piece of paper and write on it in detail what kind of person you would like to see next to you: describe his appearance, character traits, work, and so on in every detail.
  • Describe how you see your relationship, how he treats you, how you spend time together. After you describe all this, fold the piece of paper and put rose quartz on it.
  • Close your eyes and once again clearly imagine yourself next to this person in detail, especially imagine your feelings and emotions. After this, set the leaf on fire with a candle and scatter the ashes outside.

New moon rituals for wishes

Ritual to attract a good job and desired salary

What you will need:a green candle, incense (sage or others) or aroma lamp with your favorite essential oil, a piece of paper and a pen, a green envelope (can be made from colored paper), a container for burning paper.

What to do:

  • Light a green candle, aroma lamp or incense.
  • Take Blank sheet paper and pen and write a list of things that are important to you to have in your dream job. Think through every detail. Write the title of the position, the name of the company (if you already know it), describe how you feel in the office, who surrounds you, describe the environment in the office, write about your responsibilities and, of course, the desired salary (exact amount).
  • On the other side of the piece of paper, write at least 10 of your talents, traits and strengths that you can use in your new job (for example: I’m good at negotiating with people, I’m great at design, I love to study and enjoy doing it, etc.) d.)

  • When complete, place the piece of paper in the green envelope and seal it.
  • Look at the lit candle and think again about your desires.
  • Then extinguish the candle and place the envelope and candle in a place where you could see them every day (preferably on a windowsill that will receive moonlight at night).
  • On the next new moon, light the candle again and burn the envelope. It is possible, of course, that during this month you will be able to find what you want, but still complete the ritual to the end on the next new moon. Remember that the ritual itself and writing down desires is half the battle. If you don’t act in the right direction, that is, in this case, look for a job, get interested, study if necessary, etc., good opportunities will simply pass by!

Attracting what you want with a vision board

Find and print photos or pictures of things that can symbolize your desires. For example:

  • Photos or pictures of the city you dream of visiting;
  • Photos or pictures of a cozy apartment with a renovation you like (or a photo of your dream home);
  • Photo of the clothes you want to buy;
  • Photo of the office where you dream to work;
  • Photo of a baby if you dream of a child;
  • Heart, if you want to find love and so on,

In general, everything you would like to have in life!

Glue all these pictures onto a board made of thick cardboard or plywood and place it somewhere in your room where you will always see it.

Write on the new moon detailed list everything you would like to have and what is on your vision board.

Ritual to attract money on the new moon

During the new moon, rituals work very well. attracting money and wealth. The moon is associated with money, or more precisely, with the psychological background that lies behind money.

Rituals are best performed at the very beginning of the lunar month - on the 1st and 2nd lunar days, then with the growth of the Moon it will be possible to observe an increase in profits.

Remember that you do not attract money, but opportunities to receive it. If you don't take advantage of these opportunities, money can fly past you completely unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to prepare yourself before any rituals so that you are ready to accept opportunities and use them.

What you will need: A pot (clay) with fertile soil for indoor plants, seeds of any fast-growing plants, 3 coins of the same denomination.

What to do:

  • On the day of the new moon, on the 1st lunar day, think about what kind of income would suit you at the moment, by what day you would like to receive it and how exactly you would like to receive this money (employment earnings, business, investments, inheritance, partnership money, etc.).
  • Focusing on your desire, take a pot of soil, bury coins deep in it and plant the seeds, then water it. Close your eyes and imagine a money tree growing out of a pot with the money you collect. Clearly imagine your sensations, your emotions and feelings when you have this money and have it regularly.
  • Stick 4 matches, heads up, along the edges of the pot to form a quadrangle. Say the following clause mentally or out loud: “Plants grow in my garden, and their fruits cannot be counted!”
  • Then place the pot in a window where you can see the Moon at night, water the pot every day, and watch the plants grow.

New Moon in Zodiac Signs

The New Moon occurs every month and is associated with the movement of the Sun, which is known to move from one zodiac sign to the next every month. When the Moon also joins it, a new moon occurs. That is why the Sun and Moon at the time of the new moon always in the same zodiac sign– every month in a new one.

However, due to the fact that the lunar month is smaller than the solar month, new moons can sometimes occur twice per calendar month, but in the next sign. The New Moon will occur in the sign in which the Sun will be located at that time. In some years there is a month in which there are two new moons (in different signs).

For example, in August 2019 we will witness two new moons - on the 1st in the sign of Leo, and then on the 30th in the next sign - Virgo.

It also happens that the new moon passes from one month to another, and then one month may remain without a new moon. For example, in 2014 in January and March there were 2 new moons each, and February remained without a new moon at all.

In any case, each subsequent new moon will take place in the next zodiac sign in order!

Each zodiac sign colors the new moon with its own energy throughout the year, giving certain strengths and opportunities, knowing which, you will be able to navigate more easily and use the energy of the new moons to the maximum:

♈ ARIES. The new moon in Aries is the first new moon of the astrological year and takes place in late March or April. This new moon is good to use to attract success in any endeavors, business affairs, or sports activities. It is also good to attract positive qualities Aries you would like to have: determination, courage, willpower, ability to step out of your comfort zone, competitiveness, etc.

If you have little energy and strength, or you are hesitant and afraid to start some project that is important to you or start your own business, but really want to, this is the perfect new moon would be better suited For making wishes and making plans in this area. It is also good now to attract the ability to set goals and the ability to take the first steps towards these goals.

♉ TAURUS. The new moon in the sign of Taurus usually occurs at the end of April or in May. This is an excellent new moon for attracting any material benefits into your life, in particular financial opportunities, a new job with big earnings, gift money, etc. Also during this new moon it is good to think about improving your appearance, because Taurus is ruled by Venus.

This day is also ideal to use to lay the foundation for the future, not only for one lunar month, but also for a longer period. Overall, the entire month can be the start of something important and lasting if you want to attract it into your life.

♊ GEMINI. This new moon occurs in late May or June. This good time to attract a new circle of friends, new knowledge and impressions into your life. If, for example, you are going to take exams in June, and the new moon just happens the day before, then you have a chance to attract academic success on this day. Of course, one’s own knowledge cannot be pushed aside, but sometimes a well-drawn ticket or the position of the examiner really helps to show one’s best side.

♋ CANCER. This new moon takes place in late June or July and is associated with family values, close relatives and real estate. It is good to use to attract prosperity to the home, to replenish the family or to improve living conditions. Although Cancer is not directly related to material things, it also includes issues of real estate and home as one’s fortress.

On this new moon, you should perform rituals and make wishes for those things that deeply affect you emotionally. If you would like your relatives to improve their health, then first of all you need to represent yourself, not them. Think about how you will feel when your loved ones are healthy.

♌ LION. The new moon in this sign occurs either at the end of July or in August. This new moon is good for bringing joy into your life. Of course, it’s worth thinking carefully about what exactly will make you happy, what should happen and what should appear in your life so that you are happier, so that you rejoice and do not experience stress. If these are children, think about the child; if this is a hobby, a favorite pastime, think about what it should be. This new moon is perfect to bring more color into your life if you're missing it!

♍ VIRGO. This new moon occurs in late August or September and is associated with health and work. It’s good on this day to make wishes related to improving your own well-being, attracting vital energy and strength, the possibility of treating diseases. It is also good to think about improving conditions at work or looking for a new job if the old one does not suit you in some way, or you don’t have one at all. On days near the new moon, it is especially good to restore order and get rid of trash (at the end of the lunar month), and on the 1st lunar day it is good to attract orderliness and stability into your life.

♎ SCALES. The New Moon in this sign occurs either at the end of September or in October, when the Sun is in the sign of Libra. This is the ideal time to attract love, harmony into relationships, new relationships and meeting your betrothed. It is also good to make wishes for marriage. If you have problems with business partners, or do not have them, then on this day it is also good to attract partners or harmonize your relationships. If you have your own business, then this new moon will be a good time to attract new clients.

♏ SCORPIO. The new moon in this sign occurs at the end of October or November. It is associated with the powerful and destructive energy of Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto, however correct use this energy will be beneficial. It’s good on this day to attract success in business, profit from investments, use of other people’s resources, success in research work, and also dream of returning what was lost.

The intensity of the lunar influence on humans is constantly changing. Degree influence of the moon varies and depends not only on a specific day of the lunar month, but also on the phase.
There are four lunar phases : waxing, waning, full moon and new moon. Each of them has its own psychological characteristics.
People born in different phases of the lunar cycle have different personality traits. A person’s knowledge of what phase of the Moon he was born in will allow him to better understand others, be less offended and be more tolerant.

Waxing Moon (I and II phases )

Time of the waxing moon favorable for all kinds of beginnings and renewal. Take up some business during the new moon and continue to do it throughout the entire lunar cycle. The result will be great.
It is worth trying to do as much as possible in the area of ​​creating coziness and comfort. The positive energy of the waxing Moon helps in such actions.
In this phase, the Moon gradually begins to transform from a silvery speck into a full shining ball. With this, she seems to remind people that a stage for growth and life improvement is coming.
The young moon is a symbol of birth and development. This time is ideal for planning and starting things: try to exercise, paint the house, repair the car, invite guests to your house, devote yourself to your favorite activity, re-read your favorite book.
People born in the first phase of the Moon are characterized by a love of comparisons, comparisons, and curiosity. They can be very naive. Their characteristic property is a combination of gullibility and independence. Emotionally, they develop quite late, know how to be patient, and have their own opinion on any matter.
The behavior of such people is difficult to predict. Okies retain emotional calm and dreaminess for a long time.

People born during the second phase of the moon very flexible and emotionally receptive. They are characterized by insight. They find their support in life in constant emotional contact. They painfully tolerate indifference and perceive many things intuitively.
Such people have wealth inner world, which gives them the opportunity, if the need arises, to understand their emotions, impulses, and unreasonable outbursts. They often get upset if they perceive coldness in communication. They need constant emotional contact to feel comfortable and have peace of mind.

Waning Moon (III and IV phases)

The time of the waning moon is the time to complete all affairs. As the Moon transitions into a new moon, its effect on nature changes. This time is the most favorable for finally giving up a bad habit, finishing a boring project, or finishing a protracted renovation.
The moon gradually turns into a small month, which then disappears completely. It symbolizes decline, capturing the process of dying.
Under the influence of the waning Moon, it is best to clean up your house, sell a valuable item, and quit smoking or drinking. Such actions will be successful.
For these, any work that involves completion is suitable. Getting rid of some bad habit, it's like we're killing her. After the habit has disappeared, renewal occurs, new inclinations take the place of old ones.
People born in the third phase of the moon overflowing with feelings. They look at themselves as if from the outside and are never satisfied with what they see. To others they may seem unreliable, changing their beliefs. In the worst case, during the third phase, stupid people are born, influenced by fleeting impulses and illusory desires. Often their emotions are uncontrollable. These people need constant contact; being in a team is not a whim for them, but a necessity. If they don't get help from friends, they can become unpredictable. People who indulge their whims risk wasting energy. During the third phase of the Moon, many actors are born.

Born in the fourth phase of the moon They appear imperturbable and often have a cold and hard expression on their faces. These people lack emotional freedom; they do not know how to correctly evaluate themselves and manage themselves. They are characterized by impulsive reactions to many irritating factors and emotional outbursts. Such people need to learn not to lose their minds in any situation without suppressing their feelings.

New moon

The few days between the waning and new moon are called the new moon. This is a time for rebirth and renewal. The darkness that accompanies this time reminds us that any life is not eternal.
Everyone is equal before. Everything has its logical conclusion. You close the book when it is read, throw away things that have served their purpose. Every activity ends one way or another. However, every death predicts a birth.

The period of the lunar cycle at the junction of the fourth and first phases is called the “days of Hecate”. The first day of Hecate (the penultimate day of the Moon) is associated with the element of air. A person born at this time will fuss throughout his life. Overloaded with emotional connections, addictions, contacts, he usually does not have time to do anything. The second day of Hecate (just before the new moon) is associated with the element of fire.
People born on the last day of the lunar cycle often experience mental suffering caused by deep internal contradictions. They are tormented by fears, nightmares, unfounded premonitions, bad dreams emerging from the depths of the subconscious.
The third and fourth days of Hecate, when the young Moon takes over, bring emotional imbalance to people. The third day gives the world people who are usually self-absorbed, unshakable in their beliefs. They are ready to defend their principles to the end. There are people who are distinguished by their childish view of the world and innocence. They are usually born on the fourth day of Hecate. Taking any words on faith, they are sincerely surprised how they could be deceived. It is very difficult to convince them of anything. As a rule, these are fanatics of their business.

Full moon

Full moon is the period of the lunar cycle during the transition from the second phase to the third. This is a time of heightened emotionality, and the ability to concentrate decreases. During a full moon, a person tends to overestimate his capabilities, so the likelihood of mistakes he makes increases. People are overcome by overconfidence.
The full moon is a period of mental stress, this is especially noticeable in unbalanced people. People are more susceptible to suggestion, become more irritable, and follow their feelings.
This phase of the regular moon cycle is favorable only for play and relaxation. It is best to avoid stressful situations and the need to make decisions.
For people born on a full moon, characterized by independence and complete freedom in action. They know the value of both themselves and others. They say about such people that you can’t fool them. They are also characterized by high sensitivity, subtlety of feelings and the ability to empathize. Having an internal reference point. they will not give in to provocations. Their striking feature is the ability to infect others with optimism. People often turn to them for knowledge and experience. The rational reasoning with which these people bribe others can lead them themselves into a dead end.

Moon phases in the horoscope and temperament

From what natal chart, the personality characteristics of its owner largely depend. Lunar days are associated with the cycle of human reincarnation. Each subsequent birth occurs on the next lunar day. People born shortly after the new moon begin a new cycle of reincarnation. And those who were born before the new moon complete the cycle.

If a person was born on the waxing Moon, his task in this life is to master outside world, realization of your abilities, knowledge and skills. Already at birth, a person is oriented toward active work and strives to achieve success and a position of authority. Other people and surrounding events are interesting to him.

If the Moon is waning in the natal chart, then the period of accumulation of new experience and external activity has already passed. It's time to sum up. The native is more busy looking for answers to eternal philosophical questions- What is the meaning of life? How does the Universe develop? He is less interested in external events and social achievements. Tries to make sure he has an interesting activity and a small circle emotional people. Self-esteem is more important to him than other people’s assessment of his personality. It is more inward oriented.

First quarter of the Moon (first phase)

People born in the first quarter of the Moon are active and assertive. They have many abilities, so it is difficult to focus on one thing. They strive to stand out. At first they encounter difficulties because they lack the ability to interact harmoniously with other people. Very subjective. In assessing current events, they are guided not by facts, but by their feelings. They often fail because they cannot really assess their strength. The most active period of life is after 30 years. A person becomes more realistic, can already decide on his professional direction, and by the age of 40-45 achieves success.

Second quarter of the Moon (second phase)

Those born in the second phase of the Moon are most adapted to the world around them. This is the most successful social relations type of people. They achieve what they want most easily, are very practical, concrete, see opportunities that arise and know how to take advantage of them. They realize their potential as easily and quickly as possible and often even in at a young age(19-25 years old) achieve success. By the age of 30 they have a stable position.

Third quarter of the moon (third phase)

Those born in the third phase of the Moon can do more than they want. Usually in the first half of life they are quite successful. like people of the second quarter of the Moon, they quickly find their field of activity. But over the years, they are less and less interested in social success. After 40 years, and sometimes even after 59, they find new goals in life, gradually withdraw more and more into themselves, begin to engage in self-knowledge and gradually lose interest in any social activity. They often study philosophy or go into religion. If the Moon has tense aspects, then such a change of goals can occur dramatically, as a result of the collapse of one’s personal life or career, or disappointment in previous ideals.

Fourth quarter of the Moon (fourth phase)

People of the fourth phase of the Moon look self-absorbed. During childhood, people often get sick and become accustomed to being less interested in external events. They are not very assertive and do not have enough energy to assert themselves. Even if they occupy some position, they are forced to do work that they do not like, and after 30 years they can quit it altogether and do what interests them, despite the protests of loved ones. People of the fourth phase of the Moon often become monks and hermits.

Boundaries of the lunar phases. First square of the Moon

There are people who are born at the boundaries of phases. The first square of the Moon is considered the easiest. Until the age of 30, the life of such people is quite successful. And at the age of 30, a serious crisis occurs, which forces a person to better correlate his needs with the available opportunities. At this age, he usually suffers failures, which teach him to be more objective and somewhat knock down his ambitions. As a result, a fundamental change of views occurs.

Last square of the Moon

Born at the last square of the Moon and the Sun. After 30 years, people suddenly lose interest in life. What previously seemed important ceases to be of interest. This may be caused by disappointment in loved ones, dismissal from a job in which a person put his whole soul, or a crisis of worldview. Loss is also possible loved one or serious illness. The crisis following this event lasts several years and gradually leads to the abandonment of external values, such as material prosperity, power, authority, and a transition to internal ones. People turn to religion and occult sciences.

Full moon

Those born on a full moon (Moon in opposition to the Sun) often grow up in a dysfunctional family or have conflicts with their parents. IN early years they have a lot of abilities, they are highly appreciated by others, but by the age of 30 this entire reserve is depleted, which is experienced as a huge disappointment, after which a person can try a lot of jobs, change several places of residence, create several families and get divorced and not stop at anything. Only by the age of 58 can there be results that will satisfy a person.

New moon

New Moon (Moon in conjunction with the Sun) - the last day and first day of the Moon, the end of the period. This is the time to sum up the entire cycle of reincarnation, and on the first day of the Moon this is only the first incarnation. A person cannot yet express himself and is only getting acquainted with the world around him. The similarity of such people is that they are self-absorbed, and those around them have great difficulty understanding them. A crisis often occurs at the moment of birth. During the new moon, the mortality rate of children at birth is higher than during other periods. Often these children get sick a lot in childhood, they have problems with digestion and adaptation to climatic conditions. They find it difficult to get involved in any activity and often perceive life as violence against themselves. For those born on the first lunar day vitality more and gradually their health improves.

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The third phase lasts from the full moon to the last quarter, that is, from 16th to 22nd day of the lunar month. It ends when the moon shrinks so much that it becomes exactly half the size of the lunar disk.

The third phase of the Moon is associated with the element of AIR.

During the full moon, there is a peak in the accumulation of vital and mental energy, which then gradually declines. During this period, activity begins to decline, frequent changes in states, thoughts and opinions occur. The third phase is the maturity phase. When we actively continue to use the experience and strength accumulated over the past phases to implement plans. During this period of the lunar month, the first results of earlier efforts are already noticeable.
Changes in mood that occur can affect not only the business area, but also personal life. A good period for getting rid of old habits and trying something new. In relationships, this is a period of romance and getting closer to each other. high level. The third phase is well suited for self-improvement and creation.

The symbolic color of the third phase of the moon is yellow.
The color yellow symbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, and intelligence. Being loved means being sociable, curious, courageous, adaptable, and enjoying the opportunity to please and attract people.

This phase is named after the goddess Dione.
In the Avestan tradition, this is the goddess Uparetat - the messenger of the gods, or Metis - the divine Thought and Word.

Those born under the Moon in the third quarter.

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the Moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon became more important for them, eclipsed the spirit, eclipsed their self-awareness. They have already identified themselves past life with the astral world, which is why they are born in this life on the full moon. These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood. Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they carry through themselves different influences - both the worst and the best. At the same time, they can wash away all bad influences with the stronger influence of some bright spirit or bright person. This freedom will be freedom from dependence: while they perceive the influence, they are connected with it, and as soon as the influence ends, they are freed, separated from any influence. Therefore, such people - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are special, people of the Moon Road, Moon Light. They are just guides and nothing more. In order to make the most of their capabilities, to isolate all evil spirits, to perceive only light influences, they need to raise their spirituality. Otherwise, such a person will be like a blank slate on which any spirits will write whatever they want. There was already preparation for this in the Water phase. The people of the Moon Road are free. Their moon is at its brightest. That is why they need to work on the Sun, on self-awareness, to develop a spiritual core in themselves, otherwise they can be completely unreliable people and it is better (if you cannot convince them) to stay away from them. But even if you can convince them, they will listen to you only while you influence them. They need to come to a decision on their own. After the full moon, the Moon begins to suffer - its energy and its impact change dramatically and completely. Not only the phase changes, but also the hemisphere of the Moon: it becomes defective and loses light. The most deluded person, who has achieved complete emotional freedom, must lose longer and consistently give away what he has accumulated. The first overexpenditure of emotions begins in the third phase. Such people lose more than they gain emotionally. Therefore, people of the third phase - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are people with primary emotional waste. Their emotions are often superficial, they are already seduced, they already have understanding, sophistication, and the ability to maneuver; in the worst case - cunning, deceit; at best - a very strong need for emotional return, a craving for interaction. During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest confrontation - a rupture of soul and spirit. Hence duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior. People of the third phase, in the worst case, react painfully to every word and cannot calmly perceive anything; verbal abuse, bickering, emotional fussiness, restlessness, talkativeness, instability, sanguine temperament, superficiality begin; a person needs social contacts to compensate for his emotional imbalance.

Since a person enters a state of internal pressure, he needs to be helped to eliminate mental illnesses and remove psychological blocks. You can achieve success by working with mentally ill people, neurotics, neurasthenics, fanatics. During this phase, medications are prepared and all medicinal systems are used. Self-regulation, starting a diet, and energy treatment are indicated.

Third lunar phase
